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疑问词+不定式 讲解及各题型练习

疑问词+不定式 讲解及各题型练习
疑问词+不定式 讲解及各题型练习

英语语法------ 疑问词+不定式


疑问词what, which, who, when, where, how及连接副词whether与不定式连用而形成一个短语,这个短语相当于一个名词,可在句中做句子的主语、宾语或表语等。如:

1. 作主语。如:

What to do is not decided yet. 该做什么还没有确定。

How to begin is more difficult than where to stop. 如何开始比到哪里停止还困难。

2. 作宾语。如:

Do you know when to start? 你知道什么时候开始吗?

I showed her which button to press. 我告诉她应该按哪一个按钮。


I found a book on how to avoid having a heart attack.


She was worried about how to fill her leisure time.


3. 作表语。如:

The question is how to carry out the plan. 问题是怎样执行这个计划。

The difficulty was how to cross the river. 困难在于如何过河。

二、“疑问词+不定式(短语)”是一个很有用的结构,它的作用相当于一个名词性从句,通常在某些动词(如tell, know, imagine, learn, decided, forget, remember, consider, understand等)后面做宾语,有时也用作主语、表语、同位语等。如:

He didn’t know how to answer her. 他不知道该怎样回答她。

When to start has not been decided. 何时动身尚未决定。

I don’t know who to ask advice from. 我不知道应向谁征求意见。

Would you please advise me which to buy? 你能否告诉我该买哪一个才好?

Please explain (to me) where to begin and how to do it. 请(给我)解释该从哪里开始及该怎么做。

They exchanged views on the question of whom to elect. 他们就该选谁的问题交换了意见。

注意:按英语习惯,疑问词why后面通常不接不定式。但在以why或why not 开头的省略型疑问句中,其后可跟不带to 的不定式。如:

Why get upset just because you got a bad mark? 何必因为没有考好就想不开呢?

You’re looking tired. Why not take a holiday? 你一脸倦容,怎么不休假呢?





误:I don’t know why to leave at once.

正:I don’t know why we must leave at once.


Why pay more at other shops? We have the best value. 为什么花更多的钱到其他商店去买呢? 我们这里最物美价廉。

另,why后面不带to的动词不定式有时也可能是否定的,该结构主要用来提出建议。如:You’re looking tired. Why not take a holiday? 你一脸倦容,怎么不休假呢?




I’m thinking what to do next. 我在想接下来要做什么。


She couldn’t think what to say. 她想不出该说什么。

She couldn’t think what to give the c hildren for Christmas. 她想不出圣诞节该送孩子们什




know how to结构。如:


误:I know to make Spanish omelettes.

正:I know how to make Spanish omelettes.


有些动词可以接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语,但通常不直接跟不定式作宾语。这类动词主要有consider (考虑), discover (发现), discuss (讨论), explain (说明), find (out) (查到),

know (知道), observe (观察), suggest (提议), wonder (怀疑), understand (了解)等。如:

Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考虑过如何到那儿去?

Our teacher explained how to use the machine. 老师向我们说明如何使用这台机器。

We discussed what to do and where we should go. 我们讨论了该怎么办及到哪里去。


误:Can you explain to make a cake?

正:Can you explain how to make a cake

易错五:which to do 的两种用法


I can’t decide which to choose. 我不能决定选哪个好。

Did you ask her which to buy? 你问没问她该买哪一个?

有时可能是关系代词,相当于一个省略的定语从句,此时主要用于介词后作宾语。如:She must have time in which to grow calm. 她必须有冷静下来的时间。

Allow me one minute in which to change my costumes. 给我一点时间来卸装。

这两句中的which to…也可改为定语从句:

She must have time in which she can grow calm.

Allow me one minute in which I can change my costumes.



1. Mr. Wu advised us _____to choose in this shop.

A. which

B. from which

C. what

D. how

2. The students do not know _______this math problem.

A. how to deal with

B. what to do

C. how to do with

D. what to deal with

3. Xiao Ming has explained ____ late for class to his teacher.

A. why to be

B. why he was

C. that he was

D. why be

4. Are you sure___?

A. how to work it out

B. how to work out it

C. what to work out it

D. what to work it out

5. He didn’t think ____ was easy.

A. who to choose

B. choosing a person

C. chose a person

6. He did not say ___ for help.

A. whose to ask

B. whom to ask

C. which to ask

D. what to ask


1. ___________ is a question.


2. I really don't know ____________________.


3. We must first solve the problem of____________________.


4. The question is ____________________.问题是该把它放在哪儿才好.(作表语)

5. I asked him________________________.我问他如何学习英语.(作宾语补足语)

6. The teacher told the students _______________ the experiment.


7. The young woman doesn't know____________________ .


8. He tells me______________________ all the questions in English.


9. ______________ is unknown.何时动身还不知道.

10. I forgot ___________ .我忘了该怎么办.

11. I can tell you __________________ .我可以告诉你哪里可以买到此书.


1. How to do it

2. what to write about

3. whom to serve

4. where to put it

5. how to learn English

6. how to do

7. what to do 8. how to answer 9. when to start

10. what to do 11. Where to buy(get)this book


1. How we should do it is a question.

2. I really don't know what I should write about.

3. We must first solve the problem of whom we should serve.

4. The question is where we should put it.

5. I asked him how we should learn English.


1. How we should do it was discussed last night.

___________________ was discussed last night.

2. I didn't know where I should go.

I didn't know ____________________ .

3. The difficulty was how we should cross the river.

The difficulty was _____________________________ .

Keys:1. How to do it 2. where to go 3. how to cross the river


一般疑问句习题 一、陈述句变一般疑问句 1. His father is an English teacher. ___________________________________________ ? 2. These cats are crying.(喊叫) ___________________________________________ ? 3. They can swim. ___________________________________________ ? 4. I like to read(阅读) English. ___________________________________________ ? 5. I go to school on foot.(走路) ___________________________________________ ? 6. He likes English. ___________________________________________ ? 7. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽 车) ___________________________________________ ? 8. He is crying(哭) under the tree. ___________________________________________ ? 9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November. ___________________________________________ ? 10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop. ___________________________________________ ?


词语专项 1.用“√”画出加点字正确的读音。 嫉妒.(dùhù)凯.(kǎkǎi)旋琐.(zuǒsuǒ)碎馈.(guìkuì)赠刊.(kān kēn)物客栈.(zàn zhàn)凛冽.(lèi liè)腼腆.(diǎn tiǎn)磁.(cízí)铁鱼鳞.(lín líng)船舵.(duòtuò)鉴.(jiàn qiàn)别 书籍.(jíjì)湖畔.(pàn bàn)比喻(yúyù)卓.(zhuōzhuó)越2.拼音词语连一连。 bǎo lěi 人丘xùn liáng 苔藓 snǒg yǒng 嘲笑tái xiǎn 驯良 rén qiū堡垒jiǎo fèi 明鉴 yīwēi 怂恿jīkě缴费 cháo xiào 依偎míng jiàn 饥渴 3.下面几组词语中,注音没有错误的一组是()。 A.仇.敌(chóu)冠.军(ɡuàn)发酵.(jiào ) B.日寇.(kòu)水浒.(xǔ)斩.杀(zhǎn) C.祭.奠(chá)烟熏.(xūn)超.级(chāo) D.婚.姻(hūn)晚辈.(bèi)罚.款(fǎ) 4.读音是“cháng é”的词语是()。 A.唱歌 B.产额 C.嫦娥 D.长鹅 5.下列选项中的词语书写完全正确的一组是()。 A.身段洁构好处绝口不提 B.随行边界传播同心谐力 C.挑选迟廷嫂子众星拱月 D.漫步流连杏仁诗情画意 6.下面词语中“毕”表示完结意思的一项是()。 A.毕竟 B.毕业 C.毕露 D.毕其全力 7.下面词语中()和“积极”搭配最合适。 A.配合 B.出发 C.举行 D.访问 8.读一读下面词语,从感情色彩上不同类的是 A.饮水思源 B.忘恩负义 C.诡计多端 D.臭名远扬 9.下列词语中不属于描写心理活动的是()。 A.兴高采烈 B.得意忘形 C.胆战心惊 D.足智多谋


特殊疑问词详解及特殊疑问句练习 一、特殊疑问句的定义:用“特殊疑问词”引导的疑问句叫做“特殊疑 问句”,朗读句子时用降调。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no而必须问什么就回答什么。例如: Where's the restaurant? 哪里有餐厅?It’s near the station. 车站附近。 二、特殊疑问句的用法:对划线部分提问,可以用什么疑问词? 1.对“地点,位置”提问,用“where”。例如: They are studying Chinese in China. → Where are they studying Chinese? 2.就“时间”提问,用“when”。例如: She came to Japan in 1990. → When did she come to Japan? 3.对“具体时刻、几点钟”提问,用“what time”。例如: He often goes to bed at ten. → What time does he often go to bed? 4.对“谁”提问,用“who”(主格)或“whom”(宾格)。例如: The girl is standing at the station. →Who is standing at the station? They often go home with T om. → Whom do they often go home with? 5.对“谁的(人或物)”提问,用“whose”。例如: I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet? 6.对“年龄,多少岁”提问,用“how old”。例如: The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there? 7.对“哪一个”提问,用“which”。例如: She likes the new skirt. → Which skirt does she like?8.对“颜色”提问,用“what colour”。例如: Her blouse is white. → What colour is her blouse? 9.对“职业”提问,用“what”。例如: His mother is a teacher. → What is his mother? Her brother works as a policeman. →What does her brother work as? My cousin is a doctor. → What is your cousin’s job? 10.对“次数”提问,用“how many times”。 (回答时,“一次”是once,“两次”是twice,“三次”是three times,“四次”是four times,如此类推……)例如: He has been to England twice. → How many times has he been to England? 11.对“数量”提问用“how many”(对可数名词进行提问)或“how much”(对不可数名词进行提问)。例如: There are 50 students in Class 1. → How many students are there in Class 1? I have some new shoes. → How many new shoes do you have? She spent 10yuan on the book. → How much did she spend on the book? There is little water in the bottle. → How much water is there in the bottle? 12.对“方式,方法;感觉如何”提问,用“how”。例如: We come to school on foot. → How do you come to school? She is feeling much better now. → How is she feeling now? 13.对“原因”提问,用“why”,回答时常用because开头。例如: He didn’t come because he was ill yesterday.→ Why didn’t he come yesterday? 14.对“做什么”提问,用“what…do/doing/done”。例如: He works as a worker. → What does he do?(问职业)



【发卷日期】2013年______月_______日【学生姓名】__________________________ 一、特殊疑问句的定义:用“特殊疑问词”引导的疑问句叫 做“特殊疑问句”,朗读句子时用降调。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no而必须问什么就回答什么。例如: Where's the restaurant? 哪里有餐厅?It’s near the station. 车站附近。 二、特殊疑问句的用法:对划线部分提问,可以用什么疑 问词? 1.对“地点,位置”提问,用“where”。例如: They are studying Chinese in China. → Where are they studying Chinese? 2.就“时间”提问,用“when”。例如: She came to Japan in 1990. → When did she come to Japan? 3.对“具体时刻、几点钟”提问,用“what time”。例如: He often goes to bed at ten. → What time does he often go to bed? 4.对“谁”提问,用“who”(主格)或“whom”(宾格)。例 如: The girl is standing at the station. → Who is standing at the station? They often go home with Tom. → Whom do they often go home with? 5.对“谁的(人或物)”提问,用“whose”。例如: I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet? 6.对“年龄,多少岁”提问,用“how old”。例如: The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there?7.对“哪一个”提问,用“which”。例如: She likes the new skirt. → Which skirt does she like? 8.对“颜色”提问,用“what colour”。例如: Her blouse is white. → What colour is her blouse? 9.对“职业”提问,用“what”。例如: His mother is a teacher. → What is his mother? Her brother works as a policeman. → What does her brother work as? My cousin is a doctor. → What is your cousin’s job? 10.对“次数”提问,用“how many times”。 (回答时,“一次”是once,“两次”是twice,“三次”是 three times,“四次”是four times,如此类推……)例 如: He has been to England twice. → How many times has he been to England? 11.对“数量”提问用“how many”(对可数名词进行提问)或 “how much”(对不可数名词进行提问)。例如: There are 50 students in Class 1. → How many students are there in Class 1? I have some new shoes. → How many new shoes do you have? She spent 10yuan on the book. → How much did she spend on the book? There is little water in the bottle. → How much water is there in the bottle? 12.对“方式,方法;感觉如何”提问,用“how”。例如: We come to school on foot. → How do you come to school? 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


语法专项练习题—特殊疑问句 I.对画线部分提问、 1.They bought a new bike yesterday. ____________________________________________________ 2.She is a nurse . ____________________________________________________ 3.She is my teacher. ____________________________________________________ 4.He bought the red one . ____________________________________________________ 5.It is my coat . ____________________________________________________ 6.I am looking for my sister . ____________________________________________________ 7.I get up at six . ____________________________________________________ 8.I am from Hubei . ____________________________________________________ 9.I went to school late because I got up late. ____________________________________________________ 10. It is windy . _____________________________________________________ 11. I am getting on well with it. _____________________________________________________ 12. My bag is red . ______________________________________________________ 13. The book is Li Hua’s. ______________________________________________________ 14. I like math best. ______________________________________________________ 15. They are five yuan . ______________________________________________________


词语专项训练 一、按拼音写词语。 mǎ tí shuāi jiāo qiào lì yùn cáng xuàn rǎ n ()()()()() xié shāng bào fā cì xù pí juàn jǔ sàng ()()()()() dì yù yōng dài bào yuàn yàn yǔ zhē gài ()()()()() mù dǔ máo wū shǎ shì jiāng yìng cháo xùn ()()() ( ) ( ) hūn chén jiě sàn tuì suō líng luàn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、写出下面词语的近义词。 天涯——惊叹——柔美——清鲜—— 洒脱——疾驰——奇丽——明朗—— 柔美——奇丽——无限——洒脱—— 羞涩——愉快——拘束——英勇—— 散布——奇异——勤勉——僻静—— 欢悦——攀谈——静谧——茂盛—— 追随——欢悦——勤勉——散布—— 蕴藏——苍穹——孕育——赠予—— 欢送——摇曳——旖旎——硕大—— 婆娑——长征──等闲——逶迤—— 开颜——进犯——险要——沉着—— 奉命——屹立——相继——依托—— 宣告——欢跃——肃静——热烈—— 瞻仰——宏伟——赞叹——沉思——

沉寂——暴露——憧憬——浓密——疲倦——发达——猜测——紧密——神秘——枯萎——干燥——抵御——咆哮——惊慌——拥戴——放肆——狞笑——沙哑——精美——舒适——顾惜——抱怨——探望——沉思——宁静——嗤笑——迅速——喧闹——遮盖——张望——渺小——恩赐——慷慨——节制——枯竭——感叹——威胁——设想——璀璨——遥望——呼唤——放弃——宝贵——神圣——浓密——体验——滋润——照管——品尝——终究——眷恋——险恶——归宿——恭敬——领悟——洋洋——清秀——纯熟——恬静——情愿——陶醉——尴尬——虚拟——郑重——伶俐——盼望——无端——伟大——允许——熟识——伶俐——盼望——朦胧——陡然——追悼——羞愧——枯瘦——悔恨——团聚——阴暗——感激——羞愧——稀(希)奇—— 呆头呆脑——别出心裁——技高一筹—— 大步流星——怒气冲冲——暴露无遗—— 心满意足——轻手轻脚——化为乌有—— 井然有序——理直气壮——风雨同舟—— 断断续续——波涛汹涌——恍然大悟—— 饱经风霜——熙熙攘攘——花色斑斓—— 顾影自怜——万水千山——威风凛凛—— 霎时间——倚——弹——复——曰——曝——三、写出下列词语的反义词。 低吟——静立——团结——羞涩——明朗——迂回——寂静——拘束——缩小——静谧——茂盛——俏丽——勤勉——得意——娇小——苍穹——孕育——赠予——欢送——摇曳——硕大——细浪——等闲——集中——沉着——崎岖——雄伟——光明——


特殊疑问句的结构及用法 1.特殊疑问句由疑问词引导,不同的疑问词用来询问不同的对象。 2.特殊疑问句的句型是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的句式,也就是“疑问词﹢系动词/助动词/情态动词﹢主语﹢其他成分。” 3.特殊疑问句不能用Yes 或No 来回答,而要对所询问的对象有针对地回答。特殊疑问词: 意思用法 who 谁问人的身份,姓名等 He is LiLie Who is he ? He is my brother. Who is he ? whose 谁的问所属关系 This is her book. Whose book is this ? when 什么时候问时间 We play games in the afternoon. When do you play games? where 什么地方问地点 We play games at home on Sunday ? Where do you play games on Sunday? why 为什么问原因 He isn't at school today because he is ill. Why isn't he at school today ? which 哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物 The big box is mine. There are two boxes.Which box is yours? Which apple do you like? I like the smaller one. what 什么问人的职业或事物是什么 He is a worker. What is he? He has a book. What does he have ? what color 什么颜色问颜色 My skirt is red. What color is your skirt? what time 几点问时间=when We play games at five in the afternoon ? What time do you play games? what day 星期几问星期几 What day is it today?It is Monday. how 怎样问健康状况、做事的方式、程度等 He is fine/strong. How is he ?(问健康状况) I go home by bike. How do you go home?(问做事的方式) The river is 100 meters. How deep is the river? (问程度)


特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提问,读降调。回答时针对所提问题具体回答,不用yes 或no 来回答。 句式结构:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句? How old are you? What is this in English? 向主语或主语的定语提问时,直接用疑问词替换主语+ 其他成分? Who is not here today? Which pen is red? 特殊疑问词及其应用: 单词意思用法 When 什么时间问时间 Who 谁问人 Whose 谁的问主人 Where 在哪里问地点 Which 哪一个问选择 Why 为什么问原因 What 什么问东西 what time 什么时间问具体几点钟 what colour 什么颜色问颜色 what about 怎么样问意见 what day 星期几问星期 what date 什么日期问具体日期 what for 为何目的问目的 how 怎么样问情况 how old 多大问年龄

how many 多少问数量(可数名词) how much 多少问价钱(不可数名词数) how about 怎么样问意见 how far 多远问路程 how often 多久一次问频率(动作多久发生一次) how many times 多少次问次数 how long 多久问动作持续了多久 how soon 多久问动作过多久才发生 注释:what 对指事物名词、身份、职业或谓语动词提出疑问。在向谓语动词提 问时,注意应用do 或doing 补在谓语动词的位置上。 He is drinking water.-what is he doing? Which 问一定范围内特指的人或物,而且通常和名词连用。 I am going to take this shirt (向划线部分提问) How 对谓语动词的方式或程度、表示身体状况的形容词等提出疑问。 I feel better today. ( 向划线部分提问) I go to work on foot every day. ( 向划线部分提问) How... like... ?与What... think of... ?表示“你觉得怎么样?”例如: How do you like the film? = What do you think of the film? How + 形容词+... ?与What is the + 名词(重量、长度、高度、宽度、深度、速度、面积等)+ of ... ?意思相同。例如: How heavy is that basket of apples? = What is the weight of that basket of apples?


【词语专项训练】 以下类型的词语各写4个。 1.ABB式的词语:亮晶晶、绿油油、胖乎乎、笑哈哈 2.AABB式的词语:明明白白、大大方方、红红火火、快快乐乐 3.ABAB式的词语:打扫打扫、研究研究、商量商量、讨论讨论 4. ABAC式的词语:大模大样、人山人海、各种各样、自言自语 5.AABC式的词语:落落大方、斤斤计较、洋洋得意、彬彬有礼 6.ABCC式的词语:喜气洋洋、秋风习习、北风呼呼、生机勃勃 7.带有数字的词语:十全十美、一心一意、一五一十、三言两语 8.带有颜色的词语:万古长青、青山绿水、白纸黑字、万紫千红 9.带有动物的词语:马到成功、车水马龙、九牛一毛、放虎归山 10.含有比喻的词语:面如土色、如花似玉、恩重如山、如鱼得水 11.含有夸张的词语:人山人海、惊天动地、一步登天、一字千金 12.含有拟人的词语:花枝招展、鸟语花香、春风得意、百花争艳 13.含有近义的词语:不知不觉、见多识广、千辛万苦、欢天喜地 14.含有反义的词语:大材小用、积少成多、声东击西、顶天立地 15.描写外貌的词语:白发苍苍、衣冠楚楚、眉清目秀、虎背熊腰 16.描写神态的词语:大惊失色、愁眉苦脸、神采飞扬、垂头丧气 17.描写心理的词语:心乱如麻、忐忑不安、忧心忡忡、心惊肉跳 18.描写声音的词语:叮叮咚咚、叽叽喳喳、滴滴答答、卜通卜通 19.描写春天的词语:春暖花开、春色满园、春光明媚、春回大地 20.描写夏天的词语:骄阳似火、烈日炎炎、烈日当空、汗流浃背 21.描写秋天的词语:秋高气爽、秋风习习、秋风送爽、秋色宜人 22.描写冬天的词语:冰天雪地、大雪纷飞、北风呼呼、白雪皑皑 23.含寓言故事的成语:坐井观天、井底之蛙、狐假虎威、自相矛盾 24.含历史故事的成语:纸上谈兵,三顾茅庐、望梅止渴、四面楚歌 25.含神话故事的成语:夸父逐日、女娲补天、嫦娥奔月、精卫填海 25. 描写人物品质的词语:拾金不昧、助人为乐、舍己为人、见义勇为 26. 八字成语:十年树木,百年树人千里之行,始于足下 前人栽树,后人乘凉君子一言,驷马难追


特殊疑问词专项练习 What day 问星期几 What time 问几点了 What’s the weather like? 问天气What colour 问颜色 What date 问具体日期 How many 问多少(可数名词) How much 问多少(不可数名词) How old 问年龄 专项练习 1.----- ______ is the boy under the tree? ------ He is Mike. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which 2.---______ does your dad do ? ---He is a teacher . A.How B.Who C. What D. Where 3.---______ do you go to school every day? ---On foot. A. How B.Who C. What D. Where 4.---Dad, _____ is my MP3?

----It’s in your desk? A.What B.How C.Whose D. Where 5.______ season do you like best? A. What B. Which C.How D.Whose 6.---______ do you have breakfast? ---At 8 a.m. A. How B.When C. What D. Where Exercise 2 用正确的特殊疑问词填空。 1、A: _______ is the man in blue? B:He’s my father. 2、A: _______ pen is it? B:It’s mine.(我的) 3、A: _______ is the book? B:It’s under the chair. 4、A: _______ is the Chirstmas Day? B: It’s on the 25th of December. 5、A: _____ ______are the apples? B:They are 25 yuan. 6、A: _____ ______ is the bag? B:It’s blue. 7、A: _____ ______ is it today? B:It’s Sunday. 8、A:_______ is your brother? B: He’s 15 years old. 9、A:_______ do you have dinner? B: At 6 o’clock.


语法专项练习题—一般疑问句,特殊疑问句 一,将下列句子变成否定句 1. They have 5 tennis rackets . 2. His parent likes on food . 3.Jim plays ping-pong every afternoon . 4. Lucy's sister and brother watch TV everyday evening . 5. She likes salad and orange very much. 6. Your friend has many books . 7. That sounds fun . 8.This dog likes bananas. 二,.对划线部分提问 1.She is a nurse . ____________________________________________________ 2.He is my teacher. ____________________________________________________ 3.He goes to school by bus. 4.I am looking for my sister . ____________________________________________________ 5.I get up at six . ____________________________________________________ 6.She comes from Canada . ____________________________________________________


词语专项练习题 例1:人体的部位常常被用来比喻有关的事物或道理。请你说出下列人体有关系的部位各表示什么意思 (1)心腹:_________________________ (2)心血:_________________________ (3)心肝:_________________________ (4)心肠:_________________________ (5)心脏:_________________________ (6)心胸:_________________________ 例2:判断下列加点词的词义分类 ①本义②引申义③比喻义 A我已近碰了多次钉子。()

B快去拿几枚钉子来!() C今年玩得真痛快。() D他是我们的头儿。() 例3:照样子写词语。(各写5个) 例:看——瞧、瞅、盯、瞟、瞥、注视 (1)走——________________________ (2)想——________________________ (3)说——________________________ 例4:用下列词的不同意思写句子 担子:___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

桥梁:___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 例5:写出下列句子中“失”的不同意思。 1、他失足掉进沟里。() 2、人们见了大惊失色。() 3、要是再不下去,你可要坐失良机了。() 4、这次竞选,他没选上,感到很失意。() 5、回来是他迷失了方向。() 6、你不能把别人的功劳到过失。() ①失掉、丢失;②找不着;③错误;④违背;⑤没有把握住;⑥没有达到目的;⑦改变(常态)。 例6:选择恰当的词语填空。


英文小故事 Story 4 Look for a Friend Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?”Sam answers: “Of course! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.” Sam thinks and says, “Y ou are right. Let’s be friends.” They become good friends. Story 5 The Hippo and I A hippo lives in the zoo. I like him very much. I often go to see him. He often thinks of me, too. Today is Sunday. It is fine day. I go to see him again. After I leave the zoo, he follows me to my house. I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other food. He eats them up. When I sing songs, he stays in the pool. He is as quite as a rabbit. In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with me. My mum tells him to go home. He has to pack his bag and go back to the zoo. My mum lets me see him every week. Story 6 What Animals are in the sea?故事6 海里有什么动物 There are all kinds of animals in the sea. 在海洋里有各种各样的动物。 Look! They are coming. 看!他们过来了。 This is an octopus. The octopus is spraying ink. 这时一条章鱼,章鱼在喷墨。 This is a shark. The shark has sharp teeth. 这是一条鲨鱼,鲨鱼有锐利的牙齿。 This is a whale. The whale shoots water into the air. 这是一只鲸鱼,鲸把水喷射到空中。 This is a sea turtle. The sea turtle has a hard shell. 这时一直海龟,海龟有坚硬的壳。 These are starfishes. The starfishes have five legs. 这些是海星,海星有五条腿。 These are angelfishes. The angelfishes have beautiful colors. 这些是扁蛟鱼,扁姣鱼有美丽的花纹。 This is a lobster. The lobster has strong claws. 这是一只龙虾,龙虾有强壮的爪子。 This is a jellyfish. The jellyfish has a soft body. 这是一个水母,水母有一个柔软的身体。 They are different. But all of them live in the sea. 他们各不相同,但他们都居住在海洋里。 特殊疑问句讲解 特殊疑问句 1. 定义:以特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提出疑问的句子叫特殊疑问句。 2.特殊疑问词 意思用法 who 谁问人的身份,姓名等 He is LiLie Who is he ? He is my brother. Who is he ? whose 谁的问所属关系 This is her book. Whose book is this ? when 什么时候问时间 We play games in the afternoon. When do you play games? where 什么地方问地点 We play games at home on Sunday ? Where do you play games on Sunday?


特殊疑问词 单词意思用法 when 什么时间问时间who 谁问人whose 谁的问主人where 在哪里问地点which 哪一个问选择why 为什么问原因what 什么问东西what time 什么时间问时间what colour 什么颜色问颜色what about …怎么样问意见what day 星期几问星期what date 什么日期问具体日期what for 为何目的问目的how …怎么样问情况how old 多大问年龄how many 多少问数量how much 多少问价钱how about …怎么样问意见how far 多远问路程

练一练 1、A: _______ is the boy in blue? B:He’s Mike. 2、A: _______ wallet is it? B:It’s mine. 3、A: _______ is the diary? B:It’s under the chair. 4、A: _______ i s the Chirstmas Day? B: It’s on the 25th of December. 5、A: _______ are the earphones? B:They are 25 yuan 6、A: _______ is the hairdryer? B:It’s blue. 7、A: _______ is it today? B:It’s Sunday. 8、A: _______ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October. 9、A: _______ this red one? B:It’s beautiful. 10、A: _______ i s it f rom here? B:It’s about two kilometre away. 11、A: Can I have some paper and some crayons? B: _______ ? A: I want to make a kite. 12、A:_______ on e is f atter, the blue one or the red one? B: The blue one. 13、A:_______ is your cousin? B: He’s 15 years old. 14、A:_______ do you have dinner? B: At 6 o’clock.


词语运用专题训练(一) 1.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①在未来中国的经济改革中合理调整利益关系,不断协调利益矛盾,科学利益群体,将在很大程度上影响中国经济增长的进程。 ②不同的人对同样的成果会有不同的评价,但是在众多的评价中,我们通常特别____该成果所属的技术领域中的行家的评价。 ③我们必须看到,当代文化的这种转向与电子传媒的兴起息息相关,但促成这种转向的实现还有更为深刻的现实动因和社会背景。 A.调整关注纵然 B.整合关心纵然 C.整合关注固然 D.调整关心固然 2.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①在市场经济快速发展的今天,企业经营_____、企业品牌、企业形象、企业信誉等无形资产,对企业的生存发展至关重要。 ②诸如“艾滋病”“非典”这样重大疾病的蔓延,将会引起社会_____,各级政府必须高度重视,严密监控。 ③近年来我国煤炭企业重大事故不断,给国家和个人造成了巨大损失,有关责任人必须对此进行_____,深刻认识问题的严重性。 A.理念震荡反省 B.观念振荡反思 C.观念振荡反省 D.理念震荡反思 3.选择下列一组词语,依次填入横线处,恰当的一项是 良好的口语交际能力是现代公民的重要。口语交际是在一定的语言中相互传递信息、分享信息的过程,是人与人之间交流和的基本手段。 A.素养情境沟通 B.修养情境勾通 C.素养环境连通 D.品质情形沟通 4.依次填入下面各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①这一地区曾一度山洪,造成公路被毁、交通中断。 ②我国的法律明确规定,成年子女对父母有的义务。 ③商业广告不同于公益广告,其主要目的就是为了。 A.暴发抚养盈利 B.暴发赡养营利 C.爆发赡养盈利 D.爆发抚养营利 5.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①北京奥运会组委会宣布从2004年开始将先后新的会徽和吉祥物标志。 ②如果没有过人生的酸甜苦辣,又怎么能真正懂得长辈们创业的艰难呢? ③父亲虽然不是科班出身,但他在外国文学方面的造诣足以使专业人士。 A.起用体味侧目 B.起用体验刮目 C.启用体味刮目 D.启用体验侧目 6.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①随着社会的发展,教育越来越引起人们的关注。 ②分别二十多年后,同学们再相聚时,我已经很难出小学时的同桌了。 ③这里出产的绿茶久负盛名,要仔细才能领略它的妙处。 A.终身辨认品尝 B.终身辨别品评 C.终生辨别品尝 D.终生辨认品评 7. 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①第一次庭审时,原告律师向法庭所作的,揭露了三年来原告在这起家庭暴力案件中遭受虐待的真相。 ②人应当讲信用,对已经作出的允诺就决不。 ③汪曾祺先生终生主要从事创作,即使偶尔也写些评论,甚至这些评论可以归入学术论文一类,总的说来,他天生就是一个作家,很难算是一个纯粹的学者。 A.申述食言但/而 B.申述失言不过/也 C.申诉失言但/而 D.申诉食言不过/也 8.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是 (1)政协委员们建议市政府要建立与首都地位、作用相适应的功能齐全的传染病救治中心,以从容突发公共卫生事件。 (2)大型盆景可以用来强烈的视觉感而成为室内焦点,在家具较少的客厅里,还可以成为填补空间的重要角色。 (3)像其他国家的大城市一样,这里也是高楼林立,交通拥挤。大都市的喧嚣给人以繁华之感,难免有时会让人感到烦躁。 A.应付营造即使/也 B.应对创造即使/也 C.应付创造尽管/但 D.应对营造尽管/但 9.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①只有养成了习惯,才是的、自觉的行为,道德建设才会见到实效。 ②该校在培养音乐、美术、体育特长生方面有着特点和优势。 ③在评价标准上,要看数字,不能只看数字,要防止“干部出数字”“数字出干部”的现象。 A.稳固明显/鲜明虽然/但是 B.稳固鲜明/明显既/又 C.稳定明显/鲜明虽然/但是 D.稳定鲜明/明显既/又 10.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①在建设中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中涌现出来的先进,他们是时代的先锋、国家的脊梁、群众的楷模,是弘扬伟大民族精神的。 ②“六部委”联合开展环保专项行动,要求建立各级政府负责的环保

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