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Detecting malicious Java code using virtual machine auditing

Detecting malicious Java code using virtual machine auditing
Detecting malicious Java code using virtual machine auditing

Detecting Malicious Java Code Using Virtual Machine Auditing Sunil Soman Chandra Krintz Giovanni Vigna

Computer Science Department

University of California,Santa Barbara



The Java Virtual Machine(JVM)is evolving as an infrastructure for the ef?cient execution of large-scale, network-based applications.To enable secure execu-tion in this environment,industrial and academic efforts have implemented extensive support for veri?cation of type-safety,authentication,and access control.However, JVMs continue to lack intrinsic support for intrusion de-tection.

Existing operating system auditing facilities and host-based intrusion detection systems operate at the process level,with the assumption that one application is mapped onto one process.However,in many cases,multiple Java applications are executed concurrently as threads within a single JVM process.As such,it is dif?cult to analyze the behavior of Java applications using the correspond-ing OS-level audit trail.In addition,the malicious ac-tions of a single Java application may trigger a response that disables an entire execution environment.To over-come these limitations,we have developed a thread-level auditing facility for the Java Virtual Machine and an in-trusion detection tool that uses audit data generated by this facility to detect attacks by malicious Java code.This paper describes the JVM auditing mechanisms,the in-trusion detection tool,and the quantitative evaluation of their performance.


Java technology[18]was initially used by web page de-signers to embed active content.As a result of the wide-spread success and popularity of Java,developers now use the language for implementation of a wide range of large-scale systems,e.g.,robust,mobile code sys-tems[36,19,33]and complex server systems[43,32]. In these systems,multiple applications and code compo-nents are uploaded by multiple(possibly untrusted)users for concurrent execution within a single Java Virtual Ma-chine(JVM)[38].The portability,?exibility,and secu-rity features of Java make it an ideal technology for the implementation of systems that support the execution of mobile code.

The use of Java enables portability because programs are encoded using an architecture-independent transfer for-mat that can be executed without modi?cation on any platform for which a JVM has been developed.Java supports?exibility by allowing applications to be up-graded and extended at run time through the use of dy-namic code loading.In addition,the Java type system and veri?cation mechanisms provide protection against some programming errors and malicious attacks.

The key areas that must be improved to enable continued wide-spread use of Java for Internet-scale server appli-cations are performance and security.Recent advances in Just-In-Time(JIT)compilation and optimization tech-niques[35,6,8]offer signi?cant improvements in Java program performance.Currently,to support security in server applications,Java provides mechanisms for au-thentication and access control[17,2].However,ad-ditional mechanisms are required to detect attacks that circumvent(or attempt to circumvent)the existing pro-tections or abuse legitimate access.

Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems(HIDSs)pro-vide a suitable solution to this problem[3,12].Ex-isting HIDSs use process-level execution events,col-lected by an auditing facility in the operating system,

to identify and respond to security threats and viola-tions[13,26,52].

Unfortunately,since a JVM executes as a single,multi-threaded user process,we must presume that all suspi-cious activity reported by the auditing facility for the JVM process ID,is caused by the JVM itself.However, the culprit may be one of the many applications running within the JVM process.As users increasingly demand higher availability and reliability from the servers exe-cuting their applications,an intrusion response mecha-nism that simply terminates the JVM process that is ex-ecuting malicious code becomes unacceptable.There-fore,novel auditing and intrusion detection techniques are needed,to provide?ner-grained threat identi?cation and response.

To this end,we have developed a JVM auditing facil-ity and an intrusion detection system that detects attacks that are initiated by malicious Java code.To implement our system,We leveraged two existing technologies:a high-performance,open-source,Java Virtual Machine, called JikesRVM[1];and an intrusion detection frame-work,called STAT,that we developed in prior work[50]. In this paper,we describe the JVM auditing mechanisms and the intrusion detection tool that we implemented,and provide a quantitative evaluation of the performance of our system.

In the next section,we place our work in the context of existing approaches to intrusion detection.In Section3, we present an overview of our approach.In Section4,we describe the JVM auditing system.Then,in Section5, we present the intrusion detection system.Section6dis-cusses the experimental evaluation of our system.Sec-tion7presents related work on Java security.Finally, Section8draws conclusions and outlines future work. 2Extant Approaches

to Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection is performed by identifying the man-ifestation of a security violation in an input event stream. In host-based intrusion detection systems,the input event stream is usually represented by the audit records pro-duced by the auditing facility of an operating system, such as the Solaris Basic Security Module[47].Other possible input streams are system call traces and UNIX syslog messages.The detection process can be performed according to dif-ferent techniques.For example,it is possible to use sta-tistical measures to characterize the normal behavior of users and applications[13,23,29].Deviations from the established pro?les are assumed to be evidence of an at-tack.The problem with these approaches is the dif?culty to create a reliable model of the application behavior. An imprecise model may lead to both missed detections (called false negatives)and false alarms(called false pos-itives).

Other approaches rely on the formal speci?cation of the acceptable behavior of an application[34,54,52].An execution history that does not conform to this behav-ior is considered malicious.The advantage of this ap-proach is that the generation of false positives is greatly reduced.On the other hand,the generation of the speci?-cation requires access to the application source code and considerable effort,even when supported by tools.For this reason,these techniques are not in wide-spread use. The most commonly used approach relies on models of attacks to analyze the input event stream.Systems based on this approach[20,26,39]are equipped with a num-ber of attack signatures.These signatures are matched against the stream of audit data to identify the manifesta-tion of an attack.The advantage of this approach is that it supports very effective intrusion detection and produces few false positives.In addition,signatures are not limited to modeling attacks against an application.For example, it is possible to describe attacks that represent abuses of legitimate access to the system.The disadvantage is that the signature set must be updated continuously as new ways of attacking a system are found.

In the work we present herein,we describe the design and implementation of a signature-based intrusion de-tection system.The system is an extension of previous work[49]in which we developed an auditing facility and an intrusion detection system for a mobile agent system, called Aglets[36].This prior system detects malicious agent activity through the monitoring of the Aglets exe-cution environment.In that case,the Java server applica-tion that was responsible for transferring and executing the mobile agents was instrumented to produce agent-related information.

The development of this agent monitoring system sug-gested a far more general approach in which the JVM itself is extended to produce the necessary informa-tion.Therefore,we developed a mechanism that collects

Figure1:Architecture of the Java Virtual Machine auditing system and the STAT-based intrusion detection system

events that give information about the activity of threads within a JVM.The resulting auditing system can moni-tor the activity of any Java application,including various technologies supporting mobile code.We also developed an intrusion detection system that takes advantage of the ?ner-grained information produced by the JVM audit-ing system to detect attacks coming from malicious Java code.

To the best of our knowledge,no existing system per-forms auditing and threat detection at the Java thread level.

3System Overview

Figure1shows a high-level overview of our intrusion detection architecture.The auditing system monitors executing Java threads(possibly associated with multi-ple,independent applications)and produces an audit log composed of records related to thread activity.The log is converted to an event stream by an event provider.The event stream is subsequently analyzed by an intrusion detection system for possible security threats or attacks. More precisely,the intrusion system compares patterns in the event stream against known attack scenarios.A match indicates that an intrusion or threat is in progress and that a response should be initiated.To do so,the intrusion detection system contacts the JVM which im-mediately terminates all offending threads.The JVM au-diting system maps authenticated user IDs to threads so that malicious users can be identi?ed and their threads selectively terminated.

Our system implementation couples and extends two ex-isting frameworks:the JikesRVM,a high-performance Java virtual machine[30,1],and STAT[51,14],a gen-eral platform for the creation of intrusion detection sen-sors that we developed as part of prior work.The grayed boxes in the?gure identify our extensions to these sys-tems.In the sections that follow,we describe each of these components.

4An Auditing System

For A Java Virtual Machine

We implemented an auditing facility for the JikesRVM. The JikesRVM was designed with the goal of enabling high-performance Java server applications.As such,it represents the next generation of JVM technologies.The JikesRVM compiles Java bytecode programs into binary code(x86or Power PC)at run time.The system oper-ates at the method level and employs aggressive program

optimization.The JikesRVM implements extensive run-time services including,garbage collection(GC),thread scheduling,synchronization,name-space separation,and class?le veri?cation.We implemented the latter two features ourselves as part of other projects[55].Cur-rently,the JikesRVM enables over25%reduction in ex-ecution time over the Sun HotSpot JVM version1.3.1 for x86/Linux(This value refers to a number of standard benchmark programs that we also used in Section6of this paper to evaluate the overhead introduced by our au-diting facility).

All Java threads in the JikesRVM derive from a virtual machine thread(VM

Processor),which is the abstrac-tion of an underlying operating system thread.This im-plementation enables the JikesRVM to perform thread scheduling,independent to that performed by the oper-ating system.

To monitor any suspicious activity performed by applica-tions running in the JikesRVM,we extended the virtual machine with an event logging system.Each time an application or code component is uploaded into the exe-cuting JVM,a thread is created to execute the code.The thread is assigned a unique system identi?er(SID)and a user identi?er(UID).The SID enables the JikesRVM auditing system to identify a speci?c thread when log-ging execution events.UIDs associate users with individ-ual threads.Both SIDs and UIDs are inherited by every thread created by the initial thread.Strong authentica-tion mechanisms can be used to assign UIDs to threads, however,authentication and identi?cation are not imple-mented natively by the JikesRVM(we are investigating such mechanisms as part of our current research).

In this?rst prototype,we simply map IP addresses to user IDs;this implementation is suf?cient to effectively identify malicious threads.Since each application thread that executes in the system has an associated user ID,the threads of a user can be killed without affecting other user applications or the execution environment.

Figure2provides a graphic description of the JVM au-diting facility.The auditing facility consists of an event driver,an event queue,and an event logger.The event driver adds thread-level execution events to the event queue.The logger processes events that are contained in the queue and writes them to an external log.We next describe the event driver.The implementation of the log-

ger component is described in Section4.2.

4.1Event Driver

The event driver provides an interface for inserting events in the event queue.The security-relevant opera-tions in the JikesRVM are instrumented with calls to the event driver interface.For example,system calls invoked by the executing programs are instrumented in this way. We currently instrument operations that are of interest from a security perspective.However,any dynamic be-havior can be instrumented using our system.The events we monitor in our prototype are:class events,system call events,JNI events,and thread interaction events.

4.1.1Class Events

A class event occurs each time a thread loads a class.We instrumented the JikesRVM class loading code to record these events during execution.If a class is loaded from the network,the IP address of the code source is logged as part of the event.

We also record events associated with the creation of user-de?ned class loaders[37]and the classes that they https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,er-de?ned class loaders are a powerful feature of the Java language that allows programs to de?ne dy-namically the way in which a class can be loaded and created.However,this functionality might also allow malicious applications to load classes from untrusted lo-cations[41].To record these events,we instrument the class loading code in user components that extend the Java ClassLoader library class[28].

4.1.2System Call Events

System calls provide an interface through which an exe-cuting program can access operating system resources. For example,network communication,?le I/O,and memory allocation are all accessed via system calls.By intercepting system calls,we are able to monitor and con-trol such access.

The JikesRVM provides an abstraction of system calls via the VM system class.The system call routines in this class invoke the corresponding routines in the“Magic”(VM









Figure3:XML Encoding of example JikesRVM events.

is an example of a system call event in which a thread with ID2,owned by a user with ID17attempts to open the/etc/passwd?le for writing and fails.The?-nal example in the?gure shows the encoding of a net-work event in which a thread,owned by user with ID11, tries to establish a connection to a host having IP address port25640and the connection is re-fused.

The source element describes the thread(and hence, user)that initiates the operation;the thread ID(attribute id)and the user ID(attribute uid)are both attributes of the thread element.The action element describes the operation performed by the source.The type at-tribute of this action element describes the action be-ing recorded(for example,“JNI”to denote that a native method was invoked).The target element describes the target to which the action is being applied.The tar-get of an operation can be a?le,a server,a method,or a thread.Of these,the latter is described by the id at-tribute;others are described using the name attribute. The result element speci?es the outcome of the opera-tion.This element has two attributes,returncode and status,which are used to record return values,e.g., from system calls,and status values,e.g.,errno values. 5Detecting Malicious Java Code

The event stream produced by the JikesRVM event log-ger thread is used by an intrusion detection system to identify possible threats and attacks.The intrusion detec-tion system was developed leveraging the STAT frame-work[26,50].The STAT framework provides a generic signature-based intrusion detection engine that can be extended to match a speci?c environment through a well-de?ned process.

The?rst step of the extension process includes the de?-nition of a language extension module.This module ex-tends STATL[14],the domain-independent attack mod-eling language provided by the framework,with the event types that are speci?c of a particular target do-main.Therefore,we developed a language extension module that de?nes the event types that are produced by the JikesRVM auditing facility(e.g.,the JEvent type). By doing this,it was possible to use the JVM-speci?c events when writing STATL scenarios.These scenarios represent state-transition models of attacks.

An example of a scenario is shown in Figure4.The sce-nario models a two-step attack in which a malicious ap-plication uses the JNI to obtain a reference to another application’s thread,and then calls the“kill”method on that reference in an attempt to terminate the thread.This attack is detected by checking for a JNI method invoca-tion(transition

2).This and other scenarios are pre-sented in detail in Section5.1.

The second step of the framework extension process is the development of an event provider module.This mod-ule is responsible for collecting events from the envi-ronment and translating them in the format de?ned in the language extension module.We developed an event provider module that reads the events contained in the audit log produced by the JikesRVM event logger and generates events in the format speci?ed by the language extension described above.These events are matched by the STAT analysis engine against the available attack sce-

scenario jikesRVM

1(s0→s1)nonconsuming{ [JEvent m1]:m1.targetType==”method”&&



log(”JNI method%s invoked by thread%s”,




transition transition

alert from the intrusion detection tool.The alert repre-sents the attempt of an application to write to the privi-leged/etc/shadow?le,which stores users’password hashes(on many UNIX systems).







MSG:Attempt to stat privileged file.



This scenario is an example of how the system can be used to detect malicious behavior even when an attack fails.

5.1.2Harmful Inter-Thread Communication

A reasonably enterprising intruder might disrupt the functioning of other application threads in the sys-tem[41].Consider the scenario in which an intruder has forged a legitimate user’s identity,e.g.,by stealing her user id,and has uploaded code using the stolen iden-tity.In addition,the legitimate user is authorized to in-voke native methods via the Java Native Interface(JNI). The intruder executes a native method that is designed to give her access to a thread object of another user.She then sends signals to that thread to terminate the thread. The system detects this scenario by detecting that a JNI invocation is performed followed by potentially harm-ful cross-thread communication between threads owned by two different users.The intrusion detection response module can communicate this information to the Java Virtual Machine,which can terminate the application up-loaded by the intruder.Following is an example of such a detection alert:







MSG:JNI method"print"invoked by thread2(uid0).

Suspicious thread communication after

JNI method invocation!!



This scenario shows that in some cases malicious behav-ior can be detected only by using features that are internal to the JVM.Alternately,the attacker might obtain ille-gal access to an application thread by ascending to the thread’s root thread group,and recursively descending through threads and thread groups below[41].The in-truder can then call Thread.stop()on the victim’s thread. This single-step attack and can be handled by monitoring Thread.stop()calls.

5.1.3Detecting Network Scans

With the next scenario,we show how the system can de-tect“bounce”attacks[24,41]on internal https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,-ing these well-known attacks,a malicious program may identify,manipulate,or discover vulnerabilities in hosts on an internal network.

In this scenario,the Java socket library is used by an at-tacker to perform network scans against hosts on a net-work behind a?rewall.We assume that the JVM server system has access to these internal hosts.A malicious user uploads code that performs ping scans against inter-nal subnets in an attempt to identify hosts that are alive. Similarly,the attacker can perform TCP and UDP scans to identify hosts with potentially vulnerable network ser-vices.To detect ping scans,we monitor the connection attempts made by an application to a range of hosts,or a range of ports on a host.Following is an example of an alert from the intrusion detection system that detects multiple connection attempts to a range of ports on host system identi?es the thread and the user who performed the scan.







MSG:Connect attempts(1058)to multiple ports. RESULT:FAILURE


This scenario shows that it is possible to precisely iden-tify the malicious code performing the attack using JVM-level audit data.

5.1.4Detecting Transfer of Privileged Information In the next scenario,we show how events that“leak”sen-sitive server information to the outside world[7]can be detected.The system is capable of detecting such events since we record system calls and network events.

Description Classes Methods Time(sec)


316.22 on the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool set315

java cup LALR parser generator:A parser is created


176 6.28 Computes solutions to rule based puzzles690

mpeg Spec JVM98audio?le decompression tool

55 5.84

ray tracing implementation180

0.511.522.5c o

m p r

e s s

d b

j a

c k

j a

v a

c u


j a

v a


j e

s s


p e g


t r t


v e

r a

g e

N o r m a l i z e d E x e c u t i o n T i m e

Figure 5:Execution times of our JikesRVM extension relative to the JikesRVM without auditing and response for a number of standard Java benchmarks.Full event logging implies that all system call,thread interaction,and JNI events are recorded.With partial event logging,we only log network use,?le I/O,thread interaction,and JNI invocation events.suite.


JikesRVM Auditing Overhead

To evaluate the ef?cacy of our system,we measured the overhead that the system imposes on the execution of programs for which no intrusions or threats are detected.Figure 5shows the relative slowdown for each bench-mark.The base case to which we are comparing is the JikesRVM without modi?cation.

The delay experienced by the user application due to event logging depends on the number of events.The left-hand bar in the graph shows the impact of full log-ging,i.e.,when all system calls,thread interaction,and JNI calls are logged.System call events generally dom-inate all other kinds of events,and applications with a large number of system calls incur in a substantial per-formance penalty.The right-hand bar,gives the perfor-mance of our system when partial logging is performed,that is when we only log events that we use in the attack scenarios presented in this paper,namely,network and ?le I/O,thread interaction,and JNI access.By reducing the number of events of interest,program performance improves.A user can con?gure our system to record any number of event types to manually adjust the trade-off between system performance and events audited.

The graph indicates that our logging introduces very lit-

Total Logging

Partial Logging


compress 190


java cup 420


jess 10075


mtrt 474Average





Figure 6:Breakdown of events for partial logging.These events are only those that we use for the attack scenarios that we present in this paper.Note that partial logging implies that in case of system call events,only network and ?le I/O events are recorded.

types of events.The number of system call events of each type varies across the benchmarks.However,?le reads and writes are the most common in all cases.As part of future work,we plan to aggregate read and write system calls to reduce the overhead of instrumentation,so that events are generated only when a threshold is reached.

7Related Work

Our work is primarily related to and complements three different areas of research.The ?rst is extant intrusion detection research which we describe and contrast to our system in Section 2.Other related work includes al-ternate approaches to ensuring safe execution of mobile programs (including Java-based operating systems)and thread termination techniques.

The goal of much of the prior related research has been to develop operating systems and system manage-ment components using the Java language to enable re-source management and process protection through the use of Java type-safety and load-time veri?cation mech-anisms [5,31,40,22,46,48,11,21,27,4].Other related work has focused on mechanisms that ensure that the execution of mobile code will not unintention-ally or maliciously harm the underlying systems.Such techniques include stack inspection [16],proof-carrying

code [42,10,9],software fault isolation [53],and code replacement [7].

The system that we propose is not an alternative to these existing approaches to program protection and system security.Instead,it offers a complementary technique (thread-level intrusion detection)that can be used to identify suspicious events or activities that may not be caught or detected by these existing approaches.For ex-ample,our system can be used within secure execution environments and Java-based operating systems to de-tect threads that continuously allocate memory in an at-tempt to cause the system to fail due to memory exhaus-tion or threads that perform bounce attacks on internal machines.In addition,our system is easily extensible and as such,administrators can add event detection of previously unforeseen attacks that arise but that are not handled by the underlying system.

A second area of related work is thread termination [44,15].In [44],the authors provide a formal speci?ca-tion and implementation of a technique for thread cessa-tion called soft termination .Using this technique,a mo-bile code system can asynchronously and safely destroy the threads of a mobile program without termination of the execution environment.In our system,the response module receives messages from the STAT system when thread activity warrants its termination.The response module discontinues all threads in the system that were initiated by the user that spawned the ill-behaved thread.The module destroys non-running threads by removing them from the thread scheduling queue.

We could have implemented soft termination within the response module instead.Soft termination guarantees correct thread termination in the presence of all program and system activities,e.g.,blocking system calls.As such,it is more robust and complete than our termina-tion process.Since the JikesRVM currently only sup-ports non-blocking system calls,we selected our sim-pler implementation for our initial prototype.As the JikesRVM evolves to include blocking system calls,we plan to consider the use of soft termination within our response module as part of future work.

8Conclusions and Future work

Auditing at the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)level allows for ?ne-grained access to application execution events.

This information is necessary to perform effective in-trusion detection and response for next-generation JVM server technologies in which multiple applications are uploaded from multiple(possibly untrusted)sites and ex-ecute concurrently within a single JVM.To this end,we developed an auditing facility for the JikesRVM and a host-based intrusion detection system that employs this audit data.As a result,attacks that exploit features inter-nal to the JVM,such as the JNI,can now be detected.To our knowledge,this is the?rst system that performs au-diting and intrusion detection at the thread-level within a JVM.

We also evaluated both the effectiveness of the detec-tion process and the performance of the auditing systems. The results show that our approach introduces limited, adjustable,overhead while enabling many different at-tack scenarios to be detected.

Our future work will have two foci.First,we plan to extend and optimize the auditing system to handle addi-tional events and to reduce the overhead of instrumenta-tion.The extensions we plan include a publish-subscribe mechanism that allows intrusion detection systems to dy-namically con?gure the auditing facility so that only the events that actually are necessary to the detection pro-cess are logged.In addition,we will use the experience that we gained with the prototype described herein,to reduce the overhead of instrumentation and audit collec-tion within the JikesRVM.

As a second research direction,we plan to correlate traces collected at different abstraction levels to per-form more effective intrusion detection.In particular, we plan to analyze the JVM-level traces with respect to application-level and OS-level traces.This integrated, multi-level approach will allow for more focused mali-cious code detection and a clearer evaluation of the im-pact of an attack on the underlying operating system. Acknowledgments

We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for pro-viding extensive and useful comments on this paper. Giovanni Vigna’s work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-0209065.References

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《信息技术基础》(电子邮件部分) 强化练习 1.如果E-mail地址是wang@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,,那么用该邮箱地址发送邮件范围:()A.只能是云南 B.只能是中国 C.只能是教育部门 D.可以是全世界 2.某同学以myname为用户名在新浪网(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,)注册的电箱地址应该是:() A myname@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html, B.https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html, C.myname.sina@com D.https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,@myname 3.使用WEB方式(直接在网站上)收发电子邮件时,以下描述错误的是:() A.不用设置SMTP服务域名 B.不用设置POP3服务域名 C.不用输入账号和密码登录 D.可以在附件中插入图片文件 4.在撰写邮件时,在收件人对话框的“收件人”栏中:() A.只能输入一个人的收件地址 B.只能输人多个人的收件地址 C.既可以输入一个人的收件地址又可以输人多个人的收件地址 D.只能输入收件人的姓名 5.要将一封电子邮件同时发送给几个人,可以在收件人栏中输入他们的地址,并用()分隔。 (A)”(B)。(C),(D) / 6.关于发送电子邮件,下列说法中正确的是()。 (A)你必须先接入Internet,别人才可以给你发送电子邮件 (B)你只有打开了自己的计算机,别人才可以给你发送电子邮件 (C)只要有E-Mail地址,别人就可以给你发送电子邮件 (D)别人只要接入了Internet,就可以给你发送电子邮件 7.要给某人发电子邮件,必须知道他的()。 (A)电话号码(B)家庭地址(C)姓名(D)E-Mail地址 8.在发送电子邮件时,在邮件中()。 (A)只能插入一个图形附件(B)只能插入一个声音附件 (C)只能插入一个文本附件(D)可以根据需要插入多个附件 9.电子邮件从本质上来说就是()。 (A)浏览(B)电报(C)传真(D)文件 10.小明写了一份研究性学习结题报告电子文档,投稿前就稿子审阅修订问题需要与身在国外留学的叔叔进行较长时间的交流。你认为小明应该采用的较合理的信息交流方式是:() (A)电报 (B)电话 (C)书信 (D)电子邮件 11.下列主要用于电子邮件收发和管理的软件是() (A)FrontPage (B)Outlook Express (C)ACDSee (D)WinRAR 12.接收电子邮件的协议是() (A)SMTP (B)HTTP (C)POP3 (D)TCP/IP 13.在电子邮件中所包含的信息() (A)只能是文字信息 (B)只能是文字和图形图像信息 (C)只能是文字与声音信息 (D)可以是文字、声音和图形图像信息 14.把电子邮件发送到收件人的电子信箱中,所采用的邮件传输协议是()


软件测试的重点 第一章 P4 软件缺陷:它是计算机系统或者程序中存在的任何一种破坏正常运行能力的问题,错误,或者隐藏的功能缺陷,瑕疵。注:软件缺陷出现最多的阶段是需求规格说明书。 P9软件测试的定义:软件测试为了发现程序中的错误而执行程序的过程。 {软件测试的目的:就在于在软件投入运行之前,尽可能多地发现软件中的错误。===测试的目的是发现程序中的错误,是为了证明程序有错,而不是证明程序无错。} 实现此目的的核心是测试用例的设计。判断软件测试的成功与失败:一个好的测试用例在于发现还未曾发现的错误,成功的测试是发现了错误的测试。 软件测试的目标是为了检验软件系统是否满足用户的需求。 调试和测试的区别:首先调试是由程序员编试的,且调试是在测试之前。/////调试是一个随机的、不可重复的过程,目的是寻找错误的原因和具体的位置,并修复错误。调试一般在测试前进行。 4.优秀的软件测试员应具备的素质: 1 软件测试人员是群探索者。 2 软件测试人员是故障排除员。 3 软件测试人员不放过任何蛛丝马迹。 4 软件测试人员具有创造性。 5 软件测试人员是群追求完美者。 6人员判断准确。 7 软件测试人员注重策略和外交。 8 软件测试人员善于说服。 5. P12软件测试的分类: 1.从是否需要执行被测软件的角度(程序是否运行的角度):软件测试可分为静态测试和动态测试。其中静态测试可分为(1)代码检查法(2)静态结构分析法(3)代码度量质量法其中动态测试分为(1)黑盒测试和白盒测试

###二者的区别:静态测试不实际执行程序,而是利用人工手段及静态测试工具完成对程序的静态测试。主要目的是检查软件的表示与描述是否一致,没有冲突和歧义。而动态测试则是实际运行测试用例,以发现软件中的错误。 ### 静态测试和动态测试的时序关系: 一般可先进行静态测试,即代码检查法、静态结构分析法、代码质量度量法等进行测试;然后进行动态测试,即逻辑覆盖法、基本路径测试法、程序插桩等进行测试。 2.从软件测试用例设计方法的角度(从测试的策略):可分为黑盒测试和白盒测试 (1)黑盒测试是一种从用户角度出发的测试,又称为功能测试,数据驱动测试和基于规格说明的测试。(2)白盒测试基于产品的内部结构来进行测试,检查内部操作是否按规定执行,软件各个部分功能是否得到充分利用,又称为结构测试,逻辑驱动测试和基于程序的测试,即根据被测程序的内部结构设计测试用例,测试者需要事先了解被测程序的结构。 3.按照软件的开发阶段分类:软件测试可分为单元测试,集成测试,确认测试,系统测试和验收测试。 4.按照实施测试的组织,可将测试分为Alpha测试、Beta测试及第三方测试。 (1). Alpha测试 Alpha测试属于开发方进行,指软件开发组织公司内部人员模拟各类用户对即将交付的软件产品进行测试,以发现其中的错误并改正。 (2 ).Beta测试 Beta测试是用户进行的测试,但通常不等同于验收测试,即决定是否接受软件并不是Beta测试的目的。 Beta测试的目的在于帮助开发方在正式发布软件产品前对其进行最后的改进。 (3 )第三方测试 第三方测试是指由不同开发方和用户方的组织进行的测试。 6.软件测试技术的发展历史和现状 (1)软件测试技术的发展历史 ●20世纪50年代,英国,图灵给出了软件测试的原始定义。 ●1957年,测试是发现软件潜在错误和缺陷的活动。 ●1972年,北卡罗纳大学举行了首届软件测试正式会议。


第10课收发电子邮件 [教学目的与要求] 1.学会进入自己的电子邮箱。 2.学会发电子邮件。 3.学会回复电子邮件。 4.通过发电子邮件的实践活动,让学生学会自主学习,能够协同合作、探索新知。 5.让学生养成遵守网络道德规范的良好习惯。 6.培养学生学习、使用因特网的兴趣和意识。 [课时安排] 建议安排1课时。 [教学重点与难点] 1.重点:登录电子邮箱的操作方法,如何编写、发送电子邮件。 2.难点:如何充分调动学生参与的积极性,使学生遵守网络道德规范的良好习惯。[教材分析与教法建议] 1.教材的地位与作用 E-mail是因特网上重要的信息服务方式,它为世界各地的因特网用户提供了一种快速、便捷、经济的通信方式,由于这些优点, 因特网上数以亿计的用户都有自己的E-mail地址,E-mail也成为利用率最高的因特网应用。 本课是在前一课学习申请电子邮箱的基础上,让学生对电子邮箱和电子邮件有进一步的认识。 2.教学方法指导 培养学生良好的网络道德习惯和信息技术素养。从低层次探索入手,充分调动学生积极自主地探究新知识。让学生自主探索,主动构建知识。以学生为主体,凸现分层教学。让学生展示自己的新发现,体验成功的喜悦。同时也让学生学会与他人合作学习,营造一个相互学习,相互得益的氛围,调动每个学生的积极性。 (1)课前,教师可以布置学生注册两个以上电子邮箱账号,或批量注册一批账号以供备用,并及时地把自己的新邮箱地址通知同班好友,这样在课堂上可以有更多实践的机会。 (2)在备课时,教师可设计一些适合小学生心理特点的电子邮件内容,增加练习或模拟发电子邮件的趣味性,使学生尽快掌握收发电子邮件的技能。 (3)有条件的学校,可在本校的局域网上,利用Windows NT 的Microsoft 邮局系统,建立起局域网内部电子邮件系统,给每位学生设置账号账号和密码,然后设置好学生机上收


目录 引言 (4) 第一章绪论 (5) 1.1.1 计算机图形图像学的发展简史 (5) 1.1.2现有图形图像处理软件 (5) 1.2课题研究的目的及意义 (6) 第二章图形图像处理软件开发技术基础 (7) 2.1 Java Swing 简介 (7) 2.1.1 Swing的特性 (7) 2.1.2 Swing程序包和类 (8) 2.2 MVC体系结构 (9) 2.2.1 模型 (9) 2.2.2 视图 (9) 2.2.3 控制器 (10) 第三章图形图像软件的设计 (11) 3.1图形处理模块的设计 (11) 3.1.1结构设计 (11) 3.1.2功能描述 (11) 3.1.3图形处理模块结构图 (11) 3.1.4主要类设计.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2 图像处理模块的设计 (12) 3.2.1结构设计 (12) 3.2.3结构图 (13) 4.1 绘图功能的详细设计与实现 (15) 4.1.1 菜单栏 (15) 4.1.2工具栏 (16) 4.1.3画图区 (16) 4.1.4状态栏 (17) 4.2 图像编辑的详细设计与实现 (18) 4.3滤镜处理的详细设计与实现 (19) 4.3.1 图像增强 (19) 4.3.2图像边缘检测 (21) 4.3.3 图像平滑处理 (23) 4.3.4 系统测试 (24) 结论 (26) 致谢 (27)

图形图像处理软件的设计与实现 摘要:随着计算机技术的迅速发展,图形图图像技术在各个领域的研究和应用日益深入和广泛。由于图形图像各种算法的实现,使得其处理速度越来越快,能更好的为人们服务。图形图像处理的信息量很大,对处理速度的要求也比较高。Java 强大的运算和图像展示功能,使图像处理变得更加的简单和直观。同时系统所有的操作设计得十分简单方便,无需具备有专业的知识,也能实现图像图像处理。 Java是一种完全面向对象的语言,Java语言的设计集中于对象及其接口,它提供了简单的类机制以及动态的接口模型。本文基于Java的图形图像处理环境,设计并实现了以图形图像处理系统,展示如何通过利用Java实现对图形图像的各种处理。 关键词:Java 绘图板图形图像编辑滤镜处理边缘处理

实验六 电子邮件收发及客户端软件

实验六电子邮件收发及客户端软件配置 【实验目的】 让学生了解电子邮件传输信息的方法,熟练使用基于Web的电子邮件的收发,并掌握电子邮件客户端软件的配置方法及其基本应用。 【实验内容】 1.Web电子邮件的收发。 2.配置电子邮件客户端软件(Microsoft Outlook Express和Foxmail)。 3.电子邮件客户端软件的基本应用。 【预备知识】 (一)电子邮件基础知识 电子邮件(Electronic Mail)又称E-mail,它是用户或用户组之间通过计算机网络收发信息的服务。用户可以使用电子邮件发送或接收文字、图像和语音等多种形式的信息。目前电子邮件已成为网络用户之间快速、简便、可靠且成本低廉的现代通信手段,也是Internet 上使用最广泛、最受欢迎的服务之一。 1.电子邮箱 电子邮箱由提供电子邮件服务的机构为用户建立,在邮件服务器上建一个用户帐号并为用户开辟一个存储空间,又称E-mail地址。E-mail地址格式为:用户名@邮件服务器主机名。例如:zhujun@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,。 2.电子邮件工作原理 电子邮件与普通邮件有类似的地方,发信者注明收件人的E-mail地址,发送方服务器把邮件传到收件方服务器,收件方服务器再把邮件发到收件人的邮箱中。如图6-1所示。 图6-1 电子邮件收发示意图 在电子邮件的实际工作过程中,收发邮件一般是双向的,即发件人和收件人、发件服务器和收件服务器的角色是相互转换的。 电子邮件系统由以下几部分组成(见图6-2): z MUA(Mail User Agent):邮件用户代理,帮助用户读写邮件。 z MTA(Mail Transport Agent):邮件传输代理,负责把邮件由一个服务器传到另一个服务器。 1


软件工程期末复习总结 第一讲概述(选择U填空U简答) 1、1 软件工程的研究内容 软件工程要考虑专业软件开发所需要的理论、方法与工具----工程技术问题 软件工程要考虑如何有效的在软件开发中利用有限的成本资源----工程管理的问题 1、2 什么就是软件? 软件包括:---软件的内涵 ①能够提供客户所需功能与性能的计算机程序; ②使程序能够适当的操作信息的数据结构; ③用以描述程序开发过程及使用的文档。 软件产品可以为一个特定的用户设计开发,也可以为某一类通用的市场设计开发。 软件产品可以分成: 一个新的软件并不一定就是全新开发,可以由现有软件或可复用软件成分配置形成。 1、3 什么就是软件工程? 软件工程就是涉及软件生产各个方面的一门工程学科 软件工程涉及软件生命周期的各个方面,从软件需求的确定到软件退役。 软件工程:(1)将系统化的、规范的、可度量的方法应用于软件的开发、运行与维护的过程,即将工程化应用于软件;(2)研究(1)中的方法、 ——IEEE[IEE93] 1、4 什么就是成功的软件项目 一个成功软件项目的三个要素包括: 按时交付不超预算满足用户要求。 1、5 软件过程与软件生命周期的相关概念 软件过程就是指开发或制作软件产品的一系列活动及其成果、 所有的软件过程中都包括四个基本活动:(填空) 1、描述( Specification)- 系统应该提供的功能及其开发约束; 2、开发( Development)- 软件产品的生产过程; 3、有效性验证(Validation )- 检验软件产品就是否满足了客户的需要; 4、进化( Evolution )- 按照用户的变更要求不断的改进软件。 软件生命周期就是软件过程的另一种形象描述,通常包括需求定义、分析与描述、软件设计、实现、测试、维护与退役等活动。 1、6什么就是优良软件的属性? P8 (填空U选择) 优良的软件应能交付相应的功能与性能,而且应具有良好的可维护性、可依赖性、有效性与可用性:(选择题,考法内涵匹配) 可维护性(Maintainability) Software must evolve to meet changing needs; 可依赖性(Dependability) Software must be trustworthy;


开题报告 通信工程 电子邮件收发系统的设计与实现 一、课题研究意义及现状 伴随中国互联网的发展和政府、企业信息化的进程,电子邮件系统越来越占据着举足轻重的地位。电子邮件系统在国内的应用,经历了从科研机构的专用工作方式到步入寻常百姓的日常生活,到为政府和诸多企业认可,成为人们工作、生活“标准配置”的发展历程。电子邮件系统作为整套应用解决方案,必然涉及到Internet接入网络、电子邮件系统应用软件、数据库、服务器设备、存储备份、集群、安全加密等相关技术,其中电子邮件系统软件是整个系统的核心,其技术指标对整个系统的功能和性能起到决定性作用。 随着我国Internet网络基础设施的不断改善和互联网应用的日益普及,以及人们对电子邮件服务的功能、性能要求的日益提升,电子邮件的应用也必将越来越深入和专业化。在技术上,电子邮件系统在国内的发展经历了从传统电子邮件系统的CtoC(Copy to China),到电子邮件服务提供商组织技术力量开发完善自己的邮件系统,再到顺应市场需求,逐渐产生满足不同目标用户电子邮件需求的商业化电子邮件系统成熟产品的不断发展过程。早期,国外一些可免费下载使用的电子邮件系统(如Sendmail、Qmail等)曾被国内用户广泛采用。这些系统可满足一定用户数的基本邮件收发需求,但随着用户数规模的扩大和本地化、专业化电子邮件功能、性能需求的日益提升,这些免费“舶来品”的缺陷日益突出:系统性能随着用户数的增多急剧下降;可靠性低,收发邮件不稳定甚至丢失邮件;安全性差,易被黑客攻击,商业机密易泄露;中文处理经常出现问题,代码之间难转换等。这些传统电子邮件系统的缺陷促使了国内自主开发、自主品牌的电子邮件系统的诞生。 二、课题研究的主要内容和预期目标 主要内容: 本课题研究的是一个电子邮件收发系统,以C++Builder 6.0为开发环境。 预期目标: 设计一款简单的电子邮件系统,具备一般电子邮件的基本功能。能进行邮件的收发, 发送附件,邮件杀毒,垃圾邮件过滤,来邮件手机短信提醒等功能。 三、课题研究的方法及措施 关于C++ builder C++ builder是Inprise公司(原Borland公司)1998年推出的,面向对象的32位Windows程序设计开发工具。C++ builder不仅继承了Delphi使用简便、功能强大、效率高等特点,而且它还结合看


常用电子邮件收发软件的使用(Outlook Express) 一、课题: 常用电子邮件收发软件的使用(Outlook Express) 二、教学目标: 知识目标: 1、了解E-mail帐号设置的意义 2、掌握帐号设置的步骤 3、理解POP 3、SMTP服务器的具体含义 技能目标: 1、学会outlook express中帐户的设置 2、熟练使用outlook express收发电子邮件 情感目标: 1、培养学生的观察、自学、团结协作和创新能力 2、培养学生在使用电子邮件搜集和发布信息时的良好信息素养 三、课时分配:1课时 四、课的类型: 新课讲授 五、教学重点与难点: 重点:

利用Outlook收发电子邮件 难点: 邮件帐号的设置 六、教学手段: 多媒体教学 七、教学方法: 任务驱动教学法 八、教学过程: 教师活动学生活动 学生回答 回忆以前启动一个 软件的方法,找到 Outlook并打开。 听老师的讲解、观 察老师的操作。 听老师的讲解、观设计意图在紧密联系现实生活的基础上,对学生进行合理的引导,使学生容易理解 同学们对学校或老师有什么意见或 建议,可以通过传达室墙上的“校长信 导箱”给对学校反映,但有了计算机有了 网络,我们还可以用另一种方法与校长

入联系。 什么方法? (xx——电子邮件) 一、启动Outlook Express 用E-mail收发信件每次都要登陆 有多个邮箱就要多次重复此操作,有点 麻烦,而且不支持脱机浏览。接下来我 们来介绍一个“超级邮递员”—Outlook Express。有了这个邮递员收发邮件的操 作就简单多了。 如何打开Outlook Express? (双击桌面“Outlook Express”图标) 初步认识Outlook: 简单介绍Outlook的面板栏和工具 栏。让学生了解用outlook express新课学 xx、邮件帐号的设置察老师的操作。练 并不是一打开Outlook就可以收发习设置邮件帐号。邮件了,还有一样工作要做,就是告诉 “邮递员”邮件的地址即邮件帐号的设 置。 在Outlook菜单栏中选择“工具”-


天然地基:未经人工处理处理就可以满足设计要求的地基。 人工地基:天然地层图纸过于软弱或存在不良工程地质问题,需要经过人工加固或处理后才能修筑基础。 浅基础:埋置深度较浅(一般在数米以内),且施工相对简单的基础,在设计计算中,可忽略基础侧面土体的摩阻力和侧向抗力(如刚性扩大基础,柔性扩大基础) 深基础:浅层图纸不良,需将地基至于较深的良好图层上,且在设计计算中不能忽略基础侧面土体的摩阻力和侧向抗力的基础形式(桩基础、沉井基础、地下连续墙) 浅基础,综述 刚性基础(无筋扩展基础):当基础圬工具有足够的截面使材料的容许应力大于有地基反力产生的弯曲拉应力和剪应力时,基础不产生裂缝而不需配置受力钢筋,这种基础称为刚性基础。 柔性基础(钢筋混凝土扩展基础):在外力和地基外力的作用下,基础本身发生较明显的变形,基础刚度较小,不可以承受压力,弯曲拉应力和剪应力,需要配置钢筋。 因为刚性基础不易变形的特点,使其一般应用于桥梁基础 扩散角:自墩台身边缘处的垂线与基地边缘的连线的夹角α 刚性角:自墩台身边缘处的垂线与基地边缘的连线最大夹角αmax。(由基础本生的材料决定的) 当α≤αmax则安全(刚),所以通常也用刚性角来定义刚性基础和柔性基础 浅基础的构造 刚性扩大基础、单独和联合基础、条形基础、筏板和箱型基础 由于地基强度一般较墩台或墙柱圬工的强度低,因而需要将地基平面尺寸扩大以满足地基强度要求,这种刚性基础有成为刚性扩大基础 地基承载力容许值[?a](修正后得到的)地基承载力基本容许值[?a0] 地基承载力容许值的确定 地基承载力容许值[?a],由下式确定。当基础位于水中不透水地层上时,[?a]按平均常水位至一般冲刷线的水深每米再增大10kPa [?a] = [?a0] + k1γ1(b-2) + k2γ2(h-3) [?a]——地基承载力容许值(kPa) b——基础底面的最小变宽(m),当b<2m,时取b=2m; 当b>10m,时取b=10m h——基地埋置深度(m),自天然地面起算,有水流冲刷时自一般冲刷线算。 当h<3m,时取b=3m; 当h/b>4m,时取h=4bm; k1、k2——基底、深度修正系数,根据基底持力层土累呗按表确定 γ1——基底持力层土天然重度(kN/m 3),若持力层在水面以下切为透水者,应取浮 重度 γ2——基底以上土层的加权平均重度(kN/m 3),换算是若持力层在水面以下,且不 不透水时,不论基底以上土的透水性质如何,一律去饱和重度;当透水时,水 中土层则应取浮重度


摘要 随着计算机技术的迅速发展,数字图像处理技术在医学领域的研究和应用日益深入和广泛。现代医学已越来越离不开医学图像处理技术。医学图像处理技术在临床诊断、教学科研等方面发挥了重要的作用。计算机图像处理技术与影像技术的结合从根本上改变了医务人员进行诊断的传统方式。充分地利用这些技术可以提高诊断的正确性和准确性,提高诊断效率,降低医疗成本,可以更加充分地发挥各种医疗设备的功能。而且,随着数字化、智能化进程的深人,图像处理技术在医疗卫生领域将会有更加广阔的应用前景。 Java是Sun公司推出的一种面向对象编程语言。Java非常适合于企业网络和Internet 环境,现已成为Internet中最受欢迎、最有影响的编程语言之一。目前国内使用Java语言开发的图像处理系统比较少,这也增加了这方面的研究价值。 本文首先对图像增强和图像分割中的几种算法进行了介绍,包括线性灰度变换,伪彩色处理,平滑处理,中值滤波,阈值分割,边缘检测等。然后用Java语言对上述各算法编程实现,并设计Java GUI(图形用户界面)用来显示图像处理的结果,以及创建一个数据库用于存储医学图像。 关键词:医学图像;图像增强;图像分割;面向对象

Abstract As the computer technique’s quickly development, the image process technique having been more deeply and widely in the use and study of medical science. The modern medical science can not work well without the medical image processing technology; it has made an important use in clinical diagnosis and education study. The combination of the image processing technique and imaging technique has changed the way that traditional diagnosis. Make adequately use of this techniques will be increase accuracy, increase the efficiency of diagnosis, decrease the cost of medical treatment and make the most use of function with medical treatment equipments. Moreover, as the deeply with the arithmetic figure and the intelligence, the image processing technique will have a more wonderful future. Java is a kind of object-oriented programming language from the company of Sun. The Java is becoming a most welcome and influence programming language which suits for the business network and the environment of internet. Currently, use Java language to developed image processing system is not very frequency in our country. So, this is a cause of increasing the value of study. This project introduces some kinds of algorithms in image enhancement and image segmentation. It includes linear grey level transformation, pseudo-color processing, smooth processing, median filter, threshold segmentation, edge detection and so on. Then, use Java to program and realize. And show the result of image processing using Java GUI (Graphical User Interface), as well as create a database to stock medical image. Key Words: medical image; image enhancement; image segmentation; object-oriented


河北工业大学单片机期末考试试题库(非计算机、电气类) 单选 1.在微型计算机中,负数常用 C 表示。 A.原码 B.反码 C.补码 D.真值 2.将十进制数215转换成对应的二进制数是 A 。 A.11010111 B.11101011 C.10010111 D.10101101 3.将十进制数98转换成对应的二进制数是 A 。 A.1100010 B.11100010 C.10101010 D.1000110 3.将二进制数(1101001)2转换成对应的八进制数是 B 。 A.141 B.151 C.131 D. 121 4.十进制126数其对应的十六进制数可表示为D。 A.8F B.8E C.FE D.7E 5.二进制数110110110对应的十六进制数可表示为 B 。 A.1D3H B.1B6H C.DB0H D.666H 6.—3的补码是D。 A.10000011 B.11111100 C.11111110 D.11111101 7.在计算机中“A”是用 D 来表示。 A.BCD码 B.二—十进制 C.余三码 D.ASCII码8.将十六进制数(1863.5B)16转换成对应的二进制数是B。A.1100001100011.0101B B.1100001100011.01011011 C.1010001100111.01011011 D.100001111001.1000111 10.将十六进制数6EH转换成对应的十进制数是 C 。 A.100 B。90 C。110 D。120

9.已知[X]补=00000000,则真值X= B 。 A.+1 B.0 C.—1 D.以上都不对10.已知[X]补=01111110,则真值X= D 。 A.+1 B.—126 C.—1 D.+126 11.十六进制数(4F)16对应的十进制数是 C 。 A.78 B.59 C.79 D.87 12.单片机在调试过程中,通过查表将源程序转换成目标程序的过程叫A。 A.汇编B.编译C.自动汇编D.手工汇编 MCS—51单片机原理与结构 1.MCS—51单片机的CPU主要的组成部分为 A 。 A.运算器、控制器 B.加法器、寄存器 C.运算器、加法器 D.运算器、译码器 2.单片机能直接运行的程序叫 C 。 A.源程序 B。汇编程序 C。目标程序 D。编译程序 3.单片机中的程序计数器PC用来 C 。 A.存放指令 B.存放正在执行的指令地址 C.存放下一条指令地址D.存放上一条指令地址 4.单片机上电复位后,PC的内容和SP的内容为 B 。 A.0000H,00H B。0000H,07H C。0003H,07H D。0800H,08H 5.单片机8031的ALE引脚是 B 。 A. A.输出高电平 B。输出矩形脉冲,频率为fosc的1/6 B.C.输出低电平 D。输出矩形脉冲,频率为fosc的1/2 6.单片机8031的EA引脚A。


浏览器的使用和收发电子邮件(1课时) 教学目的: 掌握IE的用户界面、IE的自定义,掌握在Internet上浏览和搜索信息的常用方法,学会收藏夹的基本操作,掌握网页保存操作,掌握收发电子邮件的方法。 教学重点: IE的操作方法,如何获取网上信息,收发电子邮件。 教学难点: 如何获取网上信息,如何设置邮件客户端软件。 上机任务 一、IE 的启动与退出 1、启动IE一般有以下几种方法: (1)从“开始”菜单处启动。选“开始”-“程序”-“internet explore”; (2)双击桌面上Internet Explorer浏览器的快捷方式; (3)单击任务栏上IE的快速启动图标。 (4)用鼠标双击网页或文档中的超级链接,也可以打开

IE浏览器,并显示相应链接的内容;如果本地计算机上存有HTML 文档,双击该文档也可以打开IE浏览器。(想一想为什么?) 二、IE 的使用 2、己知中国教育科研网的地址为https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,, 请将其设为IE的起始主页。 3、访问清华大学网站https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html,,将其存入收藏夹中。 4、将IE 的历史记录改为2天,查看Internet临时文件夹的磁盘空间大小。 三、信息查询 5、用 IE 浏览器访问新浪网(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html, ),查看国庆阅兵式的相关新闻,找到国庆阅兵的全过程记录,并想办法保存到自己所用的电脑硬盘中。 6、用 Google 或百度搜索引擎搜索Internet的相关知识,并将感兴趣的网页保存在自己的文件夹中。 四、截屏 打开教务管理系统,查询学生课表,并将其截图保存。(打开画图软件,按Print Screen键或Alt+Print Screen键,按


import com.sun.media.jai.widget.DisplayJAI; import java.awt.GridLayout; import javax.media.jai.JAI; import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; /* * PieceWise.java * 版权所有- 贺向前 * 邮件:hexiangqian@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0415385494.html, * QQ: 910019784 * 未经授权,不得复制、传播。 */ /** * * @author Administrator */ public class PieceWise extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** Creates new form PieceWise */ public PieceWise() { initComponents(); setTitle("分段线性拉伸"); setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2)); } private PlanarImage loadImage(String fileName){ PlanarImage im=JAI.create("fileload",fileName); return im; } private void showImage(PlanarImage im,String str){ DisplayJAI dj=new DisplayJAI(im); JScrollPane jp=new JScrollPane(dj); TitledBorder titledBorder=BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(str); jp.setBorder(titledBorder); add(jp); } /** This method is called from within the constructor to * initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is


目录 1 引言 (1) 1.1 电子邮件介绍 (1) 1.2 开发背景 (2) 1.3 开发环境及运行环境 (2) 2 软件架构及系统用例图 (3) 2.1 系统架构 (3) 2.2 系统总体用例 (3) 2.4 发送邮件类 (4) 2.5 附加小功能类 (4) 3 SMTP协议的研究 (4) 3.1 SMTP协议简介及工作原理 (5) 3.2 SMTP协议的命令和应答 (6) 3.2.1 SMTP协议的命令 (6) 4 RFC822 (14) 4.1 RFC822简单介绍 (14) 4.2 信件的头部 (14) 5 命名控件MailSend (20) 5.1 发送邮件类SmtpMail (20) 5.2 AddExtra类 (27) 5.2.1 调用Windows API 所需的命名空间 (28) 5.2.3 在程序中具体的使用 (28) 6 软件运行时的界面 (29) 6.1 新建邮件帐号 (29) 7 系统测试 (32) 7.1 同一SMTP服务器发送邮件的测试 (32) 7.2 利用不同的SMTP服务器发送邮件的测试 (32) 8 结论 (34) 第I 页共II 页

参考文献 (35) 第II 页共II 页

1 引言 1.1 电子邮件介绍 电子邮件(简称E-mai1)又称电子信箱、电子邮政,它是—种用电子手段提供信息交换的通信方式。它是全球多种网络上使用最普遍的一项服务。这种非交互式的通信,加速了信息的交流及数据传送,它是—个简易、快速的方法。通过连接全世界的Internet,实现各类信号的传送、接收、存贮等处理,将邮件送到世界的各个角落。到目前为止,可以说电子邮件是Internet资源使用最多的一种服务,E-mai1不只局限于信件的传递,还可用来传递文件、声音及图形、图像等不同类型的信息。 电子邮件不是一种“终端到终端”的服务,是被称为“存贮转发式”服务。这正是电子信箱系统的核心,利用存贮转发可进行非实时通信,属异步通信方式。即信件发送者可随时随地发送邮件,不要求接收者同时在场,即使对方现在不在,仍可将邮件立刻送到对方的信箱内,且存储在对方的电子邮箱中。接收者可在他认为方便的时候读取信件,不受时空限制。在这里,“发送”邮件意味着将邮件放到收件人的信箱中,而“接收”邮件则意味着从自己的信箱中读取信件,信箱实际上是由文件管理系统支持的—个实体。因为电子邮件是通过邮件服务器(mai1 server)来传递档的。通常mail server是执行多任务操作系统UNIX的计算机,它提供24小时的电子邮件服务,用户只要向mail server管理人员申请—个信箱账号,就可使用这项快速的邮件服务。 电子邮件的工作原理: 1) 电子邮件系统是一种新型的信息系统,是通信技术和计算机技术结合的产物。 电子邮件的传输是通过电子邮件简单传输协议(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简称SMTP)这一系统软件来完成的,它是Internet下的一种电子邮件通信协议。 2) 电子邮件的基本原理,是在通信网上设立“电子信箱系统”,它实际上是一个计算机系统。系统的硬件是一个高性能、大容量的计算机。硬盘作为信箱的存储介质,在硬盘上为用户分一定的存储空间作为用户的“信箱”,每位用户都有属于自己的—个电子信箱。并确定—个用户名和用户可以自己随意修改的口令。存储空间包含存放所收信件、编辑信件以及信件存盘三部分空间,用户使用口令开启自己的信箱,并进行发信、读信、编辑、转发、存档等各种操作。系统功能主要由软件实现。 3) 电子邮件的通信是在信箱之间进行的。用户首先开启自己的信箱,然后通过键 第 1 页共36 页

河工大 期末考试题 电子与电工技术

考试课程: 电工与电子技术(三) A / B 卷 ( 开 / 闭 卷 ) 共 页第 页 院(系)名称 班级 姓名 学号 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总分得分 阅卷人 一、单项选择题:在下列各题中,将唯一正确的答案代码填入括号内(本题共10小题,共26分) 1 (3’) 2(2’) 3(3’) 4(2’) 5(3’) 6(2’) 7(3’) 8(3’) 9(3’) 10(2’) 1、(本小题3分)在 图 示 电 路 中,已 知 U S = 12 V , I S = 2 A 。A 、B 两 点 间 的 电 压 U AB 为 ( )。 (a) ?18 V (b) 18 V (c) ?6 V U I S S 2、(本小题2分)R ,L ,C 串 联 电 路 原 处 于 感 性 状 态,今 保 持 频 率 不 变 欲 调 节 可 变 电 容 使 其 发 生 谐 振,则 应 使 电 容 C 值 ( ) 。 (a) 增 大 (b) 减 小 (c) 须 经 试 探 方 能 确 定 增 减 3、(本小题3分) 当 三 相 交 流 发 电 机 的 三 个 绕 组 接 成 星 形 时,若 线 电 压u BC = 3802sin ωt V ,则 相 电 压 u C = ( )。 (a) 220290sin()ωt +° V (b) 220230sin()ωt ?° V (c) 2202150sin()ωt ?° V 4、(本小题2分) R ,C 串 联 电 路 与 电 压 为 8 V 的 恒 压 源 在 t = 0 瞬 间 接 通,如 图 1 所 示,接 通 前 u C (0?) = 0,当 电 容 器 的 电 容 值 分 别 为 10 μF ,30 μF ,20 μF 和 50 μF 时 得 到 4 条 u t C () 曲 线 如 图 2 所 示,则 50 μF 电 容 所 对 应 的 u t C () 曲 线 是 ( )。


第十一章图形图像处理 在前边的章节的图形用户界面的处理中,已经看到了图像的应用。本章将简要介绍如何在用户屏幕上绘制图形以及如何显示图像。 图形 在前边我们已经介绍了用户屏幕和容器的概念,也看到了如何在容器中添加组件。一般来说,在用户屏幕上绘制图形其实就是在容器组件上绘制图形。因此需要注意以下两点:1)组件中的坐标系统 容器组件的坐标系统类似于屏幕的坐标系统,坐标原点(0,0)在容器的左上角,正x 轴方向水平自左向右,正y轴方向垂直自上向下。 在java中,不同的图形输出设备拥有自己的设备坐标系统,该系统具有与默认用户坐标系统相同的方向。坐标单位取决于设备,比如,显示的分辨率不同,设备坐标系统就不同。一般来说,在显示屏幕上的计量单位是像素(每英寸大约90个像素),在打印机上是点(每英寸大约600个点)。Java系统自动将用户坐标转换成输出设备专有的设备坐标系统。 2)图形环境(graphics context) 由于在组件上绘制图形使用的用户坐标系统被封装在Graphics2D类的对象中,所以Graphics2D被称之为图形环境。它提供了丰富的绘图方法,包括绘制直线、矩形、圆、多边形等。 下边我们先介绍与绘制图形相关的类,再介绍绘制图形的方法和步骤。 11.1.1 绘制图形的类 与绘制图形有关的类的层次结构如下: |- | |- |-

Graphics 类是所有图形类的抽象基类,它允许应用程序可以在组件(已经在各种设备上实现)上进行图形图像的绘制。Graphics 对象封装了 Java 支持的基本绘制操作所需的状态信息,其中包括组件对象、绘制和剪贴坐标的转换原点、当前剪贴区、当前颜色、当前字体、当前的逻辑像素操作方法(XOR 或 Paint)等等。 Graphics2D类是从早期版本()中定义设备环境的Graphics类派生而来的,它提供了对几何形状、坐标转换、颜色管理和文本布局更为复杂的控制。它是用于在Java(tm)平台上绘制二维图形、文本和图像的基础类。 GraphicsDevice类定义了屏幕和打印机这类可用于绘制图形的设备。 GraphicsEnvironment类定义了所有可使用的图形设备和字体设备。 GraphicsConfiguration类定义了屏幕或打印机这类设备的特征。在图形绘制过程中,每个 Graphics2D 对象都与一个定义了绘制位置的目标相关联。GraphicsConfiguration 对象定义绘制目标的特征(如像素格式和分辨率等)。在Graphics2D对象的整个生命周期中都使用相同的绘制标准。 Griphics和Graphics2D类都是抽象类,我们无法直接创建这两个类的对象,表示图形环境的对象完全取决于与之相关的组件,因此获得图形环境总是与特定的组件相关。 创建Graphics2D 对象时,GraphicsConfiguration 将为Graphics2D 的目标(Component 或 Image)指定默认转换,所有 Graphics2D 方法都采用用户空间坐标。 一般来说,图形的绘制过程分为四个阶段:确定绘制内容、在指定的区域绘制、确定绘制的颜色、将颜色应用于绘图面。有三种绘制操作:几何图形、文本和图像。 绘制过程中,Graphics2D对象的6个重要属性如下: Paint 颜料属性决定线条绘制的颜色。它也定义填充图形的颜色和模式,系统默认的颜料属性是组件的颜色。 Font 字体属性定义了绘制文本时所使用的字体,系统默认的字体是组件的字体设置。 Stroke 画笔属性确定线型,如实线、虚线或点划线等。该属性也决定线段端点的形状。系统默认的画笔是方形画笔,绘制线宽为1的实线,线的末端为方形,斜角线段接口为45度斜面。 Transform 转换属性定义渲染过程中应用的转换方法。可以使绘制的图形平移、旋转和

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