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当前位置:文档库 › 2013一月浦东新区英语一模答案




I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. M: Well, what is the matter with you, Miss Chen?

W: I can’t sleep well these days and I’ve got a sore throat.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

2. M: I thought there is a special sale on carpet cleaner this week.

W: That sale was over yesterday. We have notebooks on sale this week.

Q: Where is this conversation probably taking place?

3. M: The bus is always late.

W: I know. I’ve been waiting for it for half an hour. If it doesn’t come in another 15 minutes, I’ll go on foot.

Q: How much longer will the woman wait for the bus?

4. W: May I watch what you’re doing?

M: Sure. Y ou dig a hole, put in the seed, cover it with dirt, and then water it.

Q: What is the man doing?

5. W: Can’t you knock on the door before you enter my office next time?

M: Sorry!It’s just that I’m in such a hurry.

Q: How did the woman feel when she was speaking to the man?

6. W: I have been looking forward to the publication of this book for a long time. Now, at last it

comes out, but I’m afraid it’s a little bit too expensive.

M: I couldn’t agree with you more.

Q: What does the man mean?

7. W: I’m sorry to tell you that you needn’t come next week.

M: I’ve always worked hard. Would you be kind enough to give me a month’s time so that I can find a new job?

Q: What has happened to the man?

8. M: How about that grade I got on the final?

W: I thought you would fail after you had lost your notes.

Q: What does the woman mean?

9. W: I can’t find Salisbury Villas anywhere on the map. I don’t think there is such a street.

M: It’s probably in the new part of Cambridge. We’ll have to call for directions.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

10. W: I’m so sorry, sir. And you’ll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, won’t you?

M: That’s all right. It could happen to anyone. And I’m sure that coffee doesn’t leave lasting

marks on clothing.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage

In 1977, a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a 19-month-old baby in a most unusual way. The author was Agatha Christie, one of the most successful writers of detective stories in the world.

In June that year, a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar, near Saudi Arabia. Doctors were unable to find the cause of her illness with confidence, so she was sent to a big hospital in London where specialist help was available. A team of doctors hurried to examine the baby only to discover that they, too, were unable to explain the very unusual disease. Just then, a nurse asked to speak to them.

“Excuse me,” said the nurse, “but I think the baby is suffering from thallium poisoning.”

“What makes you think that?” Dr. Brown asked. “Thallium poisoning is extremely rare.”

“I read a detective novel by Agatha Christie a few days ago,” the nurse explained, “and in the book somebody uses thallium poison, and all the symptoms are described. They’re exactly the same as the baby’s.”

The tests showed that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium, a rare metallic substance used in making glass. Once they knew the cause of illness, the doctors were able to give the baby the correct treatment. She soon recovered and was sent back home. Questions:

11. Why was the baby sent to London?

12. Who first suggested the correct cause of the baby’s illness?

13. What is thallium?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Before we start our first lab, I’d like to tell you a little bit about the workbook we’ll be using.

The first thing I’d like to point out is that the workbook contains a very large amount of material ___ far more than you could ever handle in a single semester. What you’re supposed to do is to choose the experiments and activities that you want to do, within a certain framework, of course. Part of my job is to help you make your choices.

Next, I’d like to mention that in each workbook chapter, there are usually two subsections. The first is called Experiments and the second is called Activities. In the Experiments section, the workbook gives full instructions for all the experiments, including alternate procedures.

Choose the procedure you wish ___ there’s plenty of equipment available.

In the Activities section, you will find suggestions for projects that you can do on your own time. Y ou’ll see that there are usually no detailed instructions for the activities. Y ou’re supposed to do them your own way.

If there are no questions, let’s turn to Chapter One now.


14. What is the instructor describing?

15. What is the instructor’s main point?

16. How are the activities different from the experiments?

Section C

Directions:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

W: John, are you busy?

M: As usual. What can I do for you?

W: I’ve just opened the suggestions box, and I want to have a word with you about some of the suggestions.

M: OK.

W: The first one is about the morning tea break. At present it’s at 11: 00, and the suggestion is to change it to 10:30.

M: Well, and what do you think?

W: I think we should have it a bit earlier.

M: I have no objection at all.

W: Good. The second one is about the printer.

M: Another complaint about the noise?

W: I’m afraid so.

M: Well, we can’t replace it. But it might be a good idea to get a better cover so that it isn’t as noisy.

W: OK, I’ll manage. Right, the third one is about flexible working hours. Don’t you think we should consider it?

M: I’m afraid the Managing Director has already said no to that one, and I, agree with him for the moment.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

M: Is this table in the corner okay?

W: Sure. We can sit here.

M: Gee. Y ou’ve hardly got anything on your tray.

W: Yeah. I guess I’m just not that hungry.

M: What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well?

W: Well, I’ve been really worried. It’s my car. It’s in the shop again.

M: Really?What’s wrong this time?

W: I don’t know exactly. Something’s wrong with the brakes, I think.

M: Well, at least that shouldn’t cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

W: He said he would call me with an estimate later on today.

M: Watch out he doesn’t try to take advantage of you.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn’t know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.

W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

M: Oh, that’s good to know. Maybe I’ll try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home today?

W: Oh, I sure appreciate it. It’s really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.



I. Section A 1~5. CACDB 6~10. ACABD

Section B11~13. DBA 14~16. CDC

Section C 17. 10:30 18. noise 19. flexible 20. agrees/agreed

21. brakes 22. an estimate

23. overcharged/taken advantage of 24. a ride/lift home

II. Section A 25~30. CDAADB 31~35. CACDB

36~40. CBDAB

Section B41~49. GABIJ HFDE

III. Section A50~54. CABDC 55~59. ADADC

60~64. BADBC

Section B 65~68. BACD 69~71. ACD

72~75. CDBB

Section C 76~80. ECBDF

Section D 81. reveal our loved ones’ true personalities but also unite family members

82. It helps capture the rich, personal histories of our loved ones.

83. someone was showing interest in him outside the family

84. The benefits of face-to-face companionship.



1.We are / feel proud of that outstanding/excellent writer/author.

2.I don’t think that David’s performance is so good as that of Alice/Alice’s. / I don’t think David performed/has performed so well as Alice did/has.

3.Classics/Classic works, which have stood the test of time, can always expand/broaden/widen readers’ horizons/views.

4.It was his strong interest in nature in his childhood that made him an world famous biologist. 5.After getting into trouble/meeting with difficulties again and again, he realized that he couldn’t perform well unless he put aside his personal interest and cooperated with others.


六年级数学试卷 — 1 — 浦东新区2013学年度第一学期期末质量测试 预备数学 (完卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 2014.1 一、选择题:(本大题共4题,每小题3分,满分12分)(每题只有一个选项正确) 1.下列说法正确的是……………………………………………………………………( ) (A )一个整数不是正整数就是负整数; (B )一个正整数不是素数就是合数; (C )一个正整数不是奇数就是偶数; (D )一个正整数的最大因数不是它的最小倍数. 2.下列计算?? ? ??+÷2117836 的过程中,正确的是…………………………………………( ) (A ) 214971149211749?+?=??? ??+÷; (B ) 21 8517118512117851?+?=??? ??+÷; (C ) 29 11491122749?=??? ??+÷; (D ) 29 1185111227851?=??? ??+÷. 3.已知有大、小两种纸杯与一桶果汁,其中小纸杯与大纸杯的容量比为2∶3,,如果这桶果 汁刚好装满小纸杯120个,那么这桶果汁最多可装满大纸杯的个数为……………( ) (A )360; (B )180 ; (C )80 ; (D )60. 4.一种商品先涨价10%,又降价20%,现价是原价的…………………………………( ) (A )90%; (B )88%; (C )86%; (D )80%. 二、填空题:(本大题共14题,每题2分,满分28分) 5.既能被2整除,又能被5整除的最小正整数是 . 6.0.6的倒数是 . 7.求比值:18分∶1.2时= . 8.如果6是x 和9的比例中项,那么=x . 9.如果A 和B 的最大公因数是15,且k A ??=32,73??=k B ,那么=k .


2013-2014学年上海市浦东新区八年级(下)期末数学一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题3分,满分21分)(每题只有一个选项正确) = C x2﹣7=0 x 2 C 3.(3分)如图,已知一次函数y=kx+b的图象经过A、 B两点,那么不等式kx+b>0的解集是 () 4.(3 分)下列事件:?①浦东明天是晴天,②?铅球浮在水面上,?③平面中,多边形的外角和都等于 +(﹣)=0 ||=0 +=+ ﹣=+(﹣) 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题2分,满分24分) 8.(2分)如果y=(m+2)x+m﹣1是常值函数,那么m=_________. 9.(2分)已知直线l与直线y=﹣4x平行,且截距为6,那么这条直线l的表达式是_________. 10.(2分)如果一次函数y=kx+b的图象经过第二、三、四象限,那么函数y的值随着自变量x的 增大而_________. 11.(2分)方程=的解是_________. 12.(2分)方程组的解是_________. 13.(2分)木盒中有1个红球和2个黄球,这三个球除颜色外其他都相同,从盒子里先摸出一个球, 然后放回去摇匀后,再摸出一个球.两次都摸到黄球的概率是_________. 14.(2分)一个多边形每个内角都等于144度,则这个多边形的边数是_________. 15.(2分)如果一个四边形要成为矩形,那么对角线应满足的条件是_________. 16.(2分)已知矩形ABCD的长和宽分别为8和6,那么顶点A到对角线BD的距离等于 _________. 17.(2分)如果一个四边形的两条对角线长分别为7cm和12cm,那么顺次联结这个四边形各边中 点所得四边形的周长是_________cm. 18.(2分)如图,已知在梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠B=30°,∠C=75°,AD=2,BC=7,那么AB= _________.


2013年浦东新区初中二模排名兼评16号线沿线学区房选择(2013-05-25 08:08:08) 标签: 分类:原创博文 浦东 浦东新区二模考 优秀率排名 浦东新区初中排名 16号线沿线学区房

中、南汇三中等七所。其中张江集团为民办校,生源面向全市优选,但据说今年会招收40名地段生。上海中学东校虽然为公立学校,但生源一样面向全市招生(浦东生源占70%以上),未来可能会在临港招收部分地段生。位于张江的浦东上外初中是外语特色的民办初中,面向全市招生,以直属附小和浦东生源为主。南汇一二三四中除一中在临港有分校外,均位于原南汇区政府所在的惠南,这四所公立初中招收生源为全地段生,具体学区划分可参考浦东新区教育局每年发布的最新相关文件。 2013年浦东新区(初三)二模考优秀率排名 学校优良率%排名 张江集团(民办)98.731 民办新竹园中学(民办)95.672 上海中学东校94.123 平和学校(民办)91.944 浦东上外(民办)80.25 民办交中初中(民办)80.26 民办尚德实验(民办)77.877 致远中学77.848 模范中学77.529 建平西校75.5110 进才实验中学75.311 市实验东校73.7212 南汇四中72.8413 华洋外国语(民办)69.0614 建平实验中学68.1515 进才北校66.8816 川中南校64.8917 民办协和(民办)61.918 华夏西校61.0719 菊园实验60.3920 南汇二中60.3721 清流中学58.5422 南汇一中57.5723 南汇三中56.8724 洋泾南校55.4725 罗山中学55.3826 老港中学54.6827 侨光中学54.1128 五三中学54.0929 傅雷中学53.7130 东昌东校51.4731 黄楼中学50.9832 上南北校50.9233


浦东新区2012学年度第一学期期末质量测试 初三理化试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 物理部分 考生注意: 1.本试卷物理部分含五个大题。 2.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效。 一、选择题(共16分) 下列各题均只有一个正确选项,请在答题纸的相应位置写上答案。 1.一张报纸平摊在水平地面上时,对地面的压强约为 A.1帕B.10帕C.20帕D.50帕2.以下物理量中,以科学家焦耳的名字作为单位的是 A.电压B.电阻C.电量D.电功3.一块木块切掉一半后,保持不变的物理量是 A.重力B.体积C.密度D.质量4.如图1所示,下列事实中不能说明大气压存在的是 A 吸盘吸附在墙面去壳熟鸡蛋吸入瓶内 D 纸杯托水 5.在如图2所示的电路图中,正确的是 A B C D 图2

6.如图3所示,在研究浮力大小时,将浮于水面的盆子慢慢向下按,用力越大,盆子浸入水中的部分越多。根据以上事实,下列猜想最符合研究目的的是 A .用力越大,物体排开水的体积越大 B .液体的密度越大,物体所受浮力越大 C .物体的体积越大,物体所受浮力越大 D .物体排开水越多,物体所受浮力越大 7.在如图4所示的电路中,电源电压不变。闭合电键S ,电路正常工作。过了一会,灯L 熄灭,两个电表中只有一个电表的示数变大,若电路中只有一处故障,且故障只发生在L 或R 处,则下列判断中正确的是 A .灯L 短路 B .灯L 断路 C .电阻R 短路 D .电阻R 断路 8. 能使甲、乙对水平地面的压强相等的措施是 A .将甲、乙分别沿竖直方向切去相同质量,并将切去部分放在对方上面 B .将甲、乙分别沿水平方向切去相同质量,并将切去部分放在对方上面 C .将甲、乙分别沿竖直方向切去相同厚度,并将切去部分放在对方上面 D .将甲、乙分别沿水平方向切去相同厚度,并将切去部分放在对方上面 二、填空题(共26分) 请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置。 9. 我国家庭电路的电压为 (1) 伏,家中电灯与控制它的电键之间是 (2) 连接的(选填“串联”或“并联”),用 (3) 来测量用户消耗的电能。 10. 冰的密度为0.9×103千克/米3,读作0.9×103 (4) ,表示的物理意义是 (5) 。一块冰全部化成水后,体积将 (6) (选填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”)。 11.在图6中,应用连通器原理的是图 (7) ;增大受力面积减小压强的是图 (8) ;应用阿基米德原理的是 (9) 。(均选填“A”、“B”、“C”或“D”) 图3 用灌水透明软管作水平仪 B 穿雪橇板滑雪 C 刀刃磨得很薄 图5 图


上海市浦东新区2013年中考二模 数学试卷 2013.4.16 (测试时间:100分钟,满分:150分) 考生注意: 1.本试卷含三个大题,共25题.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效. 2.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步骤. 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1.下列分数中,能化为有限小数的是 (A )3 1 ; (B ) 5 1 ; (C ) 7 1 ; (D ) 9 1. 2.如果 ()12212 -=-a a ,那么 (A )21< a ; (B )21≤a ; (C )21>a ; (D )2 1≥a . 3.下列图形中,是旋转对称但不是中心对称图形的是 (A )线段; (B )正五边形; (C )正八边形; (D )圆. 4.如果等腰三角形的两边长分别是方程021102=+-x x 的两根,那么它的周长为 (A )10; (B )13; (C )17; (D )21. 5.一组数据共有6个正整数,分别为6、7、8、9、10、n ,如果这组数据的众数和平均数 相同,那么n 的值为 (A )6; (B )7; (C )8; (D )9. 6.如果两圆有两个交点,且圆心距为13,那么此两圆的半径可能为 (A )1、10; (B )5、8; (C )25、40; (D )20、30. 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.8的立方根是 ▲ . 8.太阳的半径为696000千米,其中696000用科学记数法表示为 ▲ . 9.计算:()=3 2x ▲ . 10.已知反比例函数x k y = (0≠k ),点(-2,3)在这个函数的图像上,那么当0>x 时,y 随x 的增大而 ▲ .(增大或减小) 11.在1~9这九个数中,任取一个数能被3整除的概率是 ▲ . 12.如图,已知C 岛在A 岛的北偏东60°方向,在B 岛的北偏西45° 方向,那么∠ACB = ▲ 度. 13.化简:=?? ? ??+-??? ??-b a b a 313212 ▲ . 14 .在中考体育测试前,某校抽取了部分学生的一分钟跳 绳测试成绩,将测试成绩整理后作出如图所示的统计图.小红计算出90~100和100~110两组的频率和是 第12题图 第14题图


浦东新区2013年高考预测 数学试卷(理科) 注意:1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上指定位置将姓名、学校、考号填写清楚. 2. 本试卷共有23道试题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟. 一、填空题(本大题满分56分,每小题4分);本大题共有14小题,考生应在答题纸相应 编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1.已知复数z 满足i z i -=?1(其中i 为虚数单位),则z = . 2.已知集合A ={}2,1,2-,B = } 1,a ,且B A ?,则实数a 的值是 . 3.某学校高一、高二、高三年级的学生人数之比为3:4:3,现用分层抽样的方法从该校高 中三个年级的学生中抽取容量为50的样本,则应从高二年级抽取 名学生. 4.函数x x f 2log 1)(+=与)(x g y =的图像关于直线x y =对称,则=)3(g . 5.把三阶行列式1 31 04 3 02--x x x 中第1行第3列元素的代数余子式记为)(x f ,则关于x 的不等式0)(


浦东新区2013学年度第一学期期末质量测试 初一数学 (完卷时间:90分钟,满分:100分) 1.在( )--=-+-b a d c b a )(中的括号内应填的代数式为…………………( ) (A )d c -; (B )d c +; (C )d c +-; (D )d c --. 2.下列等式中,能成立的是………………………………………………………………( ) (A )()222 b ab a b a ++=+; (B )()222 93b a b a -=-; (C )()12122 ++=+a a a ; (D )()()4442-=-+a a a . 3.计算 a a a -++-33 36的结果是……………………………………………………………( ) (A )3 9--a a ; (B )1; (C )1-; (D )2. 4.化简x x x ÷÷-1 的结果是………………………………………………………………( ) (A )3 -x ; (B )3 x ; (C )1 -x ; (D )x . 5. 如图1,为保持原图的拼图规律,应选右边A 、B 、C 、D 的哪一块拼在图1的空白处…( ) 6. 下列图形中,是轴对称图形但不是中心对称图形的是………………………………( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) 图1(D)(C)(B)(A)(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )

二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题3分,满分36分) 7.当4,3,2=-==c b a 时,代数式ac b 42 -的值是 . 8.计算:=- ?-2)2 5 ()2(ab a _______. 9. 计算:2 5 2121?? ? ??-÷??? ??-= . 10.分解因式: =--652x x . 11.分解因式:nx mx mn m -+-2 = . 12.计算:()?? ? ??- ÷-22 515xy xy = . 13.计算:223)3()612(m m m -÷-= . 14.(1)当x 时,分式 1 31--x x 有意义;(2)x 时,分式122--x x 的值为零. 15.(1)223() 55x y xy y = ;(2)2()315y x x y =. 16.计算:=-? -1 1 1a a . 17.如图2,⊿ABC 顺时针旋转能与⊿ADE 重合,且∠BAE =60°, 则旋转中心是 ;点B 的对应点是 ;旋转角的大小是 度. 18.在方格纸中(图3),选择标有序号1、2、3、4中的一个小正方 形涂黑,与图中阴影部分构成中心对称图形,涂黑的小正方形的序号是 . 三、解答题:(19、20题,每小题4分,21、22题,每小题5分, 满分36分) 19.(1)计算:()() 3 25 )(x x x +--; (2)计算:2 33 2)()(a a -÷-. 图2 E D C B A 图3


1 2013年上海市浦东新区中考二模 数学试卷(含答案) (测试时间:100分钟,满分:150分) 考生注意: 1.本试卷含三个大题,共25题.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效. 2.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步骤. 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1.下列分数中,能化为有限小数的是 (A )3 1 ; (B )5 1; (C )7 1; (D )9 1. 2.如果()12212-=-a a ,那么 (A )2 1a ; (D )2 1≥a . 3.下列图形中,是旋转对称但不是中心对称图形的是 (A )线段; (B )正五边形; (C )正八边形; (D )圆. 4.如果等腰三角形的两边长分别是方程021102=+-x x 的两根,那么它的周长为 (A )10; (B )13; (C )17; (D )21. 5.一组数据共有6个正整数,分别为6、7、8、9、10、n ,如果这组数据的众数和平均数相 同,那么n 的值为 (A )6; (B )7; (C )8; (D )9. 6.如果两圆有两个交点,且圆心距为13,那么此两圆的半径可能为 (A )1、10; (B )5、8; (C )25、40; (D )20、30. 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.8的立方根是 ▲ . 8.太阳的半径为696000千米,其中696000用科学记数法表示为 ▲ . 9.计算:()=3 2x ▲ . 10.已知反比例函数x k y =(0≠k ),点(-2,3)在这个函数的图像上,那么当0>x 时,y 随 x 的增大而 ▲ .(增大或减小) 11.在1~9这九个数中,任取一个数能被3整除的概率是 ▲ . 12.如图,已知C 岛在A 岛的北偏东60°方向,在B 岛的北偏西45°方向,那么∠ACB = ▲ 度. 第12题图


浦东新区2013年高考二模模拟卷 数学试卷(理科) 注意:1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上指定位置将姓名、学校、考号填写清楚. 2. 本试卷共有23道试题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟. 一、填空题(本大题满分56分,每小题4分);本大题共有14小题,考生应在答题纸相应 编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1.已知复数z 满足i z i -=?1(其中i 为虚数单位),则z = . 2.已知集合A ={}2,1,2-,B = } 1,a ,且B A ?,则实数a 的值是 . 3.某学校高一、高二、高三年级的学生人数之比为3:4:3,现用分层抽样的方法从该校高 中三个年级的学生中抽取容量为50的样本,则应从高二年级抽取 名学生. 4.函数x x f 2 log 1)(+=与)(x g y =的图像关于直线x y =对称,则=)3(g . 5.把三阶行列式1 3 1 04 302 --x x x 中第1行第3列元素的代数余子式记为)(x f ,则关于x 的不等式0)(


2012-2013学年上海市浦东新区高一(下)期中数学试卷 D

9.(3分)(2008?上海)设函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,若当x∈(0,+∞)时,f(x)=lg x,则满足f(x)>0的x的取值范围 是. 10.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)若 ,则a=. 11.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)已知函数y=log a(3﹣ax),(a>0,a≠1)在[0,1]上单调递减,则实数a的取值范围为.12.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)已知角α终边上一点P(t,﹣4),若,则 tanα=. 二、选择题(本大题4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 13.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)“”是“”的() A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充要条件D.既非充分又非必要条件

14.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)若函数 的定义域为R,则k的取值范围是() A.B.C. D. 15.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)将a2b=N(a >0,a≠1)转化为对数形式,其中错误的是() A.B.C.D.16.(3分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)已知函数 ,若存在正整数k满足:f(1)?f(2)?f(3)?…?f(n)=k,那么我们把k叫做关于n的“对整数”,则当n∈[1,10]时,“对整数”共有() A.1个B.2个C.4个D.8个 三、解答题(本大题共5小题,满分52分)17.(8分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)解方程:log2(9x﹣5)=log2(3x﹣2)+2. 18.(8分)(2013春?浦东新区期中)已知tanα=﹣2,求下列各式的值. (1)


2013年上海市浦东新区中考数学一模试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1.(4分)(2013?浦东新区一模)如果延长线段AB到C,使得,那么AC:AB等于()A.2:1 B.2:3 C.3:1 D.3:2 考点:两点间的距离.3481324 分析:作出图形,用AB表示出AC,然后求比值即可. 解答:解:如图,∵BC=AB, ∴AC=AB+BC=AB+AB=AB, ∴AC:AB=3:2. 故选D. 点评:本题考查了两点间的距离,用AB表示出AC是解题的关键,作出图形更形象直观. 2.(4分)(2013?东城区二模)已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=α,AC=3,那么AB的长为()A.3sinαB.3cosαC.D. 考点:解直角三角形;锐角三角函数的定义.3481324 专题:计算题. 分析:利用∠A的余弦值解答即可. 解答:解:∵cosA=,∠A=α,AC=3, ∴AB==, 故选D. 点评:考查解直角三角形的知识;掌握和一个角的邻边与斜边有关的三角函数值是余弦值的知识是解决本题的关键. 3.(4分)(2013?黄浦区一模)将抛物线y=x2向左平移2个单位,所得抛物线的解析式为() A.y=x2﹣2 B.y=x2+2 C.y=(x+2)2D.y=(x﹣2)2 考点:二次函数图象与几何变换.3481324

专题:存在型. 分析:直接根据“左加右减”的原则进行解答即可. 解答:解:由“左加右减”的原则可知,将抛物线y=x2向左平移2个单位,所得抛物线的解析式为:y=(x+2)2. 故选C. 点评:本题考查的是二次函数的图象与几何变换,熟知函数图象平移的法则是解答此题的关键. 4.(4分)(2013?浦东新区一模)如果抛物线y=ax2+bx+c经过点(﹣1,0)和(3,0),那么对称轴是直线() A.x=0 B.x=1 C.x=2 D.x=3 考点:二次函数的性质.3481324 专题:计算题. 分析:根据抛物线的对称性得到抛物线的对称轴经过两点(﹣1,0)和(3,0)的中点,于是可得到抛物线的对称轴为直线x=2. 解答:解:∵抛物线y=ax2+bx+c与x轴两交点的坐标为(﹣1,0)和(3,0), 而抛物线y=ax2+bx+c与x轴两交点是对称点, ∴抛物线的对称轴为直线x=1. 故选B. 点评:本题考查了二次函数的图象的性质:二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象为抛物线,当a>0,抛物线开口向上;对称轴为直线x=﹣;抛物线与y轴的交点坐标为(0,c);当b2﹣4ac>0,抛物线与x轴有两个交点;当b2﹣4ac=0,抛物线与x轴有一个交点;当b2﹣4ac<0,抛物线与x轴没有交点. 5.(4分)(2013?浦东新区一模)如果乙船在甲船的北偏东40°方向上,丙船在甲船的南偏西40°方向上,那么丙船在乙船的方向是() A.北偏东40°B.北偏西40°C.南偏东40°D.南偏西40° 考点:方向角.3481324 分析:根据题意画出图形可直接得到答案.


2013年1月浦东新区一模范文 22分 As is depicted in the picture, a cat is catching mice himself, ignoring the delicious fish given while the other three cats are enjoying their meals and regard the other one as foolish and ridiculous. Artistic as it is, we may fail to laugh because it is such an accurate reflection of our contemporary teenagers. Always confronted with anything already prepared, we, who are just like the three comfortably sitting cats, may gradually be aparted from the ability to achieve anything we want through our own efforts. To take myself as example, I rarely cook food myself or get something at the sacrifice of my own pains. The situation embodies our parents’ too much protection and our teenagers’ poor awareness. To improve this, independence should be emphasized in our society and teenagers are supposed to encouraged to achieve their wishes on their own. Otherwise, parents’ care and affinity may act as the obstacle to their children’s success in the future. Let’s be the cat catching mice himself and leave the fish given behind. We’re sure to win the rewards through our own efforts.(183words) 18分 A picture shows that a cat is catching a rat while other three cats are eating fish by the table, wondering why would he catch mice when they are given fish in such times! We can also find that the three enjoy their dishes and the one enjoys his mice. There’s no doubt that there exist so many lazy cats in our society in the day and age, which rely on their parents or friends, do nothing but relax and even have no living skills such as cooking and writing. It is true that our living quality has been increasing, but that doesn’t mean that we can do nothing any longer. As the proverb says that “One should be provided with fishing skills rather than just a fish”. Human’s skills are the gifts from nature; we should make profits by using these skills instead of forgetting them in the front of scientific technology and others’ help. For instance, with the spread of computers, more people can only type but write ugly. Ideas should be often kept that food will run out one day but nobody can rob us of our skills. I really wish that more people can estimate their fish and start to find their skills back to live independently. (211words) 20分 What a vivid picture it is ! From the picture, I can see three cats sitting at the table. One of the three likes the fish so much that he have already ate it. Strangely, a cat is still catching a mouse with interest. And the two of the three cats sitting at the table think the cat catching mouse is very strange. One of them is asking, “such times we live in ! Why would you catch mice when we are given fish?” The picture shows me the phenomenon today that more and more children are spoiled by their parents and they may take it for granted that parents should help them in everything. I think the cat catching mouse very much. He reminds me of that we should be independent, we should take care of ourselves. Although becoming independent may have many difficulties, only when we are independent can we step into society easily and with courage. The three cats at table seem not


浦东新区 2013 年中考预测数学试卷 (测试时间: 100 分钟,满分: 150 分) 考生注意: 1.本试卷含三个大题,共 25 题.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本 试卷上答题一律无效. 2.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步 骤. 一、选择题:(本大题共 6 题,每题 4 分,满分 24 分) 1.下列分数中,能化为有限小数的是 (A )1 ; (B )1 ; (C ) 1 ; (D ) 1 . 3 5 7 9 2.如果 1 2a 2 2a 1 ,那么 ( A ) a 1 ; ( B ) a 1 ; ( C ) a 1 ; (D ) a 1 . 2 2 2 2 3.下列图形中,是旋转对称但不是中心对称图形的是 ( A )线段; ( B )正五边形; ( C )正八边形; (D )圆. 4.如果等腰三角形的两边长分别是方程 x 2 10x 21 0 的两根,那么它的周长为 ( A ) 10; ( B ) 13; ( C ) 17; (D ) 21. 5.一组数据共有 6 个正整数,分别为 6、7、8、9、10、 n ,如果这组数据的众数和平均数相同,那么 n 的 值为 (A )6; (B )7; (C )8; (D ) 9. 6.如果两圆有两个交点,且圆心距为 13,那么此两圆的半径可能为 ( A ) 1、 10; (B )5、8; ( C ) 25、 40; (D ) 20、 30. 二、填空题:(本大题共 12 题,每题 4 分,满分 48 分) 7.8 的立方根是 ▲ . 8.太阳的半径为 696000 千米,其中 696000 用科学记数法表示为 ▲. 9.计算: x 2 3 ▲ . 第 12题图 10 .已知反比例函数 y k ( k 0 ),点( -2 ,3)在这个函数的图像上, 那么当 x 0 时, x y 随 x 的增大而 ▲.(增大或减小) 11 .在 1~9 这九个数中,任取一个数能被 3 整除的概率是 ▲ . 12 .如图,已知 C 岛在 A 岛的北偏东 60°方向,在 B 岛的北偏西 45°方向,那么∠ ACB = ▲ 度. 13 .化简: 2 a 1 b 3 1 a b ▲ . 2 3 14.在中考体育测试前,某校抽取了部分学生的一分钟跳绳测试成绩,将测 试成绩整理后作出如图所示的统计图. 小红计算出 90~100 和 100~110 两 组的频率和是 0.12 ,小明计算出 90~100 组的频率为 0.04 ,结合统计图 中的信息,可知这次共抽取了 ▲ 名学生的一分钟跳绳测试成绩. 15 .如图,四边形 是梯形, ∥ , = 且 ⊥ ,如果梯形的高 ABCD AD CB AC BD AC BD DE = 3,那么梯形 ABCD 的中位线长 为 ▲ . 第 14题图 1


上海市浦东新区2013—2014学年度第一学期期末质量抽测 高三数学试卷(文卷) 2014.1 一、填空题(本大题共有14题,满分56分)只要求直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分, 否则一律得零分. 1. 22 1 lim 2n n n n →∞+=-___________. 2. 不等式 01 x x <-的解是___________. 3.已知数列{}n a 中,11a =,*13,(2,)n n a a n n N -=+≥∈,则n a =___________. 4.已知tan tan αβ、是方程2670x x ++=的两根,则tan()αβ+=_______. 5.甲校有3600名学生,乙校有5400名学生,丙校有1800名学生.为统计三校学生某方面的情况,计划采用分层抽样法,抽取一个样本容量为90人的样本,则应在甲校抽取的学生数是___________. 6.已知函数1 1()24 x x f x -= 的反函数为1()f x -,则1 (12)f -=___________. 7.已知复数12122,3(),z i z a i a R z z =+=+∈?是 实数,则12z z +=___________. 8.二项式291()x x -的展开式中,含3 x 的项的系数是___________. 9.在锐角ABC V 中,4,3AC BC ==,三角形的面积等于33,则AB 的长为___________. 10.已知实数,x y 满足242y x x y y ≤?? +≤??≥-? ,则22(1)(1)s x y =++-的最大值是 . 11. 已知圆锥的底面半径为3,体积是12π,则圆锥侧面积等于___________. 12.函数32)(2+-=x x x f ,若a x f -)(<2恒成立的充分条件是21≤≤x ,则实数a 的取值范围是 . 13.用||S 表示集合S 中的元素的个数,设A B C 、、为集合,称(,,)A B C 为有序三元组.如果集合A B C 、、满足1A B B C C A ===I I I ,且A B C =?I I ,则称有序三元组 (,,)A B C 为最小相交.由集合{}1,2,3的子集构成的所有有序三元组中,最小相交的有序三 元组的个数为 .


上海市浦东新区人民政府关于印发浦东新区2013年产业结构 调整工作安排的通知 【法规类别】机关工作综合规定 【发文字号】浦府[2013]160号 【发布部门】80903I002 【发布日期】2013.08.04 【实施日期】2013.08.04 【时效性】现行有效 【效力级别】XP10 上海市浦东新区人民政府关于印发浦东新区2013年产业结构调整工作安排的通知 (浦府〔2013〕160号) 区政府各委、办、局,各开发区管委会,各直属公司,各街道办事处、镇政府: 现将《浦东新区2013年产业结构调整工作安排》印发给你们,请认真按照执行。 上海市浦东新区人民政府 二○一三年八月四日 浦东新区2013年产业结构调整工作安排

为了全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神,进一步推动新区“创新驱动、转型发展”,继续加大产业结构调整、淘汰落后产能力度,确保完成全年的产业结构调整任务,根据上海市2013年产业结构调整重点工作安排和区政府2013年产业结构调整的工作要求,现制订浦东新区2013年产业结构调整工作安排如下: 一、主要目标 实施高能耗、高污染、高危险企业调整57项以上,其中危化企业7家左右;继续推进高桥石化地区产业布局调整;推进航头下沙地区重点区域调整。 二、主要任务 (一)配合市政府推进高桥石化布局调整。以炼化一体化项目获国家发展改革委核准为目标,继续平稳有序地推进高化调整。 (二)推进重点行业减量调整。加快推进工业区外的化工、钢铁、有色金属、纺织印染、普通建材、传统轻工和四大工艺企业的调整;启动推进烧结粘土砖企业的行业调整,2年内完成市政府下达的18家企业的调整;加大对重金属污染企业的整治,完成涉汞企业的调整。 (三)推进重点区域的重点调整。结合环境综合整治和区域转型升级,研究推进航头下沙地区重点区域调整,2013年完成项目立项。 三、保障措施 (一)完善政策措施。按照“早调整、多支持,晚调整、少支持”的原则,执行修订颁布的《上海市危险化学品企业调整补助办法》,引导工业区外危险化学品生产、储存企业实行关停和搬迁。进一步发挥价格机制在淘汰落后产能中的作用,细化差别电价政策,强化调整的经济手段


浦东新区2013年中考预测化学试卷2013.4 六、选择题(共20分) 27.空气中氧气的体积含量约为 A .21% B .78% C .27% D .30% 28.唐朝炼丹家马和最早发现了氧气,氧气的化学式为 A .O B .2O C .O 2 D .O 3 29.生活中的现象属于物理变化的是 A .火柴燃烧 B .菜刀生锈 C .蔬菜腐烂 D .白酒挥发 30. 加钙牛奶中的“钙”是指 A .原子 B .元素 C .分子 D .单质 31.引起“温室效应”的主要物质是 A .PM2.5 B .SO 2 C .CO 2 D .N 2 32.“黑火药”(成分是硝酸钾、硫磺、木炭)是我国古代四大发明之一,它属于 A .纯净物 B .化合物 C .氧化物 D .混合物 33.以下物质与水混合,不能形成溶液的是 A .食盐 B .面粉 C .二氧化碳 D .白糖 34.核电站中可用硼酸(H 3BO 3)吸收中子,阻断核辐射。硼酸中硼元素的化合价是 A .+1 B .+2 C .+3 D .+4 35.小球“ ”和“”分别是碳原子和氧原子的微观示意图,能够表示一个CO 分子的是 A . B . C . D . 36.正确的实验操作是 A .倾倒液体 B .加热液体 C .过滤液体 D .检查气密性 37.常见物质中酸性最强的是 A .橙汁pH=3 B .食盐水pH=7 C .牙膏pH=8 D .肥皂水pH=10 38.用打气筒可将空气压入自行车胎内,这是由于 A .分子之间有间隔 B .分子可以分成原子 C .分子在不断运动 D .分子的体积非常小 39.物质的俗名与其化学式对应正确的是 A .胆矾 CuSO 4 B .烧碱 Na 2CO 3 C .干冰 CO 2 D .生石灰 Ca(OH)2 40.物质的用途主要利用其物理性质的是 A .氢气作高能燃料 B .用石灰浆粉刷墙壁 C .盐酸用于除铁锈 D .氦气用于充霓虹灯 41.化学方程式是描述化学反应的语言,正确的化学方程式是 A .CuO +CO ?→??Cu +CO 2↑ B .2NaOH +SO 2?→?Na 2SO 4+H 2O C .2AgNO 3+Cu ?→?Cu(NO 3)2+2Ag D .2Fe + 6HCl ?→? 2FeCl 3 + 3H 2↑

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