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首先:First、firstly、first of all、to begin with

然后、其次、还有:then、next、what’s more、also、besides、in addition ,more importantly(更重要的是)

最后:last、lastly、finally、in the end、last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的)


as we all know = as is known to all 众所周知

nowadays 现如今


On the one hand.....On the other hand.......一方面....另一方面.....





in my opinion=in my point of view在我看来

as far as I’m concerned

as for me 至于我

in fact 实际上


in a word = in short =in conclusion总之,简而言之

all in all 总的来说


Sth has become a hot topic in the world today..某事.今天已经成为一个很热的话题。

There are two different opinions about the problem.关于这个问题有两种不同的观点。


Sth has both advantages and disadvantages.

With the development of sth 随着某事的发展

Some are for... However, others are against... 一些人赞同。。。而一些人却反对...

In a word, all of us should pay attention to the problem of ... 总之,我们所有人都应该注意....的问题。As for me, I believe... 至于我,我觉得..




布袋:cloth bags 塑料袋:plastic bags 重复使用:reuse

As we all know, our environment is becoming worse and worse, what can we do for the environment? In my opinion, each of us can do something helpful to deal with the big problem.

First of all, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the

’s more, we should also environment. Next, remember to reuse the old textbooks as much as possible. What

never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms to save energy. Finally, it will be better if we walk or ride a bike to school.

In a word, we should try our best to reduce pollution and waste. In fact, as long as most of us do something every day to protect the environment, I believe we can make the world better.










一.称呼:Dear XXX,(注意用逗号,不用冒号)



1.Thank you for your last letter. 谢谢你的上一封来信。

2.I’m ...,a middle school student from....我是...一个来自....的中学生

3.I’m glad to receive your last letter. 我很高兴收到你的上一封来信。

4.I’m writing to tell you something about ...我写信是想告诉你关于....


Best wishes to you!向您致以最良好的祝愿!

I wish you a happy New Year/Teachers’ Day...



Yours sincerely,









Dear editor:

I’m Li Ming,a middle school student from Jiangsu province and I was born in 1997.I’m learning English now.Though I am interested in it and know quite a few English words,I am really poor in/weak at spoken English.What’s more,I’m not sure about some of the English idioms.I am trying to make progress in my spoken English and idiom learning.Could you help me with it and give me some advice?Please write to me soon.Thank you!

Best wishes to you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming





提示词:waste things废品dustbins 垃圾箱protect 保护


Our school is a very beautiful school,but the school environment is getting worse and worse now. As is known to all, good school environment will make us study and play better. So all of us must take actions to protect the school environment.

First of all, don’t throw waste things around and we should pick them up and put them into the dustbins. What’s more, we should clean our school every day to keep it clean and tidy. In the end, planting more trees and flowers can also make the school more beautiful.

In a word, every student can do something helpful. So let’s do it at once for ourselves.




1. 80词左右;

2. 表达正确,行文流畅;

3. 至少写出一个具体事例;

4. 信件开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

5. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、地址、学校等相关信息。

Dear _____



Best wishes!




Dear father,

I have never expressed my thanks and respect to you. Today I want to say, “I love you, Dad!” In are not only my father, but also my good friend.

Since I was born, you have given me all your love and care. In order to create a better living condition and let me

receive better education, you have to work hard every day. I always remember your coming home late and

feeling tired.

Except that, you are very strict to me. You often tell me to study hard, get along well with others, not to give up

when facing difficulties. Once I got a C in the math exam, I felt sorry for it, I thought you would be angry, instead,

you weren’t angry with me, you helped me to find out why I failed, and encouraged me to be brave. Thank you

very much for everything you’ve done for me.

Best wishes!










美国大学英语写作 课后答案

《美国大学英语写作》课后习题答案(PART 1) ANSWER KEY Part One: Essay Writing 1 An Introduction to Writing Activity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 5–6 Point: There are drawbacks to moviegoing. Support: 1. Inconvenience b. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theater d. Sticky floor 3. Other moviegoers a. Running kids b. Laughing, shouting teenagers Activity (Introductory Paragraph), 8 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a. Inconvenience of going out b. Temptations of the theater c. Behavior of some patrons Activity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs), 9–10 1. To begin with, I just don’t enjoy the general hassle

of the evening. 2. b. Parking lot is always jammed d. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowded e. Tickets cost up to $8 each 3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really don’t need. 4. b. 2) chocolate bars 3) Milk Duds 5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand. 6. a. Little kids race up and down the aisles b. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noises Activity (Concluding Paragraph), 10 1. a 2. c Review Activities, 18–20 Answers will vary. 2 The Writing Process Activities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline), 25–31


如何把PDF转换成WORD 先了解一下: PDF文档到底是什么? PDF是出版和图形领域的软件厂商Adobe制定的电子文档格式标准。Adobe为之提供了免费的文档浏览器--Adobe Acrobat Reader以及相应的编辑软件--Adobe Acrobat,后者可以对PDF文档中页面的组织、链接进行编辑,对文档进行批注等等。而Adobe的另外一款软件--Illustrator则可以从各个细致入微处修整PDF文件。与普通格式的电子文档(如纯文本、超文本、RTF格式以及Word文档等)相比,PDF文档具有能够完善保持版面样式、跨平台等优越性,所以国外许多组织机构在发放无需再次编辑的文件时通常选择使用PDF格式。在我国,许多电子书籍也开始采用PDF格式。 创建PDF文件的典型方法并不是使用Illustrator等软件来编辑,而是先用普通的文字处理和桌面排版软件如Word、WordPerfect和PageMaker等编排好文档,然后通过Adobe的PDF Distiller或者PDF Writer等仿打印机引擎制作PDF文件。另外也有一些PDF文档是直接使用Adobe Acrobat配合扫描仪将原书稿扫描制作完成的,虽然该软件配有支持对多种西方文字进行光学字符识别(OCR)的插件,但是为了保证文字的可靠性,多数情况下采用这种方法制作的PDF文件没有进行字符识别。 如何把PDF文档转换成Word文档 一款非常好的Pdf向Doc格式转换的工具,ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word v1.0。它是由ScanSoft公司同微软共同组队开发了一个全新的Office 2003 插件。该插件可以帮助你通过Word直接将Pdf文档转换为Word文档,并且完全保留原来的格式和版面设计。 这个名为 ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word 的插件是首先捕获Pdf文档中的信息,分离文字同图片,表格和卷,再将其统一到Word格式。现在你可以重新利用早先你从网络上下载或Email中收到的Pdf文件中的信息,而无需添加任何其他软件。 ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft 已经非常紧密的同Office 2003整合在一起了,有两种方式可以将Pdf格式转换成Doc文件。 第一种方式,在Microsoft Word 2003中你可以直接通过“文件”—>“打开”来打开Pdf文件。ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word插件会自动弹出了,经过转换后我们就可以得到想要的Doc文件。 第二种方式,ScanSoft公司也已经开发了基于此的Smart Tag(Office 2003中重要的功能元件)能够轻松的通过右键来将PDF文件转换成为 Microsoft Word 文件。 =========================== PDF文件中的文字存在两种可能性: 其一,可能是以计算机字符代码的形式被包裹在文件中; 其二,也可能只是一个页面图像中的像素组成的线条,没有字符代码信息。很明显,只有第


Suggested Answers for The Yellow Ribbon ” -by Pete Hamill (P . 210) 1. Vingo returned from prison to find that his wife still loved him and wanted him back. 2. b 3. a 4. B 5. Two examples: Vingo tells his story slowly and painfully and with great hesitation. Vingo tells his story slowly and painfully and with great hesitation/' 6. Examples of Vingo's being honorable: He doesnrt express any self-pity about being in jail. He owns up to his crime. He offers his wife her freedom. 7. Place names: Fort Lauderdale, New Jersey, Washington, Jacksonville, the 34th Street Other transition: Terminal in New York, Philadelphia, Brunswick 8. But if she didn't... 9. Maybe the author Hamill asked one of the young people in the story about her traveling experience. 10. The author ends this essay by describing how the young people shouted excitedly when they saw the yellow ribbons on the oak tree and how Vingo rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home nervously. We may expect that Vingo would receive an amazing and warm welcome when he walks into his home. The author just wants to leaves some space for the readers to think and imagine freely. P.256--Taming the Anger Monster: by Anne Davidson 1. d 2. Anger has become an increasingly common problem in our society. 3. According to Carol Tavris, author of Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion, the keys to dealing with anger are common sense and patiencce. 4. Effect: An epidemic of anger Three causes: Lack of time, technology, tension 6. B 7. 7. To begin with Technology is also Tension, the third major culprit 8. D 9. The first paragraph presents a story about a person with anger problems. The last paragraph shows how that story was successfully resolved. Supporting Point 1: Pw 曲 raph(s) SiLipfMP< 2; Psi raj 1 rupb(sl Slipporlirtg IFint 3: Paragruphtsj SupFR/Hr% l\jhU 4; Supporling Pohm W Piimp rnph*i Ctiiicliisiuri: Pumgruph: Mm


介绍几款word和PDF互相转换的软件,轻松办公 今天向大家介绍几款word和PDF互相转换的软件,由于许多人在使用不同的办公软件,在传输和交流文档以及打印文档的时候,都会遇到这样或者那样的问题。所以在进行这些活动之前,建议把你所要使用的文档转换为PDF文档,以保证在他人电脑上可以无障碍的打开,和避免打印时所出现的字体变更,格式变更等问题。虽然pdf的交互性很好,但是却不便于编辑,所以你要编辑pdf文档的话,建议把pdf文档转换为office文档。所以,今天向大家介绍几款这方面的软件。 一,首推adobe acrobat x 10 Adobe acrobat x 10是adobe公司最新推出的PDF创建、编辑和查看软件,功能强大,相比上一版的acrobat 9提高了许多,首先从打开文档的速度上来说,个人觉得比上一般快许多,打开一般的文档比adobe reader快一倍多,和foxit reader相比来说,速度差不多。界面上,编辑的按钮主要集中在了右侧,上方按钮较少,这样方便编辑。从功能上来说,增加了保存为word,excel和图片等格式,支持保存为word 2003和2007,excel2003和2007,图片可以保存为jpg,TIFF等格式,并且把菜单集中到word和excel中,在word和excel 中你可以把word和excel文档输出成为PDF格式,如果你是office 2010的用户,你可以使用backstage就是文件背景视图中的save as来把word和excel文档保存成为PDF文档。 从界面上看,现在还没有官方的中文版本,只有英文等版本供大家使用,对于不懂英文的朋友来说,就有一些困难了,个人还是期待中文版早点推出,方便亿万中国用户。当然adobe 晚推出或者不推出有些软件的中文版,主要是由于中国的盗版太猖獗了,所以大家有条件的话,还是要支持正版,终究老用盗版也不好,做软件要花费大量的精力和人员,所以取得一定的报酬也是对的。 在转换速度上来说,从PDF转换成word和excel的速度非常快。从质量上来看,转换出来的文档的格式都没有变,和原word文档一样,我现在使用的结果是,会丢掉word里原先插好的目录标题文字,这个主要用来作自动目录的,还有有些下划线会稍微变化一下,有部分图片的一小部分会发生变化,其他的都很好。在这一点上,比其他的转换软件好许多。 从word,excel转换到PDF的速度和质量也很好,但个人觉得没有用office2010直接保存成pdf的速度和质量好,也不如doPDF的转换速度。但是好的地方在于和office的高度集成,还有转换文档的平滑性,同时还可以随意创建和编辑pdf文档。这个版本还强化了社交和分享的功能,你可以方便的添加评论和与他人分享文档。 从体积上来看,许多人都觉得体积大,现在的安装包体积有400多M,相对于foixt要打30多倍,但是呢,其功能比较全一些,对不同种类和不同语言的pdf文档支持好许多。Adobe acrobat和foxit,就相当于microsoft office和金山的wps一样的。Office虽然臃肿体积大,但是它对office文档的支持和兼容性最好了。wps体积小,功能也很多,对于一般办公已经足够应付了,但是你在使用的过程中,有时候会遇到较大的或者某些office文档用wps不能打开,但是用microsoft office就可以打开。所以还是推荐大家使用这个体积大的adobe acrobat x 10。 官方网站试用链接(需要有adobe账号): verycd程序下载安装地址: 二,Nitro PDF Professional


Suggested Answers for “The Yellow Ribbon”—by Pete Hamill (P. 210) 1.Vingo returned from prison to find that his wife still loved him and wanted him back. 2. b 3. a 4. B 5.Two examples: Vingo tells his story slowly and painfully and with great hesitation. Vingo tells his story “slowly and painfully and with great hesitation.” 6. Examples of Vingo’s being honorable: He doesn’t express any self-pity about being in jail. He owns up to his crime. He offers his wife her freedom. 7. Place names: Fort Lauderdale, New Jersey, Washington, Jacksonville, the 34th Street Other transition: Terminal in New York, Philadelphia, Brunswick 8.But if she didn’t... 9.Maybe the author Hamill asked one of the young people in the story about her traveling experience. 10.The author ends this essay by describing how the young people shouted excitedly when they saw the yellow ribbons on the oak tree and how Vingo rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home nervously. We may expect that Vingo would receive an amazing and warm welcome when he walks into his home. The author just wants to leaves some space for the readers to think and imagine freely. P.256--Taming the Anger Monster: by Anne Davidson 1. d 2. Anger has become an increasingly common problem in our society. 3. “According to Carol Tavris, author of Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion, the keys to dealing with anger are common sense and patience.” 4. Effect: An epidemic of anger Three causes: Lack of time, technology, tension 6. B 7. 8.To begin with Technology is also Tension, the third major culprit 9.D 10.The first paragraph presents a story about a person with anger problems. The last paragraph shows how that story was successfully resolved. P289.--Born to Be Different?: by Camille Lewis c 2. a 3. D 4. She lists a series of examples where the “empathizing” mindset is evident: female-dominated careers, female reading matter, and female relationships 5. Brain anatomy Ways of interacting with the world


ANSWER KEY Part One: Essay Writing 1 An Introduction to Writing Activity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 5–6 Point: There are drawbacks to moviegoing. Support: 1. Inconvenience b. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theater d. Sticky floor 3. Other moviegoers a. Running kids b. Laughing, shouting teenagers Activity (Introductory Paragraph), 8 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a. Inconvenience of going out b. Temptations of the theater c. Behavior of some patrons Activity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs), 9–10 1. To begin with, I just don’t enjoy the general hassle of the evening. 2. b. Parking lot is always jammed d. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowded e. Tickets cost up to $8 each 3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really don’t need. 4. b. 2) chocolate bars 3) Milk Duds 5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand. 6. a. Little kids race up and down the aisles b. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noises Activity (Concluding Paragraph), 10 1. a 2. c Review Activities, 18–20 Answers will vary. 2 The Writing Process Activities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline), 25–31


如何将有密码的PDF转换成WORD 可以试试下面的方法: 打开PDF格式文件 选择打印(如果有打印限制,抱歉,暂时没办法啊) 打印机名称选择Microsoft Office Document Image Write(没有?在安装Office时选择安装高级服务程序) 打印成mdi格式 将自动打开的mdi文件进行OCR识别(工具栏里找,注意识别时间很长) 识别完后将文件导出到Word(工具栏里) 最后,将导出的html文件另存为DOC文件 Pdf格式文件向Doc文件转换相对比较难,因为Pdf格式与Doc 格式解码格式不同,在Pdf下的回车符、换行符以及相关的图片格式无法直接转换为Doc文件,笔者之前一直使用复制文本,然后粘贴到Word中实现Pdf向Doc格式的转换。 今天突然发现了一款非常好的Pdf向Doc格式转换的工具,ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word v1.0。它是由ScanSoft公司同微软共同组队开发了一个全新的Office 2003 插件。该插件可以帮助你通过Word直接将Pdf文档转换为Word文档,并且完全保留原来的格式和版面设计。 这个名为 ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word 的插件是首先捕获Pdf文档中的信息,分离文字同图片,表格和卷,再将其统一到Word格式。现在你可以重新利用早先你从网络上下载或Email

中收到的Pdf文件中的信息,而无需添加任何其他软件。 ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft 已经非常紧密的同Office 2003整合在一起了,有两种方式可以将Pdf格式转换成Doc文件。 第一种方式,在Microsoft Word 2003中你可以直接通过“文件”—>“打开”来打开Pdf文件。ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word 插件会自动弹出了,如图3所示,经过转换后我们就可以得到想要的Doc文件。 第二种方式,ScanSoft公司也已经开发了基于此的Smart Tag(Office 2003中重要的功能元件)能够轻松的通过右键来将PDF文件转换成为 Microsoft Word 文件 注意,在安装ScanSoft PDF Converter for Microsoft Word的时候建议关闭正在运行的Office Word,Internet Explorer和Outlook等软件。 OFFICE使用技巧FAQ宝典-PDF文件处理 问:PDF与WORD之间如何通过软件实现格式转换? 答:PDF—>DOC 使用软件Acrobat,pdf2word;DOC—>PDF 使用软件Acrobat pdf->Tiff(JPEG,PNG)->OCR输出word,效果极佳,如果是English几乎不用怎么修改就可以用了。 推荐OCR软件:ABBYY FineReader 7.0;ScanSoft OmniPage Pro 14.0(最强) 问:如何把WORD文档转换成PDF? 答:安装Acrobat(不只是Reader)完全版,在安装选项里有的,把这一项选上,选pdfmaker。在word的工具条上会有一个转换按钮。


A NSWER KEY Part One: Essay Writing 1 An Introduction to Writing Activity (Point and Support in a Paragraph) , pages 5— Point: There are drawbacks to moviegoing. Support: 1. Inconvenience b. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theater d. Sticky floor 3. Other moviegoers a. Running kids b. Laughing, shouting teenagers Activity (Introductory Paragraph) , 8 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a. Inconvenience of going out b. Temptations of the theater c. Behavior of some patrons Activity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs) , 9-0 1. To begin with, I just don'tenjoy the general hassle of the evening. 2. b. Parking lot is always jammed d. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowded e. Tickets cost up to $8 each 3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really do'ntneed. 4. b. 2) chocolate bars 3) Milk Duds 5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand. 6. a. Little kids race up and down the aisles b. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noises Activity (Concluding Paragraph) , 10 1. a 2. c Review Activities, 18-20 Answers will vary. 2 The Writing Process Activities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline ), 25-31 Answers will vary.


一、标点符号的运用 1.引号的用法 (1用于引用某说话人或作者的话 1被引用的句子首字母需要大写e.g. Ben Franklin wrote, “To lengthen thy life lessen thy meals.” 2如果引用部分被隔开,后半部分的引用部分首字母不需要大些,除非前一部分的话已经说完整而引用的后半部分又是另一个新句子e.g. “Did you know,” said the nutrition expert, “that it’s healthier to be ten pounds overweight ?” “If I go with you to the dinner party,” my friend said, “you must promise not to discuss politics.” 3引用部分如需和句子其他部分隔开要使用逗号 4引号总位于句子标点符号的外面 (2用于标出短篇作品的名称文章标题、报纸、杂志、书名等一般需要用引号标出,也可以在名称下加下划线。在使用电脑写作时,可以用斜体字来表示这些名称。 e.g. the article “The Problem of Acid Rain” in the magazine Newsweek (3话里有话,或者话里需要引用使用单引号e.g. The physics professor said, “For class on Friday, do the problems at the end of the chapter titled ‘Work and Energy.’” 2.逗号的用法 (1在并列句中,连词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet的前面用逗号: He asked the question in a loud voice, but no one answered. Come early, or you’ll miss the show. (2状语从句或短语(介词短语、分词短语)在主语之前或在句子中间时,后面用逗号 e.g. When the bell rang, the teacher dismissed the class. The audience, interested in the topic, asked the speaker many questions. (3在句中起同样作用的一系列词语或短语要用逗号分开。e.g. The street vendor sold watches, necklaces, and earrings. The pitcher adjusted his cap, pawed the ground, and peered over his shoulder. Joe peered into the hot, still-smoking engine. *and前面的都好可以省去,不过一般都会使用逗号。 (4插入语的前后用逗号分开 T he director, in fact, has done very little work. Your work, I’m sorry to say, is not satisfactory. (5非限定性从句或短语和句子的主要部分之间要用逗号隔开 Wang Ling, who is the best singer of the class, will teach us to sing the song. 3. 冒号 (1引进解释e.g. Here’s a temporary solution to a dripping faucet: Tie a string to it, and let the drops slide down the string to the sink. Three causes have been given for the failure: poor planning, insufficient manpower, and the shortage of material. (2引进引语 e.g. My grandpa often mentions one saying b y Confucius:”To day you know when you know, and to say you do not when you do not, that is knowledge.” (3引进一个list e.g. The store


教你如何将打印稿变成电子稿最近,我的一个刚刚走上工作岗位上的朋友老是向我报怨,说老板真的是不把我们这些新来工作的人不当人看啊,什么粗活都是让我们做,这不,昨天又拿了10几页的文件拿来,叫他打成电子稿,他说都快变成打字工具了,我听之后既为他感到同情,同时教给他一个简单的方法,可以轻松将打印稿变成电子稿,我想以后对大家也有用吧,拿出来给大家分享一下。首先你得先把这些打印稿或文件通过扫描仪扫到电脑上去,一般单位都有扫描仪,如果没有也没关系,用数码相机拍也行,拍成图片放到WORD里面去,不过在些之前,你还得装一下WORD自带的组件,03和07的都行。点开始-程序-控制面板-添加/删除程序,找到Office-修改找到Microsoft Office Document Imaging 这个组件,Microsoft Office Document Imaging Writer 点在本机上运行,安装就可以了。 首先将扫描仪安装好,接下来从开始菜单启动“Microsoft Office/ Microsoft Office 工具/Microsoft Office Document Scanning”即可开始扫描。 提示:Office 2003默认安装中并没有这个组件,如果你第一次使用这个功能可能会要求你插入Office2003的光盘进行安装。由于是文字扫描通常我们选择“黑白模式”,点击扫描,开始调用扫描仪自带的驱动进行扫描。这里也要设置为“黑白模式”,建议分辨率为300dpi。扫描完毕后回将图片自动调入Office 2003种另外一个组件“Microsoft Office Document Imaging”中。 点击工具栏中的“使用OCR识别文字”按键,就开始对刚才扫描的文件进行识别了。按下“将文本发送到Word”按键即可将识别出来的文字转换到Word中去了。如果你要获取部分文字,只需要用鼠标框选所需文字,然后点击鼠标右键选择“将文本发送到Word”就将选中区域的文字发送到Word中了。 此软件还有一小技巧:通过改变选项里的OCR语言,可以更准确的提取文字。例如图片里为全英文,把OCR语言改为“英语”可以确保其准确率,而如果是“默认”则最终出现的可能是乱码~ 还有: 应该说,PDF文档的规范性使得浏览者在阅读上方便了许多,但倘若要从里面提取些资料,实在是麻烦的可以。回忆起当初做毕业设计时规定的英文翻译,痛苦的要命,竟然傻到用Print Screen截取画面到画图板,再回粘到word中,够白了:(最近连做几份商务标书,从Honeywell本部获取的业绩资料全部是英文版的PDF,为了不再被折磨,花费了一个晚上的时间研究PDF和Word文件的转换,找到下面2种方法,出于无产阶级所谓的同甘共苦之心,共享下:) 1、实现工具:Office 2003中自带的Microsoft Office Document Imaging 应用情景:目前国外很多软件的支持信息都使用PDF方式进行发布,如果没有Adobe Reader,无法查看其内容,如果没有相关的编辑软件又无法编辑PDF文件。转换为DOC格式则可以实现编辑功能。尽管有些软件也可以完成PDF转换为DOC的工作,但很多都不支持中文,我们利用Office 2003中的Microsoft Office Document Imaging组件来实现这一要求最为方便。


《英语写作基础教程》讲义 Chapter 1 Using Proper Words Choice of words build up a large vocabulary the recognition vocabulary the active vocabulary 2. Approaches to the building up a vocabulary Learning words from a word-list or from a dictionary. (2) Learning words from speech and writing (context) E.g. Kill He killed the man. He killed the dog. They killed the proposal. Please kill the engine. She is dressed to kill. You are killing me. She killed her child with kindness. He took a snack to kill his hungry. He killed every day at the park. He killed himself with overwork He killed the spirit of the group. The news killed their hope. These flowers kill easily. He killed three bottle of Whisky in a week. Kill one ’s appetite Kill peace Kill the mood Kill marriage II. Using words correctly 1.overcome Chinglish 2. Beware of archaisms, obsolete words, anachronisms and newly-coined words Words or meaning of words which are no longer in common used but occur in special text (e.g. Religious works) and poetry are called archaic. Words or meaning which have gone out of use altogether are called obsolete. Words that are inappropriate for the time about which one is writing are called anachronisms 3.Avoid slang Chapter 2 Make Correct and Effective Sentences 1. Basic elements of a sentence 2. what is a sentence? 3. Typical English sentence pattern: Subject +predicate


《美国大学英语写作》中标点符号的使用规则 一、标点符号的运用 1.引号的用法 (1)用于引用某说话人或作者的话 1)被引用的句子首字母需要大写 e.g. Ben Franklin wrote, “To lengthen thy life lessen thy meals.” 2)如果引用部分被隔开,后半部分的引用部分首字母不需要大些,除非前一部分的话已经说完整而引用的后半部分又是另一个新句子 e.g. “Did you know,” said the nutrition expert, “that it?s healthier to be ten pounds overweight ?” “If I go with you to the dinner party,” my friend said, “you must promise not to di scuss politics.” 3)引用部分如需和句子其他部分隔开要使用逗号 4)引号总位于句子标点符号的外面 (2)用于标出短篇作品的名称 文章标题、报纸、杂志、书名等一般需要用引号标出,也可以在名称下加下划线。在使用电脑写作时,可以用斜体字来表示这些名称。 e.g. the article “The Problem of Acid Rain” in the magazine Newsweek (3)话里有话,或者话里需要引用使用单引号 e.g. The physics professor said, “For class on Friday, do the problems at the end o f the chapter titled …Work and Energy.?” 2.逗号的用法 (1)在并列句中,连词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet)的前面用逗号: He asked the question in a loud voice, but no one answered.


万能的pdf转word工具 我们有时候希望将别的格式(比如图片、PDF等不可编辑的格式)转换为Word,这样 方便我们进行后续的加工、修改工作。 PDF分为两种类型,一种是文字型PDF(也就是里面的文字你是可以直接选取的), 还有一种是图片性PDF(比如扫描实体书制作的PDF,里面其实就是一张张的图片,内容 是无法选取复制的),前者转换简单,后者转换会困难很多。但是,无论是图片好还是文 字PDF,用捷速PDF文字识别软件一样可以快速识别出来,转换成你想要的文档格式。下面来看看怎样操作的吧。 第一步:双击打开已经下载好的软件,可以看到弹出的对话框,选择“从PDF读文件”。接着会弹出打开对话框,选择保存PDF的文件夹,打开需要编辑的PDF。或直接进入到操作界面,点击“读取”按钮,然后到打开对话框中选择你需要识别的PDF,添加进去。 第二步:PDF文档就会出现在编辑页面中了。这时我们点击上面的“纸面解析”,软件 就会自动对文件进行分解排版,以便于后续的识别过程。 第三步:点击上面的“识别”按钮,软件就会自动对文件上的文字进行识别,不一会儿 就会把识别结果呈现在右边。大家可以对识别结果进行校对,如果发现错误可以进行改正。如果是多页内容进行识别的话,我们可以点击识别按钮选择下方的“全部”,就能对所有内 容进行识别了。如果只想对几页进行识别的话,只要选定该页进行识别就可以了。 第四步:最后得到的识别结果根据自身的要求选择保存格式,这里需要保存为word 就直接点击Word就可以了。 有了捷速PDF文字识别软件之后,我们将PDF转换成Word就会变得简单许多,这样可以大大提高我们工作和学习的效率。
