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Looking for Stable Carbenes: The Difficulty in Starting Anew ANTHONY J.ARDUENGO,III

Institut fu¨r Anorganische und Analytische Chemie,

der Technischen Universita¨t Carolo-Wilhelmina,


Received May10,1999


A decade ago we initiated research,the goal of which was isolation of a stable carbene.Our success has helped to catalyze a resurgence of interest in readily available and easily handled carbenes.Research on stable(nucleophilic) carbenes is again a popular theme worldwide.Efforts in the general area of stable carbenes now focus not only on chemistry of the carbenes themselves but also on their applications to other chemical systems,where their chemical properties create technical opportunities that are unavailable with other functional groups.The quest for isolable carbenes is a long saga whose origin can be traced back to the first half of the1800s.A recently published history of this quest provides an important backdrop for the research described in this Account.1It is the intent of this Account to delineate the events and environment that led to the report from DuPont laboratories of the first isolation of a stable crystalline carbene.Getting Started

Although the isolation of an imidazol-2-ylidene did not occur until1990,our interest in key compounds necessary for its synthesis originated in the1970s.In an effort to find exceptionally stable carbenium ions that would make suitable substituents for dipole-stablized thiocarbonyl ylides,our attention was drawn to imidazole-2-thiones.2,3 Imidazole-2-thiones are commonly prepared by reaction of an imidazolium ion with sulfur in the presence of methanolic potassium carbonate(eq1).4-6In this reaction, imidazol-2-ylidenes(carbenes)formed by deprotonation of the imidazolium cations were presumed to be inter-mediates.

The imidazole-2-thione synthesis is remarkably insen-sitive to varied conditions that allow different substituents to be accommodated on the imidazole ring.7The reaction can even be run under dry air;however,moisture is not well tolerated.This reaction system simply does not behave as if unstable or delicate intermediates are in-volved,and no olefin byproducts are observed from dimerization of the putative carbene intermediates. Attention to History

Even though carbenes could reasonably be expected to be intermediates in imidazole-2-thione syntheses and there was some anecdotal evidence to suggest that these intermediates may possess unusual stability,pursuit of these particular carbenes did not seem warranted based on other literature precedents.H.-W.Wanzlick had rec-ognized earlier that the electron-rich imidazole nucleus should be capable of stabilizing a carbene center at the 2-position,between the two nitrogens.8Much of Wan-zlick’s work actually centered on the saturated imidazoline

Anthony Arduengo was born in Tampa,Florida,in1952.He studied chemistry at

the Georgia Institute of Technology,receiving his B.S.in1974and Ph.D.in1976.

After beginning his career with DuPont,he moved to University of Illinois-Urbana

as a member of the Organic Faculty.From1984to1998,he worked as a member

of the research staff at DuPont,advancing to Research Leader/Research Fellow.

Professor Arduengo currently holds the Saxon Chair in Organic Chemistry at the

University of Alabama(Tuscaloosa)and is adjunct professor of chemistry at the

Technical University in Braunschweig,Germany.His research interests include

unusual bonding arrangements,main group element chemistry,and various

aspects of applied chemistry.

10.1021/ar980126p CCC:$18.00?1999American Chemical Society VOL.32,NO.11,1999/ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH913 Published on Web08/21/1999

ring(2),in which the double bond between carbons4and 5is absent(eq2).9-20There are,however,reports by Wanzlick of his work involving unsaturated imidazole analogues21,22and a closely related triazole system.23 Nonetheless,no carbenes were reported as isolable in any of these cases.

Wanzlick’s work on these carbene systems was influ-enced by earlier false claims of the isolation of carbenes.1 Also playing an important role was the fact that Wanzlick’s academic mentor(Doktorvater)was Helmuth Scheibler, for whom he held a great admiration and who had also been active in searching for stable carbenes(dialkoxycar-benes)some years earlier.24Additionally,Wanzlick’s work occurred at a time when the discipline of organic chem-istry,because of advances in technology,was still coming to terms with differences between what a molecule is(in its ground state)and how it reacts.

Before the advent of modern analytical methods, traditional organic chemistry was a science that was rich with the descriptive chemistry of how and with what a molecule or substance reacts.Chemists learned batteries of reactions that could be used to classify a substance by the functional groups that it contained.Thus,associated with every organic functional grouping are expectations of how and with what that functional group should react. With respect to carbene chemistry,the reader is referred to an important Account of“carbenic reactivity”in connection with cyclopropanation.25The idea that the reactive state of a molecule and its isolated ground state (unperturbed by external reagents)might differ was not a useful concept in organic chemistry because it could not be tested.The identity of a molecule was determined primarily by how it reacted with other compounds.Only in the last half of the20th century did advances in technology enable chemists to probe a molecule’s struc-ture with a minimum of perturbation to its ground state. Wanzlick,and Scheibler before him,both relied primarily on reactivity to characterize their compounds.The one common analytical method that was applied by both Wanzlick and Scheibler was molecular weight determi-nation or estimation.In both cases,results were at best inconclusive and at worst misleading.

Although Wanzlick did uncover a great deal of reactivity that seemed to be characteristic of nucleophilic carbenes, the carbenes themselves were never isolated.During the course of Wanzlick’s investigation of imidazolin-2-ylidenes (2),an important article was published by D.M.Lemal and co-workers.26Lemal’s work indicated that chemistry similar to that which had been attributed by Wanzlick to carbenes was also observed if one began with the olefin that was essentially the dimer of an imidazolin-2-ylidene (3).Scrambling experiments allowed Lemal to show that, under his reaction conditions,carbenes were not inter-mediates,but rather carbene-like reactions could proceed directly from olefins.Although carbene-like reactivity can be observed from olefins(carbene dimers),this does not exclude the intermediacy of carbenes in Wanzlick’s ex-periments.It is also noteworthy that dimers of imidazol-2-ylidenes(1)are observed only when the nitrogens are restricted to nonplanar geometries27or C4and C5bear powerful electron-withdrawing groups.28Within Wan-zlick’s research group,imidazolin-2-ylidenes were referred to as“das doppelte Lottchen”,suggesting a mischievous duality between two carbenes and their dimer.29There has recently been a preliminary report that there may,indeed, exist an uncatalyzed equilibrium between imidazolin-2-ylidenes and their dimers,but further work is necessary to place these results in perspective against earlier re-ports.30

Temporary Diversions

With this volume of prior literature and the checkered history of stable carbenes as a backdrop,our interest in imidazol-2-ylidenes waned.However,curiosity about imidazol-2-thiones continued.We completed work to improve the imidazol-2-thione synthesis,and we showed that selenones and tellurones could be synthesized by similar procedures.6Our interest in carbenes temporarily shifted to highly electrophilic carbenes such as2,3,4,5-tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)cyclopentadien-1-ylidene(4).The chemistry of these highly electron deficient carbenes allowed the synthesis and isolation of a number of unusual compounds such as carbonyl,halonium,and nitrilium ylides.31

Getting Back into the Game

In1988,a commercial need arose for catalysts in various polymer cross-linking applications.7,32-35The imidazol-2-thiones seemed well suited to these applications because they are very powerful nucleophiles but are not strong bases.Other potential uses were also developed that could help drive commercialization of these thiones.36,37Existing syntheses of the imidazol-2-thiones were not well suited for large-scale manufacturing processes because of mate-rial costs,yield,separation,and byproduct problems.A more convenient synthesis of imidazol-2-thione was developed,7along with a new one-step synthesis of imidazolium ions(eq4)that allowed the production of substituted imidazolium ions that were not accessible by conventional routes.38This new imidazolium ion synthesis would later prove essential for our reentry into the quest for stable carbenes.


As progress toward commercialization of imidazol-2-thiones continued,we ran reactions with a very wide range of substituents that again seemed to underscore the extreme stability and tolerance of carbene intermediates in these reactions.Pilot-plant tests were not always conducted with the same attention to detail that one can achieve when working on a small laboratory scale.Ad-ventitious water and air were sometimes present in the larger plant reactions.Nonetheless,the ease with which these reactions succeeded served to bolster our belief that the carbene intermediates were remarkably stable.Our industrial research environment at that time held in-depth scientific investigation and understanding as essential factors for the success of businesses that depend on technology and its applications.These factors combined to renew our interests in isolating stable carbenes from these reactions.

Novel imidazolium ions that were available from our new syntheses allowed us to attempt the generation of imidazol-2-ylidenes(1)that were not accessible to Wan-zlick.This new technology made it possible for us to do more than simply repeat Wanzlick’s chemistry,and there-fore our hopes were high that these new experiments would lead to the actual isolation of stable carbenes.Thus, using a combination of steric and electronic effects,we decided to investigate the chemistry of imidazol-2-ylidenes bearing large substituents on nitrogen in hopes of isolating a stable carbene.

New Results

Our first attempt to isolate a stable carbene was through use of1-adamantyl substituents on the imidazole nitro-gens(eq5).Anticipating that the desired carbenes would be marginally stable at best,for a base we chose sodium hydride with catalytic dimethyl sulfoxide(to generate the dimsyl anion)so that the byproducts(sodium chloride and hydrogen)could be easily separated from the carbene in a tetrahydrofuran(thf)reaction medium.

The deprotonation of imidazolium ion5proceeded smoothly,as monitored by hydrogen gas evolution to give carbene6.39Imidazol-2-ylidene6proved to be a remark-ably stable carbene both in solution and in the solid state.

A solution of this carbene in thf-d8,sealed under a few atmospheres of CO,has shown no decomposition or change after7years at room temperature.Carbene6 crystallizes from many solvents,readily forming very large crystals(up to several millimeters on a side),and it does not decompose at its melting point of240°C.40 The crystal structure of carbene6revealed features characteristic of a singlet carbene.39Particularly notewor-thy was the valence angle of102.2°at the carbene center. Although the structure of a singlet carbene had not been previously determined,numerous calculations were and have become available to predict the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f7524221.html,mon among all the theoretical models of singlet carbenes is a small valence angle of about102°at the carbene center.41-49 Thus,structural features of imidazol-2-ylidenes reflect those widely predicted for singlet carbenes.

Comparison of the structure of carbene6with that of its precursor carbenium(imidazolium)ion5was also instructive.The C-N bonds to the carbene center actually lengthen relative to those of the carbenium ion.Although it was tempting to attribute this increase in bond length to a decrease inπ-delocalization or pπ-pπinteraction in the carbene relative to the carbenium ion,it is important to remember that there are also substantial changes in hybridization at the carbene center that influence bond distances.These hybridization changes strongly affect the σ-system.As more s-orbital character is used to stabilize the in-plane lone pair of electrons at the carbene center, the N-Cσ-bonds take on more p-character at the carbene center.This would be expected to lead to an increase in N-C2distances on the basis ofσ-effects alone.Because σ-bonds are energetically more important thatπ-bonds, theseσ-effects are likely to be important contributors to structural changes.In fact,if one considers1A1:CH2and the methyl cation,there are analogous changes in the C-H distances for this pair of molecules for which π-interactions cannot play a role.50Thus,structural changes that occur in an imidazol-2-ylidene upon protonation (decrease in C2-N distances and increase in the N-C-N angle)appear to be typical for protonation of all singlet carbenes.

After a detailed consideration of the structure of carbene6and a preliminary investigation of some of its chemistry,our attention was drawn back to Wanzlick’s work.If carbene6was so stable,why had not Wanzlick isolated either of the two imidazol-2-ylidenes that he had studied?21,22Wanzlick’s two imidazol-2-ylidenes(7and8) both bore phenyl substituents on nitrogen.These phenyl substituents may have been unfortunate choices,either because ofπ-orσ-effects.We decided to synthesize aryl-substituted imidazol-2-ylidenes that would allow separa-tion of possibleπ-andσ-effects.To this end,p-tolyl-(9a) and mesityl-substituted(9b)imidazol-2-ylidenes were prepared.

Both aryl carbenes9a and9b were isolated as stable crystalline materials.51These aryl-substituted carbenes melt with decomposition around150°C,but they can be VOL.32,NO.11,1999/ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH915

isolated and manipulated with ease under a dry nitrogen atmosphere at room temperature.Thus,there appeared to be no specialσ-orπ-effects for aryl substituents.The X-ray structures of these carbenes revealed a central imidazol-2-ylidene ring that was very similar to that in6. It was also possible to show that mildly electron-accepting aryl groups are well tolerated as substituents on nitrogens of imidazol-2-ylidenes.This latter point was illustrated by the isolation of the1,3-bis(p-chlorophenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene.51The isolation of9a,b and1,3-bis(p-chlorophen-yl)imidazol-2-ylidene raised another question about the need for steric stabilization in the imidazol-2-ylidenes. When turned on edge,as in9b,these aryl substituents offer a steric effect in the plane of the carbene center that is similar to a that of simple methyl group.Was there a need for large bulky groups on the nitrogens?

The isolation of both10and11nicely illustrated that small substituents are also acceptable.51The1,3-dimeth-ylimidazol-2-ylidene,10,is a moderately stable oil at room temperature,but tetramethylimidazol-2-ylidene(11)is a stable crystalline material at room temperature under nitrogen(it is pyrophoric in moist air).The X-ray crystal structure of11reveals geometric features very similar to those of all the earlier imidazol-2-ylidenes.The geometry of the central imidazole ring is hardly affected by the variety of substituents that we have studied.The crystal structure of11packs the molecules along2-fold axes of a C2/c space group,reducing the number of crystallo-graphically unique atoms in this small molecule to11 (including hydrogens).This fortunate packing situation allowed a detailed structural investigation using both X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques to produce a high-quality experimental electron density map of the molecule.

In contrast to what could be accomplished at the time of Wanzlick’s original work,we were able to apply a number of exacting experimental techniques in order to characterize the ground state of the stable imidazol-2-ylidenes.These methods included an electron density mapping by a combination of electron and neutron diffraction techniques,52photoelectron spectroscopy,53and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)chemical shift ani-sotropy determination.54At the same time,a number of theoretical papers appeared which presented models for the bonding and structure in imidazol-2-ylidenes and diaminocarbenes in general.45-49,51Although a variety of methods have been employed,with semantic issues aside, the agreement among these representations is good.The availability of accurate experimental data on imidazol-2-ylidenes has served as a grounding point for the various theoretical models.Unperturbed by external reagents,the ground-state electron distribution in imidazol-2-ylidenes bears a remarkable similarity to those in some of the more classical1A1carbenes,such as CF2.For singlet CF2and an imidazol-2-ylidene model with only hydrogen substituents on the ring,a TCSCF wave function showed very similar mixing coefficients and electron populations at the two carbene centers.48

The experimentally determined electron distribution in carbene11-d12is quite interesting and provided us with a great deal of information about this simple imidazol-2-ylidene.52These data may be viewed in several ways, and some of these representations are presented in Figures1and2.The valence electron component of the experimental electron density is depicted in Figure1. Figure1a shows electron density around the carbene center itself.The illustrated plane is perpendicular to the molecular plane and incorporates the molecular2-fold axis.In this cross section,the in-plane lone pair of electrons is visible to the right,and electron density in theπ-direction is visible above and below the carbon. Clearly,the high in-plane electron density falls off to a minimum in theπ-direction,consistent with the expected electron distribution for a singlet carbene.Figure1b provides a view of a plane of electron density in the π-system70pm above the molecular plane.The electron density due to the nitrogen pπlone pairs of electrons is prominent.Theπ-component of the C4d C5double bond is evident,but there are no other distinctiveπ-features. The illustration(Figure1c)of the in-plane electron density reveals the high electronegativity of nitrogen relative to those of carbon and hydrogen(deuterium).The electron density of the in-plane lone pair of electrons at the carbene center is readily visible to the right,just outside the ring.

Another common view of such experimental electron density is found in so-called“deformation density”draw-ings.Deformation density is the difference between the observed electron distribution and that predicted for a “promolecule”made up of only spherically symmetric, noninteracting atoms located in their molecular positions. Deformation density is thus a representation of the electron distribution that is deformed into bonding re-gions between atoms.Such a representation makes it easier to see electron density that is responsible for bonding in a molecule.However,the problem of choosing


a suitable reference “promolecule”has been noted previ-ously,and one should not overinterpret these drawings.55-57Nonetheless,deformation density drawings are instructive.Figure 2depicts the deformation density at the carbene in the same plane presented in Figure 1a.The carbene lone pair density is to the right of the carbon,and the p-density is in the plane of the drawing above and below the carbon.There is clearly a large surplus of electron density in the direction of the lone pair relative to a spherically symmetric isolated carbon atom.On the other hand,there is a deficit of electron density in the direction of the out-of-plane carbon p π-orbital,as illustrated by the negative density regions (red and yellow)above and below the carbon.The deficit in electron density in the p-direction at the carbene center is striking,but one needs to remember that this deficit is relative to the two-thirds of an electron that would be placed in this region from the spherically symmetric carbon atom in the promol-ecule.The actual amount of electron density that one should attribute to the carbene p π-orbital is difficult to quantify,because such an analysis is dependent on the basis set used to describe the molecule.Qualitatively,about one-third of an electron can be attributed to this π-region of space at the carbene center.

Such a precise experimental determination of electron density as described above,although highly informative,is not routinely practical.Measurement of NMR chemical shift anisotropy at the carbene center is more easily accomplished and provides information that also confirms the highly anisotropic nature of the electron distribution around the carbene center.For imidazol-2-ylidene 11,the NMR chemical shielding tensor at the carbene center has been observed experimentally and theoretically modeled for comparison with the singlet carbenes 1:CH 2and 1:CF 2.


FIGURE 1.Valence electron density determined for 1,3,4,5-tetra-methylimidazol-2-ylidene.(a)Carbene lone pair electron density perpendicular to the molecular plane.The C lone pair density lies to the right of the carbon.(b)π-electron density 70pm above the molecular plane.The nitrogen lone pairs and C -C double bond are obvious.(c)In-plane electron density.The framework σ-bonds and in-plane C lone pair are


FIGURE 2.Deformation density profile at the carbene center in 11.


The most characteristic component of the chemical shielding tensor in a singlet carbene is theσ11component that relates the high density of the carbene in-plane lone pair with the formally unoccupied pπ-orbital at the carbene center.This tensor component is illustrated in Figure3and is orthogonal to the planes of the contoured density diagrams in Figures1a and2.This component is highly deshielding and is primarily responsible for the characteristically large downfield shift observed for car-bene centers.Experimentally,measurement of the13C chemical shift of a carbene is a highly reliable method for characterizing a carbene.The imidazol-2-ylidenes exhibit13C resonances for the carbene center from about δ210to220.39,51,58,59The saturated imidazolin-2-ylidenes and diaminocarbenes generally have further downfield-shifted resonances for the carbene center of aboutδ240-255,consistent with an even higher ansiotropy at the carbene center due to a lower population of the carbene pπ-orbital.60-63Various aminooxy-and aminothiocarbenes recently have been reported,and their chemical shifts range from about250to almost300ppm.64,65 After initial reports of the isolation of stable imidazol-2-ylidenes appeared,interest in stable nucleophilic car-benes spread rapidly.The principles that had been used to create stable carbenes were soon applied to ger-manylenes66and silylenes.67Synthetic methods such as the reduction of the corresponding thiones also appeared and provided access to new structures.58The triazole ring system,which had been studied earlier by Wanzlick,23 yielded its own contribution to a growing family of stable carbenes.59Amid this flurry of activity,our attention was again drawn back to Wanzlick’s work.The question this time was whether saturated imidazolin-2-ylidenes could actually be isolated.The motivation for us to pursue these diaminocarbenes was the observation that many simple, unhindered imidazol-2-ylidenes were so stable and easy to make,and although delocalization undoubtedly played some role in the stabilization of the imidazol-2-ylidenes, electron density studies did not reveal a highly delocalized π-system.Similarly,comparison of imidazolium ions with their corresponding imidazol-2-ylidenes showed a sub-stantial decrease in delocalization for carbenes compared to that for their obviously“aromatic”carbenium ions. Diaminocarbenes yielded to our efforts,and in1995we reported the isolation and structural characterization of 1,3-dimesitylimidazolin-2-ylidene(12)(eq6).60 We were not the only research group to have identified the diaminocarbenes as likely targets.Alder et al.reported the isolation of an acyclic diaminocarbene(bis(diisopro-pylamino)carbene)in1996.61More recent reports of diaminocarbenes have also appeared.62,63

The range of stable carbene structures was now quite large,but all such structures reported up to1996pos-sessed the common structural feature of nitrogen sub-stituents on the carbene center.68The chemistry of vitamin B1suggested that sulfur should be a likely candidate for stabilization of an adjacent carbene center.This observa-tion was not lost on Wanzlick,who had earlier studied a number of sulfur-containing carbenes.69-71After efforts to find the right substituent for the nitrogen so that we could take advantage of steric effects,we were able to isolate a stable thiazol-2-ylidene(13)(eq7).64Remarkably,not only the thiazolylidene could be isolated but its dimer(olefin) as well(eq8).

Thiazol-2-ylidenes and their dimers provided first examples of a heterocyclic carbene for which the corre-sponding dimer could also be isolated.Indeed,there is a Lewis acid-catalyzed equilibrium between the carbene and dimer that can be observed under appropriate condi-tions.64

There has always been an interest in the chemistry of heterosubstituted carbenes.Even before the isolation of stable analogues of these carbenes,there were early reports of reactivity derived from in situ-generated car-benes.Additional interest in this reactivity has surfaced now that these carbenes are easily handled,“bottleable”materials.Some of this chemistry has been previously reviewed,72and additional reviews of this rapidly develop-ing area will appear shortly.73Detailed comment on the reactivity derived from stable heterocyclic carbenes is

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f7524221.html,ponents of the chemical shielding tensor at the carbene center in11.


beyond the scope of this Account.We note,however,that there is an interplay between the study of reactivity of stable carbenes and insights into sources of stability for these compounds.One such case arose during a system-atic study of the reactivity of imidazol-2-ylidenes and main group14halides.We discovered that carbon tetrachloride will actually chlorinate the4-and5-positions of imidazol-2-ylidenes(eq9).74The resulting4,5-dichloroimidazol-2-ylidenes possess remarkable stability and can even be handled in moist air without decomposition.

A range of stable carbenes can be made with electron-withdrawing groups in the4-and5-positions of the imidazole ring.Even1,3-dimethyl-4,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)-imidazol-2-ylidene has been synthesized and character-ized.75

The range of stable nucleophilic carbenes continues to grow rapidly to this day.Reports have now appeared from other laboratories of the isolation of aminooxycarbenes,65 and as discussed above,spectroscopic properties of these new additions fit nicely into trends that emerged for13C NMR spectra of carbenes.Even the parent imidazol-2-ylidene ring system bearing hydrogens on the nitrogens has now been characterized(although not isolated in a bottle).76,77We finally decided to examine one of the same molecules that had eluded Wanzlick earlier.We were able to isolate1,3,4,5-tetraphenylimidazol-2-ylidene and thus realize a dream that Wanzlick had for his research more than a quarter of a century earlier.78


In the end,we were fortunate that we challenged the convention against doing further research in an area that seemed to be overworked by our predecessors.Our current research efforts continue to focus on design and synthesis of new structures and incorporation of stable carbene fragments into molecules that are engineered to perform useful tasks.The satisfaction of a successful end to a quest is always the best reward for the effort made, particularly so when the quest appears to be somewhat risky at its outset.

The skill,insight,and enthusiasm of H.V.R.Dias,S.F.Gamper, D.Khasnis,M.Tamm,T.K.Prakasha,J.R.Goerlich,R.Krafczyk, and M.Unverzagt made our work with nucleophilic carbenes possible.The excellent technical assistance of H.A.Craig,M.Kline, and U.Sharma contributed enormously to successes in this area.

I am also grateful to the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung for their support of a senior research prize that allowed completion of this text.Finally,I would like to dedicate this Account to the memory of my friend and colleague,Professor J.C.Martin.References

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(75)Arduengo,A.J.,III.unpublished results.1,3-Di-

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进展评述 β- 多肽的合成及其二级结构的研究陈忠周 李艳梅*  赵 刚 赵玉芬 (清华大学化学系 生命有机磷化学教育部重点实验室 北京 100084)陈忠周 男,25岁,博士生,从事生物有机化学研究。*联系人国家自然科学基金和曹光标高技术发展基金资助项目 1998-09-30收稿,1999-03-17修回摘 要 系统地介绍和评述了β-氨基酸和β-多肽的合成、以及β-多肽的二级结构与性质等研究领 域近年来的进展。β-多肽具有可预测和可再生的折叠形式、二级结构多样性、对酶稳定等优点,在药物及 催化剂领域中有很广阔的应用前景。 关键词 β-氨基酸 β-多肽 合成 二级结构 生物活性 Abstract Recent adv ances in the sy nthesis o f β-amino acids and β-peptides,a nd the inv estiga tio ns of the seco ndar y str uctur es and bio logical activ ity of β-peptides a re intro duced a nd review ed systema tica lly.β-Peptides,which hav e pr edicta ble and repro ducible folding pt terns,ma ny kinds of seco nda ry st ructures and specia l stability against peptidases,ar e being ev aluated a s a po tential so urce of new dr ug s and catalysts . Key words β-Amino acid,β-Peptide,Sy nthesis,Seco ndar y str uc ture,B io lo gica l activ ity 氨基与羧基之间相隔两个碳原子的氨基酸通常被称为β-氨基酸(β-aa )[1]。在碳-2或-3位置上具有侧链的β-氨基酸分别记为β2-Xxx 和β3-Xx x ,如在碳-2位置上有甲基侧链的β-氨基酸记为β2-Ala 。由β- 氨基酸构成的多肽称为β-多肽。对β-多肽的研究近年来之所以引起国际上如此广泛的关注,是由于它们具有与PN A 极其相似的特性:具有特定的空间结构和生物活性,但在生物体内却不易被酶所分解破坏,因此具有广阔的医药应用前景。 尽管自然界中β-氨基酸的含量大大少于α-氨基酸,但它们也是许多天然产物的重要组成部分。如天冬氨酸及其衍生物可被视为一种β-氨基酸;抗肿瘤药物紫杉醇[2]、β-环内酰胺抗生素(如卷曲霉素、紫霉素)[3]、从海洋生物中得到的大环肽[2]以及其它天然产物中均有β-氨基酸。β-氨基酸在天然产物中起着不可替代的作用。 在已知的天然聚合物中,蛋白质和RN A 是目前所知的仅有的两类具有紧密、确定构象的聚合物,它们特定的折叠方式使构成活性位点的官能团之间形成精确的空间取向关系从而形成活性位点,因而能够执行如催化和选择性识别等复杂的化学操作。由于蛋白质和RN A 具有高效性和高度专一性,这促使化学家考虑是否存在一种能够折叠成专一、紧密、确定构象而形成活性位点的新型聚合物,把蛋白质和RN A 的功能应用到普通的化学合成中。因此具有确定和可预测折叠倾向的分子骨架将是设计这些专一性分子器件的基础。而β-多肽具有以下特点:有螺旋、β-折叠、反转、管状堆积等多种二级结构,并且不同的残基决定着不同的二级结构类型[4] 并可以被预测,对常见的蛋白 ·21·ht tp ://china .chemistry mag .o rg 化学通报 1999年第11期DOI:10.14159/https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f7524221.html, k i .0441-3776.1999.11.006


四川大学锦城学院工商管理系 学年论文 题目:关于当前国内外企业薪酬制度文献综述 专业:人力资源管理班级:2011级一班姓名:陈叙学号:110520135 完成时间:2014年2月25 指导教师评语: 成绩: 教师签名: 评阅时间:年月日

关于当前国内外企业薪酬制度文献综述要有摘要、关键词等,按格式来写。内容暂且这样。 一、前言部分 在经济全球化的今天,企业内外经营环境日趋变化和具有挑战性,企业竞争,不仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争,更是人力资源的竞争。管理好人力资源,充分调动企业员工的积极性,成为人力资源管理的一项重要工作。而人力资源竞争的背后是机制的竞争,特别是薪酬机制,在其中发挥着至关重要的作用,而面对形势发展,企业在薪酬管理上还存在着许多问题。然而薪酬体系则是把企业的战略目标转化成员工的具体行动方案,并引导、激励员工实施这些行动,形成企业、社会与员工利益一致的共同体的重要环节。因此如何搞好企业中薪酬机制的研究,具有重大而现实的意义。本文一方面主要研究企业如何通过设计科学适用的薪酬体系,来达到吸引人才、留住人才以及发挥人才最大潜力;另一方面,找出企业薪酬体系中存在的不足之处,并提出合理化的建议,从而帮助企业提高生产效益。 二、主题部分 (一)国外研究状况 《薪酬系统理论》(Matt Bloom)一文中指出:对于一个组织的内部,薪酬系统是比补偿系统跟简单的一种机制,为了确保薪酬系统能够在提供金融报酬的组织的雇佣者和由劳动者所提供的劳动之间创造一种经济有效的交换。但是,薪酬系统在组织内部也扮演着一种重要的社会和象征角色。通过这些角色薪酬系统也影响着各种各样的例如员工关系、雇员环境以及绩效等自然的产出。高绩效组织的研究强有力的表明:大组织在诚信、相关,关怀、尊重的基础之上创造和养育了相关的交换。Reilly and Pfeffer以这些方式汇总了这些著作:“大公司的人们想在大的环境下工作,在那里他们可以准确的发挥他们的天赋,在那里用尊严、诚信和尊重来对待他们。并且组织的文化是值得他们去尽情的承诺和高的努力。研究组织公平对于理解薪酬系统的非经济影响特别重要。这些研究表明公平问题是怎么成为员工关系的一个重要的部分。这也为理解公平是怎么成为一个精心设计的薪酬体系的一个临界成分创造了基础。一种水平的薪酬系统被看做是公


金属卡宾反应的研究进展及应用 东梅 金属卡宾反应,即烯烃复分解反应。2005 年的诺贝尔化学奖由3 位科学家分享:法国人伊万?肖夫(Yves Chauvin)和美国人罗伯特?H?格拉布(Robert H. Grubbs)与理查德?H?施罗克(Richard R.Schrock)。瑞典皇家科学院称他们是以“发展了有机合成中的复分解方法”而获此殊荣的。获奖者的贡献呈现了此方法在化学工业中的意义,开辟了合成分子的一个新机遇,药物、塑料和其它材料的开发与工业生产将会由此得到飞速的发展,产品将变得更便宜,而且对环境也更友好。为使广大国内读者能够进一步了解他们的发现的重要意义。 复分解(Metathesis)这个词来源于希腊的meta(变化)和thesis(位置),是指两种物质的部分交换。在反应AB+CD→AC+BD 中,B 已经与C 交换了位置。式1 示出了烯烃交换反应,通过两个原料烯烃之间的碳烯(亚烷基)交换,形成了两个新的烯烃。复分解催化剂已经发展成为有机合成中的极其强有力和多才多艺的工具,它所导致的合成变换令人叫绝。下面来叙述由肖夫所揭示的复分解机理和随后由施罗克与格拉布发现的复分解催化剂及其应用。 2 烯烃复分解反应的发现 催化复分解反应是随上世纪50 年代由齐格勒(Ziegler,1963 年诺贝尔化学奖)在乙烯聚合反应中的观察而在工业中发现的。尽管在一系列专利中报道了新的过程,但是对其机理并不了解。其中的一个专利是由杜邦公司的Eleuterio 在1957 年公布的有关不饱和聚合物的形成。此聚合物是由高张力的原料降冰片烯加到负载在与氢化锂铝结合的氧化铝的氧化钼上而获得的。同一年,申请的另一个有关烯烃歧化反应的专利,即用负载于氧化铝上的三异丁基铝和氧化钼处理使丙烯转换成乙烯和丁烯,揭示了另一个似乎是新的转换。


天津师范大学 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目:烷基桥联的N-杂环卡宾金属配合物的合成及其结构的 研究 学院:化学学院 学生姓名:方漪芸 学号:08507018 专业:化学 年级:08级 完成日期:2012年05月 指导教师:柳清湘

烷基桥联的氮杂环卡宾金属配合物的合成及其结构的研究 摘要:N-杂环卡宾及其金属配合物在金属配位化学和有机化学中的应用非常广泛,它不仅能与元素周期表中的许多金属元素发生反应并且其得到的金属配合物所显示出来的优良催化活性使其成为最具潜质的催化剂。除此之外,它也开始广泛地应用于精细化工产品的合成中,成为现代有机化学中必不可少的重要物质之一。因此为了使氮杂环卡宾金属配合物的相关合成方法有新的拓展,本文采用烷基桥联的氮杂环卡宾作配体,合成并且得到了一个N-杂环卡宾镍金属配合物的晶体,并对其结构进行了相关研究。 关键词:N-杂环卡宾;金属配合物;合成;结构研究

Synthesis of N-heterocyclic Carbene Metal Complexes by Alkyl Bridge Linkage Abstract:N-heterocyclic carbene and N-heterocyclic carbene mental complexes are widely used in coordination organometallic chemistry and coordination chemistry. Now, it has became one of the hotest topics in the field of chemistry. The study of N-heterocyclic carbine began in 1991, when first free N-heterocyclic carbene was isolated by Ardengo, this has evoked considerable attention. N-heterocyclic carbine always shows high activity, it can react with almost all elements in periodical table.Besides, the excellent catalytic activity of N-heterocyclic carbene mental complexes makes it beco me the most potential catalyst. What’s more, N-heterocyclic carbine have made signficant progesses in the synthesis of fine chemical products,which makes it occupy an important position in organic chemistry. In order to expand the synthesis of N-heterocyclic carbine mental complexes ,we used N-heterocyclic carbine which bridged by alkyl as ligand and one N-heterocyclic carbene nickel complex was prepared. And we have the structure researched.. Key words : N-heterocyclic carbene; metal complex; prepare; structure research


2015春夏服装设计企划方案 2015春夏服装设计企划方案,“非凡年代”主题将过去和现代融合,体现摩登美感,更新了宏观趋势。50年代复古风为服装增添了一抹性感和活力,同时军装风的精致蕾丝和花卉也服装增添了女性化魅力。 “非凡年代”主题将过去和现代融合,体现摩登美感,更新了宏观趋势。魅惑半身裙和修身裙体现50年代的活力和性感。短身上装,高腰铅笔裙和衬衫式连衣裙迎合主题,同时,轻盈条格平布,纯棉材质和立体装饰保持了现代女性化造型。淡橄榄绿,卡其色和靛青色军装风造型注入了柔美元素。廓形奢华,实用面料,装饰细节,工艺精湛,融合了精致蕾丝,花卉印花,共同演绎出浪漫风尚。 造型:里维埃拉风廓形和浪漫女性化魅力用于军装风造型。 色彩 紫色浪潮融入蓝色色调,同时,橄榄绿,紫水晶色,和彩虹色与时尚红色搭配,使飘逸色彩更加明亮。 印花&图案 水彩印花,植物印花和花卉印花体现复古墙纸风,同时,新款传统格子纹体现中世纪美感。

针织 针织衫重新呈现出复古纹理,比如蕾丝,钩针,复古提花,精致网眼和运动针织布以及罗纹针织。 梭织 轧花和活褶表面处理,甜美泡泡纱和轧花提花是梭织材质的主打,并搭配棉织牛仔布,斜纹布,府绸和丝质贡缎。

细节 “非凡年代”采用娇媚荷叶边,蝴蝶结式腰带和花卉装饰与大口袋和铜纽扣搭配,演绎出女性化和实用性的活力对比。 中世纪摩登造型 系列款图

浪漫制服 系列款图 夏日风衣 西装式夹克。 西装式夹克搭配腰带,体现腰部曲线。纯棉西装或起皱泡泡纱彰显服装结构。

短袖衬衫 领尖带扣衬衫以简约袖子和箱型比例为特点。纯棉府绸剪出精致比例。 搭配过膝铅笔裙。 伞裙 印花材质的连衣裙,下摆为伞形,体现动感。贴袋细节演绎休闲造型。 腰带和裹身设计突出了沙漏造型。


北方民族大学文献 综述 题目: 怎样提高薪酬的激励作用 学院名称:管理学院 学生姓名:陈忠权 专业:人力资源管理学号: 指导教师姓名:胡玲副教授。, 论文提交时间:2011年12月1日 摘要 随着国内经济发展,市场经济的成熟,企业越来越多,对人力资源的需求也在蒸蒸日上,对人力资源的质量要求也越高,对人才的竞争变得异常激烈,这使得人力资本也随之上升。而现在国内的企业,大多数还没认识到这点,薪酬管理混乱,发放没有依据,这使得企业薪酬没有发挥其应有的作用。企业的人力资本都是有限的,那么我们如何让有限的人力资本发挥它最大的作用呢这是现今所有企业面临的问题,也是他们追求的目标。因此,研究如何发挥薪酬的作用,找出解决方法,是十分必要和迫切的。 本文就是针对现今国内企业薪酬激励作用存在的问题,从“如何提高有限的人力资本的作用”这个角度来论述总结阐述了一些现在比较适行的方法、理论加上自己的个人观点综合而来。 关键词:薪酬,激励作用,薪酬制度,公平理论,双因素理

论,期望理论 目录 前言 (4) 一、薪酬激励理论方法回顾 (4) (一)薪酬理论观点 (4) (二)薪酬具体操作方法 (8) 二、对各经济学大家激励理论的评价及我个人的观点 (12) (一)对经济大家激励理论的评论 (12) (二)个人观点 (14) 三、参考文献 (15) 怎样提高薪酬的激励作用 管理学院 2009级人力资源管理专业陈忠权 前言 薪酬的激励作用是企业薪酬价值的体现,也体现出企业薪酬的目的,企业付出薪酬是为最求效率的提高,然而,随着经济发展,经济多元化,薪酬的激励作用越来越小,为使企业薪酬发挥最大作用,很多经济学家提出了行之有效的理论和方法,目前很多企业都在学习和应用。但很多都不全面,任然需要继续学习和发展。 一、薪酬激励理论方法回顾 自从有了雇佣,就有了薪酬,也就有了薪酬管理,所以薪酬管理的经存在已有很长的历史。今天的薪酬管理是在总结了前人经验的基础上,自我发展,已经形成一定的模式,有了一些比较普遍可行的管理方法和理论。本文把各个学术大家的观点分理论和具体方法来阐述。 (一)薪酬理论观点 亚当斯的薪酬公平理论。这个理论认为:公平理论侧重于研究报酬大小与努力水平的关系,探讨工资报酬的合理性对员工工作积极性的影响。该理论指出,员工的工作动机,不仅受其所得的绝对报酬的影


第22卷第2/3期2010年3月 化 学 进 展 PROGRESS I N CHE M I ST RY Vol .22No .2/3  Mar .,2010 收稿:2009年4月,收修改稿:2009年6月  3国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(No .2007C B714305)资助33Corres ponding author e 2mail:zjli@njut .edu .cn N 2杂环卡宾/CO 2加合物的合成及其应用 3 王燕芹 李振江 33  郭 畅 (南京工业大学生物与制药工程学院材料化学工程国家重点实验室 南京210009) 摘 要 强亲核性的N 2杂环卡宾(N 2heter ocyclic carbenes,NHC )是近年来研究最为活跃的一类小分子 有机催化剂。本文综述了NHC 2CO 2的合成方法和NHC 2CO 2参与的4类重要反应。探讨了NHC 2CO 2作为NHC 转移试剂参与的配位反应;作为CO 2转移试剂和催化剂调控的CO 2固定和碳酸酯合成;作为羧基配体 与过渡金属配位;作为潜在的NHC 催化剂催化环状单体开环聚合反应等应用。最后,展望了其发展前景。 关键词 N 2杂环卡宾 CO 2 加合物 合成 催化 配位中图分类号:O626 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10052281X (2010)02/320433207 The Prepara ti on and Appli ca ti on of N 2Heterocycli c Carbene /CO 2Adducts W ang Yanqin L i Zhenjiang 33  Guo Chang (State Key Laborat ory of Materials 2O riented Che m ical Engineering,College of B i otechnol ogy and Phar maceutical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technol ogy,Nanjing 210009,China ) Abstract The nucleophilic N 2heter ocyclic carbene (NHC )has e merged as a hot t op ic as organocatalyst in recent years .The t w o p reparati on methods and f our i m portant reacti ons are revie wed in this paper .The app licati ons of N 2heter ocyclic carbene /CO 2adducts in metal coordinati on as NHC transfer reagents,in CO 2fixati on and carbonate synthesis as catalysts and CO 2transfer reagents,in transiti on metal comp lexati on as carboxylat o 2ligands,and as latent NHC in catalyzing ring 2opening poly merizati on of cyclic monomers are summarized .The potential devel opment of the research and app licati on of NHC 2CO 2is discussed . Key words N 2heter ocyclic carbene;carbon di oxide;adducts;synthesis;catalysis;coordinati on Con ten ts 1 I ntr oducti on 2 The Preparati on of N 2heter ocyclic carbene /CO 2ad 2 ducts 211 NHC 2CO 2p repared by direct reacti on of free car 2 bene and CO 2 212 NHC 2CO 2p repared by indirect methods 3 The app licati on of N 2heter ocyclic carbene /CO 2ad 2 ducts 311 NHC 2CO 2adducts as NHC transfer reagents 312 NHC 2CO 2adducts as CO 2transfer reagents 313 NHC 2CO 2adducts as carboxylat o ligands 314 NHC 2CO 2adducts as ring 2opening poly merizati on catalysts of cyclic monomers 4 Conclusi on and outl ook 1 引言 自1991年A rdueng o 等[1] 第一次成功分离得到 游离的N 2杂环卡宾(N 2heter ocyclic carbenes,NHC,1)以来,NHC 已成为一类广泛研究和应用的Le wis 碱。它可以替代传统的富电子膦配体与过渡金属元


关于当前国内外企业薪酬制度文献综述 一、前言部分 在经济全球化的今天,企业内外经营环境日趋变化和具有挑战性,企业竞争,不仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争,更是人力资源的竞争。管理好人力资源,充分调动企业员工的积极性,成为人力资源管理的一项重要工作。而人力资源竞争的背后是机制的竞争,特别是薪酬机制,在其中发挥着至关重要的作用,而面对形势发展,企业在薪酬管理上还存在着许多问题。然而薪酬体系则是把企业的战略目标转化成员工的具体行动方案,并引导、激励员工实施这些行动,形成企业、社会与员工利益一致的共同体的重要环节。因此如何搞好企业中薪酬机制的研究,具有重大而现实的意义。本文一方面主要研究企业如何通过设计科学适用的薪酬体系,来达到吸引人才、留住人才以及发挥人才最大潜力;另一方面,找出企业薪酬体系中存在的不足之处,并提出合理化的建议,从而帮助企业提高生产效益。 二、主题部分 (一)国外研究状况 《薪酬系统理论》(Matt Bloom)一文中指出:对于一个组织的内部,薪酬系统是比补偿系统跟简单的一种机制,为了确保薪酬系统能够在提供金融报酬的组织的雇佣者和由劳动者所提供的劳动之间创造一种经济有效的交换。但是,薪酬系统在组织内部也扮演着一种重要的社会和象征角色。通过这些角色薪酬系统也影响着各种各样的例如员工关系、雇员环境以及绩效等自然的产出。高绩效组织的研究强有力的表明:大组织在诚信、相关,关怀、尊重的基础之上创造和养育了相关的交换。Reilly and Pfeffer以这些方式汇总了这些著作:“大公司的人们想在大的环境下工作,在那里他们可以准确的发挥他们的天赋,在那里用尊严、诚信和尊重来对待他们。并且组织的文化是值得他们去尽情的承诺和高的努力。研究组织公平对于理解薪酬系统的非经济影响特别重要。这些研究表明公平问题是怎么成为员工关系的一个重要的部分。这也为理解公平是怎么成为一个精心设计的薪酬体系的一个临界成分创造了基础。一种水平的薪酬系统被看做是公平的就是当其满足“按劳分配”原则时。这里的公平是指按他们自己的工资水平


2014春夏男装全新色彩分析 陶土色是2014春夏男装时尚的重点色调之一,反映了烘烤泥土色调的重要性,和暖色调的橙色作为一个色彩层次的演变。在过去中,陶土色建立了作为时装色调的势头,其商业化的成功是基于亮橙色,而亮橙色将会发展成为烘烤泥土色的层次。橙色的个性化美感将会在2014年春夏及以后得到发展,它将接手暖色调的红色,引用泥土金属色的元素。配色的范围可以使从清爽的白色,到中性的沙色色调。与黑色对比的搭配有一种现代运动装的感觉。与蓝色互补的搭配提供了一种最佳的混合,从牛仔蓝到搪瓷蓝色和墨蓝色都适用。明亮色调的紫色和蓝绿色使考究的造型更具活力。 1、陶土色&白色温暖的橙色和白色的清新搭配是盛夏造型的理想之选,其全部产品都使用抢眼的陶土色单色,从外套、针织衫和无结构剪裁的夹克,到休闲长裤和短裤,不一而足。就增加色调而言,可以在底边上使用白色与它们形成对比。 2、陶土色&图案 陶土色为季节性团和印花主题增添了一种时装新品。在Pringle可以看到这种色彩用数码迷彩的方式进行了重新处理,同时,它也是泥土色花朵和抽象效果与中性色和白色底色相结合的一部分。黑色的色调增加了深度和清晰度,对外套、衬衣和运动衫新品来说都是理想的选择。

3、陶土色&蓝色 由于极性相反的颜色光谱,橙色和蓝色形成了绝佳的色彩搭配,质地轻盈的浅蓝色外套内搭陶土色运动衫或者针织衫,辅以墨蓝色的裤子和白色的强化,正如在Damage Playground所见。工装风外套和衬衫衣料的纯正牛仔蓝,直到更强烈的搪瓷蓝套染,都可以由暖橙色的下装补足。陶土色在休闲夹克上的运用是褐色之外一个更抢眼的选择,反向平衡创造出一种更具流行性的造型。


七匹狼服饰公司品牌战略定位研究 市场竞争日益激烈,现代企业之间的竞争已经演变成了品牌竞争,企业要在竞争中取胜必须明确自己的品牌定位。以国内知名男装服饰品牌七匹狼为例,通过对企业发展概况、品牌定位经营环境、现阶段釆取的品牌定位策略及经营中品牌定位存在的不足进行了分析,针对七匹狼服饰公司品牌定位存在的问题提出了完善品牌定位的具体策略。 标签:七匹狼;服饰;品牌定位 1七匹狼服饰公司概况 七匹狼服饰公司创立于1990年,是福建的七匹狼实业有限公司。创业者由于受到国际知名品牌如:鳄鱼、花花公子等的影响,想用动物名称作为品牌名称,而狼是一种极具挑战、团队合作和勇往直前精神的动物,创业者们认为这正是创业不可缺少的精神,恰巧“狼”在闽南话中与“人”是谐音,由于当时创业者共有七人,最终将品牌定名为“七匹狼”。25年来,七匹狼一直致力于为广大消费者提供符合男性身份,充满男性魅力的现代化高品质服装,塑造出“男人不只一面”的文化特征。七匹狼将品牌定位目标群体锁定在自主经营者、公司职员、公务人员等社会主流群体中,年龄大致在20-50岁,其中以25-35岁年龄段的为核心群体,他们的心理诉求正处于追求成功、体现自身男人魅力、百折不挠、勇往直前的狼性文化上。 2七匹狼服饰公司品牌战略定位经营环境分析 2.1男装市场宏观环境概述 (1)经济环境分析。中国男装市场由于起步较早,相较于其他服装市场略为成熟。但竞争也十分激烈,不断涌出的新品牌冲击着男装市场,导致市场竞争日益激烈。企业在投资领域方面也在不断扩大,但大品牌的市场占有率居高不下,前十名的男装品牌几乎占据全国50%的市场。另外,随着经济水平的不断提高,消费者越来越重视自身的外在形象,在服装产品上的消费比例也越来越大,这预示着男装市场未来有很大的发展前景。 (2)生产技术分析。我国的男装行业经过多年的发展,已经具备一定的经营基础,生产技术方面也已经革新。大多数企业都拥有先进的生产设备,一流的销售团队,在产品的市场定位市场选择方面也有一定的经验。总体而言,男装市场初具规模。生产技术也不断提高,企业生产不断向现代化、国际化迈进。 (3)人口分析。我国男女比例失调,男性一直居多。据2010年第六次全国人口普查公报,男性人口的比例占全国总人口51.27%,而女性占48.73%,男性比女性大约多3398万。由此可见,中国的男装市场依然是一个不容忽视的市场,市场份额基数比较大,有众多的消费者。


嘉兴学院南湖学院毕业论文(设计)文献综述 题目:高层管理人员薪酬激励管理 系别:商学系专业:人力资源管理 班级:N112 学号:44 学生姓名:韩耀东指导老师:蒋懿一、前言部分 在市场经济条件下,薪酬是一种十分重要的激励手段,企业之间的竞争归根结底在于人才潜能的挖掘。如何促进员工努力实现组织目标,提高组织效益,而且能在人才竞争日益激烈的知识经济下吸引和保留住一支素质良好且有竞争力的员工队伍便成了现代关乎每个企业生死存亡的问题。在市场经济条件下,企业若能拥有优秀的员工,并且充分、有效地激励员工的潜能,就很可能在竞争中取得先机。但是,我国目前大多数企业的薪酬激励却存在着严重的缺陷,大体表现在总体薪酬水平过低、薪酬结构不科学、对长期利益的忽视。往往是优秀的人才流失,目前不能留住人才成为了国企对于外资企业竞争的短板。因此,实施合理、有效的薪酬激励,促进员工提高自我与企业共同进步,达到企业长远利益与个人利于捆绑在一起成为了眼下国企的必修课。 二、主题部分 (一)国外研究状况 20世纪80年代以来,西方企业薪酬管理受到普遍关注的主要原因在于其能够实现对经营战略的配合,完成企业所要求的各种不同的目标。 运用效用理论优化薪酬激励计划一文中提出对于不同人员使用不同的激励机制。众所周知的马斯洛需要五个层次理论,人类需求为不同的类别。作为一个低水平的工资,只能满足了绝大多数人的保障需求状况,仍然是一个绝对的原则。低工资的公司,即使有良好的企业文化也难以留人。高层次人才,工资较高但如果缺少培训的发展机会,但仍缺乏吸引力。 (Joiner,keith https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f7524221.html,ing utility theory to optimize a salary incentive plan for grant-funded faculty,Academic Medicine 2004(79):P652-660)


2015年春夏男装面料流行趋势 各大盛事都对于未来亚麻流行面料在服装领域打造的时尚趋势,通过动静态的展示丰富了未来亚麻面料与服饰的内涵,为未来2015年春夏男装面料流行趋势指明了方向,提供了更多对于未来世界的探索。 主题一 ‘灵'’感‘之城 Smart City 自城市,应该为人们提供宜居的环境。 抛开灰色的天空,远离堵塞的交通,屏蔽嘈杂喧嚣,来’灵‘’感‘之城体验明日美好的城市生活。 更加理性的规划,更加智慧的设计,更现代化的技术,使城市成为一个能自我感知的整体,为居民提

供便捷灵动的生活。 科技的不断进步,为人类接近自然提供了无限的支撑。 色彩Colors 都市色调,黑白灰,花纱灰,煤灰,水泥灰,肉肤色调,金属光泽。 Urban tones, black ash, mélange grey, charcoal grey, taupe grey, flesh color, metallic shade 面料Fabrics 强调面料的科技感、功能性、保养功能(微胶囊面料)等等。轻盈的薄纱,透明半透明的PVC材质,不乏流畅感;微微金属光泽的功能性化纤面料;3D打印般的效果;层次丰富的花灰针织织物;天然纤维经过合成、层叠化处理,强调舒适、流畅触感的同时具有了科技感外观。 主题二 美学幻想Aesthetic Fantasy

各种艺术形式装点下的世界,让我们仿佛置身在画廊中。 甜美的食物,梦幻的超现实主义,热情奔放沙滩,艳丽的热带花卉,复古的油画,自由的涂抹,拼贴效果的艺术作品,梦幻水彩,中国水墨,这些我们通常在画廊中能找到的艺术,在15春夏纷沓而至。 世界就是设计师的画廊,等着被艺术点亮。 色彩Colors 整体色调分成两组,第一组明亮华丽,用来支撑各种印花图案;第二组甜美柔和,让人想起诱人食物。 面料Fabrics 抽象的大尺寸提花和绣花织物,具有油画般的质感;超现实主义图案的精致丝质锦缎;鲜亮色彩的热带花卉和超现实主义的数码印花或冷转移印花织物;硬挺的亚麻以及棉混纺织物,具有了褶皱或纸质的立体廓形感;轻质泡状的氯丁橡胶材质及其它人造材质。


徐伯达老师简介 ?TTT资深培训讲师 ?PPT/结构化思维讲师 ?国家企业二级培训师 ?视觉技术引导培训师 ?微课设计开发培训师 ?企业学习产品开发导师 ?AACTA美国注册培训师 ?内训师培养资深咨询项目导师 ?组织经验内化与课程开发导师 ?《结构性思维》版权认证讲师 ?《岗位经验内化项目》版权认证讲师 实战背景(企业实战工作经验10年+培训讲台经验8年) 曾任:国内首家上市大型服装公司培训商学院内训师(从0开始搭建企业商学院培训体系,建立线上与线下学习绩效考核模式,实现零售连锁店铺近百场巡回培训) 曾任:国内知名男装卡宾、卡门公司担任培训负责人、企业内部培训师(主管零售培训体系规划与建设、搭建员工胜任力模型,年平均培训近百场) 曾任:广东知名咨询公司担任客户经理一职(培训质量评估、课程研发、讲师、主持人培养工作) 资历优势 徐老师具有10多年实战管理和培训经验,擅长内训师孵化与培养、岗位经验内化、企业课程开发。专注企业学习项目设计与培训体系构建,同时是广东省多个院校和培训机构的长期合作讲师。致力于帮助企业全面提升人才培养效率,以及打造高效的绩效组织。为全国各地企业内训师岗位技能孵化项目研究与发展,尤其是在企业内训师培养、岗位经验内化、课程设计与开发等课程培训及辅导项目实施上拥有宝贵的实战经验,擅长运用结构化思维、行动学习、教练技术、交互式学习等学习方式来快速调动学员的参与性和积极性。先后为企业提供培训约2000多课时,培训学员逾1+万多人次。培训满意度一直保持在90%以上。 鉴于双重的职业经历和长达15余年的实战工作经验,徐老师秉承的专业务实的态度,从企业方的思维角度出发,剖析企业真正的培训需求,解决企业业务问题,通过行为改变、


薪酬管理综述 21世纪是充满机遇和挑战的时代,是人力资源激烈竞争的时代。目前,我国企业正经历着一场管理体制变革,企业薪酬管理制度改革也势在必行。薪酬管理作为现代人力资源管理的重要内容,合理有效的激励制度对员工有着十分明显的激励作用,可以促使员工为了实现组织目标而努力工作,使企业在人才竞争中留住人才和使用人才。自改革开放以来,我国企业薪酬管理体制存在的弊端越来越凸显,对员工产生的负面影响也较为突出,在一定程度上阻碍了员工工作积极性的发挥。 一、薪酬管理概念的界定 刘昕认为,薪酬管理是整个人力资源管理系统以及组织运营和变革过程中的一个重要组成部分,它与其他人力资源管理职能共同构成了公司使命、愿景以及战略目标实现的重要基石[1]。 王豪认为,企业的薪酬管理,就是企业管理者对本企业员工报酬的支付标准、发放水平、要素结构进行确定、分配和调整的过程。在这一过程中,企业必须就薪酬水平、薪酬体系、薪酬结构、薪酬形势以及特殊员工群体的薪酬做出决策[2]。冯云认为,所谓薪酬管理,是指一个组织根据所有员工所提供的服务来确定他们应当得到的报酬总额以及报酬结构和报酬形式的一个过程[3]。 苌建强认为,薪酬管理是管理者人本管理思想的重要体现。薪酬是劳动者提供劳动的回报,是对劳动者各种劳动消耗的补偿,因此薪酬水平既是对劳动者劳动力价值的肯定,也直接影响着劳动者的生活水平。在我国物质生活水平日益提高的今天,管理者不仅要保证其员工基本生活,更要适应社会和个人的全方位发展,提供更全面的生活保障,建立起适应国民经济发展水平的薪酬制度[4]。 二、国内外薪酬管理研究现状 (一)国内薪酬管理研究现状 [1]刘昕.薪酬管理[M] .中国人民大学出版社.2011 [2]王豪.薪酬管理理论的演进[J] .消费导刊.2009(02) [3]冯云.薪酬管理在人力资源管理中的运用分析[J].现代经济信息.2011(02) [4]苌建强.试论薪酬管理[J].现代商业.2010(6)


题目:2014秋冬女装外套流行调研 学生: 学号: 院(系): 班级: 指导教师:

2014秋冬女装外套流行调研 调查目的:西安地区女士秋冬普遍着装情况 调查地点:西安钟楼开元商场、民生广场、百盛 调查对象:20-30岁消费群体 一、调查背景 1.西安钟楼 西安钟楼,位于陕西省西安市的市中心,城内东西南北四条大街的交汇处。钟楼是西安最有影响力的商圈,其中服装业和餐饮业尤为发达。钟楼商圈以钟楼的周边为本商圈的核心区域,借助文化优势和本区域的不可复制性,形成了西安最大的同时也是最为传统的商业中心。来此的消费者通常具有一定的时尚感,因此我选择这附近的商城作为调查地点。 (1)开元商城 开元商城位于钟楼商圈中心,钟楼东南角,是西安地区具有代表性的大型百货商业中心。处于传统商业的中心,人流量非常大。

(2)民生百货 民生百货东大街店地处西安市钟楼核心商圈,以经营中高档商品为主的精品百货店,注入了符合西安发展、定位和广大市民追求创新生活的诸多元素。 (3)西安百盛 西安百盛位于西大街,位在黄金商业区内,并以其花样繁多的促销手法、丰富多彩的商品吸引众多古城消费者!每天都有大批顾客蜂拥而来。

二、调查内容 1、色彩分析 (1)辣椒红 2014秋冬红色是最能引起人们的兴奋和快乐情感的颜色。红色对人的感官刺激作用十分强烈。它象征热烈、活泼、浪漫与火热;它使穿着者更显朝气、青春与活力。。 VM IROI (2)钴蓝色 2013年春夏季的数字蓝色调在2013年秋冬季变得更加忧郁、阴沉,而2014年春夏季变的澄清明亮,彰显海洋蓝色。明亮的合成色调为成衣带来更为高端的格调,饱和湛蓝和天蓝增加现代感,成套穿着使造型更具冲击力。 CC&DD CC&DD


男装H5营销活动策划方案例 一家广告公司,负责人在面试将要结束的时候给我布置了一个任务,花两天时间写一个关于卡宾男装的H5活动策划案,要发挥我的优势,周四(也就是今天)下午下班前交。然鹅,我没有半点活动策划经验,对H5的研究仅限于做成PPT 水平啊喂!我还是答应了,总之抱着一个必胜(si)的决心试一试。在这两天,可谓大致了解是怎么个情况,我的策划流程: 1.找个笔记本,把关于品牌的我所需要的背景资料先找一找,然后做下笔记。如果要给品牌写策划案,就一定要先了解它的来龙去脉,所有能够帮助你理解的统统要知道。 2.对于H5缺乏的经验,可以通过信息查找来增进理解,在找知乎之前,我在微信上搜索了一下H5的营销案例,之前也有过相关的案例收集。我发现对H5来说,最重要的是互动性。比如需要你来参与点击、摇一摇、或者滑动,来进行下一步。 对于H5的理解,知乎上面有几个问题的答案都非常具有参考性,比如: 一、如何做出有创意的H5? 要点: 1、利用思维导图(发散与联系) 2、受众精准定位 二、如何定义你说的感觉不错的H5? 要点: 1、目标受众足够广大

2、内容呈现是直戳痛点的 (满足用户的某项“需求”,而且“需求”可能在营销或者传播上看,更多地偏向心理主导的“情感需求”) 3、设计交互是制作精良的 4、传播效果是可预知性的 三、H5好不好的判断标准? 要点: 1、点子够不够新 2、能否打动目标人群 3、能否引起二次传播 4、转化率高不高 要思考几个问题: ①购买人群的主要特征?(年龄、职业、兴趣) ②目标人群喜欢什么样的内容?(了解产品、价值) ③了解客户要呈现的特征是什么?H5制作的目的是什么? H5小游戏制作的两种主要模式: (作者:易良慧来源:知乎) 1、原生开发 就是自己写HTML5代码(HTML/CSS/Javascript),或者使用第三方引擎,例如国内常见的白鹭、Cocos2d-Js,以及国外的Phaser.io,这个极力推荐,虽然国内用的人不多。 2、第三工具 另外就是通过一些第三方工具来实现游戏的生成与定制。 这里也可以分为两类


中国公务员薪酬制度改革的研究的文献综述 摘要公务员薪酬制度作为公务员制度的的重要组成部分,是非常重要的一个环节,是公务员福利保障机制的核心内容。公务员薪酬制度设计得是否合理,不但直接影响公务员队伍的稳定性和公务员工作的积极性,而且关系到公共行政管理的效率和公正性,甚至会影响社会公众与政府之间的关系。本文试总结近年来国内外关于公务员薪酬制度改革的研究成果,并对我国公务员薪酬制度改革进行简单总结,并对今后的公务员薪酬制度改革提供一些建议。 关键词公务员薪酬制度改革 一、公务员薪酬制度的含义 根据公务员的定义:公务员是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员。可见公务员也是一种体现劳动者职责与权利关系的职业,公务员依法履行公职,必然享受相应的权利,工资福利是其权利的具体体现。在西方,工资是按小时计算的支付给蓝领雇员或者说是体力劳动者的货币形式的报酬;薪水则是以月薪或年薪的形式支付给白领雇员或脑力劳动者的货币形式的报酬。在我国,薪酬通常使用的是“工资”的概念。 公务员薪酬是指在国家公共管理部门工作并执行国家公务的这部分特定的公职人员,以自己的知识和能力,在一定时间内为国家和人民服务所得到的报酬。狭义上是指单位按月发放给公务员的固定部分,包括基本工资、年工工资、岗位津贴以及按国家规定的几项福利补贴。广义上还应包括国家其他福利待遇,单项奖励与奖金等。一般来说,公务员的工资是由人事部门制定,并由中央或地方财政支付的。 二、研究背景和意义 (一)研究背景

21世纪是知识经济时代,人力资本已经取代工业时代的“资本”成为当今最重要的战略资源。对于世界政府而言,拥有一支尽责、廉洁、高效的公务员队伍是实现政府目标的根本保证。 相对于我国经济与社会快速发展的新形势,我国公务员薪酬制度的发展是滞后的。由于制度上、经济上和观念上的落后,以及执行中复杂的实际情况,现行的公务员薪酬制度既没有在公务员内部建立公平有效的合理差别,又没有与其他社会成员的收入建立平衡关系,难以与国民经济的增长保持同步,严重影响了薪酬的激励作用的发挥,进而衍生出一系列社会问题。 (二)研究意义 科学合理的薪酬制度不仅可以保证公务员及其家庭生活水准,对调动公务员工作积极性、创造性,提高服务效率具有激励作用,还对公务员的流动及政府部门的人力资源配置发挥导向作用,有助于保持和优化公务员队伍。当前,在构建和谐社会的背景下,我国公务员薪酬制度正处在不断改革与完善的过程之中。由于公务员薪酬制度对公务员管理起着至关重要的作用,是吸引优秀人才、稳定公务员队伍、提高行政效率的重要手段,因此研究公务员的薪酬制度也具有很大的现实意义。 三、国内外研究综述 (一)国外研究综述 研究公务员薪酬制度的改革,不得不研究薪酬制度产生的理论基础。根据管理学有关知识,薪酬制度的产生主要涉及人性假设理论、内容型激励理论、过程型激励理论和二十世纪六十年代兴起的人力资本理论。 英国经济学家亚当·斯密(1843)在《国富论》中首先提出了“经济人”的概念。亚当斯密认为,人的本性是懒惰的,必须加以鞭策,人的行为动机源于经济原因,必须以计划、组织、激励、控制等建立管理制度,并以金钱和权力维持员工的效力和服从 。


极简主义服装趋势研究 摘要:“less is more”这是注明的建筑师米斯凡德洛说过的一句话,意思是“少即多”,是一种提倡简单,反对过度装饰的设计理念。在米斯凡德洛看来简单的东西往往给人们以更多的享受。 随着社会的发展,物质生活的极度丰富,人们越来越忙碌,信息庞大而繁杂,高楼林立的复杂的大都市生活给我们施加着巨大的压力,我们渴望从中寻找解脱。简约的设计便成为一种潮流,追求简单宁静成为一群人的内心需求。 同时,对于人们女装的设计也和其他的产品和艺术品一样,正向着新的目标迈进。从使用功能上看,虽然不能直接服务于日常的现实生活,但能让人们在欣赏过程中,接受到许多新观念、新思维和新形式。这些信息,既可以起到更新人们的审美观念、提高审美能力的作用,同时,这些作品一旦获得社会、观众的普遍接受,就会产生新的流行内容,带动和促进商业化服装产品的销售,从而获得可观的社会效益和经济效益。对于观念的革新会带动服装款式的变化,极简已经成为了一种趋势,不同观感的材质与理念形成新的表达,把灵魂解脱出来。从繁杂到专注。 关键词:极简态度、实用主义、新材料、柔性雕刻。 1.近似风格品牌的状况总结 1.1加勒斯普Gareth Pugh 现状: 2013年是加勒斯·普 (Gareth Pugh) 在巴黎办秀的第4年,4年中这位新生代伦敦设计师也完成了向一个成熟、一流欧洲设计师的转型。在加勒斯·普(Gareth Pugh) 2013春夏女装系列中,设计师最爱的流线型廓形,比以往更加柔和、更具有浪漫的张力。本季他还在品牌最具标志性的黑、白、灰3色中,加入了更具冲击力的猩红色。 来自伦敦的加勒斯·普 (Gareth Pugh),是继John Galliano、Alexander McQueen后吸引许多媒体目光的设计师,加勒斯·普 (Gareth Pugh) 建立自己
