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*IFR; International Federation of Robotics; 国际机器人工程学联合会(机器人工程学联合会)*IFRB; International Frequency Registration Board; 国际频率登记委员会

*IFRC; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; 红十字会与红新月会国际联合会

*IFRF; International Flame Research Foundation; 国际火焰研究基金会

*IFS; International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres; (IFSNC); 国际定居点与居民区中心联合会(定居点与居民区中心联合会)

*IFS; International Financial Statistics; 国际金融统计[期刊名]

*IFS; International Foundation for Science; 国际科学基金会(科学基金会)

*IFSNC; International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres; (IFS); 国际定居点与居民区中心联合会(定居点与居民区中心联合会)

*IFSPO; International Federation of Senior Police Officers; 国际高级警官联合会(高级警官联合会)

*IFSS; International Fertilizer Supply Scheme; 国际肥料供应计划

*IFSTAD; Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development; 伊斯兰科学、技术和发展基金会(伊斯兰科技发展基金会)

*IFSTD; Interim Fund for Science and Technology for Development; 科学和技术促进发展临时基金(科技促进发展临时基金)

*IFSW; International Federation of Social Workers; 国际社会工作者联合会(社会工作者联合会)*IFTDH; International Federation Terre des Hommes; Federation Internationale Terre des Hommes (FITDH); 地球社国际联合会

*IFTEA; International Federation of Trade Efficiency Associations; 国际贸易效率协会联合会

*IFTRA; International Fair T rade Practices and Rules Administration; 国际公平贸易惯例和规则管理处

*IFU; Industrialization Fund for Developing Countries [Danmark]; 发展中国家工业化基金

*IFUW; International Federation of University Women; 大学妇女国际联合会(大学妇联)

*IFWL; International Federation of Women Lawyers; 国际女律师联合会(女律师联合会)

*IFWLC; International Federation of Women Legal Careers; 国际法律界妇女联合会(法律界妇女联合会)

*IG; imperial gallon [UK]; 英加仑(合4.546公升)

*IGA; International Grain Agreement [A/34/19]; 国际谷物协定

*IGAC; International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project [ICSU]; 国际全球大气化学项目

*IGAD; Intergovernmental Authority on Development; 政府间发展管理局

*IGADD; Intergovernmental Authority for Drought and Development; 政府间抗旱与发展管理局(政府间抗旱局)

*IGBP; International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [ICSU]; 国际陆界生物圈方案(陆界生物圈方案)

*IGC; intergovernmental committee; 政府间委员会; intergovernmental conference; 政府间会议

*IGC; International Grassland Congress; 国际草地会议

*IGC; International Gate Way; 国际接口局;国际网关(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*IGCP; International Geological Correlation Programme [UNESCO]; 国际地质对比方案

*IGCESTD; Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology; Development in Africa [ECA]; 非洲科学和技术发展政府间专家委员会

*IGCSTD; United Nations Intergovernmental Committee on Science and; Technology for Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展政府间委员会(科技促发委)

*IGE; intergovernmental expert; 政府间专家

*IGF; Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG [Germany]; 法本化学工业公司

*IGG; intergovernmental group; 政府间小组

*IGGE; intergovernmental group of experts; 政府间专家组

*IGIP; International Society for Engineering Education; Internationale Gesellschaft fur Ingenieurpadagogik; 国际工程教育学会(工程教育学会)

*IGO; intergovernmental organizations (IGOs); 政府间组织

*IGOSS; Integrated Global Ocean Services System; 综合性全球海洋服务系统

*IGPIA; International Group of Protection and Indemnity Associations; 国际保障赔偿协会组织(保赔协会组织)

*IGU; International Gas Union; 国际燃气业联合会(燃联)

*IGU; International Geographical Union; 国际地理学联合会

*IGUS; International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable; Substances [OECD]; 国际不稳定物质爆炸危险问题专家组

*IGWG; intergovernmental working groups; 政府间工作组

*IGWGM; Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring; 政府间监测工作组

*IGY; International Geophysical Year; 国际地球物理年

*IHA; African Humanitarian Initiative; Initiative Humanite d'Afrique; 非洲人道主义计划

*IHA; International Hotel Association; 国际旅馆协会(旅馆协会)

*IHB; International Hydrographic Bureau [Secretariat of IHO; Monaco]; 国际航道测量局

*IHD; International Hydrological Decade; 国际水文十年(水文十年)

*IHDP; International Human Dimensions Programme; 国际人的方面方案

*IHE; International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering; 国际水利和环境工程研究所

*IHEU; International Humanist and Ethical Union; 国际人道与伦理联合会(人道与伦理联合会)*IHF; International Hospital Association; 国际医院联合会(医院联合会)

*IHFHR; International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights; 国际赫尔辛基人权联合会(赫尔辛基人权会)

*IHHA; International Halfway House Association; 国际重返社会训练所协会(重返社会训练所协会)

*IHHSF; International Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation; 国际生境和人类住区基金会*IHI; Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.; 石川岛播磨重工业公司

*IHO; International Hydrographic Organization [Monaco]; 国际航道测量组织

*IHP; International Hydrological Programme [UNESCO; 1974]; 国际水文方案(水文方案)

*IHRIP; International Human Rights Internship Programme; 国际人权实习方案

*IHRLG; International Human Rights Law Group; 国际人权法小组

*IHSS; Honduran Institute of Social Security; 洪都拉斯社会保险研究所

*IHT; International Herald Tribune; 国际先驱论坛报

*IIA; Information Industry Association; 信息工业协会

*IIA; Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., The; 内部审计员协会

*IIAS; International Institute of Administrative Sciences; 国际行政学会(行政学会)

*IIASA; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; 国际应用系统分析学会(应用系统


*IIB; International Investment Bank [OAS]; 国际投资银行(投资银行)

*IIC; Inter-American Investment Corporation; 美洲投资公司

*IIC; International Institute for Cotton; 国际棉花学会

*IICA; Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Sciences; 美洲农业科学研究所

*IICL; Institute of International Container Lessors; 国际集装箱出租商协会(集装箱出租商协会)*IIDC; Instituto de Investigacion y Desarrollo Comunal " La Libertad" ; [Peru]; “自由”社区研究发展所

*IIDH; International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL); Institut International de Droit Humanitaire; 国际人道主义法律研究所(人道主义法律研究所)

*IIDM; Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law; Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Maritimo; 伊比利亚美洲海事法学会

*IIDS; Inter-American Social Development Institute; Instituto Interamericano de Desarrollo Social; 美洲社会发展学会

*IIE; Institute of International Education; 国际教育学会(教育学会)

*IIE; Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI); Instituto Interamericano de Estadistica; 美洲统计学社(统计学社)

*IIED; International Institute for Environment and Development; 国际环境与发展学会(环境与发展学会)

*IIEP; International Institute of Educational Planning [UNESCO]; 国际教育规划研究所

*IIFSO; International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations; 国际伊斯兰学生组织联合会(伊斯兰学联)

*IIHL; International Institute of Humanitarian Law; Institut International de Droit Humanitaire (IIDH); 国际人道主义法律研究所(人道主义法律研究所)

*III; Inter-American Indian Institute (IAII); Instituto Indigenista Interamericano; 美洲印第安人协会

*IILS; International Institute for Labour Studies [ILO]; 国际劳工研究所(劳工研究所)

*IINS; International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies; 国际不结盟研究所

*IIP; International Institute for Peace; 国际和平学会

*IIPA; International Intellectual Property Alliance; 国际知识产权联盟(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*IIPF; International Institute of Public Finance; 国际公共财政学会(公共财政学会)

*IIR; Institute for International Relations [Vietnam]; 国际关系研究所; Institute of International Relations [China]; 国际关系研究所

*IIR; International Institute of Refrigeration; 国际制冷学会

*IIRR; International Institute of Rural Reconstruction; 国际农村重建研究所(农村重建研究所)*IISCO; Indian Iron and Steel Company; 印度钢铁公司

*IISD; International Institute for Sustainable Development; 国际可持续发展学会

*IISEE; International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering; [Japan]; 国际地震学与地震工程研究所

*IISI; International Iron and Steel Institute; 国际钢铁学会(钢铁学会)

*IISS; International Institute for Strategic Studies [UK]; 国际战略研究所

*IIST; UNU International Institute for Software Technology (UNUIIST); [Macao; UNU]; 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所

*IITA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture; 国际热带农业研究所

*IITC; International Indian Treaty Council; 国际印第安人条约理事会(印约理事会)

*IITT; Institute of In-Service Teacher Training; 在职教师培训学院

*IIVRS; International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics; 国际人口登记与统计研究所(人口登记与统计研究所)

*IIW; International Inner Wheel; 国际内轮协会(内轮协会)

*IJO; International Juridical Organization; 国际法律学组织(法律学组织); International Juridical Organization for Environment and; Development; 国际环境与发展法律学组织

*IJO; International teJu Organization; 国际黄麻组织

*IKr; Icelandic krona [Monetary Unit of Iceland]; 冰岛克朗

*ILA; International Law Association; 国际法协会

*ILA; International Leprosy Association; 国际麻风病协会(麻风病协会)

*ILACIF; Latin American Institute of Auditing Sciences; Instituto Latinoamericano de Ciencias Fiscalizadoras; 拉丁美洲审计科学学会

*ILAFA; Latin American Iron and Steel Institute; Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierro y el Acero; 拉丁美洲钢铁学会(钢铁学会)

*ILANUD; United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of; Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNLAI); Instituto Latinoamericano de las Naciones Unidas para la; Prevencion del Delito y Tratamiento del Delincuente; 联合国拉丁美洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所; (拉美预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所)

*ILAP; Latin American Plastics Institute; Instituto Latinoamericano de Plasticos; 拉丁美洲塑料研究所(塑料研究所)

*ILAR; International League against Rheumatism; 国际防治风湿病联盟(防治风湿病联盟)

*ILC; International Law Commission [UN]; 国际法委员会

*ILC; International Lifeboat Conference [now: ILF]; 国际救生船会议

*ILCA; International Livestock Centre for Africa; 非洲国际牲畜中心

*ILCE; Latin American Institute for Educational Communication; Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa; 拉丁美洲教育交流研究所

*ILCF; International Labour Compensatory Facility; 国际劳工补偿基金(A/Res/37/207)

*ILEC; International Lake Environment Committee; 国际湖泊环境委员会

*ILET; Latin American Institute for T ransnational Studies; Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales; 拉丁美洲跨国公司研究所

*ILF; International Lifeboat Federation [formerly ILC]; 国际救生船联合会(救生船联合会)

*ILGA; International Lesbian and Gay Association; 国际男女同性恋者协会

*ILHR; International League for Human Rights; 国际人权联盟(人权联盟)

*ILL; Institut Laue-Langevin [France]; 劳厄-郎之万研究所

*ILO; International Labour Office; Bureau International du Travail (BIT); 国际劳工局(劳工局)[国际劳工组织的常设秘书处]; International Labour Organization; 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)*ILP; International Lithosphere Programme; 国际岩石圈方案

*ILPF; Internet law and Policy Forum; ; 因特网法律和政策论坛(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*ILPES; Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning (LAIESP); Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificacion Economica y Social [ECLAC]; 拉丁美洲经济和社会规划研究所(拉美经社规划研究所)

*ILRI; International Livestock Research Institute; 国际家畜研究所

*ILSMH; International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap; 国际援助智力迟


*ILU; Institute of London Underwriters; 伦敦保险商协会

*ILY; International Literacy Year; 国际扫盲年

*ILZRO; International Lead and Zinc Research Organization; 国际铅锌研究组织

*ILZSG; International Lead and Zinc Study Group; 国际铅锌研究小组

*IM; integrated monitoring; 综合监测

*IMAC; International Movement for the Apostolate of Children; 国际儿童使徒运动(儿童使徒运动)

*IMADR; International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and; Racism; 反对一切形式歧视和种族主义国际运动

*IMAR; Joint UNESCO/FAO/WMO/IMCO/IAEA/ICES Task Team on; Inter-Disciplinary and Inter-Organizational Data and; Information Management and Referral; 教科文组织/粮农组织/气象组织/海事协商组织/原子能机构/海洋勘探; 理事会合办的学科间及组织间数据和资料管理与查询问题工作组; (六组织合办的学科间及组织间数据和资料管理与查询问题工作组;; 数据和资料管理与查询问题工作组)

*IMC; Independent Media Commission [South Africa]; 新闻事务独立委员会

*IMC; International Maritime Committee ; Comite Maritime International (CMI); 国际海事委员会

*IMC; International Music Council; 国际音乐理事会(音乐理事会)

*IMCE; Mexican Foreign Trade Institute; Instituto Mexicano de Comercio Exterior; 墨西哥对外贸易研究所

*IMCO; Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization [lately IMO]; 政府间海事协商组织(海事协商组织)

*IMCOS; information management, communications and office systems; 资料管理、通讯和办公室系统

*IMCS; International Movement of Catholic Students; ; International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural; Affairs (Pax Romana); 国际天主教学生运动;国际天主教知识分子和文化事务运动(大同协会)

*IMD; Interpretation and Meetings Division [DCS]; 口译和会议事务司

*IMDG; International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code); [IMO; first published in 1965]; 国际危险货物海运规则

*IME; Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E) [UK]; 机械工程师协会

*I Mech E Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME) [UK]; 机械工程师协会

*IMEKO; International Measurement Confederation; Internationale Messtechnische Konfoderation; 国际计量测试联合会

*IMEMO; Institute of World Economy and International Relations [Moscow]; 世界经济和国际关系研究所

*IMF; International Monetary Fund; 国际货币基金组织(货币基金)

*IMIF; International Maritime Industry Forum; 国际航运业论坛

*IMIS; Unite Nations System-Wide Integrated Management Information; System; 联合国全系统综合管理信息系统(综管信息系统)

*IMO; International Maritime Organization; 国际海事组织(海事组织)

*IMO; International Meteorological Organization [lately WMO]; 国际气象组织(气象组织)

*IMP; Integrated Mediterranean Programme [EC]; 地中海综合计划

*IMPA; International Maritime Pilots' Association; 国际海上领航员协会(海上领航员协会)

*IMPACT; Initial Initiative against Avoidable Disablement; 防止可避免伤残初步倡议

*IMPACT; Plan of Action for Setting Up an Information Services Market [EC]; 建立信息服务市场行动计划

*IMR; infant mortality rate; 婴儿死亡率

*IMR; Institute for Medical Research [Malaysia]; 医学研究所(医研所)

*IMRF; International Medical and Research Foundation; 国际医学与研究基金会(医学与研究基金会)

*IMSP; International Medical Society of Paraplegia; 国际截瘫医学会(截瘫医学会)

*IMSS; Mexican Social Security Institute; Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social; 墨西哥社会保险协会

*IMTM; Institute of Tropical Medicine in Manaus [Brazil]; 马瑙斯热带医学研究所

*IMW; International Map of the World on the millionth scale; 国际百万分之一世界地图

*INA; National Insurance Institute [Italy]; Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni; 国营保险公司

*INADES; Institut Africain pour le Developpement Economique et Social; [Burkina Faso]; 非洲经济和社会发展研究所

*INARI; International Agency for Rural Industrialization; 农村工业化国际机构(农村工业化机构)*INC; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee; 政府间谈判委员会

*INC; Investment Negotiation Centre [USA]; 投资谈判中心

*Inc; incorporated; 组成法人团体的;社团法人;股份有限公司

*INCAE; Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas; 中美洲企业管理协会

*INCB; International Narcotics Control Board [formerly: PCNB] [ESC]; 国际麻醉品管制局(麻管局)

*INCD; Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee for the Elaboration of an; International Convention to Combat Desertification in Those; Countries Experiencing Serous Drought and/or Desertification,; Particularly in Africa; 拟订在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠; 化的国际公约政府间谈判委员会(荒漠化谈委会)

*INC/FCCC; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework ; Convention on Climate Change; 气候变化问题框架公约政府间谈判委员会

*INCOMEX; Instituto de Comercio Exterior [Colombia]; 对外贸易协会

*Incomindios; International Committee for the Indians of the Americas; 国际美洲印第安人委员会(因科明迪奥斯委员会)

*INCORA; Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria; 哥伦比亚土地改革委员会

*INCOTERMS; International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms; [Commonly accepted definitions for trade price terms. The; International Chamber of Commerce publishes rules for; interpreting these trade terms.] (Incoterms); 国际贸易术语解释通则[国际贸易惯例和规则汇编,p.157]; INCOTERMS 1936; 1936年通则; INCOTERMS 1953; 1953年通则

*INDAP; Farming Development Institute [Chile]; Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario; 农牧业发展学会

*INDERENA Instituto de Recursos Nacionales [Colombia]; 国家资源委员会

*INDI; National Institute for Indigenous Peoples [Paraguay]; Instituto Nacional del Indigena; 全国土著协会

*INDIS; Industrial Information System; 工业资料系统

*INEM; International Network for Environmental Management; 国际环境管理网络

*INEM; Middle School Institute [Colombia]; 中学教育研究所

*INEN; Ecuador National Institute for Standardization; 厄瓜多尔全国标准化学会

*INEOA; International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Inc.; 国际禁毒执法人员协会(禁毒执法人员协会)

*INES; International Nuclear Event Scale [IAEA]; 国际核事件级别

*INF; Information Service [UNOG]; 新闻处

*INF; Intermediate Nuclear Force; 中程核力量; INF Treaty (Treaty between the United States of America and the; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of; Their Intermediate-Range and Short-Range Missiles); 中程核力量条约(美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟消除两国; 中程导弹和中短程导弹条约)

*INFCE; International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Programme; 国际核燃料循环评价方案

*INFOCLIMA; World Climate Data Information Referral Service; 世界气候数据资料查询处(世界气候资料查询处)

*INFOFISH; Assistance in Fish Handling and Processing [project]; 鱼货储运和加工援助项目(鱼货援助项目)

*INFOPECHE; African Regional Fish Trade Information and Co-operation Services; 非洲鱼类贸易资料和合作服务社

*INFOTERM; International Information Centre for Terminology [UNESCO]; 国际名词资料中心

*INFOTERRA; International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information; [old name] [UNEP]; 环境资料来源国际查询系统(环境资料查询系统)[旧名]; International Environmental Information System [new name] [UNEP]; 国际环境资料系统(环境资料系统)[新名]

*infra dig.; infra indignitatem [Latin]; 有损尊严;有失体统;有碍观瞻

*Ing; ingeniero [Spanish]; 工程师

*INGAA; Inter-State Natural Gas Association of America; 美国州际天然气协会

*INGI; International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development [Indonesia]; 国际非政府组织印度尼西亚发展问题论坛

*INHURED; International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and ; Development (INHURED International); 国际人权、环境与发展学会

*INIS; International Nuclear Information System [IAEA]; 国际核资料系统(核资料系统)

*INISTE; International Network for Information in Science and Technology; Education; 国际科学和技术教育信息网

*INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization [A/CONF.62/L.14]; 国际海事卫星组织(海卫组织); INMARSATC; Convention on the International Maritime Satellite; Organization, 1976 [3 Sept. 1976]; 1976年国际海事卫星组织公约; INMARSATOA; Operating Agreement on the International Maritime Satellite; Organization, 1976; 1976年国际海事卫星组织业务协定

*INP; Integrated National Police [Philippines]; 统一国家警察

*INPADOC; International Patent Documentation Centre; 国际专利文献中心

*INPEC; Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario [Colombia]; 国家感化和监狱研究所

*INPI; Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial [Brazil]; 全国工业产权协会

*INPRES; Instituto Nacional de Prevencion Sismica; 国家地震防备研究所

*INRA; Institute for Natural Resources in Africa [Lusaka; UNU]; 非洲自然资源研究所

*INRA; International Natural Rubber Agreement; 国际天然胶协定

*INRC; International Natural Rubber Council; 国际天然胶理事会

*INRES; TCDC Information Referral System (TCDC/INRES; TCDC-INRES); 发展中国家技术合作资料查询系统(技术合作资料查询系统)

*INRO; International Natural Rubber Organization; 国际天然胶组织

*INS; Immigration and Naturalization Service [Justice Department; USA]; 移民和归化局

*INSA; International Shipowners' Association; 国际船东协会(船东协会)

*INSARAG; International Search and Rescue Advisory Group; 国际搜寻和救援咨询组

*INSEE; Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques; 国立统计和经济研究所*INSEXP; Directory of Scientific and Technical Experts and Institutions in; Africa [ARCT]; 非洲科学技术专家和机构指南

*INSIS; Inter-Institutional Information System; 机构间资料系统

*INSPEC; Information Services for Physics, Electrical Engineering and; and Computers; 物理、电机工程和计算机资料服务处(物理、电机和计算机资料处)

*INSTA; In-Service Traning Award Programme (INSTA Programme) [FAO/UNDP]; 在职训练方案(职训方案)

*INSTEAD; Information Service on Technological Alternatives for Development; 不同技术发展途径资料服务处

*INSTRAW; International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement; of Women; 提高妇女地位国际研究训练所(提高妇女地位研究训练所)

*INT; Interpretation Service; 口译处

*INTA; International New Towns Association; 国际新兴城镇协会(新兴城镇协会)

*INTAL; Institute for Latin American Integration (ref: ALADI or LAIA); Instituto para la Integracion de America Latina; 拉丁美洲一体化学会

*INTECH; Institute for New Technologies [Maastricht; UNU]; 新技术研究所

*INTECOL; International Association for Ecology; 国际生态学协会

*INTELSAT; International Telecommunications Satellite Organization; 国际通信卫星组织(通卫组织)

*INTER-ACT; Technology Development and Training Programme for; Computer-Based Systems; 计算机化系统技术开发和培训项目(技培项目)

*INTERCARGO; International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners; 国际干货船东协会(干货船东协会)

*INTERCENTER; International Centre of Sociological, Penal and Penitentiary Research ; and Studies; 国际社会学、惩罚和教养研究中心

*INTERCO; International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services; 国际犹太人社会和福利事业理事会; (犹太人社会和福利事业理事会)

*Intercontainer; (A co-operative formed by 19 European Railways, for the management; of international rail container traffic in Europe); 国际集装箱公司

*INTERCOOPERATION; Swiss Organization for Development and Co-operation; 瑞士发展与合作组织

*INTERGU; International Copyright Society; Internationale Gesellschaft fur Urheberrecht; 国际版权协会

*INTERMAN; International Management Developmeng Network; 国际管理技术发展网络

*INTERMET International Association for Metropolitan Research and; Development; 国际都市研究与发展协会

*International YCS; International Young Catholic Students (IYCS); 国际天主教青年学生会(天主


*INTERNET [An international data communications network; translator note -; not an acronym] (Internet); 国际互联网络(互联网)

*INTERPLAS; International Plastics Exhibition in Europe; 欧洲国际塑料展览会

*INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO; Interpol); 国际刑事警察组织(刑警组织)

*INTERSPUTNIK; International Organization of Space Communications (Intersputnik); 国际宇宙通讯组织

*INTERTANKO; International Association of Independent Tanker Owners; 国际独立经营油船船东协会(独立经营油船船东协会)

*INTIB; Industrial and Technological Information Bank [UNIDO]; 工业与技术资料库

*INTN; National Technology and Standards Institute [Paraguay]; Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion del Paraguay; 国家技术和标准研究所

*INTOG; - Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions (CCAQ); 行政问题协商委员会(行政问题协商会); - International Computing Centre (ICC); 国际计算中心(计算中心); - Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems (IOB); 组织间资料系统委员会(资料系统委员会); - Joint Inspection Unit (JIU); 联合检查组(联检组)

*INTOSAI; International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions; 国际最高审计机构组织(最高审计组织)

*INTRASTAT; Statistical Collection System relating to the Trading of Goods; between Member States [EC]; 成员国间货物贸易统计资料收集系统

*IO; international organizations; 国际组织

*IOA; international office assistance; 国际办公室助理

*IOAT; International Organization against Trachoma; 国际沙眼防治组织(沙眼防治组织)

*IOB; Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems; 组织间资料系统委员会(资料系统委员会); Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems and Related; Activities; 组织间资料系统和有关活动委员会(资料系统委员会)

*IOC; Indian Ocean Commission; 印度洋委员会

*IOC; Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission [UNESCO]; 政府间海洋学委员会(海洋学委员会)

*IOC; International Olympic Committee; 国际奥林匹克委员会(国际奥委会)

*IOCHC; International Organization for Co-operation in Health Care; Medicus Mundis Internationalis (MMI); 国际保健合作组织(保健合作组织)

*IOCU; International Organization of Consumers' Unions; 国际消费者联合会组织(消费者联合会组织)

*IOD; Industrial Operations Division; 工业业务司

*IODE; International Oceanographic Data Exchange [IOC]; 国际海学洋数据交换所(海洋数据换交所)

*IODFE; International Organization for the Development of Freedom of; Education; Organization Internationale pour le Developpement de la Liberte; d'Enseignement (OIDEL); 促进教育自由国际组织(促进教育自由组织)

*IOE; International Organization of Employers; 国际雇主组织(雇主组织)

*IOFC; Indian Ocean Fishery Commission; 印度洋渔业委员会

*IOI; International Ocean Institute; 国际海洋学会(海洋学会)

*IOI; International Ombudsman Institute; 国际监察员学会

*IOJ; International Organization of Journalists; 国际新闻工作者组织(新闻工作者组织)

*IOJD; International Organization - Justice and Development; 国家正义与发展组织(正义与发展组织)

*IOLM; International Organization of Legal Metrolohy; Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale (OIML); 国际法定度量衡组织

*IOM; International Organization for Migration; 国际移徙组织(移徙组织)

*IOP; International Organization of Psychophysiology; 国际心理生理学组织(心理生理学组织)*IOPC; International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPC Fund); 国际石油污染补偿基金

*IOR; interim operations review; 临时业务活动审查(临时审查)

*IORD; International Organization for Rural Development; 国际农村发展组织

*IOSCO; International Organization of Securities Commissions; 国际证券管理委员会组织(证管委组织); Technical Committee; 技术委员会

*IOTDw/DS; (a tanker with an) intermediate oil-tight deck and double sides; 具有油密中层甲板及双层侧舷的油船

*IOV; inter-office voucher; 部门间列帐凭单;部门间付款凭单

*IPA; International Peace Academy; 国际和平学院(和平学院)

*IPA; International Pediatric Association; 国际儿科协会(儿科协会)

*IPA; International Playground Association; 国际游乐场协会(游乐场协会)

*IPA; International Police Association; 国际警察协会(警察协会)

*IPA; International Publishers Association; 国际出版商协会(出版商协会)

*IPA; investment promotion agencies (IPAs); 促进投资机构

*IPA; inward processing arrangements [EC]; 输入原料加工制度[自非成员国进口原料,加工产品销往非成员; 国,免征进口税]

*IPAA; International Prisoners Aid Association; 国际援助囚犯协会(援助囚犯协会)

*IPAC; Central American Institute for Public Administration; 中美洲公共行政研究所

*IPAI; International Primary Aluminium Institute; 国际原铝学会

*IPB; International Peace Bureau; 国际和平局(和平局)

*IPC; Integrated Programme for Commodities [UNCTAD]; 商品综合方案

*IPC; International Patent Classification Agreement [24 March 1971]; 国际专利分类协定

*IPCC; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; 政府间气候变化专门委员会(气专委)

*IPCS; International Programme on Chemical Safety [WHO/ILO/UNEP]; 国际化学品安全方案(化学品安全方案)

*IPDC; International Programme for the Development of Communications; [UNESCO]; 国际交流发展计划

*IPE; International Petroleum Exchange [London]; 国际石油交易所

*IPEA; Economic and Social Planning Institute [Brazil]; Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social (IPES); 经济与社会规划研究所

*IPEC; International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour; 废除童工国际计划

*IPED; International Panel of Experts on Desertification; 国际沙漠化专家团

*IPES; Economic and Social Planning Institute [Brazil]; Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social (IPEA); 经济与社会规划研究所

*IPF; indicative planning figures (IPFs); 指示性规划数字(指规数); [指在一定期间内为资助国别计划和国家间计划,预期从开; 发署取得的资源数额]; country IPFs; 国别指规数;

illustrative IPFs; 说明性指规数; IPF add-ons; 指规数增添额; IPF expenditure ceilings; 指规数支出最高限额; non-IPF sources; 非指规数来源; revised third cycle IPFs; 订正第三周期指规数

*ipf; intaken piled fathom [Chartering and Shipping]; 装入英寻数

*IPFC; Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council [FAO]; 印度洋及太平洋渔业理事会

*IPHAE; Institute of Pre-History, Anthropology and Ecology [Brazil]; Instituto de Pre-Historia, Anthropologia e Ecologia; 史前史、人类学及生态学学会

*IPI; International Press Institute; 国际新闻学协会(新闻学协会)

*IPIC; Treaty on Intellectual Property in respect of Integrated Circuits; 关于集成电路知识产权条约

*IPIECA; International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation; Association; 国际石油工业环境保护协会(石油工业环保协会)

*IPKF; Indian Peace Keeping Force [in Sri Lanka]; 印度维持和平部队

*IPKI;Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan Indonesia; 印度尼西亚独立拥护者联盟

*IPLAN; Joint IOC/WMO Planning Group; 海洋学委员会/气象组织联合规划组(联合规划组)*IPNS;integrated plant nutrition system; 综合性植物养分系统(植物养分系统)

*IPO; import promotion office; 进口促进处

*IPO; International Progress Organization; 国际进步组织(进步组织)

*IPO; Initial Public Offer; 首次公开发行(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*IPP; Improving Port Performance (Programme) [UNCTAD]; 改善港口经营(培训方案)

*IPPC; International Plant Protection Convention [Rome, 6 Dec. 1951];国际植物保护公约;International Plant Protection Congress;国际植物保护大会

*IPPF;International Planned Parenthood Federation; 国际计划生育联合会(计划生育联合会)*IPPNW; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War; 国际防止核战争医生组织(防止核战争医生组织)

*IPR; Institute of Pacific Relations [USA]; 太平洋关系协会

*IPR; intellectual property rights; 知识产权(知产)

*IPRA;International Peace Research Association; 国际和平研究协会(和平研究协会)

*IPRA;International Public Relations Association; 国际公共关系协会(公共关系协会)

*IPS; Institute of Purchasing and Supplying [UK]; 采购和供应学院

*IPS; Inter-Press Service - Third World News Agency; 国际新闻社--第三世界新闻机构

*IPSA;International Political Science Association; 国际政治学协会(政治学协会)

*IPSEP; International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths; 国际可持续能源途径项目

*IPTC;International Press Telecommunications Council; 国际报业电信理事会(报业电信理事会)*IPTF; International Police Task Force [Yugoslavia]; 国际警察工作队(警察工作队)

*IPU; Inter-Parliamentary Union ; 各国议会联盟(议会联盟)

*IPY; International Polar Year;[1 Aug. 1882 - 1 Sept. 1883 and 1 Aug. 1982 - 31 Aug. 1983]; 国际地极年

*IR; infrared; 红外;红外线

*IRA; individual retirement account [USA]; 个人退休金帐户

*IRA; inter-regional adviser; 区域间顾问

*IRAM;Instituto de Racionalizacion de Materials [Argentina]; 物资合理化研究所

*IRAP; International Research and Advisory Panel; 国际研究咨询小组

*IRB; International Resources Bank; 国际资源银行

*ITA; International Touring Alliance; 国际旅游联谊会(旅游联谊会)

*ITA; International Tunnelling Association; 国际隧道协会(隧道协会)

*ITAA; Information Technology Association of America; 美国信息产业商会(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*ITAR;Informatsionnoye Telegrafnoye Agentstvo [news agency] [Russia]; 俄罗斯通讯社(俄通社)*ITAR;International Traffic in Arms Regulations [USA]; 国际武器贸易条例

*ITBL;integrated transportation bill of lading [detailed form of B/L]; 综合运输提单

*ITC; Institute Time Clauses; 公会定期条款[船壳保险]

*ITC; International Tin Council; 国际锡理事会(锡理事会)

*ITC; International Trade Centre [UNCTAD/GATT]; 国际贸易中心(国贸中心); UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre; 贸发会议和总协定合办的国际贸易中心(国贸中心);ITC General Fund; 国际贸易中心普通基金(国贸中心普通基金)

*ITC; Inuit Tapirisat of Canada; 加拿大因努伊特塔皮里萨特组织

*ITC; United States International Trade Commission (USITC); 美国国际贸易委员会

*ITCB;International Textiles and Clothing Bureau; 国际纺织品和服装局

*ITCIP; International Training Centre of Indigenous Peoples; 国际土著人民培训中心

*ITCP;Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme [IMO]; 综合技术合作方案

*ITCWRM; International Training Centre for Water Resources Management; Centre de Formation Internationale a la Gestion des Ressources;en Eau (CEFIGRE); 国际水资源管理训练中心

*ITD; Industry and Technology Division [ECE]; 工业技术司

*ITD; International Trade Division [UNCTAD]; 国际贸易司

*ITDG; Intermediate Technology Development Group [Reading Uni., UK]; 中间技术开发小组

*ITED; Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development; (DITE) [UNCTAD]; 投资、技术和企业发展司

*ITF; International Transport Workers' Federation; 国际运输工人联合会(运输工联)

*ITFF;International Trade Financing Facility [more reliable version]; 国际贸易融资贷款办法; Inter-Regional Trade Financing Facility; 区域间贸易融资贷款办法

*ITI; ITI Convention of 1971; Customs Convention on the International Transit of Goods; 国际货物过境海关公约(1971年货物过境公约)

*ITI; International Textile Institute; 国家纺织


2021年英语翻译口译笔译考试初级口译模拟试 题(3) Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points) Passage 1 : Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue? Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance. Passage 2 :


1.第二轮中美战略与经济对话今天在北京开幕。首先,我谨对远道而来的美国 朋友,表示热烈的欢迎! The second round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues (S&ED) opens in Beijing today. Let me first of all extend a warm welcome to our American friends coming from afar. 2.很高兴应奥巴马总统邀请,在一元复始的时节来到华盛顿,对美国进行国事 访问。此时此刻,我谨代表13亿中国人民,向美国人民致以诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿! It gives me great pleasure to come to Washington and pay a state visit to the United States at the beginning of a new year at the invitation of President Obama. Let me extend, on behalf of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, sincere greetings and best wishes to the people of the United States. 3.很高兴来到多伦多参加二十国集团领导人第四次峰会,同各位同事共同讨论 推动世界经济全面复苏这个重大议题。首先,我谨对哈珀总理和加拿大政府为本次峰会所作的积极努力和周到安排,表示衷心的感谢!我还要感谢大家对上海世博会给予的宝贵支持和帮助。 It gives me great pleasure to attend the fourth G20 Summit in Toronto and discuss with you the important subject of promoting full recovery of the world economy. Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian government for their active efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting. I also wish to take this opportunity to express thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and assistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai. 4.很高兴来到首尔参加二十国集团领导人第五次峰会,同各位同事共商促进经 济复苏、推动世界发展大计。首先,我谨对李明博总统和韩国政府为本次峰会所作的积极努力和周到安排表示衷心的感谢!对各国在上海世博会的精彩展示表示诚挚的祝贺! It gives me great pleasure to attend the fifth G20 summit in Seoul and discuss with


数字口译基础练习 Part A . 3,899 3,908 7009 780,120 504,781 五千 九亿三千六百七十七万七千 Part C. 1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890. 2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers. 3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters. 4. The n umber of college graduated will climb 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 Part 六万 四百六十七万 九 百六^一万 七百五 十万 十^一亿七千 五百万 五十七万 五千九百三十三万 三千五百三十八万

to a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000. 5.Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000. Part D .以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。 The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles. Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles. The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles. Austrilia, with its land-mass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has


Part II 实践与实战 11.1.中医的魅力口译基础P198 音频位置:实践与实战11.1 如今,隔三差五坐飞机来北京看中医的外国人屡见不鲜。日前,一位患病的美国医生给北京中医医院打来越洋长途,跟内科专家张志真预约下次看病的时间。不愿接受激素治疗的他,每三个月坐着飞机到中国来看一次中医,因为确实见效,已坚持了一年多。像这样的外国人还有很多,他们中有带着病寻访名医的;有旅游累了让中医给放松放松的;也有“小病大养”,要求在这里住院,顺便享受一下药膳和药浴的;还有什么病都没有,就为专程来瞧瞧中医是怎么看病的。在他们眼里,中医的针灸推拿是那么神秘和优雅。 不远万里看中医,外籍患者的病可谓五花八门。大到肿瘤,心脏病,小到失眠,肥胖。各国对中医中药的了解也不尽相同,日本人特别信按摩推拿,欧洲人对针灸情有独钟,美国人爱拔火罐。时间一长,大夫们总结出外国人看中医的一些规律:圣诞节前后是他们就诊的高峰期,好多人都是利用长假来中国旅游加看病。 外国人对中医中药表现出的虔诚出乎中医大夫们的意料。一位喀麦隆患者吃过中药后,称中药为“苦咖啡”,并告诉同伴喝“苦咖啡”是一种享受。皮肤科医生告诉一位法国牛皮癣患者应该注意饮食,病人立刻掏出小本,将什么能吃,什么不能吃一字不落地开出单子。看来,中医的魅力还真的不小。 11.1.中医的魅力译文 Many foreigners fly to Beijing for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment. The other day, an American patient made a long-distance phone call for a reservation with Doctor Zhang Zhizhen at Beijing Chinese Medical Hospital. Instead of using hormones, he has flown to China every three months for Chinese medical treatment. And it has worked. He kept seeing Chinese doctors for over a year. He is not alone. Some foreigners seek famous doctors for treatment, some just feel tired in their travel and want relaxation through TCM, some simply want to enjoy medical food and baths, and some come all the way here just to see how people are treated with TCM. In their eyes, TCM, like massage and cupping, are very mysterious and graceful. Their diseases are varied, like tumors, heart disease, insomnia and obesity. Their understanding of TCM also differs: Japanese believe in massage, Europeans favor acupuncture, Americans like cupping. Some experienced doctors find the time before and after Christmas is the peak season for treatment, because during the holiday the foreign patients can travel to China to see a doctor. The foreigners’ devotion is beyond TCM doctors’ expectation. A Cameroonian patient called TCM “bitter coffee”, and recommended it to his countrymen as a sort of enjoyment. A psoriasis patient from France, when being given by the doctor some tips on diet, carefully noted down every word of the instruction. These examples can show how much fascination TCM has.


Unit 1 ?李颖:We are going to ascend the great wall tomorrow morning. So I’d like to go to bed early and have a good sleep this evening. You know climbing the great wall is not an easy job. ?明天早上我们计划去爬长城,所以我想今晚早点休息,好好睡一觉。你知道爬长城可不是一件简单的事情。 ?Jack: Great. The Great Wall is very famous and becomes a must for tourist in Beijing. Would you tell me something about it? ?好啊。长城那么有名,是游客来北京必去的景点。你能和我说一说长城么? ?李颖:OK. The construction of the great wall took altogether over 2000years.it started in the Zhou dynasty in the 7th century. B.C. And continued until Ming Dynasty in the 15th century A.D. The existing wall was built in the Ming Dynasty. ?好。长城的整个建筑过程持续了总共两千多年,始于公元七世纪的周朝,后来一直延续到公元后十五世纪的明朝。现存的城墙都是明朝修建的。 ?Jack: The Great Wall is indeed the crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of ancient Chinese culture. Then why the ancient people built the wall? ?长城的确是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,同时也是中国古代文化的象征.那么为什么古代人民要修建长城呢? ?李颖:It was constructed to guard against the invasion by nomadic tribes from the north. When enemy troops approached, guards on watch would send smoke signals from the beacon-fire towers as an alarm. ?修建长城是为了抵御来自北方游牧民族的入侵。敌军逼近时,放哨的警卫就会在烽火台上发送烟雾信号作为警报。 ?Jack: How did they manage to do so? Can you be more specific? ?他们怎么发送烟雾信号作为警报呢?你能说的具体点么? ?李颖:Those towers on the wall are spaced at equal distances from each other. When guards in a tower saw the signals from its neighbor, they immediately did the same thing .In this way; the signals would be relayed to the capital. ?长城上的烽火台是均匀分布的。如果烽火台上的警卫看到相邻烽火台上发出的信号,他们就会立刻跟着发出信号。这样一个接一个信号就传到了都城。 ?Jack: what the smart idea the ancient people had! I was told that in china. People usually call the Great Wall “Ten Thousand Li Long Wall”. Does it really mean that long? ?古代人民的想法真是巧妙啊!我听说在中国人们通常把长城称作“万里长城”。真的有那么长么? ?李颖:Yes, exactly. It runs all the way across the eastern half of china with a length of about 6 000 kilometers. 是的,正是这样。长城绵延约6 000公里,穿越了中国的东半部。 ?Jack: 6 000 kilometers! It is unbelievable. 6 000公里!难以置信。 ?李颖:The Great Wall is said to be the only building on the earth that can be seen from the outer space. 据说万里长城是从外太空可以看到的地球上唯一的建筑。


口译笔记速记符号归总 一、做口译笔记时的注意事项 1.口译笔记应记要点,切忌求记“全”。口译笔记是记忆的延伸或补充,不应也不必取代记忆。口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、先后、正反、上下、升降、因果关系等),笔记单位以表达意群的词语和符号为主。 2.口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草。 3.口译笔记可使用来源语,也可使用目标语,也可以双语兼用。只要有利于口译的准确性和流利性,不必拘泥于某种文字或符号。例如,“联合国大会”可笔录为“UN”或“联大”。 4.口译笔记使用大量常见略语,例如:cf(compare),Co(company),eg(for example),etc(and so on),esp(especially),ie(that is),max(maximum),min(minimum),ref(reference),std(standard),usu(usually),等。 二、常用速记符号 速记是一项特殊的技巧,速记语言是由一套完整的符号组成的体系。在口译实践中逐步掌握一些简单的速记符号是有益的。 口译成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员在口译表达前对感知的信息进行记录的能力。记录分为“脑记”和“笔记”两种。 人脑的记忆由短时记忆和长时记忆两部分组成。顾名思义,短时记忆是一种操作性的暂时记忆,长时记忆属于一种储存性的永久记忆。影响一个人短时记忆的因素很多,其中最主要的因素是记忆内容的意义性。即便是当感知的信息有意义时,人的短时记忆只可容纳由二十多个单词组成的句子,或者一组十位数的数字。因此,对于口译工作者来说,完全依赖人脑的记忆能力是危险的,记笔记便显得十分重要。 in Note taking Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time. Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references. S = sum f = frequency Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department Use only the first syllable of a word. pol = politics


中美两国建交以来,人民之间的交往不断扩大。两国已缔结了23对友好省州和123对姊妹城市。去年,到中国旅游的美国人多达131万人次。中国赴美探亲、求学、经商的有44万人次。中国有超过18万人曾在美国留学,目前在读的留学生有六万余人。而在中国学习的美国留学生只有约3000人,位居外国在华留学人数第三位。中美在教育领域的交流与合作还有很大发展空间。中国绝大多数大中小学都学习英语,总人数超过1.2亿。美国已有近1000所高校和200多所中小学开设了中文课程,华人华侨开办了近600所中文学校,包括在马里兰大学创建的孔子学院。但与中美交往的需要将比,美国的汉语教学任重道远。 下面是presentation内容: Remarks at Jinan University, Guangzhou by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Tuesday, October 27, 2009 美国商务部长骆家辉在广州暨南大学的演讲 2009年10月27日 Good afternoon everyone. It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University. I have been looking forward to this visit to southern China for some time. My roots are here. The ancestral home of my family, a village called Jilong, where my mother and father were married, is located here in Guangdong Province. My brother and sisters and I, and our spouses, were delighted to join my parents when they returned for a visit a few years ago. It was the trip of a lifetime for all of us. Let me begin this afternoon by congratulating each of you for your acceptance at one of China’s premie r universities. Jinan has produced countless government, business, and academic leaders throughout its history –and is recognized as one of the leading research universities in China. You are here at Jinan at a time in Chinese and world history that is at the same time frightening and exciting. On top of a struggling global economy, our world has more serious issues to deal with than we'd all care to count. Climate change, poverty, disease, terrorism -- each issue on its own is enough to consume all of our time. But we've got to deal with them all at once. It's enough to make anyone despair for the future. But not me. I'm optimistic and confident the world is equipped to deal with the challenges we face -- and a big part of the reason is seeing young people like you. Because although these problems are daunting, they do have solutions. Many of them can be solved with


历年英语翻译初级口译考试真题及答案 上午卷: 英译中: (1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间,国土面积为268105平方公里,人口为300多万。 简析:纵观口译考题,出题者十分聪明地将有关课文的每篇的首句作为考题来出,真是用心良苦。试想每篇文章的首句或每段文章的第一句话不是有提纲挈领的作用吗?理解了首句往往就能了解文章的大概。这和阅读理解的要求有着很大的相通性。所以加强平日对英语句子的敏感性十分有必要。 2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367) 洗涤过程完成后,洗碗机用自身的热量将盘子和杯子烘干。杯盘还可以留在机内待下一餐使用时再取出。 中译英: (1)为了过好学校里的公寓生活,学生应该学会自己洗衣服,整理房间,甚至于买菜做饭。(第355页) To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food. (2)据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。(p36蓝)


一、缩略词 英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。 缩略词的写法一般为四种方式: F拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive F保留前几个字母 INFO :information INS :insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU In stead of I/O F保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK:week RM:room PL:people F根据发音 R :are THO:though THRU:through 高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表 缩略词原词 APT :Apartment ACC:Accountant

ACDG :According ACPT: Accept AD :Advertisement ADS :Address ADV:Advice AMAP :As much/many as possible AMT:Amount APV :Approve ASAP :As soon as possible BAL :Balance BLDG :Building CERT Certificate CFM :Conform CNCL :Cancel CNF:Conference CMI :Commission CMP :Complete CMPE :Compete/competitive CMU :Communication CONC :Concern/concerning/concerned COND :Condition CO. :Company DEPT:Department DISC :Departure EXCH:Exchange EXPLN:Explain EXT:Extent FLT :Final FRT:Freight FYR :For your reference


值得一看的口译资料 口译资料 高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange) 一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声)the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone, the falling-rising tone, and the falling tone 笔画stroke 部首radical 偏旁basic character component 象形文字pictograph 独角戏monodrama/one-man play 皮影戏shadow play 折子戏opera highlights 单口相声monologue comic talk 对口相声comic cross talk 说书monologue story-telling 传说legend 神话mythology 寓言fable 武术martial art 气功controlled breathing exercise 气功疗法breathing technique therapy 春联spring couplet 剪纸paper-cut 戏剧脸谱theatrical mask 草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉four properties of medicinal herb: cold, hot, warm and cool 草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty 二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms 天干地支the heavenly stems and earthly branches 清明节the Pure Brightness Day 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 文化事业cultural undertaking 民族文化national culture 民间文化folk culture 乡土文化native/country culture


o表示“人”people/person,因为“o”看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:Jo。 ⅹ表示政府,统治:government,govern;governmental official 可以表示为ⅹo。 ⊙:“通货膨胀”(inflation)因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。 A:农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。 B:商业:business。 C×:冲突,矛盾(conflict,confrontation) W:工作,职业(work, employ )。 ??Worker employer employee employment i:工业(industry, industrial) 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。 □:“国家”、“民族”、“领土”(country, state, nation) →□表示进口,□→表示出口;□/□国家之间,国与国 椅子:主持、主办:chair, host, preside over。 ??chairman, host, president U:合同、协议类 (treaty, agreement, contract) 在U中填入1表示: Unilateralism(单边主义) 在U内填入2,就可以表示为bilateral(双边的), 填入3表示为trilateral (三边的)。 填入m (multiple) 表示多边主义。 如果在U上加一个“/”表示谈判破裂。 ︿表示“领导人”:leader, head ??head of government, head of company V 表示victory,success 成功等 ⊙:会议、开会等(meeting,conference,negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium)


笔记符号 一.图形符号 □State, kingdom, country, nation, national, federal △City, metropolis, cosmopolis, metropolitan, urban, municipal ▽Village, farm, outskirt, countryside, suburban, rural areas °右上角:人 右下角:地方、地名、机构 ^ 领导,监督;顶点,顶级,最 Lead, supervise, head, peak, top, supreme, utmost, maximum, climax △°Citizen, urban residents, urban inhabitants ▽°Farmer, peasant, rancher, agriculturist Universal, worldwide, international, transnational, global, transcontinental, all over the world, across bounderies □ s 多国,其他国家 other countries □ e 国民经济 national economy Domestic, native, internal, interior, at home Foreign, overseas, abroad, alien, exotic, out of the country, beyond seas, in ther foreign land In and out of the country, at home and abroad 进口 出口 进出口 飞°飞行员 飞。飞机场 中°中国人 广。广场 e°经济学家 e。经济实体 economic entity f。金融机构 financial institution ^°Boss, leader, chairman, ruler, chief, manager, president, majesty, governor, director, supervisor, monitor □^°国家领导人,政府首脑 state leader 宏观调控 macro-control 首都 capital city


Unit 1 1.Working together, our people have done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, and the lowest unemployment in 30years齐心协力,我国人民取得了巨大成就,我国经济正在创新的记录,新增工作岗位2200万个,并且创下了30年来最低的失业率 2.Thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market, this year the richest have added to 5 billion more to their wealth.由于在证券市场上技术股的不断上升,本年度富人的财产增值了50亿。 3.As for this type of camera, there may be cheaper ones on the market, But when you look at the quality and the design, You’ll agree our price is the most favorable. 就这类照相机(而言),市场上可能会有比它更便宜的,但如果你注意以下质量和设计,你会认可我们的价格是最优惠的。 4.In 1995,the market share of our product was quite small, only 5%, In 1999, it has increased to 20%, By the year 2005 we expect the figure to go over 50%.在1995年,我们的产品市场占有份额很小,只有5%,在1999年,增加到20%,到2005年,我们期望会超过50% 5.In the United States, most enterprises are multiproduct firms. For example, American automobile manufacturers are also responsible for such diverse products as diesel locomotives, buses, refrigerators, guided missiles, and air conditioners.在美国,大多数企业是多产品的公司,比如,美国的汽车制造商同时也负责各种其他人员柴油烟机,公共汽车,冰箱,制导导弹和空调机 6.Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused by rises in prices of raw materials: Factories have to pay more for their law material, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. 通货膨胀可以是由于几方面的原因引起的,可以是由于原材料价格的上升,工厂不得不为原材料支付更多的钱,结果他们不得不提高产品的价格。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0c8016426.html,rge wages rises can lead to inflation, too: If workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value. Then it costs more to import goods from other countries. 大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀:如果工人的报酬增加,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假如英镑贬值,那么从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱了。 1.将近三倍的油价暴涨导致了两位数的通货膨胀以及全球经济的衰退The near-tripling of oil price resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. 2.中美联系现在十分广泛,涉及到我们人民生活的各个方面,包括商业,文化,教育以及我们的国家安 全政策。Sino-American ties have become very extensive, affecting all aspects of our people’s lives: commerce, culture, education and our national security policies. 3.人们往往希望雇主支付他们高于市场的工资,他们渴望灵活的工作日程,他们要求公司股票股买全, 还有学习的机会。People always want employers to pay them above the market rates, they seek flexible work schedules, they want stock options and a chance to learn. 4.对我来说,创业最大的障碍是搞清楚它是否切实可行,要做到这一点真的很难,因为我以前从未涉及 过这个行业。For me, the biggest hurdle to get the business running was working out whether it would be feasible at all. That’s really hard to do as I haven’t been involved in the industry before. 5.创业或难或易,但是守业绝对不是件容易的是。目前的统计数字表明,有三分之二的新企业在创办后 的头五年里倒闭。Starting a business may or may not be easy, but keeping it running is


2019年翻译资格英语初级口译考试习题(14) 561. I didn’t evaluate the blue glue due to the vague plague. 因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。 562. The flu influenced the influential speaker’s fluency of speech. 流感影响了那个有影响的讲话者讲话的流畅。 563. I have association with the socialists of the society. 我与协会内的社会主义者有交往。 564. In the cinema the medicine immediately remedied the medium. 在电影院里这种药立刻拯救了中间人。 565. I use the ripe recipe to wipe the pipeline. 我用成熟的配方来擦拭管道。 566. The boastful toaster roasts himself on the coast in the sunshine. 好说大话的祝酒者在海岸上晒太阳。 567. It was true that the rescued cruel man let fuel oil issue from the tissue. 获救的无情男子真的任凭燃油从薄纱中流出。 568. The furious obscure curer is curious to secure the curly-curved mercury curiosity. 盛怒的不出名治疗者渴望弄到这种带卷曲曲线的水银珍品。
