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大学英语入学机考复习题 语音知识(请选出划线部分与其他三项不同的单词) 1. (D)A. clothing B. clothes C. close D. clock 2. (C)A . twenty B. sweet C. wrong D. worthy 3.(C)A. courage B. operate C. package D. orange 4. (C)A. partner B. farmer C. warm D. alarm 5. (B)A. laugh B. plough C. tough D. enough 6.(B)A. angry B. try C. army D. copy 7. (A)A. pear B. tear C. rear D. fear 8. (C)A. season B. master C. husband D. slice 9. (D)A. kind B. keen C. kite D. knife 10.(C)A. eight B. weigh C. height D. neighbor 11.(B)A. own B. down C. allow D. crowd 12.(A)A. fought B. ground C. cloud D. found 13.(A)A. school B. cheap C. teacher D. chalk 14(B). A. meat B. pleasure C. sea D. leaf 15.(D)A. live B. gift C. active D. tide 16. (B)A. always B. talk C. also D. altogether 17. (B)A. what B. who C. white D. why 18. (A)A. any B. apple C. bag D. thank 19. (C)A. secure B. pure C. failure D. cure 20. (C)A. sew B. flew C. threw D. blew Vocabulary and Structure.(词汇与结构) 21. No one was able to explain the __D___ of the old custom. A). beginning B). reason C). cause D). origin 22. A lot of new buildings ___C____on both banks of the river now. A). were built B) builds C). are being built D) are building 23. The traffic policeman asked the lost child__A_____. A). how old he was B) how old was he C) how old he is D) how old is he 24. Sam's new apartment is in a __C___ building. A) twelve-stories B) twelfth-stories C) twelve-story D)twelfth story 25. She used to dress herself B front of the mirror before breakfast. A) on B) in C)up D) at 26. He held a sword in one hand and a pistol in__A___. A) the other B) another C) other D) other's 27. The house is in perfect condition, __A___ a few scratches on one of the doors A) except for B) except C) besides D) apart from 28. His method of doing research work is hardly appreciated; he feels ___A___others. A) inferior to B) inferior than C) more inferior than D) the inferior than 29. Mrs. Carey went to the airport to __A___ . A) see him off B) see off him C) see him through D) see through him 30. I have made an___B__ for my mother to see the dentist at 5 o’clock tomorrow. A.)interview B) appointment C) opportunity D) possibility 31. She didn’t go to the cinema last night , __C__she had to finish her term paper. A) as B) if C) till D) though 32. ___A____, we went swimming in the river. A) The day being very hot B) It was a very hot day C) The day was very hot D) Being a very hot day 33. I have found some articles __B__ the harmful effects of drinking. A) being concerned B) concerned C) to concern D) concerning 34. So loudly __A__ that people could hear it out in the street. A) did the students play the music B) the students playing the music C) the students played the music D) have the students played the music 35. How did you find your visit to the museum? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ____A____ than I had expected. A) far more interesting B) even much interesting


吉林大学考博英语2012年真题 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Part Ⅰ Vocabulary an(总题数:30,分数:30.00) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,nguage, culture, and personality may be considered ______ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.(分数:1.00) A.indistinct B.separate C.irrelevant D.independent 2.The work was done in the ______ of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.(分数:1.00) A.context B.contest C.pretext D.texture 3.The dean tried to retain control of the situation on campus, but his attempt was ______ by the board of trustees.(分数:1.00) A.approved B.frustrated C.disclosed D.justified 4.Some journalists are fond of overstating the situation so that their news may create a great ______.(分数:1.00) A.explosion B.sensation C.exaggerating D.stimulation 5.There was little, if any, evidence to substantiate the gossip and, ______ there was little to disprove it.(分数:1.00) A.by the same token B.under the same condition C.at the same stage D.for the same purpose 6.Every chemical change either results from energy being used to produce the change, or causes energy to be ______ in some form.(分数:1.00) A.given off B.put out C.set off https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,ed up 7.The United Nations Conferences on the Law of the sea would soon produce an ocean-mining treaty following its ______ declaration in 1970 that oceans were the heritage of mankind.(分数:1.00) A.unanimous B.abstract C.autonomous D.almighty 8.This growth in the ______ of diabetes is due, in part, to an increase in obesity.(分数:1.00) A.inference


Placement Test (2007) I. Listening Comprehension 听力理解 听力分两部分,共20题,每题1分,共20分。 Part A 第一部分:本部分为十组对话,每组对话后有一个问题。对话读两遍。问题读一遍,每听完一个问题后,从答题纸上的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选择中选出最合适的答案,并涂黑。 Part A 1. A) At a travel agency. B) At a bank. C) In a restaurant. D) In a hotel 2. A) One dollar. B) Two dollars. C) Three dollars. D) Five dollars. 3. A) Last May. B) Last June. C) Last July. D) Last August. 4. A) The woman intends to work out of doors. B) The woman?s clothes are warm enough. C) The air quality is rather poor outside. D) The temperature outside is quite low. 5. A) He plans to apply for a scholarship. B) He plans to make a special TV program. C) He will study at Oxford next year. D) He will go to Britain this year. 6. A) He actually has little interest in classical music. B) He only enjoys certain kinds of classical music. C) He prefers to collect classical music rather than listen to it. D) He likes others kinds of music apart from classical music. 7. A) He wants to rent his apartment out. B) He wants to read the ads in the paper. C) He wants to reserve a room before departure. . D) He wants to ask about the cost of studying abroad.


吉林大学 2006年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 数学分析卷 一、(共30分)判断题 1、若函数()f x 在(),a b 上Riemann 可积,则()2 f x ????在(),a b 也Riemann 可积; 2、若级数 1 n n a ∞ =∑收敛,则级数 1 n n a ∞ =∑也收敛; 3、任何单调数列必有极限; 4、数列 (){}1n -的上、下极限都存在; 5、区间(),a b 上的连续函数必能达到最小值; 6、sin x 在整个实轴上是一致连续的; 7、若函数(),f x y 沿着任何过原点的直线连续,则(),f x y 在()0,0连续; 8、若函数()f x 在点0x 取极小值,则()00f x '=; 9、若()00f x '=,()00f x ''<,则()f x 在点0x 取极大值; 10、向量场() 222222 ,,x y y z z x ---是无源场。 二、(共20分)填空题 1、设()()sin u x y x y z =+++,则grad ()u =; 2、设(),,F x y y z z x → =+++,则div ()F → =; 3、设(),,F x yz y zx z xy → =---,则rot ( )F → =; 4、设s 表示单位球面2 2 2 1x y z ++=,则第一型曲面积分 ()2s x ds =??; 5、数列()2 211n n n ?? +-??? ?的下极限为(); 三、(共20分)计算下列极限 1、1200611lim n n n k k →∞ =?? ??? ∑;

2 、01lim x x →; 3、111lim 200620071n n n n n →∞? ?+++ ?++++? ?L ; 4、1 2 0lim 1n n x dx x x →∞++?。 四、(共20分)判断下列级数的敛散性 1、1200620072005 n n n n ∞ =-∑; 2、1n n u ∞ =∑,其中()2 120,,1,2,1n n n u n u n u n ->≤=+L 五、(10分)设函数()f x 在[]0,1两次连续可微,满足()()010f f ==且()1 0f x dx =?。 证明:存在()0,1ξ∈使得()0f ξ''=。 六、(10分)计算第二型曲线积分 2222343434C x y dx dy x y x y -++? 其中C 为单位圆周2 2 1x y +=,方向为顺时针方向。 七、(10分)证明,对任意0x >,都有 3sin 6 x x x >- 八、(10分)设,,,a b αβ均为常数,且对任意x 都有 ()sin x x ax b αβ+=+ 证明:0a b αβ==== 九、(10分)证明,不存在[)0,∞上的正的可微函数()f x ,满足 () 0f x '+≤ 十、(10分)试构造区间[]0,1上的函数序列(){} n f x ,具有如下性质: (1)对每个n ,()n f x 是[]0,1上的正的连续函数;


吉林大学历年考研真题 2000年试题 中国考古学通论 一、回答下列概念 1、遗存: 2、单位: 3、层位关系: 4、遗址: 5、民族考古学: 二、下图是内蒙古朱开沟遗址T126、T127、T128北壁剖面图,请根据这个图写出它们的层位关系(15分) 三、以下是白燕遗址商代时期的几件陶鬲,区分它们的型、式,并简述它们的各自作用和相互关系 四、简述中国考古学和中国历史文献学在研究中国史的各自作用和相互关系 五、列出五条近年来全国重大考古发现 六、介绍一本你在大学期间读过的最好的一个报告学论文(从资料、方法、理论、结论方面以及你受到的启发等几方面入手)秦汉考古 一、名词解释(5×6) 1、金石学:

2、三叠层: 3、殷墟: 4、干栏式建筑: 5、斝: 苏秉琦: 二、问答(10×4) 1、新石器时代考古的基本特征是什么? 2、周原遗址有哪些重要考古发现 3、按时间早晚顺序列举东北辽西地区目前发现的新石器时代至青铜时代的考古学文化 4、你读过哪些有关先秦考古方面的考古报告或研究论文,试举一例进行简单的内容介绍 三、简述(15×2) 1、试述黄河流域新石器时代考古学文化的分区与年代序列 2、关于哪些遗址可能是夏文化,学术界目前主要有哪几种观点?你赞同哪一种?为什么? 四、简答(16×3) 1、两汉至唐,中原地区墓葬的形制结构是如何发展变化的? 2、汉唐期间,活动于中国东北地区的主要少数民族有哪些?并指出其大致范围和重要遗存 3、简述唐宋瓷器发展概况

2001年试题 中国考古学通论 一、回答下列概念(10分) 1、考古学: 2、考古学文化: 遗迹: 遗物 3、相对年代: 二、写出下列青铜器名称(20分) 山西长治分水岭春秋中期墓葬青铜器 三、简述层位学发掘的原则(30) 四、谈谈考古学与自然科学手段结合的新趋势(40分) 旧石器考古、环境考古与体质人类学 一、名词解释(3×10) 匼河文化:莫斯特文化:北京猿人:南方古猿:夏娃理论:克罗马农人第四纪地质学金牛山人 基因:人种学 二、简答题(10×3) 1、早期智人生活在旧石器时代的哪个阶段?其主要文化特征有哪些? 2、举例说明环境因素对人种形成的影响


吉林大学2017年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(30points) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.The safari hunter was nearly________to death by a herd of elephants. A.stampeded B.trampled C.trod D.stamped 2.She felt that she was too________with problems to be able to study properly. A.burdened B.tired C.grieved D.disturbed 3.The roof________under the weight of the snow. A.fell B.submerged C.collapsed D.descended 4.His criticism injured Jenny’s________.So she is feeling sad now. A.divinity B.indignity C.ego D.mind 5.Hundreds of people________on the playground for watching the Dragon Lantern show. A.contrived B.conformed C.conferred D.converged 6.The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transportation and is therefore, not________to work locally. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,pelled B.obliged C.restricted D.repelled 7.The doctors don’t________that the patient will live much longer. A.monitor B.manifest C.articulate D.anticipate 8.Knowing that he had been admitted to Cambridge University,he was too excited to be ________on the phone. A.coincidental B.identical C.same D.coherent 9.Hard work and malnutrition________his health and he looked thin and pale. A.impaired B.promoted C.accelerated D.smashed 10.Since you changed lanes without signaling,you are as much to________for the accident as us. A.blame B.accusation C.condemnation D.charge 11.Although he is in his fifties,his________arms are as powerful as those of a young man. A.energetic B.gigantic C.muscular D.effective 12.The purpose of the lecture was to________the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,rm B.acquaint C.instruct D.announce 13.Our teacher didn’t have time so far to go into it________,but he gave us an idea about his plan. A.in turn B.at hand C.in conclusion D.at length 14.She often says her greatest happiness________serving the handicapped children. A.consists in B.relies on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,poses of https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,prises in 15.Whenever possible,Ian________how well he speaks Japanese. A.shows up B.shows around C.shows off D.shows out 16.________is known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer. A.That B.Which C.As D.It 1


新视野大学英语 新生入校分级考试试卷 Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (5 minutes)(10分) Directions: Read the following passage, and then fill in the blanks with the missing part for the following incomplete statements. Your answers should be written on Answer Sheet 1. Most Americans spend far more of their leisure time with entertainment and information sources than in any other occupation. Of all information and entertainment sources, television is clearly dominant (支配的), with newspapers a close second, at least as a source of news and other information. Our exposure (暴露,接触) to all of these sources is important, however, because they all contribute (贡献) materials for the construction of the world in our heads. For most people, increased use of one medium does not decrease (减少) use of another. In fact, in certain cases, and especially for certain purposes, the more one uses one medium, the more likely one is to use others. There are various factors that can cause you to expose yourself to one source selectively. Some of that selective exposure is probably due to the psychological (心理) pressure you feel when avoiding the discomfort caused by the confrontation with facts and ideas contrary to your beliefs, attitudes, or behavior. However, some selective exposure is not due to such pressure for consistency (一致) but to other factors, such as your age, education, and even the area in which you live and the people with whom you associate. Quite a different sort of factor that affects your information and entertainment experiences is the social context of exposure—whether you are alone or with others when you are exposed to a medium; whether you are at home, at the office, in a theater, and so on. These contexts are as much a potential part of the message as film images on the screen or words on the page. 1.____________________ are dominant sources of news and information. 2.Our exposure to information and entertainment sources is important because they provide ___________________ of our mental world. 3. Facts show that the more one uses one medium, the more likely one is _________________. 4. Factors that can cause us to expose ourselves to one source selectively _________ ______________. 5. One quite different sort of factor that affects our information and entertainment experiences is the ______________________.


高中起点数学复习题 一.多选题 1. 已知 },)14(|{},,)12(|{Z k k y y Y Z n n x x X ∈±==∈+==ππ,那么下列各式中不正确的是(ACD ). A .Y X ? B .Y X = C .Y X ? D .?=Y X 2.若函数1)1()1()(22+-+-=x m x m x f 是偶函数,则在区间]0,(-∞上)(x f 是 (BC ) A .不可能是增函数,也不可能是常函数 B .增函数 C .常函数 D .减函数 3.已知 } 3|),{(},31 1|),{(+===+-=kx y y x B x y y x A ,并且?≠B A ,则k 的值是( BD ) A .K ≠2 =2 C .K ≠3 =3 4.设集合},,{},,,,,{e a c Y e d c b a X ==,则这两个集合不满足的关系是( ABD )。 A.X Y X =?; B.Y Y X =?; C.X Y X =?; D.Y Y X X =??)( 6.原点到直线2+=kx y 的距离2是,则k 等于 ( BD ) ≠1 =1 C.K ≠-1 =-1 7.函数35 1922 2 +-= x x y 的定义域是 ( AD ) A .25≠ x B.2 5 =x C.7=x D.7≠x 8.原点到直线2+=kx y 的距离2是,则 k 等于( AB ) A. K = -1 = 1 C.K ≠-1 ≠1 9.已知13log 3 <3 10.已知}3{},4{2 <=>=x x N x x M ,下列结论中不正确的是( BCD ) A.R N M =?; B.}4{2>=?x x N M ; C.}32{<<=?x x N M ; D.}2{-<=?x x N M 11. 函数)(x f y =在(0, 2)上是增函数,函数 )2(+=x f y 是偶函数,则下列结论中不正确的是( B ). A .)2 7 ()25()1(f f f << B .)2 5 ()1()27(f f f << C .)1()25 ()27(f f f << D .)2 7()1()25(f f f << 12.两直线542,0322 =+=++y x y x k 没有公共交点,则K 值是( AB ) A .K=1 =–1 C.K=2 =–2 13.两平行线分别过)0,1(A ,)5,0(B 且距离为5,则它们的方程是( AD ) =0 =1 C.y=2


吉林大学考博英语真题解析 Section I Listening Comprehension(20points) Part A(5points) 1.highlands; 2.20; https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,d; 4.November; 5.22. Part B(5points) 6.A(technology)forecaster; https://www.wendangku.net/doc/081361912.html,ernment agencies; 8.(a)meaningful(exercise); 9.open to change; 10.Trust and cooperation. Part C(10points) 11.D12.B13.C14.D15.A16.C17.B18.A19.A 20.C Section II Use of English(10points) 21.C22.D23.A24.D25.A26.B27.C28.D29.A 30.B31.A32.C33.D34.B35.A36.B37.B38.D39.A 40.C Section III Reading Comprehension(50points) Part A(40points) 41.C42.A43.D44.B45.C46.A47.D48.C49.B 50.D51.D52.A53.B54.A55.C56.C57.A58.D59.B

60.C Part B(10points) 61.希腊人认为,语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。这一观点在人们尚未认识到语言的千差万别以前就早已在欧洲扎下了根更多院校的考博英语真题及其解析或考博英语辅导体验请拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八,加咨询扣扣七七二六七八五三七。 62.我们之所有感激他们(两位先驱),是因为在此之后,这些(土著)语言中有一些已经不复存在了,这是由于说这些语言的部族或是消亡了,或是被同化而丧失了自己的本族语言。 63.这些新近被描述的语言与已经得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区的语言往往差别显著,以至于有些学者甚至指责Boas和Sapir编造了材料。 64.Who r f对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣,逐渐形成了这样的观点:在一个社会中,语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构。 65.Who r f进而相信某种类似语言决定论的观点,其极端说法是:语言禁锢思维,语言的语法结构能对一个社会的文化产生深远的影响。 Section IV Writing(20points) 66.(略) 评分标准 I听力: A节:5小题,每题1分,共5分。 B节:5小题,每题1分,共5分。 C节:10小题,每题1分,共10分。 A、B两节对大、小写(专有名词除外)和标点符号不做要求,英、美拼法均可接受,但拼写错误不给分。


P l a c e m e n t T e s t(2007) I. Listening Comprehension 听力理解 听力分两部分,共20题,每题1分,共20分。 Part A 第一部分:本部分为十组对话,每组对话后有一个问题。对话读两遍。问题读一遍,每听完一个问题后,从答题纸上的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选择中选出最合适的答案,并涂黑。 Part A 1. A) At a travel agency. B) At a bank. C) In a restaurant. D) In a hotel 2. A) One dollar. B) Two dollars. C) Three dollars. D) Five dollars. 3. A) Last May. B) Last June. C) Last July. D) Last August. 4. A) The woman intends to work out of doors. B) The woman’s clothes are warm enough. C) The air quality is rather poor outside. D) The temperature outside is quite low. 5. A) He plans to apply for a scholarship. B) He plans to make a special TV program. C) He will study at Oxford next year. D) He will go to Britain this year. 6. A) He actually has little interest in classical music. B) He only enjoys certain kinds of classical music. C) He prefers to collect classical music rather than listen to it. D) He likes others kinds of music apart from classical music. 7. A) He wants to rent his apartment out. B) He wants to read the ads in the paper. C) He wants to reserve a room before departure. . D) He wants to ask about the cost of studying abroad. 8. A) The woman and James. B) The woman and Bill.


大部分高校有入学考试且以英语考试为主,新生将会根据考试成绩被编入不同班级,今后所学语言材料和教师教学方法等方面会有所不同。快班参加大学英语四级考试的时间早于慢班,可能会影响学生假期实习单位的选择、参加一些比赛的资格与起点等。 有些大学不但要进行英语考试,还会考其他科目,如中国人民公安大学以及一些军队院校及国防生入学时有体质检测,中国政法大学除英语分级考试外还有计算机分级考试等。 应以放松心态应对英语分级考试 据某高校英语教师崔老师介绍:英语分级考试由北京市统一出题,考题分为听力和笔试两大部分。从题型角度来看,比高考还要简单,因为整套试题全部为选择题,没有写作、改错等主观试题。考试题型与高考相似性大,包括单选、完型、阅读,大学新生们刚刚结束高三苦读,英语基础还很扎实,所以尽管放松心态,不必过于紧张。 暑期阅读刊物加习题有助应对开学后的英语分级考试 对于不知应如何应对开学英语考试的同学,中国人民大学陈世丹教授给出如下建议:阅读一些英语知识普及类的小刊物,例如《英语学习》、《英语知识》、《大学生英语》等。这些刊物的语言材料融知识性与趣味性于一体,浅显易懂,能帮助同学们在放松学习的情况下保持自己的英语水平。除此之外,鉴于考试题型完全都是客观选择题,建议同学们做一做类似的模拟练习题,例如高考英语模拟练习题等。 分数可作浮云努力才是王道 大学英语分班考试不过是大学生活的开始,无论结果如何,大家都不必过于在意。网友believe在中青树洞论坛发帖说:不同等级的班级难度也不同,快班的考题和进度无疑是最难适应的,得高分也更难。因而你也不必为没得高分而沮丧,你还可以通过努力来改变。更何况事实上大学英语学习老师的作用微乎其微,关键靠自己。


学苑教育名师倾情奉献考博英语翻译热点词汇 总裁助理assistant president 综合治理comprehensive treatment 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents 信息化information-based;informationization 智力密集型concentration of brain power;knowledge-intensive 外资企业overseas-funded enterprises 下岗职工laid-off workers 分流reposition of redundant personnel 三角债chain debts 素质教育education for all-round development 豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects 社会治安情况law-and-order situation 民族国家nation state 台独"independence of taiwan" 台湾当局taiwan authorities 台湾同胞taiwan compatriots 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。taiwan is an inalienable part ofthe chinese territory. 西部大开发development of the west regions 可持续性发展sustainable development 风险投资risk investment 通货紧缩deflation 扩大内需to expand domestic demand 计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction(cai) 网络空间cyberspace 虚拟现实virtual reality 网民netizen(net citizen)


Term Paper For An Introduction To English Language Testing 大学英语入学分班考试试卷 Part One Listening (此处略过) 第一卷听力(20分) Part two 第二卷笔试 Grammar and vocabulary 1. Sarah looked at ____ finished painting with ____ satisfaction. A. 不填,a B. a,the C. the,不填 D. the,a 【答案】C 【分析】名词painting前有定语finished,所以特指“那件成品画作”,satisfaction是不可数名词,所以前面不加任何定冠词。 【考点】定冠词的使用方法。 2. After the flooding,people were suffering in that area,_____ urgently needed clean water,medicine and shelter to survive. A. which B. who C. where D. what 【句意】洪水过后,在那里的受灾群众急纯净水,药物和收容所来生存。 【分析】第三句是定语从句,用于修饰第二句中的people,修饰对象是人所以用who。【答案】B 【考点】定语从句 3. —OK,I’ve had enough of it. I give up! —You can’t ____ your responsibilities. A. run off with B. run up against C. run out of D. run away from 【句意】—好了,我受够了,我放弃! —你不可以逃避你的责任。 【分析】run away from 表示“逃避”,A项表示“获得”,B项表示“偶然相遇”, C项表示“用光,用完”,只有D项满足句意。 【答案】D 【考点】动词词组的辨析 4. The notice came around two in the afternoon _____ the meeting would be postponed. A. when B. that C. whether D. how 【句意】下午两点钟来的通知说,会议将延期召开。 【分析】这里的that引导同位语从句,解释说明notice的内容,不能省略。 【答案】B 【考点】名词性从句 5.—Thank God you’re safe! —I stepped back,just ___ to avoid the racing car. A. in time B. in case C. in need D. in vain 【句意】—感谢上帝,你是安全的!—我后退了,及时避开了那辆赛车。 【答案】A 【考点】连词 6.—Happy birthday! —Thank you! It’s the best present I _______ for. A. should have wished B. must have wished

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