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1 振动信号的时域、频域描述

振动过程(Vibration Process)

简谐振动(Harmonic Vibration)

周期振动(Periodic Vibration)

准周期振动(Quasi-periodic Vibration)

瞬态过程(Transient Process)

随机振动过程(Random Vibration Process)

各态历经过程(Ergodic Process)

确定性过程(Deterministic Process)



初相位(Initial Phase)


角频率(Angular Frequency)


复数振动(Complex Vibration)

复数振幅(Complex Amplitude)


平均绝对值(Average Absolute Value)

有效值(Effective Value,RMS Value)

均值(Mean Value,Average Value)

傅里叶级数(FS,Fourier Series)

傅里叶变换(FT,Fourier Transform)

傅里叶逆变换(IFT,Inverse Fourier Transform)

离散谱(Discrete Spectrum)

连续谱(Continuous Spectrum)

傅里叶谱(Fourier Spectrum)

线性谱(Linear Spectrum)

幅值谱(Amplitude Spectrum)

相位谱(Phase Spectrum)

均方值(Mean Square Value)



自协方差函数(Auto-covariance Function)

互协方差函数(Cross-covariance Function)

自相关函数(Auto-correlation Function)

互相关函数(Cross-correlation Function)

标准偏差(Standard Deviation)

相对标准偏差(Relative Standard Deviation)


概率分布(Probability Distribution)

高斯概率分布(Gaussian Probability Distribution)

概率密度(Probability Density)

集合平均(Ensemble Average)

时间平均(Time Average)

功率谱密度(PSD,Power Spectrum Density)

自功率谱密度(Auto-spectral Density)

互功率谱密度(Cross-spectral Density)

均方根谱密度(RMS Spectral Density)

能量谱密度(ESD,Energy Spectrum Density)

相干函数(Coherence Function)

帕斯瓦尔定理(Parseval''''s Theorem)

维纳,辛钦公式(Wiener-Khinchin Formula

2 振动系统的固有特性、激励与响应

振动系统(Vibration System)



单自由度系统(Single Degree-Of-Freedom System) 多自由度系统(Multi-Degree-Of- Freedom System) 离散化系统(Discrete System)

连续体系统(Continuous System)

刚度系数(Stiffness Coefficient)

自由振动(Free Vibration)

自由响应(Free Response)

强迫振动(Forced Vibration)

强迫响应(Forced Response)

初始条件(Initial Condition)

固有频率(Natural Frequency)

阻尼比(Damping Ratio) 衰减指数(Damping Exponent)

阻尼固有频率(Damped Natural Frequency)

对数减幅系数(Logarithmic Decrement)

主频率(Principal Frequency)

无阻尼模态频率(Undamped Modal Frequency)


主振动(Principal Vibration)

振型(Mode Shape)

振型矢量(Vector Of Mode Shape)

模态矢量(Modal Vector)


展开定理(Expansion Theorem)

主质量(Principal Mass)

模态质量(Modal Mass)

主刚度(Principal Stiffness)

模态刚度(Modal Stiffness)


振型矩阵(Matrix Of Modal Shape)

模态矩阵(Modal Matrix)

主坐标(Principal Coordinates)

模态坐标(Modal Coordinates)

模态分析(Modal Analysis)

模态阻尼比(Modal Damping Ratio)

频响函数(Frequency Response Function)

幅频特性(Amplitude-frequency Characteristics)

相频特性(Phase frequency Characteristics)


半功率点(Half power Points)

波德图(Bodé Plot)

动力放大系数(Dynamical Magnification Factor)

单位脉冲(Unit Impulse)

冲激响应函数(Impulse Response Function)

杜哈美积分(Duhamel’s Integral)

卷积积分(Convolution Integral)

卷积定理(Convolution Theorem)

特征矩阵(Characteristic Matrix)

阻抗矩阵(Impedance Matrix)

频响函数矩阵(Matrix Of Frequency Response Function)

导纳矩阵(Mobility Matrix)

冲击响应谱(Shock Response Spectrum)

冲击激励(Shock Excitation)

冲击响应(Shock Response)

冲击初始响应谱(Initial Shock Response Spectrum)

冲击剩余响应谱(Residual Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击最大响应谱(Maximum Shock Response Spectrum)

冲击响应谱分析(Shock Response Spectrum Analysis 3 模态试验分析

模态试验(Modal Testing)

机械阻抗(Mechanical Impedance)

位移阻抗(Displacement Impedance)

速度阻抗(Velocity Impedance)

加速度阻抗(Acceleration Impedance)

机械导纳(Mechanical Mobility)

位移导纳(Displacement Mobility)

速度导纳(Velocity Mobility)

加速度导纳(Acceleration Mobility)

驱动点导纳(Driving Point Mobility)

跨点导纳(Cross Mobility)

传递函数(Transfer Function)

拉普拉斯变换(Laplace Transform)

传递函数矩阵(Matrix Of Transfer Function)

频响函数(FRF,Frequency Response Function)

频响函数矩阵(Matrix Of FRF)

实模态(Normal Mode)

复模态(Complex Mode)

模态参数(Modal Parameter)

模态频率(Modal Frequency)

模态阻尼比(Modal Damping Ratio)

模态振型(Modal Shape)

模态质量(Modal Mass)

模态刚度(Modal Stiffness)

模态阻力系数(Modal Damping Coefficient)

模态阻抗(Modal Impedance)

模态导纳(Modal Mobility)

模态损耗因子(Modal Loss Factor)

比例粘性阻尼(Proportional Viscous Damping)

非比例粘性阻尼(Non-proportional Viscous Damping) 结构阻尼(Structural Damping,Hysteretic Damping) 复频率(Complex Frequency)

复振型(Complex Modal Shape)




复留数(Complex Residue)

随机激励(Random Excitation)

伪随机激励(Pseudo Random Excitation)

猝发随机激励(Burst Random Excitation)

稳态正弦激励(Steady State Sine Excitation)

正弦扫描激励(Sweeping Sine Excitation)

锤击激励(Impact Excitation)

频响函数的H1 估计(FRF Estimate by H1)

频响函数的H2 估计(FRF Estimate by H2)

频响函数的H3 估计(FRF Estimate by H3)

单模态曲线拟合法(Single-mode Curve Fitting Method) 多模态曲线拟合法(Multi-mode Curve Fitting Method) 模态圆(Mode Circle)

剩余模态(Residual Mode)

幅频峰值法(Peak Value Method)

实频-虚频峰值法(Peak Real/Imaginary Method)

圆拟合法(Circle Fitting Method)

加权最小二乘拟合法(Weighting Least Squares Fitting method)

复指数拟合法(Complex Exponential Fitting method) 1.2 振动测试的名词术语

1 传感器测量系统

传感器测量系统(Transducer Measuring System)


振动传感器(Vibration Transducer)

机械接收(Mechanical Reception)

机电变换(Electro-mechanical Conversion)

测量电路(Measuring Circuit)

惯性式传感器(Inertial Transducer,Seismic(地震?)Transducer)

相对式传感器(Relative Transducer)

电感式传感器(Inductive Transducer)

应变式传感器(Strain Gauge Transducer)

电动力传感器(Electro-dynamic Transducer)

压电式传感器(Piezoelectric Transducer)

压阻式传感器(Piezoresistive Transducer)

电涡流式传感器(Eddy Current Transducer)

伺服式传感器(Servo Transducer)


复数灵敏度(Complex Sensitivity)


频率范围(Frequency Range)

线性范围(Linear Range)

频率上限(Upper Limit Frequency)

频率下限(Lower Limit Frequency)

静态响应(Static Response)

零频率响应(Zero Frequency Response)

动态范围(Dynamic Range)

幅值上限(Upper Limit Amplitude)

幅值下限(Lower Limit Amplitude)

最大可测振级(Max.Detectable Vibration Level)

最小可测振级(Min.Detectable Vibration Level)

信噪比(S/N Ratio)

振动诺模图(Vibration Nomogram)

相移(Phase Shift)

波形畸变(Wave-shape Distortion) 比例相移(Proportional Phase Shift)

惯性传感器的稳态响应(Steady Response Of Inertial Transducer)

惯性传感器的稳击响应(Shock Response Of Inertial Transducer)

位移计型的频响特性(Frequency Response Characteristics Vibrometer)

加速度计型的频响特性(Frequency Response Characteristics Accelerometer)

幅频特性曲线(Amplitude-frequency Curve)

相频特性曲线(Phase-frequency Curve)

固定安装共振频率(Mounted Resonance Frequency)安装刚度(Mounted Stiffness)

有限高频效应(Effect Of Limited High Frequency)

有限低频效应(Effect Of Limited Low Frequency)

电动式变换(Electro-dynamic Conversion)

磁感应强度(Magnetic Induction,Magnetic Flux Density)

磁通(Magnetic Flux)

磁隙(Magnetic Gap)

电磁力(Electro-magnetic Force)

相对式速度传感器(Relative Velocity Transducer)

惯性式速度传感器(Inertial Velocity Transducer)

速度灵敏度(Velocity Sensitivity)

电涡流阻尼(Eddy-current Damping)

无源微(积)分电路(Passive Differential (Integrate) Circuit)

有源微(积)分电路(Active Differential (Integrate) Circuit)

运算放大器(Operational Amplifier)

时间常数(Time Constant)




高通滤波电路(High-pass Filter Circuit)

低通滤波电路(Low-pass Filter Circuit)

截止频率(Cut-off Frequency)

压电效应(Piezoelectric Effect)

压电陶瓷(Piezoelectric Ceramic)

压电常数(Piezoelectric Constant)


压电式加速度传感器(Piezoelectric Acceleration Transducer)

中心压缩式(Center Compression Accelerometer)

三角剪切式(Delta Shear Accelerometer)

压电方程(Piezoelectric Equation)

压电石英(Piezoelectric Quartz)

电荷等效电路(Charge Equivalent Circuit)

电压等效电路(Voltage Equivalent Circuit)

电荷灵敏度(Charge Sensitivity)

电压灵敏度(Voltage Sensitivity)

电荷放大器(Charge Amplifier)

适调放大环节(Conditional Amplifier Section)


电荷放大器增益(Gain Of Charge Amplifier)

测量系统灵敏度(Sensitivity Of Measuring System) 底部应变灵敏度(Base Strain Sensitivity)

横向灵敏度(Transverse Sensitivity)

地回路(Ground Loop)

力传感器(Force Transducer)

力传感器灵敏度(Sensitivity Of Force Transducer)

电涡流(Eddy Current)


间隙-电压曲线(Voltage vs Gap Curve)

间隙-电压灵敏度(Voltage vs Gap Sensitivity)

压阻效应(Piezoresistive Effect)

轴向压阻系数(Axial Piezoresistive Coefficient)

横向压阻系数(Transverse Piezoresistive Coefficient) 压阻常数(Piezoresistive Constant)

单晶硅(Monocrystalline Silicon)

应变灵敏度(Strain Sensitivity)

固态压阻式加速度传感器(Solid State Piezoresistive


体型压阻式加速度传感器(Bulk Type Piezoresistive Accelerometer)

力平衡式传感器(Force Balance Transducer)

电动力常数(Electro-dynamic Constant)

机电耦合系统(Electro-mechanical Coupling System) 2 检测仪表、激励设备及校准装置

时间基准信号(Time Base Signal)

李萨茹图(Lissojous Curve)

数字频率计(Digital Frequency Meter)

便携式测振表(Portable Vibrometer)

有效值电压表(RMS Value Voltmeter)

峰值电压表(Peak-value Voltmeter)

平均绝对值检波电路(Average Absolute Value Detector) 峰值检波电路(Peak-value Detector)

准有效值检波电路(Quasi RMS Value Detector)

真有效值检波电路(True RMS Value Detector)

直流数字电压表(DVM,DC Digital Voltmeter)

数字式测振表(Digital Vibrometer)

A/D 转换器(A/D Converter)

D/A 转换器(D/A Converter)

相位计(Phase Meter)

电子记录仪(Lever Recorder)



磁带记录仪(Magnetic Tape Recorder)

DR 方式(直接记录式) (Direct Recorder)

FM 方式(频率调制式) (Frequency Modulation)


机械式激振器(Mechanical Exciter)

机械式振动台(Mechanical Shaker)

离心式激振器(Centrifugal Exciter)

电动力式振动台(Electro-dynamic Shaker)

电动力式激振器(Electro-dynamic Exciter)

液压式振动台(Hydraulic Shaker)

液压式激振器(Hydraulic Exciter)

电液放大器(Electro-hydraulic Amplifier)

磁吸式激振器(Magnetic Pulling Exciter)

涡流式激振器(Eddy Current Exciter)

压电激振片(Piezoelectric Exciting Elements)

冲击力锤(Impact Hammer)

冲击试验台(Shock Testing Machine)

激振控制技术(Excitation Control Technique)

波形再现(Wave Reproduction)

压缩技术(Compression Technique)

均衡技术(Equalization Technique)

交越频率(Crossover Frequency)

综合技术(Synthesis Technique)


分部校准(Calibration for Components in system)

系统校准(Calibration for Over-all System)

模拟传感器(Simulated Transducer)

静态校准(Static Calibration)

简谐激励校准(Harmonic Excitation Calibration)

绝对校准(Absolute Calibration)

相对校准(Relative Calibration)

比较校准(Comparison Calibration)

标准振动台(Standard Vibration Exciter)

读数显微镜法(Microscope-streak Method)

?光栅板法(Ronchi Ruling Method)

光学干涉条纹计数法(Optical Interferometer Fringe Counting Method)

光学干涉条纹消失法(Optical Interferometer Fringe Disappearance Method)

背靠背安装(Back-to-back Mounting)

互易校准法(Reciprocity Calibration)

共振梁(Resonant Bar)

冲击校准(Impact Exciting Calibration)

摆锤冲击校准(Ballistic Pendulum Calibration)

落锤冲击校准(Drop Test Calibration)

振动和冲击标准(Vibration and Shock Standard) 迈克尔逊干涉仪(Michelson Interferometer)

摩尔干涉图象(Moire Fringe)

参考传感器(Reference Transducer)

3 频率分析及数字信号处理

带通滤波器(Band-pass Filter)

半功率带宽(Half-power Bandwidth)

3 dB 带宽(3 dB Bandwidth)

等效噪声带宽(Effective Noise Bandwidth)

恒带宽(Constant Bandwidth)

恒百分比带宽(Constant Percentage Bandwidth)

1/N 倍频程滤波器(1/N Octave Filter)

形状因子(Shape Factor)

截止频率(Cut-off Frequency)

中心频率(Centre Frequency)

模拟滤波器(Analog Filter)

数字滤波器(Digital Filter)

跟踪滤波器(Tracking Filter)

外差式频率分析仪(Heterodyne Frequency Analyzer) 逐级式频率分析仪(Stepped Frequency Analyzer)

扫描式频率分析仪(Sweeping Filter Analyzer)


RC 平均(RC Averaging)

平均时间(Averaging Time)

扫描速度(Sweeping Speed)

滤波器响应时间(Filter Response Time)

离散傅里叶变换(DFT,Discrete Fourier Transform) 快速傅里叶变换(FFT,Fast Fourier Transform)

抽样频率(Sampling Frequency)

抽样间隔(Sampling Interval)

抽样定理(Sampling Theorem)

抗混滤波(Anti-aliasing Filter)



窗函数(Window Function)


频率混淆(Frequency Aliasing)

乃奎斯特频率(Nyquist Frequency)

矩形窗(Rectangular Window)

汉宁窗(Hanning Window)

凯塞-贝塞尔窗(Kaiser-Bessel Window)

平顶窗(Flat-top Window)


线性平均(Linear Averaging)

指数平均(Exponential Averaging)

峰值保持平均(Peak-hold Averaging)

时域平均(Time-domain Averaging)

谱平均(Spectrum Averaging)

重叠平均(Overlap Averaging)

栅栏效应(Picket Fence Effect)

吉卜斯效应(Gibbs Effect)

基带频谱分析(Base-band Spectral Analysis)

选带频谱分析(Band Selectable Spectral Analysis) 细化(Zoom)

数字移频(Digital Frequency Shift)

抽样率缩减(Sampling Rate Reduction)

功率谱估计(Power Spectrum Estimate)

相关函数估计(Correlation Estimate)

频响函数估计(Frequency Response Function Estimate)

相干函数估计(Coherence Function Estimate)

冲激响应函数估计(Impulse Response Function Estimate)


功率倒频谱(Power Cepstrum)

幅值倒频谱(Amplitude Cepstrum)


4 旋转机械的振动测试及状态监测

状态监测(Condition Monitoring)

故障诊断(Fault Diagnosis)


转手支承系统(Rotor-Support System)

振动故障(Vibration Fault)

轴振动(Shaft Vibration)

径向振动(Radial Vibration)

基频振动(Fundamental Frequency Vibration)

基频检测(Fundamental Frequency Component Detecting)

键相信号(Key-phase Signal)

正峰相位(+Peak Phase)

高点(High Spot)

光电传感器(Optical Transducer)

同相分量(In-phase Component)

正交分量(Quadrature Component)

跟踪滤波(Tracking Filter)

波德图(Bode Plot)

极坐标图(Polar Plot)

临界转速(Critical Speed)

不平衡响应(Unbalance Response)

残余振幅(Residual Amplitude)

方位角(Attitude Angle)

轴心轨迹(Shaft Centerline Orbit)

正进动(Forward Precession)

同步正进动(Synchronous Forward Precession)

反进动(Backward Precession)

正向涡动(Forward Whirl)

反向涡动(Backward Whirl)

油膜涡动(Oil Whirl)

油膜振荡(Oil Whip)

轴心平均位置(Average Shaft Centerline Position) 复合探头(Dual Probe)

振摆信号(Runout Signal)

电学振摆(Electrical Runout)

机械振摆(Mechanical Runout)

慢滚动向量(Slow Roll Vector)

振摆补偿(Runout Compensation)

故障频率特征(Frequency Characteristics Of Fault) 重力临界(Gravity Critical)


双刚度转子(Dual Stiffness Rotor)

啮合频率(Gear-mesh Frequency)

间入简谐分量(Interharmonic Component)

边带振动(Side-band Vibration)

三维频谱图(Three Dimensional Spectral Plot)

瀑布图(Waterfall Plot)

级联图(Cascade Plot)

阶次跟踪(Order Tracking)

阶次跟踪倍乘器(Order Tracking Multiplier)

监测系统(Monitoring System)

适调放大器(Conditional Amplifier)

趋势分析(Trend Analysis)

倒频谱分析(Cepstrum Analysis)


确认矩阵(Confirmation Matrix)

通频幅值(Over-all Amplitude)

幅值谱(Amplitude Spectrum)

相位谱(Phase Spectrum)

报警限(Alarm Level)

往复式制冷压缩机(Reciprocating refrigeration compressor)

润滑系统(lubrication system)

离心油泵(centrifugal oil pump)


A 1.art achievement [?'t?i:vm?nt] 艺术成就 2.artistic [ɑ:'tistik] appeal [?'pi:l]艺术感染力 3.artistic image 艺术形象 4.amateur ['?m?t?]symphony ['simf?ni] orchestra[' ?:kistr?]业余交响乐团 5.ancient ['ein??nt] tune [tju:n]古曲 6.aria 咏叹调 7.adapt/arrange [?'d?pt]/ [?'reind?]改编 8.answer 答题 9.accompaniment [?'k?mp?ni:m?nt]伴奏 10.accompanied [?'k?mp?ni] fugue [fju:ɡ]带伴奏的赋格 11.accompanying instrument ['instrum?nt]伴奏乐器 12.anthem ['?nθ?m]赞美诗 13.ayre 艾尔曲 14.art troupe [tru:p]艺术团 15.album 专辑 B 16.Beijing/Peking Opera 京剧 17.binary ['ba?n?ri:] form 二部曲式 18.Baroque [b?'r??k]巴洛克 19.bow [b?u]琴弓 20.bowing ['b?ui?]运弓 21.band 乐队 22.bassoon 大管 23.bass 男低音 24.baritone 男中音 25.break 变声 C https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e7129992.html,position [,k?mp?'zi??n]作曲、作品 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e7129992.html,pound ['k?mpaund]binary ['ba?n?ri:]form 复二 部曲式 28.China Musicians’Association [?,s?u?i'ei??n]中国音 乐家协会 29.chorus ['k?:r?s]合唱 30.chorus conducting 合唱指挥 31.conducting department 指挥系 32.conducting work 指挥作品 33.choral ['k?:r?l] fugue 合唱式的赋格 34.choral music 合唱音乐 35.cadence ['keid?ns]终止 36.clarinet [,kl?r?'net]单簧管 37.counterpoint ['kaunt?p?int]对位 38.contrapuntal [,k?ntr?'p?ntl]对位的 39.climax ['klaim?ks]高潮 40.coda 尾声41.codetta [k?u'det?]小尾声 42.chorale [k?'rɑ:l]众赞歌 43.countersubject ['kaunt?,s?bd?ikt]对题 44.counter-exposition [,eksp?'zi??n]对呈示部 45.countertenor 高男高音 46.cantata 康塔塔 47.concerto [k?n't??:t?u]协奏曲 48.solo concerto 独奏协奏曲 49.concerto grosso 大协奏曲 50.chamber ['t?eimb?] music 室内乐 51.cellist [t?el?st]大提琴演奏家 52.cello concerto 大提琴协奏曲 53.chime [t?a?m] bells 编钟 54.cornett [k?:'net]木管号 55.consort ['k?n,s?:t]康索特 56.continuo [k?n'tinju?u]通奏低音 57.color 音色 58.coloratura [,k?l?r?'tu?r?] 花腔 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e7129992.html,ic opera 喜歌剧 60.church music 教堂音乐 61.church choir 教堂唱诗班 62.choir [kwa?r]唱诗班 63.castrato 阉人歌手 64.cantus['k?nt?s] firmus 固定旋律 D 65.department of composition 作曲系 66.dulcimer ['d?lsim?]扬琴 67.documentary[,d?kju'ment?ri] film music 纪录片音乐 68.dance 舞曲 69.dominant/complementary ['d?min?nt]/[,k?mpl?'mentri:] key 属调 70.distant ['dist?nt] key 远关系调 71.da capo 返始咏叹调 72.development 展开部 73.double counterpoint ['kaunt?p?int]二重对位 74.double fugue 二重赋格 75.Dramatic [dr?'m?tik] music 戏剧音乐 76.dynamic [dai'n?mik]力度 77.drama 戏剧 78.dramatic music 戏剧音乐 79.debut [de'bju]初次登台 E 80.episode ['epis?ud]插段、插部 81.exposition [,eksp?'zi??n]呈示部


Toxic chemicals:有毒化学品 Chemical pollution:化学污染 Physical property :物性 Natural changes: 自然变化 Scientific fields:科学领域 Isolate:分离 Determine:测定 Synthesize:合成 Fundamental principles:基本原理 Investigation:研究 Utilize:利用 化学式书写的基本规则 如何写化学式 命名化合物 二元化合物:氧化物,盐,酸 (1)阴离子元素加后缀–ide (2)多价态元素加前缀:mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa- (3)低价氧化态后缀–ous,高价氧化态后缀–ic 氧化物 盐 酸:基础元素(前缀hydro-, 后缀-ic)+ acid 氢氧化物(碱): 金属元素(价态)+ hydroxide 含氧酸及其盐 (1)基本元素仅有一种氧化态 酸:基础元素加后缀-ic + acid 盐:阳离子元素+基础元素加后缀-ate (2)基本元素有二种氧化态 酸:基础元素加后缀(-ous低价态,-ic高价态)+ acid 盐:阳离子元素+ 基础元素加后缀(-ite低价态, -ate高价态)(3)基本元素有多种氧化态 酸:最低氧化态基础元素(前缀hypo-, 后缀-ous)+ acid 较低氧化态基础元素加后缀-ous+ acid 较高氧化态基础元素加后缀-ic + acid 最高氧化态基础元素(前缀per-, 后缀-ic)+ acid 盐:最低氧化态阳离子元素+ 基础元素(前缀hypo-, 后缀-ite)较低氧化态阳离子元素+ 基础元素加后缀-ite 较高氧化态阳离子元素+ 基础元素加后缀-ate 最高氧化态阳离子元素+ 基础元素(前缀per-, 后缀-ate) 不同水分子含量的酸 较低水含量前缀meta- 较高水含量前缀ortho-


01.THE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE 01元素和元素周期 表。 The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z. 原子核中的质子数的原子称为原子序数,或质子数,卓电子数的电中性的原子也等于原子序数Z,总质量的原子是非常接近的总数量的质子和中子在原子核。这被称为质量数,这个数的原子中的中子,中子数,给出了所有的数量 The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. To the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of


音乐的英文表达 词语解释 alto 男高音,女低音 tenor 次中音 baritone 上低音,男中音 bass 低音 soprano 女高音 mezzo-soprano 女次高音 sharp 高半音符号,升号 flat 调号 natural (sign) 本位号 staff, stave 五线谱 A, B, C, D, E, F, G 唱名la,si,do,re,mi,fa,sol G clef, treble clef 高音谱号 F clef, bass clef 低音谱号 C clef, tenor clef, alto clef 中音谱号 semibreve 全音符(美作:whole note) minim 二分音符(美作:halfnote) dotted crotchet 四分音符(美作:dotted note,quarter note) quaver 八分音符(美作:eighth note)semiquaver 十六分音符(美作:sixteenth note)demisemiquaver 三十二分音符(美作:thirty-second note) hemidemisemiquaver 六十四分音符(美作:sixty-fourth note) rest 休止符 crotchet rest 四分休止符(美作:quarter rest)semitone 半音 pause 休止 time, bar 拍子 rhythm 节奏 three-four time 三四拍子 syncope, syncopation 切分音 tone 音程 pitch 基音音乐 major key 大调 minor key 小调 scale 音阶 arpeggio 琶音 solfeggio 视唱 solmization 阶名唱法 diapason, range 音域 tuning fork 音叉 metronome 节拍器 chord 和弦,谐音 cadence 调音 counterpoint 多声部音乐 lyrics, words 歌词 score 总谱,乐谱orchestra 乐队 conductor 乐队指挥 baton 乐队指挥棒 band 管乐队 solo 独奏,独唱 duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱 trio 三重奏,三重唱 quartet, quartette 四重奏,四重唱 quintet 五重奏,五重唱 choir, choral society 合奏,合唱 A 词语解释 a tempo 回原速 abbandono 无拘无束的,纵情的 acoustic 声音学的,音响效果的 a cappella 无伴奏合唱 a capriccio 无事先准备的,随意发挥的accel 加快的,accelerado的缩写accentato 加重音的,加重的 adagio 慢板 agitato 激动地 Adagio 柔板 Adagio assai 很慢的柔板 Andante 行板 Andantino 小行板 affettato 矫柔造作的 affettatamente 装模作样的 affettuoso 感情丰富的 affrettando 快速的 Allegretto non troppo 不过分的小快板Allegretto poco mosso 稍快的小快板album 专集,音乐集 alla marcia 进行曲风格 alla 如同……一样的 alla francese 法兰西风格 alla polacca 波拉卡风格 alla spagnuola 西班牙风格 alla turca 土耳其风格 all arg 逐渐加强,逐渐变慢,声音愈加饱满allegramente 欢快的,兴致昂然的allegrissimo 极快的 allegretto 稍快板 allegro 快板,急速的,快节奏的 alt 最高调,最高调的 altieramente 极快的 alto clef 中音谱号 amabile 和蔼可亲的,可爱的amorosamente 温柔的,亲爱的 amoroso 温柔的,亲爱的 andante 行板,行板乐曲,缓慢的 a nimato 活泼的,富有生气的,快的


The Periodic Table As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed, we find ourselves in a dilemma.当我们对原子了解的越来越详细时,我们发现我们其中处在两难之中己。With more than 100 elements to deal with, how can we keep all this information straight?由于超过100种元素要处理,我们怎样能理顺所有的信息?One way is by using the periodic table of the elements.一个方法是使用元素周期表。The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms. 周期表整齐地列出了原子信息的表格。It records how many protons and electrons the atoms of a particular element contain. 它记录了一个具体的元素的原子包含多少质子和电子。It permits us to calculate the number of neutrons in the most common isotope for most elements. 它允许我们为大多数元素计算最常见的同位素中的中子的数量。It even stores information about how electrons are arranged in the atoms of each element. 它甚至储存了每个元素的原子周围是如何安排电子的信息。The most extraordinary thing about the periodic table is that it was largely developed before anyone knew there were protons or neutrons or electrons in atoms. 关于周期表的最杰出的事情是在任何人知道在原子周围有质子、中子或者电子之前被提出来。 In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, published his periodic table of the elements. 在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,一位俄罗斯化学家,出版了他的元素周期表。Mendeleev prepared his table by taking into account both the atomic weights and the periodicity of certain properties of the elements. Mendeleev综合考虑元素的原子量和性质的相似性制成了他的元素周期表。The elements were arranged primarily in order of increasing atomic weight. 元素主要按照原子量增加的顺序排列。In a few cases, Mendeleev placed a slightly heavier element with similar chemical properties in the same row. 在一些情况里,Mendeleev把稍微重一点且性质相似的(元素)放在一列中。For example, he placed tellurium (atomic weight = 128) ahead of iodine (atomic weight = 127) because tellurium resembled sulfur and selenium in its properties, whereas iodine was similar to chlorine and bromine. 例如,他把碲(原子量= 128)排在碘(原子量= 127)前面,因为碲在它的特性方面类似硫和硒,而碘类似于氯和溴。 Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table. Mendeleev在他的元素周期表中留下了许多空格。Instead of looking upon those blank spaces as defects, he boldly predicted the existence of elements as yet undiscovered. 他没有认为这些空格的出现是周期表的缺陷,而是大胆的预言还有未被发现的元素的存在。Furthermore, he even predicted the properties of some of these missing elements. 而且,他甚至预言一些这些未发现的元素的特性。In succeeding years, many of the gaps were filled in by the discovery of new elements. 在以后的许多年中,许多空格被发现的新元素填入。The properties were often quite close to those Mendeleev had predicted. 性质经常十分接近于Mendeleev已经预言的那些性质。The predictive value of this great innovation led to the wide acceptance of Mendeleev's table. 这个伟大革新的预言价值是Mendeleev的元素周期表被广泛接受。 It is now known that properties of an element depend mainly on the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of the atoms of the element. 现在知道一种元素的性质主要取决于元素原子最外层能级的电子数目。Sodium atoms have one electron in their outermost energy level (the third). 钠原子在它们的最外层能级(第3层)里有一个电子. Lithium atoms have a single electron in their outermost level (the second). 锂原子在他们的最外层能级(第2)里有一个单电子. The chemical properties of sodium and lithium are similar. 钠和锂的化学性质是相似的。The atoms of helium and neon have filled outer electron energy levels, and both elements are inert. 氦和氖的原子充满电子能级,并且两种元素都是无活动的。That is, they do not undergo chemical reactions readily. 也就是说,他们不容易经历化学反应。Apparently, not only are similar chemical properties shared by elements whose atoms have similar electron configurations (arrangements) but also certain configurations appear to be more stable (less reactive) than others. 显然,不仅是具有相似的电子构造(安排)的原子的元素具有相似的化学性质,而且某些构造看起来比其它(构造)是更稳定(更少活性)的。


Teaching material for scientific English 一、元素和单质的命名 “元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”,有时为了区别,在强调“单质”时可用“free element”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文名称是一样的。下面给出的既是元素的名称,同时又是单质的名称。 1主族元素和单质: 2过渡元素和单质 Fe : iron Mn : manganese Cu: copper Zn: zinc Hg: mercury Ag: silver Au: gold 二化合物的命名: 化合物的命名顺序都是根据化学式从左往右读,这与中文读法顺序是相反的。表示原子个数时使用前缀:mono-di -tri-tetra -penta-hexa-hepta-octa-,nona-, deca-,但是在不会引起歧义时,这些前缀都尽可能被省去。 1.化合物正电荷部分的读法: 直呼其名,即读其元素名称。 如CO: carbon monoxide AlO: aluminium oxide 32NO :Di nitrogen tetroxide 42对于有变价的金属元素,除了可用前缀来表示以外,更多采用罗马数字来表示金属的氧化态,或用后缀-ous表示低价,-ic表示高价。 如FeO: iron(II) oxide 或ferrous oxide FeO: iron (III) oxide或ferric oxide 32CuO: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxide CuO: copper(II) oxide或cupric oxide 22.化合物负电荷部分的读法: 2.1二元化合物: 常见的二元化合物有卤化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化物,金属氢化物等,命名时需要使用后缀-ide, 如:fluoride,chloride,bromide,iodide,oxide ,sulfide ,nitride, phosphide, carbide,-的


6.11 1.blues 2.ragtime 拉格泰姆,混 乱的 3.vaudeville 轻歌舞剧 4.photograph 留声机 5.Original Dixieland Jazz Band 6.rent party 7.New Orleans 8.record 9.swing 10.cornet 11.trombone 12.clarinet 13.sight reading 14.Louis Armstrong 15.Breaks 16.Trademark 17.Big band 18.Broadway 19.Improvisation 20.Scat 无意义的叫喊 21.Discs 5.28 1.Acoustic 2.Electronic 3.Phonetics 发音学,语 音学 4.Avant-garde 前卫的, 5.Total serialization 6.Timbre 7.Dynamics 8.Density 9.Precompositional 10.Aleatory 偶然的,即 兴的 11.Volume 12.Duration 13.Register 14.Tempo 15.Meter 16.Motivic cell 17.Augmented fourths 18.Multiple perspective 19.Collage 20.Pluralism 5.14 1.Jean Sibelius 2.Genre 3.Output 4.Finnish music 5.Folklore 6.Nationalism 7.Suite 8.Programmatic tone poem 9.Secondary theme 10.Key shift 11.Thematic-motivic process 12.Triton 13.Tonal vacillation 调性 波动 14.Fragmentary 15.Inmost emotion https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e7129992.html,mission 委约 17.Climax 18.Culmination 顶点高 潮 19.Anticipate 20.Neo-classical 21.Tremolo 颤音 22.Texture 23.Parallel third 24.Woodwind 25.Brass 26.Pedal point 27.Coherent 4.30 1.Respectable 2.Ancestor 3.Origin 4.Violin 5.Crusade 十字军东征 6.Fingerboard 7.Rebec 三弦琴 8.Fiddle 9.Vielle 10.Pagbox 11.Rectangular 12.Oval 椭圆的 13.Lira da Braccio 14.Violone 15.Viola 16.Cello 17.Rebuilt 18.Scroll 19.Neck 20.Bridge 21.Triple-stopping 22.Soundpost 音柱 23.Arpeggiate 琶音 24.Stradivarius 1.Aria 2.Recitative https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e7129992.html,ic 4.Ensemble finale 5.Gluck 6.Mozart 7.Verdi 8.Wagner 9.Puccini 10.Patron 11.Promoter 12.Impresario 13.Librettist 14.Stage manager 15.Producer 16.Director 17.Premiere 18.Pasticcio 19.Season 20.Repertory https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e7129992.html, Scale 22.Metropolitan 23.Opera house


应用化学专业 报告 学院:理学院 专业:应用化学 学号:20100153022 姓名:浦仕瑞

Applied chemistry speciality One、applied chemistry speciality-main courses: Training target:This specialized raise has the chemical basic theory, basic knowledge in strong experimental skills,can in scientific research institutions,colleges and universities and enterprises and institutions, engaged in scientific research,teaching and management work of the senior specialized talents. Training requirements:Students of this specialty mainly study the basic knowledge of chemistry,the basic theory,basic skills and related engineering knowledge,is the basic research and applied basic research of scientific thought and scientific experiment training,has good scientific literacy,have use knowledge and experimental skills in applied research,technology development and technology management of the basic skills. Main courses: Main subject:chemical Main course:Inorganic chemistry、,analytical chemistry(including instrument analysis),organic chemistry,physical chemistry(including structural chemistry,chemical engineering foundation and chemical mapping. The main practice teaching links include production practice,graduation thesis,general arrangement and a week of twenty. Length of schooling:four years awarded degree:physical or Bachelor's Similar professional:chemical applied chemistry chemical biology molecular science and engineering chemical engineering and technology Two、Four chemistry: (Inorganic chemistry,analytical chemistry,organic chemistry,physical chemistry) Inorganic chemistry:Inorganic chemistry relative to organic chemistry, the non carbon.However,some carbon compounds,such as carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide,carbon disulfide,carbonic acid compounds,


一、元素和单质的命名 “元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”,有时为了区别,在强调“单质” 时可用“free element”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文名称是一样的。下面给出 的既是元素的名称,同时又是单质的名称。 1主族元素和单质: Fe : iron Mn : manganese Cu: copper Zn: zinc Hg: mercury Ag: silver Au: gold 二化合物的命名: 化合物的命名顺序都是根据化学式从左往右读,这与中文读法顺序是相反的。表示原 子个数时使用前缀:mono- di - tri- tetra - penta- hexa- hepta- octa-, nona-, deca-,但是在不会引起歧义时,这些前缀都尽可能被省去。 1.化合物正电荷部分的读法: 直呼其名,即读其元素名称。 如CO: carbon monoxide Al2O3: aluminium oxide N2O4:Di nitrogen tetroxide 对于有变价的金属元素,除了可用前缀来表示以外,更多采用罗马数字来表示金属的 氧化态,或用后缀-ous表示低价,-ic表示高价。 如FeO: iron(II) oxide 或ferrous oxide Fe2O3: iron (III)oxide或ferric oxide Cu2O: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxide CuO: copper(II) oxide或cupric oxide 2.化合物负电荷部分的读法: 2.1二元化合物: 常见的二元化合物有卤化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化物,金属氢化 物等,命名时需要使用后缀-ide, 如:fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, oxide ,sulfide ,nitride, phosphide, carbide,hydride; OH -的名称也是用后缀-ide:hydroxide,


专业英语词汇 Unit 1TEXT A : Chemical Reactions and Group Reactions customary a. 通常的,惯例的 handle n.柄vt.触摸 handling n.处理,管理 derive vt.取得,得到,衍生 oxidate vt.使氧化oxidation n. satisfactory a.令人满意的,符合要求的 rapid a.快的,迅速的,动作快的 combustion n.燃烧 somewhat pron. ad. 一点点,几分,有点 effort n.努力 commercial a.商业的,商务的 undesirable a不.合需要的,不受欢迎的,讨厌的 retard vt.延迟,放慢,使停滞 transformer n.变压器 transform vt.改变,转变 automotive a.自动的,机动的,汽车的 cracked裂化的 sluge n.软泥,淤泥 stiff a.硬的,强烈的 extent 广度,程度 distillation n.蒸馏distill vt.vi. unrefined a.未精致,未提炼的 acidity n.酸味,酸性acidify vt. Vi. Involve vt. 包缠,卷缠 Fell=following Individual a.个人的,个体的 Presumable a可.假定的,可推测的 Destruction n.破坏,毁灭 Overall n。 a.全面的,综合的 Exceed 超过,胜过 Isolate vt.隔离,孤立,使离析iso—构词成分“均匀”“异构”“苯”Analyse vt. 分析,分解 Carbonyl 羰基 Carboxyl羧基 Hydroxyl羟基 Decomposition分解 Alkyl烷基,烃基


Unit 1 The RootsofChemistry I.Comprehension. 1。C 2. B3.D 4. C 5. B II。Make asentence out of each item by rearranging the wordsin brackets. 1.Thepurification of anorganic compoundis usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for thispurpose。 2.Science is an ever-increasing body ofaccumulated and systematized knowledge and isalsoan activity bywhic hknowledge isgenerated。 3.Life,after all, is only chemistry,in fact, a small example of c hemistry observed onasingle mundane planet。 4.Peopleare made of molecules; someof themolecules in p eople are rather simple whereas othersarehighly complex。 5.Chemistry isever presentin ourlives from birth todeathbecause without chemistrythere isneither life nor death. 6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankindand al so permeatesall aspects of human life, although manyof us are notfully awareofthis. III。Translation. 1.(a)chemicalprocess (b) natural science(c)the techni que of distillation 2.Itis theatoms that makeupiron, water,oxygen and the like/andso on/andsoforth/and otherwise. 3.Chemistry hasa very long history, infact,human a ctivity in chemistrygoes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times. 4.According to/Fromthe evaporation ofwater,people know /realized that liquidscan turn/be/changeinto gases undercertain conditions/circumstance/environment。 5.Youmustknow the propertiesofthe materialbefore y ou use it. IV.Translation 化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物.自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果。人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢.这三步


2009 —2010学年第一学期 化学与材料学院(系)07级应用化学专业 《专业英语》期末试卷 1.Write the structural formula or Chinese name for each of the following (2% for each answer): (1)barium ion: (2)chlorate ion: (3)potassium ion: (4)carbonic acid: (5)ammonium ion: (6)pyrrole:(吡咯) (7)polystyrene: (聚苯乙烯) (8)p-hydroxybenzoic acid:(对羟基苯甲酸)(9)benzonitrile (苄腈) (10)critical pressure: (临界压力)(11)methanal: (甲醛)(12)buffer solution :(缓冲溶液)(13)alkali burette:(碱式滴定管)(14)extract :(萃取)(15)tetrasulfur dinitride: (S4N2)(16)aldose:(醛醣)(17)sodium dihydrogenphosphate (磷酸二氢钠) (18)zinc oxide: (19)6-ethyl-4-methyldecane: (20)quantitative analysis: (定量分析) 2.Write the English name for each of the following(2% for each answer): (1)IBr: (2)天平(balance)(3)阴离子(anion) (4)H2SO3 (5)滴液漏斗: (dropping funnel)(6)CuNO3: (7)AgF: (8)滴定(n.):(titrate)(9)Ca(MnO4)2: (10)辛醇: (11)十三烷: (12)(CH3CH2)2Hg: (diethylmercury) (13) CH3CHCH CH2 3: (14) CH3CH2CHCOOH CH3: (15)


化学专业英语化学专业英语课期末考试试卷含 答案 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

化学专业英语试卷 学号:姓名:成绩: 一:把下列单词或词组译成英文(本题共 30 分,每小题 1 分) 1. Ni(ClO4)2 nickel perchlorate 3. FeCl2 iron(2)chloride 5. Al(NO3)3 aluminum nitrate 7. MnO2 manganese dioxide 9. N2O3 dinatrogen trioxide 11. NaClO sodium hypochloride 13. P2O5 diphosphorous pentaoxide 15. KMnO4 patassium permangate 17. 盐酸hydrochloric acid 19. KCN patassium cyanide 21. 5-甲基-4-丙基壬烷5-methyl-4-propylnonaane 23. 四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride 25. 中和neutralize 27. 比热容specific heat capacity 29. 酸酐anhytride 2. CuSO4 copper sulfate 4. CoCO3 cobalt carbate 6. Ca(C2H3O2)2 calcium acetate 8. H2SO4 10. 六氰合铁(Ⅱ)酸钾 12. Ag2SO3 sliver sulfite 14. 草酸铅 lead cyanate 16. Zn(OH)2 zinc hydroxide 18. 磷酸根 phosphate 20. 2,3-二甲基戊烷2,3-dimethylpentane 22. 2,3,7-三甲基-5-乙基辛烷2,3,7-trimethyl-5-ethyloctane 24. 石蕊试纸litmus paper 26. 滴定titration 28. 非电解质electrolyte 30. 配位化合物complex compound 三. 把下列短文译成汉语(本题共 40 分,每小题 10 分) 1. Without chemistry our lives would be unrecognisable, for chemistry is at work all around us. Think what life would be like without chemistry - there would be no plastics, no electricity and no protective paints for our homes. There would be no synthetic fibres to clothe us and no fertilisers to help us produce enough food. We wouldn’t be able to travel because there would be no metal, rubber or fuel for cars, ships and aeroplane. Our lives would be changed considerably without telephones, radio, television or computers, all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts. Life expectancy would be much lower, too, as there would be no drugs to fight disease. 没有化学反应我们的生活将会大变样,化学就在我们周围。没有化学生活会是什么样子——没有塑料,,家里没有电,也没有防护漆。不会给我们合成纤维,没有化肥帮助我们生产足够的食物。我们不能旅行,因为不会有金属、橡胶或燃料汽车、船只和飞机。我们的生活将会大大改变了没有电话、收音机、电视或电脑,所有这些依赖化学生产的部分。没有药物来抵抗疾病,预期寿命将低得多。 2. The first and second laws of thermodynamics and the meaning of entropy will be discussed. and expanded upon in this lesson. It will be shown that energy transformations on a macroscopic scale — that is, between large aggregates of atoms and/or molecules — can be understood in terms of a set of logical principles. Thus thermodynamics provides a model of the behavior of matter in bulk. The power of such a model is that it does not depend on atomic
