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流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(一) Types of Outsourcing

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(一) Types of Outsourcing Outsourcing is the shifting of a business's jobs, operations, or processes to a third party. This is typically done to reduce costs or improve efficiency. Free trade and globalization have led to a large increase in outsourcing to other countries. Offshoring Offshoring is the practice of basing a company's business processes in another country. This allows the company to produce goods cheaply and sell them back to its own country at a low price. For example, an American car company may manufacture its cars in Mexico. Onshoring Onshoring involves bringing an overseas operation back to the country it originated from. Companies may onshore an operation if the costs of an offshored operation increases or quality suffers. Onshoring improves communication and lowers management costs for businesses. What has let to an increase in an outsourcing? globalization If an American computer company wants to offshore, it may manufacture its components in Asia. Though AT&T is earning record profits, it continues to lay off workers and outsource jobs. From 2014 to 2016, six percent of companies employing more than 50 people offshored some of their business operations. Nike plans to use automation in onshore factories to speed up production process. The union called for a three-day strike, demanding an end to the outsourcing of jobs. Lenovo opened a manufacturing plant in 2012 to onshore its computer assembly operations. Call center and customer service jobs are considered as some of the most vulnerable to offshoring. Companies outsource their operations in order to reduce costs or improve efficiency. Business process outsoucing (BPO) Business process outsoucing involves outsourcing a business operation to a third party. By outsourcing certain functions, a company can allocate more resources to other operations. Through BPO, the company can also have access to technologies and resources that it otherwise wouldn't have.


URL:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0d10019476.html,/2012/01/22/business/apple-america-and-a-squeezed-mid The iEconomy An Empire Built Abroad Articles in this series are examining challenges posed by increasingly globalized high-tech industries. Read the second article >> Multimedia The iPhone Economy Related Tim es Topic: Apple Incorporated Add to Portfolio Apple Incorporated Go to your P ortfolio ? E nlarge This Image Thomas Lee/Bloomberg News A production line in Foxconn City in Shenzhen, China. The iP hone is assembled in this vast facility, w hich has 230,000 employees, many at the plant up to 12 hours a day, six days a w eek.When Barack Obama joined Silicon Valley’s top luminaries for dinner in California last February, each guest was asked to come with a question for the president. But as Steven P. Jobs of Apple spoke,President Obama interrupted with an inquiry of his own: what would it take to make iPhones in the United States?Not long ago, Apple boasted that its products were made in America. Today, few are. Almost all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products Apple sold last year were manufactured overseas.Why can’t that work come home? Mr. Obama asked.Mr. Jobs’s reply was unambiguous. “Those jobs aren’t coming back,” he said, according to another dinner guest.The president’s question touched upon a central conviction at Apple. It isn’t just that workers are cheaper abroad. Rather, Apple’s executives believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that “Made in the U.S.A.” is no longer a viable option for most Apple products.Apple has become one of the best-known, most admired and most imitated companies on earth, in part through an unrelenting mastery of global operations. Last year, it earned over $400,000 in profit per employee, more than Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobil or Google. However, what has vexed Mr. Obama as well as economists and policy makers is that Apple — and

HR Outsourcing人力资源外包-外文文献

HR Outsourcing Outsourcing is the practice of contracting with vendors to perform. HR services and activities. There are three types of HR outsourcing are: discrete, multi-process, and total process HR outsourcing. Firstly, discrete outsourcing means organization only outsourcing a particular function. (e.g. Recruitment). Discrete HRO can reduce company hiring requirement for highly specialized HR professionals or HRIS expertise associated with such infrequent function, in addition, it can reduce HR administration costs associated with frequent, high volume transactions (such as payroll). Although HRO has existed for many years, it remains a popular HR administration approach for achieving strategic goal. Further, HR managers may also pursue multi-process HR outsourcing. This approach involves outsourcing all of one or more related HR functions (e.g., recruitment and selection; learning& development) to niche third-party providers. It also known as comprehensive or blended services outsourcing, this approach has become more popular with the increase in the number of specialized vendors providing such services and the spread of enabling Internet portal capabilities. Such an HR administration approach can provide significant cost-reduction, while maintaining or enhancing service levels. Finally, Total HR outsourcing is the third type of outsourcing approach and involves having all, or nearly all, HR functions handled by one or more external vendors. All of the traditional HR administrative and functional activities (e.g., recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, training) would be managed through third-party vendors. Advantages of HR Outsourcing The advantages of HR administration outsourcing can be both financial and strategic. For example, organizations seeking to increase financial profitability and enhance shareowner value might reduce ongoing expenses (e.g., employees, software) and forestall capital expenditures (e.g., new buildings, equipment) through HR outsourcing. This would entail a careful “make-buy” assessment of the total costs and benefits of continuing internal operations versus contracting for them in the external market. Benefits of such an approach might include redesigned processes, improved quality, centralized or consolidated operations, access to technology, and enhanced employee satisfaction. Strategic advantages to HR outsourcing might include the ability to better focus on a firm’s core business through HR transformation, moving from an historical administrative activities focus to a strategic business partner perspective.

Advantages and disadvantages of China's Logistics Outsourcing

Advantages and disadvantages of China’s Logistics Outsourcing With the social division of labor and logistics industry to further refine the rapid development of logistics outsourcing (Logistics Outsourcing) gradually logistics service providers and demand-side recognition. The so-called logistics outsourcing refers to the production or sale of businesses (the demand side) in order to concentrate efforts on enhancing their core competitiveness, but will its logistics business to the way the contract entrusted to the professional logistics companies (ie, third-party logistics companies, 3PL) operations. According to statistics, the EU countries accounted for an average third-party logistics share of the total logistics services about 20%, and still growing. In contrast, China’s first-party logistics (production company) and the second party logistics (sales company) in the proportion of the whole logistics industry is much higher than in developed countries. However, with the production, circulation and increased competition, the domestic first-party and second party logistics, choice of services by a third party bear the situation in gradually increasing, indicating that a domestic logistics


浅析审计外包的利与弊 摘要:审计外包是现代企业建立起应变性组织的重要环节,是企业组织的再造和管理战略的实施和拓展,但内部审计外包会降低企业的竞争优势和外部审计建议缺乏相对合理性和可行性与外部审计机构会丧失中立性和独立性。 关键词:内部审计外包利与弊 Abstract:outsourcing of auditing is important link in modern enterprise of establishing contingency organizations, business reengineering and management strategies for the implementation and development of the Organization, but will reduce the competitive advantage of enterprise internal audit outsourcing And lack of rationality and feasibility of external audit recommendations and the external auditor would lose their neutrality and independence. Keywords: internal audit outsourcing pros and cons 一、内部审计外包的含义和成因 美国内部审计师协会在1990年颁布的《关于内部审计责任的声明》(修订版)规定:“内部审计是一个组织为检查和评价其活动和为本组织服务而建立的一种独立评价功能,它要提供有关检查活动的分析、评价、建议、咨询意见和信息,以协助本组织成员有效履行职责。1999年6月该协会通过了对内部审计的定义:“内部审计是一种独立、客观的保证与咨询活动,目的是为机构增加价值并提高运作效率。它采取系统化、规范化的方法来对风险管理控制及治理程序进行评估和改善,从而帮助机构实现目标。后者更加凸现其增值功效,为内部审计彰显了更为广阔的活动空间和发展前景。 西方发达国家的一些企业为了重整组织和改造流程,逐渐将一些非核心业务或非专长领域外包,社会逐渐出现了大批具有一定规律性的内部职能外包模式,内容涉及电子数据处理(EDP)、人力资源、行政后勤、货料配送、财务审计等。原因如下: 1.企业自身对价值最大化的追求促进了内部审计外部化的发展 2.内部审计的缺陷需要通过恰当的外部化形式弥补 3.注册会计师提供的内部审计服务具有专业胜任能力 美国内部审计师协会1999年对一些公司选聘外部注册会计师从事内部审计工作的调查动因也印证了上述原因:省审计成本占60%;提高内部审计质量占

酵母操作手册 Leader in Biomedicine R&D Outsourcing

酵母操作手册 (一)酵母的冻存、复苏以及培养注:本手册改编自商业化酵母操作方案,依据本实验条件修改,并不适合所有实验室!培养基配方: 将各AAs称量后,在研钵中磨合混匀,置于干净器皿中。

1.长期冻存: 无营养缺陷型的酵母株存在含25%甘油的YPDA中,然后冻存于-70℃冰箱中,若要保存大于一年,务必使温度不要低于-55℃。 转染质粒的营养缺陷型酵母株存在含25%甘油的相应的缺陷型培养基(SD)中,以避免质粒丢失。 制备方法:

用无菌牙签从琼脂板上将一个单克隆挑出,置于含200-500μlYPDA或SD的1.5ml离心管中,注意尽量使牙签上的菌落都涮在溶液中,然后盖好盖,在旋涡器上剧烈振荡混匀,再加入无菌甘油,使其终浓度为25%,再次振荡混匀,存于-70℃冰箱中。 2.复苏: 准备一无菌1.5ml离心管,加入100-200μl YPDA或SD,用无菌牙签挑取些许冻存菌置于离心管中,稍微涮洗一下牙签(让挑取的冰屑融化),混匀后吸取100μl涂平板,30℃培养2-3天。 刚长出克隆的平板用封口膜密封后,在4℃可保存1-2个月。 注意:有时冻存的酵母可能沉到离心管底部,所以在复苏时,将其全部融化,然后振荡混匀,再复苏。3.酵母的液体培养: 用无菌牙签挑取一个两个月以内的酵母克隆,每5ml液体培养基所需的克隆大小为2-3mm,所以,如果单个克隆不够,可以多挑几个。剧烈振荡,使酵母细胞分散到液体中,30℃,200rpm振荡培养16- 18hr,但通常好像需要24hr,甚至更长才能达到稳定期(OD600 > 1.5),所以一般在上午开始摇,第二天下午收。 如果需要中期培养物,则将上面的稳定期培养物稀释到OD600 = 0.2-0.3之间,然后30℃,200rpm振荡培养3-5hr,此时的培养物OD600 = 0.4-0.6之间。可见酵母的细胞周期约为3-5hr。 (二)质粒转化酵母细胞手册 试剂配方: 单链Carrier DNA (SS-DNA)(2 mg/ml) 注意:你不需要将Carrier DNA超声切割,因为实验证明Carrier DNA越大效果越好!只要如下操作即可。 1.称取200mg高分子量DNA(III型脱氧核糖核酸钠盐,鲑鱼精DNA,Sigma D1626),溶于100ml TE (10mM Tris.HCl, PH 8.0, 1.0mM EDTA)。先用10ml枪头吹吸使DNA湿化,然后用磁性转子于4℃缓慢搅拌过夜使其完全溶解;如果紧急,也可于室温剧烈搅拌2 – 3hr使其完全溶解。 2.将其直接分装成1ml/管,储存在-20℃。 3.使用之前,先取出一管沸水浴至少5分钟,然后迅速放置于冰上骤冷。 要点:

IT Outsourcing Service

IT Outsourcing Service https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0d10019476.html,阳光IT 外包服务 Tel:400 820 4416 关于外包介绍: 第一讲:服务外包产生的背景,概念和特点 一、服务外包产生的背景 1、外包的兴起:是从上世纪80年代后期开始,从美国开始,逐渐蔓延到日本、欧洲,成为全球企业界的一股潮流。 2、新技术兴起的标志:以IT为标志的新兴技术的兴起,带动了整个社会经济的迅速发展,整个社会经济处于重新整合的时期。 二、外包(Outsourcing)的定义 1、外包,其英语单词是Outsourcing,最直接的解释是“外部寻求资源” 2、简单的说: 外包即是授权一家合作伙伴管理自己的部分业务或服务。 3、具体的说:外包是指企业在充分发展自身核心竞争力的基础上,整合、利用外部最优秀的专业化资源,从而达到降低成本、提高生产效率、增加资金运用效率和增强企业对环境的迅速应变能力的一种经营管理模式。 4、服务外包:依据服务协议,将某项服务的持续管理或开发责任授权给第三者执行。服务外包就是指企业为了将有限资源专注于其核心竞争力,以信息技术为依托,利用外部专业服务商的知识劳动力,来完成原来由企业内部完成的工作,从而达到降低成本、提高效率、提升企业对市场环境迅速应变能力并优化企业核心竞争力的一种服务模式。 5、最为流行的外包服务形式主要包括:IT资源外包服务、营销外包、人力资源管理外包、应收账款外包,呼叫中心外包等。 6、服务外包分为:IT外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO)。 (1)、ITO可以包括产品支持与专业服务的组合。 在最低程度上看,外包将包括某些IT管理服务,ITO则被进一步细分成数据中心、桌面、网络与企业应用外包等。

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