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专练二十三 完成句子(状语从句)


1.M r Wu seldom visits my house., I’ll let you know.(once)


2.I think that you are younger(比你看上去).(look)


3.,he can’t lift the heavy stone.(as)


4.,you should bear your motherland in your mind.(go)


5.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary

to f ind and correct our m is takes.(that)


6.All people,,have been trying their best to help those in need since the di saster.(w hether)


7.Leave your key w ith a neighbor

one day.(case)


8.He wandered to the riverside.(know)


9.Tom was riding along the street

running fast tow ards him.(see)


10.,I won’t leave m y po sition.(m atter)


11.Tw o f ire engines arrived.(beak)


12.This is a very interesting book.I’ll buy it,



13.She is everybody likes her.(clever)


14.Would you please put the book?(belong)


15.,you’ll have a better understanding of it.(go)


16.You can’t expect to play tennis

at your age.(as)


17.,w e’re sure to w in the gam e.(provide)


18.He got dow n the nam e on a piece of pa per.(fear)


19.S uch know ledge is still useful

to similar situations in other countries.(when)当应用于其他国家的类似情形时,这些知识仍然有用。

20.B e caref ul!The machine starts

the button.(mom ent)




10.It didn’t matter that

11.w hen he can get here.

12.Where do you think w e should

13.w ho it is

14.w hy you had a few days off

15.It is known to all that

16.w hen and where the fight happened

17.w hat m y hometown w ill be/look like

18.Whateve r one has planned/Whatever has been planned

19.that house prices w ill fall

20.What delighted the fans/made the f ans de lighted


1.Once he comes

2.than you look

3.Strong as he is

4.Wherever/No m atter w here you go

5.in that it helps us

6.whether they are poor or rich

7.in case you lock yourself out

8.bef ore he knew it

9.when(suddenly)he saw a car

10.No matter what happens

11.shortly af ter the fire broke out/soon after the f ire broke out

12.however much it m ay cost

13.so clever a girl that/such a clever girl that

14.w here it belongs

15.As tim e goes by

16.as w ell as him/he does

17.Provided(that)w e get support f rom them

18.f or f ear(that)he m ight forget it.

19.w hen(it is)applied

20.the mom ent you press


1.who know s Russian(=knowing Russian)

2.who are fond of pop music(=fond of pop music)

3.at the back of which

4.the roof of which is red/of w hich the roof is red/whose roof is red

5.(that)they still rem embered

6.As is know n to all

7.as I am using now

8.that the teacher had asked m e

9.the f irst of which I liked best

10.Who that you have ever seen

11.the w ay(that/in w hich)he speaks to his teacher

12.(that)you can think of

13.why/f or w hich you are in favor of my opin ion

14.the one(that)you lived

15.w hom she could turn for help

16.as w ill make them clever

17.w ithout which w e could not live

18.in which/w here I grew up

19.w hich(the)teachers attach/have attached

20.As has been stressed/As w e have stressed


1.The sooner,the better

2.So cautious about the conclusion was

3.Hardly had I seen

4.Was it not until yo ur m other returned/cam e back home

5.nor has he heard of her

6.The more he flatters me

7.If(there is)any

8.when she w as about to leave

9.What(am I going to do)if he gets angry

10.M uch as I like you

11.How come he cheated you

12.Where w as it

13.as if(he w ere)searching f or something

14.but I don’t w ant to(participate in it)

15.S usan did know all about it

16.have they played

17.that determ ine

18.can w e solve/are w e able to solve

19.did she find

20.There is/will be no need to


1.I did so

2.So she did

3.It was the same w ith Engels/The sam e was true of Engels(=So it w as with Engels)

4.what a pen is to a writer/an author

5.no more can I

6.To his f ather’s anger

7.That is to say

8.not a little tired/exhausted

9.let/leave alone support his fam ily

10.B elieve it or not

11.her f ace buried in her hands

12.cannot be too caref ul

13.m ore than I can stand/bear/tolerate

14.you m ay/m ight as well

15.as f ar as you’re concerned

16.Gaddaf i is reported to

17.have/get your car washed

18.It cost me

19.f ound it/f ound(that)it w as

20.It(suddenly)occurred to him

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