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的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,女口tom OrroW , the day after tom OrK)W , nextyear; nextm Onih, nextweek,

h 100 years 等。

be gohg to do 结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如I:ItiS going to Iah.w illdo 结构表示将来的用法:1.表示预见

D 0 you Ihhk itw Llllah?

YOUW IIlfeelbetteraftera good IeSt?表示意图

I WiiIborroW a book fiυm OUrSChOOI?raιy

IOnI OrroW .W hatw Ulshe do tom Orrυw ?


W iU+ 主语+do?? W illS aιah COm e to ViSitnI e next

S unday?Ihere be 结构的一般疑问句:W ill there +

be ??W Hlthere be few er tees? Y es, Ihere W ill /N o,

IheIE W On,t 否定句构成:W ill+ not + do

S arah W OrI , tCOnI e to ViSitln e nextSunday?特殊疑问句构成:

特殊疑问词+ W i∏ + 主语 + ?? W hatw HlSaiah do

nextS unday?



例:IdOrI,tfeelw elltoday.

1. G Jha has Sk ChSSeS today.

答案: 1. She, H have a bt OfhOnIeWOlktonight?

I, IISleeP Iater

3. They ,IlbUy One soon.. W e , Hfeave a IittIe


5. M aybe it , Hbe better tom OrroW ?

ShOUld 的用法:

ShOUld 用来提岀建议和忠告,后边加动词原形,否定

句直接在ShOUId 后边加not 例如:Ilhilk you should eat

IeSS jink 我认为你应该少吃垃圾食品。

S he ClriVeS a IOtand She SeidOm W aks? S o Ithhk

She ShOUId Waka bt 她经常开车,很少走路。所以我认

为她应该多走路。S tudents ShOUidn ,tSPend too m UCh tm e Phyhg COnI PUtergaIn es. 学生们不应当花太多的时间

玩计算机游戏。学习向别人提建议的几种句式:I ?hk

you ShOUH? W ell, you COUH? M aybe you ShOUld ? Why don,

tyou??Whataboutdoing Sth??YOU d better do Sth?

★ ★练一练六六用ShOUH或ShOUIdn ' t填空

1.ICan ,tSleeP Ihe n?htbefc>ιe exam s.

Y OU ___________ take a W aim ShOW erbefore you go to bed..

G OOd ?nds___________ argue each Olher

3. There is Me Inikh Ihe glass? W e ___________________

buy SOln e.. They Cliln ,t hvite you? M aybe you ____________________

be fi?ndfer

5. IanI a Me b Itoverweigh t S o Ithhk I

_________ do exercises eveιy day?

答案:1? ShOUld? ShOUldn ' t ShOUld? ShOUld? ShOUld 过去进行时


过去某一段时间内一直进行的动作。 1.构成

w as ∕v ere + dohg ,例女口:

IW as WatChtIg 是时间点


ato , CbCk last night, Ihfe tin e yesterday 等。例女口:I W as having IlnCh athom e IhiS tin e yesteιday.


Atlhattin e She W as Writihg a book ?




1.ThiS tin e yesterday I____________________ boOkS?

2.A to, CbCk IaStSUnday Ihey _______________________ a

Party ?

3.W hen I ________ into Ihe ChSSIoOm , She _______________

________ a StolybOOk?

4? She ______________________ C Om PUtergam es WhiIe herm Olher

: 1? W as

yesteιday afternoon..I a ShOW erw hen you In e yesterday?答案

Ieadhg ? W ere having ? CanI e ; WaS reading

4? W as Phyhg ; W as COOkhg

5. W as having ; CaIled





要考虑时间状语、地点状语和语示代词的变化。 1.



用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. She Said I

______ hand j w Olkhg?

2.PelertDId m e he ___________ b ored yesterday.. She

Said She ____________ S WinIn Tlg IaSt SUnday.. BObby Sail he

CaIL m e later? Antonb fold m e he a book Ihen?答案:1. WaS?W as?W ent. m ?ht 请转述他人说的话:

1. Igo to Ihe beach eveιy Satuιday.. ICarI SPeak

Ihree hnguages.. IW iHcallyou tom OrroW ?

4? I, m havhg a SUlPriSe Party forLana?

5. W as readhg



例如:IfyOU ask hin , he W Illhe? you.如果你请


Ifneed be, W e ' IlW Olk alln?ht如果需要,我们





我们将不去野餐。If ? IDnI OrroW, W e

Ihe party, you ??女口果明天下雨,

______________ ..如果你经常听英文歌,你将会喜欢英语的。

IfyOU Often _____________ , you ___________________________ ?答案:

1. IfyOU go ID Ihe party, you W illhave a good

t? e. IfitlahS tom OrroW , w e w on' tgo to Ihe PrniC

3.IfyOU Often IiSten to EngIiSh songs, you ,

IL?e EngIiSh











JaCk W anted to ask for 1w o days ofξ he had on?r

Ieamtlhe PhraSe "have a day Off '' .He, Ihen he had

an idea. ''G IandnI o?ιer is ill M ay IhaVe a day oflξ '' he

asked the teacher "O fcourse, you can. '' rep]?d Ihe Ieacheratonce. Aftera while, Ihe boy CanI e ID4atthe

teacher,S door “M ay IhaVe a day Off ? ” The teacher

W as VeIy SUrPl?ed,"Diln,t you it jιst now?” “Yes,

sin EUt I Can,t be here , either ” The teacher UnderStoOd hin and COUld nothe?)?Then he Sail W ?h a SnI ?, “W hy didn ? tyou Say ' M ay IhaVe IWo days off? ,” The boy answered qurk]y a bud Vo込e. U BUt

you On^ US " have a day off! ' ” 1.A. bulB ? andC ?

OiD ? fcr A ? IhOUghthaid^ B ? IhOUghthaid and hand

4? A? Strike E ? best? A ? also B ? agah6? A? SPeak B ? tell? A? tom OrroW

B ? Ihe day after tom OrroW

C ?yesteιday

D ?Ihe day before yesteιday? A ? IaUgh B ? to IaUgh? A ?W ?h E? On

10. A. teach E? taught



A generation gap has becom e a Seri)US problem ? I

read a __________ aboUtitil Ihe new SPaPer SOme ChiHien have

ki?d ___________ afterquarreh W ?h Parents. Ithilk

this is ____________ Ihey don ,thave a good tak W ?h each

Oiher Parents now SPend _______________ tin e Tl the OffiCe?

_________ Ihey don,thave m UCh tin e to Stay W ?h Iheir Children. AStine passes, Ihey both feel ____________________________________________ Ihey

don? thave Ihe SanI e topicsto talk about IW antto ParentS to be m Ore W ?h your children, get^to know IhenI and UndeIBland IhenI ?And for child ιen, ShOW yourfee?ιg____________ yourpaιents. They are Ihe PeOPIe

W ho __________ you. S o te Ilthern your thoughts ?]∏ IhiS

W ay, you Carl have a better ______________ OfeaCh Other

C ? hitC ? tooC ? Say

D ? knock D ? OnCe D ? do

C ? IaUghed C ?五C ? are teachhg

D ? Jaughhg D ? by D ?

W ere teaching






的基础上,再结合所给备选项细读全文,联系上、下文内容, 注意从上、下文的语法结构和词语搭配及从选择项中寻找解题的提示,以词、句的意义为先,再从分析句子结构入手,根据短文意思、语法规则、词语固定搭配等进行综合考虑,对备选项逐一进行分析、比较和筛选,排除干扰项、初步选定答案。











例:IdOrI,tfeelw elltoday?

1.G ha has SiX ChSSeS today.

2.T m tired now ?

3.M y ParentS need a new car

4? W e Can?thave r?htnow.

5. The W eather is aw ftiltoday.

ShOUld 的用法:


用ShOUld 或ShOUldn,t填空

1.lean,tSleeP Ihe nightbefc)iυ exam s.

Y OU ___________ Iake a W aim ShOW erbefore you go to bed.

2.G OOd friends _________ argue each Oiher

3? There is Me m ilk h Ihe glass? W e _______________

buy SOm e.

4? They diln?tinv?e you? M aybe you _______________ be


5. IanI a Me bitoveιw eight S o IlhrIk I

_________ do exercises eveιy day?




1.ThiS tin e yesterday I ____________________ b oOkS?

2.A to, CbCk IaSt SUnday Ihey _______________________ a Party ?

3.W hen I ________ i nto Ihe classroom , She ________________

________ a StDIybOOk?

4? She _____________________ COnI PUtergam es WhiIe herm Olher

_______________ y esterday aftemOOri?

5. I _______________ _________ a ShOW er W hen you _______________ m e yesteιday ?




1.S he Sa id I ________ h and j w Olkhg?

2.Petertold m e he _________ bored yesteιday?

3.She Said She __________ SW in In hg IaStS unday?

4? BObby Sail he __________ C ailm e hter

5.AntoniO told m e he _________ a book Ihen.


1.IgO to Ihe beach every SalUKIay.

2.ICan SPeak Ihree languages.

3.IW illcallyou tom OrroW .

4.Γ m havhg a SUrPriSe Party forLana.







IfyOU Often _____________ ,you __________________________ ?答案:

1.IfyOU go IO Ihe party, you W Hlhave a good

tin e

2.If it IaiIS tom OrroW , WeWOn,t go to Ihe Pfcn込

3.IfyOU Ofben IiSten to EngIiSh songs, you

IL?e EngIiSh


JaCk W anted ID ask for 1w o days Oflξ he had OnI<

Ieamtlhe PhIaSe “have a day Off "? He, Ihen he had

an idea?“G IandnI other h i∏ M ay IhaVe a day o比

"he asked Ihe teacher "0 fcourse, you can. ” replied

Ihe teacheratonce? Aftera while, Ihe boy Cam e to4at

Ihe IeaCher,S door “M ay IhaVe a day Off ? ” The

teacher W as Very surprised, “Diin,t you it jιst now ? ” “ Yes, sk BUtl can,t be here , either ” The teacher UnderStoOd hin and COUld not he?)? TherI he Sail With a sm ?, U W hy didn, tyou Say "M ay I have IW o days off? ' ” The boy answered qU込k]y a bud Vo込e. ^BUt you OnA US " have a day Offl

1.A ? butB ? andC ? orD ? fcr

2.A. Ihoughthanl]y

3.A ? M iss B ? Sir

4? A? Strike E? best

5.A? aho B? again

6.A ? SPeak E ?te∏

7. A ? tom OrroW C ? IeacherC ?h?C ? IDO C ? SayD ? MFD ?knock D ? OnCe D ? do

B ? the day after

tom OrroW C ? yesterday

D ?Ihe day before yesteιday

8? A. laugh B ? ID hugh C ? hughed D ? hughhg

9.A. w ?h

IO? A? teach



A generation gap has becom e a SerbUS ProblenI ? I

read a ____________ aboUtitiI Ihe new SPaPer SOme chiHren have

ki?d ___________ a fterquarreh W ?h Parents. Ithilk IhiS is

_________ Ihey don,thave a good talk W ?h each

Olher P arents now SPend ______________ tin e h Ihe OffiCe?

_________ Ihey don,thave m UCh tin e to Stay W ?h Iheir Children. AStine passes, Ihey both feel ____________________________________________ Ihey

don? thave the SanI e toprsto talk aboUt IWantto PalentS IDbenI Ore W ?h your

children, getto know IhenI and UndelBtand Ihem ?And for child ιen, ShOW yourfee?g ____________ yourpaιents. They are Ihe PeOPle

W ho __________ you. S o Ielllhem your thoughts ? In IhiS

W ay, you CarI have a better ______________ OfeaCh Other

E ? on E ? taughtC ? in C ? are teaching D ? by D ?

W ere teaching



1.Beijhg W OrI the ChanCeS __________________________ IheOoO ?ΦI pics.

A ? to hosl

B ? hos^t

C ? hosting

D ? hosted

2.T?erW OOdS Can m ake billions____________

dollars a year

A ? for

B ? With

C ? of

D ? on

3.—You boked SO beautifijlat?ιe Party ?

4?The text is Vely easy for you. There are _____________________ new W OKlS h it

A ? a few

B ? a Me

C ? few

D ? Me

5? In Ihe bookshop, a IEader asked Ihe ShOPkeePer

__________ "W ho M OVed M y cheese” Was an hteresthg

book ?

A ? Ihat

B ? W hat

C ? how

D ? if

6.— B OUrEngliSh SlUdy Ieadhg h m Ore interesting

Ihan speaking, Ilhhk?

—IdOn ' tagree? SPeakhg is _________________ reading?

A.as in POrtantas E? SO in POrtantas

7.If he ______________ hander; he,∏ Cateh UPWith us.

A ? W Olk

B ? W OikS

C ? W Oiked

D ? W iILw Olk

8.The In anager _____________ IhatIhe bushess W OUld

be W OrSe after Ihe StoCk W ent dow n.

A. talked B? IOid C ? Sail D ? SPOke

9? W e ShOUId keep ______________ h Ihe Ieadhg^roOnI ?
