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Unit 1随堂练

Unit 1随堂练
Unit 1随堂练


Section 1

V ocabulary Building


1. She was considered a great _________ (美人) when she was young.

2. There is a general __________ (信念) that things will soon get better.

3. The story about the hero has attracted __________ (世界性的) attention.

4. Shortly after the _________ (到达) of the police, the thieves were caught.

5. Every village would hold a great _____ (盛宴), with food and games for everyone.

6. One of a reporter’s jobs is to g______ information at the scene of an event.

7. You must ask for p_________ before taking pictures inside the church.

8. You should follow the local c_______ when you visit a different place.

9. I don’t agree with her, but I a_______ her for sticking to her principles.

10. As the saying goes, a timely (及时的) snow promises a good h_______.


ancestor, drown, religious, energetic, agriculture, gain, take place, turn up,

look forward to, in memory of, have fun with, hold one’s breath

1. Were there any major events that_____________ on July 9 in history?

2. When children _____________, it is a scary thing for parents to deal with.

3. After _______ independence in 1957, the country was renamed "Ghana".

4. The government held an exhibition ____________ those who died in the war.

5. New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ___________.

6. ___________ means the production of foods and goods through farming and forestry.

7. Mike is a(n) __________ person —he is very active and seldom feels tired.

8. I’m really _____________ the end of the month and the Cambridge Folk Festival.

9. Many people ____________ when the boat turned over during their trip over-seas.

10. I expect the missing watch will one day ___________ somewhere in my house.


a. a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth. _____________

b. the point from which sth. starts ______

c. to say that you are sorry for doing sth. wrong or causing a problem ________

d. easy to see or understand __________

e. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat _____________

f. a prize such as money, etc. for sth. that sb. has done _____________

g. to stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm, annoy or upset you


1. To ________ from the heart we need to face the hurt and the hate.

2. Rose went to London to receive her ___________ as Mum of the Year.

3. Thousands of people will _________ if food doesn’t reach the city on time.

4. I think you should __________ to your brother for you have done him wrong.

5. The Halloween custom has come a long way from its ___________ in Celtic Ireland.

6. It was quite ___________ that he was lying —he spoke without looking into my eyes.

7. The two-week ___________ included flower markets, exciting parades and sporting events.

Section 2

Grammar Learning



1. You ______ help him because you are his best friend. (could, should)

2. He ______ sit like that for hours when he was in trouble. (will, would)

3. She ______ drive a car, but sometimes she goes to school by bus. (can, could)

4. Lisa said there ______ be a few magazines in that library, but she was not sure yet. (may,


5. —Does Jack go to work by bus?

—He should, but he _______ not. He likes to go to work on foot. (may, can)

6. You ______ be tired. You have been working for only one hour. (mustn’t, can’t)

7. —_______ I put away your notebook and uniform for you? (Shall, Should)

—Yes. Thank you.

8. Mary ______ have been well prepared for the exam, for she got full marks in it. (may,



1. Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy; they ______ just be

quiet people. (2009安徽卷)

A. must

B. may

C. should

D. would

2. —It’s th e office! So you ______ know eating is not allowed here.

—Oh, sorry. (2009湖南卷)

A. must

B. will

C. may

D. need

3. I can’t leave. She told me that I _____ stay here until she comes back. (2009 全国卷II)

A. can

B. must

C. will

D. may

4. Liza ______ well not want to go on the trip —she hates traveling. (2008 全国卷II)

A. will

B. can

C. must

D. may

5. It ______ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. (2009


A. may

B. can

C. must

D. should

6. You ______ be hungry already —you had lunch only two hours ago! (2008 浙江卷)

A. wouldn’t

B. can’t

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t

7. According to the air traffic rules, you _______ switch off your mobile phone before

boarding. (2008 上海卷)

A. may

B. can

C. would

D. should


1. On Teachers’ Day, our class prepared some songs and dances for our teacher, because we

thought she ___________ (可能会欣赏). (admire)

2. The king promised that he _________ (不会杀害任何)kind person, but he never kept

his promise. (kill)

3. The warning on the wall says that you __________ (要小心)when entering the glass

room. (careful)

4. The project _____________ (将完成) next month, if we work more quickly. (finish)

5. The more pleasure you get from the game, ______________________ (你将享受更多的

满足感) when playing it. (satisfaction)

Section 3

Ability Enhancing

●一、阅读课本Pages 1-2的短文"FES-TIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS",并判断正误。

1. Most ancient festivals were held in autumn to celebrate the beginning of cold weather.

2. People in Mexico not only offer food and flowers to the dead but also play music for them.

3. Both the Japanese festival Obon and the Western Halloween are in memory of the dead.

4. There are festivals both in America and in India to be held to honour famous people.

5. Both Chinese and Japanese celebrate the mid-autumn festivals and enjoy moon cakes.

6. Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals usually take place in February in European countries.

7. Easter is the religious and social festival for Western people in memory of the return of Jesus

from the dead.

8. Western people usually have exciting carnivals which include many activities after Easter.


1. 他说起话来就仿佛自己是一位要人似的。(as though)_


2. 汤姆履行了他的诺言,归还了所有的钱。(keep one’s word)


3. 这首歌总是使我想起我的学生时代。(remind ... of)


4. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。(lead to)


5. 借酒消愁常常于事无补。(drown ... in)


6. 美国人常在愚人节那天开朋友的玩笑。(play a trick / tricks on)


7. 在战争中,那些护士日夜照顾受伤的战士。(day and night)


8. 要是想赶上那班火车,你最好马上动身去火车站。(set off)



represent, succeed, nation, agriculture, believe, origin,

protect, feast, gather, decorate

Diwali is India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row of lamps that Indians light outside their homes. The lamps 1 the inner light that 2 people from spiritual (精神上的) darkness.

Diwali is celebrated in October or November each year. It has its 3 as a harvest festival that

marked the last harvest of the year before winter. India was a(n) 4 society where people would seek the blessing (保佑) of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. They prayed for 5 and wealth in a new year. Indians celebrate with family gatherings, lamps, fireworks, flowers, sharing of sweets, etc. Some 6 that Lakshmi visits the Earth looking for homes where she will be welcomed. Therefore, people open their doors and windows and light lamps to invite Lakshmi in.

Over the centuries, Diwali has become a(n) 7 festival that is enjoyed by most Indians.

On the first day of Diwali, housewives consider it lucky to clean their homes and shop for gold. On the second day, people 8 their homes with lamps. The next day is the main day of the festival when families 9 together and then enjoyed mouth-watering 10 . The fourth day is the first day of a new year. On this day friends and relatives visit each other with gifts and best wishes for the season. On the last day of Diwali, brothers visit their married sisters who welcome them with love and a big meal.


Section 1

一、1. beauty 2. belief 3. worldwide 4. arrival 5. feast

6. gather / gain

7. permission

8. customs

9. admire 10. harvest

二、1. took place 2. hold their breath 3. gaining 4. in memory of 5. ancestor

6. Agriculture

7. energetic

8. looking forward to

9. drowned 10. turn up

三、a. celebration b. origin c. apologize d. obvious e. starve f. award g . forgive

1. forgive

2. award

3. starve

4. apologize

5. origin

6. obvious

7. celebration Section 2

一、1. should 2. would 3. can 4. might 5. may 6. can’t 7. Shall 8. must

二、1-5 BABDC 6-7 BD

三、1. might / would admire them 2. would never kill any 3. should be careful

4. might / may be finished

5. the more satisfaction you will enjoy

Section 3

一、1-5 FFTTF 6-8 FTF

二、1. He talks as though he was an important person.

2. Tom kept his word and returned all the money.

3. This song always reminds me of my life in school.

4. Too much work and too little rest can lead to illness.

5. It is often no use trying to drown your sadness in drink.

6. Americans often play a trick / tricks on friends on April Fool’s Day.

7. Those nurses took care of the injured soldiers day and night during the war.

8. If you want to catch that train, you’d better set off for the station immediately.

三、1. represent 2. protects 3. origin 4. agricultural

5. success

6. believe

7. national

8. decorate

9. gather 10. feasts

(人教版)初中英语九年级 Unit 12单元测试卷(附答案)01

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 单元测试 第一卷听力部分(15分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案(5分) 6. Why was Fred exhausted? A. Because he kept studying all night. B. Because he kept singing all night. C. Because he kept watching TV all night. 7. How did Jimmy go to school this morning? A. His parents gave him a ride. B. He ran to school. C. He went to school by bike. 8. Did Mary show up at the meeting this morning? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. It’s not mentioned. 9. When did the movie start? A. At 8: 15. B. At 8: 30. C. At 8: 45. 10. What was the matter with the man yesterday? A. He was late for the costume party. B. He was very cold. C. He was ill. Ⅲ. 听短文和短文后面的问题,选择最佳答案(5分)

Unit 1随堂练

必修3第一单元随堂练 Section 1 V ocabulary Building ●一、根据句子意思和所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。 1. She was considered a great _________ (美人) when she was young. 2. There is a general __________ (信念) that things will soon get better. 3. The story about the hero has attracted __________ (世界性的) attention. 4. Shortly after the _________ (到达) of the police, the thieves were caught. 5. Every village would hold a great _____ (盛宴), with food and games for everyone. 6. One of a reporter’s jobs is to g______ information at the scene of an event. 7. You must ask for p_________ before taking pictures inside the church. 8. You should follow the local c_______ when you visit a different place. 9. I don’t agree with her, but I a_______ her for sticking to her principles. 10. As the saying goes, a timely (及时的) snow promises a good h_______. ●二、根据句子意思,从方框中选出合适的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空(其中有两个为多余项)。 ancestor, drown, religious, energetic, agriculture, gain, take place, turn up, look forward to, in memory of, have fun with, hold one’s breath 1. Were there any major events that_____________ on July 9 in history? 2. When children _____________, it is a scary thing for parents to deal with. 3. After _______ independence in 1957, the country was renamed "Ghana". 4. The government held an exhibition ____________ those who died in the war. 5. New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ___________. 6. ___________ means the production of foods and goods through farming and forestry. 7. Mike is a(n) __________ person —he is very active and seldom feels tired. 8. I’m really _____________ the end of the month and the Cambridge Folk Festival. 9. Many people ____________ when the boat turned over during their trip over-seas. 10. I expect the missing watch will one day ___________ somewhere in my house. ●三、根据释义写出单词,并选词填空。 a. a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth. _____________ b. the point from which sth. starts ______ c. to say that you are sorry for doing sth. wrong or causing a problem ________ d. easy to see or understand __________ e. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat _____________ f. a prize such as money, etc. for sth. that sb. has done _____________ g. to stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm, annoy or upset you ____________ 1. To ________ from the heart we need to face the hurt and the hate. 2. Rose went to London to receive her ___________ as Mum of the Year. 3. Thousands of people will _________ if food doesn’t reach the city on time. 4. I think you should __________ to your brother for you have done him wrong.


第一章马克思主义哲学是科学的世界观和方法论 1. 我们研究哲学的性质,目的是()。 A、使人们认识到学习哲学在人生中的意义 B、为了掌握一门生产知识 C、为了认识科学之科学 D、使人们一劳永逸 参考答案:A 2. 世界观是()。 A、关于世界的观点 B、人们对整个世界的根本观点 C、世界上的所有观点 D、世界大观的简称 参考答案:B 3. 方法论是()。 A、关于方法的理论体系 B、一种方法 C、方法和理论的对立统一 D、人们认识世界、改造世界的根本方法。 参考答案:D 4. 哲学的基本问题是()。 A、世界观和方法论的关系问题 B、物质和运动的关系问题 C、真理和谬误的关系问题 D、思维和存在的关系问题 参考答案:D 5. 哲学上的两大基本派别是指()。 A、主观唯心主义和客观唯心主义 B、辩证法和形而上学 C、唯物主义和唯心主义 D、可知论和不可知论 参考答案:C 6. 划分唯物主义和唯心主义的标准在于是否承认()。 A、世界是普遍联系的 B、世界是运动、变化、发展的 C、世界是物质的 D、世界是统一的 参考答案:C 7. 肯定思维和存在有同一性,这是()。 A、辩证法的观点 B、形而上学的观点 C、唯心主义的观点 D、可知论的观点 参考答案:D 8. 区分可知论与不可知论的标准是()。

A、思维和存在有无同一性 B、可知与不可知有无同一性 C、先知与后知有无同一性 D、矛盾有无同一性 参考答案:A 9. 包含了“全世界无产者,联合起来!”著作是()。 A、《资本论》 B、《矛盾论》 C、《实践论》 D、《共产党宣言》 参考答案:D 10. 哲学的性质有()。 A、非实用性 B、非功利性 C、智慧性 D、技术性 E、永恒性 参考答案:ABC 11. 哲学的功能有:()。 A、反思人自身实践和认识的成果 B、从世界观、方法论的高度指导人们的实践 C、提供万能的思想武器 D、为人们提供思维方法并训练人们的思维能力 E、提供永恒性的工作方法 参考答案:ABD 12. 哲学之所以能给人以智慧,是因为:()。 A、哲学是理论化、系统化的世界观 B、哲学有智慧性 C、哲学是自然、社会和思维知识的概括和总结 D、哲学是世界观和方法论的统一 E、是科学的科学 参考答案:ACD 13. 哲学基本问题的两个方面是:()。 A、本体论问题,即思维和存在谁为第一性、谁为第二性的问题 B、世界存在不存在的问题 C、世界是否永恒存在的问题 D、认识论问题,即思维和存在有无同一性的问题 E、世界是否运动的问题 参考答案:AD 14. 在世界本原问题上有以下主要观点:()。 A、一元论:认为世界只有一个本原 B、二元论:认为世界有两个本原 C、三元论:认为世界有三个本原 D、四元论:认为世界有四个本原


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 七年级下册Unit 12单元测试题(附答案) 一、单选题(30分) ( )1. He ______ his mom ______ dinner last night. A. helps, cook B. helped, cooked C. helps, cook D. helped, cook ( )2. We can’t _______ others, but we must ______ the old to make them hear us. A.shout to, shout at B. shout at, shout at C.shout to,shout to D.shout at,shout to ( )3. “You did a good job.” “ ____.”A. Don’t say that B. No, I didn’t. C. It’s nice of you to say that. Thank you. D. You did better than I. ( )4.Everyone in our class their holidays.A. enjoyB. enjoying C. enjoys ( )5.____ sheep on the farm last year.A.There was many B. There were much C. There was much D. There were many ( ) 6. ______ you ______ snakes? A. Do, afraid B. Are, afraid of C. Are, afraid D. Do, afraid of ( )7. The first morning, I played soccer on my computer.A. In B. At C. On ( )8. My father often ______ us stories under the moon when we were young. A. tell B. told C. say D. said ( )9. The old song made me ______. A. smile B. to smile C. smiling D. smiled ( )10. –Where did you go on Mid-autumn Day?—I wasn’t out. I just ______ at home. A. stayed B. was C. stay D. am ( )11. Mr. and Mrs. Green went _______ the mountain ________ the weekend. A. to climb, in B. climbed, over C. climb, in D. to climb, over ( )12. ______ your brother ________ your aunt 2 days ago? A. Does, visit B. Did, visit C. Did, visited D. Does, visits ( )13. It’s interesting, _______ difficult for me. A. but little B. and a little C. but a little D. and little ( )14. He with his uncle ______ away from the city two years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were


必修一unit1 My First Day at Senior High随堂练习题 一、单词拼写 1. He is also a manager, but (级别高的)to me. 2. When you are in senior high school, you will (探索)everything on campus with eagerness. 3. Your performance gave me a deep .(印象) 4. The school (组织)a collection exhibition and students presented their collections one by one. 5. When a person is panicked or embarrassed, he may have difficulty in (呼吸). 6. She got into a real (恐慌)when she didn't find her son in the supermarket. 7. Babies are (好奇的)about everything around them. 8. Working in such a famous firm is a (挑战)for graduates. 9. He listens to music as an escape from the (压力)of work. 10. Though surprised to meet her manager at the party, she pretended to be (镇静的). 11. There's a (传统)in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve. 12. I feel much more (自信)about myself and my abilities these days. 二、短语填空

Unit 12 单元同步测试题(附答案)

Unit 12 单元同步测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. He took a walk with her under _______ moon. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Mary was late for school _______ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. of ( )18. _______ are important to us. We mustn’t cut them down. A. Animals B. Forests C. Vegetables D. Rivers ( )19. I heard him say so with my _______. A. eyes B. nose C. ears D. mouth ( )20. Mike is _______ after the long trip. He needs to sleep. A. tired B. busy C. dirty D. strict ( )21. My mother started _______ the kitchen at 3:00 p.m. A. to cleaning B. to clean C. clean D. cleaned ( )22. I saw Jim _______ the violin in the music room. A. to play B. plays C. to playing D. playing ( )23. _______ your brother at home last night? A. Did B. Was C. Is D. Does ( )24. —Did your cousin go to the zoo yesterday? —_______. He saw many animals. A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn’t ( )25. —_______? —He went swimming. A. How was his vacation B. What did he do on vacation C. Why did he go on vacation D. Where did he go on vacation Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Yesterday was my grandmother’s 60th birthday. My parents and I got up early in the morning, and then we took the subway to 26 home. After we arrived, my mother 27 lunch in the kitchen. My father played 28 with my grandfather in the living room. They like to play chess and they are in a chess club. I 29 with my grandmother about my school life. She was very interested in it. At lunchtime we gave our 30 to my grandmother. My parents 31 a beautiful dress for her. I drew 32 picture as her birthday gift. We sang the birthday song (歌) together (一起), 33 she made a wish before blowing out the candles. We had a very delicious lunch. 34 lunch, we went to the park and took many photos. How 35 we were!

unit1 随堂练习

新目标八年级上学期随堂练习Unit 1 第一课时 Ⅰ. 将下列单词译为中文,并且根据词义按照“发生次数的多少”由多到少排列出来。 hardly ever; sometimes; always; often; usually; never 100%__________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 0% Ⅱ. 翻译下列短语 1.多久(一次)________________________________ 2.在周末________________________________ 3.一周一次________________________________ 4.一月两次________________________________ 5.一年三次________________________________ 6.看电视________________________________ 7.去看电影________________________________ 8.上网________________________________ 9.看/读英文书籍________________________________ 10.去购物_________________________________ Ⅲ. 翻译句子 1._______ do you _______ do ________ _______? 周末你通常干什么? I usually _________ ___________. 我通常踢足球。 2. What _______ _______ ______ on weekends? 周末他们干什么? They_____ ______ ______ ______ ______. 他们经常去看电影。 3. What _________ ________ ________ on weekends? 周末他干什么? He__________ _________ TV. 他有时看电视。 4. ________ ________do you _________? 你多久购物一次? I shop _______ _______ ________. 我一月一次。 5. _______ _______ _______Cheng watch TV? 陈多久看一次电视? He ________ TV _______ ________ _______. 他一周看两次电视。 Ⅳ. 完成对话。 A: Do you like ______________________(看电视? B: Yes, I like it ______________________(非常). A: ____________________(多久一次)do you watch TV? B: I watch TV ___________________(每天). A: What’s your____________________(最喜欢的节目)? B: It’s ______________________(动物世界). A: How often do you watch it? B: I watch it ______________________________ (一周一次或者两次).


1. 唯物辩证法的总特征是()。 A、联系的观点和发展的观点 B、否定的观点 C、矛盾的观点 D、物质第一性,意识第二性的观点参考答案:A 2. “城门失火, 殃及池鱼”说明()。 A、任何事物和现象都是彼此联系的 B、任何事物和现象都是彼此孤立的 C、任何事物和现象之间的联系是主观随意的 D、事物之间是互不影响的参考答案: A 3. 唯物辩证法和形而上学分歧的焦点是()。 A、是否承认事物的内部结构性 B、是否承认事物的量变 C、是否承认事物发展的根本原因在于事物内在的矛盾性 D、是否承认事物的相对 静止参考答案:C 4. 唯物辩证法所理解的联系是指()。 A、各种事物和现象之间没有确定的界限,一切都是“亦此亦彼” B、每一事物和现 象都同其他事物和现象相区别 C、相互区别的事物和现象彼此都是孤立的 D、一切事物和现象都处于相互影响、相互作用和相互制约之中参考答案:D 5. 事物发展的根本动力是()。 A、事物的相对性 B、事物的内在矛盾性 C、事物的变化 D、人的自觉能动性参考答案:B 6. 矛盾是反映()。 A、事物之间互相对立,互相排斥、互相否定关系的范畴 B、对立面之间互相联系、互相转化关系的范畴 C、事物内部或事物之间的对立和同一及其关系的基本哲学范畴 D、主体和客体之 间互相对立的范畴参考答案:C 7. 有人认为矛盾不过是个命题或判断,它只存在于不正确的思维中,这种观点的实质是否认了矛盾的()。 A、特殊性 B、客观性 C、相对性 D、条件性参考答案:B 8. 马克思主义普遍真理与中国革命具体实践相结合这一基本原则的哲学基础是 ()。 A、矛盾特殊性原理B、矛盾同一性与斗争性相结合的原理 C、矛盾共性与个性辩证统一的原理 D、矛盾发展不平衡原理参考答案:C 9. 事物 的度是指()。 A、事物的临界点


星湾学校2009~2010学年第二学期五年级 英语学科第1、2单元练习 TheSecondT ermof2009-2010XingwanSchool---Grade5Unit12T est of English 班级(Class) 姓名(Name) ___ 学号(Number) 成绩(Mark) __2010.3 听力部分(30%) 一、听录音,选出与你所听到的单词同类的选项5% ()1.A. tooth B. head C. backache ()2.A. thirsty B. fever C. tired ()3.A. speak B. some C. better ()4.A. day B. Monday C. yesterday ()5.A. subject B. lesson C. Science 二、根据听到的问句,选择正确的答句5% ()1.A. I’ve got a fever. B.She’s got a fever.C. Mike’s got a fever ()2.A.I am ill. B.I hope you get better soon. C. I can get some fruit for you. ()3.A.This is Helen speaking B.Y es, I’m Helen. C. No, I’m not Helen. ()4.A.I feel hungry. B.I can get some fruit for you. C. I’ve got a bad cough. ()5.A.Y ou’ve got a headache. B.I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m sorry. 三、根据听到的对话,选择正确答案5% ()1.A.She’s got a fever. B.Her mother is ill. C. She’s ill. ()2.A.He’s got a cold. B.He’s got a fever.C. He’s very high. ()3.A.it is 5710903. B.it is 5170309. C. it is 5710309. ()4.A.Monday. B.Tuesday . C. Sunday. ()5.A.I feel thirsty. B.I can get some water. C. It’s over there. 四、听短文,选择正确答案5% ()1.A.She’s ill. B.Y es, she’s speaking. C. Mary is. ()2.A.Y es, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C. Y es, she does. ()3.A.She’s got a stomach ache. B.She’s at home. C. She wants to go to the supermarket. ()4.A.Y es, she is. B.No, she’s having a rest. C. No, she isn’t.()5.A. She’s Nancy’s teacher. B.She’s Nancy’s student. C. She’s Nancy’s friend. 五、听录音,填入所缺单词10% Today is _________. Helen’s got a _________. After _________, she


鲁科版三年级下册Lesson3 随堂练 一、为图片选择对应的单词 (1) orange A. (2) coffee B. (3) drink C. (4) apple D. 二、情景交际 ( ) 1.对方问你想喝点什么,你回答: A. Coffee, please. B. Chicken and rice. ( ) 2.你上完课回家想对妈妈说你很饿,你应该说: A. I’d like some milk. B. I’m hungry. ( ) 3.妈妈把晚饭准备好了,会对你说: A. Let’s have dinner. B. Let’s have lunch. ( ) 4. Li Ming 问你吃不吃苹果.如果你想吃,你会说: A. Yes, please B. Yes, I am ( ) 5.你想问问朋友要不要喝点橘子汁,应该说: A. Do you like orange? B. Would you like some orange juice?

三、连词成句 1. you, like, Would, a, drink (?) ______________________________ 2. I’d, some, juice, apple, like (.) ______________________________ 3. dinner, What’s, for (?) ______________________________ 四、选词填空,只写序号. A. like B. have C. Would D. am Let’s _____ breakfast. I ______ hungry. I’d _____ a drink. ______ you like some coffee? Yes, please.



第一章马克思主义哲学是科学的世界观和方法论 1. 大学生的培养目标主要是()。 A、实现其思维能力的提高和思维方式的转变 B、培养其熟练的技巧 C、认识大师 D、享受大学教育 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2. 名牌大学的毕业生大都在工作中表现出较强的竞争能力,因为()。 A、他们有名牌效应 B、他们有比较深厚的理论基础和正确的思维方式 C、他们有较好的教育条件 D、他们有天才 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3. 马克思主义哲学是()。 A、马克思本人的哲学思想 B、马克思和恩格斯的哲学思想 C、马克思创立的理论体系 D、一种具有科学形态的世界观和方法论 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:D 问题解析: 4. 大师是指()。 A、有知识的人 B、有高级职称的人 C、有教养的人 D、有新思想的人 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:D 问题解析: 5. 我们研究哲学的性质,目的是()。 A、使人们认识到学习哲学在人生中的意义 B、为了掌握一门生产知识 C、为了认识科学之科学 D、使人们一劳永逸

答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A 问题解析: 6. 智慧是()。 A、人的认识能力和实践能力的高度统一 B、一门生产知识 C、很玄的知识 D、不变的知识 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A 问题解析: 7. 世界观是()。 A、关于世界的观点 B、人们对整个世界的根本观点 C、世界上的所有观点 D、世界大观的简称 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B 问题解析: 8. 方法论是()。 A、关于方法的理论体系 B、一种方法 C、方法和理论的对立统一 D、人们认识世界、改造世界的根本方法。 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:D 问题解析: 9. 反思是()。 A、反过来思考 B、人们通过对自身实践和认识的结果进行反复思考,形成更深刻思想的过程。 C、反向思维 D、反复无常,思潮起伏 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B 问题解析: 10. 哲学的基本问题是()。


Unit 12 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. My uncle worked ______ a farmer on a farm two years ago. A. for B. of C. as D. with ( )17. Mother was ______ after work, so she went to sleep early. A. lazy B. tired C. lucky D. friendly ( )18. There are seven ______ in the picture. A. sheep B. cow C. horse D. chicken ( )19. Look! A plane ______ in the sky. A. flies B. flew C. flying D. is flying ( )20. —Where ______ you yesterday morning? —I ______ at my uncle’s home. A. were; am B. are; am C. are; was D. were; was ( )21. We saw some people ______ in the park. A. exercising B. exercises C. to exercise D. to exercising ( )22. Who ______ this morning?

人教版新目标七年级英语下册unit1 随堂练习

Unit1 随堂练习 一、单项选择 1,It’s a (an) ______ movie and we all like it. A. difficult B. interesting C. tidy D. boring 2,—Can you help kids with ______? —Yes,I can. A. swimming B.to swim C.swims D.swim 3,—Mary, I need you _______ me do the housework. I am very busy today. —No problem, Mom. A .help B .to help C .helping D .helps 4,_____ are good friends. We often help each other. A. I and Tom B. You and she C. She and I D. He and she 5,—_________? —Yes, he can. A. What can Victor do B. Can I join the club C. What can I do D. Can Victor join the club 6,Here ________. A.is some informations B.are some informations C.are some information D.is some information 7, — Can you speak English? — Yes, but only ___________. A. a little B. a few C. not many D. little 8,Your body __________ terrible, so you should take a shower. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 9,She likes to play with the children. She often ______ stories to them. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks" 10,—Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, dad? —No, you _______,son. You’re free to make your own decision.


华工 经济学原理 随堂练习 第一章 绪论 经济学的关怀 1. 经济学主要研究是研究: ( )。 A. 自由市场的价格 B. 政府对私人部门的影响 C. 把收入分配给个人 参考答案: D 2. 西方经济学认为,所有社会都要解决( )。 A. 生产什么、生产多少 B. 如何生产、何时生产 C. 为谁生产 D. 参考答案: D 3. 作为经济学的两个组成部分,微观经济学与宏观经济学是: ( ) 参考答案: C 参考答案: A 5. 现代西方宏观经济学的研究正式开始的标志是( )。 A. 《国富论》 B. 《就业、利息和货币通论》 C. 《经济学原理》 参考答案: B 6. ( ) 主要说明的是“应该是什么”的问题。 A. 实证经济学 B. 规范经济学 C. 微观经济学 D. 宏观经济学 参考答案: B 7. 下面属于宏观经济学研究范畴的是( ) C.是消费该商品产生的总效用与该商品的数量之比 参考答案: D D. 是每增加一单位某种商品的消费所带来的效用增量 2. 边际效用递减意味着: ( ) A.互相对立的 B. 没有任何联系的 C. 相互补充的 D. 完全相同的 A. 就业理论 B. 分配理论 C. 通货膨胀理论 D. 价格是如何产生的 参考答案: AC 8. 下面属于规范经济学研究范围的问题的有( ) A. 我们应该将人民币的利率限制在一定范围 C.政府应该在公共资源的分配中占主导地位 B. 通货膨胀不利于经济的持续、健康发展 D. 降低出口退税会对我国的纺织业产生什么样的影响 参考答案: ABC 9. 西方经济学认为经济资源主要有( )。 A. 自然资源 B. 人力资源 C. 资本资源 参考答案: ABC D. 以上都不正确 第二章 生产什么? 1. 某种商品的边际效用( ) A.是消费该商品产生的总效用与消费其他商品的总效用之比 等于该商品的价格 D. 面对稀缺性而做出的资源分配决定 以上答案都对 4. 微观经济学理论是根据 ( ) 假设提出来的 A. 经济人 B. 社会人 C. 自我实现人 D. 复杂人 D. 《经济学:原理、问题和政策》


Unit 12 单元过关检测(100分) (时间:45分钟) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ()1. He ______his mother ______ dinner last night. A. helps ; with B. helped; cooked C. helped; cook D. is helping; to cook ()2. ______sheep on the farm three years ago, but we can’t see any now. A. There is some B. There were much C. There are many D. There were many ()3. Tom ______ the piano every day when he was in primary school. A. plays B. played C. was playing D. has played ()4. Mary visited her grandparents ______ last weekends. A. on B. / C. for D. in ()5. ---Who do you want to ______? ---Mr. Green. And will ______ our school trip this Sunday. A. talk ; talk with B. talk to; talk C. talk to; talk about D. talk with; talk ()6. We can’t ______others, but we have to ______the old to make them hear us. A. shout to; shout to B. shout at; shout to C. shouted to; shout at D. shout to, shout at ()7. He ______a tent by the lake and ______in it after a long walk. A. put up; slept B. puts up; sleeps C. put on; sleep D. put away; slept ()8. ______ exciting the movie is! It’s worth watching again. A. How an B. What a C. How D. What ()9. While I was away from my home last year, I always _______ my family. A. guessed B. thought C. missed D. watched ()10. Did you ______ to the supermarket _____ Sunday morning. A. go; in B. went; on C. go; at D. go; on ()11. ---How ______ your trip? ---It ________ great. And I am still______ now. A. was; was; excited B. is; was; exciting C. is; is; interesting D. is; is; tired ()12. What ______Tom _______last weekend? A. is; doing B. does; do C. did; do D. is; do ()13. Last night ,Lisa was _______tired ______she went to sleep early. A. too; to B. such; that C. as; as D. so; that ()14. It’s important ______ a ______language. A. to learn; second B. learn; two C. learning; second D. learned, two ()15. ______ your brother ________ your aunt last weekend? A. Does; visit B. Did; visit C. Did; visited D. Does; visits Ⅱ. 完形填空。(10分) When I was a young girl, I often played with my best friend Janet . Janet's father was an animal doctor. Janet spent many hours 1 him in his workplace(工作地点). She cleaned the animals’ houses. She fed the animals when her dad was too 2 . Sometimes she would help her dad look after(照顾)the baby animals. When I 3 nothing to do, her dad would ask me to help him look after the baby animals, too. The baby animals were so 4 . One day, Janet’s dad had a great 5 for us. He found a baby skunk(臭鼬)on the farm. It couldn’t find its mother. He knew the baby skunk would die(死)if its mother wasn’t with it. He asked Janet and me 6 him 7 the little skunk with food and milk.

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