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Alevel IGCSE Biology Revision-Bullet Points

Alevel IGCSE Biology Revision-Bullet Points
Alevel IGCSE Biology Revision-Bullet Points

Binomial naming: Genus Species Five kingdom






Phylum Vertebrates

1.Class fish: scaly skin, gills, fins

2.Class amphibian: moist, scale-less skin, lay eggs in water, larva lives in water; adult on land,

larva has gills; adult has lungs

3.Class reptiles: scaly skin, lay eggs with rubbery shells

4.Class bird: feathers, wings, eggs with hard shells, homeothermic, beak

5.Class mammal: hair, placenta, young feed on milk from mammary gland, homeothermic,

diaphragm, heart has four chambers

Phylum Arthropods

1.Crustaceans(甲壳类): more than four pairs of jointed legs, breathe through gills

2.Arachnids(蛛形纲): four pairs of jointed legs, gills called book lungs

3.Insects: three pairs of jointed legs, two pairs of wings, breathe through tracheae

4.Myriapods(centipede, millipede): many segments of bodies, each has jointed legs

Phylum Annelids(e.g. earthworm)

Ring-like segments

Phylum Molluscs(e.g. snails, squid[章鱼])

Soft, unsegmented bodies, may have shell

Phylum nematodes(线虫)

Long, thin, unsegmented bodies

Monocotyledonous plants

Have strap(带)-shaped leaves with parallel veins

Have on cotyledon inside each seed

Dicotyledonous plants

Have board leaves, a network of branching veins


Have no nucleus


Have nuclei

Have cell walls

Do not have chlorophyll

腐生) or parasitic nutrition

Nitrogen: make protein

Magnesium: make chlorophyll

Glucose is stored as starch: starch is polysaccharide, not very react and not very soluble, starch can be made into granules which can be easily stored inside the chloroplast

See P72 Figure 7.11

Digestion in the alimentary canal

Peristalsis for transporting food

1.Stomach: wall contains goblet cells which secrete mucus, have enzyme pepsin and rennin, have

hydrochloride acid

2.Small intestine: digestion completes here, duodenum and ileum are covered with villi, larger

surface area

3.Pancreatic juice flow into duodenum to help digestion, contain amylase, trypsin and lipase,

sodium hydrogen carbonate to neutralize the acid

4.Bile helps digest fats, made in liver, stored in the gall bladder, it breaks large drops of fat into

small ones, also done by salts, bile salts(the process of emulsification)

Most absorbed food goes straight to the liver

Deal with excess amino acids or proteins

Deamination: remove the nitrogen from them, nitrogen-containing part is made into urea


See P85 Figure 8.2


1.Red blood cell: doughnut-shaped, no nucleus, contains hemoglobin(a protein contains iron,

the red pigment) to carry oxygen

2.Platelets: help blood clotting, make fibrinogen(insoluble) to fibrin(soluble) by releasing

chemicals to cause a chain of reactions

3.White cells

a.Lymphocyte: with large nucleus, directly contact with pathogens and make specific

antibodies to against with pathogens

b.Phagocyte: with lobed nucleus, to engulf bacteria, destroy/digest them


Made up by many hollow, dead cells; contains no cytoplasm or nuclei, the wall is made of cellulose

and lignin(long and strong, to help xylem keeps plants straight up) e.g. wood is entirely of lignified xylem vessels

One-way transport

Transport water and minerals


Wall is made of sieve plates(have small holes in them, contains cytoplasm but no nucleus, no lignin) Companion cells supply sieve tube elements with some of their requirement, they contain nucleus and other organelles.

Multi-ways transport

Organic nutrients which the plant has made(process of translocation) e.g. sucrose, amino acids, systemic pesticide

Vascular bundle

Contain xylem and phloem, support the plants

1.In root- See P101 Figure 8.27

2.In stem- see P101 Figure 8.28


Absorb water by osmosis from root hairs

Absorb minerals by active transport

Root may change some of the sucrose to starch and store it

Flowers may use the sucrose to make fructose(sweet-tasting sugar)


Nose allows air to become warm and moist and filtered

Inside nose is covered with layer of goblet cells, release mucus


Tiny air sacs, gas take place here

Alveolar walls are the surface of gas exchange

Oxygen diffuses through walls into blood

Carbon dioxide diffuses the other way

Feature of alveoli

1.Thin, one cell thin

2.They are moist, special cells secrete liquid to cover the surface of cells, so they won’t dry out

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f8935992.html,rge surface area

4.Good supply of oxygen, breathing movement keep lungs well supplied with oxygen

5.An excellent transport system, double circulatory system, quick exchange of blood

Muscles cause breathing: external/internal intercostal muscles(between the ribs), diaphragm(large sheet of muscle and elastic tissues)

Inspiration: breathing in

Expiration: breathing out


Rib cage is raised, diaphragm is lowered, volume of the thorax increases. Air is drawn into lungs Expiration

Rib cage is lowered, diaphragm springs up, volume of the thorax decreases. Air is forced out of


See P121 table 9.2 to understand the differences between respiration, gas exchange, breathing and ventilation

Anaerobic respiration during exercise

glucose → lactic acid + energy

Process to release energy

1.Photosynthesis: makes glucose

2.Respiration: breaks down glucose and release energy

1.Nervous system

2.Endocrine system

Central nervous system(CNS)

Brain and spinal cord

Reflex arcs

Receptor → sensory neurone →relay neurone →motor neurone → effector


Actually sensitive to light


Contain eyes


Transparent membrane, protection to parts behind, tear glands- moist by fluid, contain enzyme lysozyme to kill bacteria


Adjust light goes into eyes, contain pigment to absorb light, stop light getting through retina Pupil

Where light can go through and reach retina

Cornea and lens

Focus light

Receptor in retina

1.Rods: Are sensitive to quite dim light, but do not respond to color. In dark, we can only see

black and white.

2.Cones: Are able to distinguish between different colors of light, only function when light is

1.Wide pupil: More light goes through retina

Narrow pupil: Less light goes through retina

2.Bright: Circular muscles in iris contract

Dim: Radical muscles in iris contract

Thick lens bend light more greatly- nearby object- ciliary muscle contracts

Thin lens bend light less greatly- distant object- ciliary muscle relaxes


CILIARY MUSCLE relax Contract

SUSPENSORY LIGAMENTS Pulled tight Slackened(松弛)

LENS Pulled thin Allowed to bulge(膨胀)

Cardiac muscle

Only in the heart, made up the walls of atria and ventricles

Smooth muscle

Found in organs such as the wall of alimentary canal, bladder and blood vessels

Involuntary muscle, do not need to control consciously

Striated muscle

The muscle that is attached to bones

Bones meet at joints

Endocrine glands make hormones, they directly go into blood


Secrete by adrenal gland

Adrenaline prepares the body for action

Animal hormones are sometimes used in food production


Respond to gravity


Respond to the direction of light


A kind of plant hormones

Is being made all the time by cells in the tips of shoot

It diffuse down to all the shoot

More auxin, grow quicker; no auxin, do not grow

Auxin makes plants’ shoot grows towards light

Plants hormones are used in food production

See P147 Figure 11.2


The center of control mechanism that keep internal temperature constant, Coordinates temperature control.

Temperature regulation

1.When cold, the body produces and save energy

This regulation is carried out by pancreas and liver

Waste products of metabolism are excreted

Excretory productions of animals

Carbon dioxide from respiration is excreted from lungs, gills and other gas exchange surface Excess water and salt are removed by kidneys

Urea is produced by deamination of excess proteins in liver, and excreted by kidney in the urine Bile pigments are produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin in the liver, and are excreted in feces Hepatic portal vein

Takes the absorbed food to liver

Process of hepatic portal vein

1.Proteins are breakdown to amino acids in stomach, duodenum and ileum

2.Amino acids are absorbed into blood capillaries in the villi of ileum

Liver split up amino acid

Enzymes in liver split up amino acid molecules

Part containing energy is kept, turned to carbohydrate and stored

Rest part contains nitrogen is turned to urea(the process of deamination)

Function of liver

Kidney are full of tiny tubules or nephron(the small unit of kidney)

Process to make urine

Filtration and reabsorption


Happens in renal capsules(like cups)

Blood is brought to renal capsules. Small molecules, water, salt, glucose and urea are squeezed out of blood into renal capsules

Protein molecules are too big, they still remain in the blood, along with blood cells Glomerulus, a tangle of capillaries, build up high pressure squeeze blood against the capillary walls(because glomerulus is quite narrow)

Capillary walls have small holes, so do renal capsules


Useful substance such as water and glucose will be reabsorbed from tubules and pass back into blood in the capillaries

Bladder stores urine

Ureter take urine into bladder

It contains stretchy wall to be able to hold quite large quantities of urine

Bladder is connected to urethra

Sphincter muscle controls urine goes through urethra

Sphincter muscle can be consciously controlled by adult mammals

It automatically opens when the bladder get full in young mammals

Dialysis does the work of damaged kidneys

Improper working of kidney cause infection

Replace waste product in blood with dialysis fluid

Dialysis fluid contains water, glucose, salts and other substances that should be presented in the blood

See P156 Figure 11.12

Best way to treat damaged kidney is kidney transplants

Immune system can reject transplants

1.Asexual reproduction

Production of genetically identical offspring from one parents


Do not contain chromosomes in the nuclei

Produce by binary fission, split into two, they DO NOT produce by mitosis

DNA of a bacterium is a single, circular molecules

DNA is exactly copied when the bacterium is about to divide into two


They are neither plants nor animals, nor bacteria

They contain chitin in cell wall instead of cellulose

They feed on organic food materials

Structure and feature of fungi

Mycelium is made by hyphae(each hypha is one cell thick)

Hyphae secrete enzymes which digest starch, protein and fat

Substrates glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol diffuse into the hypha

Aerial hyphae grow upwards, sporangium forms at tip of them

Sporangium cells divide asexually to form spores

Spores can be blew away by air current or carried by sticking to the feet of houseflies

They may land on another suitable piece of food to germinate and grow into a new mycelium Potatoes

Potatoes reproduce by producing stem tubers

The stuff we eat is stem tuber or potatoes

Sucrose is transported from the leaves into underground stem tubers

Stem tubers convert sucrose to starch and store

Tubers can grow new shoots from buds(“eye s”) next year

Or can be cut in small pieces, as long as they have one bud on them, and grow into new plants

Sexual reproduction produces genetically different offspring. Cell divide in different way is meiosis Parent organisms produce sex cells called gametes

Two of these gametes join and their nuclei fuse together(fertilization)

New cell formed is zygote

Zygote divides again and again and eventually grow into a new organism


Contain half of the normal number of chromosomes

They are haploid cells

A cell has full number of chromosomes, with two complete sets is diploid cell


Testes(sing. testis) make sperm

Sperm production is very sensitive to heat, sperm wills stop developing when it’s too hot Seminal vesicle and prostate gland secret seminal fluid which makes sperm swim in


Ovary make eggs

Follicles begin to develop usually one a time when girl reach puberty

When it is mature, an egg bursts out of the ovary and into the funnel at the end of the oviduct(ovulation)

Ovulation happens once a month

Fertilization happens in the oviduct

Only the head of sperm will enter the egg

Process of development after fertilization

Zygote implant in the uterus wall

Embryo is supported by placenta

Placenta grows as embryo grow, it is connected to the uterus wall

Embryo will develop to fetus after eleven weeks

Umbilical cord joints placenta and the fetus

Vein and two arteries in the umbilical cord

Oxygen and food materials in the mother’s blood diffuse across the placenta into the fetus’s blood, and are later carry along the umbilical cord to the fetus

Amnion protects fetus

Amnion is a strong membrane surround fetus

Inside amnion is amniotic fluid to regulate temperature and prevent shaking and quick hitting Muscular construction cause birth

Muscle of uterus contracts to push the baby out

Wall of cervix gradually gets wide enough for baby to be pushed through

Wall of vagina will stretch to allow baby to be pushed through


Male: testosterone

Female: estrogen, progesterone

Female hormones

LH, FSH are produced in the head by pituitary gland

They control the secretion of estrogen and progesterone

Process of female hormones regulation

1.Follicle develops inside an ovary, developing follicle secrete estrogen. Concentration of

estrogen in blood increase. It makes the lining of uterus grow thick and spongy. LH, FSH secrete more to stimulate estrogen produces

2.LH, FSH get lesser to cause ovulation to take place

3.Empty follicle stop secreting estrogen

4.It becomes corpus luteum. Corpus luteum secrete progesterone. LH, FSH levels fall.

Progesterone keeps uterus lining thick and spongy, and well supplied of blood. Menstruation won’t happen during pregnancy

5.If egg is not fertilized, corpus luteum gradually disappear, lining of uterus breaks down.

Menstruation happens

6.Start over, new follicle develops

Menstruation cycle

Menstruation Menstruation

Birth control

See P179 Table 13.1

Hormones can be used to increase fertility

Fertility drugs


Gonorrhea, pass during sex intercourse

AIDS, caused by HIV which is transmitted by body fluid, through sex intercourse, through blood

Sepal: protect flower when it is a bud

Petal: colored to attract insects

Nectary: make sugary liquid called nectar to attract insects

Anther: contain male gametes, pollen grains

Ovule: contain female gametes, many of them in the ovary

Stigma: to catch pollen grains

Comparison between insect-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers

See P186 Table 13.2

Structure of a bean seed

See P187 Figure 13.34


Nuclear division, Duplication of chromosomes

They wall that cells divide when an organism is growing or repairing a damaged part of its body Meiosis

Reduction division in which chromosome number is halved from diploid to haploid

Gametes are produced by meiosis


1.Continuous variation: height

2.Discontinuous variation: blood groups, eye color, hair color

Genetic engineering

See page 215 Figure 14.28

Revise definition of terms

Carbon cycle

See P224 Figure 15.8

Nitrogen cycle

See P225 Figure 15.9

Carnivorous plants get nitrogen from insects, digest them with enzymes

Water cycle

See P227 Figure 15.11

Harmful effect of humans on the environment

See P233 Table 16.1

Global warming

Greenhouse gas: Carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, nitrogen oxide

See P235 Table 16.2

Deforestation is blamed for increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the air

Acid rain

Burning fossil fuels releases sulfur and nitrogen oxides e.g. coal-burning power station, burning of petrol in cars

Sulfur and nitrogen oxide produce acid rain, pH of acid rain is can be as low as 4

Damage plants because acid rainwater washes out ions such as calcium, magnesium and aluminum in the soil and other nutrients from the soil


Destroy habitats for animals

Cause extinction

Species diversity decreases

Increasing amount of carbon dioxide

Erosion and flooding

Soil nutrients are lost


I know so well of it

Sewage treatment

See P245 Figure 16.15

Igcse 数学 历年真题 2

4400/4H Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics Paper 4H Higher Tier Friday 11 June 2010 – Afternoon Time: 2 hours Materials required for examination Items included with question papers Ruler graduated in centimetres and Nil millimetres, protractor, compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing paper may be used. Instructions to Candidates In the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initials and signature. Check that you have the correct question paper. Answer ALL the questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. You must NOT write on the formulae page. Anything you write on the formulae page will gain NO credit. If you need more space to complete your answer to any question, use additional answer sheets. Information for Candidates The marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e.g. (2). There are 22 questions in this question paper. The total mark for this paper is 100. You may use a calculator. Advice to Candidates Write your answers neatly and in good English. This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with Edexcel Limited copyright policy. ?2010 Edexcel Limited. Printer’s Log. No. N36905A


2018年中考化学考试真题及答案 一.选择题 1.(3分)下列不属于空气污染物的是() A.CO2B.NO2C.SO2D.PM2.5 2.(3分)如图所示的实验中,涉及的变化属于化学变化的是() A.酒精挥发 B.酒精燃烧 C.沸水汽化 D.水汽凝结 3.(3分)下列物质能发生燃烧的是() A.棉花B.黄金C.食盐D.大理石 4.(3分)化学与健康密切相关.下列说法正确的是() A.缺钙会导致贫血 B.吸烟对健康有危害 C.甲醛对健康无危害D.碘只能通过加碘盐摄入 5.(3分)关于实验室制取气体的说法错误的是() A.装罝①可用于制二氧化碳B.装罝②可用于制氧气

C.装罝③可用于收集二氧化碳D.装罝④可用于收集氢气 6.(3分)溶液的知识广泛用于生产、生活.下列说法正确的是()A.洗涤剂去油污的原理是溶解 B.植物油加入水可得溶液 C.氯化钠溶于水,温度明显上升 D.尿素施用过量会导致水污染 7.(3分)下列客观事实对应的微观解释不正确的是() 选项客观事实微观解释 A 电解水得到氢气水中有氢分子 B 闻到浓氨水的特殊气味分子在不停运动 C 一滴水中有 1.67×1021个水分子分子的体枳很小 D 金刚石和石墨的硬度不同碳原子排列方式不同 A.A B.B C.C D.D 8.(3分)2017年5月9曰,我国发布了四种人造新元素的中文名称,其中115号镆元素的“镆”取自古代剑名“镆铘”,下列说法 不正确的是() A.镆属于金属元素 B.镆铘剑含有镆元素 C.镆原子的质子数为115 D.镆铘剑由合金铸造 9.(3分)我国是世界上第一个在海域成功试采可燃冰的国家,可燃 冰主变含甲烷水合物,用作燃料时反应的微观示意图如图,下列说法正确的是()

igcse 物理大纲

1. General Physics 普通物理 1.1 Length and time 长度和时间 1. Use and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders to determine a length or a volume. 使用并且描述如何用尺子和量筒测量长度和体积。 2. Use and describe the use of clocks and devices for measuring an interval of time. 使用并且描述如何用钟表和一些仪器测量时间间隔。 3. Use and describe the use of a mechanical method for the measurement of a small distance. 使用并描述利用机械的方法测量短距离。 4. Measure and describe how to measure a short interval of time (including the period of a pendulum). 测量和描述怎样测量一个短时间间隔(包括单摆的周期)。 1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration 速率,速度,加速度 1. Define speed and calculate speed from total distance/total time. 定义速率和计算:速率=总路程/总时间 2. Plot and interpret a speed/time graph or a distance/time graph. 画和解释速率/时间图像或者路程/时间图像 3. Recognize from the shape of a speed/time graph when a body is (a) at rest, (b) moving with constant speed, or (c) moving with changing speed. 从速率/时间图像中辨认出:(a) 静止,(b) 匀速运动和(c) 变速运动。 4. Calculate the area under a speed/time graph to determine the distance traveled for motion with constant acceleration. 计算速率/时间图像中的面积得出匀加速运动的路程。 5. Demonstrate some understanding that acceleration is related to changing speed. 解释加速度和速度的改变量之间的联系。 6. State that the acceleration of free fall for a body near to the Earth is constant. 说明地球表面附近的物体自由降落的加速度是衡定的。 7. Distinguish between speed and velocity. 区分速率和速度。 8. Recognize linear motion for which the acceleration is constant and calculate the acceleration. 认识匀加速的运动并且计算加速度。 9. Recognize motion for which the acceleration is not constant. 认识非匀加速运动。 10. Describe qualitatively the motion of bodies falling in a uniform gravitational field with and without air resistance (including reference to terminal velocity). 定性的描述计和不计空气阻力物体在均匀重力场中下落的运动(包括设计到末速度。 1.3 Mass and weight 质量和重量 1. Show familiarity with the idea of the mass of a body. 熟练掌握一个物体的质量的概念。 2. State that weight is a force. 陈述重量是一种力。 3. Demonstrate understanding that weights (and hence masses) may be compared using a balance. 阐明重量(因此质量)可以用天平来比较。 4. Demonstrate an understanding that mass is a property which 'resists' change in motion. 阐明质量是物体阻碍加速度的一种性质


2014年上海高考化学试题 一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项) 1.“玉兔”号月球车用U P 23894作为热源材料。下列关于U P 238 94的说法正确的是 A. U P 23894与U 23892互为同位素 B. U P 23894与U P 23994互为同素异形体 C. U P 23894与U 23892具有完全相同的化学性质 D. U P 23894与U P 23994具有相同的最外层电 子数 2. 下列试剂不会因为空气中的氧气而变质的是 A.过氧化钠 B.氢硫酸 C.硫酸亚铁 D.苯酚 3. 结构为…-CH=CH-CH=CH-CH=CH-CH=CH-…的高分子化合物用碘蒸气处理后,其导电能力大幅度提高。上述高分子化合物的单体是 A.乙炔 B.乙烯 C.丙烯 D.1,3-丁二烯 4. 在“石蜡→液体石蜡→石蜡蒸气→裂化气”的变化过程中,被破坏的作用力依次是 A.范德华力、范德华力、范德华力 B. 范德华力、范德华力、共价键 C.范德华力、共价键、共价键 D. 共价键、共价键、共价键 5.下列分离方法中,和物质的溶解度无关的是

A.升华 B.萃取 C.纸上层析 D.重结晶 二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项) 6. 今年是门捷列夫诞辰180周年。下列事实不能用元素周期律解释的只有 A.碱性:KOH > NaOH B.相对原子质量:Ar > K C.酸性:HClO 4 >H 2 SO 4 D.元素的金属性:Mg>Al 7. 下列各组中两种微粒所含电子数不相等的是 A. H 3O+和OH- B.CO和N 2 C. HNO 2 和 NO 2 - D.CH 3 +和NH 4 + 8. BeCl 2熔点较低,易升华,溶于醇和醚,其化学性质与AlCl 3 相似。由此可推测 BeCl 2 A.熔融态不导电 B.水溶液呈中性 C.熔点比BeBr 2 高 D.不与NaOH溶液反应9. 1,3-丁二烯和2-丁炔分别与氢气反应的热化学方程式如下: CH 2=CH-CH=CH 2 (g)+2 H 2 (g)→CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 (g)+236.6 kJ CH 3-C≡C- CH 3 (g)+2 H 2 (g)→CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 (g)+272.7KJ 由此不能判断 A. 1,3-丁二烯和2-丁炔稳定性的相对大小



一.选择题 1.(3分)下列不属于空气污染物的是() A.CO2B.NO2C.SO2D.PM2.5 2.(3分)如图所示的实验中,涉及的变化属于化学变化的是() A.酒精挥发 B.酒精燃烧 C.沸水汽化 D.水汽凝结 3.(3分)下列物质能发生燃烧的是() A.棉花B.黄金C.食盐D.大理石 4.(3分)化学与健康密切相关.下列说法正确的是()A.缺钙会导致贫血 B.吸烟对健康有危害 C.甲醛对健康无危害D.碘只能通过加碘盐摄入 5.(3分)关于实验室制取气体的说法错误的是() A.装罝①可用于制二氧化碳B.装罝②可用于制氧气 C.装罝③可用于收集二氧化碳D.装罝④可用于收集氢气6.(3分)溶液的知识广泛用于生产、生活.下列说法正确的是()

A.洗涤剂去油污的原理是溶解 B.植物油加入水可得溶液 C.氯化钠溶于水,温度明显上升 D.尿素施用过量会导致水污染 7.(3分)下列客观事实对应的微观解释不正确的是() A.A B.B C.C D.D 8.(3分)2017年5月9曰,我国发布了四种人造新元素的中文名称,其中115号镆元素的“镆”取自古代剑名“镆铘”,下列说法不正确的是() A.镆属于金属元素 B.镆铘剑含有镆元素 C.镆原子的质子数为115 D.镆铘剑由合金铸造 9.(3分)我国是世界上第一个在海域成功试采可燃冰的国家,可燃冰主变含甲烷水合物,用作燃料时反应的微观示意图如图,下列说法正确的是()

A.可燃冰中只有甲烷 B.可燃冰将成为未来新能源 C.反应的化学方程式为CH4+O2CO2+H2O D.反应前后的物质均由原子构成 10.(3分)如图是X、Y两种微粒的结构示意图.下列说法正确的是() A.X为原子、Y为离子 B.X、Y均属于非金属元素 C.X在反应中可失去6个电子 D.X与Y形成化合物的化学式为YX 11.(3分)用如图所示装置验证质量守恒定量,能达到实验目的物质组合是() A.锌和稀硫酸B.碳酸钠和稀盐酸 C.铁和硫酸铜溶液 D.氯化钠和稀盐酸 12.(3分)能用于鉴别氢氧化钠溶液和氢氧化钙溶液的物质是()A.HCl B.KNO3 C.K2CO3D.FeCl3 13.(3分)如图所示反应,有关说法的错误的是()


2014年安徽高考理综化学试题解析 第Ⅰ卷 的资源化利用是解决温室效应的重要途径,以下是在一定条件下用NH3捕获CO2生成重要化工产品三聚氰酸的反应: NH3+CO2 +H2O 下列有关三聚氰酸的说法正确的是 A.分子式为C3H6N3O3 B.分子中既含极性键,又含非极性键 C.属于共价化合物 D.生成该物质的上述反应为中和反应 【答案】C 【解析】三聚氰酸分子式为C3H3N3O3,分子中只含极性键(碳氮极性键、碳氧极性键和氧氢极性键)。氰酸的结构为HO—C≡N,3个氰酸分子发生加成生成三聚氰酸。本题是用NH3捕获CO2在一定条件下生成三聚氰酸,其过程是:NH3先与CO2发生加成反应生成中间产物氨基甲酸H2N—COOH,3个H2N—COOH失去3个水分子生成三聚氰酸。 8.下列有关Fe2(SO4)3溶液的叙述正确的是 A.该溶液中,K+、Fe2+、C6H5OH、Br—可以大量共存 B.和KI溶液反应的离子方程式: Fe3+ +2I—== Fe2+ +I2 C.和Ba(OH)2溶液反应的离子方程式: Fe3+ +SO42—+Ba2+ +3OH—== Fe(OH)3↓+BaSO4↓ D.1 mol/L该溶液和足量的Zn充分反应,生成 gFe 【答案】D 【解析】A选项:Fe3+与C6H5OH反应:Fe3++6C6H5OH==[Fe(OC6H5)6]3—+6H+ B选项:正确的离子方程式为2Fe3+ +2I—== 2Fe2+ +I2 C选项:正确的离子方程式为2Fe3+ +3SO42—+3Ba2+ +6OH—== 2Fe(OH)3↓+3BaSO4↓ 9.为实现实验目的,依据下表提供的主要仪器,所用试剂合理的是 选项实验目的主要仪器试剂 A分离Br2和CCl4混合物分液漏斗、烧杯Br2和CCl4混合物、蒸馏水 B鉴别葡萄糖和蔗糖试管、烧杯、酒精灯葡萄糖溶液、蔗糖溶液、银氨溶液C实验室制取H2试管、带导管的橡皮塞锌粒、稀HNO3 D测定NaOH溶液浓度滴定管、锥形瓶、烧杯NaOH溶液、 mol/L盐酸 【解析】A选项:Br2和CCl4是两种互溶的液体,Br2和CCl4混合物是溶液,不能通过分液的方法分离。 B选项:葡萄糖是还原性糖(分子中含—CHO),蔗糖是非还原性糖(分子中不含—CHO)。 C选项:实验室制取H2的试剂通常是用锌粒和稀盐酸或稀硫酸,不是稀硝酸。锌与稀硝酸反应反应通常不能得到H2,而是低价氮的化合物或氮单质。 D选项:缺少酸碱指示剂。 10.臭氧是理想的烟气脱硝试剂,其反应为:2NO2(g)+O3(g) N2O5(g)+O2(g),若反应在恒容密闭容器中进行,下列由该反应相关图像作出的判断准确的是 A B C D


This document consists of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages. IB11 11_0455_11/3RP ? UCLES 2011 [Turn over *3865527306* UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education ECONOMICS 0455/11 Paper 1 Multiple Choice October/November 2011 45 minutes Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write in soft pencil. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Write your n ame, Cen tre n umber an d can didate n umber on the An swer Sheet in the spaces provided unless this has been done for you. There are thirty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A , B , C and D . Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet. Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully. Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. w w w .X t r e m e P a p e r s .c o m


初中毕业暨高中招生考试 月 日 化学试卷 (全卷共四个大题,满分 70 分,与物理共用 120 分钟) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 O 16 一、选择题(本大题包括 15 个小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 1.下列变化中没有生成新物质的是( ) A .燃放烟花 B .食物腐烂 C .剪贴窗花 D .钢铁生锈 2.臭氧层是地球的保护伞,臭氧(O 3)属于( ) A .单质 B .化合物 C .氧化物 D .混合物 3.“森林重庆”的实施,有助于减少空气中的哪种成分的含量?( ) A .氧气 B .二氧化碳 C .氮气 D .稀有气体 4.下列燃料中发球清洁燃料的是( ) A .煤炭 B .汽油 C .氢气 D .柴油 5.学校安全无小事,下列做法可能造成安全事故的是( ) A .扇闻气体的气味 B .先预热,再给试管内的物质加热 C .用灯帽盖灭酒精灯 D .把水慢慢注入浓硫酸中 6.西南大旱提醒我们节约每一滴水,下列关于水的说法中不正确的是( ) A .水体污染与人类活动无关 B .自然界的水都不是纯净的水 C .水分子保持水的化学性质 D .地球上可以利用的淡水资源有限 7.下列实验现象的描述不正确的是( ) A .红磷燃烧产生大量白烟 B .镁条和稀盐酸反应放出大量的热 C .硫在氧气中燃烧产生淡蓝色火焰 D .木炭与氧化铜在高温下反应生成红色固体 8.今年四冰岛火山爆发迫使欧洲的民航飞机停飞,火山灰里含有大量的硅酸钙(CaSiO 3),硅酸钙 中 Si 元素的化合价为( ) A .+3 B .+4 C .+5 D .-4 9.下列关于生活和健康常识的说法不正确的是( ) A .可以用碳酸氢钠焙制糕点 B .用地沟油烹饪的食物危害人体健康 C .水果和蔬菜含有人体需要的维生素 D .甲醛溶液可用于水产品保鲜 10.核能已经成为一种重要的能源,氘和氚都是未来生产核能的燃料。氚是氢元素的一种原子,氚 原子的核电荷数是( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 11.下列叙述与化学知识相符合的是( ) A .汽油中加入乙醇可节省石油资源,减少污染 B .酸雨主要是由于农村使用农药和化肥造成的 C .用水灭火是因为水可以降低可燃物的着火点 D .塑料是天然有机材料,对环境没有不良影响 12.右图是实验室抽取二氧化碳的装置,其中的错误共有( ) A .1 处 B .2 处 C .3 处 D .4 处 13.有关铝、铁、铜的说法中不正确的是( ) A .铝是地壳中含量最多的金属元素 B .三种金属中最活泼的是铁 C .铝可以与硫酸铜溶液反应 D .铜可以用来做电线 14.化学无处不在,右图是物质间发生反应时的颜色变化,其 中 X 是( ) A .稀盐酸 B .稀硫酸 C .硫酸钠溶液 D .氢氧化钠溶液


2015年河南省普通高中招生考试试卷 化学 注意事项: 1.本试卷共4页,四个大题,满分50分,考试时间50分钟。 相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Al:27 Cl:35.5 Ti:48 Cu:64 一、选择题(本题包括12个小题,每题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题1分,共12分) 1.下列各项中,属于我国《环境空气质量标准》基本检验项目的是【】 A.SO 2浓度B.O 2 浓度C. N 2 浓度D.H 2 O浓度 2.下列资源的利用过程中,一定发生了化学变化的是【】 A.风力发电B.石油蒸馏得到汽油等 C.海水晒盐D.煤分解得到煤焦油等3.生活中的下列物品,其制作材料属于合金的是【】 A.塑料袋B.玻璃杯C.不锈钢锅D.涤纶风衣4.下列物质在氧气中燃烧,生成物是黑色固体的是【】 A.木炭B.铁丝C.镁条D.红磷5.2015年世界水日的主题是“水与可持续发展”。下列说法正确的是【】A.冰水共存物属于纯净物 B.硬水和软水可用石蕊溶液来区分 C.有水生成的反应一定是酸和碱的中和反应/ D.水电解时所生成氢气和氧气的质量比为2∶1 6.下列图示的实验操作正确的是【】 A.点燃酒精灯B.闻气体气味C.稀释浓硫酸D.测溶液pH值7.分类法是化学学习的重要方法。下列说法不正确 ...的是【】 A.生石灰、烧碱、浓硫酸都可以用作干燥剂 B.铁、锌、碘元素都属于人体必需微量元素 C.CH 4、C 2 H 5 OH、CH 3 COOH都属于有机化合物 D.KNO 3、CO(NH 2 ) 2 、NH 4 H 2 PO 4 都属于复合肥料 8.下列图像分别与选项中的操作相对应,其中合理的是【】 A.向一定量稀氢氧化钠溶液中滴入水 B.向一定量氯化铜溶液中加入一定量铝 C.向一定量二氧化锰固体中加入一定量过氧化氢溶液 D.向一定量硫酸和硫酸铜混合溶液中滴入氢氧化钠溶液 9.工业制镁的方法为:将含碳酸钙的贝壳制成石灰乳;在海水中加入石灰乳,过滤;在


2018年真题 (全国1卷)7.硫酸亚铁锂(LiFePO4)电池是新能源汽车的动力电池之一,采用湿 法冶金工艺回收废旧硫酸亚铁锂电池正极片中的金属,其流程如下: 下列叙述错误的是() A. 合理处理废旧电池有利于保护环境和资源再利用 B. 从“正极片”中可回收的金属元素有AL、Fe、Li C. “沉淀”反应的金属离子为Fe3+ D. 上述流程中可用硫酸钠代替碳酸钠 8.下列说法错误的是() A. 蔗糖,果糖和麦芽糖均为双糖 B. 酶是一类具有高选择催化性能的蛋白质 C. 植物油含不饱和脂肪酸酯,能使Br?/CCl 4 色 D. 淀粉和纤维素水解的最终产物均为葡萄糖 9.在生成和纯化乙酸乙酯的实验过程中,下列操作未涉及的是() A. B. C. D. 10. 11. 12. 主族元素W、X、Y、Z的原子序数依次增加,且均不大于20,W、X、Z最外层电 子数之和为10:W与Z形成的化合物可与浓硫酸反应,其生成物可腐蚀玻璃。下列说 确的是() A. 常温常压下X的单质为气态 B. Z的氢化物为离子化合物 C. Y和Z形成的化合物的水溶液呈碱性 D. W与Y具有相同的最高化合价 13.

26.(14分) (1)实验中所用蒸馏水均需经煮沸后迅速冷却,目的是_________,仪器a的名称是 _______。 (2)将过量锌粒和氯化铬固体置于c中,加入少量蒸馏水,按图连接好装置,打开K1.K2,关闭K3。 ①c中溶液由绿色逐渐变为亮蓝色,该反应的离子方程式为____。 ②同时c中有气体产生,该气体的作用是____。 (3)打开K3,关闭K1和K2。c中亮蓝色溶液流入d,其原因是____;d中析出砖红色沉淀,为使沉淀充分析出并分离,需采用的操作是____、_________、洗涤、干燥。(4)指出装置d可能存在的缺点____。 27.(14分)


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2xx6年中考化学真题及答案 9.化学在工农业生产、科技发展和社会生活中发挥着重要作用,下列说法不正确的是() A.用铝合金制飞机外壳是因其硬度大、密度小、耐腐蚀 B.无土栽培的营养液中常含有K2SO4是一种复xx C.发射火箭采用的液氢、液氧都是无污染的纯净物 D.生活中常用加热煮沸的方法降低水的硬度 答案:B 解析:对简单的概念和常识进行考察。B中K2SO4是一种K肥,复xx是含有两种及两种以上元素的化合物。 xx.规范操作是实验成功的保证,下列实验操作正确的是() 答案:D 解析:考察实验操作。 xx.对比分析不同物质的共性与差异是学习化学的有效方法。下列关于CO2和CO的各项对比,有错误的是()矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧。 选项共性差异性 A均由分子构成分子的种类不同 B均由碳元素和氧元素组成元素的质量比不同 C均能与水化合化合时现象不同

D 常温下均是无色气体相同条件下气体的密度不同 答案:C 解析:物质构成及简单的化学物理性质考察。CO不能和水化合。 xx.正确使用和理解化学用语是重要的科学素养,下列说法正确的是() A.H2O、H2CO3中均含有氢分子 B.KClO3、KCl中的氯元素的化合价不相同 C.Na+、Mg2+、Al3+原子核内质子数均为xx D.表示的粒子都是阴离子 答案:B 解析:微观粒子的相关知识考察。一种分子中不可能还含有其他分子。质子数等于原子序数。最后一个是K+是阳离子。聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸測樅。 xx.锰和镍(Ni)都是重要的金属,将镍丝插入MnSO4溶液中,无明显现象,插入CuSO4溶液中,镍丝表面有红色固体析出。则Mn、Ni、Cu三种金属的活动性由强到弱的顺序是()残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒東。 A.Mn、Ni、Cu B.Mn、Cu、Ni C.Ni、Mn、Cu D.Cu、Mn、Ni 答案:A 解析:金属的置换反应的应用考察。根据较活泼金属可以置换出较不活泼金属。xx.下列各组依据实验目的设计的实验方案合理的是() 选项实验目的实验方案 点燃气体,在火焰上方罩干冷烧杯,观 A验证某可燃性气体中含有H2 察烧杯内壁是否出现液滴


2017年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 理化试卷 化学部分 考生注意: 1.试卷中的第1~26题为物理部分,第27~51题为化学部分。 2.试卷满分150分,考试试卷100分钟。 3.按要求在答题纸上规定的位置作答,在试卷,草稿纸上答题一律无效。 化学部分 相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Cl-35.5 K-39 Cu-64 六、选择题(共20分) 下列各题均只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项的代号用2B铅笔填涂在答题纸的相应位置上,更改答案是,用橡皮擦去,重新填涂。 27.空气中含量最多的是() A.O2 B.N2 C.He D.CO2 28.属于金属的是() A.Mg B.O2 C.S D.P 29.含原子团的物质是() A.Cu B.CO C.KCl D.KNO3 30.属于氧化物的是() A.O3 B.H2O C.Cu(OH)2 D.H2CO3 31.有机物一定含有的元素是() A.碳B.氧C.氢D.氯 32.氢氧化钙俗称() A.烧碱B.纯碱C.熟石灰D.石灰石 33.活性炭能净水,主要是因为它具有() A.难溶性B.稳定性C.吸附性D.可燃性 34.互为同素异形体的一组物质是() A.金刚石和石墨 B.铁粉和铁丝C.液氧和氧气D.银和汞 35.能除去铁锈的试剂是() A.氯化钠溶液B.稀盐酸C.氢氧化钠溶液D.水 36.关于“K2CO3”说法错误的是() A.名称:碳酸钾B.类别:盐 C.焰色反应:黄色D.用途:可作钾肥 37.二氧化碳气体转化为干冰的过程中发生改变的是() A.分子种类B.分子间距C.原子大小D.原子种类

38.铁在氧气中燃烧的化学方程式书写正确的是( ) A .3Fe +2O 2???→点燃 Fe 3O 4 B .Fe +O 2??? →点燃 FeO 2 C .Fe +O 2??? →点燃 Fe 3O 4 D .4Fe + 3O 2→2Fe 2O 3 39.能使煤燃烧更充分的措施是( ) A .减少空气通入量 B .充分利用热能 C .块状煤碾成粉末 D .净化尾气 40.双氧水分解的微观示意图如下,方框内应是( ) 41.对于某一澄清透明的酸雨样品,判断正确的是( ) A .呈中性 B .pH>7 C .属于悬浊液 D .属于溶液 42.仪器的用途及使用注意事项都正确的是( ) 43.根据化学方程式:2H 2O ??? →通电 2H 2↑ + O 2↑,无法获取的信息是( ) A .反应所需条件 B .生成物的状态 C .生成物的物质的量之比 D .氧气可助燃 44.某物质的溶解度曲线见右图。40℃时将60g 该物质放入100g 水中充分溶解,有关判断正确的是( ) A .40℃时形成160g 溶液 B .若降温至20℃,溶质质量减少 C .若升温至60℃,溶质质量分数不变 D .若升温至80℃,溶液是饱和溶液 45.有关氧原子的描述正确的是( ) A .一个氧原子的质量是16g B .1g 氧原子和1g 氧分子含有相同的原子个数 C .氧原子的摩尔质量在数值上等于氧原子的质量


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education * 2 7 9 8 7 9 0 0 7 3 *ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE0511/32 Paper 3 Listening (Core) October/November 2013 Approx. 30–40 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: As listed in Instructions to Supervisors. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. Dictionaries are not permitted. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. w w w . X t r e m e P a p e r s . c o m


初三化学中考试题及答案知识讲解 一、选择题(培优题较难) 1.某无色气体可能含有 CO 2、CO 、H 2中的一种或几种,依次进行以下实验(假设每步反 应均完全进行);①通过赤热的炭层后,恢复到原状态,气体体积增大;②通过灼热的 CuO 时,固体变成红色;③通过白色 CuSO 4 粉末时无明显现象(提示:白色 CuSO 4 粉末遇水变 蓝)④通入澄清石灰水中,石灰水变浑浊。下列判断正确的是( ) A .原混合气体中一定含有 CO 2和 CO ,一定没有 H 2 B .原混合气体中一定没有 CO 2和 H 2,一定含有 CO C .原混合气体中一定含有 CO 2,可能含有 CO ,一定没有 H 2 D .原混合气体中无法确定是否含有 CO 2 【答案】C 【解析】 碳和二氧化碳反应会生成一氧化碳,会使气体体积增大,根据①可知,混合气通过碳后气体体积增大,可知混合气中一定含有二氧化碳;通过氧化铜后,固体变成红色,说明混合气中存在还原性气体,通过白色CuSO4粉末时无明显现象,说明通过氧化铜未生成水,可以确定原混合气中一定没有氢气;澄清石灰水变浑浊,说明又生成了二氧化碳,但不能确定原混合气中一定含有一氧化碳,因为在①中生成了CO ,所以可以确定原混合气中一定有二氧化碳,可能含有一氧化碳,一定没有氢气。故选C 。 2.已知: 32322Fe(OH)Fe O +3H ΔO ,现将CO 气体与21.4g Fe (OH )3在密闭容器中加热一段时间后得到Fe 、Fe x O y 混合物12.8g ,将此混合物溶于100.0g 稀H 2SO 4恰好完全反应,产生0.2g H 2。下列说法正确的是 A .生成CO 2和H 2O 共8.6g B .混合物中含5.6g 铁元素 C .Fe x O y 为Fe 2O 3 D .该稀硫酸溶质的质量分数为19.6% 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 产生氢气的质量为0.2g ,由于只有铁和稀硫酸反应才能生成氢气,设生成铁的质量为x ,与铁反应的硫酸的质量为y 2442Fe +H SO =FeSO +H 56982x y 0.2g 56x =20.2g ,98y =20.2g x=5.6g ,y=9.8g


绝密★启封并使用完毕前 试题类型:2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科综合能力测试 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置。 3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 7.下列过程没有发生化学反应的是() A.用活性炭去除冰箱中的异味 B.用热碱水清除炊具上残留的油污 C.用浸泡过高锰酸钾溶液的硅藻土保鲜水果 D.用含硅胶、铁粉的透气小袋与食品一起密封包装 8.四联苯的一氯代物有() A.3种B.4种C.5种D.6种 9.下列反应中,反应后固体物质增重的是() A.氢气通过灼热的CuO粉末 B.二氧化碳通过Na2O2粉末 C.铝与Fe2O3发生铝热反应 D.将锌粒投入Cu(NO3)2溶液 10.下列图示实验正确的是() A.除去粗盐溶液中的不溶物B.碳酸氢钠受热分解

C .除去CO 气体中的CO2气体 D .乙酸乙酯制备演示实验 11.一定温度下,下列溶液的离子浓度关系式正确的是( ) A .pH=5的H 2S 溶液中,c(H +)=c(HS -)=1×10-5mol?L -1 B .pH=a 的氨水溶液,稀释10倍后,其pH=b ,则a=b+1 C .pH=2的H2C2O4溶液与pH=12的NaOH 溶液任意比例混合: c(Na +)+c(H +)=c(OH -)+c(HC 2O 4-) D .pH 相同的①CH 3COONa ②NaHCO 3③NaClO 三种溶液的c(Na +):①>②>③ 12.2013年3月我国科学家报道了如图所示的水溶液锂离子 电池体系,下列叙述错误的是( ) A .a 为电池的正极 B .电池充电反应为LiMn 2O 4=Li 1-x Mn 2O x +xLi C .放电时,a 极锂的化合价发生变化 D .放电时,溶液中Li +从b 向a 迁移 13.室温下,将1mol 的CuSO 4?5H 2O (s )溶于水会使溶液温度降低,热效应为△H 1,将1mol 的CuSO 4(s)溶于水会使溶液温度升高,热效应为△H 2,CuSO 4?5H 2O 受热分解的化学方程式 为:CuSO 4?5H 2O(s) =====△CuSO 4(s)+5H 2O(l),热效应为△H 3 。则下列判断正确的是( ) A .△H 2>△H 3 B .△H 1<△H 3 C .△H 1+△H 3=△H 2 D .△H 1+△H 2>△H 3 26.(13分)在容积为1.00L 的容器中,通入一定量的N 2O 4,发生反应N 2O 4(g) 2NO 2(g), 随温度升高,混合气体的颜色变深。


中考化学真题与答案 4.下图为自米水生产过程示意图。下列说法正确的是 A.清水池中的水是溶液 B.过滤池中主要发生化学变化 C.消毒用的液氯是化合物 D.供水系统流出的水是纯净物 7.电脑芯片的制作要用到高纯度的硅。目前广泛采用石英砂(主娶成分是SiO2)为原料制取,其中一步反应为:SiO2+2C Si+2CO↑。对该反应分析正确的是 A.该反应属于置换反应 B.碳发生了还原反应 C.碳元素化合价由0价变为+4价 D.该反应利用了CO的还原性 12.肝脏中含有过氧化氢酶。某同学利用动物肝脏研究酶的某些特点,实验记录如下表: 试管实验材料及处理产生气泡快慢 1 5毫升5%H2O2溶液+2滴蒸馏水,常温最慢 2 5毫升5%H2O2溶液+2滴3.5%FeCl3溶液,常温较快 3 5毫升5%H2O2溶液+2滴肝脏研磨液,常温最快 4 5毫升5%H2O2溶液+2滴肝脏研磨液,70℃水浴加

热较慢 分析实验结果,无法得出过氧化氢酶 A.具有专一性 B.能加快过氧化氢分解 C.具有高效性 D.活性受温度影响 13.下列选项所示的物质转化均能一步实现的是 A.Fe Fe2O3 Fe(OH)3 B.CuO CuSO4 CuCl2 C.S SO2 H2SO4 D.CO2 Na2CO3 NaOH 15.某固体由Ba2+、Cu2+、Na+、Cl-、CO32-、SO42-中的几种离子构成,取一定质量的该固体样品,进行如下实验: ①将固体溶于水得无色透明溶液,加入足量BaCl2溶液,过滤后得到5克白色沉淀。 ②在沉淀中加入过量稀硝酸,仍有3克白色沉淀。 ③在滤液中滴加AgNO3溶液,产生白色沉淀。则该固体中一定含有 A.Na+、CO32-、SO42- B.Cu2+、CO32-、SO42- C.Cl-、CO32-、SO42- D.Na+、Ba2+、Cl- 18.图甲是一个“火山爆发”模型。将碳酸氢钠干粉和柠檬酸(C6H8O7)干粉倒入火山模型内,火山模型内没有动静,慢慢注入水,两者就会剧烈反应(3NaHCO3+ C6H8O7=C6H5O7Na3+3H2O+3CO2↑),“火山”就会爆

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