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承载能力load-carrying capacity

脆断brittle fracture

强度标准值characteristic value of strength

强度设计值design value of strength

一阶弹性分析first order elastic analysis

阶弹性分析second order elastic analysis


腹板屈曲后强度post-buckling strength of web plate

通用高厚normalizde web slenderness

整体稳定overall stability

有效宽度effective width

有效宽度系数effective width factor

长细比slenderness ratio

换算长细比equivalent slenderness ratio

支撑力nodal bracing force

无支撑纯框架unbraced frame

强支撑框架frame braced with strong bracing system

弱支撑框架frame braced with weak bracing system

摇摆柱leaning column

柱腹板节点域panel zone of column web

球形钢支座spherical steel bearing

橡胶支座couposite rubber and steel support

主管chord member

支管bracing member

隙节点gap joint

搭接节点overlap joint

平面管节点uniplanar joint

空间管节点multiplanar joint

组合构件built-up member

钢与混凝土组合梁composite steel and concrete beam


acceptable quality 合格质量

acceptance lot 验收批量

aciera 钢材

against slip coefficient between frictionsurface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数

allowable ratio of height to sectionalthickness of masonry wall or column


allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比

allowable slenderness ratio of timbercompression member 受压木构件容许长细比allowable stress range of fatigue 疲劳容许应力幅

allowable ultimate tensile strain ofreinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值

allowable value of crack width 裂缝宽度容许值

allowable value of deflection of structuralmember 构件挠度容许值

allowable value of deflection of timberbending member 受弯木构件挠度容许值allowable value of deformation of steelmember 钢构件变形容许值

allowable value of deformation of structuralmember 构件变形容许值

allowable value of drift angle of earthquakeresistant structure


amplified coefficient of eccentricity 偏心距增大系数

anchorage 锚具

anchorage length of steel bar 钢筋锚固长度

approval analysis during construction stage 施工阶段验算

arch 拱

arch with tie rod 拉捍拱

arch-shaped roof truss 拱形屋架

area of shear plane 剪面面积

area of transformed section 换算截面面积

aseismic design 建筑抗震设计

assembled monolithic concrete structure 装配整体式混凝土结构

automatic welding 自动焊接

auxiliary steel bar 架立钢筋


backfilling plate 垫板

balanced depth of compression zone 界限受压区高度

balanced eccentricity 界限偏心距

bar splice 钢筋接头

bark pocket 夹皮

batten plate 缀板

beam 次梁

bearing plate 支承板

bearing stiffener 支承加劲肋

bent-up steel bar 弯起钢筋

board 板材

bolt 螺栓

bolted connection 钢结构螺栓连接

bolted joint 木结构螺栓连接

bolted steel structure 螺栓连接钢结构

bonded prestressed concrete structure 有粘结预应力混凝土结构

bow 顺弯

breadth of wall between windows 窗间墙宽度

building structural materials 建筑结构材料

building structural unit 建筑结构单元

building structure 建筑结构

built-up steel column 格构式钢柱

bundled tube structure 成束筒结构

burn-through 烧穿

butt connection 对接

butt joint 对接

butt weld 对接焊缝


calculating area of compression member 受压构件计算面积

calculating overturning point 计算倾覆点

calculation of load-carrying capacity ofmember 构件承载能力计算

camber of structural member 结构构件起拱

cantilever beam 挑梁

cavitation 孔洞

characteriseic value of live load on floor orroof 楼面、屋面活荷载标准值characteristi cvalue o fwindload 风荷载标准值

characteristic value of concrete compressivestrength 混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值characteristic value of concrete tensilestrength 混凝土轴心抗拉标准值characteristic value of cubic concretecompressive strength


characteristic value of earthquake action 地震作用标准值

characteristic value of horizontal crane load吊车水平荷载标准值characteristic value of masonry strength 砌体强度标准值

characteristic value of permanent action 永久作用标准值

characteristic value of snowload 雪荷载标准值

characteristic value of strength of steel 钢材强度标准值

characteristic value of strength of steel bar钢筋强度标准值

characteristic value of uniformly distributedlive load 均布活标载标准值characteristic value of variable action 可变作用标准值

characteristic value of vertical crane load 吊车竖向荷载标准值

charaeteristic value of material strength 材料强度标准值

chimney 烟囱

circular double-layer suspended cable 圆形双层悬索

circular single-layer suspended cable 圆形单层悬索

circumferential weld 环形焊缝

clear height 净高

cold bend inspection of steelbar 冷弯试验

cold drawn bar 冷拉钢筋

cold drawn wire 冷拉钢丝

cold-formed thin-walled sectionsteel 冷弯薄壁型钢

cold-formed thin-walled steel structure 冷弯薄壁型钢结构

cold-rolled deformed bar 冷轧带肋钢筋

column bracing 柱间支撑

combination value of live load on floor orroof 楼面、屋面活荷载组合值compaction 密实度

compliance control 合格控制

composite floor system 组合楼盖

composite floor with profiled steel sheet 压型钢板楼板

composite roof truss 组合屋架

compostle member 组合构件

compound stirrup 复合箍筋

compression member with large eccentricity 大偏心受压构件compression member with small eccentricity 小偏心受压构件compressive strength at an angle with slopeof grain 斜纹承压强度compressive strength perpendicular to grain 横纹承压强度concentration of plastic deformation 塑性变形集中

conceptual earthquake-resistant design 建筑抗震概念设计

connecting plate 连接板

connection 连接

connections of steel structure 钢结构连接

connections of timber structure 木结构连接

consistency of mortar 砂浆稠度

constant cross-section column 等截面柱

construction and examination concentratedload 施工和检修集中荷载continuous weld 连续焊缝

core area of section 截面核芯面积

core tube supported structure 核心筒悬挂结构

corrosion of steel bar 钢筋锈蚀

coupled wall 连肢墙

coupler 连接器

coupling wall-beam 连梁

coupling wall-column... 墙肢

coursing degree of mortar 砂浆分层度

cover plate 盖板

covered electrode 焊条

crack 裂缝

crack resistance 抗裂度

crack width 裂缝宽度

crane girder 吊车梁

crane load 吊车荷载

creep of concrete 混凝土徐变

crook 横弯

cross beam 井字梁

cup 翘弯

curved support 弧形支座


deformation analysis 变形验算

degree of gravity vertical for structure orstructural member 结构构件垂直度degree of gravity vertical forwall surface 墙面垂直度

degree of plainness for structural memer 构件平整度

degree of plainness for wall surface 墙面平整度

depth of compression zone 受压区高度

depth of neutral axis 中和轴高度

design of building structures 建筑结构设计

design value of earthquake-resistant strengthof materials 材料抗震强度设计值design value of load-carrying capacity ofmembers 构件承载能力设计值designations 0f steel 钢材牌号

designvalue of material strength 材料强度设计值

destructive test 破损试验

detailing reintorcement 构造配筋

detailing requirements 构造要求

diamonding 菱形变形

diaphragm 横隔板

dimensional errors 尺寸偏差

distribution factor of snow pressure 屋面积雪分布系数

double component concrete column 双肢柱

dowelled joint 销连接

down-stayed composite beam 下撑式组合粱

ductile frame 延性框架

dynamic design 动态设计


earthquake-resistant design 抗震设计

earthquake-resistant detailing requirements 抗震构造要求

effective area of fillet weld 角焊缝有效面积

effective depth of section 截面有效高度

effective diameter of bolt or high-strength bolt 螺栓或高强度螺栓有效直径effective height 计算高度

effective length 计算长度

effective length of fillet weld 角焊缝有效计算长度

effective length of nail 钉有效长度

effective span 计算跨度

effective supporting length at end of beam 梁端有效支承长度

effective thickness of fillet weld 角焊缝有效厚度

elastic analysis scheme 弹性方案

elastic foundation beam 弹性地基梁

elastic foundation plate 弹性地基板

elastically supported continuous girder 弹性支座连续梁

elasticity modulus of materials 材料弹性模量

elongation rate 伸长率

embeded parts 预埋件

enhanced coefficient of local bearingstrength of materials 局部抗压强度提高系数equivalent slenderness ratio 换算长细比

equivalent uniformly distributed live load 等效均布活荷载

etlectlve cross-section area of high-strengthbolt 高强度螺栓的有效截面积ettectlve cross-section area of bolt 螺栓有效截面面积

euler's critical load 欧拉临界力

euler's critical stress 欧拉临界应力


filler plate 填板门

fillet weld 角焊缝

finger joint 指接

fish eye 白点

fish-belly beam 角腹式梁

fissure 裂缝

flexible connection 柔性连接

flexural rigidity of section 截面弯曲刚度

flexural stiffness of member 构件抗弯刚度

floor plate 楼板

floor system 楼盖

four sides(edgessupported plate 四边支承板

frame structure 框架结构

frame tube structure 单框筒结构

frame tube structure 框架-简体结构

frame with sidesway 有侧移框架

frame without sidesway 无侧移框架

frange plate 翼缘板

friction coefficient of masonry 砌体摩擦系数

full degree of mortar at bed joint 砂浆饱满度

function of acceptance 验收函数


gang nail plate joint 钉板连接

grider 主梁

grip 夹具

grith weld 环形焊缝

groove 坡口

gusset plate 节点板


hanger 吊环

hanging steel bar 吊筋

heat tempering bar 热处理钢筋

height variation factor of wind pressure 风压高度变化系数

heliral weld 螺旋形僻缝

high-strength bolt 高强度螺栓

high-strength bolt with large hexagon bea 大六角头高强度螺栓

high-strength bolted bearing type join 承压型高强度螺栓连接,

high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓连接

high-strength bolted friction-type joint 摩擦型高强度螺栓连接

high-strength holted steel slsteel structure 高强螺栓连接钢结构

hinge support 铰轴支座

hinged connection 铰接

hlngeless arch 无铰拱

hollow brick 空心砖

hollow ratio of masonry unit 块体空心率

honeycomb 蜂窝

hook 弯钩

hoop 箍筋

hot-rolled deformed bar 热轧带肋钢筋

hot-rolled plain bar 热轧光圆钢筋

hot-rolled section steel 热轧型钢

hunched beam 加腋梁


impact toughness 冲击韧性

impermeability 抗渗性

inclined section 斜截面

inclined stirrup 斜向箍筋

incomplete penetration 未焊透

incomplete tusion 未溶合

incompletely filled groove 未焊满

indented wire 刻痕钢丝

influence coefficient for load-bearingcapacity of compression

member 受压构件承载能力影响系数

influence coefficient for spacial action 空间性能影响系数

initial control 初步控制

inspection for properties of glue used instructural member 结构用胶性能检验inspection for properties of steelbar 钢筋性能检验

integral prefabricated prestressed concreteslab-column structure


intermediate stiffener 中间加劲肋

intermittent weld 断续焊缝


joint of reinforcement 钢筋接头


key joint 键连接

kinetic design 动态设计

knot 节子(木节)


laced of battened compression member 格构式钢柱

lacing and batten elements 缀材(缀件)

lacing bar 缀条

lamellar tearing 层状撕裂

lap connectlon 叠接(搭接)

lapped length of steel bar 钢筋搭接长度

large pannel concrete structure 混凝土大板结构

large-form cocrete structure 大模板结构

lateral bending 侧向弯曲

lateral displacement stiffness of storey 楼层侧移刚度

lateral displacement stiffness of structure 结构侧移刚度

lateral force resistant wallstructure 抗侧力墙体结构

leg size of fillet weld 角焊缝焊脚尺寸

length of shear plane 剪面长度

lift-slab structure 升板结构

limiting value for sectional dimension 截面尺寸限值

limiting value for supporting length 支承长度限值

limiting value for total height of masonrystructure 砌体结构总高度限值linear expansion coeffcient 线膨胀系数

lintel 过梁

load bearing wall 承重墙

load-carrying capacity per bolt 单个普通螺栓承载能力

load-carrying capacity per high-strength holt单个高强螺桂承载能力load-carrying capacity per rivet 单个铆钉承载能力

long term rigidity of member 构件长期刚度

longitude horizontal bracing 纵向水平支撑

longitudinal steel bar 纵向钢筋

longitudinal stiffener 纵向加劲肋

longitudinal weld 纵向焊缝

losses of prestress 预应力损失

lump material 块体


main axis 强轴

main beam 主梁

major axis 强轴

manual welding 手工焊接

manufacture control 生产控制

mechanical properties of materials 材料力学性能

melt-thru 烧穿

method of sampling 抽样方法

minor axls 弱轴

modified coefficient for allowable ratio ofheight to sectionalthickness of masonry wall 砌体墙容许高厚比修正系数

modulus of elasticity of concrete 混凝土弹性模量

modulus of elasticity parellel to grain 顺纹弹性模量

moisture content 含水率

moment modified factor 弯矩调幅系数

monitor frame 天窗架

mortar 砂浆

multi-defence system of earthquake-resistantbuilding 多道设防抗震建筑

multi-tube supported suspended structure 多筒悬挂结构


nailed joint 钉连接

net height 净高

net span 净跨度

non-destructive inspection of weld 焊缝无损检验

non-destructive test 非破损检验

non-load-bearingwall 非承重墙

non-uniform cross-section beam 变截面粱

non-uniformly distributed strain coefficientof longitudinal tensile reinforcement


normal concrete 普通混凝土

normal section 正截面

notch and tooth joint 齿连接

number of sampling 抽样数量


obligue section 斜截面

oblique-angle fillet weld 斜角角焊缝

one-way reinforced(or prestressedconcreteslab 单向板

open web roof truss 空腹屋架

ordinary concrete 普通混凝土

ordinary steel bar 普通钢筋

orthogonal fillet weld 直角角焊缝

outstanding width of flange 翼缘板外伸宽度

outstanding width of stiffener 加劲肋外伸宽度

over-all stability reduction coefficient ofsteel beam 钢梁整体稳定系数

overturning or slip resistance analysis 抗倾覆、滑移验算


padding plate 垫板

partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝

partition 非承重墙

penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝

percentage of reinforcement 配筋率

pilastered wall 带壁柱墙

pit 凹坑

pith 髓心

plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构

plane hypothesis 平截面假定

plane structure 平面结构

plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架

plank 板材

plastic adaption coefficient of cross-section截面塑性发展系数

plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计

plastic hinge 塑性铰

plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concretemember in tensile zone


plate-like space frame 干板型网架

plate-like space truss 平板型网架

plug weld 塞焊缝

plywood 胶合板

pockmark 麻面

polygonal top-chord roof truss 多边形屋架

post-tensioned prestressed concrete structure后张法预应力混凝土结构precast reinforced concrete member 预制混凝土构件

prefabricated concrete structure 装配式混凝土结构

presetting time 初凝时间

prestressed concrete structure 预应力混凝土结构

prestressed steel structure 预应力钢结构

prestressed tendon 预应力筋

pre-tensioned prestressed concrete structure 先张法预应力混凝土结构primary control 初步控制

production control 生产控制

properties of fresh concrete 可塑混凝土性能

properties of hardened concrete 硬化混凝土性能

property of building structural materials 建筑结构材料性能

purlin 檩条


quality grade of weld 焊缝质量级别

quality inspection of bolted connection 螺栓连接质量检验

quality inspection of riveted connection 铆钉连接质量检验

quasi-permanent value of live load on flooror roof 楼面、屋面活荷载准永久值


radial check 辐裂

ratio of axial compressive force to axialcompressive ultimate capacity of section 轴压比

ratio of height to sectional thickness ofwall or column 砌体墙柱高、厚比

ratio of reinforcement 配筋率

ratio of shear span to effective depth ofsection 剪跨比

redistribution of internal force 内力重分布

reducing coefficient of compressive strengthin sloping grain for bolted connection 螺栓连接斜纹承压强度降低系数

reducing coefficient of liveload 活荷载折减系数

reducing coefficient of shearing strength fornotch and tooth connection


regular earthquake-resistant building 规则抗震建筑

reinforcement ratio 配筋率

reinforcement ratio per unit volume 体积配筋率

relaxation of prestressed tendon 预应筋松弛

representative value of gravity load 重力荷载代表值

resistance to abrasion 耐磨性

resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性

resistance to water penetration 抗渗性

reveal of reinforcement 露筋

right-angle filletweld 直角角焊缝

rigid analysis scheme 刚性方案

rigid connection 刚接

rigid transverse wall 刚性横墙

rigid zone 刚域

rigid-elastic analysis scheme 刚弹性方案

rigidity of section 截面刚度

rigidly supported continous girder 刚性支座连续梁

ring beam 圈梁

rivet 铆钉

riveted connecction 铆钉连接

riveted steel beam 铆接钢梁

riveted steel girder 铆接钢梁

riveted steel structure 铆接钢结构

rolle rsupport 滚轴支座

rolled steel beam 轧制型钢梁

roof board 屋面板

roof bracing system 屋架支撑系统

roof girder 屋面梁

roof plate 屋面板

roof slab 屋面板

roof system 屋盖

roof truss 屋架

round wire 光圆钢丝


safety classes of building structures 建筑结构安全等级safetybolt 保险螺栓

saw-tooth joint failure 齿缝破坏

scarf joint 斜搭接

seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管

seamless steel tube 无缝钢管

second moment of area of tranformed section 换算截面惯性矩second order effect due to displacement 挠曲二阶效应secondary axis 弱轴

secondary beam 次粱

section modulus of transformed section 换算截面模量section steel 型钢

semi-automatic welding 半自动焊接

separated steel column 分离式钢柱

setting time 凝结时间

shake 环裂

shaped steel 型钢

shapefactorofwindload 风荷载体型系数

shear plane 剪面

shearing rigidity of section 截面剪变刚度

shearing stiffness of member 构件抗剪刚度

short stiffener 短加劲肋

short term rigidity of member 构件短期刚度

shrinkage 干缩

shrinkage of concrete 混凝干收缩

silos 贮仓

skylight truss 天窗架

slab 楼板

slab-column structure 板柱结构

slag inclusion 夹渣

sloping grain 斜纹

slump 坍落度

snow reference pressure 基本雪压

solid-web steel column 实腹式钢柱

space structure 空间结构

space suspended cable 悬索

spacing of bars 钢筋间距

spacing of rigid transverse wall 刚性横墙间距

spacing of stirrup legs 箍筋肢距

spacing of stirrups 箍筋间距

specified concrete 特种混凝上

spiral stirrup 螺旋箍筋

spiral weld 螺旋形焊缝

split ringjoint 裂环连接

square pyramid space grids 四角锥体网架

stability calculation 稳定计算

stability reduction coefficient of axiallyloaded compression 轴心受压构件稳定系数stair 楼梯

static analysis scheme of building 房屋静力汁算方案

static design 房屋静力汁算方案

statically determinate structure 静定结构

statically indeterminate structure 超静定结构

sted 钢材

steel bar 钢筋

steel column component 钢柱分肢

steel columnbase 钢柱脚

steel fiber reinforced concrete structure 钢纤维混凝土结构

steel hanger 吊筋

steel mesh reinforced brick masonry member 方格网配筋砖砌体构件

steel pipe 钢管

steel plate 钢板

steel plateelement 钢板件

steel strip 钢带

steel support 钢支座

steel tie 拉结钢筋

steel tie bar for masonry 砌体拉结钢筋

steel tube 钢管

steel tubular structure 钢管结构

steel wire 钢丝

stepped column 阶形柱

stiffener 加劲肋

stiffness of structural member 构件刚度

stiffness of transverse wall 横墙刚度

stirrup 箍筋

storev height 层高

straight-line joint failure 通缝破坏

straightness of structural member 构件乎直度

strand 钢绞线

strength classes of masonry units 块体强度等级

strength classes of mortar 砂浆强度等级

strength classes of structural steel 钢材强度等级

strength classes(grades of prestressed tendon预应力筋强度等级

strength classes(grades of steel bar 普通钢筋强度等级

strength of structural timber parallel tograin 木材顺纹强度

strongaxis 强轴

structural system composed of bar 杆系结构

structural system composed of plate 板系结构

structural wall 结构墙

superposed reinforced concrete flexuralmember 叠合式混凝土受弯构件suspended crossed cable net 双向正交索网结构

suspended structure 悬挂结构

swirl grain 涡纹


tensile(compressive) rigidity of section 截面拉伸(压缩刚度)

tensile(compressive) stiffness of member 构件抗拉(抗压刚度)

tensile(ultimate) strength of steel 钢材抗拉(极限强度)

test for properties of concrete structuralmembers 构件性能检验thickness of concrete cover 混凝土保护层厚度

thickness of mortarat bed joint 水平灰缝厚度

thin shell 薄壳

three hinged arch 三铰拱

tie bar 拉结钢筋

tie beam 系梁

tie tod 系杆

tied framework 绑扎骨架

tor-shear type high-strength bolt 扭剪型高强度螺栓

torsional rigidity of section 截面扭转刚度

torsional stiffness of member 构件抗扭刚度

total breadth of structure 结构总宽度

total height of structure 结构总高度

total length of structure 结构总长度

transmission length of prestress 预应力传递长度

transverse horizontal bracing 横向水平支撑

transverse stiffener 横向加劲肋

transverse weld 横向焊缝

transversely distributed steelbar 横向分布钢筋

trapezoid roof truss 梯形屋架

triangular pyramid space grids 三角锥体网架

triangular roof truss 三角形屋架

trussed arch 椽架

trussed rafter 桁架拱

tube in tube structure 筒中筒结构

tube structure 简体结构

twist 扭弯

two hinged arch 双铰拱


unbonded prestressed concrete structure 无粘结预应力混凝土结构undercut 咬边

uniform cross-section beam 等截面粱

upper flexible and lower rigid complexmultistorey building 上柔下刚多层房屋upper rigid lower flexible complexmultistorey building 上刚下柔多层房屋


value of decompression prestress 预应力筋消压预应力值

value of effective prestress 预应筋有效预应力值

verification of serviceability limit states 正常使用极限状态验证

verification of ultimate limit states 承载能极限状态验证

vertical bracing 竖向支撑

vierendal roof truss 空腹屋架

visual examination of structural member 构件外观检查

visual examination of structural steel member钢构件外观检查

visual examination of weld 焊缝外观检查


wall beam 墙梁

wall frame 壁式框架

wall-slab structure 墙板结构

warping 翘曲

warping rigidity of section 截面翘曲刚度

water retentivity of mortar 砂浆保水性

water tower 水塔

water/cement ratio 水灰比

weak axis 弱轴

weak region of earthquake-resistant building 抗震建筑薄弱部位

web plate 腹板

weld 焊缝

weld crack 焊接裂纹

weld defects 焊接缺陷

weld roof 焊根

weld toe 焊趾

weldability of steel bar 钢筋可焊性

welded framework 焊接骨架

welded steel beam 焊接钢梁

welded steel girder 焊接钢梁

welded steel pipe 焊接钢管

welded steel strueture 焊接钢结构

welding connection 焊缝连接

welding flux 焊剂

welding rod 焊条

welding wire 焊丝

wind fluttering factor 风振系数

wind reference pressure 基本风压

wind-resistant column 抗风柱


yield strength (yield point) of steel 钢筋屈服强度(屈服点)


Steel structure 面积:area 结构形式:framework 坡度:slope 跨度:span 柱距:bay spacing 檐高:eave height 屋面板:roof system 墙面板:wall system 梁底净高: clean height 屋面系统: roof cladding 招标文件: tender doc 建筑结构结构可靠度设计统一标准: unified standard for designing of architecture construction reliablity 建筑结构荷载设计规范: load design standard for architecture construction 建筑抗震设计规范: anti-seismic design standard for architecture 钢结构设计规范: steel structure design standard 冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范: technical standard for cold bend and thick steel structure 门式钢架轻型房屋钢结构技术规范: technical specification for steel structure of light weight building with gabled frames 钢结构焊接规程: welding specification for steel structure 钢结构工程施工及验收规范: checking standard for constructing and checking of steel structure 压型金属板设计施工规程: design and construction specification for steel panel 荷载条件:load condition 屋面活荷载:live load on roof 屋面悬挂荷载:suspended load in roof 风荷载:wind load 雪荷载:snow load 抗震等级:seismic load 变形控制:deflect control 柱间支撑X撑:X bracing 主结构:primary structure 钢架梁柱、端墙柱: frame beam, frame column, and end-wall column 钢材牌号为Q345或相当牌号,大型钢厂出品:Q345 or equivalent, from the major steel mill 表面处理:抛丸除锈Sa2.5级,环氧富锌漆,两底两面,总厚度为125UM。表面喷涂防火材料,防火等级为:柱2小时,梁1.5小时 surface treatment: shot blasting to Sa2.5,zinc rich epoxy paint. 2primer paint and 2 finish paint .total dry film thickness 125um. Spraying fireproof painting on surface, for column 2hours and beam 1.5hours. 次结构包括:屋面檩条、围梁、门窗开口加强等,工厂轧制成C型、Z型截面,工厂预冲孔。Secondary structure included purlins, girts, roof opening and wall opening reinforcement, prepunched and rolled to C or Z section on factory machine. 材质:热浸镀锌卷材,Q345或相当牌号,大型钢厂出品或进口。Material : hot-dipped galvanized steel coil, Q345 or equivalent, from the major domestic steel mills or imported.


财务专业术语中英文对照表 英文中文说明 Account Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 部审计 Internal control structure 部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国收入署 Internal users部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会


常用铸造术语中英对照2008-6-26整理(BY BARRY) Ⅰ.基本术语 1.压力铸造 die casting 2.铸造 casting,foundry,founding 3.铸件 casting 4.毛坯铸件 rough casting 5.试制铸件 pilot casting 6.试模 trial shot 7.模具mold ,mould 8.压铸机 die casting machine 9.铸造设备 foundry equipment,foundry facilities 10. 铸工 caster,founder,foundry worker 11. 压铸工die carter 12. 铸造厂 foundry 13. 铸造车间 foundry shop 14. 铸造工作者 foundry man 15. 批(batch 一批: a batch; 每批:each batch, per batch); lot 16. 一炉 a cast, a heat, a melt 17. 焊接 welding 18. 铸造三废 foundry effluent 19.铸锭ingot Ⅱ.铸造合金、熔炼和浇注 1.铸造合金 cast alloy 2. 铝合金 aluminium alloy 3. 铸造复合材料 cast composite 4. 合金元素 alloy element 5. 杂质元素 tramp element 6. 碳化物 carbide 7. 过热 superheating 8. 过冷 supercooling 9. 熔点 melting point 10. 总碳量 total carbon 11. 碳当量 carbon equivalent 12. 碳当量仪 eutectometer 13. 铝硅合金 aluminium-silicon alloy 14. 压铸合金 die cast alloy 15. 压铸铝合金 aluminium diecast alloy 16. 压铸镁合金 magnesium diecast alloy 17. 熔炼 smelting 18. 熔化率 melting rate 19. 元素增加 gain of element 20. 熔剂 flux 21. 熔池 bath 22. 除气熔剂 degassing flux 23. 覆盖剂 covering flux 24. 炉料 charging 25. 金属炉料 metallic charging 26. 回炉料 foundry returns 27. 废金属料 scrap 28. 熔渣 slag 29. 沉渣 sludge 30. 浮渣 dross, scum, cinder 31. 造渣 slag forming 32. 出渣 deslagging 33. 出渣口 slag hole 34. 炉衬 furnace liner 35. 出炉口 tap hole 36. 出炉温度 tapping temperature 37. 重熔 remelting 38. 坩埚炉 crucible furnace 39. 保温炉 holding furnace 40. 精炼 refining 41. 真空精炼 vacuum refining 42. 除气 degassing 43. 残料 heel 44. 浇注 pouring 45. 自动浇注装置 automatic pouring device 46. 浇包,料斗(勺) ladle 47. 转运包 transfer ladle 48. 金属残液 heel 49. 冷金属 cold matel Ⅲ铸造工艺与工艺设备 die casting process and process device 1. 铸造性能 castability 2. 流动性 fluidity 3. 充型能力 mold-filling capacity 4. 充型速度(浇注速度) pouring rate;delivery rate 5. 充型时间 filling time 6. 浇注温度 pouring temperature 7. 比浇注速度 specific pouring rate 8. 浇注时间 pouring time 9. 凝固 solidification 10. 凝固时间 solidification 11. 收缩 contraction;shrinkage 12. 收缩率 shrinkage 13. 液态收缩 liquid contraction 14. 凝固收缩 solidification contraction 15. 固态收缩 solid contraction 16. 液-固收缩 liquid-solid contraction 17. 自由收缩 free contraction 18. 收缩余量 shrinkage allowance 19. 收缩应力 contraction stress 20. 热应力 thermal stress


钢结构术语中英文对照 强度strength 承载能力load-carrying capacity 脆断brittle fracture 强度标准值characteristic value of strength 强度设计值design value of strength 一阶弹性分析first order elastic analysis 阶弹性分析second order elastic analysis 屈曲buckling 腹板屈曲后强度post-buckling strength of web plate 通用高厚normalizde web slenderness 整体稳定overall stability 有效宽度effective width 有效宽度系数effective width factor 长细比slenderness ratio 换算长细比equivalent slenderness ratio 支撑力nodal bracing force 无支撑纯框架unbraced frame 强支撑框架frame braced with strong bracing system 弱支撑框架frame braced with weak bracing system 摇摆柱leaning column 柱腹板节点域panel zone of column web 球形钢支座spherical steel bearing 橡胶支座couposite rubber and steel support 主管chord member 支管bracing member 隙节点gap joint 搭接节点overlap joint 平面管节点uniplanar joint 空间管节点multiplanar joint 组合构件built-up member 钢与混凝土组合梁composite steel and concrete beam A acceptable quality 合格质量 acceptance lot 验收批量 aciera 钢材 against slip coefficient between frictionsurface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数 allowable ratio of height to sectionalthickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比


Chemntherapeutic agents 化学疗法 thus xue fiao fa) Chemothcrjipy 化学疔,Z (hija xue Aaa fa) hns the goal of killing or stopping rhe development nf rapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplat in, Bkomycin I 博来霉嗪1 (ftd l3f Sg S-fltinrncjrao 5 氟尿瞪喘(ft/ HiAO m dfinfl), mrthotrExate 甲員媒时{Jia 的 did /ioffk Vincristine fifr chun xJTj/a^, Vinblastine 衣祚碱 (chang chun ;ian}. Taxol and Tawiuvirtn .木戟题(SSfi ben 阳ng 钠* Since the sanK nicchanism (hat kilh malignant cdl or blocks de vela pment of a malignant cell cm have similar effects on a nnrnuil, rap idly dividing celt any of LhcNt agents ciin hax r c btid side clfccts. Some terms of cancer ircitLcd with chemcthera 卩、may cjus,e ihe cancer (o "disappear


锻造术语中英文对照 锻压forging and stamping 金属塑性加工metal plastic working 金属压力加工mechanical metal working 体积成形bulk forming 锻造forging / hot forging 锻造技术forging technology / forging technique 锻造工艺forging technology / forging process 锻工forger / blacksmith / hammer man / hammer smith / hammerer 塑性plasticity 超塑性superplasticity 可锻性forgeability 切削性能machinability 最小阻力定律the law of minimum resistance 体积不变条件constance(y) of volume / incompressibility 锻造流线grain flow / forging flow line 滑移线sliding line / slip-line 模锻die forging / closed-die forging / impression die forging 开式模锻closed-die forging / impression die forging 闭式模锻no-flash die forging / flashless die forging 锤模锻closed-die forging / impression die forging / drop forging / stamping 锻压机模锻mechanical press forging 平锻upsetting / heading 无飞边模锻no-flash forging 无拔模斜度模锻no-draft forging 模锻件forging / workpiece 锻件重量forging weight 普通锻件conventional forging 精确(公差)锻件close-tolerance forging 锻造工序卡forging process chart 工序operation / process / procedure 工步process step 打击blow / strike 锻件图forging drawing 加工余量machining allowance 镦锻、顶锻upsetting / heading 镦粗upsetting 压扁flattening 去氧化皮scale-breaking 拔长工步drawing / elongating / fullering


色彩常用术语中英文对照 2007-08-06 16:48:16 (已经被浏览7次) 一.红色类红色red 朱红vermeil; vermilion; ponceau 粉红pink; soft red; rose bloom 梅红plum;crimson;fuchsia red 玫瑰红rose madder; rose 桃红peach blossom; peach; carmine rose 樱桃红cherry; cerise 桔红reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon 石榴红garnet 枣红purplish red; jujube red; date red 莲红lotus red 浅莲红fuchsia pink 豉豆红bean red 辣椒红capsicum red 高粱红Kaoliang red 芙蓉红hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy 胭脂红rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake 鲑鱼红salmon 玳瑁红hawksbill turtle red 海螺红cadmium orange 宝石红ruby red 玛瑙红agate red 珊瑚红coral 金红bronze red 铁红iron oxide red 铁锈红rust red 镉红cadmium red 铬红chrome red 砖红brick red 土红laterite; reddle 郎窑红lang-kiln red 均红Jun-kiln red 釉底红underglaze red 威尼斯红Venetian red 法国红French vermilion 茜红alizarin red; madder red 洋红carmine; magenta 品红pinkish red; magenta 猩红scarlet red; scarlet; blood red 油红oil red 紫红purplish red; madder red; wine red; wine; carmine;amaranth; claret; fuchsia;


工程用语 1、 Steel material 钢材 parent metal母材 plank板材 planking铺板 backfilling plate 、padding plate垫板 connecting plate连接板 fringe plate翼缘板 gusset plate节点板 ten let样板 web plate腹板 intermediate stiffener中间加劲肋 edge stiffener边缘加劲肋 longitudinal stiffener纵向加劲肋 steel column base钢柱脚 steel pipe、steel tube钢管 steel support钢支座 steel strip钢带 steel section型钢 steel plate element钢板件 steel plate钢板 steel wire钢丝 stiffener加劲肋 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比2、 hot-rolled section steel热轧型钢 angle steel 角钢 channel槽钢 flat bar扁钢 shaped steel型钢 steel column钢柱 seamless steel tube无缝钢管 profiled steel sheet压型钢板 purling檩条 Steel beam 梁 box girder 箱形梁 cantilever beam 挑梁 continuous beam连续梁 simply supported beam简支梁 girder主梁


语文课程与教学论 名词术语中英文对照表 the Chinese Course and Teaching and Learning Theory in Chinese and English Teaching materials editing teaching materials /Chinese Teaching Materials /edit teaching materials /Uniformed Chinese Teaching Materials /Experimental Teaching Materials /Mother Tongue Teaching Materials /Teaching Materials of the New Course *textbook *reading book *teaching reference book *exercises book *studying plan Technology /Educational Technology /Modern Educational Technology /Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching /multi-media technology /net technology /cloud serving technology *white board *net meeting *chat room *blog Teaching Basic Theory of the Teaching teaching aim teaching task teaching objective teaching model teaching tactics teaching principle teaching program teaching reform teaching case Courseware teaching resources teaching experiment /mother tongue teaching A Term List of 1. 教材( JC ) 教材编写 /语文教材 /编写教材 / 统编教材 /实验教材 /母语教材 /新课程教材 * 课本 * 读本 * 教学参考书(教参) * 练习册 *学案 2. 技术( JS ) / 教育技术 /现代 教育技术 /语文 教育技术 /多媒 体技术 / 网络 技术 /云服务技 术 * 白板 *网 络会议 *聊天室 * 博克 3. 教学 (JX ) 教学基本理论 教学目的 教学 任务 教学目标 教学模式 教学 策略 教学原则 教学大纲 教学 改革 教学案例 教学课件 教学 资源 教学实验 /母语教学


常用机床术语中英文对照 机床中英文对照表 (您可以使用CTRL+F来查找) (1):按英文字母排序 3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头 A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库 Aluminum continuous melting & holding 连续溶解保温炉furnaces Balancing equipment 平衡设备 Bayonet 卡口 Bearing fittings 轴承配件 Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机 Bearings 轴承 Belt drive 带传动 Bending machines 弯曲机 Blades ????刀片 Blades,saw 锯片 Bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝 Boring heads 搪孔头 Boring machines 镗床 Cable making tools 造线机 Casting,aluminium 铸铝 Casting,copper 铸铜 Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁 Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁 Casting,other 其他铸造 Casting,steel 铸钢

Chain drive 链传动 Chain making tools 造链机 Chamfer machines 倒角机 Chucks 夹盘 Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支持系统 CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机 CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床 CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床 CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机 CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机 CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床 CNC lathes 电脑数控车床 CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件 CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床 CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机 CNC toolings CNC刀杆 CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains 输送链 Coolers 冷却机 Coupling 联轴器 Crimping tools 卷边工具 Cutters 刀具 Cutting-off machines 切断机 Diamond cutters 钻石刀具 Dicing saws 晶圆切割机 Die casting dies 压铸冲模 Die casting machines 压铸机 Dies-progressive 连续冲模 Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头


Hacker 黑客,最初是指发现网络系统安全漏洞并进行修补的人,而现在多指利用系统安全漏洞对网络进行攻击破坏或窃取资料的人 HomePage 主页,通过万维网(Web)进行信息查询的起始信息页 HTML Hypertext Markup Language超文本链接语言HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议ICP Internet Content Provider Internet内容提供商ICQ I seek you网上寻呼 Internet国际互联网,因特网 internet 互联网,泛指由多个计算机网络相互连接而成的一个网络 I Phone Internet Phone一种通过Internet进行语音通讯的技术 IP电话利用Internet技术传输话音信号的一种电话 IRC Internet Relay Chat Internet实时网上交谈系统ISP Internet Service Provider Internet服务提供商 MUD Multi-User Dungeon多用户网络游戏 NII National Information Infrastructure 国家信息基础结构,俗称信息高速公 路 POP Post Office Protocol邮局协议 Proxy Server 代理服务器,一种代表客户机转送服务请求的服务器,它也可以通过在送出信息内容前对其进行审查,从而在因特网和专用网之间提供防火墙安全性 PSP Platform Service Provider平台服务供应商 Telnet远程登录 UNINET中国联通互联网 URL Uniform Resource Locator网站地址 VST Virtual Space Teleconferencing虚拟空间会议 Web环球网 WWW World Wide Web万维网 技术标准 Big5台湾流行的汉字内码标准 CMM Capacity Maturity Model 软件过程能力成熟度模型,一种评测软件开发能力与质量的方法 DES Data Encryption Standard数据加密标准 GB国家标准汉字内码GMT Greenwich Mean Time格林威治时间 IEEE Institution of Electrical and Electronics 电气和电子工程师学会(美国) ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织 ISO 9000一种质量管理标准 JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图象专家组规范,一种图象压缩 标准 MP3MPEGAudioLayer3一种音乐格式,它能够将CD品质的数字录音压缩成原来的1/12大小,令其容易存储和在网上传输 MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group 一种活动图象和声音的压缩标准,其中MPEG1是最常用的,为VCD所采用,MPEG2则为DVD所采用 Open System Interconnect 开放系统互连,用于各种型号计算机


University beam (UB)----通用梁(工字梁) University columns (UC)----通用柱 Rolled steel angles (RSA)----角钢 RSC----C型钢(槽钢) Rectangular hollow sections (RHS)----矩形中空型钢 Square hollow sections (SHS)-----正方形中空型钢 Circular hollow sections (CHS)----圆形中空型钢 High strength friction GRIP (HSFG)----高强度摩擦紧固螺栓 Tension control (TC)----拉力控制 All flux -----合金焊剂 All-weld-metal test specimen------全焊缝金属试件(完全由焊缝金属组成的缩短断面试件) Automatic welding-----自动焊接 Back gouging-----清根 Backing----衬垫 base metal----母材 Bevel angle----破口面角度 Box tubing-----箱型管 Butt joint ---- 对接接头 Butt weld ---- 对接焊缝 Cap pass ---- 盖面焊道 Complete penetration ---- 完全熔透

Corner joint ---- 角接接头 contract documents ---- 合同文件 contractor ---- 承包商 contractor’s Inspector ---- 承包商检验员 ESW (electroslag welding) ---- 电渣焊 FCA W(flux cored arc welding) ---- 药芯焊丝电弧焊



————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期: ?

各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学ChinesePhilosophy 外国哲学ForeignPhilosophies ?逻辑学Logic?伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion?科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science andTechnology?经济学Economics?理论经济学Theoretical Economics ?政治经济学PoliticalEconomy ?经济思想史History ofEconomic Thought ?经济史History of Economic 西方经济学WesternEconomics?世界经济World Economics ?人口、资源与环境经济学Population,Resources andEnvironmentalEconomics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics?区域经济学Regional Economics ?财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (includingTaxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)?产业经济学Industrial Economics ?国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics ?统计学Statistics ?数量经济学Quantita tive Economics ?中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics?法学Law 法学Science of Law ?法学理论Jurisprudence?法律史Legal History ?宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)Civil Law and Commercial Law (i ncluding Science of LabourLawand Science ofSocial Sec urityLaw)?诉讼法学Science of ProcedureLaws ?经济法学Sc ience ofEconomic Law ?环境与资源保护法学Science ofEnvironment andNatural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、)Internationallaw (including International Public law, International PrivateLaw a


《机械设计基础》常用单词中英文对照- common words in Basis of Mechanical Designing 一画 1.V带V belt 2.力force 3.力矩moment 4.工作载荷serving load 5.干摩擦dry friction 6.飞轮flier, flywheel 7.内圈inner ring 8切向键tangential key 9.切应力tangential stress 10.切削cutting 11.双头螺柱stud 12.尺寸dimension 13.尺寸公差dimensional tolerance 14.计算载荷calculating load 15.主动轴drive shaft 16.凸轮cam 17.加工working 18.半圆键half round key 19.外圈outer ring. 20.失效failure 21.尼龙nylon 22.平键flat key 23.打滑slippage 24.正火normalizing treatment 25.正应力normal stress 26.优化设计optimum design 27.冲压punching 28.动平衡dynamic balance 29动载荷moving load 30.压力pressure 31.压应力compressive stress 32压强pressure intensity 33.压缩compress 34.压缩应力compressive stress 35.合金钢alloy steel 36.向心轴承centripetal stress 37.向心推力轴承centripetal thrust bearing 38.导向键guide key 39.导轨guide track 40当量动载荷equivalent dynamic load 41.曲柄 crank


钢结构中英文对照 从施工规范及相关文件资料整理Leo-QQ-778468076 材料 钢板steel plate 钢管steel plate 垫板padding plate 垫块backfilling 地脚螺栓anchor bolt 预埋螺栓embedded bolt 螺母nut 垫圈washer 铆钉rivet 螺丝钉screw 高强螺栓high-strength bolt 大六角头高强螺栓big hexagonal high-strength bolt 型钢section steel,shaped steel 自攻螺钉tapping screw 波形屋面瓦wave roof tile 钢丝网steel-wire mesh 防腐材料anticorrosive material 防火涂料fireproof paint 防锈漆anticorrosive paint 底漆primer 面漆nominated painting 构件 零件part 部件component 构件element 钢柱steel column 钢柱脚steel column base 钢支座steel support 实腹式钢柱solid-web steel column 带牛腿钢柱the steel column with bracket 主梁main beam 次梁secondary beam 檩条purlin 吊车梁crane girder 系杆tie beam 系梁tie beam 屋架roof truss 坡口groove

屋盖roof system 屋面板roof board,roof slab,roof plate 天窗架skylight truss 拱形屋架arch-shaped roof truss 三角形屋架triangle roof truss 梯形屋架trapezoid roof truss 中拼单位intermediate assembled structure 空间刚度单元space rigid unit 环境温度ambient temperature 预拼装test assembling 连接connection 螺栓连接钢构bolted steel structure 摩擦型高强螺栓连接high-strength bolted friction-type connection 不焊透对接焊接partial penetrated butt weld 焊透对接焊接penetrated butt weld 焊钉(栓钉)焊接stud welding 数据及单位 抗震设计earthquake-resistant design 层高storey height 净高net height 计算长度effective length 计算高度effective height 计算跨度effective span 净跨net span 净重net weight 吨ton 千克kilogram 面积area 立方的cubic 平方(正方形的,矩形的)square 容积capacity 米meter 厘米centimeter 毫米millimeter 微米micrometer 工具及机械 焊机welding machine 自动焊机automatic welding machine 自动埋弧焊机submerged arc automatic welding machine 手动电弧焊机manual arc welding machine

铸造术语 中英文对照

一、基本术语 1.铸造:casting , founding , foundry 2.砂型铸造:Sand casting process 3.特种铸造:Special casting process 4.铸件:casting 5.毛坯铸件:Rough casting 6.砂型铸件:Sand casting 7.试制铸件:Pilot casting 8.铸态铸件:as-cast casting 9.铸型[型]:mold 10.铸造工艺:Casting process, foundry technology 11.铸造用材料:Foundry materials 12.铸造工艺材料:Consumable materials 13.铸造设备:Foundry equipment, foundry facilities 14.铸工:Caster, founder, foundry worker 15.铸造工作者:foundryman 16.铸造车间:Foundry shop 17.铸造厂:Foundry 18.铸造分厂:Attached foundry, captive foundry, tied foundry 19.铸造三废:Foundry affluent 20.一批: A batch 21.一炉: A cast, a heat, a melt 22.铸焊:Cast welding, flow welding

23.铸锭:ingot 二、铸造合金及熔炼、浇注 2.1铸造合金基础术语 1.铸造合金:Cast alloy 2.共晶合金系:Eutectic alloy system 3.共晶合金:Eutectic alloy 4.亚共晶合金:Hypoeutectic alloy 5.过共晶合金:Hypereutectic alloy 6.共晶团:Eutectic cell 7.共晶温度:Eutectic temperature 8.共晶转变:Eutectic reaction, eutectic transformation 9.共晶组织:Eutectic structure 10.铸造复合材料:Cast composite 11.定向共晶复合材料:Directional eutectic composite 12.非晶态合金:noncrystalline alloy 13.合金元素:Alloying element 14.杂质合金:Tramp element 15.合金遗传性:Alloy heredity 16.铸态组织:As-cast structure 17.铁碳相图:iron-carbon phase diagram 18.碳化物:Carbide

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