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1、get, arrive, reach三者均可表示“到达”,区别如下:

arrive和get 都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化。两者之后均不可接宾语,但可接 here, there, home 之类的表地点的副词作状语。

e.g.What time does the train arrive?火车什么时候到?


arrive 之后通常接介词at (一般用于较小的地方)或 in (一般用于较大的地方)。

e.g.We arrived at the station five minutes late.我们到车站晚了5 分钟。

They will arrive in Paris next Monday.他们将于下周星期一到达巴黎。

get 之后通常接介词to。

e.g.When we got to the park, it began to rain.我们到达公园时,就开始下雨了。reach 通常是及物动词(较 get 更正式),其后可直接跟地点名词作宾语(不能用介词)。

e.g.He reached Beijing yesterday.他昨天到达北京。

顺便说一句:reach 除可表示“到达某地”外,还用于其它意义的“到达”。

e.g.Your letter reached me last week.我是上周收到你的信的。

He has reached school age.他已达到上学年龄。

2.Remember not to waste or pollute me.[译文] 记着不要浪费或污染我。remember to do sth. 记住要做某事。

e.g.Remember to post the letter for me.记住给我邮这封信。

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。

e.g.I remember seeing him once.我记得见过他一次。

3.A shower usually takes at least 5 minutes.[译文] 淋浴通常至少要花5分钟。take


e.g.How long will it take you to do your homework every day?每天做作业要花费你多长时间?

It usually takes her 20 yuan to buy books every week.每周买书通常要花费她20元钱。


e.g.I want to take some books to the classroom.我想拿些书到教室。


e.g.Do you take sugar in your milk?你喝的牛奶里放糖吗?


e.g.Shall we go there by bike or take a taxi?我们是骑自行车去那还是坐出租车去?

(5)“做……事情”, 常常和名词连用,表示与该名词意义相关的动作

e.g.take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息一下 take a look 看一看等等


(1)take away 拿走

e.g.Tom takes the knife away from the little boy.汤姆从小男孩手里把刀拿走了。(2)take care (=be careful=look out)当心

e.g.Take care! The car is coming!小心!车来了!

(3)take (good) care of (好好)照顾,照料

e.g.I can take care of the baby all by mysel


(4) take down 取下来

e.g.Take down the picture and put up the map of the world.摘下这张图画,挂上一幅世界地图。

(5)take out 拿出

e.g.Please take out a piece of paper and write down your names on it, OK?拿出一张纸,在上面写下你们的名字,好吗?

(6)take off 脱下;飞机(等起飞)

e.g.Sorry! You have to take off your shoes before getting into the computer room.对不起,在进入微机室之前,先要把你的鞋子脱掉。

The plane is going to take off soon.飞机马上就要起飞了。

(7)take one's time 别着急,慢慢来

e.g.Please take your time!别着急,慢慢来!

(8)take one's temperature 量体温

e.g.Mingming is ill. The doctor is taking his temperature now.明明生病了,大夫正在给他量体温。

4、decide 动词,意为“决定”,常用结构:

decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事

decide on doing sth 决定做某事

decide + 疑问代词/副词+不定式决定……

decide +从句决定……

e.g.I decided to go to Beijing on Monday.我决定星期一去北京。

He has decided on going for a trip next week.他已决定下周去旅行。

He decided when to go to Beijing.他已经决定了什么时候去北京。

We decided that we didn’t take part in the basketball match.我们决定不参加篮球比赛。

5.Then we all voted for her.[译文] 然后我们都投票赞成(选乔伊斯为主编)。vote for sb. 意为“投票赞成某人”

e.g.I shall vote for Ben because he has experience.我将投票选本因为他有经验。vote against意为“投票反对”。

e.g. People vote against Henry.人们投票反对亨利。

6.Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.[译文] 于是,乔伊斯主持会议。

take charge of 意为“主管,主持;负责”。

e.g. Who will take charge of the meeting?谁将主持这次会议?

7.辨析:other, the other, the others与another


e.g.Lei Feng always helped other people.雷锋总是帮助别人。(指其他的任何人)(2)the other意为“另一个”,一般用于两者之间。其句型为:one…the other…一个……另一个……

e.g. The old man has two sons. One is a soldier, the other is a worker.那位老人有两个儿子,一个是士兵,另一个是工人。

注意:the other和other后均可加名词,但意思有所不同,“the other+名词”表示一定范围内除一部分外其余的全部,而“other+名词”表示除去部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全部。

(3)the others 特指一定范围内的其余的全部人或事物。

e.g. I have three pencils. One is long, and the others are short.我有三支铅笔,一支是长的,另外(两个)是短的。(代词)


e.g. Would you like another cup of tea?你还要一杯茶吗?

8、辨析:pay, spend, cost与take四个单词都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。(1)pay的基本用法是:

①pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买某物。

e.g.I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付给他们20英镑的房租。

②pay for sth. 付某物的钱

e.g.I have to pay for the lost book.我不得不赔偿丢失的书款。

③pay for sb. 替某人付钱

e.g.Don’t worry! I’ll pay for you.别担心,我会给你付钱的。


①spend time/ money on sth. 在某物上花费时间/ 金钱。

e.g. I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时。

②spend time/ money(in)doing sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事。

e.g. They spent two years (in) building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。(3)cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见的用法如下:

①“sth. cost (sb.)+金钱”表示“某物花了(某人)多少钱”。

e.g.A new computer costs a lot of money.买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。

②“(doing)sth. cost(sb.)+时间”表示“(做某事)某物花了(某人)多少时间”

e.g. Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.他花了大量的时间才记住了这些新单词。


①“It takes/took sb.+时间+to do sth. ”表示“做某事花了某人多少时间”。

e.g.It took them three years to build this road.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。

②“doing sth. takes sb.+时间”表示“做某事花了某人多少时间”。

e.g. Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon.他花了一整下午修这辆小汽车。

8.One of the most popular types is the Sunday paper.[译文] 最畅销的类型之一是周日的报纸。

one of+the+(形容词)+可数名词复数:“……之一”,表示单数意义。

e.g. Lincoln is one of the greatest presidents in America.林肯是美国最伟大的总统之一。

YaoMing is one of the basketball players in the Olympic Games.姚明是参加奥运会的篮球运动员之一。

9、辨析:happen与take place


e.g.It happened that he had some friends in that city.碰巧他在那个城市有几个朋友。

(2)take place常指事先安排的事情,不含“偶然”之意。

e.g.The meeting is to take place next Monday.会议将于下周召开。

10、辨析:instead of与instead

(1)instead of取代;而不是,相当于介词短语,后跟名词、动词不定式、形容词、介词、副词、动名词。

e.g.I’l l go to Italy instead of France.我要去意大利,而不是法国。

I enjoy reading instead of dancing.我喜欢读书而不是跳舞。


e.g.He’s tired, let’s go instead.他累了,让我们替他吧。


(一)should与ought to的用法

1.一般说来,两者可替换,只是ought to语气稍重。

e.g. You ought to (should) go and see Mary sometime.你应该什么时候去看看玛丽。2.表示出于法令规则、行为准则、道德责任等客观情况而“应该”做某事时,一般应用ought to,若用should则含有个人意见,强调主观看法。

e.g. We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will.



e.g. You should not run alongside the swimming-pool.不准在游泳池边奔跑。(二)感叹句




e.g.What an interesting story it is!多么有趣的故事呀!

What good children they are!他们是多么好的孩子呀!



e.g.How cold it is today!今天多么冷呀!


e.g.What a hot day it is!=How hot the day is!多么热的天气呀!

What tall buildings they are!=How tall the buildings are!多么高的楼房呀!(三)how many与how much的区别和用法:


how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句+……how much用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。

2.how many的用法

(1)对there be句型中主语的数量如:some, five, only one等提问时,如果主语是可数名词,不管主语是单数还是复数一般都用复数形式提问,因为问话人不知道具体的数量是多少,而且many只能接可数名词复数形式,所以be一定要用are.即用“How many+可数名词复数+are there+地点/时间状语”的句型结构.

e.g.There is a book on the desk. (用how many改为特殊疑问句)

=====How many books are there on the desk?

There are seven days in a week. (对划线部分进行提问)

======How many days are there in a week?


how many在句首,名词复数跟着走,一般问句紧相随,其它成分不要丢.

3.how much 的用法


e.g.How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?


e.g.-How much does the pig weigh?这头猪多重?


many, few, a few, too many, too few 只能修饰可数名词

much, little, a little, too much, too little 只能修饰不可数名词

a lot of, none, no, enough, not enough 既能修饰可数名词,也能修饰不可数名词(四)三、语法点拨——动词不定式与动名词的用法




e.g.To become a teacher is my dream.当老师是我的梦想。

2.宾语。带动词不定式作宾语的动词有:hope, wish, want, agree, decide, choose, learn, refuse, promise, offer, fail, start, begin, remember, forget, manage…

e.g.I hope to go to the moon one day.我希望有一天能去月球。

3.宾语补足语。带动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:like, want, wish, ask, invite, tell, help, teach, let, make…

e.g.My brother asked me to clean my bedroom.我的哥哥要我打扫卧室。


e.g.I often go to the park to do exercise in the morning.早上我经常去公园锻炼。




e.g.Drinking milk is good for our health.喝牛奶对我们身体有好处。


带动名词作宾语的动词有:like, love, hate, begin, start, remember, forget, finish, practice, suggest, consider, enjoy, allow, continue…

e.g.I began learning English at the age of ten.我十岁时开始学英语。


1.接to do和 doing意思一致的动词有:start, begin, like, love, hate…

e.g.She hates doing housework.=She hates to do housework.她讨厌做家务。

Jenny started working in the school two years ago.= Jenny started to work in the school two years ago.珍妮两年前开始在这所学校工作。

2.接to do和 doing意思不同的动词有:forget, remember, stop, go on等。

e.g.I forgot to lock the door.我忘了锁门。(门没有锁)

I forgot locking the door.我锁了门,但是我忘记了。(门已经锁了)

remember的用法同forget。remember to do 记住要做;remember doing 记得已经做了

e.g.He stopped talking when the teacher came in. (stop doing 停止正在做的事情)老师进来的时候他停止讲话。


初二英语期中考试试卷分析 初二英语期中考试试卷分析 总的说本次考试试题难易适中。既考察了学生基础知识的掌握,又考察了学生的能力。 听力部分:抽检40份及格试卷,听力测试第一节21人答满分1分,16人获得14分中等以上学生都能答14分。易丢分的为1小题,原题:hat didn’t the an advie Ti t d? 失分原因,一部分人没注意到nt 这个关键词,导致误选。 听力部分第二节较以往更直观,且没有难度太大的拼写。大多数学生能得满分。 笔试部分:词形填空以大段落的形式出现在试卷上。学生如果读不懂题或不关注上下很容易失分。第一题heer出错较多。 单选题侧重基础,但是、6、7、9、14、17不仔细斟酌或基础知识掌握的差,很容易造成判断失误。 完形填空,满分9人,9分的14人,平均得分83分。 阅读理解得满分的21人,得18分的10人。得16分的人。平均得分182分。 任务型阅读:反映在1内容不是很难,但有些学生不善于捕捉关键词如:1 ①harit shps in the U sell ne things 判断对错。为数不少的人

做出了错误的判断,中的这句话:This ind f shps sell used things lie …这里的关键词used意为“二手的”。,究其原因一是学生知识储备不够,二是不具备分析问题的能力。紧接着的一句话Peple give the aa t the shp 也点破了商店出售的不是新东西。如果说判断①学生拿不到分,判断②学生仍然拿不到分。原因是出题人在题干的结尾处偷换了概念,把中的The ne ill help peple h have diffiult aling做了小小的改动,把peple h have diffiult aling改成了heless peple,轻描淡写地设了一个套。学生由于不认真审题,给套就钻,仍然失分。4题仍然失分严重。学生只关注了黑体字的筹款方式,而忽视了第一个黑体字上面的一个关键句子:Red Nse Da is nt the nl a t raise ne fr harit这句话。2题有多一半甚至2/3的学生都写不对。他们缺乏捕捉关键信息的能力。题仍然很多人不得分。本英译汉就是学生的弱项,在翻译中不能很好地把握关键词。第一,学生知识储备的不够,表现在不能精准的把关键词翻译的准确无误。第二,学生语表达能力欠缺。 连词成句:虽说这次考试连词成句都有词形变化,但是,平时有所侧重这种词形变化,而且平时训练的比这次考试要难。因此,对他们说并不算是挑战。但是,极个别学生不注意题中所给的标点,导致把疑问句写成陈述句,因此失分。 书面表达:难度适中,绝大多数学生能写出语法正确,语意连贯的句子。总之,由于平时练得充分,有备无患,学生考得不错。 我所教的班级情况: 10班、13班共同特点是知道学习,基础较好。堂上能够积极主动跟


M6~M10 复习资料 一、语法 M6: 1)结构【said+,+“句子”(直接引语)】【said that+句子(过去式)(间接引语)】 2)用法①【用在说话时】 ②要记的词,词组:among be awake be sleepy character face to face action scene although on one’s opinion plenty of worried about act well be true to sth. advise sb. to do sth. ③例句说明: 1、She said she missed her parents but she had some close friends here. 2、She said (that) she was with some classmates from London and that she was studying Chinese. ④要注意的地方: 1、注意时态的转变,人称的变化,和其他方面上的变化,如:today →that day now →then here →there M7: 1)结构1、【asked+,+“句子(一般疑问句)”(直接引语)】【asked+if/whether+句子(陈述句)(间接引语)】 2、【asked+,+“句子(特殊疑问句)”(直接引语)】【asked+how/who/when/why/where 等+句子(陈述句)(间接引语)】 3、【said/asked+,+“祈使句”(直接引语)】【ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.】 2)用法①【用在问问题或叫某人做某事时】 ②要记的词,词组:off hardly cross whole myself soldier wake up tent view top path plant pull the rest of sth. as if point into ③例句说明: 1、She asked if I was practising too much. 2、She asked me what was the matter? 3、She told me to rest and get better soon. 4、I told her not to worry. ④要注意的地方: 1、在直接引语→间接引语时,疑问句→陈述句。 2、Ask/tell sb. to do sth. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. M8: 1)结构1、【when+从句+,+主句】或【主句+when+从句】 2、【主句+while+从句(进行时)】 3、【主句+as soon as+从句】 4、【主句+until+从句】【主+do not+主句+until+从句】 2)用法①1、【可用点动词,也可用延续性动词】 2、【主句的动作在从句动作过程中发生】 3、【用在紧接着发生的事中】 4、【直到……】 ②要记的词,词组:celebrate season vacation while Labour day as soon as all over


八年级下册知识要点 Unit 1 What’s the matter 一、重点词组 1. 感冒have/catch/get a cold= have the flu 2. 胃痛have a stomachache 3. 发烧have a fever 4. 头痛have a headache 5. 躺下(休息)lie down (and rest) 6. 量体温take one’s temperature 7. 下车get off 上车get on 8. 使…惊奇的是to one’s surprise 9. 立刻,马上right away= at once 10. 陷入,参与get into 11. 冒险take risks(take a risk) 12. 习惯于做某事be/ get used to doing sth. 13. 用完,耗尽run out of= use up 14. 切除cut off 15. 作出决定make decisions(make a decision) 16. 离开,从…出来get out of 17. 掌控,掌管be in control of 18. 放弃give up 19. 休息take/ have brakes(take/ have a brake) =take/have rests(take/have a rest) 20. 拍片get/ take an X-ray 21. 幸亏,由于thanks to 22. 及时in time 23. 摔倒,跌倒fall down 24. 登山mountain climbing(n.词组) climb the mountain(v.词组) 二、词形转换 1. head (n)头----(n)headache头疼 2. stomach (n)胃,肚子----(n)stomachache胃疼 3. tooth (n)牙齿----(n)toothache牙疼 4. she她---(反身代词)herself她自己 5. we 我们----(反身代词)ourselves 6. climb (v)爬----(n)climber登山者 7. knife (n)小刀-----(pl.)knives 8. foot (n)脚,足----(pl)feet 9. decide (v)决定----(n)decision决定10. mean (v)意思是,打算----(n)meaning 11. die (v)死----(n)death 死亡12. important (adj)重要的----(n)importance重要性

人教版新目标八年级下英语期中复习练习题( 有答案)

八年级下英语期中复习练习题 一、单项选择题: 1.-I always get before exams. -Do something you like to relax. A. happy B. noisy C. nervous D. famous Linda was sad because her favorite dog died. Let’s do something to . A. cheer her on B. cheer her up C. cheer on her D. cheer up her 3.-How much does it to go there by train? -About 200 yuan. A.cost B. spend C. pay D. take 4.How terrible the fruit ! I don’t want to taste it. A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 5. Japan lies the east of China. A. in B. to C. for D. at 6. If Nancy _______the exam, she will go to Australia for English study. A. pass B. passed C. passes D. will pass 7.Amy was reading a book ________I came in. A. when B. while C. because D. though 8. Li Hua’s shoes are as _______as Zhang Hui’s. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheaper D. the cheapest 9.It’s dangerous for children___________ the dog. A. play B. to play C. play with D. to play with 10. ____careful we are, _____mistakes we will make. A. The more, the fewer B. The fewer, the more C.The more, the more D. The less, the fewer 1. —Have you read a book called The Merchant of Venice? —Yes. _____ book is very interesting. A. An B. A C. The D. / 12. People usually touch something with their _____. A. eyes B. noses C. mouths D. fingers 13. Our Chinese t eacher didn’t go to bed _____ he finished his work last night.


初二英语学科期中考试试卷分析 一、试题特点: 1、本试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 2、试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力; 3、试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,词汇运用大大降低了试题的难度,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 4、通过对全卷的综合分析,我们感觉试题层次清楚,梯度较明显。关注到了不同层次的学生。 5、不足之处,听力部分没有给学生阅题时间,语速较快,阅读部分话题不太贴近学生的日常生活。 二、学生答题情况分析 本次期中考试阅卷后,为及时得到教学反馈信息,找出教学中存在的问题,以便采取措施,加强教学的针对性、实效性,适应新课程改革要求,提高初中英语教学质量,我对所带班级试卷进行了统计和分析,现将英语考试情况浅析如下: (一)、全年级成绩统计 (二)、试卷情况及简要分析 其各题得分情况如下: 各题答题情况简要分析如下: 1、听力部分虽然试题难度并不大,但此题得分不理想。一是平常训练不到位,学生语感不强。二是缺乏系统的听力训练,学生听力差。三是题与题之间间隔时间不够长,对于我们这个层次的学生来讲听力语速

稍快,可能也是导致听力题得分不高的原因之一。 2、单项选择难度适中且知识覆盖面大。这些知识点都是平时强调的,学生没巩固,有的上课不听。 3、完形填空此题难度适中,但是得分率不高,,主要原因是不会上下文的联系。 4、阅读理解难度适中,得分率较高。其中得分稍低的是最后一小题,主要原因是学生理解文章不透,阅读能力差造成的。读短文回答问题,相对较差,平时学的不扎实,学过的单词已忘记。 5、词汇运用此题比较简单,得分率也相对较高,主要是考察学生对形容词比较级的使用,大部分学生能够仿照示例写出正确的句子。 6、书面表达此题是七个大题中得分最低的一个题。其中最高得分有9分,最低得分0分。主要原因是学生对句子结构掌握不清,写不出单词,更无法组成英语句子,学生书写差,大小写不分。 二、教学中的主要问题 从答题情况反映出学生存在的主要问题有:基础知识掌握不牢,运用不够准确、灵活性较差;基本的语法概念较模糊,句子的基本结构把握不住;学生知识面狭窄,缺乏一定的生活常识;语言综合运用能力不强,书面表达极差等。 三、教学建议 1、加强《课标》学习,改进教学方法。 英语教师应进一步学习《新课程标准》,增强新课程理念,改变教学观念,改变一些传统做法,认真钻研教材,弄清教材的编排意图,科学地用好教材,挖掘教材的内在本质,注重知识间的内在联系。 2、加强听说训练,提高听力水平。 在日常教学中加强对学生的听力训练,让他们多听英美人士的录音,在课堂上多用英语组织教学,通过听读、听说、听写等多种形式不断刺激听的感官,提高学生的听觉灵敏度。 鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,让学生通过体验,实践,讨论,合作,探究等方式,在自然规范的语音,语调的口语语境中进行口语交际,为他们发展交际能力打下基础。 3、加强阅读教学,提高阅读能力。 教师要有意识地加强学生阅读能力的训练与培养,要多选用内容健康,时代感、思想性、知识性、趣味性较强的短文,要教给学生阅读方法,通过大量阅读来培养学生的语感以及通过上下文捕捉信息的能力,拓宽学生的知识面,开阔学生的视野。 4、指导学生自主学习,培养学生学习能力。 在教学过程中我们应注重学生的能力培养,指导学生学习方法,给予学生更多的思考空间,培养学生自主学习能力,决不能满堂灌。加强听力,完型填空和阅读理解能力的培养与训练。培养学生的创新意识,培养学生积极大胆地寻找问题,解决问题的能力。


八年级英语上册复习要点 Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Ⅰ、短语: 1多久一次how often 2照顾look after=take care of=babysit 3上网surf the internet 4至于as for 5 几乎不hardly ever 6对什么有益be good for 7饮食习惯eating habits 8保持健康keep healthy=stay healthy 9健康的生活方式healthy lifestyle 10去滑冰go skate boarding 11与…相同the same as 12不同于be different from 13一月一次once a month 14一周两次twice a week 15尽力去做某事try to do sth/试着去做某事try doing sth 16想去做某事want to do sth 17 一周三次three times a week Ⅱ、语法、话题及句型: 对话 1 What do you usually do on weekends?(你在周末通常做什么?) I usually play soccer。(我通常踢足球) 2 What does he do on weekends?(他在周末做什么?) He sometimes watches TV (他有时候看电视) 3 How often do you shop?(你多久购物一次?) I shop once a week。(我一周购物一次) 4 How often does he watch TV ?(他多久看一次电视?) He watches TV twice a week。(他每周看两次电视) 恰当的使用频率副词,并知道如何介绍自己的饮食习惯以及如何保持一个健康的生活方式 Unit2 What’s the matter? Ⅰ、短语: 1感冒have a cold 2头痛have a headache 3发烧have a fever 4牙疼have a toothache 5咽喉疼have a sore throat 6胃疼have a stomachache 7躺下lie down 8加蜂蜜的热茶hot tea with honey 9看牙医see a dentist 10多喝水drink lots of water 11有压力的be stressed out 12此刻at the moment 13太多too much+不可数名词,too many+可数名词复数/实在太much too+形容词14看医生see a doctor 15听音乐listen to music 16有些a few+可数名词复数a little+不可数名词17没有few+可数名词复数,little+不可数名词 Ⅱ、语法、话题及句型: 1 what’s the matter with you ? =what’s w rong with you? =what’s the trouble with you? 你怎么了? I have a stomachache我肚子疼。 2 What’s the matter with her?她怎么了? She has a cold。她感冒了3 She has a toothache。她牙痛She should see a dentist她必须看牙医(should“应该”是情态动词,其否定形式是shouldn’t,后接动词原形) 4 It’s important to eat a balanced diet。膳食均衡很重要(It’s+形容词+for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是怎样的) 如何谈论健康问题,并就所产生的疾病能够给出合理的建议,掌握should 和shouldn’t的用法 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Ⅰ、短语: 1照顾babysit 2去野营go camping 3在家休息relax at home 4玩得高兴have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 5把…给某人看show sb sth = show sth to sb 6返回到get back to/come back to 7下周next week 8 去观光go sightseeing 9去骑车go bike riding 去钓鱼go fishing10去散步take walks/take a walk/go for a walk 11 思考think about/of+动词ing 12决定做某事decide to do sth/decide on sth /动词ing 13计划做某事plan to do sth 14迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do sth 15花费时间/金钱做某事spend+钱/时间on sth;spend+钱/时间in doing sth 16动身去某地leave for 17忘记去做某事(未做)forget to do sth;忘记做过某事(做了)forget doing sth Ⅱ、语法、话题及句型: 1. what are you doing for vacation ?你假期准备做什么? I am visiting my grandmother我准备去拜访我的外婆 What is she doing for vacation?她假期准备做什么? She is going camping她准备去野营(be动词+动词ing表将来) 2. Who are you going with ?你准备和谁去? I am going with my parents我准备和我父母一起去 3 How long are you staying ?你准备待多久? I’m staying for three weeks.我准备待三个星期(for+时间,表示持续一段时间) 4 When are you going?你准备什么时候去? I am going on the 12th。我准备12号去 5 Where are they going?他们准备去哪里? They are going to Loudi。他们准备去娄底 会使用be动词+动词ing来写假期计划,掌握相关的词组,句型,特别是要掌握现在进行时表将来的用法 Unit 4 How do you get to school? Ⅰ、短语: 1 乘地铁take the subway 2乘公共汽车take the bus 3乘火车take the train (乘坐某种交通工具take+the/a+交通工具,是一个动词短语结果,位于


初二英语总复习 I.词汇: i)写出所给名词的复数形式 knife foot policewoman wife child mouse life photo ii)写出所给动词的一般过去式: go buy think say give take keep read tell write cut sit feel hear iii)写出所给形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形式 well far ill difficult heavy hot little happy II. 选择填空 1. when she going? A.is B. are C. do D. does 2. ______ is he staying? A.When B. How long C.How much D. How many 3. She is going Friday. A. in B. from C. at D. on 4. We are camping. A. doing B. do C. go D. going 5. What is your New Year’s ? I am going to work harder in school. A. exercise B. think C. resolution D. work 6. How are you going to buy a new car? I am going to get a job. A. part-time B. healthier C. useful D. part 7. I a stomachache. You eat that hamburger. A. has, should B. have, should C. have, shouldn’t D. has, shouldn’t


八年级英语期中考试卷 一、单项填空 1.---Where did Tina go on vacation last summer? ---She ________ to Hainan. A. went B. goes C. is going D. will go 2.—Did you try paragliding yesterday?---Yes. I_________ I was a bird, It was so exciting! A. looked like B. made sure C. thought of D. felt like 3.---Who will go to the ______ for teeth cleaning with you, Mark? ---My father. A. guide B. dentist C. writer D. musician 4.---I hate vegetables, I _________eat them. ---But they’re good for your health. You should often eat them. B. usually B. often C. hardly ever D. always 5. ---________ do you have a sports meeting in your school. ---Twice a year. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often 6.----__________woman is your mother? ----The one with long hair. A. What B. How C. When D. Which 7.—How do you like the book you read yesterday? ---Oh! It’s one of ______ books I’ve ever read. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 8.---How do you like the concert given by EXO? ---Exciting,___________ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well. A. though B. because C. so D. and 二、完形填空 Do you have lost of friends? What do you 36 friends and friendship? Are 37 very important to you? Some of your friends may have 38 ideas from you, and some like doing the same things as you. Do you like friends different from 39 the same as you? You may like the friends who have the same hobbies 40 you. But I don’t really 41 . I have 42 good friends, Peter and James. Peter is like me. I’m 43 than most of the students in my class, and Peter is also quiet. And we 44 like going shopping. On weekends, we often go to the supermarket to 45 something. But 46 friend of mine, James is quite different from me. He is more outgoing, and he likes 47 funny stories and often makes me 48 . He also likes books, so he often goes to the library and does some 49 there. You see, friends are not 50 to be the same. Do you think so? ( )36.A. talk about B. think of C. thank for D. look at ( )37.A. it B. they C. them D. we ( )38. A. easy B. interesting C. different D. same ( )39.A. or B. and C. though D. but ( )40.A. to B. with C. as D. at ( )41.A. like B. care C. show D. wonder ( )42.A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )43.A. quieter B. funnier C. friendlier D. smarter ( )44.A. all B. each C. both D. some ( )45.A. sell B. buy C. play D. eat ( )46.A. other B. others C. the other D. another ( )47.A. speaking B. talking C. saying D. telling ( )48.A. laugh B. wait C. run D. dance ( )49.A. sleeping B. cooking C. reading D. cleaning


新目标八年级英语上册复习提纲全套 标准化工作室编码[XX968T-XX89628-XJ668-XT689N]

新目标八年级(上)英语复习提纲(全套) Unit 1: How often do you exercise 【复习目标】 会使用频率副词及短语; 能描述课余时间的活动安排; 会描述基本饮食结构。 【语言目标】

● What do you usually do on weekends I sometimes go to the beach. ● How often do you eat vegetables Every day. ● Most students do homework every day. 【重点词汇】 ● always, usually , often, sometimes , hardly , ever, never. ● how often, once , twice , three times a week , every day. ● milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different maybe, although, arm, foot, tooth, ear, eye, advice, thirsty ,forget, finish, plan . 【应掌握的词组】 1. go to the movies 去看电影 2. look after = take care of 照顾 3. surf the internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skate boarding 去划板 6. keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康 7. exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼 8. eating habits 饮食习惯 9. take more exercise 做更多的运动 10. the same as 与什么相同 11. be different from 不同 12. once a month一月一次 13. twice a week一周两次 14. make a difference to 对什么有影响 15. how often 多久一次 16. although = though虽然 17. most of the students=most students 18. shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物 19. as for至于20. activity survey活动调查 21. do homework做家庭作业 22. do house work做家务事 23. eat less meat吃更少的肉 24. junk food垃圾食物 25. be good for 对什么有益 26. be bad for对什么有害 27. want to do sth 想做某事 28. want sb to do sth想某人做某事 29. try to do sth 尽量做某事 30. come home from school放学回家 31. of course = certainly = sure当然 32. get good grades取得好成绩 33. some advice 34. hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不 35. keep/be in good health保持健康 stressed紧张的,有压力的 37. take a vacation 去度假 back 回来 【应掌握的句子】 1. How often do you exercise 你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体 How often + 助动词do(does或did) + 主语 + do sth. 疑问词how often是问频率(多久一次),(在 这里助动词do(does或did) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,回答一般是用 表示频率的副词,如:once, twice, three times…, sometimes, often, quite, often, never, every day, once a week , twice a month , three times a month , three or four times a month 等。 翻译:“你们多久到工厂去一次”“每星期两次。” (“How often do you go to the factory” “Twice a week. ”) “他们多长时间举办一次舞会”“通常每两周举办一次。” (“How often do they have a dancing party” “Usually, once every other week.”) “他多久去购一次物”“一个月一次。” (“How often does he go shopping” “He goes shopping once a month.”) 2. “What do you usually do on weekends” “ I usually play soccer.” “周末你通常做什么”“我通常踢足球。” 第一个do为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个do则是实义动词。 翻译: What do you usually do on weekends I often go to the movies. What does she usually do on weekends She sometimes go hiking. 3. “What’s your favorite program” “It’s Animal World.” “你最喜欢什么节目”“动物世界。” 4. As for homework, most students do homework every day . as for...意思是“至于;关于”,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名 词)。如: As for him,I never want to see him here. 至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。 As for the story,you'd better not believe it. 关于那故事,你最好不要相信。 翻译:至于我自己,我现在不想去。(As for myself, I don’t want to go now. ) 至于那个人,我什么都不知道。(As for the man, I know nothing about him.) 5. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her . want to do sth. 意思是“想要做某事”;


初中英语总复习资料 1. a bit (of) 有一点 2. a few (表示肯定)一些;几个 3. a kind of 一种;一类 4. a little 少量;少许 5. a lot of 许多,大量 6. a number of 大量;许多 7. a pair of 一双,一副 8. a piece of 一张,一块,一根 9. according to 根据,按照 10. after all 毕竟,终究 11. again and again 反复地,再三地 12. agree to do sth. 同意做某事 13. agree with sh. 赞同,同意某人的看法 14. all kinds of 各种各样的 15. all over the world 遍及全世界 16. all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了 17. all the time 一直 18. all year round 终年;一年到头 19. arrive at (in) a place 到达某地 20. as long as 只要 21. as soon as 一…就…

22. as well as 也;又 23. as……as possible 尽可能…… 24. as…as 和……一样 25. as usual 通常,平常地 26. ask for 要,要求;请求 27. at first 首先 28. at last 最后 29. at least 至少 30. at once 马上,立刻 31. at the age of 在……岁的时候 32. at the end of 在……尽头 33. at the moment 此时;现在 34. at the same time 同时 35. at times 有时;偶尔 36. be able to 能够…… 37. be afraid of sth. 害怕 38. be angry with 生……的气 39. be bad for 对……有害 40. be different from 与……不同 41. be famous for 以……著名 42. be full of 充满,装满


八年级上英语期中复习资料Array ()1.It’s only 19:00. we decide ______ home A going B go to C not to go D not to go to ()2.Da Shan speaks Chinese ______ for us to understand. A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well ()3.She looks _______ because she has a _____ vacation. A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, re1axi ng D. relaxing, relaxed ()4.—Excuse me. I wonder ____________. —Turn left. There’s a supermarket next to the park. A. when I can leave B. where I can get som e snacks C. how can I play chess D. who did you travel wit h ()5.Tara and her sister_______ quiet and they _______ sports. A. are both, both like B. are both, like both C. both are, both like D. both are, like both ( )6. These cinemas have one thing _______. A. common B. in common C. commonly D. on common ( )7. The ______ is very________ ,and he________ an action. A. action;active;acts B.actor;active;acts C. actress;active;acts D.activity;act;action ( )8.The old woman doesn’t mind ______other people think of_______.


(满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择:(共20小题,计20分) 1. Don't eat ____food in the evening. It's bad ____ you. A. too much; with B. much too; for C. too much; for D. much; with more exercise you take, ____you will be. A. healthier B. happier C. the healthier D. the weaker 3.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation —Yes, I want you to ____me with some information about it. A. drop B. show C. give D. provide 4.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long —_______We're getting into the rainy season now. A.Of course not B.I’m afraid so C.That's impossible D.I'm afraid not 5. You can ____a conversation with you partner to practice English. A.pick up B.make up C.look up D.catch up 6. It's too hot. I can't wait ____in the lake. A.to swim B.swim C.swims D.swimming 7. David found a little girl______on his way to school, and he called police for help. A. cry B. cried C. crying D. cries 8. We have activities these days. Everyone in our class is as________as a bee. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest 9. He knocked on the door but______answered. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 10. Before she went abroad, she spent plenty of time ____ English. A. to practice to speak B. practicing speaking C. to practice speaking D. practicing to speak 11. I will send you an email when I___________ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive 12. My brother is _____a hardworking student that he always gets high marks. A. so B. very C. such D. too 13. Many students have interests. Some interests are relaxing and________ are creative. others B. others C. another D. the other 14. Please _____ the book back tomorrow when you come. A. take B. carry C. return D. bring 15. Don’t worry. We have ________ time to leave. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 16. It’s time for class now, please stop __________. A. talking B. to talk C. to speak D. spoke 17. ---Hi, Jack! Why do you look so sad ---Well, I don’t know how to speak English well, Can you give me ____. A. some advice B. an advice C. some advices D. some suggestion

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