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How to avoid foolish opinions 中英文对照

How to avoid foolish opinions 中英文对照
How to avoid foolish opinions 中英文对照



1 To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind are prone, no superhuman genius is required. A few simple rules will keep you, not from all error, but from silly error.


2 If the mater is one that can be settled by observation, make the observation yourself. Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted. He did not do so because he thought he knew. Thinking that you know when in fact you don’t is a fatal mistake, to which we are all prone. I believe myself that hedgehogs eat balck beetles, because I have been told that they do; but if I were writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs, I should not commit myself until I had seen one enjoying this unappetizing diet. Aristotle, however, was less cautious. Ancient and medieval authors knew all about unicorns and salamanders; not one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because he had never seen one of them.


3 Many matters, however are less easily brought to the test of experience. If, like most of mankind, you have passionate convictions on many such matter, there are ways in which you can make yourself aware of your own bias. If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there no good evidence either way. Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic, because in arithmetic there is knowledge, but in theology there is only opinion. So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants.


4 A good way of riding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to be come aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own. When I was young, I lived much outside my own country-in France, Germany, italy, and the United States. I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of insular prejudice. If you cannot travel, seek out people with whom you disagree, and read a newspaper belonging to a party that is not yours. If the people and the newspaper seem mad, perverse, and wicked, remind yourself that you seem so to them. In this opinion both parties may be right, but they cannot both be wrong. This reflection should generate a certain caution.


5 For those who have enough psychological imagination, it is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having a different bias. This has one advantage, and only one, as compared with actual conversation with opponents; this one advantage is that the method is not subject to the same limitations of time or space. Mahatma Gandhi deplores railways and steamboats and machinery; he would like to undo the whole of the industrial revolution. You may never have an opportunity of actually meeting any one who holds this opinion, because in Western countries most people take the advantage of modern technique for granted. But if you want to make sure that you are right in agreeing with the prevailing opinion, you will find it a good plan to test the arguments that occur to you by considering what Gandhi might say in refutation of them. I have sometimes been led actually to change my mind as a result of this kind of imaginary dialogue, and, short of this, I have frequently found myself growing less dogmatic and cocksure through realizing the possible reasonableness of a hypothetical opponent.


6 Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem. Both men and women, nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex. There is abundant evidence on both sides. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and mean of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people. We are all, whatever part of the world we come from, persuaded that our own nation is superior to all other. Seeing that each nation has its characteristic merits and demerits, we adjust our standard of values so as to make out that the merits possessed by our nation are the rally important ones, while its demerits are comparatively trivial. Here, again, the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer. It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some nonhuman mind. The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, and that for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jellyfish.



励志标语【中英文对照】 1、The secret of suess is constancy to purpose. 成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。 2、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕! 3、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great oasions. 只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。 4、Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! 5、Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前,决不放弃! 6、If your world doesn't allow you to dream, move to one where you can.--BILLY IDOL 如果环境不容许你有梦想,迁移到容许你梦想的地方去吧。-- 比利。艾道尔 7、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一 个人才算老。 8、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity . (Richard Nixon, American President)


各种效果器名称中英文对照大全 Arpache SX 【琶音效果器】 Compress 【压缩效果器】用于排除电吉他信号在传输中出现的过载或不良瞬变发生,它与失真器不同的是提供不失真的多种弹奏音色,并能延长音符或缩短音符的时值,可产生打击音或长延音。 Density 【密度效果器】 MicroTuner 【音调微调器】 MidiEcho 【回音效果器】 Midi 控制 Note 2cc 【音符控制器效果器】 Quantizer 【量化MIDI 效果器】 Step Designer 【步进音序器】 Trackcontrol 【轨道控制效果器】 Track FX 【轨道效果效果器】 Transformer 【逻辑处理效果器】背景门、和弦、自动声像 常用的效果器有均衡(EQ、混响(REVERB、压缩 (COMPRESSOR 延时(DELAY、合唱(CHORUS、移相 (PHASER Dely 【延时效果器】 TC Compressor DeEsser【压缩、消唇齿音效果器】

PLATE 铁板混响效 TC Filtrator 【滤波效果器】 TCGraphic EQ 【图形均衡效果器】 TC Limiter 【限制效果器】 TC Native Reverb Plus 【混响效果器】 [HALL 大厅混响效果 ROOM 房间混响效果 果(也译做金属板) ] TC Sonic Destructor 【声音处理效果器】 TC Parametric EQ 【参数均衡效果器】 AutoPan 【声像效果器】 Chorus 【合唱效果器】 Comp 【压缩效果器】 Flanger 【镶边效果器】 NoiseGate 【噪声门效果器】 OptiEQ 【均衡效果器】 OptiVerb 【混响效果器】 Phaser 【移相效果器】 ResoBeat 共【鸣滤波效果器】 RingBeat 【铃音调制效果器】 Stereo Delay 【延迟效果器 】 【T- RACKS 母带处理器】 Clipper 【修减效果器】 Compressor 【压缩效果器】




各种花卉的英文名 iris蝴蝶花 cockscomb鸡冠花 honeysuckle金银花chrysanthemum菊花 carnation康乃馨 orchid兰花 canna美人蕉 jasmine茉莉花 daffodil水仙花 peony牡丹 begonia秋海棠 cactus仙人掌 christmas flower圣诞花/一品红poppy罂粟 tulip郁金香 chinese rose月季 violet紫罗兰 peach flower桃花 aloe芦荟 mimosa含羞草 dandelion蒲公英

plum bolssom梅花中国水仙 new year lily 石榴 pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花 polyanthus 木棉 cotton tree 紫丁香 lilac 吊钟 lady's eardrops 紫荆 Chinese redbud 百合 lily 紫罗兰 wall flower 桃花 peach 紫藤 wisteria 杜鹃 azalea 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 牡丹 tree peony 银杏 ginkgo 芍药 peony 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 辛夷 violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌 Christmas cactus 玫瑰 rose 郁金香 tulip

茶花 common camellia 千日红 common globe-amaranth 非洲堇 African violet 栀子花 cape jasmine 木槿 rose of Sharon 风信子 hyacinth 百子莲 African lily 牵牛花 morning glory 君子兰 kefir lily 荷包花 lady's pocketbook 含笑花 banana shrub 非洲菊 African daisy 含羞草 sensitive plant 茉莉 Arabian jasmine 猪笼草 pitcher plant 凌霄花 creeper 树兰 orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 鸡冠花 cockscomb 荷花lotus 鸢萝 cypress vine 菩提 botree


中英文标语 导读:本文是关于中英文标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、环境好,生活就好。 The environment is good, life is good. 2、绿色校园,绿色生活。 Green campus, green life. 3、当你不要我时,请把我送回家。 Please send me home when you don't want me. 4、青草绿树你我他咱们同住一家。 The grass, the trees, you and me, we live together. 5、垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分类是资源。 Garbage mixed is garbage, garbage classification is resource. 6、心中有情,脚下留情。 The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy. 7、绿色的校园,绿色的家,美丽的环境靠你我他。 Green campus, green home, beautiful environment depends on you and me. 8、善待地球就是善待自己。 To treat the earth kindly is to treat yourself kindly.

9、少一串脚印,多一份绿意。 Less footprints, more greenery. 10、垃圾箱:请你近距离投篮。 Trash box: please close shot. 11、小小一口痰,细菌千千万。 A small amount of sputum, bacteria thousands of millions. 12、让绿色的旋律环绕每一个生命。 Let the green melody surround every life. 13、我选择,我喜欢,我环保,我健康。 I choose, I like, I'm green, I'm healthy. 14、欣赏荒野、回归自然。 Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature. 15、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。 Pursue green fashion and embrace green life. 16、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。 The grass smiles lightly. Please round around. 17、痰吐在地,辱写在心。 Sputum spit in the ground, humiliation written in the heart. 18、环境卫生的洁净,有您的一份文明。 Clean environment, have a civilization of yours. 19、学会做人,学会学习,保护自然。

waves 效果器全套中英文说对照表教学内容

w a v e s效果器全套中英文说对照表

waves 效果器全套中英文说对照表 99个英文中文 01.Prologue 12:42 加载方法 02.API-2500 09:06 压缩处理 03.API-550A 09:04 均衡处理 04.API-550B 05:29 均衡处理 05.API-560 03:20 均衡处理 06.AudioTrack 09:50 多重效果 07.C1 Comp 04:16 压缩处理 08.C1 Comp-Gate 12:33 压缩+门限 09.C1 Comp-Sc 18:00 侧链压缩 10.C1 Gate 07:14 门限处理 11.C4 13:14 多段动态 12.DeEsser 03:44 齿音消除 13.Doppler 04:48 声场调整 14.Doubler 12:32 合唱效果 15.Enigma 09:36 迷幻效果 16.IDR 01:45 抖动处理 17.L1-Ultramaximizer 02:54 母带处理 18.L1-Ultramaximizer+ 03:49 母带处理 19.L2 02:52 母带处理 20.L3-MultiMaximizer 11:56 母带处理

21.L3-UltraMaximizer 03:38 母带处理 22.LinEq Broadband 05:40 均衡处理 23.LinMB 08:57 多段动态 24.MaxxBass 03:59 泛音处理 25.MetaFlanger 06:40 镶边效果 26.MondoMod 09:15 调制效果 27.Morphoder 07:18 声码效果 28.PAZ Analyzer 11:36 综合分析仪 29.PAZ Frequency 15:31 频谱仪 30.PAZ Meters 12:10 电平表 31.PAZ Position 11:16 声场仪 32.Qx-Paragraphic EQ 21:07 均衡处理 33.RBass 05:22 泛音处理 34.RChannel 09:23 多重效果 35.RComp 18:11 压缩处理 36.RDeEsser 04:32 齿音消除 37.REQ bands 04:43 均衡处理 38.RVerb 26:39 卷积混响 39.RVox 04:00 压缩处理 40.S1-Imager 07:23 立体声扩展 41.S1-Shuffler 07:32 立体声扩展 42.SoundShifter G Offline 08:11 变速变调


世界各国的国名和地名 英汉对照 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

1. 欧洲国家列表 国家名称翻译世界各国首都列表各国首都名称翻译安道尔 Andorra 安道尔 Andorra 奥地利 Austria 维也纳 Vienna 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 地拉那 Tirana 爱尔兰 Ireland 都柏林 Dublin 爱沙尼亚 Estonia 塔林 Tallinn 冰岛 Iceland 雷克雅未克 Reykjavik 白俄罗斯 Belarus 明斯克 Minsk 保加利亚 Bulgaria 索非亚 Sofia 波兰 Poland 华沙 Warsaw 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia 萨拉热窝 Sarajevo 比利时 Belgium 布鲁塞尔 Brussels 德国 Germany 柏林 Berlin 丹麦 Denmark 哥本哈根 Copenhagen 俄罗斯联邦 Russia 莫斯科 Moscow 法国 France 巴黎 Paris 芬兰 Finland 赫尔辛基 Helsinki 荷兰 Holland 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam 捷克 Czech 布拉格 Prague 克罗地亚 Croatia 萨格勒布 Zagreb 拉脱维亚 Latvia 里加 Riga

立陶宛 Lithuania 维尔纽斯 Vilnius 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 瓦杜兹 Vaduz 罗马尼亚 Romania 布加勒斯特 Bucharest 马其顿 Macedonia 斯科普里 Skopje 马耳他 Malta 瓦莱塔 卢森堡 Luxembourg 卢森堡 Luxembourg 摩纳哥 Monaco 摩纳哥 Monaco 摩尔多瓦 Moldova 基希讷乌 Chisinau 挪威 Norway 奥斯路 Oslo 塞尔维亚和黑山共和国 Serbia and Montenegro 葡萄牙 Portugal 里斯本 Lisbon 瑞典 Sweden 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm 瑞士 Switzerland 伯尔尼 Bern 斯洛伐克 Slovak 布拉提斯拉发 Bratislava 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia 卢布尔雅那 Ljubljana 圣马力诺 San Marino 圣马力诺 San Mari no 乌克兰 Ukraine 基辅 Kiev 西班牙 Spain 马德里 Madrid 希腊 Greece 雅典 Athens 匈牙利 Hungary 布达佩斯 Budapest 意大利 Italy 罗马 Rome 英国 England 伦敦 London


植物花卉中英文对照、花卉英文名大全 金橘--------------kumquat 米仔兰(米兰)--------- milan tree 变叶木-------------croton 一品红-------------poinsettia 扶桑--------------Chinese hibiscus 吊灯花-------------fringed hibiscus 马拉巴栗(发财树)------- Guiana chestnut 山茶--------------camellia 云南山茶------------Yunnan camellia 金花茶-------------golden camellia 瑞香--------------daphne 结香--------------paper bush 倒挂金钟------------fuchsia 八角金盘------------Japan fatsia 常春藤-------------ivy 鹅掌柴-------------umbrella tree 杜鹃花-------------rhododendron 茉莉花-------------jasmine 桂花--------------sweet osmanthus 夹竹桃-------------sweet-scented oleander 黄花夹竹桃-----------lucky-nut-thevetia 鸡蛋花-------------frangipani 龙吐珠-------------bleeding-heart glorybower 夜香树(木本夜来香)------night jasmine 鸳鸯茉莉------------broadleaf raintree 栀子花-------------cape jasmine 蝴蝶兰-------------moth orchid 卡特兰-------------cattleya 石斛--------------dendrobium 兜兰--------------lady slipper 兰花--------------orchid 春兰--------------goering cymbidium


中英文对照版经典质量宣传标语 1、百年大计,质量第一。 Long-term program, quality first. 2、今日质量,明日市场。 Today’squality, tomorrow’smarket. 3、同心协力,提高品质。 To work as one, to improve the quality. 4、全员参与,持续改进。 Full participation, continuous improvement. 5、以精立业,以质取胜。 Start a career with essence, win through high quality. 6、精益求精,创造辉煌。 Seek for greater perfection, create resplendence. 7、质量第一,从我做起。 Quality first, begin from me. 8、控制每一道工序,做好每一件产品。 Control every procedure well, make each product well. 9、效益是企业的源泉,质量是企业的生命。 Benefit is the source of enterprise, quality is the life of enterprise. 10、质量是品牌的生命。 Quality is brand's life. 11、品质的好坏在于每个人的工作态度。

Quality depends on everyone's work attitude. 12、今日的质量,明天的市场。 Today's quality, tomorrow's market. 13、未来的成功——属于质量领先者。 Future success belongs to quality leader. 14、一线工人请注意,品质效率在于你。 Attention, quality efficiency note to the workers at the Frontline. 15、不接受不良品,不制造不良品,不传递不良品。 Don't accept bad product, don't make bad product, don't relay bad product. 16、品质是做出来的,不是检验出来的。 Quality is being made instead of by checking. 17、制造须靠低成本,竞争依赖高品质。 The manufactur depends on reducible cost, competitive relays on high quality. 18、自检互检,确保产品零缺陷。 Ability to check step by step to ensure zero fault in production. 19、检查测试坚持做,一点问题不放过。 Consist makeing inspection to avoid the products fault be caused. 20、我们的承诺,不做不良品。 Ours logan is zero fault in production. 21、要想产品零缺陷,全面品管不可少。


插件拥有几百种效果,如下为中英对照: 1.Sapphire Adjusts S_ClampChroma(色度和亮度的钳位调整) S_DuoTone(双色调渐变的色彩替换) S_Gamma(RGB反差系数调整,不错) S_Hotspots(可控高亮区域的调整,不错) S_HueSatBright(一个HSL色彩空间调色器) S_Monochrome(灰度化,不错) S_Threshold(针对各色彩通道的对比度强化) S_Tint(双色调的着色器) 2.Sapphire Blur+Sharpen S_Blur(多种方式的模糊,不错) S_BlurChannels(多种方式的通道模糊) S_BlurChroma(少见的色度模糊,不错) S_BlurMoCurves(带有变形效果的运动模糊) S_BlurMotion(区域运动模糊效果,不错) S_DefocusPrism(带有色散的虚焦模糊) S_EdgeBlur(边缘模糊,用于字幕的效果不错) S_GrainRemove(降噪,速度较快) S_RackDefocus(可调项较多的虚焦模糊) S_RackDfComp(双层的虚焦模糊合成) S_Sharpen(简单的锐化) S_SoftFocus(柔焦效果) S_ZDepthCueBlur(模拟变焦模糊,不错) 3.Sapphire Composite S_EdgeFlash(加光的层叠加效果) S_Layer(多种混合方式的层叠加效果) S_MathOps(多种数学运算方式的层混合效果) S_MatteOps(通道边缘噪声处理,多用于抠像) S_MatteOpsComp(处理通道噪声并进行层叠加) S_ZComp(Z方向的层叠加效果) 4.Sapphire Distort S_Distort(自定义镜头变形效果,不错) S_DistortBlur(带有模糊的自定义镜头变形效果) S_DistortChroma(带有色散的自定义镜头变形效果) S_DistortRGB(带RGB通道分离的自定义镜头变形效果,好) S_Shake(镜头震动效果)S_WarpBubble(噪波变形效果)


香港地名中英文对照表香港分为十八个行政分区,每行政区设一个区议会,负责讨论区内民生事务。18个分区分别为: 香港岛(Hong Kong Island)(共有4个分区) 中西区(Central and Western District) 东区(Eastern District) 南区(Southern District) 湾仔区(Wan Chai District) 九龙(Kowloon)(共有5个分区) 九龙城区(Kowloon City District) 观塘区(Kwun Tong District) 深水埗区(Sham Shui Po District) 黄大仙区(Wong Tai Sin District) 油尖旺区(Yau Tsim Mong District) 新界(New Territories)(共有9个分区) 离岛区(Island District) 葵青区(Kwai Tsing District) 北区(North District) 西贡区(Sai Kung District) 沙田区(Sha Tin District) 大埔区(Tai Po District) 荃湾区(Tsuen Wan District) 屯门区(Tuen Mun District) 元朗区(Yuen Long District)

香港地名中英文对译 九龍水塘九龍城區九龍塘九龍灣 Kowloon Reservoir Kowloon City Kowloon Tong Kowloon Bay 八仙嶺上水上環土瓜灣 Pat Sin Leng Sheung Shui Sheung Wan To Kwa Wan 大水坑大老山大坑大尾篤 Tai Shui Hang Tate''s Cairn Tai Hang Tai Mei Tuk 大角咀大東山大埔區大埔滘 Tai Kok Tsui Tai Tung Shan Tai Po Tai Po Kau 大埔墟大浪灣大圍大帽山 Tai Po Market Tai Long Wan Tai Wai Tai Mo Shan 大窩口大網仔大潭水塘大潭灣 Tai Wo Hau Tai Mong Tsai Tai Tam Reservoirs Tai Tam Bay 大澳大嶼山大鵬灣大欖涌 Tai O Lantau Island Tai Pang Wan Tai Lam Chung 大欖涌水塘小西灣小欖中西區 Tai Lam Chung Siu Sai Wan Siu Lam Central and Western Reservoir 中環井欄樹元朗區分流 Central Tseng Lan Shue Yuen Long Fan Lau 天水圍天后太子太古 Tin Shui Wai Tin Hau Prince Edward Tai Koo 太和屯門區火炭牛池灣 Tai Wo Tuen Mun Fo Tan Ngau Chi Wan 牛尾海牛頭角北角北區 Ngau Mei Hoi Ngau Tau Kok North Point North 北潭涌打鼓嶺汀九石門 Pak Tam Chung Ta Kwu Ling Ting Kau Shek Mun 石崗石硤尾石塘咀石壁


iris 蝴蝶花hon eysuckle 金银花 chrysanthemum 菊花 carnation 康乃馨 orchid 兰花 canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉花 daffodil 水仙花 peony 牡丹 begonia 秋海棠 cactus 仙人掌 christmas flower 圣诞花/一品红 poppy 罂粟 tulip 郁金香 chi nese rose 月 季 violet 紫罗兰 peach flower 桃花 aloe 芦荟 mimosa 含羞草 dandelion 蒲公英 plum bolssom 梅花中国水仙new year lily

石榴pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花polyanthus 木棉cotton tree 紫丁香lilac 吊钟lady's eardrops 紫荆Chinese redbud 百合lily 紫罗兰wall flower 桃花peach 紫藤wisteria 杜鹃azalea 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 牡丹tree peony 银杏ginkgo 芍药peony 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 辛夷violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌Christmas cactus 玫瑰rose 郁金香tulip

非洲堇African violet 栀子花cape jasmine 木槿rose of Sharon 风信子hyacinth 百子莲African lily 牵牛花morning glory 君子兰kefir lily 荷包花lady's pocketbook 含笑花bana shrub 非洲菊African daisy 含羞草sensitive plant 茉莉Arabian jasmine 猪笼草pitcher plant 凌霄花creeper 树兰orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 荷花lotus 鸢萝cypress vine 菩提botree 大理花dahlia


校园标语精选(中英文对照)装饰教室或校园时,说不定可以借鉴一下— 1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生 2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the new Be promising and diligent in one ' s work 革故鼎新奋发图强 3、English is the bridge to the world 英语是走向世界的桥梁 4、Time is life 时间就是生命 5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west 博古通今学贯中西 6、Learning English well having bright future 学好英语前程灿烂 7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunities Take advantage of their specialties 因材施教发展特长 8、Master English you can roam the world 精通英语走遍天下 9、Develop create and improve together with the time 与时俱进开拓创新 10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes 胸怀祖国放眼世界 11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledge to improve your ability 厚基础宽知识 强能力 12、Learn different languages to master the world Culture 学中外语言通五洲文化4、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。 Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther. 6、知之者不如行之者。 To do is better than to say. 12、探索、求知、明理 Explore truths , seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons. 附录(一)标志牌门卫Guard 车库Parking 食堂Dining-room 画廊Gallery 宣传栏Bulletin board 教学大楼Teaching & Learning Building x年级型Class , Gi^ade x 办公室Teachers' office 健身房Gymnasium 厕所W.C 小卖部Buffet


一些香港地名中英对照 2008年12月26日10:30 标签:暂无 觉得香港的地名很陌生,为工作方便,收集一些中英文对照。 香港分为十八个行政分区,每行政区设一个区议会,负责讨论区内民生事务。18个分区分别为:香港岛(Hong Kong Island)(共有4个分区) 中西区(Central and Western District) 东区(Eastern District) 南区(Southern District) 湾仔区(Wan Chai District) 九龙(Kowloon)(共有5个分区) 九龙城区(Kowloon City District) 观塘区(Kwun Tong District) 深水埗区(Sham Shui Po District) 黄大仙区(Wong Tai Sin District) 油尖旺区(Yau Tsim Mong District) 新界(New Territories)(共有9个分区) 离岛区(Island District) 葵青区(Kwai Tsing District) 北区(North District) 西贡区(Sai Kung District) 沙田区(Sha Tin District) 大埔区(Tai Po District) 荃湾区(Tsuen Wan District)

屯门区(Tuen Mun District) 元朗区(Yuen Long District) Chan Uk 陈屋 Chau Tau 洲头 Cheung Sha Wan 长沙湾Ching Chau Steep Island Green Island Tsing Chau Table Island 青洲 Chuk Hang 竹坑 Chuk Yuen 竹园 Chung Hau 涌口 Chung Uk Tsuen 钟屋村Ham Tin 咸田 Hung Fa Leng Robin's Nest 红花岭 Kai Kung Leng 鸡公岭Kai Kung Shan 鸡公山Kwun Yam Shan 观音山Lai Chi Yuen 荔枝园 Lei Uk 李屋 Lin Fa Shan 莲花山 Lo Uk 罗屋 Luk Wu 鹿湖 Lung Mei 龙尾 Nam Fung Wan 南风湾Nam Hang 南坑 Nam Shan 南山 Nam Wan 南湾 Ng Uk Tsuen 吴屋村Nga Yiu Tau 瓦头 Ngan Chau Flat Island Round Island 银洲 Ngau Liu 牛寮 Pak Kok North Point Boulde Point


常见花的英文单词 中国水仙new year lily 石榴pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花polyanthus 木棉cotton tree 紫丁香lilac 吊钟lady's eardrops 紫荆Chinese redbud 百合lily 紫罗兰wall flower 桃花peach 紫藤wisteria 杜鹃azalea 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 牡丹tree peony 银杏ginkgo 芍药peony 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 辛夷violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌Christmas cactus 玫瑰rose 郁金香tulip 茶花common camellia 千日红common globe-amaranth 非洲堇African violet 栀子花cape jasmine 木槿rose of Sharon 风信子hyacinth 百子莲African lily 牵牛花morning glory 君子兰kefir lily 荷包花lady's pocketbook 含笑花banana shrub 非洲菊African daisy 含羞草sensitive plant 茉莉Arabian jasmine 猪笼草pitcher plant 凌霄花creeper 树兰orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 鸡冠花cockscomb

荷花lotus 鸢萝cypress vine 菩提botree 大理花dahlia 圣诞百合Christmas bell 一串红scarlet sage 紫薇crape myrtle 勿忘我forget-me-not 睡莲water lily 文心兰dancing lady 吊兰spider plant 白头翁pappy anemone 向日葵sunflower 矢车菊cornflower 竹bamboo 金鱼草snapdragon 夹竹桃oleander 金盏花pot marigold 月季花china rose 金银花honeysuckle 长春花old maid 金莲花garden nasturtium 秋海棠begonia 非洲凤仙African touch-me-not 美人蕉canna 曼陀罗angel's trumpet 晚香玉tuberose 梅花flowering apricot 野姜花ginger lily 圣诞红common poinsettia 菊花chrysanthemum 虞美人Iceland poppy 昙花epiphyllum 鸢尾iris 龙胆royal blue 腊梅winter sweet 麒麟花crown of thorns 木芙蓉cotton rose 九重葛paper flower 火鹤花flamingo flower 三色堇tricolor viola 嘉德丽亚兰cattleya


安全标语中英文对照 导读:本文是关于标语大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、安全一个人,幸福全家人。 Safe one person, happy whole family. 2、高高兴兴上班,平平安安下班。 Happy to go to work, safe off work. 3、微笑辽阔无界,安全超于一切。 Smile is broad and boundless. Safety is more than everything. 4、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 Life is paramount and safety responsibility is heaven. 5、快速诚可贵,生命价更高。 Fast, honest and valuable, higher life price. 6、遵守交通规则,享受美好人生。 Obey traffic rules and enjoy a good life. 7、安全就是节约,安全保障生命。 Safety means saving, and safety guarantees life. 8、落实安全责任,夯实安全基础。 Implementing safety responsibility and laying a solid foundation for safety.

9、小心无大错,粗心铸大过。 Careful is not a big mistake, careless is a big mistake. 10、宁绕百米远,不冒一步险。 Better go around a hundred meters than take one step. 11、采取措施,防患于未然。 Take measures to prevent trouble before it happens. 12、关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。 Pay attention to campus safety and build humanistic harmony. 13、事故是警钟,多敲才能创平安。 Accidents are alarm bells, and more strikes can create safety. 14、人人讲安全,家家保平安。 Everyone talks about safety, and home is safe. 15、力求一次做好,争取最大效益。 Make every effort to do a good job at one time and strive for maximum benefit. 16、头上有一帽,安全有一套。 There is a hat on the head and a set of safety. 17、事前多检讨,事后少烦恼。 More review beforehand and less worry afterwards. 18、行万里平安路,做百年长乐人。

waves 插件名称中英文对照表

. waves 7插件名称中英文对照表 ?AudioTrack waves的通道条效果器,是一款均衡器/压缩器/门限器的组合 C1 comp 压缩器 C1 comp gate 压缩/门限的组合 C1 comp SC 旁链压缩器(应用于广播等场合) C1 gate 门限 DeEsser 消除齿音效果器 Doppler 多普勒声效变速效果器 Doppler 2 Doppler 4 Engima 英格吗迷幻效果器 Guitar Amp stereo 吉他音箱模拟效果器 IDR 数码分辨率增加效果器,waves自己开发的噪声整型/抖动算法,转换采样深度时用来减小数字背景随机噪声 L1-ultramaximizer L1/L2/L3都是限制器,区别一个比一个猛,L1可以放在分轨作限制,L2、L3是母带用的。 L1-ultramaximizer+ L2 母带限制器 MaxxBass 低音增强器 MaxxVolume stereo 动态处理器 MetaFlanger 镶变效果器 MondoMod 空间回旋效果器 PAZ Analyzer 频谱图形效果器(相位显示/频谱仪的组合) PAZ Frequency 示波器 PAZ Meter 电平表 PAZ Position 相位显示器 Q1 -paragraphic EQ Q系列都是均衡器,从扫频用的Q1到10段的Q10,满足各种需要 Q10-paragraphic EQ 十段均衡效果器

Q2 -paragraphic EQ Q3 -paragraphic EQ Stomp 2 stereo Stomp 4 stereo Stomp 6 stereo Vcomp stereo VEQ3 stereo VEQ4 stereo Z-Noise stereo 更多插件 ---------------------------------------------- C4 waves的著名多段动态处理器 IR-L Efficient 空间效果 IR-L Full IR1 Efficient 采样混响效果器 IR1 Full L3 MultiMaximizer 多段母带限制器 L3 UltraMaximizer LinEq Broadband 六段均衡器 LinEq Lowband LinMB Q4-Paragraphic EQ Q系列都是均衡器,从扫频用的Q1到10段的Q10,满足各种需要 Q6-Paragraphic EQ Q8-Paragraphic EQ RAxx RBass 低音增强 RComp 文艺复兴插件包里的压缩效果器 RDeEsser 文艺复兴插件包里的消除齿音 REQ 2 bands 文艺复兴插件包里的均衡器 REQ 4 bands
