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Your College Years Language focus

Your College Years Language  focus
Your College Years Language  focus

Unit 1

Text A Your College Years

Language Focus

Words used to describe college years: exciting, meaningful, rewarding, independent, self-reliant, mature, self-discipline, a strong sense of responsibility,lonely, depressed, frustrating, scary, at a loss, muddle through the four years

Definition of Terms:

developmental changes: the physiological and behavioral changes throughout the life span adolescence: a period between childhood and adulthood, which is usually fraught with anxiety and conflict. The passage to adulthood is often marked by a number of small changes in status (the right to vote, to drink liquor, to drive a car, etc.) during or near the end of adolescence. identity crisis: the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that you go through during adolescence when you are not sure what you really are and what your purpose in life is

internalize: a psychological term meaning “to make faith, values, moral, attitudes, behavior, language etc. part of your nature by learning or assimilating them unconsci ously”

【paragraph 1】it occurs to sb. that…/ it dawn on sb. that… ; occur

1.Has it ever occurred to you that…

Note: notice the difference between Chinese and English in expressing 突然想到—in Chinese, the subject is usually a personal pronoun, while in English, the idea or thought, or the anticipatory “it” is used.

e.g. The thought of giving up never occurred to me.

it occurs to sb. to do sth.

e.g. I suppose it didn't occur to you to phone the police?

It didn?t occur to her to ask how he?d found her.

It never seems to occur to my children to contact me.

it occurs to sb. (that)

e.g. It had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her.

It suddenly occurred to her that Joe was afraid of being alone.

It never occurred to me that wealth could ruin a person?s life.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had not touched any meat for months.

“Strike” is often used in this pattern

strike: if something (thought/idea) strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc

e.g. A rather worrying thought struck me. (想到)

The first thing that struck me was the fact that there were no other women present. (留意)it strikes somebody that

e.g.It struck her that losing the company might be the least of her worries.

It struck her that although she was now rich by her own standard, she was not really happy.

2.Has it ever dawned on you that…

dawn on sb: if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time

e.g. Then the ghastly truth dawned on me.

It dawned on me that Joanna had been right all along.

It was several months before the truth finally dawned on me.

Little by little it dawned on Archie that his wife was not coming back.

It gradually began to dawn on the economists that the problem was not overproduction, but under-consumption.

It suddenly dawned on us that high savings rate may not be a good thing.

3.…certain developmental changes will occur in your life…

occur: a. to happen

e.g. Police said the accident occurred about 4.30 pm.

The explosion occurred at 5.30 a.m.

b. [ + adverb/preposition] to happen or exist in a particular place or situation

occur in/among etc

e.g. Whooping cough occurs mainly in young children. 小孩常得百日咳。

The highest rates of unemployment occur in the inner urban areas.

This small tree also occurs in central and southern India. 生长在

【paragraph 2】go through, endeavor, perceive, endowment, chance

4. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weakness are.

go through: experience, undergo, suffer

1) ?DIFFICULT/UNPLEASANT SITUATION?: to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etc

e.g. When you're going through a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone.

He's going through a divorce at the moment.

It is devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery.

Doctors have to go through a long period of expensive professional training.

2) ?PROCESS?: to experience a particular process

e.g. Candidates must go through a process of selection.

Caterpillars go through several stages of growth.

3) ?USE? to use up money or a supply of something

e.g. We went through five pints of milk last week.

Somehow they had gone through the whole bottle of wine.

4) ?LA W/DEAL/AGREEMENT ? if a law, agreement, or official decision goes through, it is officially accepted, or approved by the people who have the power or authority to do so.

e.g. He accepted the offer and the deal went through.

I don?t think this plan will go through the Security Council. (TB)

5) ?SEARCH? to search sth. in order to find something in particular

e.g. Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys.

Customs officers went through all my bags.

6) ?READ/DISCUSS?to read or discuss sth. (a list, story, or plan) from beginning to end in order to make sure it is correct

e.g. We'll go through the details later on.

Do you want me to go through this and check your spellings?

We have gone through all these arguments. (TB)

→go through with sth: to do something you had promised or planned to do, even though it causes problems or you are no longer sure you want to do it

e.g. He bravely went through with the wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.

It?s too late to back out. We just have to go through with it. (TB)

endeavor: v. [FORMAL] to try very hard to do something:

e.g. We have endeavoured to make the vehicle environmentally friendly.

We always endeavor to please our customers.

n. [C/U] FORMAL: an effort to do something, especially something new or difficult e.g. The business was built up largely through the endeavours of his mother.

They made every endeavour to find the two boys.

Despite our best endeavours , we couldn't start the car.

5. It’s important to know how people perceive themselves…

perceive: vt.

1) (often passive) written to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way

e.g. School heads perceive their roles in different ways.

He perceived himself a loser who could not even support his family. (TB)

perceive something/somebody as something

e.g. Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive.

Computers were often perceived as a threat.

perceive someone/something to be something:

e.g. Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear.

Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures.

a perceived advantage/need/threat (=one that people think is real)

e.g. The most important problem is the perceived threat to public health.

2) FML to notice, see/observe/discover, or recognize something

e.g. That morning, he perceived a change in Franca's mood.

Cats are not able to perceive colour.

Musicians can perceive very small differences in sounds.

perceive that

e.g. He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis.

I gradually perceived that culture and language cannot really be separated. (TB: to understand; to grasp)

→perception perceptive

e.g. children's perceptions of the world

There is a perception that management only wants to cut costs.

The public?s perception of him is slowly changing. (the way you think about something and your idea of what it is like)

Ross shows unusual perception for a boy of his age. (the natural ability to understand or notice things quickly)

Children can be amazingly perceptive about adults? moods. (able to notice or under stand things quickly and easily)

6. …identity is determined….chance events.

Meaning: Who we are is determined by three things: First, our genes, or what our parents have given us, our legacy; second, environment, and third, luck or opportunities.


1)[C] a natural quality or ability that someone has

e.g. the island's natural endowments of white sandy beaches and clean water

2) [C/U] a sum of money given to a college, hospital etc to provide it with an income, or

the act of giving this money 资助,捐助

e.g. the endowment of a Professorship at Oxford

endow: vt.

1) to be endowed with: to naturally have a good feature or quality

e.g. She is endowed with both brains and beauty.

2) to endow sb. with sth.: to make sb. or sth. have a particular quality, or to believe that they

have it

e.g. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.

The General?s supporters endow him with an almost godlike status.

3)to give a college, hospital etc a large sum of money that provides it with an income chance: adj. not planned or expected; accidental

chance meeting/encounter/event etc

e.g. A chance remark by one of his colleagues got him thinking.

A chance encounter at the conference gave him the opportunity to tell the professor about his work.

Their friendship was the result of a chance meeting.

Wilson hoped his chance discovery would benefit poor families in developing nations.

[Paragraph 3] independent of VS dependent on ; heighten; pursue

7. While students are going through an identity crisis, they are becoming independent from their parents and yet they are still very dependent on them.

to be independent of : (注:教参上independent后可接of或from。我参考了朗文、Macmillan 和《新世纪英语用法大词典》以及《贺氏英文法全书》,independent后边只能接of,表示“独立的;单独的;有主见的;自立的”等意思;而independence后面接的是from,如:gain independence from Britain脱离英国。She shows great independence of mind.她显得很有主见。《贺氏英文法全书》标注independence from/of(脱离…独立))

1) not depending on other people for help, advice or money

e.g. His wages enabled him to become economically independent of his family. (having

enough money to live without having to ask for help from other people)

By this age, the child becomes relatively independent of his mother. (independent: confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way, without needing help or advice from other people)

Robert aimed to be independent of his parents by the time he was twenty.

2) not owned or controlled by sth.

e.g. We need a central bank that is independent of the government.

The medical college is independent of the university.

3) separate; not connected with or joined to anything else

e.g. The reports from two separate sources are entirely independent of one another

The incidents were completely independent of one another.

8. …it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education.

句中的“it”指前面提到的“struggle”,不定式“to pursue a college education”在这里做“choice”


heighten:if something heightens a feeling, effect etc, or if a feeling etc heightens, it becomes stronger or increases; intensify; strengthen

e.g. There are fears that the march will heighten racial tension.

Increased levels of fat in the diet could heighten the risk of cancer.

heighten (sb's) awareness (of sth) (=make people realize sth more clearly)

e.g. The case has heightened public awareness of the problem of sexual harassment.

An educational effort to heighten awareness about global warming is currently underway.

→heightened interest/awareness/expectations


1) to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time

e.g. She plans to pursue a career in politics/medicine.

They have continued to pursue a policy of repression/peace.

Students should pursue their own interests, as well as do their school work.

pursue a goal/aim/objective etc

e.g. companies that pursue the traditional goal of profits/ a campaign promise to pursue policies

that will help the poor

2) pursue the matter/argument/question etc: to continue trying to find out about or persuade someone about a particular subject

e.g. Janet did not dare pursue the matter further.

I feel I have been treated wrongly and I intend to pursue the matter.

3) to chase or follow someone or something, in order to catch them, attack them etc

e.g. Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.

4) to keep trying to persuade someone to have a relationship with you

e.g. I was pleased, but somewhat embarrassed, when she pursued me.

→pursuit n. [U] when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way

e.g. the pursuit of liberty and happiness / the pursuit of war criminals

in (the) pursuit of something

e.g. People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.

in pursuit (when someone chases or follows someone else )

e.g. There were four police cars in pursuit.

The quarterback sprinted toward the end zone with Jansen in hot pursuit (=following

closely behind) .

[Paragraph 4] distinct VS distinctive; wardrobe; agenda; excessive; freedom (free) from; in relation to

9. …there are four distinct aspects to psychological separation from one’s parents.

distinct: adj. 1) clearly different or belonging to a different type

e.g. two entirely distinct languages distinct types/groups/categories etc

There are four distinct types.

The learning needs of the two groups are quite d istinct from each other.

as distinct from something : used to make it clear that you are not referring to a particular kind of thing, but to something else

e.g. a movie star, as distinct from an actor

2) something that is distinct can clearly be seen, heard, smelled etc

e.g. The outline of the ship became more distinct.


distinctive: adj. something that is distinctive has a special feature or appearance that makes it different from other things, and makes it easy to recognize

e.g. Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings.

Whatever you think of Larkin's poetry, it's certainly distinctive.

The most distinctive feature of the building is its enormous dome-shaped roof.

10. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda.

functional independence: independence in handling everyday life situations; the ability to solve practical problems 独立处理日常生活的能力

wardrobe: n. the clothes that sb. has(个人的)全部服装

eg: a new summer wardrobe 新夏装

a wardrobe for a trip abroad 国外旅行用装

agenda: n. a list of problems or subjects that a government, organization etc is planning to deal with 议事日程, 待办事项(表)

eg: place/put sth. on the agenda 把某事提到日程上来

Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.


On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda.


The Danish president will put environmental issues high on the agenda.


10. Hoffman defines this process as “freedom from an excessive need for approval, closeness, togetherness, and emotional support in relation to the mother and father.”

excessive: much more than is reasonable or necessary

e.g. As usual, the opposition claims the government is guilty of excessive spending.

Don's wife left him because of his excessive gambling.

The campaign is trying to stop the excessive use of chemicals in farming.

Note: If somebody has an excessive need for approval, it means that he is too dependent on sb?s approval. Children need their parents to tell them what to do or not to do. They also need to be

close to their parents and receive encouragement, love, all kinds of emotional support which give them strength. But when they grow up, this should change. They should no longer have the same needs like babies.

11. Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.”

freedom (free) from sth. : the state of not being affected by something that makes you worried, unhappy, afraid etc 免于

freedom from fear/pain/worry/hunger/disease/poverty

e.g. An ideal society is one free from exploitation and oppression./ free from flies and mosquitoes and cockroaches

“We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression…The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way…The third is freedom from want…The fourth is freedom from fear…”

---Franklin D. Roosevelt freedom of doing sth/sth: 有做某事的自由

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of expression.

The school gives students freedom of choice about what to wear.

inhibition: [U/C] a feeling of shyness or embarrassment that stops you doing or saying what you really want

e.g. She had no inhibitions about saying what she felt.

Alcohol can make you lose all your inhibitions - but you may regret this the next morning!

I was amazed at Sam's lack of inhibition about singing in public.

→inhibit vt

1) to prevent something from growing or developing well

e.g. An unhappy family life may inhibit children's learning. /We're doing all we can to inhibit urban sprawl and maintain the city's identity.

2) to make someone feel embarrassed or nervous so that they cannot do or say what they want to

e.g. Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.

in relation to:

1) FML concerning something

e.g. I have nothing further to say in relation to this matter.

latest developments in relation to the disease

2) in comparison to something:

e.g. Unemployment here is high in relation to national levels.

Women's earnings are still low in relation to men's.

Note: Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of saying the wrong thing or not behaving properly; all these may make the angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow

up, they usually strive for the freedom from these.

[Paragraph 5] stressful; project; relate to sb; project; feminine; masculine; frustrating; nothing+比较级+than=superlative form

12. Probably one of the most stressful matters for young college student is establishing their sexual identity and projecting their future roles as men or women.

stressful: involving or causing a lot of pressure or worry

e.g. My new job is much less stressful.

Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.

sexual identity: to identify oneself as male or female 确认自己的性别意识

project (v.): 1) to try to make other people have a particular idea about you

e.g. I hope the team will project a smart, professional image .

The campaign has tried to project a view of Labour as the party that cares.

Ending the talks now would project an image of being insincere.

project yourself (as something)

e.g. his attempts to project himself as a potential leader

He felt he hadn?t projected himself well at the interview.

2) [transitive usually passive] to calculate how big something will become in the future using information that is available now: FORECAST, PREDICT

e.g. The actual cost of the improvements is far greater than the original projected figure.

It is projected that the population will rise by one million by 2008.

Total expenditure was projected to increase by 4.7%.

...a projected deficit of $1.5 million.


3) ?FEELING?: to imagine that someone else is feeling the same emotions as you把(自己的感情等)投射给别人(心理学术语)

project something on/onto somebody

e.g. You're projecting your insecurity onto me.

→projection: He declined to make projections about fourth quarter earnings.

Note: “projecting their future roles as men or women”means “planning, designing, outlining, devising the future roles as men or women.”

13. Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with.

在这个复合句中,“they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with”做定语从句,修饰“the way”。在这个从句中,“whomever they are having a romantic relationship with”做“relating to”的宾语从句,其中,关系代词“whomever”做介词“with”的宾语。

have a romantic relationship with sb.: to be in love with sb. 和某人恋爱

relate to: (vi.) 1) relate to something/someone: to be able to understand a situation or the way

someone feels and thinks/ to feel that you understand someone's problem, situation etc; to have a good relationship with 理解,认同;和…合得来

e.g. Laurie finds it difficult to relate to children.

Some teenagers relate better to their friends than to their family.

Group work helps children learn to share things and relate to each other.

He seems to have difficulty relating to others and expressing his feelings.

I know he feels upset, and I can relate to that.

Martin had always found it easier to relate to women.

The programme deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can relate to.

2) relate to something: to be about something or connected with something和…有关

e.g. We?re only interested in events that relate directly to the murder.

We need to see figures relating to the last six months.

The charges of fraud relate to events that took place over ten years ago.

→relate vt.

1) if you relate two different things, you show how they are connected

relate something to something

e.g. The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.

2) FML to tell someone about events that have happened to you or to someone else

relate something to somebody

e.g. He later related the whole story to me.

She related her version of the incident to the police.

→relating to: prep.

e.g. documents relating to immigration laws

14. Each must define her or his sexual identity in a feminine or masculine role.

feminine (a.):having qualities that are considered to be typical of women, especially by being gentle, delicate, and pretty; relating to being female

e.g. Dianne loved pretty feminine things.

Amelia's report describes the experience from a feminine point of view.

→effeminate: adj. use this about a man who behaves like a woman or looks like a woman

e.g. He was very young and handsome in a slightly effeminate way.

The way he walks is a bit effeminate, and he sounds effeminate too.

→womanly: qualities are typical of a grown woman, especially one who is sensible, kind etc

e.g. She had a plump, womanly figure.

the conventional womanly virtues of patience and sense

He thought that since she'd had children, she'd grown more attractive and womanly. masculine: having qualities considered to be typical of men or of what men do

e.g. She has a very masculine voice. / Hunting was a typically masculine occupation.

→virile : looking or behaving in a way that is typical of a man, by being strong, full of energy etc, and therefore sexually attractive

e.g. The girls were all gazing adoringly at his muscular, virile young body.

Craig was a younger and more virile version of his father.

→manly: having the qualities that people expect and admire in a man, such as being brave and strong

e.g. In the portrait, the King looked manly and in control.

He was bronzed and athletic, with manly features and a steady gaze.

→macho: informal a man who is macho behaves in a way that he thinks a man is expected to behave, for example by being brave, treating women badly, or not showing emotion ---used humorously or in order to show disapproval

e.g. On the outside he may seem to be very macho but inside he's very sensitive.

He?s sick of being cast as the hard macho man in films.

→man: n. [C] a man who is brave and strong - use this especially when you are criticizing someone for not being like this

e.g. Any other soldier would have told him to pull himself together and be a man.

A real man wouldn't be scared of commitment

adj. be man enough to do something: (=be brave and strong enough to do something)

e.g. Are you man enough to admit that you've been lying?

15. These are exciting times yet frustrating times.

frustrating: adj. making you feel annoyed, upset, or impatient because you cannot do what you want to do

e.g. My job can be very frustrating sometimes.

This is an immensely frustrating experience for the student.

It?s frustrating to wait all day for a repairman who doesn?t show up.

→frustrate: vt.

1) if sth frustrates you, it makes you feel annoyed or angry because you are unable to do what you want

e.g. The fact that he's working with amateurs really frustrates him.

2) [usually passive] to prevent someone's plans, efforts, or attempts from succeeding

e.g. Their attempts to speak to him were frustrated by the guards.

Their attitude frustrated all our efforts to introduce improvements.

The weather continues to frustrate the builders? plans.

The team?s efforts to score were ______ by the opposing goalkeeper. (TEM4 2001)

A. frustrated

B. prevented

C. discouraged

D. accomplished

→frustration n.

e.g. He expressed his frustration at not being able to talk openly.

in/with frustration: My friend shouted in frustration, …Hurry up!?

There is a growing sense/feeling of frustration among hospital staff.

→frustrated adj.

e.g. Parents are increasingly frustrated with the local school system.

He gets so frustrated at not being able to do things for himself any more.

a frustrated artist/actor/poet etc: s

b who wants to develop a particular skill but has not

been able to do this

16. drag his feet with a dismayed, dejected look on his face

Meaning: walking slowly and listlessly, looking very unhappy and disappointed

Note: “to drag your feet/heels” is an informal expression used figuratively to mean to take too much time to do something because you do not want to do it

e.g. The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.

The local authorities are dragging their feet closing these small coal mines.

→foot-dragging: n. [U] a failure to do sth immediately or quickly because you do not really want to do it

e.g. The police were accused of foot-dragging on the investigation.

dismayed: adj. very upset, disappointed, or annoyed about sth surprising or shocking that has happened

→dismay n.

e.g. Local people expressed their dismay at the size of the pay rise.

The thought of leaving filled him with dismay .

to someone’s dismay/to the dismay of someone:

e.g. He is leaving the department, much to the dismay of his colleagues.

I found to my dismay that I had left my notes behind.

dismay vt.

e.g. The poor election turnout dismayed politicians.

dejected: someone who is dejected has lost all their hope or enthusiasm, especially because they have failed at something; unhappy, disappointed, or sad

e.g. The unemployed stood at street corners, dejected. /They sat in silence, looking tired and dejected.

→dejection n.

[Paragraph 6] affection; counsel; come to; option; shrink; narrow; apply to

17. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world.

affection: n. [singular, uncountable] a feeling of liking or love and caring; fondness

e.g. Bart had a deep affection for the old man.

She looked back on those days with affection.

Their father never showed them much affection.

The church was held in great affection (=loved and cared about a lot) by the local residents.

affection for: He obviously has a great affection for Italy and its people.

→affectionate: adj. someone who is affectionate shows that they are very fond of another person by the way they behave towards them, for example by holding or kissing them 充满深情的,柔情的

e.g. She's a very affectionate child. / His mother is a great deal more affectionate towards him.

He gave me an affectionate hug and then left.

18. …when I was a graduate student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, I visited my parents after I had just finished a course in counseling.

baptist:n. a member of a Christian group that believes baptism should only be for people old enough to understand its meaning浸礼会教友

baptism:a ceremony in which sb is touched or covered with water to welcome them into the Christian religion(基督教的)洗礼

baptize: vt.

counseling:n. (Am E; counselling Br.E) advice and help that you give someone with their problems, especially as your job

e.g. She was offered counselling after the attack.

→counsel: vt.1) fml to advise someone

e.g. She counselled them not to accept this settlement.

2) to listen and give support to someone with problems

e.g. She has spent about five years counselling rape victims.

19. During the course I had come to realize that while my world was expanding and new options were opening to me, my father, who was in his sixties, was seeing his world shrink and his options narrow.

在这个复合句中,“that”引导宾语从句,宾语从句中,连词“while”引导的状语从句,表转折;主句是:“my father, who was in his sixties, was seeing …narrow”,在这个主句中,“who was in his sixties”是定语从句,修饰“father”。

come to do sth.: to begin to realize, understand, believe, feel or like sth. as a result of time or experience 逐渐认识到(懂得;相信;觉得等等)

eg: He came to think of Italy as his home. 他逐渐认为意大利就是他的家了。

I came to believe that he was innocent after all. 我开始认识到他完全是无辜的。

[注] 意思相近的短语有:“grow to do sth.”见第27.

option: something that you can choose in a particular situation:

e.g. We?ve discussed all the market ing options and decided to go for television advertising.

We have three different options for financing the house.

You have the option of hiking there or going by bus.

have no option but to do something: She had no option but to admit the truth.

optional (adj.)

shrink (shrank, shrunk): vt./vi. to become smaller, or to make sth. smaller, through the effects of heat or water 缩小,短缩

eg: The dress shrank when I washed it. 这件裙子洗后缩水了。

narrow: vi. to becomes less变狭窄;收缩

例:The sea narrows into a strait. 大海变窄形成了海峡。

The economic gap between the two countries was beginning to narrow.


narrow something ? down phrasal verb: to reduce the number of things included in a range

e.g. The police have narrowed down their list of suspects.

narrow something ? d own to

e.g. I've narrowed it down to one of two people (=there are now only two people to choose between) .

20. During my visit home, my father and I had several conversations in which we discussed the content of my course and how it applied to our lives.

apply: 1) vi. If something such as a rule or a remark applies to a person or in a situation, it is

relevant to the person or the situation. 适用;适合

eg: The convention does not apply to us. 这条惯例对我们不适用。

The rule applies where a person owns stock in a corporation.


2) vt. If you apply for something such as a job or membership of an organization, you write a letter or fill in a form in order to ask formally for it.

eg: I am continuing to apply for jobs. 我正在继续找工作。

They may apply to join the organization. 他们可以申请加入该组织。

3) vt. If you apply something such as a rule, system, or skill, you use it in a situation or

activity. 应用;运用

eg: The Government appears to be applying the same principle.


His project is concerned with applying the technology to practical business problems.


4) vt. If you apply yourself to something or apply your mind to something, you concentrate hard on doing it or on thinking about it. 使(自己)全神贯注于;使(注意力等)集中于eg: Faulks has applied himself to this task with considerable energy.


In spare moments he applied his mind to how rockets could be used to make money.


5) vt. If you apply something to a surface, you put it on or rub it into the surface. 涂抹;敷用;施用

eg: The right thing would be to apply direct pressure to the wound.

Applying the dye can be messy, particularly on long hair.


→applicable: adj. if something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them

applicable to

e.g. The offer is only applicable to bookings for double rooms.

→application (n.)

→applicant (n.) 申请者

[Paragraph 7] internalize; model; rebel; be prejudiced against; distress; convinced; be equal to

21. Another change for college students is internalizing their religious faith, their values, and their morals.

internalize: v. if you internalize a particular belief, attitude, behaviour etc, it becomes part of your character

eg: Ideas of feminine incapacity are also internalized by women.


22. Since birth, one or more parents have been modeling for them…

Meaning: serving as a model for them; setting an example for them (this expression is not very


model: vt. to copy a way of doing something or a system

model something on something:

e.g. Their economic structure is closely modelled on the British system.

model yourself on someone: to copy the way someone behaves because you admire them

=model yourself after somebody (American English): to try to be like someone else because you admire them

e.g. Jim had always modelled himself on his great hero, Martin Luther King.

23. In their adolescent years, however, these matters are questioned and in some cases rebelled against.

rebel against: to oppose or fight against sb. in authority or against an idea or situation which you do not agree with 造反;反叛;反抗

eg: The students rebelled against their government. 学生们起来反抗他们的政府。

Teenage boys are likely to rebel against their parents.


→rebellion: n.

→rebellious: adj. Maria was headstrong and rebellious.

24. In the late sixties, a young woman from a background that was extremely prejudiced against people from other races came to college convinced that her race was superior.

在这个复合句中,主语是“a young woman”,谓语是“came to”。“that was extremely prejudiced … races”在句中是定语从句,修饰“background”。句中,“convinced that her race was superior”是主补,补充说明“a young woman”。

prejudiced: adj. having an unreasonable dislike of someone or something, especially a dislike of a group of people who belong to a different race, sex, or religion - used to show disapproval e.g. Some officers were racially prejudiced.

an intolerant and prejudiced man

prejudiced against

e.g. The early Christian church was prejudiced against the Jews.

Environmentalists are prejudiced against the dam. 环保分子反对修建大坝。

25. …people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds

Meaning: people from many different races

Note: Today sociologists often prefer the word “ethnic” to “racial”, and “ethnic group” to “race”. There are differences of course. The Hans and the Tibetans are both Chinese, belonging to the same yellow race, but they belong to two ethnic groups.

26. Over the next four years, this student, who considered herself intelligent, found herself in classes and social events in which people of other races performed as well as or more competently than she did.

在这个复合句句中,“this student”是主语,“found”是谓语。句中有两个定语从句,第

“in which people …

“who considered herself intelligent”,修饰“this student”。第二个是:


she did”,修饰“classes and social events”。did 指代动词performed。

convinced: adj. [not before noun]feeling certain that something is true

e.g. Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.

I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.

Researchers are convinced of a genetic cause for the disease.

Herschel was firmly/totally/fully convinced of the possibility of life on other planets.

→convince: v.

e.g. Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.

The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.

→convincing: adj.

e.g. Investigators have not found a convincing motive for the crime.

Jurors thought the defence's arguments were very convincing.

No one seemed able to give a convincing answer to my question.

27. As she finished her senior year, she had grown to realize that people of other races were not only equal to her…

grow to: 逐渐变得

eg: She has a hot temper, but you will soon grow to like her.


He'd had French shoved down his throat for four hours a day. No wonder he grew to hate it.


be equal to:1) to be just as good as

e.g. The architecture here is equal to any in the world.

Many of our products are equal to the best in the world.

It is ridiculous to think one race is not equal to another because it has a different skin color.

2) to have the ability to deal with a problem, piece of work etc successfully; be up to

e.g. I'm not sure he's equal to the task .

Are you equal to this challenge?

[Paragraph 8] affirm; be aware of

26. In addition to affirming personal values, college students develop new ways to organize and use knowledge.

affirm: v.1) to strengthen a feeling, belief, or idea

e.g. There are moral standards that we must affirm for our children.

The company chose a name that would affirm its French identity.

2) to state publicly that something is true ?synonym?confirm

e.g. The general affirmed rumors of an attack.

A spokesman for the company affirmed that a merger was likely.

The school affirmed its commitment to its students.

27. All students should be aware of how they react to new knowledge…

aware: a. 1) [never before noun] knowing about a situation or a fact

e.g. As far as I’m aware, he didn?t say anything of t he kind.

aware of:They?re aware of the dangers.

aware that: I was not aware that she had already spoken to you.

make someone aware of something (=tell someone about something):

e.g. If you have any problems, you should make management aware of them.

well/fully/acutely (=very) aware: I was well aware of this fact.

1) a. enthusiastic about and involved in something:

environmentally/politically/socially etc aware: The charity aims to create a new generation of environmentally aware consumers and producers.

2) if you become aware of someone or something, you notice it:

e.g. I became aware of someone following me.

He suddenly became aware that the music had stopped.

[Paragraph 9]appoint; in a different light

28. The international student, who expected to be appointed to an important governmental position when he returned home, had a brother who taught law at the major university of his country. appoint: v. 1) If you appoint someone to a job or official position, you formally choose them for it. 任命;委派;指派

eg: It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.

The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.

2) to determine or decide on (a time or place) 约定(时间、地点)

eg: They appointed a date in May for the meeting.

She arrived at the appointed time.

29. I can longer read newspaper or watch a television newscast without seeing the people from other countries in a different light.

Note:This is a double negative sentence. It means: every time I read newspaper or watch a television, I will see the people from other countries in a different light.

to see sb./sth. in a certain light: to see them in a certain way, e.g.

e.g. What he did made us see him in a new/different light.

After I took that course, I began to see the world in a different light.

I suddenly saw my father in a new light.

This incident will put the company in a very bad light.

→in the light of something (Br. E) =in light of something (Am. E):if you do or decide something in the light of something else, you do it after considering that thing 鉴于

e.g. In light of this tragic event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations.

→set light to something: to make something start burning

e.g. The candle fell over and set light to the barn.

→come to light/be brought to light: if new information comes to light, it becomes known

e.g. This evidence did not come to light until after the trial.

The mistake was only brought to light some years later.

→throw/shed/cast light on something: to provide new information that makes a difficult subject or problem easier to understand

e.g. Melanie was able to shed some light on the situation.

These discoveries may throw new light on the origins of the universe.

→light at the end of the tunnel: something that gives you hope for the future after a long and difficult period

e.g. It's been a hard few months, but we're finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

[Paragraph 10] contribute to; for certain; assemble; process

30. For certain, it is an experience that contributes to young adults’ growth and maturity.

for certain: without doubt; for sure 肯定地;确凿地

eg: I know for certain it?s in here somewhere.

One thing is for certain, he won?t be back.

contribute to: to help to cause sth. to happen

e.g. These measures contributed greatly to the economic recovery of that country.

What do you think are the main factors that contributed to the success of that company?

Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.

→contributory: adj. [only before noun] being one of the causes of a particular result

e.g. Smoking is a contributory factor in lung cancer.


31. …they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information.

Note: They are also finding or learning new ways of arranging, organizing, analyzing or understanding information. It implies that mere information is not scientific truth. Scientific truth requires the processing of information. In college, students will learn new approaches, methods, and theories which will change many of their prejudices.

assemble: vt. to get a large number of things from several different places or people 搜集;汇编;组合

eg: We will let you have the report as soon as we have assembled all the data.

When all the evidence is assembled, it will be clear that Michael is innocent.

Assembly line 装配线;流水线

process: vi. to deal with information using a computer 加工;处理

例:One has to process a photographic film to print pictures from it.


Processed food 加工食品


监控摄像机镜头的选择和主要参数 镜头相当于人眼的晶状体,如果没有晶状体,人眼看不到任何物体;如果没有镜头,那么摄像头所输出的图像就是白茫茫的一片,没有清晰的图像输出,这与我们家用摄像机和照相机的原理是一致的。当人眼的肌肉无法将晶状体拉伸至正常位置时,也就是人们常说的近视眼,眼前的景物就变得模糊不清;摄像头与镜头的配合也有类似现象,当图像变得不清楚时,可以调整摄像头的后焦点,改变CCD芯片与镜头基准面的距离(相当于调整人眼晶状体的位置),可以将模糊的图像变得清晰。由此可见,镜头在闭路监控系统中的作用是非常重要的。工程设计人员和施工人员都要经常与镜头打交道:设计人员要根据物距、成像大小计算镜头焦距,施工人员经常进行现场调试,其中一部分就是把镜头调整到最佳状态。 1、镜头的分类 按外形功能分按尺寸大小分按光圈分按变焦类型分按焦距长矩分 球面镜头1” 25mm 自动光圈电动变焦长焦距镜头 非球面镜头 1/2” 3mm 手动光圈手动变焦标准镜头 针孔镜头 1/3” 8.5mm 固定光圈固定焦距广角镜头 鱼眼镜头 2/3” 17mm (1)以镜头安装分类: 所有的摄象机镜头均是螺纹口的,CCD摄象机的镜头安装有两种工业标准,即C安装座和CS安装座。两者螺纹部分相同,但两者从镜头到感光表面的距离同。C安装座:从镜头安装基准面到焦点的距离是17.526mm。CS安装座:特种C安装,此时应将摄象机前部的垫圈取下再安装镜头。其镜头安装基准面到焦点的距离是12.5mm。如果要将一个C安装座镜头安装到一个CS安装座摄象机上时,则需要使用镜头转换器。 (2)以摄象机镜头规格分类: 摄象机镜头规格应视摄象机的CCD尺寸而定,两者应相对应。即摄象机的CCD靶面大小为1/2英寸时,镜头应选1/2英寸。摄象机的CCD靶面大小为1/3英寸时,镜头应选1/3英寸。摄象机的CCD靶面大小为1/4英寸时,镜头应选1/4英寸。如果镜头尺寸与摄象机CCD靶面尺寸不一致时,观察角度将不符合设计要求,或者发生画面在焦点以外等问题。 (3)以镜头光圈分类: 镜头有手动光圈(manual iris)和自动光圈(auto iris)之分,配合摄象机使用,手动光圈镜头适合于亮度不变的应用场合,自动光圈镜头因亮度变更时其光圈亦作自动调整,故适用亮度变化的场合。自动光圈镜头有两类:一类是将一个视频信号及电源从摄象机输送到透镜来控制镜头上的光圈,称为视频输入型,另一类则利用摄象机上的直流电压来直接控制光圈,称为DC输入型。自动光圈镜头上的ALC(自动镜头控制)调整用于设定测光系统,可以整个画面的平均亮度,也可以画面中最亮部分(峰值)来设定基准信号强度,供给自动光圈调整使用。一般而言,ALC已在出厂时经过设定,可不作调整,但是对于拍摄景物中包含有一个亮度极高的目标时,明亮目标物之影像可能会造成"白电平削波"现象,而使得全部屏幕变成白色,此时可以调节ALC来变换画面。另外,自动光圈镜头装有光圈环,转动光圈环时,通过镜头的光通量会发生变化,光通量即光圈,一般用F表示,其取值为镜头焦距与镜头通光口径之比,即:F=f(焦距)/D(镜头实际有效口径),F值越小,则光圈越大。


镜头参数 镜头是电视监控系统中必不可少的部件,镜头与CCD摄像机配合,可以将远距离目标成像在摄像机的CCD靶面上。 镜头的种类繁多,从焦距上分类,可分为短焦距、中焦距、和焦距和变焦距镜头;从视场的大小分类,可分为广角、标准、远摄镜头;从结构上分类,还可分为固定光圈定焦镜头、手动光圈定焦镜头、自动光圈定焦镜头、手动变焦镜头、自动光圈电动变焦镜头、电动三可变镜头(指光圈、焦距、聚焦这三者均可变)等类型。由于镜头选择得合适与否,直接关系到摄像质量的优劣,因此,在实际应用中必须合理选择镜头。 1 、镜头的参数 镜头的光学特性包括成像尺寸、焦距、相对孔径和视场角等几个参数,一般在镜头所附的说明书中都有注明,以下分别介绍。 A、成像尺寸 镜头一般可分为25. 4mm(lin)、16. 9mm(2/3in)、12. 7mm(1/2in)、8.47mm (1/3in)和6.35mm(1/4in)等几种规格,它们分别对应着不同的成像尺寸,选用镜头时,应使镜头的成像尺寸与摄像机的靶面尺寸大小相吻合。表2-1列出了几种常见CCD芯片的靶面尺寸,表中单位为mm。 表1-1 几种常见CCD芯片的靶面尺寸 由表1-1可知,12. 7mm(1/2in)的镜头应配12. 7mm(1/2in)靶面的摄像机,当镜头的成像尺寸比摄像机靶面的尺寸大时,不会影响成像,但实际成像的视场角要比该镜头的标称视场角小(参见图1-1),而当镜头的成像尺寸比摄像机靶面的尺寸小时,就会影响成像,表现为成像的画面四周被镜筒遮挡,在画面的4 个角上出现黑角(参见图1-1)。

(1)镜头成像尺寸比CCD靶面尺寸大 (2)镜头成像尺寸比CCD靶面尺寸 小 图1-1 镜头成像尺寸与CCD靶面尺寸的关系 B、焦距 在实际应用中,经常会有用户提出该摄像机能看清多么远的物体或该摄像机能看清多么宽的场景等问题,这实际上由所选用的镜头的焦距来决定,因为焦距决定了摄取图像的大小,用不同焦距的镜头对同一位置的某物体摄像时,配长焦距镜头的摄像机所摄取的景物尺寸就大,反之,配短焦距镜头的摄像机所摄取的景物尺寸就小。当然,被摄物体成像的清晰度还与所选用的CCD摄像机的分辨率及监视器的分辨率有关。 理论上,任何一种镜头均可拍摄很远的物体,并在CCD靶面上成一很小的像,但受CCD单元(像素)物理尺寸的限制,当成像小到小于CCD传感器的一个像素大小时,便不再能形成被摄物体的像,即使成像有几个像素大小,该像也难以辨识为何物。 当已知被摄物体的大小及该物体到镜头距离,则可根据下两式估算所选取配镜头的焦距: f=hD/H f=vD/V 式中,D为镜头中心到被摄物体的距离;H和V分别为被摄物体的水平尺寸和垂直尺寸;v为靶面成像的高度;h为靶面成像的水平宽度。


监控摄像头的选择与基本参数 2010-02-22 摄像机镜头是视频监视系统的最关键设备,它的质量(指标)优劣直接影响摄像机的整机指标,因此,摄像机镜头的选择是否恰当既关系到系统质量,又关系到工程造价。 镜头相当于人眼的晶状体,如果没有晶状体,人眼看不到任何物体;如果没有镜头,那么摄像头所输出的图像就是白茫茫的一片,没有清晰的图像输出,这与我们家用摄像机和照相机的原理是一致的。当人眼的肌肉无法将晶状体拉伸至正常位置时,也就是人们常说的近视眼,眼前的景物就变得模糊不清;摄像头与镜头的配合也有类似现象,当图像变得不清楚时,可以调整摄像头的后焦点,改变CCD芯片与镜头基准面的距离(相当于调整人眼晶状体的位置),可以将模糊的图像变得清晰。由此可见,镜头在闭路监控系统中的作用是非常重要的。工程设计人员和施工人员都要经常与镜头打交道:设计人员要根据物距、成像大小计算镜头焦距,施工人员经常进行现场调试,其中一部分就是把镜头调整到最佳状态。 1、镜头的分类 按外形功能分按尺寸大小分按光圈分按变焦类型分按焦距长矩分球面镜头 1 25mm 自动光圈电动变焦长焦距镜头非球面镜头 1/2” 3mm 手动光圈手动变焦标准镜头针孔镜头 1/3” 8.5mm 固定光圈固定焦距广角镜头鱼眼镜头 2/3” 17mm (1)以镜头安装分类:所有的摄像机镜头均是螺纹口的,CCD摄像机的镜头安装有两种工业标准,即C安装座和CS安装座。两者螺纹部分相同,但两者从镜头到感光表面的距离不同。C安装座:从镜头安装基准面到焦点的距离是17.526mm。CS安装座:特种C安装,此时应将摄像机前部的垫圈取下再安装镜头。其镜头安装基准面到焦点的距离是12.5mm。如果要将一个C安装座镜头安装到一个CS安装座摄像机上


摄像机镜头的具体详细 参数解析 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

镜头参数 镜头是电视监控系统中必不可少的部件,镜头与CCD摄像机配合,可以将远距离目标成像在摄像机的CCD靶面上。 镜头的种类繁多,从焦距上分类,可分为短焦距、中焦距、和焦距和变焦距镜头;从视场的大小分类,可分为广角、标准、远摄镜头;从结构上分类,还可分为固定光圈定焦镜头、手动光圈定焦镜头、自动光圈定焦镜头、手动变焦镜头、自动光圈电动变焦镜头、电动三可变镜头(指光圈、焦距、聚焦这三者均可变)等类型。由于镜头选择得合适与否,直接关系到摄像质量的优劣,因此,在实际应用中必须合理选择镜头。 1 、镜头的参数 镜头的光学特性包括成像尺寸、焦距、相对孔径和视场角等几个参数,一般在镜头所附的说明书中都有注明,以下分别介绍。 A、成像尺寸 镜头一般可分为25. 4mm(lin)、16. 9mm(2/3in)、12. 7mm(1/2in)、(1/3in)和(1/4in)等几种规格,它们分别对应着不同的成像尺寸,选用镜头时,应使镜头的成像尺寸与摄像机的靶面尺寸大小相吻合。表2-1列出了几种常见CCD芯片的靶面尺寸,表中单位为mm。

表1-1 几种常见CCD芯片的靶面尺寸 ? 由表1-1可知,12. 7mm(1/2in)的镜头应配12. 7mm(1/2in)靶面的摄像机,当镜头的成像尺寸比摄像机靶面的尺寸大时,不会影响成像,但实际成像的视场角要比该镜头的标称视场角小(参见图1-1),而当镜头的成像尺寸比摄像机靶面的尺寸小时,就会影响成像,表现为成像的画面四周被镜筒遮挡,在画面的4个角上出现黑角(参见图1-1)。


摄像机的选择和主要参数 摄像机的选择和主要参数 在闭路监控系统中,摄像机又称摄像头或()即电荷耦合器件。严格来说,摄像机是摄像头和镜头的总称,而实际上,摄像头与镜头大部分是分开购买的,用户根据目标物体的大小和摄像头与物体的距离,通过计算得到镜头的焦距,所以每个用户需要的镜头都是依据实际情况而定的,不要以为摄像机(头)上已经有镜头。 摄像头的主要传感部件是,它具有灵敏度高、畸变小、寿命长、抗震动、抗磁场、体积小、无残影等特点,是电耦合器件()的简称,它能够将光线变为电荷并可将电荷储存及转移,也可将储存之电荷取出使电压发生变化,因此是理想的摄像元件。是代替摄像管传感器的新型器件。 的工作原理是:被摄物体反射光线,传播到镜头,经镜头聚焦到芯片上,根据光的强弱积聚相应的电荷,经周期性放电,产生表示一幅幅画面的电信号,经过滤波、放大处理,通过摄像头的输出端子输出一个标准的复合视频信号。这个标准的视频信号同家用的录像机、机、家用摄像机的视频输出是一样的,所以也可以录像或接到电视机上观看。 摄像机的选择和分类芯片就像人的视网膜,是摄像头的核心。目前我国尚无能力制造,市场上大部分摄像头采用的是日本、、松下、等公司生产的芯片,现在韩国也有能力生产,但质量就要稍逊一筹。因为芯片生产时产生不同等级,各厂家获得途径不同等原因,造成采集效果也大不相同。在购买时,可以采取如下方法检测:接通电源,连接视频电缆到监视器,关闭镜头光圈,看图像全黑时是否有亮点,屏幕上雪花大不大,这些是检测芯片最简单直接的方法,而且不需要其它专用仪器。然后可以打开光圈,看一个静物,如果是彩色摄像头,最好摄取一个色彩鲜艳的物体,查看监视器上的图像是否偏色,扭曲,色彩或灰度是否平滑。好的可以很好的还原景物的色彩,使物体看起来清晰自然;而残次品的图像就会有偏色现象,即使面对一张白纸,图像也会显示蓝色或红色。个别由于生产车间的灰尘,靶面上会有杂质,在一般情况下,杂质不会影响图像,但在弱光或显微摄像时,细小的灰尘也会造成不良的后果,如果用于此类工作,一定要仔细挑选。 1、依成像色彩划分彩色摄像机:适用于景物细部辨别,如辨别衣着或景物的颜色。黑白摄像机:适用于光线不充足地区及夜间无法安装照明设备的地区,在仅监视景物的位置或移动时,可选用黑白摄像机。 2、依分辨率灵敏度等划分影像像素在万以下的为一般型,其中尤以万像素(*)、分辨率为线的产品最普遍。影像像素在万以上的高分辨率型。 3、按靶面大小划分芯片已经开发出多种尺寸:目前采用的芯片大多数为"和"。在购买摄像头时,特别是对摄像角度有比较严格要求的时候,靶面的大小,与镜头的配合情况将直接影响视场角的大小和图像的清晰度。英寸靶面尺寸为宽*高,对角线。英


摄像头参数详细介绍 [日期: 2007-06-06 ] https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b6440980.html, 千家网 [字体:大中 小] 一、不可小瞧的镜头 镜头是摄像机的眼睛,为了适应不同的监控环境和要求,需要配置不同规格的镜头。比如在室内的重点监视,要进行清晰且大视场角度的图像捕捉,得配置广角镜头;在室外的停车场,既要看到停车场全貌,又要能看到汽车的细部,这时候需要广角和变焦镜头,在边境线、海防线的监控,需要超远图像拍摄。 1、镜头的主要参数 焦距(f):焦距是镜头和感光元件之间的距离,通过改变镜头的焦距,可以改变镜头的放大倍数,改变拍摄图像的大小。当物体与镜头的距离很远的时候,我们可用下面公式表达:镜头的放大倍数≈焦距/物距。增加镜头的焦距,放大倍数增大了,可以将远景拉近,画面的范围小了,远景的细节看得更清楚了;如果减少镜头的焦距,放大倍数减少了,画面的范围扩大了,能看到更大的场景。 镜头的主要参数 视场角:在工程实际中,我们常用水平视场角来反映画面的拍摄范围。焦距f越大,视场角越小,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越小;反之,焦距f越小,视场角越大,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越大。 光圈:光圈安装在镜头的后部,光圈开得越大,通过镜头的光量就越大,图像的清晰度越高;光圈开得越小,通过镜头的光量就越小,图像的清晰度越低。通常用F(光通量)来表示。F=焦距(f)/通光孔径。在摄像机的技术指标中,

我们可以常常看到6mm/F1.4这样的参数,它表示镜头的焦距为6mm,光通量为1. 4,这时我们可以很容易地计算出通光孔径为4.29mm。在焦距f相同的情况下,F值越小,光圈越大,到达CCD芯片的光通量就越大,镜头越好。 2、镜头的分类 按视角的大小分类 按光圈分类 二、提高图像清晰的根本在于提高摄像机的感光能力 1、感光元件的作用 目前,主流监控摄像机的感光元件采用CCD元件,实际上就是光电转换元件。和以前的CMOS感光元件相比,CCD的感光度是CMOS的3到10倍,因此CCD芯片可以接受到更多的光信号,转换为电信号后,经视频处理电路滤波、放大形成视频信号输出。接受到的光信号越强,视频信号的幅值就越大。视频信号连接到


监控摄像头参数详细介绍 一、不可小瞧的镜头 镜头是摄像机的眼睛,为了适应不同的监控环境和要求,需要配置不同规格的镜头。比如在室内的重点监视,要进行清晰且大视场角度的图像捕捉,得配置广角镜头;在室外的停车场,既要看到停车场全貌,又要能看到汽车的细部,这时候需要广角和变焦镜头,在边境线、海防线的监控,需要超远图像拍摄。 1、镜头的主要参数 焦距(f):焦距是镜头和感光元件之间的距离,通过改变镜头的焦距,可以改变镜头的放大倍数,改变拍摄图像的大小。当物体与镜头的距离很远的时候,我们可用下面公式表达:镜头的放大倍数≈焦距/物距。增加镜头的焦距,放大倍数增大了,可以将远景拉近,画面的范围小了,远景的细节看得更清楚了;如果减少镜头的焦距,放大倍数减少了,画面的范围扩大了,能看到更大的场景。 镜头的主要参数 视场角:在工程实际中,我们常用水平视场角来反映画面的拍摄范围。焦距f越大,视场角越小,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越小;反之,焦距f越小,视场角越大,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越大。 光圈:光圈安装在镜头的后部,光圈开得越大,通过镜头的光量就越大,图像的清晰度越高;光圈开得越小,通过镜头的光量就越小,图像的清晰度越低。通常用F(光通量)来表示。F=焦距(f)/通光孔

径。在摄像机的技术指标中,我们可以常常看到6mm/F1.4这样的参数,它表示镜头的焦距为6mm,光通量为1.4,这时我们可以很容易地计算出通光孔径为4.29mm。在焦距f相同的情况下,F值越小,光圈越大,到达CCD芯片的光通量就越大,镜头越好。 2、镜头的分类 按视角的大小分类 按光圈分类 二、提高图像清晰的根本在于提高摄像机的感光能力 1、感光元件的作用 目前,主流监控摄像机的感光元件采用CCD元件,实际上就是光电转换元件。和以前的CMOS感光元件相比,CCD的感光度是CMOS的3到10倍,因此CCD芯片可以接受到更多的光信号,转换为电信号后,经视频处理电路滤波、放大形成视频信号输出。接受到的光信号越强,视频信号的幅值就越大。视频信号连接到监视器或电视机的视频输入端便可以看到视频图像。提高图像清晰的根本就在于提高摄像机的感光能力。


摄像机 在Maya中,你对场景的观察总是通过一个摄像机进行的,摄像机可能是一个透视摄像机也可能是一个正交摄像机。你可以将它想像成一个带定向器的摄影机,现在通过它的镜头进行观察。如果你想换一个角度观察场景,你就要移动该摄像机,但你可能还不得不把它移回来。另一种方法与此相反,你可以建立并定向另一个摄像机,并通过它进行观察。 同样,在Maya中所有你看到的内容都依赖于你所用的摄像机。你可以通过使用Look Through Selected选项通过一个光源或任意一个物体来观察场景。例如,如果你通过一盏灯来观察场景你就可以精确地知道此灯照明的范围。你也可以选择一个物体如角色的眼睛然后通过该视图给场景中加入动画。 如果设置输出图像的解析度、高宽比和图面,你就应该了解摄像机上那些设置的含义以及与真实世界的关系。

Focal length焦距 焦距的定义是从镜头到底片的距离。焦距越短,聚焦平面到镜头后背的距离越短。镜头是按照焦距的长短来划分的。焦距用毫米(mm)来表示,在有些地方也用英寸(1 inche=25mm)。 对每个摄影镜头,你都必须决定一个物体在画面中有多大。例如:是否一个镜头中应该包括整个角色或只是头部和肩部?有两种方法放大五个物体在画面中的比例。你可以将摄像机靠近物体,也可以增大镜头的焦距。 焦距与物体在画面中的比例成正比关系。如果你将焦距加倍(保持摄像机与物体的距离不变),物体在画面上的大小也加倍。物体在画面上的距离与物体到镜头的距离成反比,如果将此距离加倍,物体在画面中的大小减半。 Angle of view 在你调整摄像机焦距时,angle of view会变宽或变窄。这就是为什么图面上的物体会变大或变小。当你增大焦距,angle of view会变窄;当你减小焦距,angle of view会张大。 Perspective 透视 因为有两种方法改变物体在画面上的大小,那么移动摄像机和调整焦距有什么区别呢?为什么选择这种方法击不选用另一种方法呢?答案是移动摄像机会改变透视。与距离摄像机较近的物体相比,距摄像机较远的物体相对尺寸变化速度较慢。当你改变摄像机的焦距时透视没有变化。画面上所有的物体按同一比例改变尺寸。透视可以被认为是因距离摄像机的远近不同而造成物体在画面中大小的不同。 Camera aperture 在真实的摄像机中,光圈是指以毫米为单位表示的底片的长度和宽度。不同的底片会对应的“标准”镜头的光圈与焦距的关系是不同。一个标准镜头不会产生远摄或广角效果。它接近于人眼正常的视觉效果。当光圈增大时,要增大焦距达到正常的透视效果。例如35mm像机使用50mm镜头为标准镜头,同样是50mm的镜头用在16mm像机上就会产生远摄效果,要得到正常的透视效果,16mm的像机上应使用25mm的镜头。 在Maya中只要使用不同的底片而不改变焦距,就可以验正上面的内容。 建立新像机 默认状态下,一个新的场景中会有四个摄像机:一个透视像机(persp),三个正交摄像机(top、front和side)。当用户在视图中进行翻转、移动、推拉或缩放时操作时,代名词仍在使用同一个摄像机观察场景或物体。要使用其它摄像机观察场景,首先改变视图,然后用视图菜单 ( Panels > Perspective > New)建立新摄像机。


DS-2CC11A2P(N)-IR1(IR3)(IR5) 型号 型号DS-2CC11A2P(N)-IR1(IR3)(IR5) 名称700TVL 1/3" CCD红外防水筒型摄像机 摄像机传感器类型1/3"SONY CCD 信号系统PAL/NTSC 有效像素 PAL:976(水平)×582(垂直) NTSC:976(水平)×494(垂直) 最低照度 0.001Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR 0.002Lux @ (F1.8,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR 快门1/50(1/60)秒至1/100,000秒 镜头 “IR1”: 6mm @ F1.8(2.8mm,3.6mm 可选) “IR3”: 12mm @ F1.8(3.6mm,6mm,8mm,16mm 可选) “IR5”:16mm @ F1.8(3.6mm,6mm,8mm,12mm 可选) 镜头接口类型M12

1.主要特性 红外功能: ?最低照度0Lux ?采用高效红外阵列,低功耗,照射距离达60m ?红外灯与倍率距离匹配算法,根据倍率及距离调节红外灯亮度,使图像达到理想的状态?内置热处理装置,降低球机内腔温度,防止球机内罩起雾 ?恒流电路设计,红外灯寿命达3万小时 系统功能: ?采用索尼高性能CCD, 图像清晰 ?精密电机驱动, 反应灵敏, 运转平稳, 精度偏差少于0.1度, 在任何速度下图像无抖动?支持RS-485控制下对HIKVISION、Pelco-P/D协议的自动识别

?支持三维智能定位功能, 配合DVR和客户端软件可实现点击跟踪和放大 ?支持多语言菜单及操作提示功能, 用户界面友好 ?支持数据断电不丢失 ?支持断电状态记忆功能, 上电后自动回到断电前的云台和镜头状态 ?支持光纤模块接入 ?支持内置温度感应器, 可显示机内温度 ?支持防雷、防浪涌、防突波 ?室外球达到IP66防护等级 ?支持3D数字降噪 ?支持RS-485线路故障诊断功能, 把故障信息, 如地址错误、波特率错误等以文字形式显示在视频画面上 ?支持曼码协议及线路故障诊断功能, 把故障信息, 如地址错误、波特率错误等以特殊字符形式显示在视频画面上 ?支持定时任务预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描等功能 ?支持密码保护功能, 防止被人恶意修改球机菜单参数 ?支持球机标题功能, 可在视频画面叠加中、英文字符 ?支持区域扫描和显示, 球机在设定的区域设定的时间内没收到控制命令就执行区域扫描, 并显示区域名称 机芯功能: ?支持自动光圈、自动聚焦、自动白平衡、背光补偿和低照度(彩色/黑白)自动/手动转换功能, 宽动态功能可选 ?支持隐私遮蔽 云台功能: ?水平方向360°连续旋转, 垂直方向-10°-90°, 支持自动翻转, 无监视盲区 ?水平预置点速度最高可达120°/s, 垂直预置点速度最高可达100°/s ?水平键控速度为0.1°-80°/s, 垂直键控速度为0.1°-60°/s ?支持256个预置位, 并具有预置点视频冻结功能 ?支持8条巡航扫描, 每条可添加32个预置点 ?支持4条花样扫描, 总记录时间大于10分钟 ?支持比例变倍功能, 旋转速度可以根据镜头变倍倍数自动调整 ?支持守望功能, 预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描可在空闲状态停留指定时间后自动调用(包括上电后进入的空闲状态) ?支持报警功能, 内置2路报警输入(7路可选,优先级可调)和2路报警输出, 支持报警联动, 可在报警后触发报警输出/调用预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/


1、镜头的分类 按外形功能分按尺寸大小分按光圈分按变焦类型分按焦距长矩分 球面镜头 1" 25mm 自动光圈电动变焦长焦距镜头 非球面镜头 1/2" 3mm 手动光圈手动变焦标准镜头 针孔镜头 1/3" 8.5mm 固定光圈固定焦距广角镜头 鱼眼镜头 2/3" 17mm (1)以镜头安装分类所有的摄象机镜头均是螺纹口的,CCD摄象机的镜头安装有两种工业标准,即C安装座和CS安装座。两者螺纹部分相同,但两者从镜头到感光表面的距离不同。 C安装座:从镜头安装基准面到焦点的距离是17.526mm。 CS安装座:特种C安装,此时应将摄象机前部的垫圈取下再安装镜头。其镜头安装基准面到焦点的距离是12.5mm。如果要将一个C安装座镜头安装到一个 CS安装座摄象机上时,则需要使用镜头转换器。 (2)以摄象机镜头规格分类摄象机镜头规格应视摄象机的CCD尺寸而定,两者应相对应。即摄象机的CCD靶面大小为1/2英寸时,镜头应选1/2英寸。摄象机的CCD靶面大小为1/3英寸时,镜头应选1/3英寸。摄象机的CCD靶面大小为1/4英寸时,镜头应选1/4英寸。如果镜头尺寸与摄象机CCD靶面尺寸不一致时,观察角度将不符合设计要求,或者发生画面在焦点以外等问题。 (3)以镜头光圈分类镜头有手动光圈(manual iris)和自动光圈(auto iris)之分,配合摄象机使用,手动光圈镜头适合于亮度不变的应用场合,自动光圈镜头因亮度变更时其光圈亦作自动调整,故适用亮度变化的场合。

自动光圈镜头有两类:一类是将一个视频信号及电源从摄象机输送到透镜来控制镜头上的光圈,称为视频输入型,另一类则利用摄象机上的直流电压来直接控制光圈,称为 DC输入型。自动光圈镜头上的ALC(自动镜头控制)调整用于设定测光系统,可以整个画面的平均亮度,也可以画面中最亮部分(峰值)来设定基准信号强度,供给自动光圈调整使用。一般而言,ALC已在出厂时经过设定,可不作调整,但是对于拍摄景物中包含有一个亮度极高的目标时,明亮目标物之影像可能会造成"白电平削波" 现象,而使得全部屏幕变成白色,此时可以调节ALC来变换画面。另外,自动光圈镜头装有光圈环,转动光圈环时,通过镜头的光通量会发生变化,光通量即光圈,一般用F表示,其取值为镜头焦距与镜头通光口径之比,即:F= f(焦距)/D(镜头实际有效口径),F值越小,则光圈越大。采用自动光圈镜头,对于下列应用情况是理想的选择,它们是:在诸如太阳光直射等非常亮的情况下,用自动光圈镜头可有较宽的动态范围。要求在整个视野有良好的聚焦时,用自动光圈镜头有比固定光圈镜头更大的景深。要求在亮光上因光信号导致的模糊最小时,应使用自动光圈镜头。 (4)以镜头的视场大小分类标准镜头:视角30度左右,在1/2英寸CCD摄象机中,标准镜头焦距定为12mm,在1/3英寸CCD摄象机中,标准镜头焦距定为8mm。广角镜头:视角90度以上,焦距可小于几毫米,可提供较宽广的视景。远摄镜头:视角20度以内,焦距可达几米甚至几十米,此镜头可在远距离情况下将拍摄的物体影响放大,但使观察范围变小。变倍镜头(zoom lens):也称为伸缩镜头,有手动变倍镜头和电动变倍镜头两类。可变焦点镜头(vari-focus lens):它介于标准镜头与广角镜头


监控摄像头参数详细介绍大全 一、不可小瞧的镜头 镜头是摄像机的眼睛,为了适应不同的监控环境和要求,需要配置不同规格的镜头。比如在室内的重点监视,要进行清晰且大视场角度的图像捕捉,得配置广角镜头;在室外的停车场,既要看到停车场全貌,又要能看到汽车的细部,这时候需要广角和变焦镜头,在边境线、海防线的监控,需要超远图像拍摄。 1、镜头的主要参数 焦距(f):焦距是镜头和感光元件之间的距离,通过改变镜头的焦距,可以改变镜头的放大倍数,改变拍摄图像的大小。当物体与镜头的距离很远的时候,我们可用下面公式表达:镜头的放大倍数≈焦距/物距。增加镜头的焦距,放大倍数增大了,可以将远景拉近,画面的范围小了,远景的细节看得更清楚了;如果减少镜头的焦距,放大倍数减少了,画面的范围扩大了,能看到更大的场景。 镜头的主要参数 视场角:在工程实际中,我们常用水平视场角来反映画面的拍摄范围。焦距f越大,视场角越小,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越小;反之,焦距f 越小,视场角越大,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越大。 光圈:光圈安装在镜头的后部,光圈开得越大,通过镜头的光量就越大,图像的清晰度越高;光圈开得越小,通过镜头的光量就越小,图像的清晰度越低。通常用F(光通量)来表示。F=焦距(f)/通光孔径。在摄像机的技术指标中,我们可以常常看到6mm/F1.4这样的参数,它表示镜头的焦距为6mm,光通量为1.4,这时我们可以很容易地计算出通光孔径为4.29mm。在焦距f相同的情况下,F值越小,光圈越大,到达CCD芯片的光通量就越大,镜头越好。 2、镜头的分类 按视角的大小分类 按光圈分类 二、提高图像清晰的根本在于提高摄像机的感光能力 1、感光元件的作用 目前,主流监控摄像机的感光元件采用CCD元件,实际上就是光电转换元件。和以前的CMOS感光元件相比,CCD的感光度是CMOS的3到10倍,因此CCD芯片可以接受到更多的光信号,转换为电信号后,经视频处理电路滤波、放


监控摄像头参数详细介绍大全 一、不可小瞧得镜头 镜头就是摄像机得眼睛,为了适应不同得监控环境与要求,需要配置不同规格得镜头。比如在室内得重点监视,要进行清晰且大视场角度得图像捕捉,得配置广角镜头;在室外得停车场,既要瞧到停车场全貌,又要能瞧到汽车得细部,这时候需要广角与变焦镜头,在边境线、海防线得监控,需要超远图像拍摄。 1、镜头得主要参数 焦距(f):焦距就是镜头与感光元件之间得距离,通过改变镜头得焦距,可以改变镜头得放大倍数,改变拍摄图像得大小。当物体与镜头得距离很远得时候,我们可用下面公式表达:镜头得放大倍数≈焦距/物距。增加镜头得焦距,放大倍数增大了,可以将远景拉近,画面得范围小了,远景得细节瞧得更清楚了;如果减少镜头得焦距,放大倍数减少了,画面得范围扩大了,能瞧到更大得场景。 镜头得主要参数 视场角:在工程实际中,我们常用水平视场角来反映画面得拍摄范围。焦距f越大,视场角越小,在感光元件上形成得画面范围越小;反之,焦距f越小,视场角越大,在感光元件上形成得画面范围越大。 光圈:光圈安装在镜头得后部,光圈开得越大,通过镜头得光量就越大,图像得清晰度越高;光圈开得越小,通过镜头得光量就越小,图像得清晰度越低。通常用F(光通量)来表示。F=焦距(f)/通光孔径。在摄像机得技术指标中,我们可以常常瞧到6mm/F1、4这样得参数,它表示镜头得焦距为6mm,光通量为1、4,这时我们可以很容易地计算出通光孔径为4、29mm。在焦距f相同得情况下,F 值越小,光圈越大,到达CCD芯片得光通量就越大,镜头越好。 2、镜头得分类 按视角得大小分类 按光圈分类 二、提高图像清晰得根本在于提高摄像机得感光能力 1、感光元件得作用 目前,主流监控摄像机得感光元件采用CCD元件,实际上就就是光电转换元件。与以前得CMOS感光元件相比,CCD得感光度就是CMOS得3到10倍,因此CCD芯片可以接受到更多得光信号,转换为电信号后,经视频处理电路滤波、放


摄像机的主要参数 用摄像机拍摄的影音信号需要在电视上播放时,需要换算成与电视画质相同的单位。而电视的画面清晰度是以水平清晰度作为单位。通俗地说,我们可以把电视上的画面以水平方向分割成很多很多“条”,分得越细,这些画面就越清楚,而水平线数的数码就越多。这个单位是“电视行(TVLine)”也称线。然而,数码摄像机以数码磁带记录的信号,在电视上播放,也换作线来计算。 简介 图象的信噪比应该等于信号与噪声的功率谱之比,但通常功率谱难以计算,信噪比有一种方法可以近似估计图象信噪比,即信号与噪声的方差之比。首先计算图象所有象素的局部方差,将局部方差的最大值认为是信号方差,最小值是噪声方差,求出它们的比值,再转成dB数,最后用经验公式修正,具体参数请参看“反卷积与信号复原(邹谋炎)”。 举例 一般监控摄像机的图像信噪比是在50dB,像美电贝尔系列BL-CB800ATM-N. 信噪比是信号电压对于噪声电压的比值,通常用符号s/n来表示。由于在一般情况下,信号电压远高于噪声电压,比值非常大,信噪比的单位用db来表示。一般摄像机给出的信噪比值均是在agc(自动增益控制)关闭时的值,因为当agc接通时,会对小信号进行提升,使得噪声电平也相应提高。信噪比的典型值为45~55db,若为50db,则图像有少量噪声,但图像质量良好;若为60db,则图像质量优良,不出现噪声。 图像传感器 科技名词定义 中文名称:图像传感器 英文名称:image transducer 定义:能感受光学图像信息并转换成可用输出信号的传感器。 应用学科:机械工程(一级学科);传感器(二级学科);物理量传感器(三级学科)


监控摄像头参数详解 一、不可小瞧的镜头 镜头是摄像机的眼睛,为了适应不同的监控环境和要求,需要配置不同规格的镜头。比如在室内的重点监视,要进行清晰且大视场角度的图像捕捉,得配置广角镜头;在室外的停车场,既要看到停车场全貌,又要能看到汽车的细部,这时候需要广角和变焦镜头,在边境线、海防线的监控,需要超远图像拍摄。 1、镜头的主要参数 焦距(f):焦距是镜头和感光元件之间的距离,通过改变镜头的焦距,可以改变镜头的放大倍数,改变拍摄图像的大小。当物体与镜头的距离很远的时候,我们可用下面公式表达:镜头的放大倍数≈焦距/物距。增加镜头的焦距,放大倍数增大了,可以将远景拉近,画面的范围小了,远景的细节看得更清楚了;如果减少镜头的焦距,放大倍数减少了,画面的范围扩大了,能看到更大的场景。 视场角:在工程实际中,我们常用水平视场角来反映画面的拍摄范围。焦距f越大,视场角越小,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越小;反之,焦距f越小,视场角越大,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越大。 光圈:光圈安装在镜头的后部,光圈开得越大,通过镜头的光量就越大,图像的清晰度越高;光圈开得越小,通过镜头的光量就越小,图像的清晰度越低。通常用F(光通量)来表示。F=焦距(f)/通光孔径。在摄像机的技术指标中,我们可以常常看到6mm/F1.4这样的参数,它表示镜头的焦距为6mm,光通量为1.4,这时我们可以很容易地计算出通光孔径为4.29mm。在焦距f相同的情况下,F值越小,光圈越大,到达CCD芯片的光通量就越大,镜头越好。 2、镜头的分类

按视角的大小分类 按光圈分类 二、提高图像清晰的根本在于提高摄像机的感光能力 1、感光元件的作用 目前,主流监控摄像机的感光元件采用CCD元件,实际上就是光电转换元件。和以前的CMOS感光元件相比,CCD的感光度是CMOS的3到10倍,因此CCD 芯片可以接受到更多的光信号,转换为电信号后,经视频处理电路滤波、放大形成视频信号输出。接受到的光信号越强,视频信号的幅值就越大。视频信号连接到监视器或电视机的视频输入端便可以看到视频图像。提高图像清晰的根本就在于提高摄像机的感光能力。 2、镜头与CCD感光元件的配置 在图一中我们可以看到,CCD传感器上形成的图像比原始图像小,CCD芯片成像面的尺寸规格不同,形成的图像大小也不同。 CCD的成像尺寸常用的有1/2英寸、1/3英寸,CCD的尺寸规格决定了摄像机的规格。 CCD的成像尺寸,也就是摄像机画面宽度和高度的比例与电视机画面宽度和高度比例一样,通常为4:3。这样保证了摄像机的视频图像在显示器上的图像不变形。镜头的规格也分为1/2英寸、1/3英寸等,1/2英寸的镜头可用于1/2英寸、1/3英寸的摄像机;而1/3英寸的镜头只能用于1/3英寸的摄像机,不能用于1/2英寸的摄像机,这是因为1/3英寸镜头光通量只有1/2英寸镜头光通量的44%,不能满足1/2英寸的摄像机的光通量要求。


摄像头参数详细介绍 一、不可小瞧的镜头 镜头是摄像机的眼睛,为了适应不同的监控环境和要求,需要配置不同规格的镜头。比如在室内的重点监视,要进行清晰且大视场角度的图像捕捉,得配置广角镜头;在室外的停车场,既要看到停车场全貌,又要能看到汽车的细部,这时候需要广角和变焦镜头,在边境线、海防线的监控,需要超远图像拍摄。 1、镜头的主要参数 焦距(f):焦距是镜头和感光元件之间的距离,通过改变镜头的焦距,可以改变镜头的放大倍数,改变拍摄图像的大小。当物体与镜头的距离很远的时候,我们可用下面公式表达:镜头的放大倍数≈焦距/物距。增加镜头的焦距,放大倍数增大了,可以将远景拉近,画面的范围小了,远景的细节看得更清楚了;如果减少镜头的焦距,放大倍数减少了,画面的范围扩大了,能看到更大的场景。 镜头的主要参数 视场角:在工程实际中,我们常用水平视场角来反映画面的拍摄范围。焦距f越大,视场角越小,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越小;反之,焦距f越小,视场角越大,在感光元件上形成的画面范围越大。 光圈:光圈安装在镜头的后部,光圈开得越大,通过镜头的光量就越大,图像的清晰度越高;光圈开得越小,通过镜头的光量就越小,图像的清晰度越低。通常用F(光通量)来表示。F=焦距(f)/通光孔径。在摄像机的技术指标中,我们可以常常看到6mm/F1.4这样的参数,它表示镜头的焦距为6mm,光通量为1.4,这时我们可以很容易地计算出通光孔径为4.29mm。在焦距f相同的情况下,F值越小,光圈越大,到达CCD芯片的光通量就越大,镜头越好。 2、镜头的分类 按视角的大小分类 按光圈分类

二、提高图像清晰的根本在于提高摄像机的感光能力 1、感光元件的作用 目前,主流监控摄像机的感光元件采用CCD元件,实际上就是光电转换元件。和以前的CMOS感光元件相比,CCD的感光度是CMOS的3到10倍,因此CCD芯片可以接受到更多的光信号,转换为电信号后,经视频处理电路滤波、放大形成视频信号输出。接受到的光信号越强,视频信号的幅值就越大。视频信号连接到监视器或电视机的视频输入端便可以看到视频图像。提高图像清晰的根本就在于提高摄像机的感光能力。 2、镜头与CCD感光元件的配置 在图一中我们可以看到,CCD传感器上形成的图像比原始图像小,CCD芯片成像面的尺寸规格不同,形成的图像大小也不同。 CCD的成像尺寸常用的有1/2英寸、1/3英寸,CCD的尺寸规格决定了摄像机的规格。 镜头与CCD感光元件的配置 CCD的成像尺寸,也就是摄像机画面宽度和高度的比例与电视机画面宽度和高度比例一样,通常为4:3。这样保证了摄像机的视频图像在显示器上的图像不变形。 镜头的规格也分为1/2英寸、1/3英寸等,1/2英寸的镜头可用于1/2英寸、1/3英寸的摄像机;而1/3英寸的镜头只能用于1/3英寸的摄像机,不能用于1/2英寸的摄像机,这是因为1/3英寸镜头光通量只有1/2英寸镜头光通量的44%,不能满足1/2英寸的摄像机的光通量要求。 镜头焦距的配置我们还是以图一来说明。确定合适的焦距,是决定图像质量重要因素。f=vD/Vf=hD/H。其中,f代表焦距,v代表CCD成像尺寸的高度,V 代表被观测物体高度,h代表CCD成像尺寸的宽度,H代表被观测物体宽度,D代表物体到镜头的距离。假设用1/3”CCD摄像头观测,被测物体宽500毫米,高400毫米,镜头焦点距物体5000毫米。由公式可以算出:焦距 f=4.8×5000/500≈48毫米或焦距f=3.6×5000/400≈45毫米。 三、如何在光照条件很差的环境中拍摄到清晰的图像


部分监控专用摄像机技术及参数介绍 摄像机是监控行业的领头羊, 也是监控系统最关键的设备之一, 是历次展览 次展会上的重头戏。摄像机的品种不断推陈岀新,五花八门,式样繁多。 1摄像机的分类 依摄像机采用技术分类有 : (1) 模拟式摄像机 (2) 具有数字处理功能的 dsp 摄像机 (3) dv 格式的数字摄像机 依摄像机成像清晰度分类有 : (1) 彩色高分辨率型,752 X 582像素,480线 (2) 彩色标准分辨率型, 542 X 582像素,420线 (3) 黑白标准分辨率型, 795 X 596像素,600线 (4) 黑白低照度型,537 X 596像素,420线 依摄像机成像光源分类有 : (1) 正常照度可见光摄像机 (2) 低照度摄像机 1) 采用双ccd 作彩色黑白转换的日夜两用型。 2) 单ccd 同轴多重型摄像机 3) 低速快门型摄像机,也称为帧累积型 (3) 夜视红外摄像机依摄像系统结构分有 ; 依摄像系统结构分有: (1) 分离结构组合式摄像系统(有长型和短型像机之分 ) (2) 一体化球型摄像系统(最高水平如松下 WV-CS850) (3) 迷你型、半球型摄像系统 (4) 单板型摄像机 (5) 针孔隐蔽型摄像机、钮扣式摄像机 (butt on came ra) 从技术上而言,围绕着摄像机的各种组成要素, 包括摄像机的体积大小和外观、 它直接影响到图像的质量, 始终 成像感应方

式、分辨率、灵敏度、智能化程度(白平衡、逆光补偿、电子快门、同步方式、数字化处理、屏 幕显示、自动增益等)、一体化水平、安装使用方式等诸多要素的千变万化,不断有新产品推岀。 当前,摄像机自身最突出的进步一是低照度和夜视性能大有长进,二是微型化方面进展迅速,三 是网络传输功能大有提高。 就安全防范系统而言,对摄像机的功能要求主要表现在下列三个方面: 1.要有较宽的动态范围,以此来弥补逆光补偿功能之不足和设置摄像机的移动探测功能。便处在强背景光下的阴暗物体仍能清晰成像。 2.具有低照度。使之既能在正常照度下成像,也能在低照度的场合成像,以实现全天候的监 控。 3.摄像机的图像能够直接远程传送或联网发送。 2 摄像机技术上的进展彩色摄像机除了主要的技术指标外,为了在具体应用中获得最佳视觉效果,还设置有一系列的可调整功能。包括背景光补偿blc、白平衡、可变电子快门aes、自动增益控制age、同步方式 的选择等。作为全球最大ccd 芯片供应商的索尼公司和松下公司,其技术进步为众人瞩目,特别是数字化ccd 芯片的水平。 1.sony 公司采用hyper had(hole accumulated diode ,空穴累积二极管)ccd 技术,通过在每一 个像素上精确安装的微型镜头ocl(on chip lens) 把光线会聚到感光区域,使得hyper had 传感器有高灵敏度,使水平分辨率大为提高。成功地应用于像素值达到44 万的1/3 英寸彩色ccd 摄象机 ssc-dcl8p 之中,高分辨率使之成为安全防范和监视系统专用的dsp 摄像机。 近期,sony公司又推岀了最新的exwave had技术,并应用于ssc-334p摄像机之中。exwave had 摄像机的ocl 拥有接近零间隙结构,消除了每个微型镜头拍摄时产生无影区域,这令小孔累积层接收到最大数量的光线,这样,exwave had 摄像机的感光度比sony 公司hyper had 摄像机整整高岀二倍。另外,exwave had 摄像机能把多余光线折射到ccd 表面垂直变换记录器造成的污染(smear) 减至最小,现已减低至hyper had 摄像机1/50。因此exwave had 是一项把极佳感光度和减至极低的smear levels 成功结合在一起的全新技术。exwave had 还包括了智能控制的数码后光补偿功能和超级自动增益控制agc 功能,令摄像机在低照度下也能产生清晰可见的图像。 2.松下公司的超级动态技术 对摄像机而言,若被摄图像同时包含明亮区域和较暗区域,此时传统的背景光补偿技术,只能使镜头的光圈对被摄物阴暗的部分进行调整,而被摄区明亮的部分由于光圈增大导致曝光过度,图像发白,失去细

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