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Voting per Internet in the Polish Legal System—From Policy Design to Policy Practice

Voting per Internet in the Polish Legal System—From Policy Design to Policy Practice

Maciej Pisz



【摘要】The main aim of this paper is to analyze the institution of the voting per Internet,which—as a special form of e-voting—is based on the use of the Internet in the casting votes by the electorate in elections.Considerations are conducted from the perspective of the Polish legal system and the Polish public administration.For the purposes of presented paper,the institution of voting per Internet will be considered as one of the challenges of contemporary electoral law and as one of the challenges of modern public administration in Poland.This paper will present and verify a significant research hypothesis,assuming the legitimacy of introducing in the future—in the long-term perspective—the discussed institution in the Polish policy practice.


【关键词】alternative voting procedure; e-voting; electoral law; elections(voting)per Internet; distant electronic voting

【作者】Maciej Pisz

【作者单位】University of Warsaw Warsaw Poland

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