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Fire can bum down a lot of trees. It can hurt people too. We must be careful with fire. There are some fire safety rules. To stop fires:

?We mustn't smoke in the forest.

?We mustn't play near fires at home.

?We mustn't play with matches at home.

?We mustn't play with burning candles at home.

?We mustn't put clothes on lamps or heaters.

?We mustn't cook when no adults are at home.

(1)Fire can hurt people. We must be careful fire.

A. with

B. of

C. and

(2)We mustn't near fires at home.

A. plays

B. playing

C. play

(3)We cook when no adults (成年人)are at home.

A. must

B. mustn't

C. don't

(4)Which one is wrong (错误的)?

A. Don't play with matches or burning candles at home.

B. Don't put clothes on lamps or heaters.

C. We can smoke in the forest.






(1)按原文选择,根据We must be careful with fire. 知我们不想小心用火,故答案为A.(2)根据We mustn't play near fires at home.知禁止在家禁止在火附近玩耍,mustn't是情


(3)根据We mustn't cook when no adults are at home.知未成年时禁止做饭,故答案为B。(4)根据We mustn't smoke in the forest.知在森林禁止吸烟,故答案为C。



The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional (传统的)Chinese festival. It usually comes in October or November. On this day,people always wear the zhuyu (茱萸)plant. They usually climb mountains. Sometimes they go to see flower shows. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for old people. People usually visit their parents and grandparents on this day. They often eat Double Ninth cakes together.

(1)The Double Ninth Festival usually comes in October or November.

(2)People usually climb mountains on this festival.

(3)The Double Ninth Festival is not a festival for old people.

(4)People don't eat Double Ninth cakes on Double Ninth Festival.






(1)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述 It usually comes in October or November.(它通常在10月或11月份到来.) 可知此句正确. 故答案为: 正确.

(2)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述They usually climb mountains.(他们经常爬山.)可知此句正确. 故答案为: 正确.

(3)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for old people. (重阳节是一个老人的节日.)可知此句错误. 故答案为: 错误.

(4)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述They often eat Double Ninth cakes together.(他们经常一起吃重阳饼.)可知此句错误. 故答案为: 错误.

【点评】这是考查阅读能力的题目. 首先阅读短文, 注意叙述细节, 然后根据问题的叙述, 结合短文来判断正误.


My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother's room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are

two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it's my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall.

(1)This is Lily's house.

(2)There are four rooms in the house.

(3)There are three pictures in Lily's room.

(4)There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother's room.

(5)The toilet is on the left of my father and mother's room.














Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Today, wood, gas (煤气) and electricity (电) can all make a fire. I think wood is the most dangerous. And I like gas most because it's easy.

People use fire in many ways. At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, workers use fire to melt (熔化) metals (金属) to makes things of different shapes. Some workers use fire to make glass.

Fire can help us to do many things, but sometimes fire is dangerous. Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside, in schools and at homes. We must be careful. We mustn't smoke in the countryside, and we mustn't cook without an adult (成年人). We mustn't play with matches. We mustn't play around a fire.

(1)Many years ago, people use gas and wood to make a fire.

(2)Gas is very easy.

(3)People can cook and boil with fire.

(4)Fire is very useful and it's safe.

(5)Cigarettes and campfires can't start a fire.







(1)句意:许多年前人们用天然气和木头生火。根据短文叙述 Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire.(许多年前,人们用木棍,大块的木头和干树叶生火。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(2)句意:天然气很容易。根据短文叙述And I like gas most because it's easy.(我最喜欢天然气,因为它容易。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:人们可知用火来烹饪和煮东西。根据短文叙述 At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water.(在家里,人们用火来做饭或烧水。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:火有用并且安全。根据短文叙述but sometimes fire is dangerous.(可是有时候火是危险的。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(5)句意:香烟和篝火不能引起火灾。根据短文叙述Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside,(在乡下,香烟和篝火都可以引起火灾。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。



Nancy goes out after lunch. She comes in a shop. A salesman says to her, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, please." says Nancy, "I want a hat."

The salesman shows some hats to her. She feels warm in the shop and puts her hat on the counter (柜台). She thinks some of them are expensive. And she doesn't like the others' colours. She chooses and chooses. At last she sees a red hat and says, "Well, I'll take this one."

"But, it's yours!" says the salesman.

(1)Nancy comes into a hotel.

(2)Nancy puts her hat on the counter.

(3)She thinks some hats are expensive.

(4)The red hat is Nancy's.

(5)Nancy buys a hat.







(1)根据She comes in a shop.知南希来到一个商店,故答案为错误。

(2)根据She feels warm in the shop and puts her hat on the counter (柜台).知南希把她的帽子放在了柜台上,故答案为正确。

(3)根据She thinks some of them are expensive.知南希认为一些帽子太贵了,故答案为正确。

(4)根据 "But, it's yours!" says the salesman.知红色帽子是南希自己的,故答案为正确。(5)根据文章综合大意知南希没有喜欢的帽子,最后要买的帽子是自己的,故答案为错误。



Linda and Mary are good friends. They are both twelve years old now. Linda's birthday is on 9th September and Mary's birthday is on Teachers' Day. Their homes are both in Sunflower Estate(住宅区) but in different blocks(栋). Linda lives in Block 8 and Alice lives in Block11. They are classmates. They usually go to school together. They both like sports. But their favourite spots are different. Linda likes table tennis. Mary likes volleyball. Where are they now? Oh! They are playing basketball together in the playground now. How happy they are!

(1)How old is Linda?

A. 8.

B. 11.

C. 12.

D. 9

(2)When's Mary's birthday?

A. On 9th September.

B. On 10th September.

C. On 11th September.

D. On 10th October.

(3)Where do Linda and Mary live?

A. In Sunflower Estate.

B. In Block 8.

C. In Block 11.

D. In Block 9.

(4)What's Mary's favourite sport?

A. Volleyball.

B. Table Tennis.

C. Basketball.

D. Football.(5)Which(哪一个) one is right(正确的)?

A. Linda and Mary are in different classes.

B. Linda's birthday and Mary's birthday are both in September.

C. Linda and Mary are playing football now.

D. Both Linda and Mary like playing basketball.







(1)根据短文句子 They are both twelve years old now. (她们现在都12岁了。)可知12岁,C选项正确。故答案为:C。

(2)根据短文句子 Mary's birthday is on Teachers' Day. (玛丽的生日在教师节。)可知是9月10日。B选项正确。故答案为:B。

(3)根据短文句子 Their homes are both in Sunflower Estate but in different blocks.(她们家都在太阳花住宅区在不同的大楼。)可知在太阳花住宅区。故答案为:A。


根据短文句子 Mary likes volleyball. (玛丽喜欢排球。)可知是排球。故答案为:A.

(5)根据短文句子 Linda's birthday is on 9th September and Mary's birthday is on Teachers' Day. (琳达的生日在9月9日,玛丽的生日在教师节。)可知两个人都是九月份生日,相差一天。B选项正确。故答案为:B。



It is winter holiday. The children go to different places for their holiday. Betty and David are talking about their holiday on the computer.

I go to Changchun for my holiday. It's cold and windy there. The wind often blows strongly. It often snows heavily. I have a good time with my cousins. We go ice-skating happily. We make snowmen happily.

How nice! I go to Sydney for my holiday. It's summer there. The wind blows gently. The sun shines brightly (明亮地).My parents and I often go to the beach. We swim happily.

(1)It often snows heavily in winter in Changchun.

(2)It's winter in Changchun. The wind often blows strongly.

(3)Betty and her parents go ice-skating and make snowmen happily.

(4)The wind blows gently and the sun shines brightly in summer in Sydney.

(5)David and his parents often go to the beach. They swim happily.







(1)根据所给的短文, I go to Changchun for my holiday. It's cold and windy there. The wind often blows strongly. It often snows heavily. 我去长春度假。那里又冷又有风。风刮得厉害。经常下大雪。可知长春冬天经常雪下得很大,故答案为正确。

(2)根据所给的短文, I go to Changchun for my holiday. It's cold and windy there. The wind often blows strongly.我去长春度假。那里又冷又有风。风刮得厉害。可知长春冬天风刮得厉害,故答案为正确。

(3)根据所给的短文,I have a good time with my cousins. We go ice-skating happily. We make snowmen happily.我和我的堂兄弟们玩得很开心。我们高高兴兴地去滑冰。我们很快乐地堆雪人。可知贝蒂和她的堂兄弟很高兴的滑冰堆雪人,故答案为错误。

(4)根据所给的短文,I go to Sydney for my holiday. It's summer there. The wind blows gently. The sun shines brightly .我去悉尼度假。那里是夏天。风轻轻吹。阳光明媚。可知悉尼风轻轻吹,阳光明媚,故答案为正确。

(5)根据所给的短文,My parents and I often go to the beach. We swim happily.我的父母和我经常去海滩。我们快乐地游泳。可知戴维和他的父母经常去海滩,快乐地游泳,故答案为正确。



Hi, I'm Tom. I'm a student. I'm eleven. My birthday is on 12th July. I go to school by bike. My father is a fireman. He uses water to put out fires. He's brave. He goes to work by bus. My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She helps people. She goes to work by car. I like helping people, too. I want to be a doctor in the future. But my brother wants to fly a plane. He wants to be a pilot in the future.

(1)Tom is eleven. His birthday is on 12th June.

(2)Tom's father is a doctor. He helps people.

(3)Tom's mother is a doctor. She goes to work by car.

(4)Tom's brother wants to fly a plane. He wants to be a pilot.





【解析】【分析】短文描述了作者汤姆是一个十一岁学生,生日是在7月12日,他骑自行车上学,父亲是一名消防员,他坐公共汽车去上班,妈妈是医生,在医院工作,开车去上班,作者也喜欢帮助别人,将来想成为一名医生,作者的哥哥想将来想当一名飞行员。(1)根据所给的短文,I'm Tom. I'm a student. I'm eleven. My birthday is on 12th July.我叫汤姆。我是一个学生。我十一岁了。我的生日是7月12日。可知汤姆11岁生日在7月12日,故答案为错误。

(2)根据所给的短文,My father is a fireman. 我父亲是一名消防员。可知汤姆的父亲是一名消防员,故答案为错误。

(3)根据所给的短文,My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She helps people. She goes to work by car.我妈妈是医生。她在医院工作。她帮助别人。她开车去上班。可知汤姆的妈妈是一名医生,她乘小汽车去工作,故答案为正确。

(4)根据所给的短文,But my brother wants to fly a plane. He wants to be a pilot in the future.但是我哥哥想驾驶飞机。他将来想当一名飞行员。可知汤姆的哥哥想乘飞机想当飞行员,故答案为正确。



人教版五年级上册单词表和常用表达法 Unit1 Is he young? 他年轻吗? No,he isn ’t.不,他不年轻。 What ’s she like?她什么样? She ’s kind.她很和蔼。 Unit2 old 老的,年纪大的 young 年轻的,岁数不大的 funny 滑稽的,可笑的 kind 体贴的,慈祥的,宽容的 strict 要求严格的,严厉的 polite 有礼貌的,客气的 hard -working 工作努力的,辛勤的 helpful 有用的,愿意帮忙的 clever 聪明的,聪颖的 shy 羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的 know 知道,了解 our 我们的 MS 女士 will 将要 sometimes 有时,间接 speak 会说,会讲(某种语言),用(某种语言)说话 finish 完成,做好 robot 机器人 him 他 Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 read books 看书 play football 踢足球 cooking 烹饪,烹调 often 时常,常常 do homework 做作业 weekend 周末 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch TV 看电视 park 公园 tired 疲倦的 sport 体育运动 play sports 做体育运动 should 应该,应当 schedule 工作计划,日常安排

What do you have on Thursday?星期四你有什么课? I have maths,English and music.我有数学,英语和音乐课。 Do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园里看书吗? No,I don ’t.不,我不经常在这里看书。 Unit3 What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? A sandwich ,please. 请给我一个三明治。 What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? I'd like some water. 我想喝点水。 What's your favourite food ? 你最喜欢吃什么食物? Noodles.They are delicious. 面条,面条很好吃。 sandwich 三明治 salad 蔬菜沙拉,水鬼沙拉 hamburger 汉堡包 ice cream 冰激凌 tea 茶,茶水 fresh 新鲜的, 刚摘得 healthy 健康的 delicious 美味的,可口的 favourite 特别喜爱的 food 食物 Dear 亲爱的(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前) onion 洋葱,葱头 hot 辣的,辛辣的 sweet 含糖的,甜的 drink 喝,饮 thirsty 渴的,口渴的


新版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 27& 28 精品文档

学校:西城区复兴门外第一小学 内容:Unit 5 How much is it? 教师:张培林 班级:5年级4班 小学英语人教版五年级下册 单元教学设计 学校:西城区复兴门外第一小学 内容:Unit 5 How much is it? 教师:张培林 班级:5年级4班 课标分析: 鉴于所教年级是五年级,根据课标的目标分级,应处于二级水平。 课标中对二级的描述如下: 对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。 从上文可以看出,课标在强调培养小学生积极情感的同时,对小学生的听、说、读、写能力均提出了初步要求,另外,学习策略和文化意识也是课标强调的内容,因此,在单元教学设计和课堂实施中,要尽量涉及到这五个方面的内容,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 精品文档

教材分析: 授课教材为人民教育出版社新版小学英语五年级下册(三年级起点)。 全册书有6个单元,本单元是第五单元(25课---30课),单元话题为购物 该话题在前几册书中都未独立出现过,但“I want to buy….”“Can I help you?”“What can I do for you?”在四年级下册第五单元出现过。 本单元的文化知识结构是: 灯具店(L25)——日用品店(L26)——电器商店(L27-28)——一鞋店(L29)——衣物店(L30) L25.26为购物的简单对话,L27.28的购物对话含有售货员的推荐和顾客的选择,L29.30为有关于购买复数货品的对话 本单元的语言知识结构是: 售货员与顾客间打招呼性的问答(Can I help you? Yes, I want a towel. Sure. Here you are. )——售货员与顾客间较为正式的问答及物品价格的问答(What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. How much is it? It’s 85 yuan.)——售货员与顾客间关于复数物品的问答How much are they? They are….对话中出现了对物品的评论,句子的复杂度有所加大。 学生分析: 学生在使用本套教材,至今未学习过以购物为主题的教学单元。班级中有部分学生在课外班中接触、学习过有关询问价格的句子,班中学生整体水平中等,有数名学困生、转学生(在家乡未学过英语),班级整体与教师关系融洽,五年级始由授课教师接班。 学生调研: 目的:了解学生对本单元的词汇、句型已有的知识基础 了解学生学习本单元的困难 了解学生对本单元话题的生活经验 确定单元教学目标及教学重难点 1、问卷调查 调查时间:2006.5.22 调查对象:5年级4班学生30人,28人参加(因两人病假) 题目1:单词与图片连线 目的:了解学生对本单元词汇的认读情况,确定单词教学的重点。 精品文档


最新小学五年级上册英语阅读理解练习题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 Toby is an eleven-year-old boy. He likes playing computer games. He doesn't like to do his homework. He goes to bed very late every evening. He can't get up early in the morning. He doesn't brush his teeth or wash his face. He doesn't have breakfast, either. On the way to school, he is always in a hurry. He rides his bicycle quickly. He doesn't look at the traffic light. The policeman says, "Look out, boy. It's dangerous." Sometimes he's late for school. He is always asleep when he has a lesson. He doesn't listen to the teacher carefully. His voice isn't loud when he reads the book. He always makes a lot of mistakes in his exercise book. His teacher, Miss Wang is very angry with him. (1)Toby can't get up early because he ________. A. goes to bed early B. does his homework late C. goes to bed late (2)Toby goes to school ________. A. on foot B. by bike C. by car (3)Toby ________ early every day. A. goes to school B. gets up C. doesn't go to bed (4)Toby is ________ when he crosses the road. A. careful B. quietly C. in a hurry (5)"Look out." means ________. A. Look at the policeman. B. Be careful. C. Be brave. 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)B 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍Toby的短文。 (1)根据短文叙述:He goes to bed very late every evening. He can't get up early in the morning(每天晚上他睡觉很晚。他在早上起不早。)可知是睡觉晚。C选项正确。故答案为:C. (2)根据短文叙述He rides his bicycle quickly.(他骑自行车飞快。)可知是骑自行车。B选项是骑自行车。故答案为:B. (3)根据短文叙述He goes to bed very late every evening. (每天晚上他睡觉很晚。)可知是睡觉晚。C选项正确。故答案为:C. (4)根据短文叙述On the way to school, he is always in a hurry. He rides his bicycle quickly. He doesn't look at the traffic light.(在他上学的路上,他经常匆匆忙忙。他骑自行车骑得飞快。他不看交通信号灯。)可知是匆匆忙忙。C选项正确。故答案为:C. (5)根据后面句子“那太危险。”可知look out意思是:小心,B选项正确。故答案为:B.【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。要掌握短文内容,然后根据短文叙述来选择答案。


人教版小学五年级数学下册各单元试题及答案全册 第一单元 一、填一填。 1、如果一个图形沿着一条直线对折,两侧的图形能够完全重合,这样的图形就叫()图形,那条直线就是()。 2、正方形有()条对称轴。 3、这些现象哪些是“平移”现象,哪些是“旋转”现象: (1)张叔叔在笔直的公路上开车,方向盘的运动是()现象。 (2)升国旗时,国旗的升降运动是()现象。 (3)妈妈用拖布擦地,是()现象。 (4)自行车的车轮转了一圈又一圈是()现象。 4 (1)向()平移了()格。 (2)向( )平移了()格。 (3)向()平移了()格。 5、等腰三角形有()条对称轴;长方形有()条对称轴;正方形有 ()条对称轴。 6、在钟面上,分针绕点o旋转30°表示时间经过() 分;时间经过15分,分针绕o点旋转()度。 二、动手操作。 1、 ①②③ 图形①是以点()为中心旋转的; 图形②是以点()为中心旋转的; 图形③是以点()为中心旋转的。 2、 (1)图形1绕A点()旋转90°到图形2。

(3)图形4绕A 点顺时针旋转( )到图形2。 (4)图形3绕A 点顺时针旋转( )到图形1。 三、画出下列图形的对称轴。 四、找出从正面、左面。上面看到的图形(正面画“√”,上面画“○”,侧面画“△ ”。) 2倍。 六、请画出对称图形的另一半。 七、请按照给出的对称轴画出第一个图形的对称图形,第二个图形请向上移动3格。

八.做一做,画一画。 (1)画出图A的另一半,使它 成为一个轴对称图形。 (2)把图B向右平移5格。(3)把图C绕o点顺时针旋转90°。

第二单元 一、填空 1、找出24的所有因数:从小到大一对一对地写() 2、一个数的倍数的个数是(),最小的倍数是()。 3、在数字5、0、6组成的三位数中,2的倍数有(),5的倍数有(),同时是2和5的倍数有()。 4、在36、7 5、34、36 6、580、540、435、2 7、65、105、216、720这几个数中,同时是2和 3的倍数有(),同时是3和5的倍数有(),同时 是2和5的倍数有(),同时是2、3和5的倍数有()。 5、根据45÷5=9,我们说()是()的倍数,()是()的因数。 6、一个数的最大因数是24,这个数是(),这个数最小的倍数是()。 7、三个连续偶数的和是72,这三个偶数分别是()、()和()。 8、既是2和5的倍数,又是3的倍数的最小三位数是()。 9、个位上是()或()的数,是5的倍数;个位上是()的数都是2的倍数;一个数()上的数的()是3的倍数,这个数就是3的倍数。 10、奇数与偶数的和是();奇数与奇数的和是();偶数与偶数的和是()。 11、个位数字是0的数,既是()的倍数,又是()的倍数。 12、有5个连续奇数的和是135,这5个连续奇数是() 13、在()填上一个数,使下列的数既是2的倍数,又是3的倍数。 4();7()0;13()6;()12(); 14、在()填上一个数,使下列的数既是2的倍数,又是5的倍数。 16();()0 ;()0 ;()75(); 15、在()填上一个数,使下列的数同时是2、3、5的倍数。 6();()70 ;8()8();9()()0; 16、8×5=40,()和()是()的因数,()是()和()的倍数。


五年级上册词汇 人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表Unit 1 young:[j??]年轻的funny:['f?ni]滑稽可笑的tall:[t?:l]高的strong:[str??]强壮的 kind:[kaind]和蔼的,亲切的old:[?uld]年老的short:[??:t]矮的thin:[θin]瘦的 Mr 先生like:[laik]像……一样;喜欢strict:[strikt]严格的smart:[smɑ:t]聪明的,巧妙的active:['?ktiv]积极的,活跃的quiet:['kwai?t]安静的,文静的very:['veri]很,非常but:[b?t]但是 Who’s your English teacher?谁是你的英语老师?Mr Carter.卡特先生。 What’s he like?他长什么样?He is tall and strong.他又高又壮。 Is she quiet?她很安静吗?No,she isn’t.She’s very active.不,她不是。她非常活泼。 Is she strict?她很严厉吗?Yes,she is,but she’s very kind。是的,她是。但是她很和蔼。 人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表Unit 2 Mondy 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期天day:[dei]天 have:[h?v]有;吃on :[?n]在……时候do homework :[du:]['h?umw?:k]做作业watch TV 看电视:[w?t?] read books:[ri:d][buk]读书 What day ia it today?今天星期几?It’s Wednesday.今天星期三。What do you have on Thursdays.你们在周四有什么课? We have English,math and science on Thursday.我们周四有英语课、数学课和科学课。 What do you do on Saturdays? 周日你要干什么? I watch TV on Saturdays. 我在周日看电视。 What about you? 你呢?I do my homework,too. 我也做我的作业。人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表Unit 3 eggplant:['egplɑ:nt]茄子fish:[fi?]鱼 green beans:[gri:n][bi:n]青豆tofu :['t?ufu:]豆腐 potato:[p?'teit?u]土豆tomato:[t?'meit?u]西红柿 for:[f?:]为lunch:[l?nt?]中餐 we:[wi:]我们tasty:['teisti]好吃的 sweet:[swi:t]甜的sour:['sau?]酸的 fresh:[fre?]新鲜的salty:['s?:lti]咸的 favourite 最喜欢的they are:[eei][ɑ:]他们是 fruit:[fru:t]水果grape:[greip]葡萄 What do you have for lunch on Monday?你周一午餐吃什么? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.我们吃西红柿豆腐和鱼。 What’s your favourite fruit?什么是你最喜欢的水果? I like apples.They’re aweet.我喜欢苹果,他们是甜的。 I like fruit.But I d on’t like grapes.They’re sour.喜欢水果,但是我不喜 欢葡萄,它们是酸的。 人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表Unit 4 cook the meals:[kuk][e?][mi:l]煮饭water the flowers 浇花:['w?:t?][e?]['flau?]sweep the floor: [swi:p][e?][fl?:]扫地clean the bedroom:[kli:n][e?]['bedrum] 打扫卧室make the bed:[meik][e?][bed]铺床 set the table:[set][e?]['teibl]摆饭桌 wash the clothes 洗碗碟do the dishes 收拾衣服use a computer 使用计算机 What can you do?你可以做什么?I can sweep the floor.我会扫地。 I can cook the meals.我会做饭。I can water the flowers!我会浇花! Can you make the bed?你会铺床吗?No,I can’t.不,我不会。 Can you use a computer?你会使用电脑吗?Yes,I can.是的,我会。 人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表(三会)Unit 5 curtain:['k?:tn]窗帘trash bin:[tr??][bin]垃圾箱 closet:['kl?zit]壁橱mirror:['mir?]镜子 bed table:[bed]['teibl]床头柜bedroom:['bedrum]卧室 kitchen :['kit?in]厨房bathroom:['b?θrum]卫生间 living room:['livi?][ru:m]客厅in:[in]在……里面 on 在……上面under:['?nd?]在……下面 near:[ni?]在……旁边behind:[bi'haind]在……后边 clothes:[kl?uez]衣服 There are two bedroom,a kitchen,a bathroom and a living room.这有 两个卧室,一个厨房,一个卫生间和一个客厅。 There is a mirror,a bea and a big closet.----这有一面镜子,一张床和 一个大衣柜。 The closet is near the table . 衣柜在桌子旁边。 Many clothes are in the closet. 许多衣服在衣柜里。 The trash bin is behind the door. 垃圾桶在门后面。 人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表Unit 6 river:['riv?]河流flower:['flau?]花 grass:[grɑ:s]草lake:[grɑ:s]湖泊 forest:['f?rist]森林path:[pɑ:θ]路 park:[pɑ:k]公园picture:['pikt??]照片 house:[haus]房子bridge:[brid?]桥 tree:[tri:]树road:[r?ud]公路 building:['bildi?]建筑物clean:[kli:n]干净的 Is there a forest in the park? 公园理由森林吗?Yes,there is.是的, 这有。 Is there a river? 这有一条小河吗?No,there isn’t. 不,这没有。 Are there any pandas in the mountanins?山里有熊猫吗? No,there aren’t.不,没有。Yes,there are.是的,有。 1


人教版小学英语三至五年级基本词汇一、学习用品 (school thing) pen钢笔book书pencil铅笔bag书包pencil-case铅笔盒schoolbag书包ruler尺子eraser橡皮crayon蜡笔sharpener卷笔刀story-book故事书notebook笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书 二、身体 (body) hair头发arm手臂head头hand手face脸finger手指nose鼻子leg腿mouth嘴foot脚eye眼睛tail尾巴ear耳朵 三、颜色 (colour) red红色yellow黄色blue蓝色green绿色white白色black黑色pink粉红色purple紫色orange橙色brown棕色

gray灰色 四、动物 (animal) cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭goose鹅hen母鸡horse马lamb羊羔sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛turkey火鸡monkey猴子rabbit兔子elephant大象ant蚂蚁fish鱼bird鸟snake蛇mouse老鼠kangaroo袋鼠panda熊猫bear熊lion狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸zebra斑马deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿squirrel松鼠五、人物 (people) boy男孩girl女孩man男人woman女人Mr先生Miss小姐lady女士baby宝宝kid孩子friend朋友

robot机器人classmate同学neighbor邻居parents父母亲grandma\奶奶grandpa\ 爷爷grandmother grandfather mother母亲father父亲mom妈妈dad爸爸son儿子daughter女儿sister姐妹brother兄弟uncle叔叔aunt阿姨cousin堂表姐妹、兄弟 六、职业 (job) TV reporter电视台记者cleaner清洁工teacher教师driver司机farmer农民singer歌唱家writer作家student学生nurse护士doctor医生policeman警察 七、食品、饮料 (food & drink) rice米饭bread面包cake蛋糕hot dog热狗hamburger汉堡French fries薯条noodles面条egg鸡蛋fish鱼tofu豆腐


英语阅读理解题专项题 Jack My name is Jack. I live in my school. I don’t have a big room. I usually get up very late. My classes begin at nine. I don’t have breakfast in my room. I often eat breakfast in a small restaurant. I like to eat a big breakfast. I would like to have a glass of milk, some chicken, some fish and some bread. I don’t like coffee. After breakfast, I often have sports in the school. 阅读理解,判断正“T”误“F” ( ) 1. Jack lives in his school. ( ) 2. Jack’s room is big. ( ) 3. He eats breakfast in his room. ( ) 4. He likes coffee in the morning. ( ) 5. He always has sports after breakfast. My classmate Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are all big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class. 阅读后做判断,在括号里填入"T"或"F" 、 ( ) 1. Tom is an English boy. ( ) 2. Tom’s hair and eyes are blue. ( ) 3. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuTao. ( ) 4. Tom likes basketball.


五年级上册数学概念 第一单元:小数乘法 1、小数乘整数的意义与整数乘法的意义相同,就是求几个相同加数的和的简 便运算。 2、一个数乘小数的意义就是求这个数的十分之几、百分几、千分之几……是 多少。 3、计算小数乘法,先按整数乘法算出积,再看因数中一共有几位小数,就从 积的右边起数出几位,点上小数点。乘得的积的小数位数不够,要在前面用0补足,再点上小数点。 4、一个数(0除外)乘大于1的数,积比原来的数大。(越乘越大) 一个数(0除外)乘小于1的数,积比原来的数小。(越乘越小) 5、整数乘法的交换律、结合律和分配律,对于小数乘法也适用。 第二单元:小数除法 1、小数除法的意义与整数除法的意义相同,是已知两个因数的积与其中一个 因数,求另一个因数的运算。 2、小数除以整数,按整数除法的方法去除,商的小数点要和被除数的小数点 对齐。如果除到末尾仍有余数,要添0再继续除。 3、被除数比除数大的,商大于1。被除数比除数小的,商小于1。 4、计算除数是小数的除法,先移动除数的小数点,使它变成整数,除数的小 数点向右移动几位,被除数的小数点也向右移动几位,数位不够的要添0 补足。再按照除数是整数的小数除法进行计算。 5、计算小数除法时要注意:(1)先看空间够不够;(2)数位一定要空开; (3)计算之前先检查;(4)不够除时要补0。

6、一个数(0除外)除以大于1的数,商比原来的数小。(越除越小) 一个数(0除外)除以小于1的数,商比原来的数大。(越除越大) 7、A除以B=A÷B;A除B=B÷A;A去除B=B÷A;A被B除=A÷B。 8、一个数的小数部分,从某一位起,一个数字或者几个数字依次不断重复出 现,这样的小数叫做循环小数。 9、小数部分的位数是有限的小数,叫做有限小数。小数部分是无限的小数叫 做无限小数。循环小数就是无限小数中的一种。 10、一个循环小数的小数部分,依次不断重复出现的数字,叫做这个循环小数 的循环节。 11、写循环小数时,可以只写第一个循环节,并在这个循环节的首位和末位上 面各记一个循环点。循环点最多只点两个。 12、取近似数有三种方法:1、四舍五入法;2、去尾法;3、进一法。在解决 实际问题时,要根据实际情况取商的近似值。 第四单元:简易方程 1、在含有字母的式子里,乘号可以记做“·”,也可以省略不写,这时数 字因数要写在字母因数的前面。 2、长方形的周长=(长+宽)×2 C长=2(a+b) 长方形的面积=长×宽 S长=ab 正方形的周长=边长×4 C正=4a 正方形的面积=边长×边长 S正=a2 3、表示相等关系的式子叫做等式。 4、含有未知数的等式是方程。 5、方程一定是等式,等式不一定是方程。


五年级上册英语阅读理解题含答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解判断下列句子是否与短文相符,A My name's Linda. I'm ten. I'm tall and thin. I like singing and dancing. I am good at singing. I want to be a teacher in the future. I like Music. I want to teach Music. Leo is my brother. He is twelve. He likes swimming and running. And he is good at swimming. He wants to save people. He wants to be a lifeguard in the future. (1)Linda is ten and her brother is twelve. (2)Linda likes swimming and running. She is good at swimming. (3)Leo wants to save people. He wants to be a lifeguard in the future. (4)Linda wants to teach Music. She wants to be a teacher in the future. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)1 (4)1 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍Linda的短文. (1)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述I'm ten. (我10岁了.)和He is twelve.(他12岁了.) 可知此句正确. 故答案为: 正确. (2)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述I like singing and dancing. I am good at singing.(我喜欢唱歌和跳舞. 我擅长唱歌.)可知此句错误. 故答案为: 错误. (3)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述He wants to save people. He wants to be a lifeguard in the future.(他想要拯救人们. 他想要在未来成为救生员.)可知此句正确. 故答案为: 正确. (4)这是细节理解, 根据短文叙述 I want to be a teacher in the future. I like Music. (我想要将来成为一名教师. 我喜欢音乐.)可知此句正确. 故答案为: 正确. 【点评】这是考查阅读能力的题目. 在做题时要注意短文的细节描写. 2.阅读理解根据短文内容,判断句子正(A)误(B),在答题卷上将对应的字母编号涂黑。 (A) My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother's room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a bathroom. We always wash our bodies and hands in the bathroom. 0n the right, it's my room. There are four pictures and a poster(海报) on the wall. (1)This is Lily's house. (2)There are four rooms in her house. (3)There are three pictures in Lily's room. (4)The bathroom is on the left of her father and mother's room. (5)They sometimes wash their bodies and hands in the bathroom.


小学五年级数学上册知识点 第一单元小数乘法 1、小数乘整数:与整数的乘法意义相同都是表示求几个相同加数的和的简便运算。如:1.5×3表示1.5的3倍是多少或3个1.5的和是多少 2、小数乘小数:与整数的乘法意义不相同,表示求这个数的几分之几是多少。如:1.5×0.8就是求1.5的十分之八是多少。1.5×1.8就是求1.5的1.8倍是多少。 3、小数乘法的计算方法:先把小数扩大成整数;按整数乘法的法则算出积;再看因数中一共有几位小数,就从积的右边起数出几位点上小数点,积小数部分位数不够时,要在前面用0补足。(注意:计算结果中,小数部分末尾的0要去掉,把小数化简)3、规律:一个数(0除外)乘大于1的数,积比原来的数大; 一个数(0除外)乘小于1的数,积比原来的数小。 4、求近似数的方法一般有三种:⑴四舍五入法;⑵进一法;⑶去尾法 5、计算钱数:保留两位小数,表示计算到分;保留一位小数,表示计算到角。 6、小数四则运算顺序跟整数是一样的: (1)只含有同一级运算的,要从左往右依次计算; (2)含有两级运算的,要先算乘除法再算加减法; (3)含有括号的运算的,要先算括号里面的再算括号外面的。 7、运算定律和性质: 加法:加法交换律:a+b=b+a 加法结合律:(a+b)+c=a+(b+c) 减法:减法性质:a-b-c=a-(b+c) a-(b-c)=a-b+c 乘法:乘法交换律:a×b=b×a 乘法结合律:(a×b)×c=a×(b×c) 乘法分配律:(a+b)×c=a×c+b×c 【(a-b)×c=a×c-b×c】 除法:除法性质:a÷b÷c=a÷(b×c)

第二单元位置 1、数对:由两个数组成,中间用逗号隔开,用括号括起来。括号里面的数由左至 右分别为列数和行数,即“先列后行”。 2、作用:一组数对确定唯一一个点的位置。经度和纬度就是这个原理。例:在 方格图(平面直角坐标系)中用数对(3,5)表示(第三列,第五行)。注(1)在平面直角坐标系中X轴上的坐标表示列,y轴上的坐标表示行。如:数对(3,2)表示第三列,第二行。 (2)数对(X,5)的行号不变,表示一条横线,(5,Y)的列号不变,表示一条竖线。(有一个数不确定,不能确定一个点) 2、图形左右平移行数不变;图形上下平移列数不变。 第三单元《小数除法》 1、小数除法的意义:与整数的乘法意义相同,都是表示已知两个因数的积与其中的一个因数,求另一个因数的运算。 2、小数除以整数的计算方法:小数除以整数,按整数除法的方法去除。商的小数点要和被除数的小数点对齐。整数部分不够除,商0,点上小数点。如果有余数,要添0再除。 3、除数是小数的除法的计算方法:先将除数和被除数扩大相同的倍数,使除数变成整数,再按“除数是整数的小数除法”的法则进行计算。 注意:如果被除数的位数不够,在被除数的末尾用0补足。 4、在实际应用中,小数除法所得的商也可以根据需要用“四舍五入”法保留一定的小数位数,求出商的近似数。 5、除法中的变化规律:


人教版英语小学知识点总结 五年级英语上册期末总复习知识点 一.重点单词(能听,说,读,写的单词) Unit 1 old年老的young年轻的funny 滑稽的kind和蔼的strict严格的polite 礼貌的helpful乐于助人的 shy害羞的hard-working勤奋的clever聪明的 Unit 2 Monday(Mon.) 周一Tuesday(Tue.) 周二Wednesday(Wed.)周三Thursday(Thu.) 星期四Friday(Fri.) 周五Saturday(Sat.) 周六Sunday (Sun.)周日weekend 周末wash my clothes 洗我的衣服do homework 做作业watch TV 看电视read books 读书play football 踢足球 Unit 3 sandwiches三明治salad沙拉hamburger汉堡ice cream 冰淇淋tea茶fresh新鲜的healthy健康的delicious美味的hot辣的sweet 甜的Unit 4 sing 唱;唱歌song 歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa 弹琵琶kung fu 功夫;武术do kung fu 练武术dance 跳舞draw 画cartoon 漫画draw cartoons 画漫画cook 烹调;烹饪swim 游泳play basketball 打篮球play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语 Unit 5 clock 时钟;钟plant 植物bottle 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike 自行车photo照片;相片front 正面in front of 在……前面between 在……中间above 在(或向)……上面beside 在旁边(附近)behind 在(或向)后面Unit 6 forest 森林;林区river 河;江lake 湖;湖泊mountain 高山;山岳hill 山丘;小山tree 树;树木;乔木


2018五年级上册英语阅读理解题专项题 1. 阅读理解,判断正“T”误“F” My name is Jack. I live in my school. I don’t have a big room. I usually get up very late. My classes begin at nine. I don’t have breakfast in my room. I often eat breakfast in a small restaurant. I like to eat a big breakfast. I would like to have a glass of milk, some chicken, some fish and some bread. I don’t like coffee. After breakfast, I often have sports in the school. ( ) 1. Jack lives in his school. ( ) 2. Jack’s room is big. ( ) 3. He eats breakfast in his room. ( ) 4. He likes coffee in the morning. ( ) 5. He always has sports after breakfast. 2. 阅读理解,判断正“T”误“F” My classmate Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are all big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class. ( ) 1. Tom is an English boy. ( ) 2. Tom’s hair and eyes are blue. ( ) 3. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuTao. ( ) 4. Tom likes basketball. ( ) 5. Tom’s favorite color is blue. 3. 阅读理解,判断正“T”误“F” This is a classroom. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Tom. He has golden{金色的} hair and blue eyes. He is from America. He is a new pupil{小学生}. The girls are Chinese. They can


最新人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册教案(全册)最新人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册教案(全册) 一、学生情况分析 学生已学过两年多的英语,已有一定的基础。但是教材难度偏大,教学内容与课时不成比例,两极分化较严重。因此,本学期应注重转化后进生,因材施教,基础教学,分层教学,保持学生的学习兴趣。 二、教学目的与要求: 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯。 3、使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。 4、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 5、适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 三、教学内容与目标: 1、能听、说、读、写81个短语和单词以及16组句子和11个单句。 2、能听、说、认读21个单词。 3、能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。 4、能完成6个自我评价活动。

5、能理解6个幽默小故事。 6、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 四、教学措施: 1、认真备课,钻研教材,抓紧课堂教学,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。 3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。 4、多为学生营造一引起学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。 5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。 6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。 7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练。 五、学困生教学措施 1、了解学困生心理,建立师生感情。 2、尊重、理解、宽容、善待学困生。 3、借助集体力量感染学困生。 4、给学困生制定适合他们发展的学习目标,充分肯定他们完成教学目标的能力,以达到培养其自信心。 5、家庭的配合是学困生转化的外部条件,通过家长会议、家访等多种形式及时与家长相互沟通,交流信息。 六、学优生教学措施 英语是一门交际工具,是一门实践性很强的课程,大量反复地训

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