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The full-length novel Gone With The Wind, has been translated into more than thirty languages, and the bestseller for a long time in the world. Why could it’s charm last in such a long time? The reason mostly relied on it’s distinctive female characters---Scarlett, Melanie, Mammy and Belle Watling.

一.Scarlett O’Hara

<一> Personality changes


A. adolescent romantic

B. simple capricious

2. Post-war

A. strong persistent

B. reality rational

3. Revelations to moderns

A. in terms of workplace

a. abreast of the times

b. self-confidence

B. in terms of interpersonal

a. self-image

b. unique personality

<二> Views on marriage

1.Material view of marriage

A. purpose

B. just to be obtained not with pay

2.Revelations to moderns

A. marriage is not a transaction

B. balance in marriage

<三> character full of contradictory and complexity


2.blind pursuit of love---casually take advantage of marriage

3.feminist consciousness---effect of Patriarchal society

一.Melanie Hamilton Wilkes

<一> personality traits(the ordinary perfect)



A. fraternity

B. tolerant

C. kind-hearted selfless

D. hard-working

E. cordial genial

<二> The actor of variety of roles

1.Ashley’s faithful wife

A. love tolerance trust

2.Scarlett’s precious friend

A.spirit backbone

B.thanksgiving love trust

3.Revelations to moderns

A.in terms of marriage

a.based on love

b.mutual trust

B.in terms of interpersonal

a. inner beauty charisma

C.In terms of family life




<一> Personality traits

1.pungent powerful

2.loyal faithful

3.sly reality



<二> The development of the role

1.Ellen’s right-hand man

2.Scarlett’s guardian

3. a piece of spiritual home

三.Belle Watling

<一> F emale’s weakness---Male’s consciousness

<二> Good---Evil


密级:立体停车库的PLC控制系统设计 Design of PLC Control System for Parking Garage 学院: 专业班级: 学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2018年6月

摘要 随着我国国民经济的不断发展及城市现代化要求,汽车在我国越来越普及,而这将导致大中等城市“停车难”问题日益凸显。在现有的土地资源条件下,多层的机械式立体停车库可以很好的提高现有土地资源的利用率,充分发挥土地资源的空间优势,使得汽车的存放数量得以优化,从而快速有效地解决大中等城市“停车难”问题。本论文以一个三层三行三列二十一车位的升降横移式自动化立体停车库为主要研究对象,在深入分析了立体停车库运行原理的基础上,采用可编程控制器(PLC)为主要控制单元对该立体停车库控制系统进行设计。论文研究的主要内容为: 1、针对机械式立体停车库类型、国内外发展现状以及我国行业发展中存在的问题等进行研究。 2、选定以三层三行三列6+6+9结构二十一车位升降横移式立体停车库为研究模型,研究该立体停车库的总体结构设计及车库运行原理等。 3、对升降横移式立体停车库的硬件系统进行设计。内容包括:主回路设计,手动控制系统设计,PLC外围硬件设计,绘制了车库主电路图,手动控制电路图和PLC外围电路接线图等。 4、对升降横移式立体停车库的软件系统进行设计。内容包括:PLC总体介绍,PLC编程语言的选择,设计了程序主框架流程图,各基本功能程序流程图,按要求编写了梯形图程序等。 5、采用S7-200仿真软件对升降横移式立体停车库进行在线仿真与调试。 本论文重点对升降横移式立体停车库总体结构和控制系统的硬件、软件系统进行设计。设计过程采用模块化设计思路,结构灵活,通过对PLC软件系统设计及优化,使得本立体停车库具备智能化控制的功能,实现了立体停车库停车位能够安全、稳定、准确、快速的移动至人车交接处进行存取车操作。该立体停车库充分发挥土地资源的空间优势,大大提升了土地资源的空间利用率,是应对大中等城市停车难问题的有效解决方案。 关键词:立体停车库;升降横移式;PLC;控制系统设计 Abstract


小说飘的英文读后感 【篇一:英文小说读后感之飘】 gone with the wind飘(又名:傲慢与偏见) 简介: gone with the wind is a romantic drama and the novel written by margaret mitchell, which sets the american civil war as the background. the novels protagonist, scarlett ohara is the daughter of a planter, who is rich and standing in georgia usa. father gerald is an irish immigrant. arriving in georgia, gerald is penniless but he wins the ownership of the manor of tarot by gambling. after that, he began the venture in this red land, weaving his american dream. until 43 years old, he is married with the daughter named ellen of a french immigrant in east coast knot. gerald is good-natured, but bad-tempered and the young wife has a good family education and strict moral values. she manages the day-to-day affairs of the estate as a whole on her own, even sets the black slaves to the doctor. because of these, the couples get the respects from the white manor and won the love of the black slaves. their daughter scarlett is grown up in this environment. 《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。小说的 主人公斯卡雷特?奥哈拉是美国佐治亚州一位富足且颇有地位的种 植园主的女儿。父亲杰拉尔德是爱尔兰的移民。刚到佐治 亚州时,杰拉尔德身无分文,靠赌博赢得了塔罗庄园的所有权。于 是就开始在这块红色的土地上创业,编织着他的美国之梦。直到43 岁的时候,他才和芳龄15的埃伦——一个东海岸法国移民的女儿结 了婚。杰拉尔德心地善良,但脾气暴躁,而年轻的妻子则有着良好 的家庭教育和严格的道德观念。她亲手操持着整个庄园的日常事务,甚至还为庄园里的黑奴看病,接生。因此,夫妇俩受到周围白人庄 园主的尊敬,也深得黑人奴隶的爱戴。女儿斯卡雷特在这种环境中 慢慢长大了。 经典语句摘录: 1. after all, tomorrow is another day.--scarlett. 毕竟,明天又是另外的一天呢。 2. a glamour to it --a perfection, a symmetry like grecian art.--ashley


飘读书笔记_飘读书心得1000字5篇 飘读书心得1000字(一) 记得上一次读《飘》,应该是一年以前的事了。那时,我偶然地在一本杂志上看到了一篇关于《飘》的文章,内容不记得了,但读后却记住了“飘”这个好听了名字。于是很快,我就到书店把它买了回来。怀着一股好奇,在几天的时间里一口气将它看完了。我想,这应该是我所读过的最能吸引我的一书了吧。 《飘》是作家玛格丽特米切尔的遗世之作,自问世以来,便靡全球,并且畅销全球,而主人公斯佳丽与瑞特巴特勒在美国南北战争及重建的背景下展开的爱情故事也成为历久不衰的爱情经典。 当我第一次读的时候,我深深地被其跌宕起伏的故事情节所吸引着,而这一次,更能吸引我的,则是小说中作者所塑造的'一个个鲜活的人物。勇敢无畏、为生存用尽手段的斯佳丽;英俊优雅颇具绅士风度的韦尔克斯阿希礼;善解人意的玫兰妮;投机倒卖,“国难财”却又机智幽默不乏绅士风度的巴特勒……这些个性鲜明的平凡小人物身上,都散发出一种独特气息与魅力,吸引着我。 而在这些人物中,给我留下最深刻的印象的,是斯佳丽。 这位从小深受南方文化传统熏陶而血液里却流淌着叛逆因子的女子,在战争前一心只想着如何凭借自己的美貌吸引全县所有青年才俊特别是阿希礼的目光,而战后,为了生存,为了她所视为生命的土地,她用她那稚嫩的肩膀承担起了一切,包括养活她情人和她情敌在内的一大家人。

为了生存,她开枪打死了闯入塔拉庄园企图抢劫的北佬军官;为了保住塔拉庄园,她可不择手段,抢走自己亲妹妹的未婚夫;为了三百美元,她也可以下嫁给“流氓”巴特勒…… 在她以前所熟悉和生存的世界被战争彻底颠覆后,她并没有因此而倒下,而勇敢地站了出来,“以自己的豪侠气概去征服世界”。 尽管斯佳丽的手段卑劣,爱钱如命,但这一切都只是生存,为了挑起整个奥哈拉家族的重担,尽管她有时会怨天尤人,垂头丧气,但她却永远不会丧失对生活的勇气与希望,无论处境多么艰难,她都不会放弃。 “afterall,tomorrow is another day.” 说得真好!毕竟,明天是新的一天了,这是故事结尾斯佳丽面对深爱自己的巴特勒最终离去时说的一句话。“明天,我一定有办法留住他!”看,这就是斯佳丽的信心与勇气,无论怎样,永不言弃。如同梁静茹在《勇气》中所唱的那样:“我是宇宙无数超级勇气美少女。”这,就是斯佳丽的豪侠本色,无所畏惧,一往无前。 《飘》所带给我的,是一种信心,更是一种勇气。很多时候,我们都是一个人在战斗,就像斯佳丽那样需要独力去撑起塔拉庄园。但《飘》让我懂得,即使一个人,只有你的勇气还在,就一定能够走出困境,只要你的信心不垮,就必定会到达理想的彼岸。 读《飘》,让我懂得。 飘读书心得1000字(二) 人生一世,如草木一秋,常言道浮生若梦,似乎生活就是一出悲剧。


英语专业毕业论文摘要 和目录另有正文部分 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】

A b s t r a c t: The feature of Hardy`s style is about the description of nature in Hardy`s Wessex novel. The description of Nature not only as a setting, but also a vital part of Hardy`s novels. He pays attention to the interrelations between human, Nature and society. Nature in his novels is personated and melted with the characters together. Hardy believed firmly that man was part of Nature, a guardian of Nature and should always remain true to their closeness with Nature. In all Hardy`s Wessex novels, the characters, who can live in harmony with Nature all deserve a good ending, while those who cannot are by all means go ruining. The conflict between man’s aspirations and his environment is the central unifying force of Hardy`s tragic novels. It stresses that human should live in harmony with Nature. Key Words: Hardy、Nature、Wessex people、fate、harmony


《飘》读后感英文版 Love, Friendship and Family of Gone with the wind A war swallowed a beautiful woman, a perfect family and a love. Everything seemed to be a dream, going with the wind. Scarlet, a gifted nobleman,should have tasted sweetness of love, but she bore tragedy of her love, crush of her family love and falling of her friendship in the trouble times. So without dependence, she learnt to be more independent and stronger than before. To my sadness, she didn’tobtain what she wanted throughout. For her love, Ashley was a pure dream. Scarlet loved only his bright appearance in fact, as elegant poems sank Scarlet into dubious illusion.Therefore, she realized her true love wasn’t Ashley who was perfect in her, but Butlereventually.On the contrary, Butler was ambitious, not like Ashley.He won his own love finally, Scarlet, expressing his power. Although Butler didn’t integrate intoswelldom really, he was fit for Scarlet. However, when Scarlet poured her love to Butler, he refused her, even abandoned her because his heart was filled with scars. Their crystal of love went with the wind, their love gone with the wind. For her friendship, not only Scarlet depended upon Melanie, but envied her, getting Ashley’s love. In fact, it was not until Melanie died that Scarlet realized she relied on Melanie. Melanie was alike an angel from heaven, kindhearted and virtuous. She was core of Ashley.In reality, Scarlet liked what Ashley was, was Ashley who was protected by Melanie. So in the opposite of envying Melanie, Scarlet loved her. Their friendship was subtle. For her family, it was a tragedy. Eventually, it was incoherent. No parties, no cheerful chatting and laughing, there was just broken walls of Tara. All got away from Scarlet into another world, leaving her alone to face the cruel war. This witnessed a social vicissitude. Gone with the wind, displayed a pretty woman chasing true love, described a cruel war and depicted a subtle friendship. In the story, selfishness of Scarlet, avarice of Butler, goodness of Melanie and recreance of Ashley appeared before our eyes. Not only gone with the wind was a novel, but an encyclopediaabout characters. As readers, in my opinion, we don’t browse it, but peruse mind of it and apperceive it. To learn how to depict a character and to deliver a mind though the character is what we should do after perusing it.


毕业设计(论文) 新民本主义: 传统民本思想与现代民主理念的契合(字体:黑体小一) 专业年级 学生学号 学生姓名 指导老师 评阅人 二○○年月 中国·南京

摘要 (“摘要”两字的字体为黑体三号,居中。) 正文字体均为:宋体小四号,行距为倍 (不低于400字) 关键词:民本;民主;新民本主义 (“关键词”三字字体为黑体,内容(3-5)个,宋体小四号。各关键词之间用;)注意:摘要和关键词只能单独一页.

Abstract (“Abstract”一词用Times New Roman字体三号,加黑,居中。) Thought of people as the center is the marrow of our traditional culture and the core of the theory of managing state affairs. It germinates in the early state of antiquity society and is based on patriarchal clan system. It is also a kind of value seeking for the realization of the ethic reason and moral justice. Its basic thinking is that the monarch is defined by people and conversely people are defined by the monarch. At first appearance, its purpose is to value people’s suffering,fate and interest on the ruler’s position. However, its real intention is to fool the people so as to strengthen and consolidate the ruler’s rule. The theory of “people-oriented concept” includes nine topics such as “the theory of people is being the root of the monarch’s rule”, “the theory of people is being more valuable than the monarch”, “the theory of the monarch is being people’s servant”and so on. People –oriented means “value the people ”in essence, which sees “people”as its foundation of politics rule, ranking official, and administration. (正文字体为:Times New Roman字体,小四号,且行距为单倍或倍。) Key words:people- oriented concept;democracy;new people-basisism (“K ey words”一词用Times New Roman字体小四号,加黑。) 注意:英文摘要和关键词只能单独一页.



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

3 篇一:飘 英文读书报告 tomorrow is a new day reading on gone with the wind another day. gone with the wind has a very significant position in our society. we feel america is an incredible and strange country, but gone with the wind uncovers her too softhearted veil, making people see many things that dirty and glorious are coexisted. it also has a special significance to adolescents. this novel became famous overnight as soon as it published. this novel which reached a length of 1000 pages shocked american. the movie gone with the wind was adapted from this novel. the movie made the novel even more famous. it is quite worth reading. 篇二:《飘》读书笔记 《飘》读书笔记 《飘》 是美国作家马格丽特 . 米歇尔所著 , 作者以美国南北战争为背景 , 写乱世中佳人的命 运,写飘然而逝的美国南方文化。 小说中的主人公思嘉总是追求着自己得不到的东西。她对于一切好奇的都想知道都想得 到。她在困境中不屈服于命运,勇于抗争,追求自己想要的生活。 她爱的艾希礼喜欢制造种种颜色鲜明的梦让自己在梦的世界里活动,他不愿回到现实中 来,对人生冷眼相待,不乐观也不悲观。现实中的希礼是懦弱的无能的,就像瑞德说的,艾 希礼是个君子, 只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代。 他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活。 爱 他的瑞德是一个对现实有清醒认识的人。他和艾西礼是唯一真正了解战争结果的人。但是不


英文毕业论文格式规范 一、毕业论文用纸、页面设置要求 毕业论文应按规定格式用激光打印机单面打印,纸张大小一律使用国际标准A4纸。 页面设置:版心为297×210mm;页边距要求:每一面的上方(T)2cm,下文(B)2cm,左(L)2cm,右(R)2cm,装订线(L)0.5cm,装订线位置(U)左,页脚1cm,页眉1cm,页码设置为:插入页码,居中;其余设置采取系统默认设置。 二、毕业论文内容打印要求 (一)论文封面: 论文封面采用院里统一设置的格式和字体(中文标题用小二号黑体,加粗;英文标题用小二号Times New Roman,加粗)。 (二)论文题目: 论文题目使用小三号Times New Roman,加粗,居中放置。若有副标题,用小四号Times New Roman,加粗,居中放置。 (三)院(系)、专业、学号、作者姓名、导师姓名: 以上各项使用小四号Times New Roman,加粗,居中;依次排印在论文题目下(上空一行)。 ×××学院×××专业(单倍行距) ×××(学号)×××(姓名)指导教师××× (四)摘要: 中文摘要(上空一行,缩进2个汉字字符)采用小五号楷体,单倍行距。 英文摘要采用五号Time New Roman,行距设置为:单倍行距。 Abstract一词加粗,摘要内容不加粗。 (五)关键词: 中文关键词采用小五号楷体,,单倍行距。 英文关键词采用五号Time New Roman,行距设置为:单倍行距。 Key words两词加粗,关键词内容不加粗。

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用英语写飘的读后感 用英语写飘的读后感范文一 She hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband eat. Such strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and considerate.She persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and a's, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si beauty.She knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body can't bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the lifetime. Is really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this life. In the whole book, I is a rui for the person that like most especially.He is brave and persists, he can love thebeauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years constant.He wants to protect thebeauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after thebeauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but thebeauty of si refused.He says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid of.His heart, die.When his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to come.He says, he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like, then tells the oneself this is similar to lately, just deceive yourself as wellas others.Ground is ground, return and don't go to any further, even make allies, the top still stays the crack, is not originally any further that. 用英语写《飘》的读后感范文二 Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.to her, i was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .she is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . i appreciated most , it is this " tomorrow is another day of hers. " . promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. i think i’m moved by her.so, whenever i meet difficulty, the mood is not good, i will tell oneself : " tomorrow is another day. " ’gone with the wind’ is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and uncon strainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on u.s.a.’s civil war is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.


附件一: 英语专业毕业论文格式要求 一、论文组成 本科毕业论文(设计)(以下简称为毕业论文)由封面、成绩评定表、内容摘要、关键词、目录、正文、参考文献、附录等八部分组成。毕业论文装订按以下顺序进行:封面、成绩评定表、中文内容摘要、英文内容摘要、目录、正文、注释、参考文献、附录。(每位学生定稿论文,按统一要求装订1份)。 二、排版与字体 毕业论文的文字图形一律从左至右横写横排。文字一律通栏编辑。字迹必须清楚,忌用异体字、复合字及一切不规范的简化字。除非必要,不要使用繁体字。 毕业论文文字、标点必须符合出版要求。正文标题为小二号粗黑体;正文内第一级标题用三号黑体,居中上下空一行;第二级标题用小三号黑体,靠左空两个字符,上下空一行;第三级标题用四号黑体,靠左空两个字符,不空行;正文用小四号宋体,行距为固定值20磅;图题及图中文字原则上用五号宋体。 中文“内容摘要”标题四字用三号粗黑体,其正文用四号宋体。英文内容摘要即“Abstract”标题词用三号Times New Roman字体加粗,其正文用Times New Roman四号。中英文摘要正文均以空两格格式开始行文。中文的“关键词”和英文的“Key words”分别用黑体四号和Times New Roman四号,并加粗左对齐。正文分别用四号宋体和四号Times New Roman。中文“内容摘要”正文要求300个汉字以内。英文内容摘要(“Abstract”)正文要求300个英文词左右。 注释和参考文献标题用粗三号,居中上下空一行。中文注释和参考文献正文用五号宋体。英文注释和参考文献正文用Times New Roman五号。 毕业论文中的英文均采用Times New Roman字体,其字体号与其相应的部分(注:正文、注释等)一致。注意文中代表变量的英文


飘读书笔记英语 篇一:《飘》读后感 Love, Friendship and Family of Gone with the wind A war swallowed a beautiful woman, a perfect family and a love. Everything seemed to be a dream, going with the wind. Scarlet, a gifted nobleman,should have tasted sweetness of love, but she bore tragedy of her love, crush of her family love and falling of her friendship in the trouble times. So without dependence, she learnt to be more independent and stronger than before. To my sadness, she didn’tobtain what she wanted throughout. For her love, Ashley was a pure dream. Scarlet loved only his bright appearance in fact, as elegant poems sank Scarlet into dubious , she realized her true

love wasn’t Ashley who was perfect in her, but the contrary, Butler was ambitious, not like won his own love finally, Scarlet, expressing his power. Although Butler didn’t integrate intoswelldom really, he was fit for Scarlet. However, when Scarlet poured her love to Butler, he refused her, even abandoned her because his heart was filled with scars. Their crystal of love went with the wind, their love gone with the wind. For her friendship, not only Scarlet depended upon Melanie, but envied her, getting Ashley’s love. In fact, it was not until Melanie died that Scarlet realized she relied on Melanie. Melanie was alike an angel from heaven, kindhearted and virtuous. She was core of reality, Scarlet liked what Ashley was, was Ashley who was protected by Melanie. So in the opposite of envying Melanie, Scarlet loved her. Their friendship was subtle.


外国语学院学生毕业论文式格式范例使用说明 一、一个学生一个文件夹。文件夹的命名方法为:班级-学号-学生姓名-指导教师姓名。如: 05商英2W-05131412-陈丹-王毅。学生拿到该文件夹后请立刻将更名。 二、文件夹中一共十个文件。按01毕业论文-封面-班级-学号-学生姓名,02毕业论文-声明…… 这样排序。 三、每个文件中都有示例。在具体使用的时候,将“示例”内容删除,键入自己的内容。 四、每一段的结束直接用“Enter”键,不能用“Shift + Enter”组合键。否则将是软回车键, 格式将无法修改。软回车的符号为“↓”,可通过点击“显示/隐藏编辑标记”看出,也可点击“视图”——“显示段落标记”看出。请删除这些标记。 五、目录的生成。 1、正文中每一级标题的格式必须是统一的。 2、在正文中的标题前使用“插入”—“分隔符”—选择“分节符类型”—“下一页”。 3、将光标放在第一行,使用“样式”(在左上角),下拉,选择第一个“清除样式”, 然后键入Contents,回车。 4、设置Contents的格式。见“04毕业论文-正文-学号-学生姓名”。 5、在有Contents的这一页中,点击“插入”—“页码”,不要在“首页显示页码”前 打勾。 6、将光标放在带有内标题的正文页中,点击“插入”—“页码”,在“首页显示页码” 前打勾。设置页码位置为“页面顶端(页眉)”,“对齐方式”为右侧。然后点击“格 式”,设起始页码为“1”。按“确定”。 7、将光标移上一页,Contents的下一行,选择“插入”—“引用”—“索引与目录”; 点击“目录” 注意“显示页码”与“页码右对齐”打上勾。“格式”—来自模板—显示级别为“3”。 8、再点击“选项”。“样式”应该有勾,有效样式为“标题1”、“标题2”、“标题3”。 并在下面“大纲级别”和“目录项域”前面打勾。按“确定”。 这样目录就可以生成了。 江苏技术师范学院外国语学院英语专业毕业论文格式细则一.毕业论文用纸规格及页面设置 1.毕业论文的用纸规格 毕业论文用纸规格:A4(21厘米×29.7厘米)。 2.毕业论文的书写工具 毕业论文的书写工具:建议使用Microsoft Office 2003中的Word,不要使用任何版本的WPS或WPS Office,也不要使用Microsoft Office 2007版。 3.毕业论文的页面设置 页面设置为Microsoft Office 2003中Word的默认设置(见图表1):


英文小说读后感1000字 导语:小说的英语读后感要怎么写?你是不是无从下手?下面小编给你分享了一些,希望可以帮助到你。 Reading the novel is not the first time of my knowing The Joy Luck Club . When I watched the film , the meaning of the title , the theme of the novel , the reason for the arrangement of stories from four mothers and their daughters and other important things were all unknown to me . But I knew that was my type for it is about feelings between mothers and daughters , and especially chinese speaking Eglish . Amy Tan , a Chinese American writer , is the author of the book in which she explors the mother-daughter relationships . Originally , the relationships between mother and daughter seem to be quite complex in a family but in Amy Tan's work , it is perfectly typical for its portrayal of conflicts between the traditional Chinese mothers speaking shabby English and the open wholly Americanized daughters who just wear a Chinese face but speak fluent English . I never think it is richly dramatical , and instead these kinds of conflicts , in
