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Class_____________ No.____________ Name________________ Mark___________


When I was three, the most children I made friends with were about three or four. But I was shy and didn’t join in activities. Even in preschool, I tried to avoid the groups at play. I just didn’t fit in. But I kept on smiling and trying to be friendly.

The adults in my life were more easily understood than my peers (同龄人). I couldn’t understand why none of them lived up to the adult standards. Manners, vocabulary, reading... all of these meant nothing to them. They were children. At that point, I wasn’t any more.

I started kindergarten (幼儿园) knowing how to count to 100 and how to read. But even though I was far ahead of some of the other children, I was no perfect student. I was excited by all the friends I could make. But soon I discovered that I was hurt easi ly by their words. I made friends, but I didn’t keep them, and eventually, I was left alone. I sat alone, trying to keep happy and pretending that I didn’t need anyone else to be happy.

My parents loved me. I know they did. My mom became the main earner when I was very young. My dad also worked hard, but he didn’t get paid quite well. But I don’t understand why I’d always been left to my own toys as a child. I explored the world in my own way, which gave me loneliness. The loneliness would invade (入侵) my body and pull me down to the floor, making me cry and bite myself. My life was damaged by the loneliness for years. Unlike other children at my age, I really didn’t have a friend to spend time with. So I made them in my head.

The loneliness still controls me now. It’s the reason I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (被诊断患有分离性身份识别障碍) (DID). At times, I feel the choking and biting, and I know it’s the younger me reminding me I still have a lot to move beyond.

26.What can we know about the young author from the first paragraph?

A.He was very afraid of adults. B.No one liked to make friends with him.

C.He didn’t like to take part in activities. D.He liked to play with his peers very much. 27.What was wrong with the author when he attended kindergarten?

A.He couldn’t become a perfect student. B.He always pretended to be unhappy.

C.He hated to make friends with others. D.He was always hurt by others’ words.

28.The author mentioned his parents in the passage to show_______.

A.he does respect and love them B.their educational method was wrong

C.they are very responsible parents D.his problem has something to do with them 29.We can learn from the passage that now the author________.

A.has recovered from his loneliness B.hopes to make many friends

C.is suffering a lot from his loneliness D.always cries in front of strangers

30.The passage is mainly about________.

A.how the author developed DID B.why the author prefers to live alone

C.how the author spent his childhood D.how the author dealt with loneliness


Could cities that float (漂浮) on the sea solve the problems caused by floods (洪水) and provide food for the world?

Some scientists think so. The idea is already being tested and they believe that floating cities will provide more homes for a growing population, without having to use land needed to grow food. And they believe floating areas will allow more food to be grown, so that no one in the world is hungry.

In some places, cities that float on the sea are already being planned. A company in the Netherlands called DeltaSync thinks that the sea cities will save the world, with more than one in ten people living in them.

They say sea cities solve many problems the world faces in the 21st century, like not having enough land, more and more people needing homes, fossil fuels (矿物燃料) running low and the increasingly serious problems caused by floods.

DeltaSync says building in the desert (沙漠) is not possible because there is not enough water and that developing ways for people to live in space is still too expensive. So they believe the answer is our oceans, which cover over two thirds of the Earth’s surface. Their plans for floating areas include using algae (海藻) to produce fuel and food.

More than a quarter of the land in the Netherlands already lies underwater and scientists there have spent years trying to find ways to deal with it. In the city of Rotterdam they already have floating homes.

Bart Roeffen from DeltaSync says:“We have plans for neighbourhoods including roads and, in the end, I believe we can build floating cities on the sea.”

31.DeltaSync is a company that wants to build cities ________.

A.on land B.in space C.on the sea D.in the desert 32.Which of the following is the advantage of the cities that DeltaSync wants to build? A.Providing more jobs for people. B.Making travel in space possible. C.Supplying enough water to people. D.Satisfying more people’s housing needs. 33.What can we learn about the Netherlands?

A.Its population is increasing quickly. B.It has found many fossil fuels recently.

C.Two thirds of its land is covered by water. D.There are floating homes in one of its cities. 34.What does Bart Roeffen think of his company’s future plans?

A.He doubts them. B.He is hopeful of them.

C.He is uncertain about them. D.He has no idea about them.

35.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Will there be enough water? B. Will sea cities save the world?

C. Is it possible to live in the desert?

D. Is it expensive to build floating cities?


Growing mushrooms (蘑菇) is probably the easiest thing you can do if you are new to mushroom growing. Mushroom growing is becoming more and more common as restaurants are creating more dishes that include mushrooms.

Mushroom growing is easy. To start with you need to have a growing space where you are going to grow these mushrooms. It does not have to be too big but it should be big enough for you to grow as many mushrooms as you need. When you have found the space that is perfect for you, you can start to research what kind of mushrooms you want to grow. There are hundreds of kinds to choose from but not all mushrooms are edible, which is an important fact you need to remember before you start. Don’t grow mushrooms you can’t use or sell.

When you figure (计算) out what kind of mushrooms you want to grow, you can make some preparations. Sometimes you need to hire some workers to help you if you have a large mushroom farm, or if you are trying to start a professional mushroom growing business. Trying to start a business by yourself can be stressful. If you don’t have time to take care of everything yourself, to hire a worker is the best bet.

After you have started the mushroom growing, you should regularly check and make sure that your mushrooms are growing properly and that they are not being attacked by any pesticides (杀虫剂) or any other animals that are potentially dangerous for them. That is the worst situation of mushroom growing. Protect your mushroom farm well with a fence or a gate so that only you and your workers can get in and out.

Mushroom growing is not difficult and is a real easy way to get started in the field of farming. You will possibly supply some of the great chefs (厨师) of the world with high-equality mushrooms that will be enjoyed by thousands of people around the world.

36.Many people are beginning to plant mushrooms probably because_______.

A.they are in great need B.they look very beautiful

C.there are more restaurants D.they are too common

37.The underlined word “edible”(in paragraph 2) probably means “_________”.

A.easy to find B.expensive to buy C.suitable to eat D.difficult to grow 38.Which of the following is the right order of planting mushrooms?

a.Choose the suitable mushrooms. b.Protect your mushrooms well.

c.Find some people to help you. d.Start to grow mushrooms.

e.Find a place to plant mushrooms.

A. b, d, a, e, c

B. e, a, c, d, b

C. c, a, d, b, e

D. d, c, b, a, d

39.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A.It is easy to grow mushrooms B.You should hire other people to help you C.Growing mushrooms is not easy D.Tips(提示) for mushrooms growing

40.Who would like to read this passage most?

A.Workers. B.Students. C.Farmers. D.Teachers.


Living away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but meanwhile it has very important effects on one’s life.

The major effect is that once you start a regular life away from home, you miss everything. This fact doesn't mean that you are unhappy but that you are aware of being on your own. Missing your family is a very unusual thing to do. Little details like sitting on a Sunday morning and watching TV alone instead of having a nice chat with your mom may make you realize how valuable your family really is. It is also completely acceptable to miss all the facilities you used to have back at home, like your house, and your bathroom. It’s obvious then that you have started to appreciate everything you had back where you belong.

The second main effect would be learning how to accept another type of society and culture into your daily life. Since you are living in a place with different customs and traditions from yours, you have to be able to develop yourself in unknown conditions. Therefore, you’ll be able to achieve true knowledge. Suggesting changing your mind totally would be foolish; the best thing to do would be to stick to your most important values (价值观)and, according to them, change those that you believe could be improved.

The most significant effect of living away from home is the independent behavior that grows inside of you. Living on your own far from your family gives you a lot of experiences toward organizing your life. Since it is up to you to go to work or school, clean your room, and organize your expenses, it is predictable that you will have a good and strong sense of responsibility.

Living far from home, even for a short period of time, can be really hard at the beginning. We have to remember that all changes are difficult, but it is necessary to go through them to build our character.

41.While living away from home, you can do all of the following EXCEPT ____.

A.build up a sense of responsibility B.experience another type of society

C.become more independent D.be proud of yourself

42.According to the passage, how can you have a sense of responsibility by living far away from home?

A.You’ll appreciate everything you had back where you belong.

B.You would think about common things that happened to you.

C.You’ll have to arrange everything by yourself.

D.You will change your mind entirely.

43.We can infer from paragraph 3 that _______.

A.living abroad will get a more thorough understanding of your own values

B.you will have to accept completely different values

C.it will be unwise to stick to your beliefs about what an important life is

D.you will not necessarily adapt to(适应) another type of society and culture

44.What does the underlined words "facilities" mean in paragraph 2?

A.service B.equipment C.friends D.activities

45.What’s the author’s attitude towards living far away from home?

A.approving B negative(否定的)C.objective (客观的) D.worried


阅读理解 Class_____________ No.____________ Name________________ Mark___________ A When I was three, the most children I made friends with were about three or four. But I was shy and didn’t join in activities. Even in preschool, I tried to avoid the groups at play. I just didn’t fit in. But I kept on smiling and trying to be friendly. The adults in my life were more easily understood than my peers (同龄人). I couldn’t understand why none of them lived up to the adult standards. Manners, vocabulary, reading... all of these meant nothing to them. They were children. At that point, I wasn’t any more. I started kindergarten (幼儿园) knowing how to count to 100 and how to read. But even though I was far ahead of some of the other children, I was no perfect student. I was excited by all the friends I could make. But soon I discovered that I was hurt easi ly by their words. I made friends, but I didn’t keep them, and eventually, I was left alone. I sat alone, trying to keep happy and pretending that I didn’t need anyone else to be happy. My parents loved me. I know they did. My mom became the main earner when I was very young. My dad also worked hard, but he didn’t get paid quite well. But I don’t understand why I’d always been left to my own toys as a child. I explored the world in my own way, which gave me loneliness. The loneliness would invade (入侵) my body and pull me down to the floor, making me cry and bite myself. My life was damaged by the loneliness for years. Unlike other children at my age, I really didn’t have a friend to spend time with. So I made them in my head. The loneliness still controls me now. It’s the reason I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (被诊断患有分离性身份识别障碍) (DID). At times, I feel the choking and biting, and I know it’s the younger me reminding me I still have a lot to move beyond. 26.What can we know about the young author from the first paragraph? A.He was very afraid of adults. B.No one liked to make friends with him. C.He didn’t like to take part in activities. D.He liked to play with his peers very much. 27.What was wrong with the author when he attended kindergarten? A.He couldn’t become a perfect student. B.He always pretended to be unhappy. C.He hated to make friends with others. D.He was always hurt by others’ words. 28.The author mentioned his parents in the passage to show_______. A.he does respect and love them B.their educational method was wrong C.they are very responsible parents D.his problem has something to do with them 29.We can learn from the passage that now the author________. A.has recovered from his loneliness B.hopes to make many friends C.is suffering a lot from his loneliness D.always cries in front of strangers


二年级阅读理解专题训练答案及解析 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题 我有一大把彩色的梦, 有的长,有的圆,有的硬。 他们躺在铅笔盒里聊天, 一打开,就在白纸上跳蹦。 脚尖滑过的地方, 大块的草坪,绿了; 大朵的野花,红了; 大片的天空,蓝了, 蓝——得——透——明! (1)短文共有________个小节。 (2)用“有的……有的……有的……”写一句话。 (3)在文中找出表示颜色的词语写下来。 (4)你的梦想是什么?想一想,写一写。 【答案】(1)2 (2)下课了,同学们有的在跳绳、有的在做游戏、有的在玩捉迷藏,可开心了。 (3)绿,红,蓝 (4)我的梦想是长大以后当老师,可以掌握更多的知识。 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 找春天 一个星期天的上午,我和爸爸来到公园找春天。 找呀,找呀,找到了!春天在树上,在公园一角的几棵桃树上,长出了红色的花蕾(lěi)。爸爸告诉我:不久,桃花要开啦! 春天也在柳枝上。我发现一排柳树上,都挂着鹅黄色的枝条,风一吹,就飘起来,像是披上了一层半透明的薄纱。 春天,还在树林中。那冬青树暗绿色的叶子中间,长出了黄绿色的新叶。更有趣的是,梧桐树的枝头,吐出了半透明的青里带红的芽,就跟小小的佛手一样。 我望着这春天的美景,心里想,我们的祖国就像这春天的花园。 (1)这篇短文共有________个自然段。 (2)春天在________、________、________。我望着这春天的美景,心里想,我们的祖国就像________。 (3)这篇短文的主要内容是() A. 我和爸爸去找春天。 B. 描写春天的美景,赞美我们的祖国。 【答案】(1)5


一、小草 我喜爱生机勃勃的春天,尤其喜爱春天里那绿油油的小草。 我家门前有一片草坪,上面种着小草。它们是那样富有生机。春天一到,一下子就铺满了一片地。细看,它们是绿色的,水灵灵的,多么喜人!一阵春风过后,小草跳起了欢乐的舞蹈,有时舒展双臂,有时弯腰触地,有时左摇右摆,真像小孩在跳舞嬉戏。这时你如果有空来欣赏一下,一定会叫你心旷神话,乐而忘返呢! 你别看小草那样柔弱,可它们永远不会向暴风雨低头。有一天,一阵狂风过后,突如其来地下了一场暴雨。风雨过后,我赶紧去看那小草。啊!小草被折磨得奄奄一息了,有的歪歪斜斜,有的身子贴地。但我相信它们是不会在暴风雨下屈服的。果然,小草慢慢地又挺直了,尽管脸上还带着晶莹的泪珠!它打好像骄傲地说:“你看,我是多么顽强啊!”是啊,小草没有鲜花那样娇,没有白扬那样挺拔,可是它们的生命力多么顽强啊! “野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”白居易这首诗写得多好啊!是的,严寒的冬天一过,小草又生机勃勃地生长起来了。 1.文章语言生动活泼,把小草当作_____来写。 2、用横线标出文中的中心句。 3、组词: 拔()挺()魔()值() 拨()庭()磨()直() 二、______________________________ 小河爱清洁,每天把身体冲洗得透明发亮,蓝天、白云、远山、近树,清澈地倒映在她的胸中。 小河爱热闹,风儿向她诉说,雨点伴她歌唱,鱼儿、虾儿,活泼地跳跃在她的怀里。 小河爱旅行,从高山到平原,从小溪到大海,把一切抛在身后,跳跳蹦蹦地一路向前不回头。 1、短文共有_____个自然段,主要介绍了小河爱________、______ 和_______ 2、小河里倒映着_______、_______、_______和________,小河流过_______、________、________,最后流入__________。 3、请给短文取一个合适的题目,写在短文开头的横线上。

【部编语文】二年级部编语文阅读理解技巧 阅读训练策略及练习题(含答案)及解析

【部编语文】二年级部编语文阅读理解技巧阅读训练策略及练习题 (含答案)及解析 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 篓子里的青虫 蝴蝶在大白菜上产了一堆卵。后来这些卵变成了一条条小青虫。 小青虫吃菜叶,渐渐长大了。大白菜却被咬得满身小孔。鸡妈妈带着小鸡到菜地捉虫来了。青虫太多了,鸡妈妈一家不停地吃着。 有只小黄鸡越吃越有滋味,心想:“我逮它一大批,藏起来以后吃。”于是,它逮了好多好多青虫,放进一只篓子里。 过了一段时间,小黄鸡想:我该美美地吃一顿了。 它刚把篓子打开,只见一大群蝴蝶飞出来。小黄鸡吓了一跳,连篓子也碰翻了。翻倒的篓子里滚出好多空壳,别的什么也没有。 小青虫呢?它们到哪儿去了?小黄鸡呆住了。 (1)读了短文,我知道小青虫是________(益虫/害虫)。 (2)找出描写小黄鸡心理活动的句子,我们从中可以体会到它________的特点。 ①贪心②目光长远③贪吃 (3)篓子里的那些小青虫没有了,原因是() A. 它们跑掉了 B. 它们变成了蝴蝶 C. 它们被别的小鸡吃掉了 【答案】(1)害虫 (2)我逮它一大批,藏起来以后吃。② (3)B 【解析】 2.读一读,做一做。小马过河(节选) 妈妈亲切地对小马说___孩子___光听别人说___自己不动脑筋___不去试试___是不行的___河水是深是浅___你去试一试就知道了___ (1)在选段横线处加上合适的标点符号。妈妈亲切地对小马说________孩子________光听别人说________自己不动脑筋________不去试试________是不行的________河水是深是浅________你去试一试就知道了________ (2)你怎样理解选段中小马妈妈对小马说的话?() A. 别人说的都对。 B. 什么事都要自己去尝试,别人的话不可信。 C. 不要听了别人的话就信以为真,要自己认真思考,亲自去尝试。 【答案】(1):“;,;,;,;,;。;,;。” (2)C 【解析】


Text A There are some earth phenomena you can count on, but the magnetic field, someday is not of them. It fluctuates in strength, drifts from its axis, and every few 100,000 years undergo, dramatic polarity reversal—a period when north pole beco mes south pole and south pole becomes north pole. But how is the field generated , and why is it so unstable? Groundbreaking research by two French geophysicists promises to shed some light on the mystery. Using 80 meters of deep sea sediment core, they have obtained me asurements of magneticfield intensity that span 11 polarity reversals and four million years. The analysis reveals that intensity appears to fluctuate with a clear, welldefined rhythm. Although the strength of the magnetic field varies irregularly during the short term, there seems to be an inevitable long term dec line preceding each polarity reversal. When the poles flip—a process that takes several hundred thousand years—the magnetic field rapidly regains its strength and the cycle is repeated. The results have caused a stir among geophysicists. The magnetic field is though t to originate from molten iron in the outer core,3,000 kilometers beneath the e arth’s surface. By studying mineral grains found in material ranging from rocks to clay articles, previous researchers have already been able to identify revers als dating back 170 million years, including the most recent switch 730,000 year s ago. How and why they occur, however, has been widely debated. Several theorie s link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts. But Peter Ol son, a geophysicist at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, says this is u nlikely if the French researchers are right. In fact, Olson says intensity that predictably declines from one reversal to the next contradicts 90 percent of the models currently under study. If the results prove to be valid geophysicists wi ll have a new theory to guide them in their quest to understand the earth’s inne r physics. It certainly points the direction for future research. 1. Which of the following titles is most appropriate to the passage? A. Polarity Reversal: A Fantastic Phenomenon of Nature. B. Measurement of the Earth’s MagneticField Intensity. C. Formation of the Two Poles of the Earth. D. A New Approach to the study of Geophysics. 2. What have the two French geophysicists discovered in their research? A. Some regularity in the changes of the earth’s magnetic field. B. Some causes of the fluctuation of the earth’s magnetic field. C. The origin of the earth’s magnetic field. D. The frequency of polarity reversals. 3. The French geophysicists’ study is different from currently prevailing theories in _____. A. its identification of the origin of the earth’s magnetic field


第一讲:阅读 姓名 阅读一 我家乡有一个美丽的湖,名叫天鹅湖。据说许多年以前,曾经有一群天鹅在这里栖息生活。因此而得(dé de)名。 湖呈圆形,湖水清可见底,碧绿发亮。湖的四周有茂密的树木。其中最引人注目的是垂(chuí chuī)柳,在微风的吹(cuī chuī)动下,柳条迎风起舞。湖水映衬出柳姑娘的身影十分秀美。树下是一片嫩(nèn n ùn)绿的草地,草地上开着红的、黄的、蓝的小花。湖面上有一座美丽的小桥,把天鹅湖打扮得更加美丽。 哦,天鹅湖,故乡的湖,我爱你! (1)给短文加个题目。 (2)概括出第一自然段写了什么内容。 (3)段2中哪个词语能说明湖水很清? (4)第二自然段先写了湖水______、_______再写湖的四周有_______,接着写树下有______和_______,最后写湖上有________。 (5)填上合适的词。()的湖水()的树木()的草地()的小桥 (6)划去短文中画线字不正确读音。 (7)选择正确答案,打上"√" 1短文主要讲了天鹅湖的美丽景色() 2短文主要讲了家乡的天鹅湖里都有什么。()

3短文主要讲了天鹅湖四周的景色。() 阅读二: 2 时光老人和流浪汉 一个流浪汉呜呜地哭着。时光老人问:"你是谁?为什么哭?"流浪汉说我少年时代玩玻璃球青年时代玩纸牌中年时代打麻将家产都败光啦如今我一无所有我真后悔呀老时光老师师看他哭得可怜,试探地问:"假如你能返老还童……" "返老还童?"流浪汉抬头将老人打量一番,"扑通"一声跪下,苦苦哀求,"假如再给我一个青春,我一定从头学起,做一个勤奋好学的人!""好吧!"时光老人说完便消失了。 惊呆了的流浪汉低头一看,自己已变成一个十来岁的少年,肩上还背着书包呢。他想起自己刚才说的话,便向熟悉的一所小学走去。路上,看到几个孩子正在玩玻璃球,他就觉得手痒了,也挤进去玩了起来。他仍然按老样子生活,玩纸牌,打麻将……到了老年,他又懊悔地哭了起来。 正巧又碰到时光老人。他"扑通"一声跪下,乞(qǐ)求时光老人再给他一个青春。"我做了一件蠢(chǔn)事!"时光老人冷笑着:"给你再多的青春,你也不会得到真正的生命。" 1、用"√"选出带点字正确的读音。(4分)返老还童(huán hái)打量(liàng liáng)背着书包(bēi bèi)勤奋(qin qing) 2、给第1自然段中缺少标点符号的地方加上标点符号。 3、给下列词语写出近义词(4分)消失()哀求() 4、"笑"有许多种,请你再写出几种不同的"笑"来。例如:冷笑_______________________________ 5、联系上下文,理解下列词语的意思(6分) 懊悔(àohui ): _______________________________ 返老还童:_________________________________ 6、仔细阅读短文,回答问题。 7、①想一想时光老人为什么说"我做了一件蠢事,刚开始流浪汉哀求时光


小学二年级阅读训练题 读短文,按要求作答: (一) 动物的尾巴各有各的用处。鱼的尾巴像船上的舵,鱼儿游动时,靠尾巴掌握前进的方向。牛的尾巴好比一条长鞭子,夏天用尾巴赶走叮在背上的苍蝇和蚊子。 1、这段话主要讲了。 2、鱼尾巴的用处是。 3、牛尾巴的用处是。 (二) 蚂蚁整天辛勤的劳动,没有一个偷懒的。它们很团结,见了面就相互摇着触角打招呼。我很喜欢它们,有时候捉虫子给它们吃。 1、这段话中的“它们”指的是。 2、“我”喜欢它们的原因:一是它们;二是它们; 3、“我”喜欢它们表现在:。 (四) 春天的田野真美啊!柳树发芽了。桃树开了花。青青的小草悄悄地从泥土里钻出来,地上像插遍了密密的松针。金黄的油菜花,引得蜜蜂来回地飞舞。 1、这段话主要写了的景色。 2、这段话中表示颜色的词有、。 3、把这段话中比喻的句子画出来。 (五)猫头鹰 猫头鹰的面部像猫,身子像老鹰,所以人们叫它“猫头鹰”。猫头鹰的眼睛同别的鸟儿不同,是长在正前方的。白天,它常常站在树枝上闭目养神,可是,

到了夜晚,它就像一名哨兵,睁(zhēng)着两只闪闪发光的大眼睛,注视着田野。猫头鹰的耳朵也很特别,耳孔很大,周围排列着很长的羽毛,好像一对竖起的猫耳朵。它的听觉很灵,哪怕一点轻微的声音,它都能听见。 1、这段话共有句。 2、用“——”画出猫头鹰的耳朵很特别的句子。 3、因为猫头鹰(),所以人们叫它“猫头鹰”。 4、用部首查字法查字典: “轻微”的“微”:查()部,总的笔画数是画,在短文中的意思为(①小,细小;②低下;③精深;④主单位的百万分之一)“注视”的“注”:查()部,总的笔画数是画,在短文中的意思为(①灌(guan)进去;②集中在一点;③记载,登记) (六)() 秋天,公园里可美了,各种各样的菊花都开了。有红的,有黄的,有白的,还有紫的,漂亮极了。桂花也开了,小小的,黄黄的,还发出一阵阵香味儿。 l、请你给短文加个题目。 2、秋天到了,公园里的()和()都开了。 3.菊花的颜色有()、()、()、()。 4、桂花是什么样子? 5、这段话共有()句,主要是围绕第()句来写的。 (7) 可爱的小花猫我家有一只小花猫。花猫的一双小耳朵直竖着,一双眼睛圆溜溜的。它的嘴边有八根胡子,又细又长又硬,我知道那是用来量老鼠洞口大小的。小花猫全身长满了黄一道,黑一道的花纹。只有四个爪子是白色的,上面长着五个像鱼钩一样的小爪,走起路来没有一点声音。它还有一条长长的尾巴,总是来回摆动。白天□小花猫总是爱睡觉□嘴里还不停地打呼噜(lu)□一到晚上,它就这儿走走□那儿看看□好像在侦(zhēn)察老鼠的活动□我非常喜欢


四年级阅读训练含答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

告诉妈妈,我爱她 连续三个星期,约翰一直忙着拜访客户。母亲节快到了,过去他总要在这一天回到母亲身边,向她送上(衷心忠心)的祝福,但是今年他实在太累了。一天,他驱车路过一家花店时,心想:“给妈妈送上几枝玫瑰(guī gui)不就行了”他大步流星地走进那家小小的花店,只见一个小男孩问店主:“阿姨,6美元能买多少玫瑰”店主对他说:“玫瑰价格太高,不如买康乃馨。” □不□我就要玫瑰□他说□妈妈去年得了一场大病□我却没能在她床前尽孝□所以□我希望选个不同寻常的礼物□看来玫瑰最合适□因为那是她最喜欢的花□男孩态度坚决□ 店主抬眼瞧了一下约翰,继而无奈地摇摇头。可是,男孩的话打动了约翰心灵深处的某种东西。他看着店主,用口形默示他愿意替男孩付清玫瑰花的钱。这下店主放心了,她注视着男孩说:“得,你的6美元能买一打玫瑰。”男孩听罢高兴得差点跳起来。他接过玫瑰直奔(bèn bēn)店外,却不知道约翰为他垫付了35美元。看到男孩如愿以偿,约翰心里同样甜滋滋的。 约翰也在这家花店为妈妈订了鲜花,并再三嘱咐店主送花时务必附上一张纸条,告诉妈妈他是多么爱她。之后他乐呵呵地离开了花店。在距花店大约两个街区的地方,他遇到了红灯。这时,他看到男孩正沿着人行道向前疾走,最终跨过马路从两扇大门进了一座公园——不!突然,他意识到那不是公园,而是公墓。 约翰心血来潮□把车停在路边□开始步行顺着篱笆追赶男孩□他跟男孩只差30步□男孩在一座墓碑前停下□跪在地上□小心翼翼地把玫瑰花摆好□接着便抽泣不止□男孩边哭边说□妈妈呀□妈妈□,我真后悔□没告诉你我是怎样爱你□上帝啊□请你找到我妈妈□对她说我爱她□ 约翰转过身,泪水像涌泉一般流出眼眶。他返回汽车,快速赶回花店,告诉店主他将亲自把鲜花送给母亲。 1、划去括号中不恰当的字或音节。 2、在□中填上合适的标点符号。 2、联系上下文,解释下列词语的意思。 如愿以偿:


2011年记叙文阅读二 偷父 刘心武 我到家已临近午夜,进门后按亮厅里的灯,立刻感觉到不对劲儿,难道……我快步走到各处,一一按亮灯,到卫生间一仰头,心就猛地往下一沉——浴盆上面那扇透气窗被撬开了!这时,忽然听见卧室床下有动静。我左手从衣兜掏出手机,准备拨110报警,右手操起窗帘叉子,朝床下喊:“出来!放下手里的东西!只要你不伤人,咱们好商量!” 一个瘦小的少年从床底下爬出来了,剃着光头,穿一件黑底子的T 恤。我用窗帘叉指着他:“你偷了些什么?把东西掏出来!” (1)他把两手伸进裤兜,麻利地将兜翻掏出来,又把手摊开 说:“啥也没拿啊!” 他那一副“久经沙场”、处变不惊的模样,倒弄得我哭笑不得。我命令他跟我来到门厅里,开始询问。 他今年14岁,家在离我们这个城市很远的地方。他只上到小学三年级就辍学了,一年前开始了流浪生活,现在靠结伙偷窃为生。 我望着这个瘦骨嶙峋、满脸大汗的少年,问他:“饿吧?”他眯眼看我,仿佛我是个怪物。我为他泡了一碗方便面,端到他面前。 我决心放他去,对他说:“我的话你未必肯听,但是我还是要跟你说,不要再干这种违法的事,你应该走正路。”他点头。 我给他开门时,他居然说:“我还不想走。” 我大吃一惊:“为什么?” 他回答的声音很小,我听来却像一声惊雷:“我爸在床底下呢……” 天哪!原来还有个大活人在卧室床底下。我慌忙将窗帘叉抢到手里,准备拨110。这工夫,那少年却已经转身进了卧室,麻利地爬进了床底下。我惊魂未定,他却又爬了出来,回到了门厅。我这才看清,他手里捧着一幅油画。我正想嚷,他对我说:(2)“我要……我要我爸……求您了。” 那幅油画,是我临摹凡·高的自画像,这幅自画像里,人物显得特别憔悴,眼神饱含忧郁,胡子拉碴的。 少年告诉我,他负责踩点的时候,从我家窗外隔着铁栅看见了这幅画,一看就觉得是他爸,总想偷走它。今天,他好不容易钻了进来,取下这幅画,偏巧我回来了…… 我细问他:“你爸现在在哪儿呢?你妈妈呢?” 他执拗地告诉我,他没有妈。他妈在他还不记事的时候,嫌他爸穷,跟别人跑了。他记得他爸,那扎人的胡子茬儿,那熏鼻子的汗味加烟味加酒味……不记得是哪一天,忽然说他们那村外地底下有黑金子,


阅读专项训练(二) 好沉的一抔土 石英 ①在这里,旧的皇历是更不是了。 ②原本我以为,黄河口的土是粗糙的、贫瘠的。因为在我幼小时,大人们就告诉我:那是个盐碱沙荒、十年九不收的地方。 ③但当我实地来到这黄河入海处,亲眼领略了它的豪迈气势和不凡的资质后,我便意外地发现:这里不仅地阔,而且土肥,攥在手里,酥细得像润了油,却又不腻而匀和;凑近鼻沟下一闻,别有一种清香。以我年轻时在老家从事农桑的经验,这样的土质,任管种蔬菜还是种庄稼都是很理想的。 ④果然,在后首那块干松的地段,好一片秋禾!风过时,高粱擎起硕大的锣鼓槌相互撞击,没有敲出多大的声响,却惊起一对翠蓝色的珍鸟从深处腾出,在半空里飞旋两遭,没有树枝可依,又飘落在旁边的一片谷地,立在穗上颤颤悠悠,像一双新婚伉俪相对荡着秋千。那千支万条谷穗的金笔,在漫野里尽情描绘秋熟的图景。 ⑤再往前,更接近河口的一片土地,许是刚冲积成不久,还没有好好利用。如此潮润的沃土,瞅着都会口舌生津,谅也不会长时被闲置的。 ⑥我是个庄户底儿,颇有些“爱土成性”,走着走着,禁不住又珍惜地捧起一抔土来,觉得好沉重,真的——比一般的土要有分量。“你的手感不一样吧?”我们的老向导、四十年的治黄专家王总工程师看出来了,接着他以充满诗意的幽默口吻向我解释,“这土确实有点特殊:黄河口虽说在山东,这里的泥沙却不全姓鲁,它们有的姓甘,有的姓秦,有的姓晋,有的姓豫,大都是外来户。你手里攥着九个省区呢,怎能不重?” ⑦我始而以为他是在开玩笑,再一琢磨,或许还真有道理,但究竟是科学上的依据,还是哲理上的深远含义?科学上的道理,土质的某种特殊性,还有待请教;引我深思的倒是他所说的“攥着九个省区”这句话,确实是够有分量的,其中不但有地理上的广阔,更有历史的重负,大河不舍昼夜滔滔奔流,融雪纳雨,诸种情味,羼和着千年万载艰辛的汗珠。经过漫长历史淘滤,轻浮的、劣质的分子被冲出河口,混杂于海水中;能够落下来的便执著地痴恋于河口,不肯随波逐流。这些分子多是精华,它们当然最凝重。 ⑧这土,攥在手里是无声的,我却觉得它储留、凝结着我们这个民族苦难和奋起的回声。太遥远的且不说,七十多年前,就有黄泛区百姓流离失所啼饥号寒的哭泣,更有1947年6月30日刘邓大军强渡黄河的雄浑声浪…… ⑨我更深深感悟到:我手里攥着的不是一抔普通的土,一时竟合不得扔弃它——它值得我珍惜并作为一种精神的动力。这时我不仅觉得它的分量沉重,而且攥得好苦! ⑩但不论是何种滋味,过去的毕竟已成为过去。现在,我闻到的是风赠秋熟的醇香;眼前,是驰向海口的两栖机动勘测船。王总兴致勃勃地向我透露:三年以内就将结束这里“有水无航, 班级 座号 姓名


二年级下册阅读练习题20篇 我会阅读短文,回答问题。 我们校园里四季有花。夏天,朵朵太阳花像小蝴蝶似的开放在枝头。秋天,菊花盛开。冬天,梅花怒放。到了明媚的春天,百花齐放,满园春色。尤其是映山红,红艳艳的一片,令人喜爱。 1.这段一共有()句话,写了()、()、()、()这几种花,文章围绕()这句话写的。 2.用“——”画出一句比喻句。 3.找出你喜欢的好词好句。 好词:、、 好句: 1、塑料袋的自述 我是一个被人丢弃的塑料袋,在空中已经飞了好多天了。 我漫无目的地飘呀飘,时而东时而西,时而高时而低。突然,我在一个高坎上被绊了一下。哦,原来是个又脏又破的塑料饭盒。 “喂!饭盒小弟,你怎么呆在这儿呢?”我问。 “唉,昨天中午,一个小青年到饭店买吃的,我高兴地装满了饭菜。谁知,他扒了几口,嫌味道不好,就把我扔到这儿了。这不,风伯伯正准备送我启程哩。”风儿把塑料盒刮到了高坎下边。 几天的奔跑,我实在是筋疲力尽,正当我有力无气地飘落在地上时,突然听到了伤心的抽泣声,侧耳细听,原来是土壤姐姐。 土壤姐姐你怎么了我问

土壤姐姐看了我一眼说都怪你 我莫名其妙,不知道怎么得罪了土壤姐姐。 土壤姐姐伤心地说:“你们塑料家族的姐妹们,一年又一年,湿而不腐,干也不烂,我的身体都让你们给弄坏了。”说完,又呜呜地哭了。 听了土壤姐姐的哭诉,我也挺伤心:这能怪我们塑料家族吗? 1、拼一拼,写一写。 jīn pílìjìn yǒu qìwúlìmòmíng qímiào chōu qì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2、请给下面的句子加上合适的标点符号。 ⑴土壤姐姐你怎么了我问 ⑵土壤姐姐看了我一眼说都怪你 3、土壤姐姐哭泣的原因是。 4、听了土壤姐姐的哭诉,塑料袋挺伤心。这能简单地怪塑料家族吗?你觉得应该怪谁呢? 2、我是一只快乐的小鸟 爸爸是树干,妈妈是枝叶,我是树上的小鸟。树干支撑着我,树叶为我挡风雨。烈日当空,我不怕,浓密的枝叶遮住骄阳;寒风袭来,我不怕,庞大的树干托着我温暖的巢。我为枝叶欢唱,我为树叶舞蹈,我是一只快乐的小鸟。 1、在“()”里填上适当的词语。 ()的小鸟()的枝叶()


人教二年级下册语文试题课外阅读训练带答案解析(1) 一、部编版二年级下册语文课外阅读理解 1.现代文阅读 有一只小鹿得了病。病好了,他的角却变成了灰色。他很伤心。这天,他在草丛里睡着了。两只小黄鸟落在了他的角上,用树枝和干草搭(dā)窝。等灰角鹿醒来时,一个漂亮的鸟窝已经在他的角上搭好了。灰角鹿想:小鸟搭一个窝多不容易啊,我走路得小心点儿。 有一天,灰角鹿听到头上有叫声,原来鸟妈妈孵(fū)出了一只小鸟。下雨了,灰角鹿躲到树下,不让雨淋着小乌;天晴了,灰角鹿站到暖暖的阳光里,让小鸟晒太阳。 小鸟长大了,三只鸟叼(diāo)来了许多柳枝和喇叭花,放在灰角鹿的头上。灰角鹿的灰角变成了“花角”,漂亮极了。 (1)小鹿因为(),角变成了灰色。 A.受伤 B.生病 C.淋雨 (2)“两只小黄鸟用______和_________在灰角鹿的角上搭了窝。”根据短文内容,横线上应填()。 A.树枝鲜花 B.树枝干草 C.鲜花干草 (3)两只小黄鸟在鹿角上搭窝的原因,最可能是()。 A.两只小黄鸟把鹿角当成了树枝 B.两只小黄鸟不喜欢灰角鹿 C.鹿让两只小黄鸟把鹿角当成树搭窝 (4)灰角鹿的灰角是怎么变成“花角”的? (5)你喜欢灰角鹿吗?为什么? 解析:(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)小鸟长大了,三只鸟叼来了许多柳枝和喇叭花,放在灰角鹿的头上。 (5)我喜欢灰角鹿。因为他很善良,他能容忍小鸟在他的角上搭窝,而且他还帮小 鸟躲雨和让小鸟晒太阳,处处为小鸟着想,所以我喜欢他。 【解析】 2.读一读,做一做。 乌鸦反哺 乌鸦不仅聪明,而且很孝顺父母。 乌鸦小时候,都是由他的爸爸妈妈飞出去找食,然后回来一口一口喂给他吃。渐渐地,小乌鸦长大了,乌鸦的爸爸妈妈也老了,飞不动了,不能出去找食了。这时,长大的乌鸦没有忘记爸爸妈妈的哺育之恩,也学着他们的样儿,天天飞出去给他们找吃的。不管是“呼


阅读训练二 Teenager Jake Deham was skiing(滑雪) with his family in the USA when he fell over and lost one of his skis. His family didn’t know that he had a problem. They kept on skiing. When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was no sign of Jake. Jake couldn’t find his ski anywhere. In the end, he decided to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain. But he couldn’t work out the right way to go. It was now getting dark and he was a long way from any place of safety. He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures. But Jake kept calm(镇定). At home, Jake watched a lot of programmes about living in difficult situations. He remembered the advice from these programmes and knew that he should build a hole in the snow. He made a hole and pointed it up the hill so the wind couldn’t blow into i t. Outside his hole, the temperature fell to a dangerous-15℃that night, but inside it Jake was safe from the cold. But he had to get down the mountain. The TV programmes always said,“ If you are lost, you should find so meone else’ s tracks(足迹) through the snow and follow them.” “I wanted to live my life.” remembers Jake.“So I got up and I found some ski tracks and I followed those.” He walked and walked and finally he saw lights. Nine hours after he lost his ski, he found a team of worker who came to save him. He was safe! His mum was very happy when she heard the news. Amazingly, Jake didn’t even have to go to hospital. He got through the terrible experience without any injuries. So, the next time someone says that watching TV is a waste of time, think of Jake. Sometimes TV can save your life! 1. Jake’s parents didn’t know that he was missing until. A. they reached the foot of the mountain B. they began to ski down the mountain C. a team of workers found Jake D. Jake lost on of his skis 2. What was the most important decision Jake made for his safety? A. To go skiing with his family in the USA. B. To search for the ski that he had lost in the snow. C. To take off his other ski and walk down the mountain. D. To build a hole in the snow to keep himself warm. 3. How did Jake get down the mountain the next morning? A. He followed his parents. B. He followed the workers. C. He followed some ski tracks. D. He followed some light. 4. What was the correct order in which these events happened? a. Jake made a hole in the snow. b. Jake lost one of his skis. c. Jake finally saw lights. d. He followed some lights. A. d-b-a-c B. a-b-c-d C. b-a-d-c D. c-b-a-d 5. Facing the difficulties, Jake Denham was . A. polite and hardworking B. calm and clever C. outgoing and helpful D. warm and friendly Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, close to 50 percent of people are shy. Almost 80 percent of people feel shy at some point in t heir lives. These days, shyness is becoming more and more common. Now, scienti sts are trying to understand shyness.


二年级阅读专项训练 班级姓名 一、乌鸦兄弟 乌鸦兄弟俩同住在一个窝里。 有一天,窝破了一个洞。大乌鸦想:“老二会去修的。”小乌鸦想:“老大会去修的。”结果谁也没去修。后来洞越来越大了。 大乌鸦想:“这一下老二一定会去修了,难道窝这样破了,它还能住吗?”小乌鸦想:“这一下老大一定会去修了,难道窝这样破了,它还能住吗?”结果又是谁也没有去修。 一直到了寒冷的冬天,西北风呼呼地刮着,大雪纷纷地飘落。乌鸦兄弟俩都蜷缩在破窝里,哆嗦地叫着:“冷啊!冷啊!” 大乌鸦想:“这样冷的天气,老二一定耐不住,它会去修了。”小乌鸦想:“这样冷的天气,老大还耐得住吗?它一定会去修了。”可是谁也没有动手,只是把身子蜷缩得更紧些。 风越刮越凶,雪越下越大。 结果,窝被风吹到地上,两只乌鸦都冻僵了。 1、短文共有()个自然段,第三自然段有()句话。 一开始,这个洞大吗? 2、为什么兄弟俩都不修补? 3、由于都不修补它们窝的破洞,最终兄弟俩 4、请找出文中描写寒冷冬天的句子,用“——”标出来。

二、春天的田野 春天的田野真美啊!柳树发芽了。桃树开了花。青青的小草悄悄地从泥土里钻出来,地上像插遍了密密的松针。金黄的油菜花,引得蜜蜂来回地飞舞。 1、这段话共有()句。主要写了的景色。 2、这段话中表示颜色的词有、。 3、把这段话中比喻的句子勾出来。 三动物的尾巴 动物的尾巴各有各的用处。鱼的尾巴像船上的舵,鱼儿游动时,靠尾巴掌握前进的方向。牛的尾巴好比一条长鞭子,夏天用尾巴赶走叮在背上的苍蝇和蚊子。 1、这段话共有()句,主要讲了。 2、鱼尾巴的用处是。 3、牛尾巴的用处是。

四、小溪流又唱了 小溪流生活在山脚下,绿绿的青山怀抱着它潺潺的泉水喂养着它。清澈的溪水映出了红花与绿草,映出了蓝天白云。 细雨轻轻落下,小溪流欢乐地唱起歌来,它唱道:“细雨哥哥谢谢你!你给了我许多新朋友!”小溪流不停地向前“走”。“呀!多动听的歌声呀!”有个小女孩高兴地说道。 小溪流听了自然非常得意,心里想:既然我的音色如此动听,那我为什么不多留一会呢?从此,她不再唱了,她那非常纯洁清澈的“身体”已经开始浑浊了。 细雨哥哥劝他说:“小溪流啊!只有前进,才会有更加清澈的流水、动听的歌声!”小溪流,你唱了,唱了!你又唱了!你唱到:“啊--我是一条小溪流,潺潺的泉水喂养了我,我又映出了红花与绿草,映出了蓝天与白云!” “小溪流的歌声多动听!小溪流歌声美,人见人又爱,小溪流歌声棒,人人都想听……”小朋友们不停地唱着、跳着!为小溪流而欢呼! 1、在文中找出下列词语的反义词。
