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Fragment: Teaching a child good manners.

Complete: Teaching a child good manners is fun. / Teaching a child good manners is no easy task. (分别以这两句为主题句的段落,其发展方向肯定会不同。) Fragment: The importance of blood.

Complete: Blood serves our body in three important ways.


Unclear: I know Smith.

Clear: Smith has a good sense of humor.

Smith is the meanest man I ever know.

Unclear: People care about sports. /Sports influence our life.

Clear: Sports can keep people healthy and strong.

Sports benefit us in many ways.

Sports have their negative aspects.

Sports sometimes can do some harm to people.


General: Electricity is important.

Specific: Electricity has become an essential part of modern life. /If there were no electric power, our modern world would be in trouble.


I 选出与下列主题句不符的扩展句:

1.. The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national

characteristics. A Frenchman, for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.

A. There are always different jokes.

B. My brother often makes jokes.

C. Jokes, despite their differences, have the same humor.

D. Whether we find a joke funny or not depends on where we have been brought up.

2.. Retirement gives one a feeling of uselessness. Such a

psychological problem often brings physical problems. It is the feeling of emptiness that gradually kills the retired. With retirement there will be a decrease in income. Unless they plan carefully, the retired will get into economic problems.

A. The retired are a problem of our society.

B. People should not retire until unable to work.

C. Retirement can bring many problems for the retired.

D. We should do something for the retired.

3.. They now can do most of the things people can do, though

most scientists agree that computers cannot take the place of humans. Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will they make life better, or will they bring suffering to people? People today will have to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow.

A. Computers are a great helper.

B. Computers compete with man for jobs.

C. Recently there have been great changes in computers.

D. We need greater efforts to develop computers.

4.. For example, there are so many idioms in English. Another

example is the spelling. Learners have to spend a lot of time learning them by heart. And they must put practice into the first place. The more they practice, the more they would benefit. So English learners are required to speak more and read more. English becomes easy only in practice.

A. You have to make greater efforts to learn English well.

B. To learn English well, you should practice more.

C. English, as a language, has its difficult points to learn.

D. English is a special language.

5.The human brain is at least 10.000 times more complex than a computer. What’s more,

computers cannot make decisions on their own. They need detailed instructions from human beings in order to operate. .

A. So computers are great inventions.

B. So a computer is a computer.

C. So they need further development.

D. So computers can never replace human brains altogether.

(说明:本例中主题句在段尾,与段尾句重合。如果将主题句至于段首,则可以写成:Despite all their advantages, computers can never replace the human brain.)

II 改写下列句子,使其成为合适的主题句:

1.Poor: I am going to talk about advertisements.


2.Poor: We are dependent upon the sun.


3.Poor: Water is necessary.


4.Poor: I like sports.


5.Poor: Learning a foreign language is difficult.


III 给下列段落加上主题句:

1.. One factor is the amount of sunlight received. Altitude,

or the height above sea level, also determines climate. The oceans have an effect on the climate of adjacent land. In addition, climate is influenced by general circulation of the


2.. You should plan your time carefully in order to have

adequate time form both work and play. When you begin to work, you should find a good place to concentrate on your study. Before you begin to read more carefully, it is better to skim first. You should take notes and go over them regularly to make reading material more meaningful. You should develop a good attitude about tests. Improving you study habits will improve your grades.

3.. In towns and in villages, on farms and in factories,

machines have made life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods –everything. Factories and industrial plants use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell.

4.. For one thing, the food is generally cheap. A

hamburger at McDonald’s, for example, costs about one half as much as a similar meal at a regular “sit down”restaurant. Another advantage of the chains is their convenience. For busy working couples who don’t want to spend the time or effort cooking, fast-food restaurants offer an attractive alternative. And, judging by the fact that customers return in increasing numbers, many Americans like the taste of the food.

5.Albert Einstein, one of the world’s geniuses, failed his university entrance examinations on

his first attempt. William Faulkner, one of America’s noted writers, never finished college because he could not pass his English courses. Sir Winston Churchill, who is considered on of the masters of the English language, had to have special tutoring in English during elementary school. .

IV 给下列段落加上主题句和结尾句:





1.Agnes Resker refused to eat anything, while Mavis Pellington ate her meal in silence.

Everyone was waiting for Tobermory. A plate of fish stood ready for him in the dining room, but he did not dome home. Nobody talked much, and nobody laughed.

Topic sentence:

Concluding sentence:

2.I began my career on the manual typewriter. I soon learned to handle it efficiently and typed

between sixty-five and seventy words per minutes. Then ten years later, I found myself being forced to adapt to an electric typewriter. At first, I swore I preferred a manual because

I had trouble remembering not to hit the keys as hard. Also, it took me several days to quit

reaching for a carriage return. After a while, however, I would not have considered returning to a manual. Recently, I was persuaded to give up my electric type writer for a word processor. Always resistant to change, I complained in the beginning about having to remember the new keyboard and the commands. But after using the word processor for less than six months, I don’t believe I would consider returning to the age of eclectic typewriter.

Topic sentence:

Concluding sentence:

3.We say “Hello” to our friends and relatives living far away over the phone. We make phone

calls to ask for help and information from social services. And we purchase fast food, vegetables and even family appliances through phone calls. For businessmen telephone is the most important tool to conduct business activities.

Topic sentence:

Concluding sentence:

4.They are widely used in the fields of business, industry, and transportation. They also work

wonders in medical work, space travel as well as in scientific research, bringing about fantastic things in science and technology. Computers are also entering ordinary families.

Today ordinary people use them to obtain valuable information, professors use them to put unrelated facts in order, and children use them to play games.

Topic sentence:

Concluding sentence:


主题句的写作要求 1.完整的结构 Fragment: Teaching a child good manners. Complete: Teaching a child good manners is fun. / Teaching a child good manners is no easy task. (分别以这两句为主题句的段落,其发展方向肯定会不同。) Fragment: The importance of blood. Complete: Blood serves our body in three important ways. 2.明确的观点 Unclear: I know Smith. Clear: Smith has a good sense of humor. Smith is the meanest man I ever know. Unclear: People care about sports. /Sports influence our life. Clear: Sports can keep people healthy and strong. Sports benefit us in many ways. Sports have their negative aspects. Sports sometimes can do some harm to people. 3.具体的内容 General: Electricity is important. Specific: Electricity has become an essential part of modern life. /If there were no electric power, our modern world would be in trouble. 练习: I 选出与下列主题句不符的扩展句: 1.. The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. A Frenchman, for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. A. There are always different jokes. B. My brother often makes jokes. C. Jokes, despite their differences, have the same humor. D. Whether we find a joke funny or not depends on where we have been brought up. 2.. Retirement gives one a feeling of uselessness. Such a psychological problem often brings physical problems. It is the feeling of emptiness that gradually kills the retired. With retirement there will be a decrease in income. Unless they plan carefully, the retired will get into economic problems. A. The retired are a problem of our society. B. People should not retire until unable to work. C. Retirement can bring many problems for the retired.


写作框架训练 好的作文离不开好的框架,为此,我们专门开辟此区供学生练习搭建作文的框架。考生不必写出完整的作文,应先着重锻炼审题能力,根据所给的作文题目搭出作文的大体架构。每个练习的审题时间最好控制在2分钟之内。 练习一 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading selectively or extensively?You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline.(given in Chinese )below 1.有人认为读书要有选择; 2.有人认为要博览群书; 3.我的看法。 练习二 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Advantages of Job Interview .You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline.(given in Chinese )below 1.现在找工作一般都要面试,面试者和应试者可以互相了解; 2.面试者可以向应试者介绍情况,如工作性质、条件、待遇等; 3.应试者可通过自我介绍给对方留下最初的印象,如介绍教育背景,工作能力等来表现自信。 练习三 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic To Be Busy or To Be Idle .You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline.(given in Chinese )below 1.有人认为忙点好,可以让生活充实; 2.有人喜欢悠闲,认为会休息才会工作; 3.你的观点 练习四 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Teenage Smoking Soars You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline.(given in Chinese )below 1.现在吸烟的青年人越来越多; 2.分析造成这种现象的原因; 3.你的建议。 练习五 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline. (Given in Chinese) below 1.面试在求职中的作用; 2.取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是--- 参考答案


托福独立写作主体段写法技巧——双观点篇 托福独立写作对于很多托福考生来说是取得高分难以逾越的一道鸿沟, 这不仅需要大量的练习, 还需掌握其中的诀窍。今天, 教育优选为各位考生带来托福独立写作主题段双观点的写法点拨,希望对各位考生有所帮助。 通常对于独立写作我们都会选择五段式的结构,这个结构包括三个主体段, 按照题型我们可以将写作类型分为三个:支持反对类 (单观点、对比比较类 (双观点、自主定义类。今天,闫玲娟老师跟各位考生分析一下有关双观点类题目的写作技巧,下面是一道典型的题目: Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 题目中明显要求就电视的优点以及缺点进行比较,我们暂且用 A 、 B 表示两个不同观点 1.A+A+B 双关的写作的第一种写法是运用两个正向的论点去支撑 A , 再用一个论点去支持 B ,因为 A 的优势更大一些,所以最终得出 A 更合适的结果。 Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 Agree :

The positive influence outweighs their negative effects. Large quantities of motion pictures (movies about encouragement strengthen young generation’ s willpower to chase dreams with determination. Influenced by a number of interesting TV programs, young people begin to learn things that they used to feel boring. Admittedly , we should not ignore that there are some violent plots which tend to result in teenage crimes.However, this kind of movie makes up only a small section of products in film industry and is under the strict control of government. Therefore, its influence is quite limited. 我们可以看到, 在这种写法中, 我们所支持的观点为电影电视是利大于弊的。 前两个理由我们先正向抛出两个论点说明为什么它们对青年人的影响利大于弊, 最后一个分论点我们写让步段, 先承认它们的确有可能对青年人行为产生错误的引导, 但是其后又对这些错误影响做一些弥补, 因为有负面影响的节目只是整个电影市场的一小部分,不能够以偏概全,断章取义。 2.A+A-B 我们介绍的第二种写法是, 先用两个正向的论点支持 A , 再用一个论点去反对B ,最终得出 A 更适合的结果。 Topic :Some people argue that the government should not spend money on public services and facilities, but on arts. 有一部分人认为政府应该花更多的钱在公共服务和基础设施上,而非艺术上。 Public facilities, widely accepted as the main foundation to a city’ s development, should be one of the highest priorities. In addition to social benefits, ther e are a great number of economic merits that …


英语写作技巧学习:主题句 I. 用于文章主题句 1. ……是不可能的,无法…… There is no Ving =There is no way of Ving. =There is no possibility of Ving. =It is impossible to V. =It is out of the question to V. =No one can V. =We cannot V. 例:不可否认,成功的事业关键在于健康的身心。 There is not denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 2. 不用说... It goes without saying that 子句 =(It is) needless to say (that)子句 =It is obvious that 子句 =Obviously, S. + V. 例:不用说早睡早起是值得的。 It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 3. 我深信…… I am greatly convinced (that)子句 =I am greatly assured (that)子句

例:我深信预防是于治疗。 I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 4. 在各种……之中 Among various kinds of ..., ... =Of all the ..., ... 例:在各种运动中?我尤其喜欢慢跑。 Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 5. ……是很容易证明的 It can be easily proved (that)子句 例:时间最珍贵是很容易证明的。 It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time. 6. ……无论如何强调都不为过 ... cannot be overemphasized 例:交通安全的重要性无论如何强调都不为过。 The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized. 7. ……就我的看法……;我认为…… In my opinion, ... =To my mind, .... = As far as I am concerned, .


托福独立写作高分开头写作方法 好的开端等于成功的一半,所以托福写作如果能写好开头,你的作文也能奠定下高分的基础。今天和大家分享托福独立写作高分开头写作方法,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作高分开头写作方法 一.先根据话题铺设背景 在独立写作的背景铺垫中,首先我们需要明晰独立写作常考的15个topic,其中包括education,technology,sports等。在审题、理解题意之后,可以适当定位关键词进行文题分析和头脑风暴,进行社会背景定位。 示范:Increasingly,under the backdrop of the fierce social competition and the need for searching for individual growth,people especially employees show great concern to their career development. 二.确定观点 此步骤一定不要直接抄写原题。结合第一句的背景铺垫,可适当改写题目,引出有争议性的argument。 三.表明自己针对话题的立场

立场是开头段最为重要且核心的句子,其作用是表明了考生对这一论题的态度,且后面内容的陈述也是建立在这一立场基础上进行论证、分析;立场表明时,尽量用自己的语言进行表述最佳。 四.结尾句启下 过渡句的作用是承上启下,承接开头段内容的同时,以一种自然流畅的方式简要引出下文,从而加强*的逻辑关系;也可以适当提及中间段会涉及的论点,进行实际内容的铺垫。建议大家多进行练习和范文积累,一定可以总结出不同的过渡句写作方式。 示范:… with several reasons t o exemplify. 托福独立写作是托福写作的重点,而开头段对于独立作文整体评分影响颇大,所以小站君建议大家认真学习上文中关于开头段的写作方法,并运用起来,写出漂亮的开头。 托福写作解析:take more exercise 托福写作解析: If there’s a way to improve yourself, which one among the three choices you would take? 1. take more exercise 2. eat more healthy food


Definition of Topic Sentence ★ 1866 年,Alexander Bain 首次提出英语段落主题句的概念为“a collection of sentences with unity of purpose” ,即主题句统领段落的主题,决定了段落的一致性。 ★根据Brooks and Warren ,主题句是“a kind of backbone ,a spine ,which supports the body of the paragraph and around which t he rest of the structure is formed” ★一般说来,为了保证段落的统一性,每个段落应有个中心思想(central idea) ,这是写作者要表述的主题思想。在大多数情况下段落的中心思想是由主题句表述的。起提纲挈领的作用。 ★在对语言的掌握得心应手的作者手中,主题句可以应用自如,不用主题句也可以使段落中所有的句子统一、连贯,中心思想突出、明了。但是“In the hands of the less experienced writer ,this controlling idea had better be expressed in the first sentence. ” Composition of Topic Sentence ◇主题句一般由两部分构成: ( 1) 主题( Subject)和( 2) 关于该主题的观点或态度。也就是说, 一个恰当的主题句不仅讲述某一主题, 同时还应阐明作者对该主题的看法或者态度, 而这种看法就决定了什么内容可以放在该段中。所以, 有的修辞学家也把主题句称作“支配性思想”。 ◇例如:( 1 ) Smoking cigar ettes can be an expensivehabit.该句作为一个段落的主题句, 由两部分组成:“Smoking cigaret tes”是主题, 而“an ex pensive habit”则表明作者对该主题的看法或态度, 这种看法决定了只有与“吸烟浪费钱”有关的内容才能放在围绕该主题句展开的段落中。而吸烟引起的其它问题, 比如危害健康或污染环境, 则不能放进去。 The Place of Topic Sentence ◎人们一般认为, 主题句可以放在段首、段中、段未, 甚至可以隐含在文中。这种观点实际上缺乏对主题句重要性的认识。 ◎根据Wesbster 's New World Dictionary 的定义, 主题句是“一个段落或篇章一部分的主要句子, 提出( 段落的) 主要思想, 通常位于段首, 尤其适用于说明文体”。 ◎根据对美国出版的Reader's Dig est 和T imes 的两本期刊中的100 篇短文的调查,其中仅有2 篇短文主题句较为模糊, 而68 篇的主题句位于段/ 文首, 其余30 篇已经将段落的主题句升格为小标题。由此可见, 主题句在英文段落和篇章写作中占有相当重要的地位。 Characteristics of Topic Sentence ⊙一个好的主题句应该具备三个主要特征, 或者说有三个功能. [1] 对文章走向的前瞻性。 [2]对文章结构的支配性, [3] 对作者的制约性。 ⊙前瞻性(predict) 好的主题句应能前瞻文章总的走向是否有前途,并暗示作者应提供什么样的细节、论据、事例等以对主题加以展开或者论证。如果主题句为:Horses are bigger than rabbits. 马比免的个儿大, 显然是毫无前途的, 因为任何读者都是不会对这个连三岁小孩都明白的道理感兴趣的。而且, 除了孤零零的主题句外, 作者还能写什么呢?当然,这只是个非常极端的例子, 借以说明类似的主题句只能使文章走进死胡同。 ⊙下面再举几例主题句 In our country, pop stars are greatly admired. Automobile accidents cause many injuries and deaths. College students in dorms are restricted by hours regulations.


任务型写作篇章结构 (1)标题。(有时不一定要求拟标题) (2)第一段:用一两句话概括所给短文内容要点,约30词。建议控制在25-35词之间。 (3)第二段: 议论文——过渡词引出主题句——自己的观点——例证,约100同。 记叙文一一过渡词+与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的故事,约100词。 (4)第三段:即总结句,套语配名言来进行点题,要前后呼应,三位一体,约30词。 以上结构模式仅供参考,下列两点却是非常重要的: (1)概括一般单独一自然段; (2)发表看法或议论时,依照试题所给内容要点木身的顺序,原则上每个要点单独写一个自然段,这 不但保证写作内容覆盖所有写作点,而且层次清晰,让阅卷老师一目了然;若其中两条逻辑关系特别紧密,也可用一个自然段来表达。 任务型写作模板 The passage mainly tells us about. It talks about and , which is. As far as I am concerned, I think that . B ecause. Take myself for example, I experienced such a thing that many years ago, 1 . As the old saying goes, “In a word, we should and . (每段有主题句,整篇要有中心思想,忌各段“各白为政”。) 概括的形式:“主题句+支撑句”即“主题+主题的什么”。 文体主题句支撑句 议论文文章论点(一句)文章论据(两三句) 记叙文故事的写作目的/主题(一句)故事大意(两三句) 说明文说明的对象/观点/现象解释/分述 tart舰 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them. There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising and honesty. Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, telling lies, stealing, copying homework, disliking hard work, hating cooperating with others, wasting, smoking and so on, which are all easily formed habits. We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others. 【写作内容】


托福独立写作的审题原则和布局(上) 新托福写作考试的第2部分为独立写作,要求考生在30分钟内完成一篇字数在300字左右的议论文。而朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们根据对ETS最新的评分标准的解读,发现阅卷者评判考生的文章遵循的原则是:“Readers should focus on what the examinee does well”。这就意味着整个评分过程是考察考生表现出优点的过程,而并非对考生的文章吹毛求疵的过程。因此,即使是一篇满分的文章,也是允许考生有少量错误的。在本文中,笔者将就独立写作部分的审题原则以及如何进行观点筛选作一简单说明。 一、字数 对于独立写作的字数要求,官方的说法是:“An effective response is typically about 300 words long. If you write fewer than 300 words, you may still receive a top score, but experience has shown that shorter responses typically do not demonstrate the development of ideas needed to earn a score of 5.”。可见,若想得到高分,考生最好能将文章写到300字以上,虽然有些文章字数不足但仍可得到满分,但是毕竟这种情况比较罕见,要充分对于考题展开论述,从而有利地支持文章观点,充足的字数是必须的。 二、题目的解读 独立写作最近几年在中国大陆地区的考题基本上是以支持/反对型为主的,理论上来说考生同意或者反对题目的表述,然后展开进一步论证都是可以的,但是朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们发现有些考题并非考生可以“随心所欲”的“自由发挥”,比如当题目中包括了一些“绝对”含义的词,如only, must, fully以及形容词或者副词最高级的时候,考生在答卷时就不能采用“完全同意”的立场。比如2008年9月28日考题: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The only effective way for government to encourage energy conservation is increasing the price of gasoline and electricity. 考生可以部分同意,即提高能源价格是一种有效措施之一,但同时还有其他办法;也可以完全反对,即不能光靠提高能源使用价格来节能,还要靠别的方法措施等。所以在审题时,我们还是建议考生要多花点时间把题目的意思读透,最好在心里把题目的中文含义反复地翻译给自己听几遍,从意思出发,再决定自己的立场,这样就可以避免由于审题的不全面而导致很大的失分。


读写任务主题句的7种模式 一、.直接回答要点 写作要点是询问考生的看法时,对提问直接作出回答。 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应? If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel unhappy when people keep taking photos with me.(subjunctive mood) 你理想中的大学生活是什么样的? As for me, the ideal college life is wonderful/relaxing. 1.假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何?(13年广东高考读写任务要点2) Nobody could imagine what an bad environment we would live in if there were no cleaners. (subjunctive mood) 2.上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师?(12年广东高考读写任务要点1) This passage reminds me of my Chinese teacher, Mr. Li, who helped me a lot. 二、表明立场或发表看法 明确表示对某观点支持、或反对;或表明对某事物的看法。 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。(2009年广东高考读写任务要点3) I believe that taking photos with animals should be banned. 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法。(2010年广东高考读写任务要点1) 表示支持或赞同: I agree with the idea of using money to encourage kids to get good marks. 表示反对或不赞同: I disagree with the idea that people use money to encourage kids to get good marks. 1.写作要点:对作者写感谢信这种习惯的看法。 明示观点:如:我高度赞扬作者写感谢信的习惯。 I think highly of the author’s habit of writing thank-you letters. 2.写作要点:你怎样看待老师对学生的影响?(12年广东高考读写任务要点3) 摆明观点:如:我认为,一个好老师在学生的成长中起着重要作用。 译成英文:From my own experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that a good teacher plays a really important role in students’ lives. 三、重述要点 不直接回答写作要点,而是翻译要点作为段落主题句。 例1:描述清洁工工作的艰辛。(13年广东高考读写任务要点1) There is no doubt that what a cleaner does is harder compared with any other jobs in the society. 例2:在生活中谅解他人有何重要意义. From the story, I learn that understanding and forgiving others plays an important role in our life. 1.要点:建设绿色校园的重要性。 There is no doubt that it is very important to build a green campus. 2.要点:中学生活和大学生活的差别. As we all know, the college life is widely different from the middle school one. 四.总述原因 人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照 (2009年广东高考) 重述:人们在参观动物园时是喜欢和动物拍照.


托福培训丨托福独立写作主体段的论证方式 朗阁托福培训中心丁仡然 在托福独立写作当中主体段的写作水平往往是决定一篇文章高分与否的关键所在,可以说一篇文章70-80%的分数是取决于主体段写作的好坏的。而托福独立写作主体段对于写作的层次和论证方式又有着一定的讲究和固定的要求。本文中,朗阁托福培训中心的老师就给广大考生介绍一下托福写作主体段有哪些主要的论证方式以及范例的讲解。 首先,我们先说一下托福写作主体段的一般写作层次和论证方式: 主体段一般由四句话组成:第一句:topic sentence(主题句) 第二句:supporting sentences(1-2句支持句),使用具体的因果论证或者假设论证、并列关系等来具体的解释说明主题句。 第三句:举例子(写出一个长长的例子用于举例论证) 第四句:这一段的小结(可以使用对比论证或者因果论证等小结这一段) 知道了每段主体段的写作结构后,现在我们就来谈谈具体的每个主体段的论证方式: 第一种:举例论证 可以这么说,举例论证是所有论证方法里,尤其是托福写作里面最重要也是必须要用的一种论证方式,因为根据评分标准,在托福4-5分的标准里都明确提出了: 5分:using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details

4分:using appropriate and sufficient explanations, exemplifications, and/or details 而无论是托福,雅思还是SAT考试都是严格的按照评分标准来批改的,所以根据这个标准学生必须要重视和用出举例论证,否则托福写作无法拿到高分。 接下来问题来了,究竟老美喜欢的举例论证有几种形式呢?接下来笔者就为考生们一一回答。 第一种:以for example, for instance, such as等词组引出的句子,这种也是最普遍或者用的最多的一种。 下面为大家举一个例子: 题目:It is sometimes said borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? 在这篇文章的第二和第三主体段里,考官的高分范文分别用了:For example, a friend borrowed some money from his or her friend and did not return it. 下面一段用了:for example , when my friend asks me to baby-sit her child while she is taking her classes I agree because i know that she desperately needs my help in order to finish her degree and save some money. 分析:高手在写文章的时候很喜欢说打个比方之类的话,这样的论证方法既满足了高评分的需要,也形象生动地说明了你前面主题句的论点,而且段落字数也得到了增加,可以说是高分文章必不可少的要点之一。 还有一种举例论证方式:以according to my personal experience or other people’s experience为开头引出举例论证。 分析:各位同学要记住美国人做事情很喜欢DIY, 因为在美国,个体的劳动力很贵,很多美国人做事情都喜欢自己亲自实践或者采取他人做事情的经验,如果你得出的结论或者论点是基于亲身的经历或者他人的实战经验,那美国人是很相信你所说的话的。记住这是美


托福独立写作中间段2种常用写法优 劣势对比分析 托福独立写作中间段一般大家都会写3段,也就是围绕主要观点树立三个分论点来分别展开。今天和大家分享托福独立写作中间段2种常用写法优劣势对比分析,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作中间段2种常用写法优劣势对比分析 托福独立写作主体段如何丰富结构? 托福考生经常会有疑惑的问题就是:我的三个主体段全部都是讲故事,好像手法太单一了,会不会被扣分?如何丰富?答案是:有可能;以及,偶尔的使用纯解释型段落。众所周知,TOEFL写作中展开手法有两种,exemplification和explanation。例证显然是二者中更简单的一个。因此,大部分同学都更倾向于使用例证。因为它更容易快速上手,并且大家可以通过举例来展开具体化的细节,从而获得高分。但注意,如果三个主体段全部是讲故事展开,未免会有语言太差的嫌疑。因此,除了例证,我们*中最好可以稍微涉及到一些说理部分。 举例和说理写法各自优势讲解

例证的优势即为能够更轻松的展开出有效并具体化的细节,或俗称“好凑字”。解释的好处为语言简练,表达效率高,*的递进性、节奏会更紧凑。这两种论证方式都有各自的明显优势,考生在选择写法时也需要结合自身需求(比如提升*篇幅用举例,增强说服力用说理)。 举例和说理写法弱点对比分析 例证在TOEFL写作中并无太明显的劣势。解释的劣势就比较明显了。同样的一个分论点,有的同学用例证可以很轻松写到200字,而解释只能说到100字。有的同学可能有个刻板印象:讲故事的语言通常比较简单,句式单一,因此不容易得高分。注意,讲故事语言和句式也是可以复杂的;或者大家可以选择简单但地道的表达,可同样可以获得满分。 托福独立写作中如何选择不同写法? 因此我们以后考场上的答题战略很简单。第一段为例证段落。目的为使劲凑字,尽量直接写满200字。第二、三段可以选择简短的小故事或者解释性段落,分别写到60~100字左右。这样主体段已经达到至少320字,再加上开头结尾段,可以轻松满足350字的字数要求。 托福独立写作说理explanation写法怎么练?


如何写好主题句 2007年高考以来读写任务的“写作内容”都是三个要点, 三个要点最好依次用三个段落来写, 每个段落前最好用一个主题句, 这样做既不会漏掉要点,不会离题,又显得层次清楚,能让阅卷老师一目了然。 段落的主题句其实就是一句过渡的话, 用来表达观点(赞成或反对)或引出类似的经历,使上下文衔接得更加紧密。 ◆主题句的定义:段落主题句就是全段的核心,统帅全段,并决定全段的发展方向。全段其他句子都是围绕主题句,对其进行说明、支持或扩展的,这些句子称作“扩展句(supporting sentence)”。 ◆主题句的模式: 1.说出感受 (1)你读信后的感受(2012广州一模) I appreciate what you say and sorry to have caused you so much worry.I’m also touched that ..... (2) 你读完这个故事后的感受 After reading the passage,I was deep in thought ..... (3)你读完这篇演讲稿后的感受(2011广州一模) After reading this speech, I felt really sorry for the student who ....... 可以套用的模版: 1.After reading the passage,I was shocked and at the same time I felt sorry for ...... 2. After reading the passage,I'm really moved and learn a lot from ..... 3.From the story, we learn that ....... 4.I was deeply moved by........ It made me realize ......... 实战演练: (1)Tom来信说他现在学习压力大,请谈谈你读信后的感受。 (2)吴菊萍挽救了一个从10楼掉下来的2岁女婴后被评为“最美妈妈”,请谈谈你对此的感受。. 2.引出经历 (1)讲述一次想家的经历(11广东) Like Sam, each of us may have the experience of missing our family, me included. (2). 你或你同学的做兼职的经历。 This reminds me of an unforgettable experience of my part-time job. I once had an experience of doing a part-time job in a summer vocation . (3)上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师(2012年广东高考) After reading this story,it suddenly reminds me of my respectable teacher Miss Wang,an English teacher who always carries a big smile on her face. 可以套用的模版: 1.The story reminds me of ...... 2.The story reminds me of my personal experience. 3.Taking_the_example_of_me,_I think it's not bad for Chinese parents to learn to be a little “westernized”! 以我为例,我认为中国父母适当西化也是不错的事情。 4.There_are_some_examples_in our daily life, among_which_is the wasting of water.

主题句的7种模式 及巩固练习

主题句的7种模式及巩固练习 模式1. 直接回答要点:写作要点是询问考生的看法时,对提问直接作出回答。 Model: 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应? 直接回答:假如我是野生动物园离里的动物,当游客一直与我拍照,我会不开心。(2009广东高考读写任务要点2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Model:你理想中的大学生活是什么样的? 直接回答:我理想中的大学生活是轻松的/美妙的… ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 即学即练1 1.假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何?(13年广东高考读写任务要点2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师?(12年广东高考读写任务要点1) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 模式2. 表明立场:明确表示对某观点支持、或反对;或表明对某事物的看法。 Model: 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。(2009年广东高考读写任务要点3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discussion: 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法。(2010年广东高考读写任务要点1) 表示支持或赞同: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 表示反对或不赞同: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 即学即练2 1.写作要点:对作者写感谢信这种习惯的看法。 明示观点:如:我高度赞扬作者写感谢信的习惯。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
