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2. 互推法:在议论之后,总会再列举一些具体的例子来支持观点;或在一些例子之后,总要抒发一些议论。考生在理解议论时,可以借助文中所给的实例,从而在形象的例子中推理出抽象的议论;或从议论中推理理解具体例子的深刻含义,相互推断。

3. 推理法:推理的结论一定是原文有这层意思,但没有明确表达的。推理要根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇、段落和句子之间的逻辑关系,各个信息所暗示和隐含的意义,作者的隐含意等对文章进行推理判断。考生要由文字的表层信息挖掘出文章的深层含义,要能透过现象看本质。







3.因果结论信息点处:因果结论句也可以表现出作者的写作目的、观点或文章的主题,因此要特别关注。表示因果关系的常用词汇有:reason, because, since, for, as, therefore, consequently, result in, due to, based on等,有时作者也通过先提出问题(why ...)而后给予回答的方式阐释文章主题。4.文尾结论句:弱开强收型文章有明确的全文结论句,作者在文尾给出文章鲜明的观点和主题,因此这类文章的文尾是我们把握文章主题的必读之处。








[示例](2015·江苏高考阅读C)Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It?s very likely that you?ll want to have volunteers to help with the organization?s activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work.

64.What is the best title of the passage? A.How to Get People to Volunteer B.How to Study Volunteer Behaviors

C.How to Keep Volunteers? Interest D.How to Organize Volunteer Activities






Conflict is on the menu tonight at the caféLa Chope. This evening, as on every Thursday night, psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France?s favorite pastimes, coffee drinking and the “talking cure”. Here they are learning to get in touch with their true feelings. It isn?t always easy. The customers-some thirty Parisians who pay just under $2 (plus drinks) per session are quick to intellectualize (高谈阔论),slow to open up and connect. “You are forbidden to say …one feels,? or …people think?,”Lehane told them. “Say …I think,? …Think me?.”

A café society where no intellectualizing is allowed? It couldn?t seem more un-French. But Lehanne?s psychology caféis about more than knowing oneself: It?s trying to help the city?s troubled neighborhood cafes. Over the years, Parisian cafes have fallen victim to changes in the French lifestyle-longer working hours, a fast food boom and a younger generation?s desire t o spend more time at home. Dozens of new theme cafes appear to change the situation. Cafes focused around psychology, history, and engineering are catching on, filling tables well into the evening.

The city?s psychology cafes, which offer great comfort,are among the most popular places. Middle-aged homemakers, retirees, and the unemployed come to such cafes to talk about lover, anger, and dreams with a psychologist. And they come to Lehance?s group just to learn to say what they feel. There?s a strong need in Paris for communication, says Maurice Frisch, a cafe La Chope regular who works as religious instructor in a nearby church. “People have few real friends. And they need to open up” Lehanne says she?d like to see psychology cafes all over France. “If people had normal lives, these cafes would?t exist”, she says,”If life weren?t a battle, people wouln?t need a special place just to speak.” But then, it wouldn?t be France.

1. What are people encouraged to do at the cafe La Chope?

A. Learn a new subject

B. Keep in touch with friends.

C. Show off their knowledge.

D. Express their true feelings.

2. How are cafes affected by French lifestyle changes?

A. They are less frequently visited.

B. They stay open for longer hours.

C. They have bigger night crowds.

D. They start to serve fast food.

3. What are theme cafes expected to do?

A. Create more jobs.

B. Supply better drinks.

C. Save the cafe business.

D. Serve the neighborhood.

4. Why are psychology cafes becoming popular in Paris?

A. They bring people true friendship.

B. They give people spiritual support.

C. They help people realize their dreams.

D. They offer a platform for business links.



The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts(文科) in higher education isn?t an either/or proposition(命题),although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM(science, technology, engineering, maths)-related fields can make it seem that way.

The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also states firmly that the study of the humanities and social sciences must remain central components of America?s educational system at all levels. Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate

effectively in our democratic society, become creative leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates? job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs. Under these circumstances, it?s natural to look for what may appear to be the most “practical” way out of the problem.“Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run. Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.

Moreover, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there?s little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today w ill be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible. The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight—picked up from science, arts, and technology—to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.

5. What does the latest congressional report suggest?

A. STEM-related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.

B. Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.

C. The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students? spiritual life.

D. The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.

6. What kind of job applicants do employers look for?

A. Those who have a strong sense of responsibility.

B. Those who are good at solving practical problems.

C. Those who are likely to become innovative leaders.

D. Those who have received an all-round education.

7. What advice does the author give to college students?

A. Seize opportunities to explore their potential.

B. Try to take a variety of practical courses.

C. Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.

D. catch as many chances as possible to change their jobs.


Not all towns are desperate to attract young people

Nationally, an ageing population is a problem. But locally it can be a boon. The over-50s control 80% of Britain's wealth, and like to spend it on houses and high-street shopping. The young “generation rent”, by contrast, is poor, distractible and liabl e to shop online.

People aged between 50 and 74 spend twice as much as the under-30s on cinema tickets. Between 2000 and 2010 restaurant spending by those aged 65-74 increased by 33%, while the under-30s spent 18% less. The pension pots liberated by George Osborne's budget earlier this year will likely pour into property. And while the young still struggle to find work, older people are retiring later. During the financial crisis full-time employment fell for every age group but the over-65s, and there has been a rash of older entrepreneurs. Pensioners also support the working population by volunteering: some 100 retirees help out as business mentors(顾问).

Even if they wanted to, most small towns and cities could not capture the cool kids. Mobile young professionals cluster(聚集), and greatly prefer to cluster in London. Even supposed meccas (圣地) like Manchester are ageing: clubs in that city are becoming members-only, and there are an increasing number of places, as one resident puts it, that “a 19-year-old wouldn't be seen dead in”. Towns that aim too young, like Bracknell and Chippenham, can find their high streets full of closed shops. Outside Britain's capital, high concentrations of youth are commonly tied to high unemployment rates.

Companies often lag behind local authorities in working this out. They are London-obsessed, and have been slow to appreciate the growing economic heft of the old—who are assumed, often wrongly, to stick with products they learned to love in their youth. But Caroyln Freeman of Revelation Marketing thinks Britain could be on the verge of a marketing surge(激增) directed at the grey pound, “similar to what we saw with the pink”. The window will not remain open forever: soon the baby boomers ( people born during a period when a lot of babies were born , especially in the 1950s) are ageing, and no one else alive today is likely to have such a rich retirement.

Meanwhile, with the over-50s holding the purse strings, the towns that draw them are likely to grow more and more pleasant. The lord mayor of Manchester, Sue Cooley, notes that decent restaurants and nice shops spring up in the favoured places of the old. Latimer House, a furniture store full of retro (复古) clothing would not look out of place in Hackney.

8. By 'But locally it can be a boon", the author means ______ .

A. the ageing population is contributing to the weak British economy

B. the ageing population is having a strong effect on the young

C. some towns are benefiting a lot from the ageing population

D. old people control most of Britain's wealth

9. What can be learnt from Paragraph 2?

A. Job-hunting for the young is difficult because of the liberated pension pots

B. Both the old and the young enjoy watching films at a cinema.

C. The financial crisis had little effect on over-65s employees.

D. Pensioners are trying hard to help young people find jobs.

10. Why is Manchester referred to as a 'supposed Meccas"?

A. Because it has a high unemployment rate.

B. Because it is assumed to attract many young people.

C. Because young employees used to gather around there.

D. Because its members-only clubs attract few young people.

11. It can be inferred from the passage that ______ .

A. old wealthy retirees prefer living in towns to living in cities

B a lively market aiming at baby boomers is waiting to be developed

C. old people tend to stick with what they loved while they were young

D. companies in big cities are trying their best to attract old people's attention


Do you ever “back door brag” about being a perfectionist? _______A________

Unlike other obsessions (痴迷) and addictions, perfectionism is something a lot of people celebrate, believing it?s wealth. But true perfectionism can actually get in the way of productivity and happiness.


Taken to the extreme, perfectionism becomes a disorder. Burns shares the wild example of an attorney who became obsessed with getting his hair “just right.” He spent hours in front of the mirror with his scissors and comb making adjustments until his hair was just an eighth of an inch long. Then he became obsessed with getting his hairline exactly right and he shaved it a little more every day until his hair receded back so far he was bald. He would then wait for his hair to grow back and the pattern continued again. Eventually his desire to have the perfect hair led him to cut back on his legal practice in order to continue his obsession.

This is an extreme example to be sure, but there are less severe ways in which our own perfectionism leads us to major in minor activities? Have you ever obsessed over a report when your boss said it was already plenty good enough? Have you ever lost an object of little importance but just had to keep looking for it? Do colleagues often tell you, “Just let it go”?

Aiming for “perfect” instead of “good enough” can seriously backfire. This happened to me recently when I was asked to teach a workshop to the leaders of a prominent technology company. I took the time to understand their needs and personalize the materials to their specifications. And I already had materials I had taught scores of times with great results to pull from. But my obsession for making it perfect led me to scrap all of that the night before, and as a result I was unprepared and exhausted. I felt jumbled and my slides distracted from the main message. If I had shot for average instead of perfect, I would have been able to focus more on the client in the moment and things would have turned out very differently.


Overachievers have such high expectations of themselves that their “average” might be a nother person?s “really good.” So instead of pushing yourself to give 100% (or 110%, whatever that means) you can go for giving 75% or 50% of what you usually might offer. This idea is captured clearly by the mantra, “Done is better than perfect” — which Facebook has plastered (涂抹)all over the walls of their Menlo Park headquarters. That?s not to excuse shoddy work. Rather, the idea is to give engineers permission to complete cycles of work and learn quickly instead of being held hostage (人质)by an unattainable sense of perfection.

The word “perfect” has a Latin root; literally, it means “made well” or “done thoroughly.” Another translation would be “complete.” And yet today, we use it to mean flawless. If you must pursue perfection, at least use the former definition rather than the latter(unattainable).

If you are a perfectionist, overachiever or workaholic you are probably used to taking on big challenges. The nature of the obsession makes it easy to do what is hard. Paradoxically(反常地), it may be harder at first to try to be average.

To understand why, we need to understand the role of fear in perfectionism: “If I don?t perfectly……. something terrible will happen.” Often perfectionists are so used to this anxiety that they no longe r even consciously recognize it; it?s just the fuel that keeps them working and perfecting their skills.

While the logic may be totally false, the emotion is absolutely real. As a result, it takes greater courage for a perfectionist to try to be average than to tackle almost any other challenge. Being average scares them, so they haven?t experienced the benefits of being average.

Here?s how Burns put it: “There are two doors to enlightenment. One is marked, …Perfection? and the other is marked, …Average.? The …Perfection? door is fancy and attractive . So you try to go through the …Perfection? door and always discover a brick wall on the other side. On the other side of the …Average? door, in contrast, there?s a magic garden. But it may have never occurred t o you to open the door to take a look.” As he wrote in a recent entry on his blog, “Much of our suffering derives from our perfectionism, and our belief that we should be …special.? But when you don?t have to be special, life becomes special. This may be w hat the Buddha was referring to when he talked about …the Great Death?.”


If you think you are the type of person who takes on hard assignments with ease, you might try to do something really hard: try being average for one day. What you find might surprise you.

12. According to the passage. some people make great efforts to be over-achievers_________.

A. because of their inner fear

B. because of the pressure from their parents

C. because they have been looked down upon before

D. because they focus on the realization of self-worth

13. How does the author support his or her argument?

a. By offering a typical example.

b. By making comparisons.

c. By providing classifications

d. By comparing opinions.

A. ac

B. ab

C. bc D bd

14. What's the passage mainly about ?

A. Perfectionism has its advantages and disadvantages.

B. Many people can't stand the slightest flaw in their work.

C. We can reduce stress by avoiding perfectionism and self-criticism.

D. Perfectionism can be a disadvantage when you are trying to succeed.

15. Where can the following sentence be put ?

This left me wondering: what if trying to be average could actually accelerate your success?

16. What is the meaning of the underlined word “capture” ?

A. control

B. express

C. catch

D. arrest


We have a real crisis in this country in the basic understanding of science. It affects our global competitiveness as a country, our national security, and the effectiveness of our social system. The misunderstanding about science is blinding our eyes.

We know that an awful lot of teachers who are teaching science today have not been properly empowered to do so. School frequently is n?t testing whether you understand something but whether you?re familiar with it. What?s Newton?s second law? You say F=ma, and you get an A. That does not reflect a deep understanding of Newtonian mechanics. Science education is not just a body of fac ts; it?s a process. To present it with appeal and excitement you need to picture it as a detective story—asking questions, making observations, and collecting evidence. You test and you fail but, you know, failure can lead to discovery.

Another challe nge we face is that science is often viewed as too hard, for experts only. But I don?t actually think it?s that difficult. People see science every day. They look outside and see weather and nature. They push a button in their house and the lights go on. E verybody?s dealing with science every day. They just don?t call it that. And it?s important they do. In fact, science is determining the quality and outcomes of their life.

Science needs creativity. And one of the best ways to be creative is to think “out of the box”. However, we need more courage when we come to practice. Take me for example. Very early in my teens I decided to educate myself. I realized I would never be a very good student because I didn?t like teachers judging me by what I thought were arbitrary (主观臆断的) standards. I decided I?d let the world judge me by whether I could do something of value—solve a problem or build something. That?s why I quit school early and risked everything to start a company. I risked everything I had because I had nothing to lose. I?d rather fail at trying to do something really big than succeed at being medium.

“When?s the right age to think creatively?” you may ask. I?d say in the womb (母腹)! Kids don?t have anxieties about trying to avoid failure. They are full of imagination and much more willing to fail. Just watch a 3-year-old. They touch everything, and if it hurts they don?t touch it again. They learn everything at a breathtaking rate. Start to think out of the box as early as you can, because it?s more li kely to take you to places that you can?t predict, schedule and budget for. Do all that when you can bear the insecurity.

17. The author believes that they actually have a problem in________.

A. the understanding of science

B. the security of his nation

C. the global competitiveness

D. the present social system

18. According to the passage, science teachers should ________.

A. train students? memory for right facts

B. focus more on the learning process

C. present interesting detective stories

D. abandon frequent science examinations

19. Paragraph 3 indicates that _______.

A. science is intended for experts only

B. it?s important to see weather and nature

C. people can determine the quality of life

D. we should realize science is around us

20. The author takes his own example to say ________.

A. school education may do little good to students

B. teachers sometimes judge their students unfairly

C. people need to take an unusual path to be creative

D. failure at a big thing is better than a small success

21. What?s the tone of the passage?

A. Questioning.

B. Encouraging.

C. Praising.

D. Complaining.

解题感悟:____________________________________________________________________________ 阅读积累:underline the words and phrases in the passages and try to get the meaning of them.

A:fall victim to changes catch on

D:become obsessed with


1.A ca fé society where no intellectualizing is allowed? It couldn?t seem more un-French.(A)2.“If people had normal lives, these cafes would?t exist”, she says,”If life weren?t a battle, people wouln?t need a special place just to speak.” But then, it wouldn?t be France.(A)

3.The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts(文科) in higher education isn?t an either/or proposition(命题),although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM(science, technology, engineering, maths)-related fields can make it seem that

way. (B)

4.The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also states firmly that the study of the humanities and social sciences must remain central components of America?s educational system at all levels.(B)

5.“Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” ofte n, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run.(B)

6.The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight—picked up from science, arts, and technology—to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States. (B)

7.They are London-obsessed, and have been slow to appreciate the growing economic heft of the old—who are assumed, often wrongly, to stick with products they learned to love in their youth.(C)8.If I had shot for average instead of perfect, I would have been able to focus more on the client in the moment and things would have turned out very differently.(D)

9.Here?s how Burns put it: “There are two doors to enlightenment. One is marked, …Perfection? and the other is marked, …Average.? The …Perfection? door is fancy and attractive . So you try to go through the …Perfection? door and always discover a brick wall on the other side. On the other side of the …Average? door, in contrast, th ere?s a magic garden. But it may have never occurred to you to open the door to take a look.” (D)








①Our school is in_great_need_of_English_teachers. (作表语,简化时不可去掉)

②He is the best teacher in_our_school. (作定语,简化时可去掉)

③The girl in_red is Amy, who turns out to be one of my old classmates. (作定语,简化时可去掉)

④Wei Minzhi kept her students in_the_classroom for an hour. (作补语,简化时可去掉)

⑤He was born in Shanghai in_1968. (作状语,简化时可去掉)



不要小瞧这个词。一个and常会把本来很简单的句子变得很长,使句子看上去很复杂。要简化and 连接的并列句,关键是要找出and前后到底是哪两部分有并列关系。阅读中,and连接的最常见的结构有以下几种:and+that从句,and to do, and doing, and do。阅读时,只要找出and后面的结构,很快就可以根据平行并列结构,找到前面对应的部分,然后从and这个地方将句子断开,这样我们就可以很清晰地把握and前后两层的意思了。





[示例](2015·四川高考阅读D)Their cheery song brightens many a winter?s day. But robins are in danger of wearing themselves out by singing too much. Robins are singing all night — as well as during the day, British-based researchers say.

David Dominoni, of Glasgow University, said that light from street lamps, takeaway signs and homes is affecting the birds? biological clocks, leading to them being wide awake when they should be asleep.

分析:第二段是一个长句,由32个单词组成,命题人针对这句话出了下面这道题:42.According to Dr Dominoni?s study, what causes robins to sing so much?

A.The breeding season. B.The light in modern life.

C.The dangerous environment. D.The noise from heavy machinery.

本题为细节理解题。首先,我们一起来简化一下这个长句。去掉介词短语“of Glasgow University”和“from street lamps, takeaway signs and homes”以及结果状语“leading to them ...be asleep”后,我们得到这样一个句子:David Dominoni said that light is affecting the birds? biological clocks. 这句话的意思就非常明确了,是灯光影响了鸟的生物钟,故正确答案为B项。



Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It?s very likely that you?ll want to have volunteers to help with the organization?s activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work.

Let?s begin with the question of why people volunteer. Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved. For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships. If volunteer positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to participate. To select volunteers, you may need to understand the motivations of the people you wish to attract.

People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people?s wish of participation from an internal factor (e.g., "I volunteer because it?s important to me”) to an external factor (e.g., "I volunteer because I?m required to do so”). When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future. People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer activities a must.

Once people begin to volunteer, what leads them to remain in their positions over time? To answer this question, researchers have conducted follow-up studies in which they track volunteers over time. For instance, one study followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year. One of the most important factors that influenced their satisfaction as volunteers was the amount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. Although this result may not surprise you, it leads to important practical advice. The researchers note that attention should be given to "training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome

situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience”.

Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view "volunteer” as an important social role. It was assumed that those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work. Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as "Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am.” Consistent with the researchers? expectations, they found a positive correlation (正相关) between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer. These results, once again, lead to concrete advice: "Once an individual begins volunteering, continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity.... Items like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity”.

1. People volunteer mainly out of ______ .

A. academic requirements

B. social expectations

C. financial rewards

D. internal needs

2. What can we learn from the Florida study?

A. Follow-up studies should last for one year.

B. V olunteers should get mentally prepared.

C. Strategy training is a must in research.

D. V olunteers are provided with concrete advice.

3. What is most likely to motivate volunteers to continue their work?

A. Individual differences in role identity.

B. Publicly identifiable volunteer T-shirts.

C. Role identity as a volunteer.

D. Practical advice from researchers.

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. How to Get People to Volunteer

B. How to Study V olunteer Behaviors

C. How to Keep V olunteers? Interest

D. How to Organize Volunteer Activities



Work is a very important part of life in the United States. When the early Protestant immigrants came to this country, they brought the idea that work was the way to God and heaven. This attitude, the Protestant Work Ethic(道德规范), still influences America today. Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of the society. Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive. For most Americans, their work defines them: they are what they do. What happens then, when a person can no longer work? Almost all Americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and retire. Because work is such an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, some people are happy to retire; but leaving one?s job, whatever it is, is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. Many retirees do not know how to use their time or they feel lost without their jobs. Retirements can also bring financial problems. Many people rely on Social Security checks every month. During their working years, employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government. Each employer also gives a certain percentage to the government. When people retire, they receive this money as income. These checks do not provide enough money to live on, however, because prices are increasing very rapidly. Senior citizens, those over sixty-five, have to have savings in the bank or other retirement plans to make ends meet. The rate of inflation is forcing prices higher each year; Social Security checks alone cannot cover these growing expenses. The government offers some assistance(补助), Medicare(health care)and welfare(general assistance), but many senior citizens have to change their life styles after retirement. They have to spend carefully to be sure that they can afford to buy food, fuel and other necessities.

Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement. They have time to spend with their families or enjoy their hobbies. Some continue to work part time, others do volunteer work. Some, like those in the Retired Business Executives Association, even help young people to get started in new business. Many retired citizens also belong to “Golden Age” groups. These organizations plan trips and social events. There are many chances for retirees.

American society is only beginning to be concerned about the special physical and emotional needs of its senior citizens. The government is taking steps to ease the problem of limited income. They are building new housing, offering discounts in stores and museums and on buses, and providing other services such as free courses, food service, and help with housework. Retired citizens are a rapidly growing percentage of the population. This part of the population is very important and we must meet their needs. After all, every citizen will be a senior citizen some day.

5.The author believes that work first became important to Americans because of _______.

A. religion

B. economy

C. psychology

D. family

6.The passage is mainly about _______.

A. money and check

B. senior and junior

C. work and retirement

D. Protestants and Americans

7.When Americans stop work, it?s difficult for them to _______.

A. get Social Security checks

B. feel productive

C. enjoy themselves

D. be religious


Taking charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths. At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly. This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of self-fulfillment. It encourages a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is “intelligent.” Yet mental hospitals are filed with patients who have all of the properly lettered certificates.

A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.

If you are happy, if you live each moment for everything it?s worth, then you are an intelligent person. Problem solving is a useful help to your happiness, but if you know that given your inability to resolve a particular concern you can still choose happiness for yourself, or at a minimum refuse to choose unhappiness, then you are intelligent. You are intelligent because you have the ultimate weapon against the big N.B.D.─Nervous Break Down.

“Intelligent” people do not have N.B.D.?s because they are in char ge of themselves. They know how to choose happiness over depression, because they know how to deal with the problems of their lives.

You can begin to think of yourself as truly intelligent on the basis of how you choose to feel in the face of trying circumstances. The life struggles are pretty much the same for each of us. Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties. Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human. Similarly, money, growing old, sickness, deaths, natural disasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings. But some people are able to make it, to avoid immobilizing depression and unhappiness despite such occurrences, while others collapse or have an N.B.D.

Those who recognize problems as a human condition and don?t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know; also, the most rare.

8. According to the author, the convent ional notion of intelligence measured in terms of one?s ability to read, write and compute _______ .

A. is a widely held but wrong concept

B. will help eliminate intellectual prejudice

C. is the root of all mental distress

D. will contribute to one?s self-fulfillment

9. It is implied in the passage that holding a university degree ______ .

A. may result in one?s inability to solve complex real-life problems

B. does not indicate one?s ability to write properly worded documents

C. may make one mentally sick and physically weak

D. does not mean that one is highly intelligent

10. The author thinks that an intelligent person knows____ .

A. how to put up with some very prevalent myths

B. how to find the best way to achieve success in life

C. how to avoid depression and make his life worthwhile

D. how to persuade others to compromise

11. In the last paragraph, the author tells us that ______ .

A. difficulties are but part of everyone?s life

B. depression and unhappiness are unavoidable in life

C. everybody should learn to avoid trying circumstances

D. good feelings can contribute to eventual academic excellence

12. According to the passage, what kind of people are rare?

A. Those who don?t emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness.

B. Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.

C. Those who measure happiness by an absence of problems but seldom suffer from N.B.


D.Those who are able to secure happiness though having to struggle against trying circumstances


“Often mistaken, never in doubt.” That phrase describes us all more than we?d like to admit. The psychological study of misconceptions shows that all of us possess many beliefs that are wrong—and also that we don?t give easily. As a result, just hearing the correct explanation isn?t enough. Most methods of instruction and training assume that if you provide people with the right information, it will replace any mistaken information listeners may already possess. But this just isn?t so. Espec ially when our previous beliefs (even though faulty) have proved useful to us, and when they appear to be confirmed by everyday experience, we are reluctant to let them go.

Donna Alvermann, a language and literacy researcher at the University of Georgia, notes that in study after study, “students ignored correct textual information when it conflicted with their previously held concepts. On measures of free recall and recognition, the students consistently let their incorrect prior knowledge override incomi ng correct information.” It?s what our mothers called “in one ear and out the other.”

The simplest way to correct mistaken notions is to point them out as the accurate information is being presented. In a 2010 article in the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, researcher Christine Tippett offers an example from a science book for children: “Some people believe that a camel stores water in its hump(峰). They think that the hump gets smaller as the camel uses up water. But this idea is not true. The hump stores fat and grows smaller only if the camel has not eaten for a long time. A camel can also live for days without water because water is produced as the fat in its hump is used up.” Note the three-part structure: the misapprehension is described, declared false, and replaced by an accurate version. Although such “refutation (驳斥)text” is very effective in breaking down misconceptions, Tippett notes, it?s rarely used in informational books for children or in textbooks for older learners.

For more deeply held beliefs that resist simple clarification, teachers, managers and other leaders can ask people to “activate” these prior beliefs, then instruct them to attend carefully to ways in which the correct explanation differs from their current conviction.

For example, Donna Alvermann and a co-author conducted an experiment in which students in an introductory physics class were asked to draw, and then explain, the path a marble would take if shot from a tabletop. The investigators? instructions contained this advice: “If you thought that the path the marble would take would be straight down, straight out and then straight down, or straight out and then curved down, your ideas may be different from what the laws of physics would suggest. As you read the following text, be sure to pay attention to those ideas presented that may be different from your own.” The students who were “forewarned” with these instructions, the authors note, “showed marked improvement in learning information that conflicted with their existing k nowledge.”

13. What can we learn from the first paragraph ?

A. Stubbornness is not recommended.

B. People will correct their mistakes once trained.

C. People's previous knowledge tends to be wrong. D Learning from mistakes is harder than expected.

14. Why does the author mention the example offered by Christine Tippett?

A. To say the hump stores fat but not water.

B. To offer a method of correcting wrong ideas.

C. To blame books for not using refutation texts.

D. To show some children have wrong ideas about humps.

15. Alvermann's experiment shows the importance of ______.

A. advance warning

B. an introductory physics class

C. encouragement from teachers

D. teachers, managers and other leaders 解题感悟:____________________________________________________________________________ 阅读积累:underline the words and phrases in the passages and try to get the meaning of them. A:undertake volunteer work conduct follow-up studies

B:make ends meet

C:on the basis of


1.The researchers note that attention should be given to "training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience”.(A)

2.Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view "volunteer” as an important social role. It was assumed that those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work.(A)

3.Taking charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths. At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly. This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of self-fulfillment. It encourages a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is “intelligent.” Yet mental hospitals are filed with patients who have all of the properly lettered certifica tes.

A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.(C)

4. Problem solving is a useful help to your happiness, but if you know that given your inability to resolve

a particular concern you can still choose happiness for yourself, or at a minimum refuse to choose unhappiness, then you are intelligent. (C)

5. As a result, just hearing the correct explanation isn?t enough. Most methods of instruction and training assume that if you provide people with the right information, it will replace any mistaken information listeners may already possess. But this just isn?t so. Especially when our previous beliefs (even though faulty) have proved useful to us, and when they appear to be confirmed by everyday experience, we are reluctant to let them go. (D)

6. For more deeply held beliefs that resist simple clarification, teachers, managers and other leaders can ask people to “activate” these prior beliefs, then instruct them to attend carefully to ways in which the correct explanation differs from their current conviction. (D)

7. For example, Donna Alvermann and a co-author conducted an experiment in which students in an introductory physics class were asked to draw, and then explain, the path a marble would take if shot from

a tabletop. (D)

8. Teaching these young people, I often observe in them a desire to fail. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: “I may have lost, but it doesn?t matter because I really didn?t try.” What is not us ually admitted by them is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. (E)



2020年高考英语复习 议论文阅读练习

1.语言与结构特点:议论文一般观点明确、论据充分、语言精练、论证合理,有严密的逻辑性,通常采用三段论式的结构,即“提出问题(引论)—分析问题(本论)—解决问题(结论)”。因此,要理解议论文有两个关键点,一是要弄清文章的论点是什么、采用了哪些论据、如何论证;二是要理清其基本结构。 2.答题误区:议论文阅读理解题易错点往往在于事实与观点的区分以及观点本身。解题时,一要弄清哪些是所引述的事实,哪些是作者的观点以及引述中不同人物的观点;二要弄清作者真正的观点是什么,既要考虑全文,又要重视结论部分,谨防将文章中引述的某人的观点和作者的观点混为一谈。 3.阅读策略:在阅读解题时,应该从结构和内容两方面同时入手,先通读全文,再区分事实和观点。通常来说,议论文会采用三段论式结构。首段会通过一个故事或对某种现象的描述来引入话题,明确论点;接下来是文章的主体部分,会用两个或两个以上的段落引用事实和理论论据进行论证,常用的论证方法有举例、引用和对比等,这一部分要注意作者所选用的论据,它们往往与细节理解题的考查点相对应,同时还要留意论证的方法;文章的最后一段是结论部分,要弄清作者最后得出了什么结论。在通读全文并了解文章的结构和内容后再阅读试题,到文章中去找相对应的信息,比如事实、观点、作者真正的意图和结论等。 文体分类练(四)——议论文 (限时30分钟) A (2019·山西太原五中阶段检测)Visitors to Hennna, a restaurant outside Nagasaki, Japan, are greeted by an unusual sight: Their food being prepared by a row of humanoid robots. The name of the “head chef”is Andrew. Using his two long arms, he stirs batter (面糊) in a metal bowl, then pours it onto a hot grill. In a nearby hotel, robots check guests into their rooms and help with their luggage. CEO Hideo Sawada, who runs the restaurant and the hotel, predicted that 70% of the jobs at Japan's hotels would be automated (自动化) in the next five years. He said, “Since you


议论文阅读新题赏析 题一:阅读议论文,完成下面题目。 为“《十万个为什么》再版”捏一把汗 ①50年前,科普丛书《十万个为什么》横空出世,风靡数十年。50年后,该丛书在隆重庆祝其50岁生日时,也将迎来第六次改版。有专家称,这是一次魅力十足的“科普大事件”。对于作为国内首套普及版的百科全书,《十万个为什么》历经五次修订,曾让几代人受益。对于它的再版,社会公众应乐观其成,并给予足够的鼓励。但也有一种担心在坊间弥漫:《十万个为什么》再版,能否再续原先的“传奇”? ②据报道,“时代不同,孩子们的问题已经大不相同了”,这是促成《十万个为什么》再版的直接原因。当年孩子们提得最多的问题是:“先有鸡还是先有蛋”“人是不是猴子变的”“饺子熟了为什么会浮起来”“冰棍为什么会冒白烟”……他们对身边的自然现象充满疑问;现在孩子的兴趣和知识面发生了很大变化,他们深受网络和影视剧的影响,据说在征集的问题中,“我能穿越回过去吗”这个问题就出现了几百次。体现了鲜明的时代特征。 ③但也应看到,正因时代不同,孩子们的理想与兴趣也发生了变化——从前问孩子“你有什么理想”,十有八九会说要做科学家,但今天再去问,多数会说“我长大要当老板”。整个社会氛围变了,科普市场已显疲软之态,书店里的科普读物销售不理想可兹佐证。如今发行第六版,究竟是能创造曾经的辉煌,还是会陷入落寞,恐怕不难预料。 1

④正因时代变了,孩子们获取科普知识的渠道可谓多多。有专家指出,《十万个为什么》当年之所以辉煌,成为老幼咸宜的科学宝库,缘于那些年信息闭塞、科普内容匮乏和形式呆板,也缘于经济短缺和一定程度的“书荒”。而如今,已不是靠一本热门科普书就能“打天下”的时代,再加之科学内容早已铺天盖地,让人们的科普神经不再敏感。网络互动如此发达,有问题上网搜,何需《十万个为什么》慢慢作答? ⑤也因时代不同了,在市场盈利难、作者队伍浮躁而青黄不接、专职写手不能糊口等现实情况下,自然难出精品或经典。而在《十万个为什么》初版时的审稿人名单上,却是一连串闪光的名字:李四光、竺可桢、华罗庚、茅以升、苏步青……这些上世纪60年代我国科学界最负盛名的大家,亲自为它撰稿、审定,把对科技事业的发展和对青少年成长的殷切希望,都倾注在了这套书里。据说当年光琢磨一个书名,就用了半年,大家都离开象牙塔,深入生活,贴近百姓,捕捉实际生活中的“为什么”。如今,能否如此倡导“大家写小文章”、且慢功出细活呢? ⑥据说,该书再版的另一原因,是市场上各种版本的《十万个为什么》良莠不齐,迫切需要一个权威、全新的版本。据统计,从该书初版至今,市场已有上千种同名版本,但内容大同小异。《十万个为什么》被盗版、被仿冒,已在部分读者中失去公信力,民间已有“《十万个为什么》老了”、“应该被淘汰了”的微辞。 ⑦经典能够重现,自然是好事,我们有理由期待质量更高的科普成果问世。在海量信息的网络时代,新版《十万个为什么》好似一叶扁舟,能驶向成功的彼岸吗? 1、概括归纳出本文的中心论点。 2


初中语文议论文阅读专题训练专项训练及答案及解析 一、中考语文议论文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下文,完成各题。 ①在中国人的精神谱系里,国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体。 ②家是温馨的港湾。在步履匆匆的返乡途中,在“爸妈装的行李箱”中,在难改的口味与乡音中,人们感受家的温暖,体悟家的意义,真诚感叹“有家真好”。但不要忘记,无论是“修身齐家治国平天下”的人生追求,还是“老吾老以及人之七”的爱意延伸,这种由私而公的家国情怀,一直是中华传统文化所倡导的价值理念。每个人孝亲敬长、安居乐业,每个家庭都为中华民族大家庭作出贡献,才能聚沙成塔,汇聚成同心筑梦的强大力量。 ③爱家不能小家子气,更不应局限于小情怀之中。公益短片《家国与边关》曾在全国上万家影院播出,感动了无数观众。在海拔5380米的神仙湾、最低气温达零下57度的伊木河,边防战士与恶劣环境、枯燥孤寂搏斗,无怨无悔,只因脚下站立的地方是祖国。现实中,执勤交警、电力工人,白衣天使,他们都是普通人,________________________________________。而这,何尝不是对家国情怀的有力诠释。 ④“没有国家繁荣发展,就没有家庭幸福美满。同样没有千千万万家庭幸福美满,就没有国家繁荣发展。”读懂家与国的辩证法,涵养深沉的家国情怀,我们就能把爱家和爱国统一起来,汇聚亿万人民的智慧与热忱,用奋斗托举美好未来。 (选自《人民日报》,有删改,作者:石羚)(1)本文的中心论点是什么? (2)概括第②段的论证思路。 首先________,然后________,最后________。 (3)请在第③段划线处写一段话,使之与上下文意思连贯。 【答案】(1)国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体。 (2)直接提出家是温馨的港湾的观点;列举让人感受到家的温暖和意义的种种情形论证“家是温馨的港湾”的观点;引用名言说明家国情怀是中华传统文化倡导的价值理念 (3)坚守平凡岗位,守护万家灯火。 【解析】【分析】(1)结合文章第①段“国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体”,并结合全文内容分析可知本文的中心论点是国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体。 (2)解答此类题,按照议论文的一般结构,分析先论证什么,接着论证什么,然后论证什么,最后如何总结全文,最后套用运用答题模式概述。第②段开篇提出家是温馨的港湾,这是直接提出了本段的分论点,结合第2句“在步履匆匆的返乡途中,在“爸妈装的行李箱”中,在难改的口味与乡音中,人们感受家的温暖,体悟家的意义,真诚感叹′有家真好′″来论证了“家是温馨的港湾”的观点,紧接着,引用了″修身齐家治国平天下”和″老吾老以及人之老”这两个名言,说明家国情怀,一直是中华传统文化所倡导的价值理念。将这些内容运用答题模式进行概述即可。 (3)要结合前文“他们都是普通人”,他们的工作岗位也是普通的工作岗位,由此可以概括上一句为“坚守平凡岗位”,结合下文“何尝不是对家国情怀的有力诠释”,要连接下文,必须要能体现家国之间的整体关系,再结合本段的开头,可以概括下一句为“守护万家灯


(字数:266,生词量:3,难易度:B) If we want to deal with the association(社交) between boys and girls properly, here are some “dos and don’ts” for you to follow. Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very nature for the boys and girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many friends as possible. We should keep touch with the other sex(性别) in public instead of in secret. Don’t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you ca n also find a way out. First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others. Don’t fall into the ditch of early love. The boys and girls at a adolescence (青春期) are rich in feeling. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is full ripe. Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of early love. ( )71. The main idea of the passage is to _______. A. tell students to keep away from early love B. give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls C. tell students how to make friends D. teach boys how to talk with girls ( )72. We should keep touch with the other sex in following ways EXCEPT _______. A. with a good state of mind B. in real friendship C. in public D. in secret ( )73. If you are a shy person, you can ________. A. find friends with the same interest and hobby first B. only have a few friends of the same sex C. not make friends with the other sex D. not fall in love with other students easily ( )74. What does the underlined word “ditch” mean? A. 波浪 B. 泥潭 C. 圈套 D. 迷惑 ( )75. A person at adolescence is ________. A. complicated(复杂的)in feelings B. good at making friends with each other C. old enough to fall in love D. easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love 【答案】BDABD (字数:264,生词量:1,难易度:B) “Three, Two, One, Start”, with the light on, the final test in the Shanghai area of the English Contest in East China began. Fortunately, during the first three parts, my scores were lower only than the first one. But in the last item----quick response(回答), things changed. I knew that if only I could answer one question correctly, I would have the chance to go to Nanjing for the final contest. So as soon as Miss Zhang, the hostess, gave the question “name three of the novels written by Charles Dickens”, I pressed the button at once. Though I know many of the novels written by him very well, such as Hard Times, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Old Curiosity shop,


议论文阅读训练10篇 阅读下面的文段,完成后面的题。 (一)“舌尖”上的争议 常江 ①纪录片《舌尖上的中国》第二季开播,最终变成了一场全民狂欢。所谓树大招风,与第一季几乎是一边倒的赞美相比,第二季争议颇多。最大的争议有两个。一是食物与故事之间的关联性。不少观众批评该片在一味用痕迹明显的故事大肆煽情的同时,却忽略了最重要的主题:食物。一些食物被指做法错误,一些食物匆匆登场又匆匆离场,令人直呼“看都没看饱”。第二个较为隐晦,不少观察者和评论者认为该片一味追求对各种菜系的“全面”“公正”呈现,其实已演变成了一种国家主义的教育,背离了其作为美食节目的初衷。其实无论哪种争议,最终都可归结为一个命题:在“好看”的前提下,电视节目应当在多大程度上发挥教化的功能。 ②这个命题并不新鲜,它几乎伴随着中国电视发展的全部历史。早在第一季中,“舌尖”便已流露出与上世纪80年代的“文人电视”十分相似的气质:唯美的画面、华丽的解说词、借物咏志的手法,并最终落脚于知识分子的家国意识。在多数人将看电视首要地视为娱乐的背景下,这种气质显得有点不合时宜,甚至矫情。当解说词把“去买菜”这么一个简单明了的动作,说成是“去市场上挑选新鲜时令食材”时,很多观众就崩溃了。而这种表达方式,在上世纪80年代被认为是改造日常生活,将日常生活美学化的重要手段。虽然有些浮夸,但对快节奏的、粗鄙的现代生活,未尝不是一种矫正。 ③很多人说第二季不如第一季,因为它变“复杂”了,创作者要表达的东西太多,这话说得对。任何事情都有从简单到复杂的过程,一个节目从默默无闻到名满天下,也需要面对很多随之而来的东西:权力的介入、资本的力量、观众的干预,以及创作者微妙的心态。就像一个无人问津的穷小子突然中了巨奖,身边一定会冒出许多莫名其妙的亲戚朋友簇拥着他一样。因此,渴望“舌尖”在中国的电视经济与电视文化领域保持纯粹几乎是一个悖论。 ④尽管第二季还没有播完,且已经播出的几集水准并不完全一致,但我本人总体上还是对这一类型的纪录片持欢迎的态度。“舌尖”的成功,意味着在电视文化领域,几乎消失殆尽的文人气质的强势回归,尽管这一过程不可避免地伴随着商业、娱乐和各种意识形态的博弈。毕竟,它在梳理一项民族文化传统的同时,源源不断地提供着建设性的力量。如果你是家长,你更希望自己的孩子看美轮美奂的益智片,还是那个名叫“喜羊羊与灰太狼”的卡通片呢?答案不言自明。 ⑤在时下浓重的商业主义氛围中,“舌尖”透露出的十分稀薄的文人气质,我们应当珍惜。 1.下列说法不符合原文的一项是() A.尽管《舌尖上的中国》第二季还没有播完,且已经播出的几集水准并不完全一致,但作者对此持赞赏的态度。 B.纪录片《舌尖上的中国》第二季引发的最大争议是食物与故事之间缺乏关联性,且主题隐晦。 C. “舌尖”第二季的“教化功能”主要表现为两点:进行国家主义(家国意识)的教育;矫正快节奏、粗鄙的现代生活。 D.作者认为:《舌尖上的中国》第一季,文人气质几乎消失殆尽。


初中议论文阅读答题技巧与套路 议论文就是议论说理的文章,是以议论为主要表达方式的一种文体,它主要通过摆事实,讲道理,运用事实材料、逻辑推理来阐发作者的观点,表明赞成什么,反对什么。 议论文的三要素:论点、论据、论证。 论点(证明什么)、 论据(用什么证明)、 论证(怎样证明)、 1.议论文考查的知识点: ①找中心论点 ②分析论证方法其作用 ③分析论证思路(论证过程) ④补充事实论据 ⑤议论文开头、结尾的作用 ⑥开放性问题。 2、正确把握论点: 论点的表述:论点一般是一个肯定的判断。而且旗帜鲜明,不能模棱两可。它不能用疑问句式,不能用短语,不能用比喻等形式出现。

方法:回答中心论点时,在没有要求的情况下,应尽可能选用文段中的句子作答。 找中心论点的技巧: ①在文题,标题就是论点。如果题目为一句话,并且是肯定的判断,则题目本身就是中心论点。如果题目由偏正短语、并列短语构成,则要到文中寻找中心论点。 方式: 偏正短语,如“成功的秘诀”,.. 并列短语,如“敬业与乐业”,论点则是二者的关系:“敬业乐业是人类生活的不二法门。” ②在开头,开门见山提出论点。 ③在文尾,在层层深入论述的基础上,在文章的总结中推出中心论点。寻找时可从语言标志入手,一些在结尾推出中心论点的文章,论点前常有“总之”“综上所述”“所以”等标志性词语。 ④在文中,在初步展开议论后顺势提出中心论点。 ⑤此外,也有些文章对论点表述不很集中需要通读全文后才能概括归纳出中心论点。 留意题目、开头,分清中心论点和分论点,分

清论点和结论。 三、理解开头的作用 ( 一 ) 常见题型 文章开头(列举了…的事例,或引用了…,有何作用? ( 二 ) 解题技巧与答题模式: 1.开头讲故事 ( 传说 ) : ①以…故事 ( 或……的奇闻趣事 ) 作为文章的事实论据 ; ②引出(证明) 论点或论题;③增强文章趣味性 , 激发读者的阅读兴趣。 2.开头引用格言警句 ( 诗词名句 ) : ①…这句格言 ( 警句 ) 引出了论证的话题 ; ②提出了本文的论点 ( 或论题 ) ; ③作为文章的道理论据 ; ④引起读者阅读兴趣。 3.开头引用诗词名句 : ①引出论点或论题 ; ②以名句中包含的哲理作道理论据 ; ③增添了文学性,提高读者阅读兴趣。 四、明确文章所用的论证方法及其作用(论证方法四个字) (一) 常见题型 这句话运用了什么论证方法? 在文中有何作用?


专题三议论文阅读 重庆近8年中考真题展示(2010~2017) 第1类哲思启迪 一、(2015重庆A卷18~22题20分)【详见P136“阅读能力‘1对1’辅导”课时讲解1】 二、(2013重庆A卷18~22题19分)【详见P141“阅读能力‘1对1’辅导”课时讲解2】 第2类个人修养 三、(2013重庆B卷18~22题18分)阅读下面的文章,完成1~5题。 从容淡定 陈旭 ①“从容淡定”这词儿耐人寻味,意思是“从容于心,淡定于行”。作为人的一种情怀和精神境界,古已有之。 ②古往今来,中华民族的圣贤先哲、仁人志士,都对“从容”和“淡定”作出了自己的诠释。孟子的“贫贱不能移,富贵不能淫,威武不能屈”;刘禹锡的“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”;____________________;____________________等等,无不表现出“从容”和“淡定”的心性情怀。 ③从容包含着从大、从深、从远之意;从容也是一种自由,是人生主体的自我解放,是由必然王国向自由王国“从容不迫”地不断迈进。 ④淡定就是一种修养。仁而无忧,仁而无惧,实事求是。心怀坦荡,兰心傲骨。淡定也证明一种能力——深思熟虑以扬长避短,内省自知以有进有退,这也是大智大勇之人的明智选择。 ⑤淡定是一种真正的领略和彻悟。表现为“八风吹不动”。所谓八风就是利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐世间八法,并非说“东南西北八面来风”。“八风吹不动”,意思是说:无论顺境还是逆境,别人称赞还是诽谤,都能安然不动,泰然处之。 ⑥能否做到“从容淡定”,多半是性格使然。有人天生就是“悠着来”,遇事比别人慢半拍;有人与生俱来就是“风风火火”,容不得一丁点儿耽搁。在管理学上这叫EQ,也就是所谓的情绪智商。但能否做到“从容淡定”,更关乎后天修养。时下,浮躁、浅薄、目光短浅、急功近利之风还存在,有些人一心想着不付出或少付出却期待大回报,所以办起事来恨不能急吼吼、风火火地让满世界都知道,同时暗中还斤斤计较着什么,都想如古话所说的“早出一扁担,晚归柴满仓”,谁都不想为那巍巍青山做点什么。说到底,还是缺失“从容淡定”的健康心态。 ⑦近代胡适是公认的渊博学者,在文学、哲学、史学、考据学、教育学、伦理学等诸多领域均有建树。他治学有两个主要领域,一是中国哲学史,一是中国文学史,都可说是开一代新风,功不可没。他还是新“红学派”——考据派的创始人,可以说是将小说纳入了学术研究正轨的第一人。


①读书有三境界:“吞”“啃”“品”。 ②“吞”乃生吞活剥、囫囵吞枣--是充满饥饿感的发奋的青春初潮的标志。虽然广收博采难免盲目,进食过速导致肿胀--但这个过程毕竟是日后学富五车,满腹经纶的必不可少的前奏。古今中外有许多人都是进入中年后凭反刍青春岁月里的泛读而成名成家的。“吞”虽为知识累积的必经之途,但毕竟是读的低级阶段。 ③“啃”乃咀嚼消化,强行吸收--是志存高远的人生必经的头晕脑胀、寝食不安的砥砺智慧的夜路。咬烂磨碎骨头,获取钙质,这当然谈不上享受--但却是峥嵘人生必须付出的艰辛。“为伊消得人憔悴”是任何一位学有所成的人都不能蠲免的里程。“啃”是在“吞”之基础上的知性提高--这是将死知识化为活的血肉的过程。 ④“品”乃焚香沐浴,如饮醍醐--是成熟聪颖的心灵和星空的娓娓絮语。月下折枝,花前怜玉,豁然贯通的人生不胜惋惜地告别了青春光阴--庄严地踏上了奉献岁月。浮躁尽除,功利淡化,读书成了颐养灵性的乐事--“蓦然回首”,天机消溶于慧心。“品”是在“啃”之基础上的悟性升华--这是进入人生创造之园的门票。 ⑤读书人多如牛毛,但大多数都停留在第一境界,仅少数不甘人生yōng lù者可进入第二境界。进入第三境界,非志强智达者不能。但能进入第三境界者,必是成功地穿越了第一与第二境界的人。“吞”至其博,“啃”至其深,“品”至灵性--若无博与深,则灵性无其根本。 ⑥举凡大家鸿儒,书读到“品”至灵性后,往往将“吞”“啃”“品”三字当成进一步治学用的相济并用的三种方法:“吞”文字,“啃”新意,“品”韵致。或者是:泛读的“吞”之,精读的“啃”之,需细细体悟的则“品”之。 ⑦对一般的读书人而言,不谈三境界,如能将“吞”“啃”“品”三字当作对待不同读物的不同阅读方法:无用的书“吞”,有用的书“啃”,启心益智的书不妨“品”——那么人生同样会受益无穷。 1.作者认为读书三境界“吞”“啃”“品”的具体含义是什么? “吞”:泛读或博读。(生吞活剥,囫囵吞枣) “啃”:精读。(咀嚼消化,强行吸收) “品”:体悟。(焚香沐浴,如饮醍醐) (可从文中找答案,也可自己概括) 2.作者认为“吞”“啃”“品”三种读书境界之间是怎样的关系? 答:层递(层进、递进)关系;“吞”是知识积累的必经之途,“啃”是在“吞”之基础上的知性提高,“品”是在“啃”之基础上的悟性升华;“吞”至其博,“啃”至其深,“品”至其灵性——若无博与深,则灵性无其根本。(意思相符即可) 3.你在读中外名著时,采用的是什么读书方法?有什么收获?请略举一例加以说明。 答:略 4.对本文分析理解不正确的一项是( ) A.文章列举了大量的具体事实,阐述了读书三境界的观点。 B.本文阐释了“吞书”“啃书”“品书”的内涵和三种境界对不同读书人的意义。 C.作者说理透彻,深入浅出,使读者心悦诚服。 D.本文在阐释道理时态度平和,言辞中肯,使人易于接受。


Day 5阅读理解(5)(议论文) Passage 1 文体:议论文词数:326 限时:6分钟 I log onto a computer at the doctor’s office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the examination room. There, a robotic nurse directs me onto a device and then takes my blood pressure. Some time later, in steps the doctor, who is also a robot. He notes down my symptoms and gives me a prescription(处方). I pay for my visit using a credit card machine and return home without having met another human being. When I call my dentist’s office and actually get a human being on the line, I am thrilled. And when I see the introduction of yet more self-service checkout stations at the grocery store, I feel like shouting, “When it comes to cashiers, make mine human, please!” After all, human cashiers sometimes give you a store coupon(优惠券) for items you are buying. Even more than that, real-life cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children, which can brighten a young mother’s day. A cashier may also show compassion(同情) for an elderly person struggling to get that last penny out of her purse. What technological device would do, any of this?I don’t want to go back to the Stone Age, but I’m also worried about a world run by


议论文阅读 一、论点:是作者对要议论的问题所持的见解和主张。 (1)常见的考题样式: 1、选择题 如:能够概括本文论点的一项是( ) 2、填空题 如:本段文字的论点是( ) 3、判断分析题 如:你同意本文的观点吗?请说明理由 (2)课本链接 《谈骨气》我们中国人是有骨气的开头 《事物的正确答案不止一个》事物的正确答案不止一个题目 《生于忧患,死于安乐》生于忧患,死于安乐题目、结尾 《中国人失掉自信力了吗》我们有并不失掉自信力的人在中间 辨析、判断、提取、归纳论点 位置:1、从标题中找中心论点2、从文章的开头找中心论点 3、从文章中间找中心论点 4、从篇末找中心论点 形式:表示肯定或否定判断的陈述句 作用:是全文(段)的中心、灵魂,统摄全篇 (3)疑惑点 ?论点: 议论文论点的表述是一个较完整的、表判断的陈述句。不会是否定句,不会是疑问句,也不会是抒情句或描写句。抓住表明作者观点的陈述句,表判断的肯定句,就很容易和论题区分开 ?论题:是作者所要议论的问题,而不是作者对这个问题的观点和主张。它的范围比论点大?结论部分:起总结全文的作用,或再次重复论点,或提出号召(要怎么样\应该干什么)或提出解决问题的办法。 (4)方法总结 1、根据议论文论点的特点概括 2、找中心句(中心段)、议论性的句子(段落) 3、理解关键词的基础上进行概括 4、驳论文的论点是它们的相反的观点 二、论据 (1)常见的考题样式: ?1、概括文中的论据 ?2、文章中的第几和第几自然段的顺序能否颠倒? ?3、文中的某句/个名言/例子能否删去,为什么? (文章某段中引用某人的事例/名言有什么作用?) ?4、根据论点来选择或补充论据 (2)什么是论据? ?议论文的论点,要使人信服,就必须有充分的证据来证明,这些用来证明论点的材料就是论据。 ?根据材料的性质,论据可分为事实论据和道理论据两种。 ?事实论据包括确凿的事例、史实及统计数据等。


初中语文议论文阅读答题技巧与练习 第一部分议论文基础知识 一、议论文的三要素:论点、论据、论证。 论点:作者对议论问题所持的见解或主张。(全文的灵魂。起统帅全文的作用。)论点要求:鲜明、正确。 鲜明:论点必须表示拥护什么,反对什么。 正确:论点必须符合客观实际,能够解决实际问题。 论据:作者用以证明观点的根据。 论证:作者用论据证明论点的过程和方法。 二、论证方法:道理论证、举例论证、对比论证、引用论证、比喻论证。 三、论证方式:立论、驳论。(议论文可由此标准分为立论文与驳论文二大类。) 第二部分常见题型及答题技巧。 一、分析论证方法的作用: 句式:使用××论证的方法+论证了××观点+效果 具体如下: ①、举例论证:通过举具体的事例加以论证,从而使论证更具体、更有说服力。 格式:使用了举例论证的论证方法,举……(概括事例)证明了……(如果有分论点,则写出它证明的分论点,否则写中心论点),从而使论证更具体更有说服力。 ②、道理论证:通过讲道理的方式证明论点,使论证更概括更深入。 格式:使用了道理论证的论证方法,论证了……了观点,揭示了事情的本来面目,从而使论证更概括更深入,令人信服。 ③、比喻论证:通过比喻进行证明,使论证生动形象、浅显易懂。 格式:使用了比喻论证的论证方法,将……比作……,证明了……的观点,从而把抽象深奥的道理阐述得生动形象、浅显易懂。 ④、对比论证:对比论证的作用就是突出强调。 格式:使用了对比论证的论证方法,将……和……加以比较,突出强调了……的观点。 ⑤、引用论证:引用论证比较复杂,这与具体的引用材料有关,有引用名人名言、格言警句、权威数据、名人佚事、笑话趣闻等各种情况,其作用要具体分析。如引用名人名言、格言警句、权威数据,可以增强论证的说服力和权威性;引用名人佚事、奇闻趣事,可以增强论证的趣味性,吸引读者往下读。 格式:使用了引用论证的论证方法,通过引用……证明……的观点,使论证更有说服力。(或更有趣味性,吸引读者往下读) 二、分析论据的类型和作用: 1、论据可分为道理论据和事实论据二种类型。答题要点二个方面: (1)、明确论据类型;(2)、具体分析作用。 这类题目就其实质是考查论据与论点的关系,无论是与中心论点与分论点的关系,都是证明与被证明的关系,所以,规范性答题格式如下: 这是……论据,在文中起着证明……(论点,如果有分论点,则写出它证明的分论点,否则写中心论点。) 2、补充论据作为一种新题型正在流行,做这种题目,注意以下二个方面:(1)、看清楚要求补充的论据类型,即看清楚要求的是名言还是事例;(2)、补充名人事例要注意字数


专题三、议论文阅读理解 时间:1课时 ⒈议论文的三要素:论点、论据、论证 ⑴论点:是议论文作者对所论问题的见解和主张。 ①分清论题和论点:如《谈骨气》中“骨气”是论题,“我们中国人是有骨气的”是论点。 ②论点的表达方式:应该是一个完整陈述的表达明确判断的完整的句子。 ③中心论点的位置: ④分清中心论点和分论点: ⑵论据:是用来证明论点的材料,包括事实论据和道理论据 ①事实论据:具有代表性的事例、史实以及统计数据。 ②道理论据:经过实践检验的精辟理论、名言警句、民间谚语以及公认的公式、定理等。 ⑶论证:用论据来证明论点的过程和方法。 论证方法:通常是摆事实、讲道理。根据具体内容分为:举例论证、引用论证、比喻论证、对比论证等。 ⒉议论文的论证方式:立论、驳论 ⑴立论:正面提出并阐述自己的见解和主张。 ⑵驳论:批驳片面的错误的甚至反动的见解和主张。分为三种方式: ①驳论点②驳论据③波论证 ⒊议论文的结构: ⑴纵式:①层层深入②起承转合 ⑵横式:①总分总②总分③分总 ⒋议论文的语言:严密、准确、鲜明、生动、概括性强。 ⒌论证方式和论证方法不同: ①论证方式指的是立论和驳论。 ②论证方法通常是摆事实、讲道理。根据具体内容采用:举例论证、引用论证、比喻论证、对比论证等。 议论文阅读练习 (一)让雷锋精神在我们的时代发扬光大 瞿方业 学雷锋,树新风。这是多年来人们耳熟能详的一句话。每年的三月,社会都会举办各种纪念活动,宣传雷锋精神。但是,年轻一代对于雷锋精神所蕴含的价值还是缺乏深刻的认识和体会。许多人的理解停留于“学雷锋做好事”这一层次。的确,雷锋生前做好事无数,无私奉献做好事也是其精神的内核之一,但这并非雷锋精神的全部。只有搞清楚雷锋精神的内涵,才能更好地追随这位先行者的脚步,与他的崇高精神无限地接近。 雷锋的精神内涵非常丰富,包括无私奉献精神、“钉子精神”、“螺丝钉精神”、勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗等等。无私奉献,就是愿意尽可能地服务他人,方便他人。常说的“学雷锋做好事”,正是其无私奉献精神的生动诠释“钉子精神”,就是要像钉子一样刻苦学习和钻研业务,尽量挤出时间学习,补己之不足“螺丝钉”精神就是愿意在平凡岗位上踏实工作,刻苦钻研,像一颗螺丝钉一样,干一行爱一行。 完善的市场经济,一方面要求人们通过市场为自身的聪明才智寻找出路,获取财富,实

高考英语 阅读理解(附答案)

1.学会分析议论文的论证思路。 2.学会分析议论文中的长难句,并积累高频词,为写作打下良好的基础。 3.将议论文的论证方法、论证结构迁移到开放作文写作中去。 常言道:“得阅读者得天下”。试看2007-2012年北京高考阅读理解部分,从A 篇至E 篇,文章的体裁分布: 课的学习,让大家领会议论文的论证思路。同时议论文往往存在大量的长难句,这对大家的语言功底是一个严峻的考验。希望大家通过本节课的学习,能够提高自己的议论文阅读能力。同时,希望大家能够把本节课学习的东西,迁移到开放作文写作中去。 议论文一:经济类 As the railroads and the highways shaped the American West in the past centuries, a new electrical generating(发电) and transmission (输送) system for the 21th century will leave a lasting mark on the West, for better or worse. Much of the real significance of railroads and highways is not in their direct physical effect on the scenery, but in the ways that they affect the surrounding community. The same is true of big solar plants and the power lines that will be laid down to move electricity around ① The 19th century saw land grants(政府拨地) offered to railroad companies to build the transcontinental railroads, leaving public land in between privately owned land.② In much of the West, some of the railroad sections 满分必备攻略 命题人怎么想 高考考什么


高中议论文作文题目大全 这篇关于高中议论文作文题目大全,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 2012年高考语文作文题目最新预测1.阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。有位书法家对一位用废报纸练字的人说:“如果你用的纸来写,你可能会写的更好。”那人很奇怪地问其中的原因。书法家笑而不答,那人沉默不语。请理解材料,写一篇不少于800字的文章。2.阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。尼采曾说,处世之道应该是:不要爬上山顶去,也不要站在山脚,从半高处去看,这个世界真美好。这是他的人生观和价值观。其实,站在哪里看世界好,每个人都有自己的认识和体验,你又有怎样的认识和体验呢?在阅读上面材料基础上确定文章的立意,题目自拟,写成记叙文或议论文。3.阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。有位哲人说过:向后看才懂得生活,向前看才能生活。读了这句话,你有何感想?请自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的议论文或记叙文。4.阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的作文。年仅6岁的四川女童赵慧平,在得知自己患了重病,家里又无钱医治后,竟悄悄留下“遗书”,希望把自己视为“财产”的布娃娃,留给班主任袁老师。赵慧平在3月10日给爸爸妈妈写了一封101个字的“信”,“我知道自己生了白血病……我家住在农村,没有太多的钱来治病,爷爷奶奶还xu要你们来照gu如果我的病治不好,请将我的布娃娃送给我的班主任——袁老师。”隔壁病床的病友刘女士说,她曾目睹小惠平亲手写下这封信。此事经过四川和重庆两地媒体报道之后,立即在全国引发热议,各地网友纷纷留言表示捐款意向,希望媒体能够公布捐款账号。要求选准角度,明确立意,自选文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。5.阅读下面的文字,写一篇不少于800字的作文。玫瑰花枯萎了,蜜蜂仍然拼命吮吸,因为它以前从这朵花上吮吸过甜蜜。但是,现在这朵花上,蜜蜂吮吸的是毒汁。蜜蜂知道这一点,因为毒汁苦涩,与以前的味道有天壤之别。于是,蜜蜂愤愤不平,它吸一口就抬起头来向整个世界抱怨,为什么味道变了?!终于有一天,不知什么原因,蜜蜂振动翅膀,飞高了一点。此时,它发现,枯萎的玫瑰花周围,处处是鲜花。要求选准角度,明确立意,自选文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。6江苏省镇江市2012届高三期中调研阅读下列文字,根据要求作文。生活中,一些平凡的“小人物”却又不平凡,他们铸就了一个个大写的“人”,赢得了成千上万人的敬重。这些“小人物”带给我们的感动,以及从他们身上反映出来的千千万万普通中国人的美德,让我们看到了满目光明。可是,也有些“小人物”,让我们感受到的则是不幸、失落、怜悯,甚至是丑陋、痛苦和悲哀。对此,你一定会有所感悟,有所思考。请以“小人物”为题写一篇不少于800字的文章。[要求]①角度自选;②立意自定;③除诗歌外,文体自选。7湖南雅礼中学2012届高三考试题阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。(60分)人不能拽着自己的头发离开地球。这句话实在是耳熟能详了,就不知你有怎样的解读,或者从中获得怎样的启示,请结合你的个人体验或生活实际,写一篇800字以上的记叙文或议论文。角度自选,题目自拟。8.广东中山一中第一学期高三年级第二次统测阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。有位书法家对一位用废报纸练字的人说:“如果你用的纸来写,你可能会写得更好。”那人很奇怪地问原因,书法家笑而不答,只写了一个“逼”字,那人顿悟,这是让他惜纸逼自己写好字。还有这样一则谚语:“如果你想翻墙,请先把帽子扔过去。”因为你的帽子在那边,你已经别无选择,要想方设法地翻过去。正是有了逼迫,才会尽力发挥自己的潜能。在很多人的眼里,“逼”字不是一个好字眼,但不少人的成功却是实实在在被“逼”


全国高考英语试题阅读理解分类汇编之议论文 (2014安徽卷) D Should we allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area. Not all historical buildings are attractive. However, there may be other reasons for example, economic (经济的) reasons—why they should be preserved. So, let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people. What should we do then if a new building is needed? In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style. Indeed, there are many examples in my own home town of Tours where modern designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings. As long as the building in question is pleasing and does not dominate (影响) its surroundings too much, it often improves the attractiveness of the area. It is true that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt (破坏) the area they are in, but the same can be said of some old buildings too. Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic areas. I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative(保守的) and do not like change. Although we have to respect people's feelings as fellow users of the buildings, I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward . If we always reproduced what was there before, we would all still be living in caves . Thus , I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different , even though that might be the more risky choice. 68. What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragraph? A. Some of them are not attractive. B. Most of them ate too expensive to preserve. C. They are more pleasing than modern buildings. D. They have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area. 69. Which of the following is true according to the author? A. We should reproduce the same old buildings. B. Buildings should not dominate their surroundings. C. Some old buildings have spoilt the area they are in. D. No one understands why people speak against new buildings. 70. By “move things forward ” in the last paragraph , the author probably means “______”. A. Destroy old buildings B. Put things in a different place C. Choose new architectural styles D. Respect people’s feelings for historical buildings 71. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To explain why people dislike change. B. To warn that we could end up living in caves. C. To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings. D. To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas. 【篇章导读】这是一篇议论文。有历史遗迹的地方是否可建设现代建筑?作者认为新的建筑风格能与古老的风格共存。 68. A【解析】细节题。根据第一段中的“Not all historical buildings are attractive.”可知,不是所

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