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Location:首页> 英语阅读> 英语美文欣赏News美文赏析:Sand and Stone 沙子和石头Source: snow 2011-09-03 我要投稿恒星英语学习论坛Favorite 学会宽容,宽容是一种美德;学会感恩,才会更懂得珍惜生命中的一切。“当有人伤害了我们,我们应该把它写进沙里,宽恕的风会把仇恨抹去。而当有人为我们做了好事,我们应当把它刻在石头上,没有风可以将它抹去。”


The story goes that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.


The one who got slapped felt hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in the face.


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.


After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: quot;Today my best friend saved my life.


The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone. Why?


The other friend replied: quot;When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.



第12卷 第4期Vol 112 No 14北京印刷学院学报 Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication 2004年12月Dec 12004 收稿日期:2004206222 文章编号:100428626(2004)0420055204 从词汇层面看大学生英语作文 孙边旗 (北京印刷学院外语部,北京102600) 摘 要:制约大学生英语写作能力提高的因素很多,如教学思想、教学模式、考核内容等,其中词汇量的大小及遣词能力的强弱无疑是最根本的因素。从词汇层面分析了作文中出现的种种问题,提出了切实可行的解决方案。 关键词:英语作文;词汇搭配;教学研究:H315 文献标识码:B 笔者参加了最近的四、六级作文评阅工作,发现写作仍是大学英语教学体系中的一个薄弱环节。学生作文中出现的错误五花八门,包括“条理不清”,“思路紊乱”,“语言支离破碎”,“连贯性差”等,语言错误之多达到骇人的地步。作为内容和语言的统一体,评卷人员是从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判的。既考虑是否用英语清楚恰当地表达思想,也考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。与作文的思想内容相比,语言错误的多少及严重程度是评分的最主要的依据。有关四、六级作文的文章,过去更多是从语法和结构方面进行分析,本文拟从词汇层面探讨大学生作文中存在的问题及应对措施。 1 大学生英语词汇学习策略 客观地说,大学生经过两年的基础英语学习把高中阶段所学的1,800个单词提高到四级要求的领会式掌握4,200个单词并不是一件容易的事,更别说六级所要求的5,500个,对教育相对落后的边远地区的学生来说尤其如此。在教学过程中,笔者通过与本院多个二级学院的学生交谈了解到,超过 85%的学生(笔者所教的02级3个班165名)把英语学习的难点和重点归结于词汇学习,包括词汇量的大小及对所学单词的灵活运用,访谈结果与其他 院校所做的调查基本一致。不可否认,无论是语言知识的学习还是综合应用能力的培养都离不开词汇学习。 就学生的单词学习策略,超过70%的学生采用所谓的“强记”,即按照四、六级词汇表的英文单词排列顺序根据中文解释进行默读、朗读,间或配以纸笔抄写记忆。这种看似最直接的单词记忆方式恰恰最耗时低效。目前多数学生面临的词汇学习瓶颈也证实笔者的这一判断。一方面,学生的词汇量不见有大的提高,另一方面,脱离了实际语境的单词记忆由于不是通过广泛阅读自然习得,结果必然是因不懂其用法而记而不用,陷入“屡记屡忘”的怪圈。这种违反语言学习规律的囫囵吞枣式的“强记”策略所产生的后遗症在四、六级作文中表现得一览无余。 2 英语词汇和四、六级作文 语言学家威尔金斯(D. A.Wilkins )说过:“我们不能接受语法比词汇更重要的说法。事实是,没有语法就只能传递有限的信息,然而,如果没有词 汇,则什么也传达不了”[1] 。可见,掌握必要的词 汇是顺利进行言语活动的保证,一篇作文的好坏以及能否得高分也必然与词汇有着密切的关系。根据国家四、六级考试作文评阅情况以及平时学生的


a(an) art. (非特指的)一(个);任何一个;每一(个) A.D. n.公元 A.M. ad.上午,午前 abandon v.放弃;抛弃,离弃 abdomen n.腹;腹部 abide v.(by)坚持;遵守;容忍 ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干;技能 able a.能够,有能力的 abolish v.废除,取消 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处ad.大约 above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于… abroad ad.出国,在国外 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;陡峭的,险峻的;(举止,言谈等) 不流畅的absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent a.(from) 缺席的,不在场的;漫不经心的 absolute a.绝对的;完全的;专制的 absorb 吸收;吸引,使专心 abstract a.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要;抽象v.摘要;转移 absurd a.愚蠢的;荒唐的 abundant a.丰富的;充足的 abuse v.& n.滥用;谩骂 academic a.学院的;学术的,教学的

accelerate v.加速;促进 accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) accept v.认可,接受 access n.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入) 的方法accident n.事故 accidental a.偶然的,意外的 accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳accommodations (-s) accompany v.陪伴,陪同 accomplish v.完成,实现 according (to) account n.帐户 accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积 accurate a.精确的,准确的 accuse v.(of) 控告,谴责 accustom v.(to) 使习惯 ache v.痛;哀怜n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 acid n.酸a.酸的;酸性的 acquaint v.(sb.with) 使认识,使了解 acquaintance n.熟人;相识;熟悉 acquire v.取得,获得;学到


管理学英语专业词汇 A access discrimination 进入歧视 action research 动作研究 adjourning 解散 adhocracy 特别结构 administrative principle 管理原则 artifacts 人工环境 artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠 avoiding learning 规避性学习 ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略 B balance sheet 资产负债表 bcg matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵 bona fide occupation qualification?善意职业资格审查 bounded rationality 有限理性 bureaucracy 官僚机构 benchmarking 标杆瞄准 bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用 C computer-aided design and computer-automated manufacturing(cad/cam) 计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产 confrontation 对话 consortia 企业联合 change agent 变革促进者

chaos theory 混沌理论 chari?matic leaders 魅力型领导者 charity principle 博爱原则 coercive power 强制权 cohesiveness 凝聚力 collaborative management 合作型管理comparable worth 可比较价值 competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准confrontation meeting 碰头会 constancy of purpose 永久性目标 contingency approach 权变理论 corporate social performance 公司社会表现corporate social responsibility公司社会责任corporate social responsiveness公司社会反应critical incident 关键事件 current assets 流动资产 current liabilities 流动负债 culture strength 文化强度 creative department 创造性部门 craft technology 技艺性技术 contextual dimension 关联性维度 continuous process production 连续加工生产collectivity stage 集体化阶段 clan control 小团体控制 clan culture 小团体文化 coalition 联合团体 collaborative 协作网络 centrality 集中性 centraliazation 集权化


《英语词汇学教程》(2004 年版)练习答案 Chapter 1 7. Choose the standard meaning from the list on the right to match each of the slang words on the left. a. tart: loose woman b. bloke: fellow c. gat: pistol d. swell: great e. chicken: coward f. blue: fight g. smoky: police h. full: drunk i. dame: woman j. beaver: girl 8. Give the modern equivalents for the following archaic words. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave / the sea bade = bid 12. Categorize the following borrowed words into denizens, aliens, translation loans, and semantic loans. Denizens: kettle, die, wall, skirt, husband Aliens: confrere, pro patria, Wunderkind, mikado, parvenu Translation loans: chopstick, typhoon, black humour, long time no see Semantic loans: dream Chapter 2 1. Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family? The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately. 2. Make a tree diagram to show the family relations of the modern languages given below.


商务英语词汇的一词多义现象分析 内容摘要:作为商务英语的基础,商务英语词汇在日常的商务英语的输入与输出环节中发挥着重要的作用。如何更好的对商务英语词汇进行科学而且准确的认知,已经成为当前商务英语教学领域研究的一个重点。本文主要对商务英语中词汇的一词多义现象来进行研究,探讨其一词多义产生的原因、影响及今后的习得策略。 关键词:商务英语词汇一词多义 词汇在商务英语中构成语篇的基础,词汇的准确使用是实现预期沟通效果与目的重要保证。但是,由于主观及客观等方面的原因,在商务英语的词汇表达中,会在不同程度上存在着一词多义现象。这些一词多义的词汇如果在使用的过程中不加以注意,很容易造成商贸沟通及合作中误解的产生。因此,本文从商务英语词汇一词多义现象的基本内涵出发,探讨其在今后的商务英语的学习与运用策略,对于提升今后的商务英语词汇理论研究的深入和完善具有一定的借鉴意义。 一.商务英语词汇一词多义的内涵 词汇的一词多义在语言学中并不是一个特殊的现象,包括英语、汉语、韩语、德语等诸多的语种中,都在不同程度

上存在着词汇的一词多义现象。所谓的商务英语词汇的一词多义现象,从字面的意思来看就是某一词汇具有两个或者两个以上的含义与意思。这些含义有的相似,有的与本意之间距离比较遥远。例如,在英语词汇中,spring 本初的含义是春天,可是在实际的运用过程中,它又逐渐呈现出了泉水与弹簧的内涵。一词多义现象产生的原因是极为复杂的。一方面是在语言发展的进程当中,由于文化或者是语言习惯等方面的原因,一些简单的词汇在内容及含义的表达方面表现的更加丰富。另一方面是词汇本身就具有一定的衍生与创造的能力。无论是通过哪一种方式或者渠道所产生的词汇的一词多义现象,其对日常的英语交流与商务英语合作所产生的影响还是比较深远的。 商务英语词汇一词多义现象的存在对于商务英语的使用所产生的影响主要有着两个不同的方向。从正面的影响来看,作为一种语言特征,商务英语词汇的一词多义现象可以在客观上促进商务英语交流形式与内容的多样性,因为有了一词多义的现象,一些语言在表达层面的机动性与灵活性则会更加的突出。从反面或者说消极的一面来看,商务英语词汇中存在的一词多义现象,在某种程度上增加了交流的负担,甚至在表达与使用的过程当中,由于对这种一词多义词汇的使用缺乏应有的谨慎与小心,最终影响到商务英语沟通与表达的畅通与有效。


计算机常用英语词汇表 高频700单词 一、硬件类(Hardware) ('hɑ:dwε?) CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元('sent?'pr?uses?'ju:nit)Main board主板(mein b?:d) RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)('r?nd?m '?kses 'mem?ri) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器(ri:d '?unli 'mem?ri) Floppy Disk 软盘('fl?pi disk) Hard Disk 硬盘(hɑ:d disk) CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器('m?nit?) keyboard 键盘('ki:b?:d) mouse 鼠标(maus) chip 芯片(t?ip) CD-R 光盘刻录机 HUB 集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator, 调制解调器('m?udem'm?djuleit?di:'m?djuleit?) P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用(pl?ɡplei) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply) 不间断电源(?nint?'r?pt?b?l

pau?s?'plai) BIOS(Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统('beisik 'input 'autput 'sist?m) CMOS(Complementary- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) (k?mpli'ment?ri 'met?l '?ksaid semik?n'd?kt?)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装(set?p) uninstall卸载(?nin'st?:l) wizzard向导('wiz?d) OS(Operation System)操作系统(?p?'rei??n 'sist?m) OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化('?fis ?:t?'mei??n) edit编辑('edit) copy复制('k?pi) cut剪切(k?t) paste粘贴(peist) delete删除 (di'li:t) select选择 (si'lekt) find查找 (faind) select all全选 (si'lekt ?:l) replace替换 (ri'pleis) undo撤消 (?n'du:) redo重做 ([ ri:'du:) program程序('pr?uɡr?m)


试题三 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into ( ) A. perfect homonyms B. homonyms C. homophones D. all the above 2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example ( ) A. ad for “advertisement” B. dish for “food" C. fond for “affectionate” D. an editorial for “an editorial article" 3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over ( ) A. the reader’s interpretation B. the neighbouring words C. the writer's intention D. the etymology of the word 4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order? A. extra- B. pro- C. re- D. semi- 5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary? A. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology B. Chamber's Encyclopedic English Dictionary C. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs D. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms 6.Which of the following statements is Not true? A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world. B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary. C. Concept is universal to all men alike. D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language. 7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form ( ) A. physical context B. grammatical context C. lexical context D. linguistic context 8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is ( ) A. definition B. explanation C. example D. hyponym 9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that ( ) A. it can refer to the common core of a language B. it can refer to the total number of the words in a language C. it can represent all the words used in a certain historical period D. it can stand for words in given dialect or field 10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a ( ) A. simile B. metaphor


英语词汇学 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers .Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket(30%) 1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example[ ] A. lewd → ignorant B. silly → foolish C. last → pleasure D. knave → boy 2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ] A. humour B. sarcasm C. ridicule D. all the above 3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ] A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation 4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ] A. synecdoche B. metonymy C. substitution D. metaphor 5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _____. [ ] A. adjectives B. attributes C. modifiers D. words 6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in which a word is used. [ ] A. vocabulary B. grammar C. semantic pattern D. syntactic structure 7. In the idiom 'in good feather', we change 'good' into 'high, full' without changing meaning. This change of constituent is known as _____ . [ ] A. addition B. replacement C. position-shifting D. variation 8. The word "laconic" is _____. [ ] A. onomatopoeically motivated B. morphologically motivated C. semantically motivated D. etymologically motivated 9. CCELD is distinctive for its _____. [ ] A. clear grammar codes B. language notes


英语分类词汇表(1)1性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 mother 母亲 father 父亲 grandpa 爷爷grandma 奶奶grandmother祖母grandfather祖父 dad 爸爸(口语)mum 妈妈(口语)uncle 叔叔 aunt 阿姨 sister 姐妹 brother 兄、弟 Ms 女士 Mr 先生 Miss 小姐 2动物 panda 熊猫 monkey 猴子 dog 狗 cat 猫 bird 鸟 bee 蜜蜂 bear 熊 horse 马 pig 猪 duck 鸭子 rabbit 兔子 tiger 老虎 lion 狮子 chick 小鸡 fox 狐狸 hen 母鸡 cow 奶牛cock 公鸡 3数字 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 twenty-one 二十一 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 one hundred一百 thousand 千 4食物饮料三餐味道水 果 rice 米饭 meat 肉 noodles 面条 fish 鱼 chocolate 巧克力 egg 蛋 vegetable 蔬菜 carrot 胡萝卜 bread 面包 orange 桔子 apple 苹果 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 cake 蛋糕 candy 糖果 cookie 饼干 hot dog 热狗 breakfast 早餐 lunch 午饭 supper 晚饭 dinner 晚饭,正餐 lemon 柠檬 pear 梨 peach 桃子 banana 香蕉 5衣服 T-shirt T—恤衫 shirt 衬衫 skirt 短裙 cap 帽子(前边有帽沿的) hat 帽子(周围有帽沿的) shoes 鞋子 shorts 短裤 vest 背心 pants 短裤 dress 连衣裙 6冠词 a 一(个,件……) an


管理学英语词汇 目标mission/ objective. 内部环境internal environment. 环境external environment . 集体目标group objective. 计划planning . 组织organizing. 人事staffing . 领导leading . 控制controlling . 步骤process. 原理principle. 方法technique . 经理manager. 总经理general manager. 行政人员administrator . 主管人员supervisor . 企业enterprise . 商业business . 产业industry . 公司company . 效果effectiveness . 效率efficiency. 企业家entrepreneur . 权利power . 职权authority. 职责responsibility . 科学管理scientific management . 现代经营管理modern operational management . 行为科学behavior science . 生产率productivity . 激励motivate . 动机motive. 法律law. 法规regulation. 经济体系economic system . 管理职能managerial function. 产品product . 服务service . 利润profit. 满意satisfaction . 归属affiliation.

尊敬esteem . 自我实现self-actualization. 人力投入human input . 盈余surplus . 收入income. 成本cost . 资本货物capital goods . 机器machinery. 设备equipment . 建筑building. 存货inventory. 经验法the empirical approach. 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach . 集体行为法the group behavior approach . 社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach. 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach . 决策理论法the decision theory approach . 数学法the mathematical approach . 系统法the systems approach . 随机制宜法the contingency approach . 管理任务法the managerial roles approach . 经营法the operational approach . 人际关系human relation . 心理学psychology . 态度attitude. 压力pressure. 冲突conflict . 招聘recruit 鉴定appraisal 选拔select . 培训train . 报酬compensation. 授权delegation of authority. 协调coordinate. 业绩performance . 考绩制度merit system. 表现behavior. 下级subordinate. 偏差deviation . 检验记录inspection record . 误工记录record of labor-hours lost . 销售量sales volume . 产品质量quality of products . 先进技术advanced technology .


《英语词汇学教程》参考答案 (注:参考答案仅供参考。有些题目的答案并非是唯一的) Chapter 1 1. The three definitions agree that lexicology studies words. Y et, they have different focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions uses different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon. 2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door. (2) Y ou boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o‘clock. (3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting. 3. (1) when it follows ?-t‘ and ?-d‘, it is pronounced as [id]; (2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t]; (3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d]. 4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of ―tree‖. (2)They represent the forms of the verb ―fly‖ and have a common meaning. (3)They belong to a lexical field of ?telephone communication‘.. (4)They are synonyms, related to human visual perception. Specifically, they denote various kinds of ―looking‖. 5. (a) ?blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black) ; ?blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in colour (the primary stress in on black); ?greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black), ?White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). 0 (b) black ?board: any board which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); black ?bird: any bird which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); grey ?hound: any hound that is grey in colour (both words receive primary stress); ?white ?house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress). 6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words. 7. (a) The ?bull‘ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal. (b) ?Take the bull by the horn‘ is an idiom, meaning ?(having the courage to) deal with someone or something directly.


市场营销学是20世纪初起源于美国的一门学科。这门以大市场为研究对象的学科所涉及的原理、方法和技巧关系到企业经营的成败。所以随着中国经济日益和世界接轨,营销学的理论和知识引起了中国企业经营者、实业家和学术界的普遍关注。在现代英语逐渐成为国际商业社会的通用语言的今天,营销英语(Marketing English)的重要性不言而喻。因为它是理解营销学最直接的语言也是国际经济交流必不可少的沟通桥梁。营销英语属于专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes)的一个分支,一种变体。Trevens 提出了ESP的四个区别性特征:(1)需求上满足特定的学习者;(2)内容上与特定专业和职业相关;(3)词汇、句法和语篇上放在与特定专业、职业相关的活动的语言运用上;(4)与普通英语形成对照。营销英语,作为ESP的变体,具有以上ESP的共同性:它是市场营销领域的特定语言,词汇、句法上既有普通英语的特征又有自身的专业特征代写论文。而根据营销英语的词汇特点,探讨营销英语词汇认知策略,有助于学习者更好地领会和运用营销英语。 一、营销英语的词汇特点 1.词汇的专业性 营销英语的词汇具有比较明显的专业特征。营销英语语境决定或制约着部分词汇具有其特殊的营销语义。例如,普通英语中“promotion”、“distribution”的通常含义分别为“提升”、“分发”但在营销语境中,它们却有着特殊的含义。以下面一则有关市场营销方面的商务英语阅读材料作例子: Marketing is a collection of activities that includes selling,advertising, public relations, sales promotions, research, new productdevelopment, package design, merchandising, the provision ofafter-sales service, and exporting. The term marketing mix describesthe combination of marketing elements used in a given situation.Appropriate mixtures vary depending on the firm and industry. Majorelements of the marketing mix can be listed under four headings:Promotion--including advertising, merchandising, public relations,and the utilization of salespeople; Product--design and quality ofoutput, assessment of consumer needs, choice of which products tooffer for sale, and after-sales service; Price--choice of pricingstrategy and prediction of competitors' responses; Place--selectionof distribution channels and transport arrangements.在这仅有114 词的一个段落中就有如marketing(市场营销)、selling(销售)、public relations(公共关系)、sales promotion(促销)、new product development(新产品开发)、package design(包装设计)、merchandising(商品学、商品销售)、after-sales service (售后服务)、marketing mix.(营销组合)、promotion(宣传推广)、pricing strategy (定价策略)、distribution channels(销售渠道)、transport arrangement(运输安排)10多个营销专业词汇,这些专业词汇是理解这段话的关键所在。可见要学好营销英语,对专业词汇的掌握是首先要解决的问题。 2.词汇的跨学科性 营销学涉及的面很广,它不仅包含自身生产、定价、促销、分销等内容,同时还涉及到人口学、地理学、消费心理学等等,因而其词汇具有明显的跨学科性。如demography(人口统计学),regionaleconomic integration (区域经济一体化),aging society (人口老化社会)等。而由于与营销学与经济学千丝万缕的关系,在营销英语中最常见的是经济学上的术语,如: supply(供应),demand(需求),price Index(价格指数), price fluctuation(价格浮动),revenue(收入), Gross Domestic Product(GDP)(国内生产总值)等。所以各个经济领域的专业术语夹杂在营销英语中是营销英语的一大特点。 3.词汇的美语化特征 因为营销学的发源地是美国。最初的基本理论大部分都是由美国经济学家提出并加以发展和


初中英语词汇表 注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第一册1----833 1 what [hw?t] pron 什么 2 is [iz] v 是 3 what's [hw?ts] what is 的缩写形式 4 your [ju?] pron 你的,你们的 5 name [neim] n 名字 6 my [mai] pron 我的 7 I [ai] pron 我 8 am [?m] v 是 9 I'm [aim] I am 的缩写形式 10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上) 11 row [r?u] n (一)排,(一)行 12 one [w?n] num 一 13 number ['n?mb?] n 数字,号码 14 two [tu:] num 二 15 too [tu:] adv 也 16 three[θri:] num 三 17 are [ɑ:] v 是 18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们 19 yes [jes] adv 是 20 four [f?:] num 四 21 five [faiv] num 五 22 no [n?u] adv & adj 不,不是 23 not [n?t] adv 不 24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意) 25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级 26 grade [greid] n 年级 27 six [siks] num 六 28 seven ['sevn] num 七 29 eight [eit] num 八 30 nine [nain] num 九 31 ten [ten] num 十 32 zero ['zi?r?u] num & n 零 33 plus [pl?s]prep 加,加上 34 it [it] pron 它 35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式 36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样 37 old [?uld] adj ...岁的,老的 38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一 39 twelve [twelv] num 十二 40 minus ['main?s] prep减,减去 41 thirteen ['θ?:ti:n] num 十三42 fourteen ['f?:'ti:n] num 十四 43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五 44 hello [h?'l?u] int喂(问候或唤起注意) 45 please [pli:z] int 请 46 can [k?n] v.aux 能,可以,会 47 spell [spel] v 拼写 48 that [e?t] pron 那,那个 49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密 50 this [eis] pron 这,这个 51 in [in] prep 用...(表达) 52 English['i?gli?] n & adj 英语,英国人 53 in English[in'i?gli?]phr. 用英语(表达) 54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...) 55 clock [kl?k] n 钟 56 and [?nd] conj 和,又,而 57 pencil-box['penslb?ks]n 铅笔盒 58 an [?n] art 一(个;件.) 59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔 60 ruler ['ru:l?] n 尺子 61 pen [pen] n 钢笔 62 sharpener ['?ɑ:p?n?] n 卷笔刀 63 eraser [i'reis?] n 橡皮擦 64 room [ru:m] n 房间 65 book [buk] n 书 66 map [m?p] n 地图 67 desk [desk] n 书桌 68 cup [k?p] n 杯子 69 bag [b?g] n 书包 70 compute r[k?m'pju:t?]n电脑,电子计算机 71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标 72 bed [bed] n 床 73 keyboard ['ki:b?:d] n 键盘 74 isn't ['iznt]is not 的缩写形式 75 pear [p??] n 梨 76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕 77 banana [b?'nɑ:n?] n 香蕉 78 apple ['?pl] n 苹果 79 orange ['?:rind?] n 橙子,橘子 80 egg [eg] n 蛋 81 bike [baik] n 自行车 82 bus [b?s] n 公共汽车 83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车 84 jeep [d?i:p] n 吉普车 85 Chinese['t?ai'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n 中国人,汉语 n 中国人,汉语
