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一. 询问航班到达时间


Could you please tell me the ETA of flight CA918?


Nineteen thirty local time.


The flight is delayed due to the weather /mechanical fault .


1. 请确认飞机停留区域清洁.无障碍物。

Make sure the aircraft parking area is clear of completion of obstruction.


Contact the cockpit with interphone.


Set /release parking brake.


Parking /brake is set/released


Position/remove wheel chocks please.


Insert/remove landing gear safety pin.


Landing gear safety pins are insert/released.


Shut down engines.


1. 飞机有故障吗?

Is there any trouble with the aircraft?

2. 一切正常

Everything is ok !

3. 有.请看飞行记录本/客舱记录本

Yes. please look at flight log book/cabin log book.

4. 请往飞行记录本上签字

Shut down engines.


1. 请打开前/中/主起落架舱门检查系统管路/导线/部件有无损坏/松动/渗漏。

Open nose /central/main landing gear door and check the system line /wire/component for damage /loose/leakage.

2. 减震支柱内筒伸出正常且洁净。

Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness.

3. 请检查中起落架减震支柱指示。

Check the indication of pressure gauge on central landing dear strut.


The indication is normal.

4. 请检查轮胎的损坏和磨损情况。

Please check tyre for damage and wear.

5. 请检查轮胎压力/外表。

Please check tyre pressure/condition.

6. 请拿一个冷气(氮气)瓶给轮胎充气。

Please get me a compressed air (Nitrogen) cylinder to charge the tyre.


No damage and leakage for gear assembly structure attachment and up-assembly.


Check the wheel rim damaged.

8. 检查轮子有间断的/脱落的固定螺杆。

check the wheel sheared /missing tie bolts.

9. 检查刹车组件无渗漏/过热现象。

Check no leakage/overheat for brake unit.

10. 我们要更换中轮.请帮助找两个轮轴千斤顶。

We are going to have the central wheel assembly replaced . please get me tow axle jacks.

11. 请检查刹车的磨损情况。

Please heck for brake assembly wear.


1. 擦掉发动机吊舱和起落架上多余的油。

Please wipe excess oil from engine nacelles and landing gears.

2. 发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤。

No damage and fluid fluid leakage from engine pylon and cowling doors.

3. 请打开发动机包皮检查渗漏/过热/导线/插头。

Please open the engine cowling and check for leakage /overheat /wires //electrical connectors .

4. 检查风扇叶片和涡轮叶片无损坏迹象。

Check no damage for fan blades and turbine blades .

5. 检查发动机尾喷管无金属颗粒和损坏。

Check the engine tail pipe on metal particles and visible damage .


Please taken the engine oil tank filler caps


Engine IDG oil needs adding .



Check no damage for interior of cargo compartment. compartment of structure and nets.


Visually inspect cargo compartment and door jambs. make sure that no liquid flows out or corrosion due to chemical produce. sea food and poultry etc.


Main cargo door cant’s be opened electrically. In order t o avoid aircraft delay. we want to open it manually.


Check cargo compartment lining for condition and cleaning.


Please close cargo compartment doors .


Set the passenger loading stand proper. don’t damage the aircraft.


Drive the galley service truck slowly and mind the aircraft 。


Would please handle with care and don’t damage the oxygen system/water tank /partition of cargo compartment .


1. 请检查机组和旅客氧气系统的压力。

Please clean crew and passenger oxygen system pressure


Please clean the cabin compartment .


Please drain off potable water /toiler water or it be frozen.


Please refill water for front /rear toilet


Please arrange water servicing unit /a toilet servicing unit /an air conditioning unit /a deicing unit /a ladder for us.


APU is fully inoperative. please call a ground power unit and tow air start units immediately.


Please connect the ground power unit /the air start unit .



Could you please provide us a sealing ring (a adjustable wrench. a round file. a triangle .a wrench.

a socket wrench .a cutting pliers. a plastic hammer. some split cotters. some safety wire .chamois leather. a piece of rag .a bucket .a washer. screwdriver. clamps .pliers . flashlight)?


1. 飞机需要加液压油/滑油。

The aircraft needs to be refilled with hydraulic fluid /oil .

2. 请给1.2号发动机加二夸脱MOBIL JET 2#滑油.


Please replenish tow quarters for engine NO. 1 and NO. 2 . three quarters for engine NO. 3 and NO.4.

3. 这种牌号的发动机滑油我们飞机不能用。

It is not allowed to use this brand of oil in our aircraft.

4. 飞机需要加燃油.请叫一辆加油车。

The aircraft needs refueling .Please call a refueling tender.

5. 请问这是什么牌号的燃油?

Please advise the grade of fuel.

6. 我要看一下油样!

I want to check the fuel samples.

7. 加油前请放好灭火瓶。

Please put fire extinguisher in position before refuelling.

8. 请问加多少油.3000加仑?你实际给飞机加了多少油?总共60000公升燃油。

How much fuel do you want ?Three thousand gallons .How much fuel have you filled in actually ?we have put 60000 littler in total .

9. 请从2号油箱放沉淀.

Please drain some deposit and water FORMNo. 2 tank .


The aircraft need defuelling .Would you please arrange a defuelling-cart ?抽多少油?哪个油箱?How many gallons and FORMwhich tank shall we defuel .清在两边各抽4000加仑。

Please defuel 4000 gallons FORMcaeh side .



Please calla tractor.

2. 请引导我们到停机位。

Please guid us to parking place .

3. 请挂上/摘下拖把。

Please connect /disconnect the tow-bar.

4. 请起动APU。

Please start APU .

5. 请接通四号辅助液压动力系统。

Please turn on No. 4 auxiliary hydraulic system .

6. 请示意拖车司机拖/到飞机。

Please signal tractor drive to commence towing /pushback.

7. 请求拖/倒飞机。没有进入位置.请再往前一点(向前移一点)。

Clear for towing /pushback .it is not into position .a little more forward please .

8. 请注意.拖飞机速度不要超过10公里/小时。

Please make sure that the towing speed is not 10KM/hour.

9. 地面结冰.转弯时请减小车速。

There are icing on the ground. please slow down when turning .

10. 地面侧风太大.不能拖飞机。

The cross wind on the ground is so strong that the aircraft can not be towed.



The fuel control unit has been installed .Now we’ll test the engines.

2. 风速太大.拖车时请将鸡头对着风向以便试车。

The velocity of wind is too high. Please tow the aircraft and make its facing the wind direction so that we can test the engine .


轮档挡好-- Chocks in

地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected

收到-- Roger

现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines

准备牵引-- Ready for pushback

所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed

松刹车-- Brakes off

松刹车-- Release parking brakes

刹车已松-- Brakes off

刹车已松-- parking brake Released

可以牵引--Clear for pushback

23号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)two three

05号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)zero five

牵引完成--Pushback complete

刹车--Brakes on

刹车--Set parking brake

刹车刹好--Brakes on

刹车刹好-- Parking brake set

准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two) 可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two) 已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on

启动结束--Start complete

断开地面设备-- Disconnect ground equipment

插销移开--Ping Removed


稍等启动-- Standby for start

稍等推出-- Standby for pushback

在左(或右)方打手势--Hand signal on the left(or right) aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员

pilot 驾驶员, 机长

co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员

navigator 领航员

steward 男服务员

stewardess, hostess 空中小姐

radio operator 报务员

Bairliner 班机

monoplane 单翼飞机

glider 滑翔机

trainer aircraft 教练机

passenger plane 客机

propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机

jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机

amphibian 水陆两用飞机

seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机

turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机

turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机

transport plane 运输机

helicopter 直升机

supersonic 超音速

hypersonic 高超音速

transonic 跨音速

subsonic 亚音速

Airbus 空中客车

Boeing 波音

Concord 协和

Ilyusin 依柳辛

McDonald-Douglas 麦道

Trident 三叉戟

Tupolev 图波列夫

hatch 舱口

aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机navigation light 航行灯

fuselage, body 机身

nose 机头

wing 机翼

aileron 副翼

wing flap 襟翼

tail plane 水平尾翼

starboard wing 右翼

port wing 左翼

pilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱

parachute 降落伞

passenger cabin 客舱

propeller 螺旋桨

pressurized cabin 密封舱undercarriage 起落架

undercarriage wheel 起落架轮elevator 升降舵

radio navigation device 无线电导航设备radio directive device 无线电定向设备luggage compartment 行李舱

(fuel) tank 油箱

auxiliary (fuel) tank 副油箱

main (fuel) tank 主油箱

autopilot 自动驾驶仪

ground crew 地勤人员

airport 航空港, 民航机场

airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场

airport beacon 机场灯标

airport meteorological station 机场气象站

main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼

emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道taxiway 滑行跑道

runway 跑道

omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标

fuel depot 燃料库

control tower 塔台

tarmac 停机坪

radio beacon 无线电信标

boarding check 登机牌

plane ticket 飞机票

flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行

smooth flight 平稳的飞行

ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度

air route, air line 航线

extra flight 加班

economy class, tourist class 经济座

non-stop flight 连续飞行

climbing, to gain height 爬升

circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

connecting flight 衔接航班

speed, velocity 速度

ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度

top speed 最高速度

first class 头等

night service 夜航

airsick 晕机

direct flight, straight flight 直飞

landing 着陆

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸

to taxi along 滑行

to lose height, to fly low 降低

to take off, take-off 起飞

to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机

to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机

to face the wind 迎风



A/C air conditioning 空气调节

A/G air/ground

A/L autoland 自动落地

A/P autopilot 自动驾驶

A/S airspeed 空速

A/T autothrottle自动油门, adjustment/test 调整/测试

ABNORM abnormal 不正常的

AC alternating current 【电】交流电

ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速

ACM air cycle machine 空气循环机

ADC air data computer 大气资料电脑

ADF automatic direction finder 自动方位寻找器

ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指示器

ADP air driven pump, air driven hydraulic pump 气动液压泵

ADV advance 推进

AFCS automatic flight control system 飞控系统

AGL above ground level 地标位

AI anti-ice 防冰

AIDS aircraft integrated data system 整合资料系统

AIL aileron 副翼

ALT altitude 高度

ALTM altimeter 高度计

ALTN alternate 交替的

ALTNT alternate 交替的

AMB ambient 环绕的

AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual 修护手册

ANN announcement 通告

ANNUNC annunciator 通告器

ANT antenna 天线

AOA angle of attack 功角

APB auxiliary power breaker 辅助的动力断电器

APD approach progress display 接近行进显示

APL airplane 飞机

APPR approach 接近

APPROX approximately 近乎

APU auxiliary power unit 辅助的动力单元

ARINC Aeronautical航空学的Radio Incorporated【美】有限责任的ARINC IO ARINC I/O error

ARNC STP ARINC I/O UART data strip error 通用非同步收发传输器ASA autoland status annunciator 自动落地状况通告器

ASP audio selector panel 音频选择面板

ASYM asymmetrical 非对称的

ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制

ATC/DABS air traffic control/discrete address beacon system ATT attitude 姿态

ATTND attendant 服务员

AUTO automatic 自动装置的

AUX auxiliary 辅助的

AVM airborne vibration monitor 空中震动监视器


B/CRS back course 回程

BARO barometric 气压计的

BAT battery 电池;蓄电池

BFO beat扑动frequency oscillator 频率振汤器

BITE built-in test equipment 装备自我测试

BK brake 煞住(车)

BKGRD background (干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音

BPCU bus power control unit 汇流排电力控制单元

BRKR breaker 断电器

BRT bright 发亮的

BTB bus tie束缚breaker 汇流排联系断电器

BTL bottle 瓶子


C/B circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关

C center 中央

CADC central air data computer 中央大气资料电脑

CAPT captain (飞机的)机长

CB circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关

CCA central control actuator 中央控制致动器

CCW counterclockwise 逆时针方向的

CDU control display unit 控制显示器

CH channel 频道

CHAN channel 频道

CHG change 改变

CHR chronograph 记时器

CHRGR charger 充电器

CK check 检查

CKT circuit 【电】电路;回路

CL close 关闭;盖上;合上

CLB climb 倾斜向上

CLR clear 变乾净;变清楚

CLSD closed 关闭的;封闭的;闭合的

CMD command 命令

CMPTR computer 电脑

CNX cancelled 取消,废除;中止

COL column 圆柱(报纸的)栏,段

COMM communication 通讯

COMP compressor 压缩机

COMPT compartment 隔间

CON continuous 连续的,不断的

COND condition 状态

CONFG configuration 结构;表面配置

CONFIG configuration 结构

CONN connection 连接

CONT control 控制

CP control panel 控制面板

CPCS cabin pressure control system 舱压控制系统CPS cycles per second 每秒循环

CRS course 方向

CRT cathode阴极ray射线tube 阴极射线管

CRZ cruise 巡航

CSEU control system electronics unit 控制系统电子元件CT current电流transFORMer变压器

CTN caution 注意

CTR center 中央

CU control unit 控制元件

CUST customer 顾客;买主

CW clockwise 顺时针方向的

CWS control wheel steering掌舵


DA drift漂移angle

DADC digital air data computer 数位化大气资料电脑DC direct直系的,指挥current

DEC decrease减少, decrement减少率

DECEL decelerate 降低速度

DECR decrease 减少

DEG degree 度数

DEPR depressurize 洩压; 压下

DEPT departure 离开;出发

DEST destination 目标, 目的地

DET detector 探测器

DETNT detent (机械上的)止动装置;棘爪

DEV deviation 误差;偏航

DFDR digital flight data recorder

DG directional方向的gyro回转仪罗盘

DH decision决定height高度,海拔

DIFF differential 依差别而定的;鉴别性的

DIR direct 指挥

DISC disconnect 使分离,分开,断开

DISCH discharge 释放,排出(液体,气体等)

DISCONT discontinued 停止,中断

DISENG disengage 解开,解除;使脱离

DISP dispatch 派遣

DIST distance 距离;路程

DK deck (船的) 舱面,甲板

DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪

DMU data management unit 资料管理单元

DN down 向下

DPCT differential protection current transFORMer【电】变压器DR door 门

DSCRT IO discrete分离I/O error

DSPLY display 显示

DSPY display 显示


EADI electronic attitude director indicator 数位化姿态指示器

ECON economy 节约, 经济

ECS environmental control system 环控系统

EDP engine driven pump, engine hydraulic pump 引擎液压泵

EEC electronic engine control 引擎电控

EFDARS expanded flight data acquisition and reporting system

EFI electronic flight instruments 电子化飞行仪表

EFIS electronic flight instrument system

EGT exhaust gas temperature 排气尾温

EHSI electronic horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器EICAS engine indicating and crew alerting system引擎状况警告指示ELEC electrical 与电有关的,电气科学的

ELEV elevation 高度;海拔

EMER emergency 紧急情况

ENG engage啮合,接合, engine

ENT entrance入口,门口, entry

ENTMT entertainment 娱乐

EPC external power contactor 外电源接触器

EPR engine pressure ratio 推力比

EPRL engine pressure ratio limit 推力比范围

EQUIP equipment 装备

ERR error 错误

ESS essential 必需品

EVAC evacuation 撤空;排泄物

EVBC engine vane and bleed control 引擎放气控制

EXH exhaust 排出;排气

EXT external 外部的

EXTIN extinguish, extinguished 灭火器

EXTING extinguishing 熄灭


F/D flight director 飞行引向器

F/F fuel flow 燃油流量

F/O first officer

FAA Federal美国联邦Aviation Administration行政机构

FCC flight control computer 飞行控制电脑

FCEU flight controls electronic unit 飞控电子单元

FCU fuel control unit 燃油控制器

FDR feeder 餵食器

FIM Fault Isolation Manual 故障隔离手册

FL flow 流量

FL/CH flight level change

FLD field(飞机)场,;(广阔的一大片)地(知识)领域;专业;(活动)范畴FLT flight (飞机的)班次

FLUOR fluorescent 发亮的

FMC flight management computer 飞行管理电脑

FMS flight management system 飞行管理系统

FREQ frequency 频率

FRM Fault Reporting Manual 错误报告手册

FSEU flap/slat electronic unit 副翼电控单元

FT feet复, foot单英尺

FWD forward 前面的


G/S glide slope, ground slope 下滑坡度

GA go-around 重飞

GB generator breaker 发电机断电器

GCB generator circuit breaker 发电机断路器

GCR generator control relay 发电机控制继电器

GCU generator control unit 发电机控制组件

GEN generator 发电机

GHR ground handling relay 地面操作继电器

GND ground 地面

GP group 团体

GPWS ground proximity warning system 地面接近警告

GR gear 齿轮;传动装置; (飞机的)起落架

GRD ground 地面

GS ground speed 地速

GSSR ground service select relay 地面勤务选择继电器GSTR ground service transfer relay 地面勤务转换继电器

GW gross总量weight 总重


H/L high/low 高/低

HDG heading 【航】航向

HF high frequency 高频

HORIZ horizontal 水平

HP high pressure 高压

HSI horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器

HTR heater 加热器

HYD hydraulic 液压的


IAS indicated airspeed 指示空速

IDENT identification 识别;鉴定

IDG integrated drive generator

IGN ignition 点火,发火;点火开关

ILLUM illuminate, illuminated 被照明的;发光的

ILS instrument landing system 仪降

IMP imperial (度量衡)英制的

IN in, input 输入

INBD inboard 内侧的

INC incorporated结合的, increase增大, increment增加

INCR increase 增加

IND indicator 指示器

INFC interface 分界面

INFLT inflight 飞行过程中的

INHIB inhibit 抑制禁止

INIT initiation 入门;开始实施

INOP inoperative 不活动的

INPH interphone 对讲机

INST instrument 仪器;仪表

INT interphone 对讲机

INTLK interlock 连结

INTPH interphone 对讲机

INTMT intermittent 时断时续的;周期性的

IP intermediate pressure 中间的压力

IRS inertial reference system 惯性参考系统

IRU inertial惯性的reference unit 惯性参考组件

ISLN isolation 隔离

ISOL isolation 隔离

IVSI instantaneous瞬时的vertical speed indicator 垂直速度指示器M

MCDP maintenance control display panel 修护控制显示面板

MCP mode control panel 模式控制面板

MCU modular模件concept观念unit

MDA minimum decision altitude 最小判断高度

MIC microphone 扩音器;麦克风

MIN minimum 最小量,最小数;最低限度

MM Maintenance Manual 修护手册

MOD module 组件;单元

MON monitor 监视器;监控器

MOT motion (机械的)装置,运转

MPU magnetic pickup 检波器

MSG message 信息

MSTR master 主要的;总的

MSU mode selector unit 模式选择组件

MTG miles to go 英里

MU management unit 管理组件

MUX multiplexer 多路传输


N/A not applicable 可应用的

NAC nacelle 引擎舱;气球吊篮

NAV navigation 导航

NCD no computed data 无法计算资料

NEG negative 否定的; 反面的【电】负的,阴极的【数】负的

NEUT neutral 中立的

NLG nose landing gear 鼻轮起落架

NO. number 数,数字

NORM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的

NRM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的

NVMEM RD non-volatile memory read error 故障读错误排除才能消除NVMEM WR non-volatile memory write error 故障写错误排除才能消除O

02 oxygen 氧气

OBS observer 观察员

OK okay 对,很好地

OPR operate 运转

OPT option 选择权

OPRN operation 操作

OUT output 输出

OUTBD outboard 外部的

OVHD overhead 头顶(船舱)顶板

OVHT overheat 过热

OVRD override 权力高於;优先於; 越过

OXY oxygen 氧气


P/RST press to reset 压下清除故障

P/S pitot皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管/static 静态的

PA passenger address 客舱广播

PASS passenger 旅客

PCA power control actuator 电控致动器

PCT percentage 百分比

PDI pictorial deviation indicator 偏航图表示

PES passenger entertainment娱乐system

PLA power level angle

PLT pilot (飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员

PMG permananet magnet generator 永磁发电机

PNEU pneumatic 气动

PNL panel 【电】配电盘;控电板

POR point of regulation调节

POS position, positive (电池的)阳极【数】正的

PPOS present当前的出席的position

PRESS pressure 压力

PRG FLOW program flow error 流量程序错误

PRIM primary 首要的,主要的

PROC procedure 程序;手续;步骤

PROG MEM ROM memory error 唯读记忆体错误

PROJ projector 投射器

PROT protection 保护,防护;

PS pitot static 皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管

PSI pounds per square inch 每平方寸上的压力磅数

PSS passenger service system 客服系统

PSU passenger service unit 客服组件

PTT push to talk 发话

PTU power transfer unit 动力传送组件

PWR power 动力


QAD quick-attach-detach 快拆卸;使分离

QTS quarts 一夸脱的容器

QTY quantity 数量


R/T rate of turn 回转速率

R/W MEM RAM memory error 随机存取记忆体错误

R right 右边的

RA radio altimeter, radio altitude 雷达高度

RAT ram air turbine 冲压驱动

RCVR reciever 接受

RDMI radio distance magnetic indicator 磁场距离指示

REC recorder 记录器

RECIRC recirculate 再循环

REF reference 参考

REFRIG refrigeration 冷冻

REG regulator 调节器

REL release 释放,解放

REP representative 代表性的,典型的

REQ required 必须的

RES reserve 储备

RESSTART power interrupt restart error 动力中断重新起动错误

REV reverse 倒退,使倒转

RF right front 右前

RH right hand 右手

RLSE release 释放,解放

RLY relay 【电】继电器

RLY/SW relay/switch

RMI radio magnetic indicator 磁场方位指示

RMT OUT high-speed ARINC output error 汇流排输出错误

RN right nose

ROT rotation 旋转

RPM revolutions循环,(一)周期回转,旋转per minute

RPTG reporting 报导

RR right rear 後方

RST reset 重新设定

RTO rejected丢弃takeoff起飞

RUD rudder (飞机的)方向舵

RW right wing 右翼

RWY runway (机场的)跑道


SAM stabilizer trim/elevator asymmetry limit module尾舵飞操组件SAT static air temperature 静压空气温度

SEC second 第二次

SEI standby engine indicator 紧急直接引擎指示

SEL select 选择

SELCAL selective calling 飞航呼叫

SERV service 服务

SG signal generator 信号产生器

SLCTD selected 选择

SLCTR selector 选择器

SOV shut off valve 关断阀

SP speed 速度

SPD speed 速度

SPD BK speed brake 速煞

SQL squelch 压扁

SSB single side band

STA station 驻地(各种机构的)站,所,

STAB stabilizer 安定装置;安定翼

STBY standby 备用

STS system status 系统状况

SURF surface 表面

SW switch 开关

SWITCH IN switch input error

SYNC synchronous 同步的

SYS system 系统

SYST system 系统


T/R thrust reverser 反推力器

T.O. takeoff 起飞

TACH tachometer 转速计

TAI thermal热的anti-ice

TAS true airspeed 真空速

TAT total air temperature 总温

TCC turbine case cooling 涡轮(机)冷却

TE trailing edge 後缘(飞机的)襟翼,阻力板

TEMP temperature 温度,气温

TFR transfer 转换

THR thrust 推力

THROT throttle 节流阀

THRSH threshold 门槛

THRT thrust 推力

THRU through 穿过;通过遍及,在...各处;在...之间,在...之中TIE bus tie系,拴,捆,扎汇流排联系

TLA thrust lever angle 推力杆角度

TMC thrust management computer 推力管理电脑

TMS thrust management system 推力管理系统

TMSP thrust mode select panel 推力选择面板

TO TO/takeoff 起飞

TOL tolerance 【机】公差,容限

TR transFORMer【电】变压器rectifier【电】整流器TRP thrust rating panel 推力等级面板

TUNE tuner (频率))调整器;【无】调谐器

TURB turbine 涡轮(机)

TURBL turbulent, turbulence【气】湍流;(气体等的)紊流


UBR utility有多种用途的;通用的bus relay 汇流排继电器UPR upper

USB upper side band 【机】传送带(无线电的)波段,频带V

V/NAV vertical navigation 【经】纵向联合的导航

V/S vertical speed 垂直的速率

VERT vertical 垂直的

VERT SPD vertical speed 垂直的速率

VFY verify 验证

VG vertical gyro 垂直回转仪罗盘

VHF very high frequency 超高频无线电

VIB vibration 震动

VLD valid 合法的;有效的

VLV valve 【机】阀,活门

VOL volume 量;额

VOLT voltage 电压;伏特数

VOR VHF omni range receiver 方向无线识标VOX voice 声音

VTR video tape reproducer (录音,录影的)播放装置W

W/D wiring线路diagram图解

W/W wheel well 轮舱

WARN warning 警告;警报

WG wing 机翼

WHL wheel 轮子; 变换方向

WHLS wheels 车轮

WPT waypoint 位子点

WSHLD windshield 挡风玻璃

WX weather 天气

WXR weather 气象雷达


X-CH cross channel 交叉频道

X-CHAN cross channel 交叉频道

XDCR transducer 变换器

XMISSION transmission 传送

XMIT transmit 发射

XMTR transmitter 发射机

XPNDR transponder 询答机


Y/D yaw damper 阻尼器


Lesson 1 airplanes and main manufactures introduction i.translation: 机身fuselage 动力装置power plant 升力lift 推力thrust 阻力drag 横截面的c ross sectional 姿态attitude 水平安定面horizontal stabilizer 垂直安定面v ertical stabilizer 偏航,俯仰,横滚y aw, pitch, roll 后缘襟翼trailing edge flap 扰流板spoiler 缝翼slat 副翼aileron 升降舵,方向舵elevator, rudder 配平调整片trim tab 制动钩arrester hook 减震支柱shock-absorbing strut 海里nautical mile 双通道twin aisle 三舱布局three class cabin arrangement/layout/configuration 生物燃油bio-fuel 喷气客机jetliner 宽体客机wide body airliner 空中加油机aerial tanker II. The four main aircraft manufactures? T he boeing company, the airbus company, the bombardier company, the embraer company Yawing of the aircraft is controlled by? Rudder Rolling of the aircraft is controlled by? Ailerons Pitching of the aircraft is controlled by? Elevator The cross-sectional shape of the wing as viewed from the side is known as the --airfoil----section. Boeing 767 is a ----wide body-----airplane. Airbus 320 is a –narrow body----body airplane. E190 is an airplane manufactured by --embraer---which could seat up to 114 passengers. Lesson 2 about the 737 family i.translation:


飞机 A/C(是airc raft 的英文缩写形式) 航前检查 pre flight check 航后检查 postflight check 短停检查 transi t check 定检 scheduled m aintenance 发现 found或revealed (注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障 trouble 或 failure 或 fault 失效 fail 或 malfunction 不工作 inoperative 缩写INOP 工作不稳定 rough 工作稳定 smoothly 排故 troubleshooting 为了排故 for troubleshoo ting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据 refer 或 per to 或according to; 维护手册 AMM 更换 replaced 件号 part number 缩写P/ N 时控件 time control part 拆下 removed 安装 installed 上件 part on

下件 part off 放行标准 DDG(是dispatch deviation guide的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单 MEL(是mini mum equipment list的缩写形式) 同意放行 dispatch approv ed 或 released 因为 due 或 because 因停场时间不足 due time short 没有备件 lack parts 或 no spare parts available 或 no parts in stock 待件 wait for parts 申请保留 apply for reser vation 保留故障 defer defect 保留项目 defer item 保留期限 due time 关闭保留项目 close defer red item 撤消保留项目 rescind def erred item 前部 forward 缩写fwd 后部 after 缩写aft 左 left 缩写L 或 LH 右 right 缩写R 或 R H 上面 upper 下面 lower 内侧 inboard 缩写 I/B 外侧 outboard 缩写 O/B


机务维修常用英语 一. 询问航班到达时间 1.请告诉我A981航班预计达到时间? Could you please tell me the ETA of flight CA918? 当地时间19:30 Nineteen thirty local time. 2.航班因天气/机械故障原因延误了。 The flight is delayed due to the weather /mechanical fault . 二.飞机到达停机位。 1. 请确认飞机停留区域清洁.无障碍物。 Make sure the aircraft parking area is clear of completion of obstruction. 2.请与驾驶舱进行通话联系。 Contact the cockpit with interphone. 3.请将停留刹车杀住/松开。 Set /release parking brake. 停留刹车已刹上/松开。 Parking /brake is set/released 4.请档上/挪开轮档。 Position/remove wheel chocks please. 5.请插上/取下起落架安全销。 Insert/remove landing gear safety pin. 起落架安全销已插上/取下。 Landing gear safety pins are insert/released. 6请关车。 Shut down engines. 三.对飞机情况进行了解 1. 飞机有故障吗? Is there any trouble with the aircraft? 2. 一切正常 Everything is ok ! 3. 有.请看飞行记录本/客舱记录本 Yes. please look at flight log book/cabin log book. 4. 请往飞行记录本上签字 Shut down engines. 四.维护工作。 1. 请打开前/中/主起落架舱门检查系统管路/导线/部件有无损坏/松动/渗漏。 Open nose /central/main landing gear door and check the system line /wire/component for damage /loose/leakage. 2. 减震支柱内筒伸出正常且洁净。 Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness. 3. 请检查中起落架减震支柱指示。 Check the indication of pressure gauge on central landing dear strut.


飞机A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式) 航前检查preflight check 航后检查postflight check 短停检查transit check 定检scheduled maintenance 发现found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障trouble 或failure 或fault 失效fail 或malfunction 不工作inoperative 缩写INOP 工作不稳定rough 工作稳定smoothly 排故troubleshooting 为了排故for troubleshooting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据refer 或per to 或according t o; 维护手册AMM 更换replaced 件号part number 缩写P/N 时控件time control part 拆下removed 安装installed 上件part on 下件part off 放行标准DDG(是dispatch deviatio n guide的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单MEL(是minimum equ ipment list的缩写形式) 同意放行dispatch approved 或rele ased 因为due 或because 因停场时间不足due time short

没有备件lack parts 或no spare pa rts available 或no parts in stock 待件wait for parts 申请保留apply for reservation 保留故障defer defect 保留项目defer item 保留期限due time 关闭保留项目close deferred item 撤消保留项目rescind deferred item 前部forward 缩写fwd 后部after 缩写aft 左left 缩写L 或LH 右right 缩写R 或RH 上面upper 下面lower 内侧inboard 缩写I/B 外侧outboard 缩写O/B 内侧发动机inboard engine 外侧发动机overboard engine 起落架landing gear 缩写LDG 主轮main wheel 前轮nose wheel 测试test 通电测试power-on test 安装测试test for installation 操作测试operational test 系统测试test for system 正常normal 或OK 异常abnormal 在空中in flight 在地面on ground 地面检查GND check 试车检查running-up test (同机)对串件interchanged…with…


DH decision决定height高度,海拔 DIFF differential 依差别而定的;鉴别性的 DIR direct 指挥 DISC disconnect 使分离,分开,断开 DISCH discharge 释放,排出(液体,气体等) DISCONT discontinued 停止,中断 DISENG disengage 解开,解除;使脱离 DISP dispatch 派遣 DIST distance 距离;路程 DK deck (船的) 舱面,甲板 DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪 DMU data management unit 资料管理单元 DN down 向下 DPCT differential protection current transFORMer【电】变压器DR door 门 DSCR T IO discrete分离I/O error DSPLY display 显示 DSPY display 显示 E EADI electronic attitude director indicator 数位化姿态指示器ECON economy 节约, 经济 ECS environmental control system 环控系统 EDP engine driven pump, engine hydraulic pump 引擎液压泵 EEC electronic engine control 引擎电控 EFDA RS expanded flight data acquisition and reporting system EFI electronic flight instruments 电子化飞行仪表 EFIS electronic flight instrument system EGT exhaust gas temperature 排气尾温 EHSI electronic horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器EICA S engine indicating and crew alerting system引擎状况警告指示ELEC electrical 与电有关的,电气科学的 ELEV elevation 高度;海拔 EMER emergency 紧急情况 ENG engage啮合,接合, engine ENT entrance入口,门口, entry ENTMT entertainment 娱乐 EPC external power contactor 外电源接触器 EPR engine pressure ratio 推力比 EPRL engine pressure ratio limit 推力比范围 EQUIP equipment 装备 ERR error 错误 ESS essential 必需品 EV A C evacuation 撤空;排泄物


机务实用英语词汇 轮档挡好-- Chocks in 地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected 收到-- Roger 现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines 准备牵引-- Ready for pushback 所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed >松刹车-- Brakes off 松刹车-- Release parking brakes 刹车已松-- Brakes off 刹车已松-- parking brake Released 可以牵引--Clear for pushback 23号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)two three 05号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)zero five 牵引完成--Pushback complete 刹车--Brakes on 刹车--Set parking brake 刹车刹好--Brakes on 刹车刹好-- Parking brake set 准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two) 可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two) 已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on 启动结束--Start complete 断开地面设备-- Disconnect ground equipment 插销移开--Ping Removed 稍等--Standby Air Conditioning System (空调系统) PACK空调主件 HOT BLEED AIR热引气 OUTLET DUCT外流管 BYPASS V ALVE旁通活门 RAM AIR 冲压空气 INLET SCOOP 进气口 TRIM AIR V ALVE 调节空气 PACK FLOW SWITCH空调主件流量 EXTRACTOR FAN 排气风扇 GUARDED FLAP 有保护盖的导片 ISOLATION V ALVE 隔离活门 “LIGHT OUT”AUTO POSITION “灯灭”自动状态 BLOWER 鼓风机 EXTRCTOR排风扇 OVERBOARD 机外 ONBOARD机上 OPEN-CIRCUIT开路


关于民航英语一些常用词汇 1 . handle /'hendle/ v. 处理 2 . item/'aitэm/ n.项目,条款,术语 3 .origin /'oridgin/ n.起源,由来 4 .desination/desti'nei∫эn/ n. 目的地 5 .departure/di'pa:t∫э/ n. 离开 6 .economy class 经济舱 7 .business class 公务舱 8 .first class 头等舱 9 .essential/i'sen∫эl/ a. 基本的 10.offer/'ofэ/ v. 提供 11.route /ru:t/ n. 路线 12.reasonable/'ri:znэbl/ a. 合理的 13.direct flight 衔接航班

14.according to 根据 15.purpose/'pэpэs/ n. 目的 16.available/э'veilэbl/ a.可利用的 17.high season 旺季 18.in that case 那样的话 19.recommend/,rekэ'mend/ v. 推荐 20.standby /'standbai/ v.候补 In the reservation office,the agents whose job is to handle telephone reservations for passengers should know some important items. 呼叫中心负责处理电话预定的工作人员应该掌握一些重要的术语。 First,passenger's name; 首先,顾客的姓名; Second,the number of Identification Card; 其次,顾客的身份证; Third,origin and destination; 第三,出发地和目的地; Fourth,departure time and arrival time; 第四,离港和到达时间;


1. The fuel system is designed to provide an uninterrupted flow of clean fuel from the fuel tanks to the engine. The fuel must be available to the engine under all conditions of engine power, altitude, attitude, and during all approved flight maneuvers. Two common classifications apply to fuel systems in small airplanes gravity-feed and fuel-pump systems. The gravity-feed system utilizes the force of gravity to transfer the fuel from the tanks to the engine,for example, on high-wing airplanes where the fuel tanks are installed in the wings. This places the fuel tanks above the carburetor, and the fuel is gravity fed through the system and into the carburetor. If the design of the airplane is such that gravity cannot be used to transfer fuel, fuel pumps are installed,for example, on low-wing airplanes where the fuel tanks in the wings are located below the carburetor. 燃油系统是设计用来提供持续的从油箱到发动机的洁净燃油流量。燃油在所有发动机功率,高度,姿态和所有核准的飞行机动条件下必须能够供给发动机。小飞机上使用了两个常规类别的燃油系统-重力馈送系统和燃油泵系统。 重力馈送系统使用重力来把燃油从邮箱输送到发动机,例如,在上翼飞机上,油箱是安装在机翼里的。油箱被置于汽化器之上,燃油由于重力经过系统送到汽化器。如果飞机的设计不能用重力输送燃油,就要安装油泵,例如,在下翼飞机上机翼中的邮箱处于汽化器下方。 2. FUEL PRIMER Both gravity fed and pump systems may incorporate a fuel primer into the system. The primer is used to draw fuel from the tanks to vaporize it directly into the cylinders prior to starting the engine. This is particularly helpful during cold weather, when engines are hard to start because there is not enough heat available to vaporize the fuel in the carburetor. It is important to lock the primer in place when it is not in use. If the knob is free to move, it may vibrate out during flight and can cause an excessively rich mixture. 起动注油器 重力馈送和油泵系统也可以结合气动注油器。启动注油器用于气动发动机之前从油箱中抽油直接气化送入气缸。在冷天气特别有用,那时发动机会很难气动,因为没有足够的热量来气化汽化器中的燃油。气动注油器在不使用时锁定位置很重要。如果旋钮可以自由活动,飞行中它会被振动出来,引起过分富油。 3. Wind shear is a sudden, drastic change in wind speed and/or direction over a very small area. Wind shear can subject an aircraft to violent updrafts and downdrafts as well as abrupt changes to the horizontal movement of the aircraft. While wind shear can occur at any altitude, low-level wind shear is especially hazardous due to the proximity of an aircraft to the ground. Directional wind changes of 180° and speed changes of 50 knots or more are associated with low-level wind shear. Low-level wind shear is commonly associated with passing frontal systems, thunderstorms, and temperature inversions with strong upper level winds (greater than 25 knots). Wind shear is dangerous to an aircraft for several reasons. The rapid changes in wind direction and velocity change the wind’s relation to the aircraft disrupting the normal flight


航空机务常用英语大全汇 总 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

飞机 A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式)航前检查 preflight check 航后检查 postflight check 短停检查 transit check 定检 scheduled maintenance 发现 found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障 trouble 或 failure 或 fault 失效 fail 或 malfunction 不工作 inoperative 缩写 INOP 工作不稳定 rough 工作稳定 smoothly 排故 troubleshooting 为了排故 for troubleshooting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据 refer 或 per to 或 according to; 维护手册 AMM 更换 replaced 件号 part number 缩写P/N 时控件 time control part 拆下 removed 安装 installed 上件 part on 下件 part off 放行标准 DDG(是dispatch deviation gu ide的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单 MEL(是minimum equipm ent list的缩写形式) 同意放行 dispatch approved 或 released 因为 due 或 because 因停场时间不足 due time short 没有备件 lack parts 或 no spare parts av ailable 或 no parts in stock 待件 wait for parts 申请保留 apply for reservation


飞机A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式)航前检查preflight check 航后检查postflight check 短停检查transit check 定检scheduled maintenance 发现found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障trouble 或failure 或fault 失效fail 或malfunction 不工作inoperative 缩写INOP 工作不稳定rough 工作稳定smoothly 排故troubleshooting 为了排故for troubleshooting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据refer 或per to 或according to; 维护手册AMM 更换replaced 件号part number 缩写P/N 时控件time control part 拆下removed 安装installed 上件part on 下件part off 放行标准DDG(是dispatch deviation guide 的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单MEL(是minimum equipment list的缩写形式) 同意放行dispatch approved 或released 因为due 或because 因停场时间不足due time short 没有备件lack parts 或no spare parts av ailable 或no parts in stock 待件wait for parts 申请保留apply for reservation 保留故障defer defect 保留项目defer item 保留期限due time 关闭保留项目close deferred item 撤消保留项目rescind deferred item 前部forward 缩写fwd 后部after 缩写aft 左left 缩写L 或LH 右right 缩写R 或RH 上面upper 下面lower 内侧inboard 缩写I/B 外侧outboard 缩写O/B 内侧发动机inboard engine 外侧发动机overboard engine 起落架landing gear 缩写LDG 主轮main wheel 前轮nose wheel 测试test 通电测试power-on test 安装测试test for installation 操作测试operational test 系统测试test for system


缩写ABBREVIATION LIST A A/C air conditioning 空气调节 A/G air/ground A/L autoland 自动落地 A/P autopilot 自动驾驶 A/S airspeed 空速 A/T autothrottle自动油门, adjustment/test调整/测试ABNORM abnormal 不正常的 AC alternating current 【电】交流电 ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速 ACM air cycle machine 空气循环机 ADF automatic direction finder 自动方位寻找器 ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指示器 ADP air driven pump, air driven hydraulic pump 气动液压泵ADV advance 推进 AFCS automatic flight control system 飞控系统 AGL above ground level 地标位 AI anti-ice 防冰 AIDS aircraft integrated data system 整合资料系统

AIL aileron 副翼 ALT altitude 高度 ALTM altimeter 高度计 ALTN alternate 交替的 ALTNT alternate 交替的 AMB ambient 环绕的 AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual 修护手册 ANN announcement 通告 ANNUNC annunciator 通告器 ANT antenna 天线 AOA angle of attack 功角 APB auxiliary power breaker 辅助的动力断电器 APD approach progress display 接近行进显示 APL airplane 飞机 APPR approach 接近 APPROX approximately 近乎 APU auxiliary power unit 辅助的动力单元 ARINC Aeronautical航空学的Radio Incorporated【美】有限责任的ARINC IO ARINC I/O error ARNC STP ARINC I/O UART data strip error 通用非同步收发传输器ASA autoland status annunciator 自动落地状况通告器


民航机务专业术语 1、the airframe 机身结构 2、The front (fore) part 前部 3、The rear (aft) part 后部] 4、port 左旋(舵) 5、starboard 右旋(舵) 6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机 7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机 8、the nose 机头 9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮 11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼 13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖 16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼 18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼) 19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)

20、slats 缝翼 21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片) 22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片) 23、flap angle 襟翼角 24、flap setting 襟翼调整 25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置 26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆 27、the landing gear 起落架 28、stabilizer 安定面 29、the nose wheel 前轮 30、gear locked 起落架锁定 31、the wheel well 起落架舱 32、the wheel door 起落架舱门 33、a tyre 轮胎 34、to burst 爆破 35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎 36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎 37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破 38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼) 39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上) 40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。 41、The flaps are jammed. 襟翼被卡死。


航空机务常用英语大全 汇总 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

飞机 A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式) 航前检查 preflight check 航后检查 postflight check 短停检查 transit check 定检 scheduled maintenance 发现 found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障 trouble 或 failure 或 fault 失效 fail 或 malfunction 不工作 inoperative 缩写 INOP 工作不稳定 rough 工作稳定 smoothly 排故 troubleshooting 为了排故 for troubleshooting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据 refer 或 per to 或 according t o; 维护手册 AMM 更换 replaced 件号 part number 缩写P/N 时控件 time control part 拆下 removed 安装 installed 上件 part on 下件 part off 放行标准 DDG(是dispatch deviation g uide的英文缩写形式)最低设备清单 MEL(是minimum equipmen t list的缩写形式) 同意放行 dispatch approved 或 release d 因为 due 或 because 因停场时间不足 due time short 没有备件 lack parts 或 no spare parts available 或 no parts in stock 待件 wait for parts 申请保留 apply for reservation 保留故障 defer defect 保留项目 defer item 保留期限 due time 关闭保留项目 close deferred item 撤消保留项目 rescind deferred item 前部 forward 缩写fwd 后部 after 缩写aft 左 left 缩写L 或 LH 右 right 缩写R 或 RH 上面 upper 下面 lower 内侧 inboard 缩写 I/B 外侧 outboard 缩写 O/B 内侧发动机 inboard engine 外侧发动机 overboard engine 起落架 landing gear 缩写 LDG 主轮 main wheel 前轮 nose wheel 测试 test


?简述空气动力 There are four aerodynamic forces that act on an airplane in fight; these are lift, drag, thrust and gravity。 关系:Lift opposes weight and thrust opposes drag. lift equals weight and thrust equals drag 概念:Gravity constantly pulls the airplane toward earth. Thrust is any force acting in the same direction as the airplane's flight path. Lift acts perpendicular to both the flight path and the wing's span. Drag is any force acting parallel to the flight path but in opposite direction. So for airplanes to fly, the thrust must be greater than the drag and the lift must be greater than the gravity. 方向:drag is the backward force; lift is the upward force; gravity is the downward force; thrust is the forward force. ?飞机的控制面Airplane Control Surfaces For an airplane to be controllable ,control surfaces are necessary. The four main control surfaces are ailerons, elevator, rudder and flaps. Action Axis Controlled by Roll Longitudinal Ailerons Pitch Lateral Elevators Yaw Vertical Rudder Ailerons Located on the trailing edge of the wing, towards the wing tips, the ailerons control the airplane's roll. This movement causes a slight


A 1.(ICAO) 国际民用航空组织 2.(NSAS) 国家航空和宇航局 3.absolute pressure 绝对压力,绝对压强 4.absolute temperature 绝对温度 5.acceleration 加速度 6.access door 检查口盖,工作窗,舱门 7.access panel 口盖,舱盖 8.accessory adj. 附属的,辅助的,附件, 辅助设备,部件 9.accessory compartment 附件舱 10.accommodation 调节机能,适应, 供应,膳宿供应,座位,铺位 11.acoustical pane 吸音窗玻璃 12.acoustical seal 吸音密封 13.acrylic plastic 聚丙烯塑料 14.actuating device 致动装置 15.actuation 致动器 16.acute angle 锐角 17.adhesive 粘性的,粘合剂 18.adjustable stabilizer 可调节的安定面 (安定面的安装角,可以改变) 19.advancement 进步,前进,改进 20.Advisory Circular 咨询通告 21.aerobatics 特技飞行,航空表演22.aerodynamic balance 气动平衡,气动补偿 23.aerodynamic center 空气动力中心, 焦点 24.aerodynamic drag 气动阻力 25.aerodynamic efficiency 空气动力效率, 气动效率,升阻比 26.aerodynamic lift 气动升力 27.aerodynamic stability 空气动力安定性 28.aerodynamic surface 气动力面 29.aerodynamics 空气动力学 30.after hold (bulk cargo) 后货舱 (散装货物,笨重货物) 31.age hardening 时效硬化 32.agriculture aircraft 农业用机 33.aileron assembly 副翼装配件 34.aileron control bell crank 副翼操纵双摇臂,副翼操纵双摇臂曲板 35.aileron control cable 副翼操纵钢索 36.aileron tab 副翼调整片 37.aileron 副翼 38.air carrier 航空运输公司,空运工具, 运输机 39.air conditioning bay 空调设备舱 40.air conditioning compartment door 空调舱门 41.air conditioning duct 空气调节系统管道,空调管 42.air load 气动载荷 43.air-brake handle 气动刹车减速手柄,减速扳手柄 44.aircraft structure 飞机结构 45.aircraft-quality plywood 航空质量级的层板 46.airflow 气流 47.airfoil contour 翼型外形 48.airfoil surface 翼型表面 49.airfoil 翼型,翼剖面,机翼, 翼面,气动力面 50.airline 航线,航空公司 51.air-oleo strut 油气式减震支柱 52.air-oleo 空气—油液减震器 53.airspeed indicator 空速指示器,空速表 54.airspeed 空速,气流速度 55.airstream 气流 56.air-transportation service 空运服务 57.airworthy adj. 适航的,飞行性能好的 58.aisle panel 通道板 59.aisle 通道,走廊 60.alighting gear 起落架,着陆装置 61.all-metal aircraft 全金属飞机 62.alloy steel 合金钢 63.all-wing aircraft 三角翼飞机 64.altimeter 高度表
