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depsim User Guide

depsim User Guide
depsim User Guide

Depsim User Guide


depsim provides server emulation of the APIs for the Device Enrollment Program documented in the Mobile Device Management Protocol Reference.


depsim [[


start [-port port] [-output path] [con?gpath …]

Start an instance of depsim in server mode. By default, no devices are registered and server

activity is logged in JSON format to stdout. The default or speci?ed con?guration is output at the start, including the OAuth credentials required for authentication. The process listens on

port 8080. Use the option -port to specify an alternate port. Use the option -output to redirect logs to the speci?ed ?le location. Specify one or more optional con?guration ?les to override the default con?guration.

stop [-port port] [-host address]

Stop an instance of depsim in server mode. By default, the command will attempt to stop a

server instance running on the local host at port 8080. Use the option -port to specify an

alternate port. Use the option -host to specify an alternate host.

con?gure [-port port] [-host address] con?gpath …

Load one or more con?guration ?les into a server instance. One or more con?guration ?les,

separated by spaces, must be speci?ed following the command. Values in the speci?ed

con?gurations will immediately override settings in the running server instance. Overriding the settings of a repeating operation, such as device record creation, will cause it to stop and

commence its newly speci?ed behavior. By default, this command will attempt to connect to a server instance running on the local host at port 8080. Use the option -port to specify an

alternate port. Use the option -host to specify an alternate host.

reset [-port port] [-host address] [-preserve_sessions]

Reset a server instance to the originally speci?ed con?guration. By default, this command will attempt to connect to a server instance running on the local host at port 8080. Use the option -port to specify an alternate port. Use the option -host to specify an alternate host. Use the

option -preserve_sessions to prevent clearing active session tokens.

log [-port port] [-host address] [-output path]

Output the current stream of server log entries to stdout. By default, this command will

attempt to connect to a server instance running on the localhost at port 8080. Use the option -port to specify an alternate port. Use the option -host to specify an alternate host. If -output is speci?ed the contents of the log will be written to the ?le at the given path.

createdevice {[-port port] [-host address] | -output [path]} [count number] [type …]

Create a new device record. By default, this command will attempt to connect to a server

instance running on the local host at port 8080 and add a randomly generated device record.

Use the option -port to specify an alternate port. Use the option -host to specify an alternate

host. Use the option -count to specify the number of devices to create. Specify one or more

type(s) of device(s) to override the default device types. The valid values are "IPAD", "IPHONE", "IPOD", "MAC”. Use the option -output to write the created device(s) to stdout or a speci?ed ?le on the local host instead of a running server instance. If -output is speci?ed, -port and -host are ignored.

deletedevices [-port port] [-host address] {serial_number … | -input path … | -all}

Delete existing device records. One or more device serial numbers separated by spaces must be speci?ed, or the option -input followed by one or more ?le paths for JSON formatted ?les

containing device serial numbers must be speci?ed or the option -all must be speci?ed. By

default, this command will attempt to connect to a server instance running on the local host at port 8080. Use the option -port to specify an alternate port. Use the option -host to specify an alternate host.

dumpdevices [-port port] [-host address] [-output path]

Output the current list of devices loaded in a server instance. The device records are output in JSON format as an array of dictionaries. There is one dictionary entry per device. By default, this command will attempt to connect to a server instance running on the local host at port 8080

and write the device records to stdout. Use the option -port to specify an alternate port. Use

the option -host to specify an alternate host. Use the option -output to write the device

records to a speci?ed ?le on the local host.


Display the end user software license agreement.


Display third-party acknowledgments.


Display the complete documentation.



(All commands) Specify the network port.


(All commands) Specify the hostname.


(createdevice command only) Specify the number of randomly generated device records to create.

-output []

(start, log, stoken, createdevice and dumpdevices commands only) Specify the output

destination for the command. An optional ?le path on the local host can be speci?ed. If a ?le path is not speci?ed, the output is sent to stdout.


(deletedevices command only) Specify one or more ?le paths on the local host whose ?le

contents contain newline separated serial numbers of devices to delete from the server.


(deletedevices command only) Delete all the device records in the server.


(reset command only) Don't clear currently active session tokens when reseting the server to the originally speci?ed con?guration.


To start the server and have it listen on port 9000:

depsim start -port 9000

To start the server, have it listen on port 9000, log activity to /tmp/depsim.log and override the default con?guration with settings from two con?guration ?les:

depsim start -port 9000 -output /tmp/depsim.log

depsim_config1.json depsim_config2.json

To command a server running on the local host and listening on port 9000 to create an additional 100 device records of type IPAD and IPHONE:

depsim createdevice -port 9000 -count 100 IPAD IPHONE

To command a server running at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html, and listening on port 9000 to output its current device records and save them to the ?le at path /tmp/depsim_devices.json:

depsim dumpdevices -host https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html, -port 9000 -output / tmp/depsim_devices.json

To command a server running on the local host and listening on port 9000 to load an additional

con?guration ?le named depsim_con?g3.json:

depsim configure -port 9000 depsim_config3.json

To command a server running on the local host and listening on port 9000 to delete devices with serial numbers A34GHY432 and B54JY6342:

depsim deletedevices -port 9000 A34GHY432 B54JY6342

To command a server running on the local host and listening on port 9000 to delete all current device records:

depsim deletedevices -port 9000 -all

To command a server running on the local host and listening on port 9000 to revert to the originally speci?ed con?guration but not clear currently active session tokens:

depsim reset -port 9000 -preserve_sessions

Con?guration Format

Con?guration settings are speci?ed in JSON format.

Con?guration Categories

Account and credential settings

Account ?elds such as facilitator ID, organization address, and server name can be speci?ed as well as OAuth ?elds such as access secret and access token.

Device records

Dynamically generated or pre-de?ned device records can be added to a server on a recurring or one time basis. Randomly chosen or pre-de?ned device records can also be deleted from a server on a recurring or one time basis.

API responses

Responses for each API can be con?gured. Any sequence of valid responses for each API can be speci?ed, including of course the expected response to an API.

Con?guration Keys


An optional dictionary of key-values that de?ne the OAuth credentials accepted by the server.

Valid keys:


The default value is




The default value is




The default value is




The default value is




An optional dictionary of one or more key-values that de?ne the expected values to be

returned in response to a "GET /account" request.

Valid keys:


An optional string that is an identi?able name for the MDM server. The default

value is "Example Server".


An optional string that is the system-generated server identi?er. The default

value is "677cab70-fe18-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66".


An optional string that, in the production service, is the Apple ID of the person

who generated the current tokens that are in use. The default value is



An optional string that is the organization name. The default value is "Example



An optional string that is the organization email address. The default value is



An optional string that is the organization phone. The default value is



An optional string that is the organization address. The default value is "123

Main St. Anytown, USA”.


An optional string that is the Apple ID of the admin who generated

the current token. The default value is "admin@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,".


An optional dictionary specifying the rules for the creation and insertion of new device records or the insertion of pre-de?ned device records into the server. The dictionary can be used to

cause one of two device insertion behaviors. The ?rst behavior is to insert a list of pre-de?ned device records. The second behavior is to insert a dynamically generated set of device records.

Additional keys allow for insertion of the records to occur on a repeating interval up to an

optional iteration count.

Valid Keys:


An optional array of device record dictionaries. Specify this key to add a list of

pre-de?ned device records to the server. If this key is not speci?ed then device

records are dynamically generated. See section DEVICE RECORD KEYS for a list

of key-values for a device record dictionary.


An optional array of ?xed string values representing the types of the devices for

the device records that are dynamically generated. The valid values are "IPAD",

"IPHONE", "IPOD", "MAC". "device_types" is only applicable when device records

are generated dynamically. Consequently, if "device_list" is speci?ed,

"device_types" is ignored.


An optional positive integer specifying the number of devices to add per

iteration. Use this key in combination with "interval_in_seconds" to repeatedly

add devices. If "device_list" is speci?ed then the device records to add are taken

from this list otherwise the device records are generated dynamically.


An optional non-negative integer specifying the number of seconds to wait

between each operation of adding device records to the server. The number of

device records to add per iteration is speci?ed in "devices_per_event".


An optional positive integer specifying the number of device insertion

operations to perform. If "device_list" is speci?ed, the total number of devices

inserted is the lesser of either the count of devices in "device_list" or the value

of "devices_per_event" multiplied by "max_event_count". If neither

"device_list" nor "max_event_count" is speci?ed, dynamically generated device

records will continually be added to the server according the values speci?ed in

"devices_per_event" and "interval_in_seconds". In this scenario, specify

"max_event_count" to limit the total number of dynamically generated device

records to add.


An optional non-negative integer specifying the number of seconds to wait

before adding the ?rst set of device records to the server.

Note: In order to cause the server to add dynamically generated device records,

"devices_per_event" must be speci?ed. If no additional keys are speci?ed then the total

number of dynamically generated device records added to the server is equal to the

value speci?ed for "devices_per_event".


An optional dictionary specifying the rules for deleting device records from the server. The

dictionary can be used to cause one of two device deletion behaviors. The ?rst behavior is to

delete a list of pre-de?ned device records. The second behavior is to randomly delete device

records. Additional keys allow for deletion of records to occur on a repeating interval up to an optional iteration count.

Valid Keys:


An optional array of device record dictionaries. Specify this key to delete a list

of pre-de?ned device records from the server. If this key is not speci?ed then

randomly selected device records are deleted. Only the "serial_number" key-

value must be speci?ed in a device record dictionary. All other key-values are



An optional positive integer specifying the number of devices to delete per

iteration. Use this key in combination with "interval_in_seconds" to repeatedly

delete devices. If "device_list" is speci?ed then the device records to delete are

taken from this list otherwise the device records are selected randomly.


An optional non-negative integer specifying the number of seconds to wait

between each operation of deleting device records from the server. The

number of device records to delete per iteration is speci?ed in



An optional positive integer specifying the number of device deletion

operations to perform. If "device_list" is speci?ed, the total number of devices

deleted is the lesser of either the count of devices in "device_list" or the value

of "devices_per_event" multiplied by "max_event_count". If neither

"device_list" nor "max_event_count" is speci?ed, randomly selected device

records will continually be deleted from the server according the values

speci?ed in "devices_per_event" and "interval_in_seconds". In this scenario,

specify "max_event_count" to limit the total number of randomly selected

device records to delete.


An optional non-negative integer specifying the number of seconds to wait

before deleting the ?rst set of device records from the server.

Note: In order to cause the server to delete randomly selected device records,

"devices_per_event" must be speci?ed. If no additional keys are speci?ed then the total

number of randomly selected device records deleted from the server is equal to the

value speci?ed for "devices_per_event".











An optional ordered array of one or more response dictionaries. A response dictionary contains

a response value and the number of consecutive times to return that value. Each call to the

server for the corresponding API will advance the server to the next speci?ed response. The API corresponding to the key name can be derived from the key name itself. The ?rst part of the

key name corresponds to the API's HTTP method such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The

second part of the key name corresponds to the API URL path following the host name. For

example, "put_pro?le_devices_responses" corresponds to the API with method PUT and URL


Valid keys for all response dictionaries:


The number of consecutive times that the response should be sent


The error response value. See section "VALID RESPONSES PER API" for a list of

the valid values for each API. The value "expected_response" can be speci?ed

to cause the server to respond with the expected value for the request.

Valid keys for put_pro?le_devices_responses, post_pro?le_responses,

delete_pro?le_devices_responses, post_devices_responses, and

post_devices_disown_responses only.


An optional ordered array of one or more dictionaries. Each dictionary speci?es

a single device serial number. The speci?ed response value in the response

dictionary will only be returned for the matching device serial numbers in the

original API request. The expected value is returned for all non-matching device

serial numbers. Key-values other than the device serial number are ignored. A

"device_list" key-value can only speci?ed if the value of "response" is "success",

"not_accessible", "not_found", or "failed".

Device Record Keys


The asset tag value of the device.


The color of the device.


A description of the device.


The model name of the device.


The serial number of the device. Valid Responses Per API
















































































Con?guration Examples

Example One:

This con?guration speci?es the following:

?Alternate account values for server_name, org_email, and org_name

? A device insertion rule to dynamically create and add ten device records of type IPAD and MAC every ?ve seconds and performs this operation ?fteen times.

? A custom response con?guration to the PUT /pro?le/devices API that returns "FAILED" for all device records for the ?rst two calls to the API, then returns the expected response once, then returns "NOT_ACCESSIBLE" for all device records for the next three calls, then returns the expected response on subsequent calls.


"account": {

"org_email": "john@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,",

"org_name": "Acme Inc",

"server_name": "Acme Server",


"device_insertions": {

"device_types": [




"devices_per_event": 10,

"interval_in_seconds": 5,

"max_event_count": 15


"put_profile_devices_responses": [


"count": 2,

"response": "failed"



"count": 1,

"response": "expected_response"



"count": 3,

"response": "not_accessible"




Example Two:

This con?guration speci?ed the following:

? A custom response con?guration to the GET /session API that returns an HTTP 403 error and "T_C_NOT_SIGNED" in the response body once, then returns the expected response on subsequent calls.

? A device insertion rule to add two pre-de?ned device records.

? A custom response con?guration to the POST /devices API that returns an HTTP 400 error and "DEVICE_ID_REQUIRED" in the response body once, that returns "NOT_FOUND" for a device with serial number L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA once, and returns the expected response on subsequent calls. {

"get_session_responses": [


"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden_t_c_not_signed"



"device_insertions": {

"device_list": [


"asset_tag": "46189",

"color": "SPACE GRAY",

"description": "IPAD LTE 16GB",

"model": "IPAD",

"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"asset_tag": "31778",

"color": "WHITE",

"description": "IPAD WIFI 64GB",

"model": "IPAD",

"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9"




"post_devices_responses": [


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_device_id_required"



"count": 1,

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"response": "not_found"




Example Three:

This con?guration speci?es settings for all supported keys and illustrates the complete structure of the con?guration format. Note that not all settings speci?ed in this example are intended to be used together. Refer to the documentation for each setting for details.


"server_token": {


"AS_c31afd7a09691d83548489336e8ff1cb11b82b6bca13f793344496a556b1f4972e aff4dde6deb5ac9cf076fdfa97ec97699c34d515947b9cf9ed31c99dded6ba", "access_token": /“AT_927696831c59ba510cfe4ec1a69e5267c19881257d4bca290 6a99d0785b785a6f6fdeb09774954fdd5e2d0ad952e3af52c6d8d2f21c924ba0caf4a0 31c158b89",

"access_token_expiry": "2015-07-29T11:35:52-07:00",


"CK_48dd68d198350f51258e885ce9a5c37ab7f98543c4a697323d75682a6c10a32501 cb247e3db08105db868f73f2c972bdb6ae77112aea803b9219eb52689d42e6",


"CS_34c7b2b531a600d99a0e4edcf4a78ded79b86ef318118c2f5bcfee1b011108c32d 5302df801adbe29d446eb78f02b13144e323eb9aad51c79f01e50cb45c3a68"


"account": {

"facilitator_id": "facilitator@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,",

"org_address": "123 Main St. Anytown, USA",

"org_email": "orgadmin@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,",

"org_name": "Example Inc",

"org_phone": "111-222-3333",

"server_name": "Example Server",

"server_uuid": “677cab70-fe18-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66”, "admin_id": “admin@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,”


"device_insertions": {

"device_list": [


"asset_tag": "46189",

"color": "SPACE GRAY",

"description": "IPAD LTE 16GB",

"model": "IPAD",

"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"asset_tag": "31778",

"color": "WHITE",

"description": "IPAD WIFI 64GB",

"model": "IPAD",

"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9"



"device_types": [




"devices_per_event": 2,

"initial_delay_in_seconds": 0,

"interval_in_seconds": 2,

"max_event_count": 1000


"device_deletions": {

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9" }


"devices_per_event": 2,

"initial_delay_in_seconds": 0,

"interval_in_seconds": 2,

"max_event_count": 1000


"get_session_responses": [


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request"



"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden_access_denied" },


"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden_t_c_not_signed" },


"count": 1,

"response": "invalid_method"



"count": 1,

"response": "unauthorized"



"count": 1,

"response": "expected_response"



"get_account_responses": [


"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden"



"count": 1,

"response": "unauthorized"


"count": 1,

"response": "invalid_method"



"count": 1,

"response": "expected_response"



"post_server_devices_responses": [


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_malformed_request_body" },


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_invalid_cursor"



"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_exhausted_cursor"



"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden"



"count": 1,

"response": "unauthorized"



"count": 1,

"response": "invalid_method"



"count": 1,

"response": "expected_response"



"post_devices_sync_responses": [


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_malformed_request_body"


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_invalid_cursor"



"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_exhausted_cursor" },


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_cursor_required" },


"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden"



"count": 1,

"response": "unauthorized"



"count": 1,

"response": "invalid_method"



"count": 1,

"response": "expected_response"



"post_devices_responses": [


"count": 1,

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA" },


"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9" }


"response": "success"



"count": 1,

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9"



"response": "not_found"



"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden"



"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_malformed_request_body" },


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_device_id_required"



"count": 1,

"response": "unauthorized"



"count": 1,

"response": "invalid_method"



"count": 1,

"response": "expected_response"



"post_devices_disown_responses": [


"count": 1,

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9"



"response": "success"



"count": 1,

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9"



"response": "not_accessible"



"count": 1,

"device_list": [


"serial_number": "L1WIBUYQQA7EZHIA"



"serial_number": "YOEWB28Z85SIWPQ9"



"response": "failed"



"count": 1,

"response": "forbidden"



"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_malformed_request_body" },


"count": 1,

"response": "bad_request_device_id_required"



"count": 1,

"response": "unauthorized"


全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究管理系统(校级网络版V2016版) 简要操作说明 所有:中国高校人文社会科学信息网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html, 2016年11月

第一章系统简介 1.系统概述 全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究管理信息系统(RPMS),采用先进的Java软件技术开发,以支持多用户协同工作的B/S(浏览器/服务器)架构运行。功能上,面向教育部人文社会科学年度统计要求,可便捷、完整的录入相关基础数据,并严格按照统计规自动生成统计报表,从而保障人文社会科学统计工作的顺利进行。同时系统还可以有效支持学校的日常科研管理工作,成为高校科研管理工作的辅助平台。 2.版本情况 全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究管理信息系统(RPMS)分为省级版与校级版两个版本。其中校级版,供各高校用户使用,进行校级的数据录入,报表生成,以及数据上报;省级版,供各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅及教委用户使用,用于汇总各高校上报的数据文件,生成省级报表及省级上报文件。 省级版与校级版系统,每年年末均会根据当年的统计报表制度要求及功能改进设计,发布一个当年的新版本。但每个新版系统,都会保证校级版数据的兼容与延续性,上一版本中的数据,一定可以完整的移植到新版系统中。 为此,各高校可随时进行基础数据的录入与调整工作,无须待到统计工作开始了,新版系统发布后,再进行突击性录入。

第二章 2016及2016SP1版新特点 1.功能改进 1.1网页样式 将网页页面加宽,改为面向1024X768像素屏幕分辨率进行设计,并调整了色调。 1.2新增办学性质字段 1.3调整了研究机构的机构类型与组成方式


Chapter1 BoltzTraP This package contains the program Boltz mann Tra nsport P roperties(BoltzTraP)for calculat-ing the semi-classic transport coe?cients.It can be obtained from www.icams.de/boltztrap. The program has documented in https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,mun.[1]If you publish results obtained using the program this paper should be sited. The program was originally interfaced to the WIEN2k code,but can easily be interfaced to other bandstructure codes.Marcos Alves and Matthieu Verstraete have provided Siesta and ab-init interfaces.This?le format is documented at the end of this?le.Please contribute if you make such an interface. 1.1Getting started 1.1.1Unpacking Run the command bunzip2BoltzTraP.tar.bz2;tar xvf BoltzTrap.tar This will unpack several directories src The source code test Example?les,Al,Bi2Te3and CoSb3 doc This?le util A perl script to gather WIEN energy?les 1

IMM User Guide

IMM使用指南 一.如何访问IMM (1) 二.IMM主要功能介绍 (4) 三.几个常用功能 (5) 1.远程开关机 (5) 2.通过IMM刷新服务器的UEFI/IMM微码 (6) 3.远程终端功能 (7) 一.如何访问IMM 通常主机后部有一个专用的管理端口,例如下图以3650M3为例,可以通过此端口访问IMM。 IMM管理端口默认IP: 用户名:USERID 密码:PASSW0RD 注意字母为大写,密码中的“0”是数字0 在UEFI中修改IMM的IP地址 在开机自检的过程中根据提示按F1进入UEFI设置,

输入需要修改的IP地址后,选择Save Network Settings


二.IMM主要功能介绍 System status 查看服务器的健康状况,包括温度、电压和风扇状态等。 Virtual Light Path 查看服务器光通路诊断板上是否有告警。 Event Log 可以查看服务器的日志信息,可以用Save Log as Text File另存日志信息为文本文件。 Vital Product Data 查看服务器的型号序列号及各种微码版本。 Power/Restart 通过IMM控制开关服务器,包括定时开关机功能 Remote Control 远程控制服务器终端,需要添加IBM Virtual Media Key选件来实现此功能,大部分机型标配没有此选件。 PXE Network Boot 设置服务器的PXE启动。 Firmware Update

刷新服务器的UEFI和IMM的微码。 System Settings 设置IMM的时间日期,名字等基本信息。 Login Profiles 为IMM添加除默认之外的其他用户。 Alerts 设置snmp告警等信息。 Serial Port 设置串口信息 Port assignments 定义IMM所使用的端口。 Network Interfaces 设置IMM的网络地址 Network Protocols 配置SNMP,DNS等网络协议 Security 配置SSL、SSH等安全协议 Configuration File 备份和恢复IMM的配置文件 Restore Default Settings 将IMM恢复默认设置 Restrat IMM 重启IMM Log off 退出登录 三.几个常用功能 1.远程开关机 选择Power/Restart选项可以实现远程开机、关机和重启


Terasic TRDB_D5M Digital Camera Package

TRDB-D5M User Manual 2 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html, July 1, 2014 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THE KIT (1) 1.1 K IT C ONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 A SSEMBLE THE C AMERA ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 G ETTING H ELP ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2 TRDB_D5M (4) 2.1 F EATURES ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 P IN -OUT OF THE 40-PIN CONNECTOR ON TRDB-D5M ....................................................................................... 5 2.3 P IN D ESCRIPTION OF THE 40-PIN I NTERFACE OF TRDB_D5M .......................................................................... 6 CHAPTER 3 DIGITAL CAMERA DESIGN DEMONSTRATION (7) 3.1 D EMONSTRATION S ETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 C AMERA D EMONSTRATION S ETUP O N DE4 B OARD ........................................................................................... 7 3.3 C AMERA D EMONSTRATION S ETUP O N DE2-115 B OARD .................................................................................... 9 3.4 C ONFIGURING THE C AMERA AND L OAD THE I MAGE C APTURED TO Y OUR PC (DE2-70 B OARD U SERS ) ........ 11 3.5 C ONFIGURING THE C AMERA (DE2 B OARD U SERS ) .......................................................................................... 13 3.6 C ONFIGURING THE C AMERA (DE1 B OARD U SERS ) .......................................................................................... 14 3.7 B LOCK D IAGRAM OF THE R EFERENCE D ESIGN ................................................................................................. 16 CHAPTER 4 APPENDIX (17) 4.1 R EVISION H ISTORY ............................................................................................................................................. 17 4.2 A LWAYS V ISIT TRDB_D5M W EBPAGE FOR N EW A PPLICATIONS (17)


企业客户分类规则挖掘系统使用说明 (1)启动customer_classify.exe文件,首先弹出图1所示的“企业客户分类规则挖掘系统”的说明窗口,片刻后,系统自动弹出系统主界面,如图2所示。 (2)如图2所示,在系统主界面中有菜单和企业客户分类规则挖掘系统的功能简介。菜单包括企业客户分类规则挖掘、查看数据、系统原理、使用说明和退出。 (3)请点击“查看数据”,系统将弹出“企业客户数据”窗口显示客户的原始数据,如图3所示。 (4)请点击“系统原理”菜单查看该系统的原理。 (5)请点击“使用说明”菜单查看如何使用该系统。 (6)请点击“企业客户分类规则挖掘”菜单,弹出图4所示的“企业客户分类规则挖掘”窗口。 图1 “企业客户分类规则挖掘系 统”的说明窗口 图2 系统主界面 图3 企业客户数据窗口

(7)在参数设置中已经输入各参数值,如种群大小为50,最大迭代数目为40,最小支持度阈值ms 为0.2,最小置信度阈值mc 为0.6,交叉概率为80%,变异概率为5%。如图5所示。用户可以自己修改各参数值。 (8 )点击遗传运算操作中的“编码”,右侧出现编码,运算状态显示为“请选择筛选种群的运算!”,如图6、7所示。 (9)点击遗传运算操作中的“筛选种群”,右侧将把不符合置信度和支持度的编码用“***”表示出来,运算状态显示为“当前尚未达到最大迭代次数,请继续进行交叉运算!”,如图8、9所示。 图4 “企业客户分类规则挖掘”窗口 图5 参数设置 图6 编码操作的结果 图7 编码操作的运算状态

(10)依次点击遗传运算操作中的“交叉”和“变异”,运算状态中分别显示“当前尚未达到最大迭代次数,请继续进行变异运算!”和“当前尚未达到最大迭代次数,遗传算法可以继续进行!”,如图10、11所示。此时,“算法继续运行”按钮变为可用。 (11)点击“算法继续运行”按钮,出现如图12所示的对话框,点击“确定”按钮,运算状态中显示“算法运行大概需要2-3分钟,请耐心等候”,直到2-3分钟后“输出最优规则集”按钮变为可用。 (12)点击“输出最优规则集”按钮,根据遗传算法得到的最优规则集对话框显示出来,如图13所示。 图8筛选种群操作的结果 图9 筛选种群操作的运算状态 图10 交叉操作的运算状态 图11变异操作的运算状态 图12 算法运行提示


联想蓝牙手机中心 快速入门 目录: 最低要求 (2) 安装之前 (3) 安装联想蓝牙手机中心 (4) 移动设备安装和配置 (5) 卸载联想蓝牙手机中心 (6) 联想蓝牙手机中心主窗口 (7) 联想蓝牙手机中心主窗口功能介绍 (8) 联想蓝牙手机中心功能面板 (9) 菜单(多级功能列表) (10) 其它信息 (11)

最低要求 联想蓝牙手机中心需要使用 Windows 2000,XP或 Vista。如需关于其它操作系统以及与升级有关的任何信息,请与联想公司。 为使联想蓝牙手机中心正确运行,请检查下列事项: ? 一台配备Pentium(R)II 233MHz的计算机,并且已经连接到您的手机设备。 ? 一个可用的USB端口。 ? 拥有20MB可用空间的本地硬盘驱动器。 ? 与联想蓝牙手机中心兼容的设备。 ? 与您的手机设备运营商的服务合约中包含高速数据网络选项(以便网络上使用高速电子邮件和 Internet 浏览);数据服务是与网络和服务合约有关的特性,并不是在所有地区都能使用。有关的详细信息,请与您的无线服务提供商联系。 ? 最低活动内存:在 Windows(R) 2000 和 XP 下最少 64MB 的 RAM。

安装之前 屏幕快照 本指南中的屏幕快照基于在Windows(R)XP环境下使用联想蓝牙手机中心。在其它Windows(R) 操作系统下运行此应用程序时,屏幕内容可能会有变化。这并不影响软件的功能性。 联机帮助 联想蓝牙手机中心提供上下文关联的联机帮助,单击“帮助”按钮或按键盘上的F1可以访问联机帮助。帮助文件中包含有关如何使用联想蓝牙手机中心的完整信息。


Collection-5 MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products Users' Guide Zhengming Wan ICESS, University of California, Santa Barbara April 2009

ALERT --- This document is a living document that describes the Collection-5 MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. It is revised as progress is made in the development and assessment of the LST products. Described is the current state of the MODIS LST products. The purpose of the document is to give the potential user of LST products an understanding of the MODIS LST products and the data in those products. The MODIS LST products MOD11_L2, MOD11A1, and MOD11B1 have been validated at stage 1 with in situ measurements in more than 50 clear-sky cases in the temperature range from -10o C to 58o C and the column water vapor range of 0.4-4cm, most of them presented in published papers (Wan et al., 2002 and 2004; Coll et al., 2005; Wan, 2008; Wan and Li, 2008). More validation activities are under way. Please use the Collection-4 Users’ Guide for the descriptions of V4/V4.1 Terra MODIS LST products (named starting with MOD11) and V4/V4.1 Aqua MODIS LST products (named starting with MYD11).

User Guide

ELECTRA User Guide Version 1.2, March 2004

Copyright Notice Copyright ?2003-2004 by KONEKT, SPRL. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without receiving the prior permission of the copyright owner. All brand or product names mentioned in this guide are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. In particular: SPECCTRA? is a registered trademark of Cadence, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Disclaimer KONEKT SPRL AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2

ELECTRA v1 1Overview of ELECTRA Routing Technology (5) 2Main Features (7) 3CAD Flow Integration (8) 4Using ELECTRA (9) 4.1Pushbutton Autorouting (9) 4.2Basic Routing Strategy (10) 4.3Analyzing Routing Results (11) 4.4Improving routability (13) 4.5Restarting the autorouter (13) 4.6Advanced Rules Hierarchy (14) 4.7Mouse driven Viewing Navigation (17) 5Quick Command Reference (19) 5.1Notations (19) 5.2Descriptors (19) 5.3Types: (20) 5.4Command Reference (21) autoroute (21) bestsave (21) bus (21) check (22) circuit (22) clean (23) cost (24) delete all wires (25) direction (26) fanout (26) filter (27) 3


DRIVING (2) Just Drive It ! ............................. 2 Modes ......................................... 2 Eco-Meter .................................. 4 Energy Monitor .......................... 6 Consumption .............................. 8 Efficiency ................................. 10 Trip Info ................................... 11 Battery Info .............................. 12 Brake Assist ............................. 13 Tire Pressure ............................ 13 BUTTONS .. (14) Steering-Wheel ........................ 14 Voice ........................................ 16 Cruise ....................................... 16 Dimmer .................................... 16 Timer (PHV) ............................ 17 Cabin Air ................................. 17 Window Defog ......................... 18 Fan Options .............................. 18 Other Buttons ........................... 20 HELPFUL TIPS .. (21) Fuel Door ................................. 21 Rear Hatch . (21) Grille Blocking ........................ 22 OTHER . (23) External Cargo ......................... 23 Security .................................... 25 EDUCATION (26) Real-World Data ...................... 26 Operational Info ....................... 26 GLOSSARY .. (29) Disclaimer: All the information stated in this document was provided by Prius owners. None were affiliated with Toyota Motor Corporation, except as customers. This document is not sanctioned by Toyota Motor Corporation or any of its affiliates. The ideas, suggestions, and opinions offered in this document have not been endorsed by the manufacturer of those specific components or Toyota Motor Corporation. Any harm or damage that may result from the application of or the following of any ideas, suggestions, or opinions contained in this document is the sole responsibility of the individual that applied or followed said ideas, suggestions or opinions. The authors of this document hereby declare that they cannot and will not be held liable, in any fashion, for the content or the use of this document. Toyota Prius User-Guide Second Edition for the 2010-2012 models


CMUX User Guide 30268ST10299A Rev. 0 - 13/10/06

CMUX User Guide 30268ST10299A Rev. 0 - 13/10/06 This document is refered to the following products: GM862-GPS 3 990 250 657 GE863-GPS 3 990 250 660 GM862-QUAD 3 990 250 659 GM862-QUAD-PY 3 990 250 658 GE863-OUAD Pb balls 3 990 250 662 GE863-PY Pb balls 3 990 250 661 GE864-QUAD 3 990 250 675 GE864-PY 3 990 250 676 GE863-QUAD 3 990 250 648 GE863-PY 3 990 250 650

CMUX User Guide 30268ST10299A Rev. 0 - 13/10/06 Contents 1INTRODUCTION (4) 1.1Scope of document (4) 2APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS (5) 3TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS (6) 3.1Product architecture (6) 3.2Implementation feature and limitation (6) 3.3AT command interface interactions (6) 4SERIAL MULTIPLEXER PROTOCOL (8) 4.1CMUX Frame Structure (8) 4.2UIH Control Channel Frame Coding (11) 4.3UIH Data Channel Frame Coding (13) 4.4CMUX establishment scenario (14) 5TELIT SERIAL PORT PC INTERFACE FOR CMUX (15) 5.1Interface Specification (15) 5.2Scenario (15) 5.3Graphical Interface (16) 5.4Application Setup (18) 6INTEGRATOR HINTS (19) 6.1How to begin (19) 6.2Flow control (20) 6.3Blocking command (20) 6.4Lookup table for FCS calculation (21) 6.5Ignored command (22) 7AT Commands (23) 8Document Change Log (24)

urg user guide

Unified Coverage Reporting User Guide Version X-2005.12 December 2005 Comments? E-mail your comments about this manual to vera_support@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,

Copyright Notice and Proprietary Information Copyright 2005 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation are owned by Synopsys, Inc., and furnished under a license agreement. The software and documentation may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software and documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement. Right to Copy Documentation The license agreement with Synopsys permits licensee to make copies of the documentation for its internal use only. Each copy shall include all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary rights notices, if any. Licensee must assign sequential numbers to all copies. These copies shall contain the following leg-end on the cover page: “This document is duplicated with the permission of Synopsys, Inc. for the exclusive use of __________________________________________ and its employees. This is copy number __________.” Destination Control Statement All technical data contained in this publication is subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the applicable regulations and to comply with them. Disclaimer SYNOPSYS, INC., AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IM-PLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trademarks Synopsys, the Synopsys logo, Arcadia, BiNMOS-CBA, CMOS-CBA, COSSAP, DESIGN (ARROWS), DesignPower, DesignWare, dont_use, EPIC, ExpressModel, in-Sync, LM-1000, LM-1200, Logic Modeling, Logic Modeling (logo), Memory Architect, ModelAccess, ModelTools, PathMill, PL debug, RailMill, SmartLicense, SmartLogic, SmartModel, SmartModels, SNUG, SOLV-IT!, SourceModel Library, Stream Driven Simulator, Synopsys, Synopsys (logo), Synopsys VHDL Compiler, Synthetic Designs, Synthetic Libraries, TestBench Manager, and TimeMill are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc 3-D Debugging, AMPS, Behavioral Compiler, CBA Design System, CBA-Frame, characterize, Chip Architect, Compiled Designs, Core Network, Core Store, Cyclone, Data Path Express, DataPath Architect, DC Expert, DC Expert Plus, DC Professional, DelayMill, Design Advisor, Design Analyzer, Design Compiler, DesignSource, DesignTime, DesignWare Developer, Direct RTL, Direct Silicon Access, dont_touch, dont_touch_network, ECL Compiler, ECO Compiler, Embedded System Prototype, Floorplan Manager, Formality, FoundryModel, FPGA Compiler, FPGA Express, Frame Compiler, General Purpose Post-Processor, GPP, HDL Advisor, HDL Compiler, Integrator, Interactive Waveform Viewer, Library Compiler, LM-1400, LM-700, LM-family, Logic Model, ModelSource, ModelWare, Module Compiler, MS-3200, MS-3400, Power Compiler, PowerArc, PowerGate, PowerMill, PrimeTime, RTL Analyzer, Shadow Debugger, Silicon Architects, SimuBus, SmartCircuit, SmartModel Windows, Source-Level Design, SourceModel, SWIFT, SWIFT Interface, Synopsys Graphical Environment, Test Compiler, Test Compiler Plus, Test Manager, TestSim, Timing Annotator, Trace-On-Demand, VCS, VCSi, VHDL System Simulator, VirSim, Visualyze, Vivace, VSS Expert, and VSS Professional are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds used by permission. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Unified Coverage Reporting User Guide, Version X-2005.06 2


用户指南 VIA HD Audio Adeck For Windows 2000, Windows XP & Server 2003 June 20th 2008 Revision 1.10sc

版本修订摘要 版本日期编修备注 1.0sc Oct.20.07 Jill Yang Initial public release 1.10sc Jun.20.08 Jill Yang Update Function Page

目录 版本修订摘要 (2) 目录 (3) 图目录 (4) 前言 (5) 系统需求 (6) 显示模式 (7) 简易模式 (7) 完整模式 (8) 面板细部 (9) 上面板 (9) 下面板 (10) 配置面板 (11) 喇叭配置面板 (11) 播音、录音音量设定面板 (13) 音效配置面板 (16) 进阶配置面板 (18) S/PDIF配置面板 (21) 系统信息面板 (22) 工具提示 (24) 工具列 (25) Magic 5.1 (26)

图目录 图1 – 简易模式的Adeck (7) 图2 – 完整模式的Adeck (8) 图3 – 上面板 (9) 图4 – 喇叭配置面板 (11) 图5 – 启用「独立耳机」的喇叭配置面板 (11) 图6 – 喇叭控制面板中的耳机测试面板 (12) 图7 – 混音配置面板 – 播放装置设定 (13) 图8 – 混音配置面板 – 录音装置设定 (14) 图9 – 混音配置面板 – 前置麦克风 (14) 图10 – 混音配置面板 – 耳机 (15) 图11 – 音效配置面板 – 均衡器 (16) 图12 - 没有启用平滑滚轴的均衡器设定 (16) 图13 – 启用平滑滚轴的均衡器设定 (16) 图14 – 音效配置面板 – 重低音强化管理 (17) 图15 – 插座配置面板 – 后面板 (18) 图16 – 插座配置面板 – 前面板 (18) 图17 – 插座配置面板 – 插座侦测提示 (19) 图18 – 插座配置面板 – 耳机配置 (20) 图19 – S/PDIF配置面板 – S/PDIF输出 (21) 图20 – S/PDIF配置面板 – S/PDIF输入 (21) 图21 – 系统信息面板 (22) 图22 – 热键配置面板 (22) 图23 – 热键 – 使用热键调整音量 (23) 图24 – 工具提示 (24) 图25 – Adeck的工作列图示 (25) 图26 – 在工作列图标按下鼠标右键 (25) 图27 – Magic 5.1 – 切换至四声道 (26) 图28 – Magic 5.1 – 切换至六声道 (27)

Noah_LSM_USERGUIDE_2.7.1 LSM模式介绍及使用简介

THE COMMUNITY Noah LAND-SURFACE MODEL (LSM) User’s Guide Public Release Version 2.7.1 Last Updated Feb. 9 2005 This document is filename NOAH_LSM_USERGUIDE_2.7.1 doc at ftp://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,/mmb/gcp/ldas/noahlsm/ver_2.7.1 Author: Kenneth Mitchell (NCEP/EMC) Point of Contact: Vince.Wong@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b8434434.html,, phone 301-316-5029 Collaborators: Mike Ek, Vince Wong, Dag Lohmann, Victor Koren, John Schaake, Qingyun Duan, George Gayno, Brian Moore, Pablo Grunmann, Dan Tarpley, Bruce Ramsay, Fei Chen, Jinwon Kim, Hua-Lu Pan, Ying Lin, Curtis Marshall, Larry Mahrt, Tilden Meyers, Paul Ruscher TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Model Heritage 3.0 Directory Contents and Quick-Start Guide to Execution 4.0 Subroutine Summary and Calling Tree 5.0 Control File Contents and Function 6.0 Input Atmospheric Forcing File 7.0 LSM Initial Conditions 8.0 Specifying Model Parameters 9.0 Execution Output Files 10.0Technical References 1.0 INTRODUCTION This User’s Guide provides execution guidance for and physical description of the public version of the community Noah LSM. This version of the Noah LSM is a stand-alone, uncoupled, 1-D column version used to execute single-site land-surface simulations. In this traditional 1-D uncoupled mode, near-surface atmospheric forcing data is required as input forcing (see Sec 6.0). This LSM simulates soil moisture (both liquid and frozen), soil temperature, skin temperature, snowpack depth, snowpack water equivalent (and hence snowpack density), canopy water content, and the energy flux and water flux terms of the surface energy balance and surface water balance. See Sec 10 for the lineage of key technical references.
