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当前位置:文档库 › 历届高考长难句分析200句(英译汉精准校对自测版)




1.For example,adolescent boys are more likely to buy computer games than any other group,so it makes sense to make computer game ads that appeal to this group.

2.The more exposed young people are to financial issues,and the younger they become aware of them,the more likely they are to become responsible, forward-planning adults who manage their finances confidently and effectively.

3.She found that kids praised for“trying hard”did better on testes and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those praised for being“smart”.

4.Perhaps more importantly,the better you are at managing the time you devote to your studies,the more time you will have to spend on your outside interests.

5.He worked there through his school and university years until1942,a year after he had gained a Master’s degree at university in chemistry.

6.By the end of the century,we will have discovered other places in our solar system suitable for living and we will have discovered ways to go further into space.

7.In today’s world,winners are celebrated and treated as heroes,but if doping and gene-therapy continue to affect the outcomes of major sporting events,the word “hero”will have lost all meaning.

8.One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about500-550AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempting to rebuild the Roman Empire.

9.The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand scale,and experts are predicting far worse to come.

10.In the last few decades,scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate--something previously seen as beyond our control.

11.Treatments for jellyfish stings and snakebites have also been developed and in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish stings and about the same number from snakebites.

12.Adverts are not only made and paid for by business,but also by individuals, organizations and associations that wish to inform or educate the public.

13.Margaret,married with two small children,has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner,cleaning offices in a big building.

14.Ever since they were first put on the market in the early1990s,genetically modified(GM转基因)foods have been increasingly developed and marketed in many countries in the world,mainly on the basis of their promise to end the worldwide food crisis.

15.At nine o’clock on Saturday morning,I’ll be sitting in the front row and listening to the great professor Willard talking about the future of my brain.

16.The recent case of an American women,Terri Schiavo,whose husband won a legal battle to have her taken off life support machines after she spent15years in a coma-like state,has exposed the many sensitive legal and medical issues that surround the care of coma patients.

17.The court gave their approval for the life support machines to be turned off and while this ruling left Terri’s parents feeling numb and others claiming that life is sacred,which no one has the right to end,many would say it was the right thing to do for Terri.

18.Edmonds is the first African American ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U.S.president;he is also the first African American to serve as director of speech writing for the White House.

19.The Olympic spirit--the spirit of competition which emphasizes taking part rather than winning--has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.

20.When you set out to do something different,there’s no end in sight,so to find myself in a position where I now have my own name on a contract of the publisher --to be a published writer--is unbelievably rewarding.

21.To really develop empathy,you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership,have a“sharing circle”with your family,or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

22.Proudly reading my words,I glanced around the room,only to find my classmates bearing big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

23.At12years old she won a Guinness Record when she became the youngest female to win the women’s world title for platform diving at the World Championships in Australia in1991.

24.To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee.

25.Having identified the target group,researchers find out as much as possible about those in the target group,such as their likes and dislikes,and how the product would fit into their lives.

26.Having heard wolves howling in the forest,Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.

27.Having scared the little beings,I began struggling to get loose and managed to break the strings that tied my left arm and slightly moved the strings that tied down my hair.


[标签:标题] 篇一:2015汉译英句子翻译(包括参考译文) 2015年汉译英综合练习 1. 她就是这样风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round. 2. 西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。 The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with emerald hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 3. 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。 But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it. 4. 一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地地受到关怀和照顾。 From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 5. 袭人道:“一百年还记得呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”“I’ll remember it if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma. “I am not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.” 6. 要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be made. 7. 为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢? Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed onto me? 8. 只有在我过于劳累,在我长时间无间断地工作,在我感到内心空虚,需要补充精神营养 的时候,我才感到寂寞。 I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. 9. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 The successful explosion of the first atomic bomb in China caused great repercussions all over the world. 10. 我们应该实行国民经济信息化和科研成果产业化。 We should build an information-based national economy and apply scientific research achievements to industrial production. 11. 你说的倒轻巧,你也给我捧个奖杯回来。 You talk as if it were very simple. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back a trophy, too? 12. 中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治、永不称霸。 China should show the world through actions that she is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. 13. 中国明朝的著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍布全国。 Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, visited 16 provinces in his lifetime, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. 14. 阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”! Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!”


山东省2018年普通高校招生(春季)考试 英语试卷 卷一(选择题50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上。) 1. -- _______.He is from Hang Kong. --Nice to meet you. A.Let me introduce myself B.Let me introduce Tom C.This is Tom speaking D.Have a good time,Tom 2. --Could you give me some ________ on how to improve my spoken English? --I’m so glad to hear that! A.movements B.suggestions C.greetings D.treatments 3. --Nowadays people are encouraged eat fruit and vegetables to keep_______. A.honest B.nervous C.healthy D.proud 4. --Why do you like swimming? --Because I find _______ very relaxing. A. it B.one C.those D.these 5. --_________? --Good idea. A.Why not join us in the game B.How did you know that C.When would you like to come D.What would you like for dinner 6.--_______beautiful the park is !We may have a picnic here this weekend . --Sound great. A.What a B.What C.How a D.How 7.--It’s an im possible task for us to finish the building in half a year. --Yes,it will take _________ one year. A.at least B.at last C.in time D.in order 8.--I think Mary is a successful woman. --I agree with you .She has nearly _______all her dreams. A. realized B.won C.understood D.believed 9. --_________? --Chinese folk music. A.How about going for a walk B.What’s your favorite sports C.How do you like Chinese D.What are you interested in 10.Where will the football game be held? A.At the Sunny Club B.At the Youth Club C.At the City Stadium D.At the City Park 11.If Bob wants to apply for the job, he needs to ________ . A work part-time B work six days a week C call Sandy at 555-778-6356 D have work experience 12. I ____ hope that you can come and celebrate the Spring Festival with my family. A do B did C does D done 13. -- __________? ---I’d like to buy some traditional Chinese souvenirs. A What can I do for you B How much do they cost C What size do you take D What color do you like 14. --What did you do last weekend? ---I __________ Mount Tai with my friends. A climb B climbed C will climb D am climbing 15. --I wonder_________ a film. --Once a month. A.when you see B.where you see C.whether you have seen D.how often you see 16.--Who is the man _________by the window. --He is our English teacher. A. sits B.sat C.sitting D.is sitting 17.--Downing Hotel.Can I help you? --_________. A. I’m looking for a dress for my daughter. B. I’d like to buy a ticket for tonight’s film. C. I’d like to reserve a double room for this Friday. D. I’ve caught a bad cold and I’m feeling terrible. 18.I felt very tired after a day ‘s hard work,________I went to bed early. A. but B. or C.while D.so 19. --I haven’t finished my dinner yet. --Hurry up ! Our friends ________ for us. A. are waiting B.were waiting B. had waiting D.waited 20. --_______I have found somewhere to live, I will send you my address. A. Unless B.Until C.Though D.Once 21. --Thank you for taking care of my pet dog while I was on business. --________. A. Best wishes B.My pleasure C.No,thanks D.Goodbye 22. --According to the traffic rules in our country, you_________wear you seat belt when driving. A. may B.can C.would D.should 23. --It’s rainin g hard ,We have to ________the sports meeting till next week. A. put up B.put on C.put off D.should


机密★启用前 山东省2019年普通高校招生(春季)考试 语文试题答案及评分标准 卷一(选择题共50分) 四、(本大题3个小题,共10分) 21.(3分) (1)气吞万里如虎(2)二十四桥仍在(3)术业有专攻(4)见贤思齐焉(5)文艺不能自成为新文艺 【评分标准】答对一句给1分,多答则按前三项评分。句中有错则该句不给分。 22.(3分) 示例: 请假条 李老师: 您好。我今天跑操时不慎扭伤了脚,经校医诊断,需修养3天。特此请假,恳请批准。 此致 敬礼 马凌江 2019年4月25日【评分标准】格式规范给1分,内容明确给1分,语言简洁通顺给1分。 23.(4分) 示例:一条条淙淙的溪流绕过村庄一阵阵甜甜的麦香散播各处 【评分标准】句式基本相同给1分,内容相关给1分,用嗅觉、听觉两种感觉各给1分。 五、(本大题5个小题,共15分) 24.(2分) ①木匠能让木料呈现新的形式,具有新的价值。②说明了木匠手艺高超,富有创造力。 【评分标准】答对一点给1分。意思对即可。 25.(2分) ①结构上引起下文;②艺术效果上使情节曲折,增强故事性,激发阅读兴趣; ③深化主题。 【评分标准】答对一点给1分,答对两点即可给满分。意思对即可。

26.(4分) ①第一处表现了木匠内心的失落、自负、不屑、生气;②第二处表现了木匠内心的喜悦,陶醉、享受。 【评分标准】每处答对两个关键词即可给2分,意思对即可。 27.(3分) ①动作描写;②语言描写;③神态描写;④侧面描写(烘托)。 【评分标准】答对一点给1分,答对三点即可给满分。 28.(4分) 本题为开放性试题,可从多个角度作答,如工匠精神、职业操守、职业态度等,言之成理即可。 【评分标准】能结合文章内容给1分,能结合专业成长给1分,能恰当、通顺地说明自己的认识给2分。 六、(本大题45分) ②不足700字,每少50字扣2分; ③错别字每2个扣1分,重复的不计,最多扣3分; ④卷面不整洁,字迹潦草,不能进入一类卷。


12级英语期末试卷 (考试时长90分钟,满分100分,考试时间2014.7) I. 单词辨音(5%)从下列A、B、C、D中四个选项中找出划线部分读音不同 的单词选项(每题1分,共计5分)。 1. A. wash B. name C. plane D.grade 2. A. French B. smell C. best D. even 3. A. sit B. give C. nice D. winter 4. A. star B. quarter C. March D. dark 5. A. together B. fifth C. whether D. breathe II. 词汇、语法(30%)Part A:词汇。从下列各题的A、B、C三个选项中选 出一个与句子划线部分意思相近的选项或在空白处填入最佳选项(共计10分)。 6. He will be back before long. A .soon B. long before C. long ago 7. Your younger sister is no more than six years old. A. not more than B. not older than C. only 8. Did you catch the main idea of the paragraph? A. get B. know C. arrive 9. He is too busy to go to the park with you. A. is too free to B. is not glad to C. has no time to 10. On account of his old age, the engineer has to retire. A. For B. Because of C. Because 11. He studied harder and ______the examination. A. passed B. failed C. get through 12. He used to go on foot. A. walk B. walking C. be walking 13. My father works in Shanghai. I ______ him once a month, A. hear from B. hear about C. listen to 14. He spoke so fast that I couldn’t ______him. A. listen to B. catch up with C. come after 15. She_____ me to go to Paris with her. A. told B. invited C. said Part B:语法知识。从下列各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填 入空白处(每题1分,共20分)。 16. Some ____ in a ____ car factory have already come to China for a short visit. A. Germans ;German B. Germen ; German’s C. German ; Germany 17. This shop sells ______ only. A. men’s shoes B. men shoes C. the shoes of men 18. Read ____ newspaper, and it can tell you ____ important information. A. a ; an B. the ; a piece of C. today’s ; an 19. Will you get to the cinema after____ supper? A. a B. / C. the 1

高中英语40篇背3500单词 中文翻译

1.爱上英语 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 2.不同的国家有不同的英语 英国人的航海在英语的传播中扮演了重要的角色。目前,英语在许多国家被作为官方语言或通用语言频繁地使用,例如美国、新加波、马来西亚和一些非洲的国家。这些国家的英语都以英式英语为基础,能很好地为以英语为本族语的人所理解。但是实际上,这些英语在口音、拼写、表达和词汇的使用方面都在逐渐变化。 因为这一情况的存在,你就可以利用这些英语之间的区别说出你们街区的外国人是哪个国家来的了。例如,如果有个老板流利地命令他的司机:“直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油”,而不是要求说,“请直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油”,你就可以轻易地辨认出他的美国人身份,而后者却暗示着那是一位英国人。 3.一次辛苦的旅行 我的妹妹很喜欢旅行。自从毕业以来,她就下定决心要组织一次往一座古庙的旅行。因为交通费用昂贵,她决定骑自行车去,毫不担心其中的不利情况。顽固的态度一直都是她的缺点,一旦她下定决心要做的事,就没有人能说服她改变主意。最后,我们像往常一样让步,尽管我们更喜欢乘火车去。我们准备好了所有东西,包括时间表、可靠的天气预报,还有保险,就开始了旅程。 我们的旅程沿着一条从高海拔处流下来的河流前行。但我们的步伐很慢,因为当流经深深的峡谷时,这条河流急转弯很多,急湍的河水都似乎沸腾起来。正如我在旅行日志里记录的那样,这真是一次艰苦的旅行。但是我们也欣赏到了美丽的景色。一天晚上,我把头枕在一包羊毛衣服做的枕头上,躺在星空下,当岩洞前的火焰在午夜熄灭时,我发现夜空是如此的美丽! 4.可怕的地震 地震前,水井和运河里的污水都涨涌起来。但是却没人判断出地震即将来临。霎那间,一切都在摇晃,似乎整个世界就要结束。数以百万的砖房和许多水坝遭到破坏;铁路轨道都变成无用的铁条;煤矿管道纷纷爆裂,发出有臭味的蒸汽;到处都有骑车的人被巨大的裂缝陷住。 第二天,所有报纸都纷纷以大字标题或主要标题报道了这一事件。记者们描述了灾难的大概情况,全国都被地震的破坏和灾民们极度的苦难所震惊。当人们读到幸存者以“恭喜啊,你还活着。”来互相安慰时,都被感动了。人们不仅衷心地表达了他们的同情,而且还立刻组织起来帮助灾民。伤员被救助了,死者被埋葬了,吓坏的幸存者被从废墟中挖出来了,栖身处、净水和电力也很快得到提供。多亏了人们的帮助,灾区的损失被减到了最小。 5. 伟大的总统 作为共和国的创始人,这位总统具备许多的优秀品质。还在掌权之前,他就是一位慷慨的律师。他愿意无私地帮助那些向他求助的人。他免费为失业的,或没有受过教育的人提供法律指导和意见。后来,因为相信所有人类都是生来平等,他全身心投入到废除不平等的反黑人法律工作中。他建立了黑人青年团并被选为领袖。然而,尽管他坚持没有暴力、没有恐怖的和平原则,卑鄙的敌人还是炸毁了他的家、袭击了他的亲属,他自己也无法逃脱被判30年徒刑的遭遇。 在狱中,他毫不畏惧狱警的残酷,始终保持积极的态度,不向他们乞求怜悯。实际上,他在任何一个困境时期都充满着希望,从未灰心。 最后,人们以领袖的职位和一块金毯子回报了他的贡献。


一、英译汉翻译的基本程序 1.通读并透彻理解原文。翻译之前仔细研读原文,解决好“翻译什么”的问题。边读边琢磨,确切理解原文所述事物本身的含义与之相关的外延联想,如原句的中心意思是什么,有没有褒贬义或寓意,对其中的修饰语的把握等。 2. 组织语言。考生要根据上下文的语境选择适当的词汇和表达手段。 3. 表达。考生要从内容和语言两方面来考虑译文,尤其注意不能扭曲原意,不能错译或漏译。 4. 审校。这是英汉翻译过程中必不可少的环节。考生将自己的译文与原文进行对照,看看译文是否忠实于原文,是否通顺易懂,是否符合汉语规范。 二、英汉翻译的基本方法 直译与意译 直译指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译;意译是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文做相应的调整。如: Good marriage doesn’t just happen. They take a lot of love and a lot of work. 直译:好的婚姻不会仅仅发生—它们需要大量的爱和大量的工作。 意译:幸福的婚姻不是凭空发生的---它需要你为它付出大量的爱和做大量的工作。 或:美满的婚姻不会从天上掉下来---你必须为它付出大量的爱,做大量的工作。很显然,本句话的意译要比直译更符合汉语表达习惯。当然,一句话并不限于一种译法,要根据具体需要而定。一般来说,在英汉翻译考试中,如果直译能达意就用直译,如果直译效果不好,就应该考虑意译。只要译文内容忠实,意思明白就行了。 顺译法(又名句型对应法) 顾名思义,顺译法(句型对应法)就是按原文句子结构的排列顺序进行翻译,这种译法适合于原文叙述层次与汉语相近的长句翻译,如只含名词性从句的复合句、前置的状语从句或从句在后的长复合句等等。 As an obedient son, I had to accept my parents’ decision that I was to be a doctor ,though the prospect interested in me not at all. 作为一个孝顺的儿子,我不得不接收父母的决定,去当大夫,虽然我对这样的前途毫无兴趣。 3.倒译法 倒译法就是颠倒原文句子结构的排列顺序来进行翻译。 例1: The moon is completely empty of water because the gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth. 因为月球的引力比地球小的多,所以月球上根本没有水。 例2:The football students can be removed from the university if they fail to pass their examination. 作为足球运动员的学生如果考试不及格就要被开除。 4.分译法 分译法,又称拆译法,也是一种基本的句法变通手段。从被分译成份的结构而言,分译大致可以分为单词的分译、短语的分译和从句的分译三种。 单词的分译即拆词,将难译的词从句子主干中拆离出来,另作处理,这种方法常常引起句式上的调整,英译汉中要拆译的词常常是形容词和副词。如: 1


F C B A E D 福建省春季高考高职单招数学模拟试题(十二) 班级: 姓名: 座号: 成绩: 一.选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,满分70分. 1.已知集合{1,0,1}A =-,则( ) A .1i A +∈ B .2 1i A +∈ C .3 1i A +∈ D .4 1i A +∈ 2.已知命题P :“2 ,230x R x x ?∈++≥”,则命题P 的否定为( ) A.2 ,230x R x x ?∈++< B. 2 ,230x R x x ?∈++≥ C. 2 ,230x R x x ?∈++< D. 2 ,230x R x x ?∈++≤ 3.已知,m n 是两条不同直线,,,αβγ是三个不同平面,下列命题中正确的是( ) A .,,αγβγαβ⊥⊥若则‖ B .,,m n m n αα⊥⊥若则‖ C .,,m n m n αα若则‖‖‖ D .,,m m αβαβ若则‖‖‖ 4.已知()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0x ≥时()3x f x m =+(m 为常数),则函数()f x 的大致图象为( ) 5.已知倾斜角为α的直线l 与直线220x y -+=平行,则tan 2α的值为( ) A. 45 B. 34 C. 43 D. 23 6.已知双曲线22 21x y a -=的一个焦点为(2,0),则它的离心率为( ) A. 3 B. 3 C. 3 2 7.如图,已知ABCDEF 是边长为1的正六边形,则()BA BC AF ?+ A.1- B.1 C. D.0 8.某几何体的三视图及尺寸如图示,则该几何体的表面积为( ) A. 3π B. 4π C. 6π D. 10π 9.已知向量(,1),(2,)a x z b y z =-=+ ,且a b ⊥ ,若变量x,y 第7题图


2018年山东春季高考英语考试说明 本考试说明是以教育部颁发的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》为依据,以教育部职成教司教材处和山东省教育厅颁布的中等职业学校用书目录中有关教材为主要参考教材,结合山东省中等职业学校英语教学的实际制定的。 一、考试范围和要求 (一)词汇 掌握教育部颁发的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》、山东省教育厅颁布的《山东省中等职业教育英语课程标准(三年制)》和山东省职业教育教材审定委员会审定的中等职业教育规划教材《英语》中所规定的词汇。 (二)语法 1.词类 掌握名词、代词、数词、介词和介词短语、冠词、连词、,形容词、副词及动词的基本用法。 2.动词的时态 (1)理解过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时的用法。 (2)掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时和现在完成时的用法。 3.动词的被动语态 (1) 了解过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时的被动语态。 (2) 理解现在进行时和现在完成时的被动语态。 (3) 掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和含有情态动词的被动语态。 4.非谓语动词 (1)了解动词不定式作主语、表语的用法;动词的-ing形式作状语的用法:动词的过去分词作状语的用法。 (2) 理解动词不定式作定语、(新增)动词的-ing形式作定语的用法;动词的-ed形式作定语的用法。 (3) 掌握动词不定式作定语(去掉)、状语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法;动词的-ing形式作主语表语、宾语、宾语补足语的用法;动词的过去分词作表语、宾语补足语的用法。 5.情态动词

(1)了解情态动词might,ought to的用法。 (2)理解情态动词shall、will的用法(新增) (3)掌握情态动词can,could,may, shall(去掉),should,will(去掉),would,must,have to,need的用法。 6.句子 (1)句子种类。 掌握陈述句(肯定句和否定句)、疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句反意疑问句)、祈使句、感叹句的基本用法。 (2)简单句的六种基本句型。 掌握主一系一表、主一谓一(状)、主一谓一宾、主一谓一间宾一直宾、主一谓一宾一宾补、There be-主一状的基本用法。 (3)并列复合句。 掌握由并列连词and,but,or, so,while,both...and...,not only...but also...,either...or...,neither...nor...连接的并列句的用法 (4)主从复合句。 ①了解非限制性定语从句的用法;了解主语从句和表语从句的用法。 ②理解由where引导的地点状语从句的用法,由although(though),even though(even if)引导的让步状语从句的用法;由as引导的方式状语从句的用法(新增) ③掌握由关系代词who,whom,whose,which,that引导的限制性定语从句的用法;掌握关系副词when,where,why引导的限制性定语从句的用法。 ④掌握由that,if,whether引导的宾语从句的用法;掌握由特殊疑问词引导的宾语句的用法。 ⑤掌握由when,while,as soon as, since,until, till,after, before,once, as引导的时间状语从句的用法;由where 引导的地点状语从句的用法(去掉);由so that,in order that引导的目的状语从句的用法;由because引导的原因状语从旬的用法;由so…that, such...that引导的结果状语从句的用法;由if, unless,as long as引导的条件状语从句的用法;由as...as,than引导的比较状语从句的用法;由although(though),even though(even if)引导的让步状语从句的用法(去掉);由as引导的方式状语从句的用法(去掉)。 (5)强调。


2014年度福建省春季高考语文试题(面向普高) 一、默写(10分) 1、补出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分(10分) (1)积土成山,。(荀子《劝学》 (2)此地有崇山峻岭,。(王羲之《兰亭集序》 (3)落霞与孤鹜齐飞,。(王勃《滕王阁序》) (4)谈笑有鸿儒,。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》) (5),不以己悲。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》) (6)采菊东篱下,。(陶渊明《饮酒》) (7)一夫当关,。(李白《蜀道难》) (8)万里悲秋常作客,。(杜甫《登高》) (9)同是天涯沦落人,。(白居易《琵笆行》) (10),多情应笑我,早生华发。(苏轼《念奴娇》) 二、阅读下面文言文文段,完成2-5题。(15分) 沛公已出,项王使都尉陈平召沛公。沛公曰:“今者出,未辞也,为之奈何?”樊哙曰:“大行不顾.细谨,大礼不辞小让。如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为?”于是遂去。乃令张良留谢。良问曰:“大王来何操?”曰:“我持白璧一双,欲献项王,玉斗一双,欲与亚父。会.其怒,不敢献。公为我献之。”张良曰:“谨诺。”当是时,项王军在鸿门下,沛公军在霸上,相去四十里。沛公则置车骑,脱身独骑,与樊哙、夏侯婴、靳强、纪信等四人持剑盾步走,从郦山下,道芷阳间行。沛公谓张良曰:“从此道至吾军,不过二十里耳。度我至军中,公乃入。” 沛公已去,间.至军中。张良入谢,曰:“沛公不胜杯杓,不能辞.。谨使臣良奉白璧一双,再拜献大王足下,玉斗一双,再拜奉大将军足下。”项王曰:“沛公安在?”良曰:“闻大王有意督过之,脱身独去,已至军矣。”项王则受璧,置之坐上。亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之,曰:“唉!竖子不足与谋!夺项王天下者必沛公也。吾属今为之虏矣!”


高中英语词汇3500词—带音标 A abandon [??b?nd?n] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力;才能 able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的 abnormal [?b?n??m(?)l] a. 反常的,变态的 aboard [??b??d] prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)abolish [??b?l??] v. 废除,废止 abortion [??b???(?)n] v. 人工流产,堕胎 about [??ba?t] ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above [??b?v] prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 abrupt [??br?pt] a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁 absence [??bs?ns] n. 不在,缺席 absent [??bs?nt] a. 缺席,不在 absolute [??bs?lu?t] a. 完全,全部,绝对的 absorb [?b?s??b] v. 吸收,使全神贯注 abstract [??bstr?kt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品) absurd [?b?s??d] a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的 abundant [??b?nd?nt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的 abuse [??bju?z] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语academic [?k??dem?k] a. / n. 学术的,教学的 academy [??k?d?m?] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校 accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] v.(使)加速,加快 accent [??ks?nt] n. 口音,音调 accept [?k?sept] vt. 接受 access [??kses] n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件) accessible [?k?ses?b(?)l] a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处 的) accident [??ks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事 accommodation [?k?m??de??(?)n] n.住宿,膳宿 accompany [??k?mp?n?] v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生 accomplish [??k?mpl??] v. 完成 according to [??k??d?? t?] ad. 按照,根据 account [??ka?nt] n. 账目;描述 accountant [??ka?nt(?)nt] n. 会计,会计师 accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t] v. 积累,积聚 accuracy [??kj?r?s?] n. 准确,精确 accuse [??kju?z] v. 正确无误的,精确的 accustomed [??k?st?md] a. 习惯于,惯常的 ache [e?k] vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve [??t?i?v] vt. 达到,取得 achievement [??t?i?vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩 acid [??s?d] a. 酸的 acknowledge [?k?n?l?d?] v. 承认 acquaintance [??kwe?nt?ns] n. 熟人,(与某人)认识 acquire [??kwa??(r)] v. 获得,得到 acquisition [?kw??z??(?)n] n. 获得,得到 acre [?e?k?(r)] n. 英亩 across [??kr?s] prep. 横过,穿过 act [?kt] n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演 出(戏);行动,做事 action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动 active [??kt?v] a. 积极的,主动的 activity [?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动 actor [??kt?(r)] n. 男演员 actress [??ktr?s] n. 女演员 actual [??kt???l] a. 实际的;现实的 acute a.十分严重的,(病)急性的 adapt [??d?pt] v. 使适应,适合,改编 adaptation [?d?p?te??(?)n] n. 适应,改编本 add [?d] vt.添加,增加 addicted [??d?kt?d] a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷 addition [??d??(?)n] n.增加;(算数用语)加 adequate [??d?kw?t] a. 合适的,合乎需要的 adjust [??d??st] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯 adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n. 调整,适应 第 1 页共60 页


机密★启用前 山东省2016年普通高校招生(春季)考试 英语试题 本试卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分。满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 卷一(选择题,共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中, 只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上)1.一Long time no see, Mike. ? 一Pretty good. Everything goes well. A. What are you doing B. What are you C. How is it going D. What’s wrong 2. 一nice gift you have given to me! 一I’m glad you like it. A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 3. 一My father was born .When he was ,he went abroad. A. in 1970;in his thirty B. in the 1970s;in his thirties C. in the 1970;in his thirty D. in 1970s;in his thirties 4. 一Would you like something to drink? 一. I’m thirsty. A. Yes,I can B. No,thanks C. Yes,please D. No,I don’t like it 5. 一Bad weather! ? 一It’s ﹣15℃~-5℃. A. What’s the weather like B. How is the weather C. What’s the temperature D. How do you like the weather 6. Linda’s parents bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive. A. must B. need C. must n’t D. needn’t 7. 一May I use mobile phone? 一Sorry, is left in the office. A . you; I B. your ; my C. yours ; mine D. your ; mine 8. 一How are you getting along with your classmates? 一Very well. They are all me. A. afraid of B. angry with C. friendly to D. tired of


1.按要求填空。(5分) (1)家住吴门,________________。(周邦彦《苏幕遮》) (2)蒹葭萋萋,白露未唏。所谓伊人,________________。(《诗经·________·蒹葭》) (3)杜甫《望岳》诗“造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓”以光的明暗写山的高大,王维《终南山》诗中运用了相似手法的一联是“________________,________________”。 2.按要求选择。(5分) (1)小明跑步健身,坚持一段时间后想放弃,以下句子适合用来激励他的一项是()。(2分)A.行百里者半九十。B.千里之行,始于足下。 C.不积跬步,无以致千里。D.知是行之始,行是知之成。 (2)班干部改选,小洁被选为班长后发表感言,以下用语得体的一项是()。(3分) A.旧的不去,新的不来,我们将翻开新的一页。B.谢谢大家的信任,我会尽心尽力,做好工作。 C.感谢大家的支持,我乐意为大家效犬马之劳。D.很荣幸当选班长,我愿鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 二阅读(70分) (一)阅读下文,完成第3—8题。(16分) 天开图画即江山王风 ①李白诗云:“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。”“天然”就是自然而然。“天”与“人”是一组对举的概念,二者同为创造者。“人”在创造,“天”更在创造。大自然的自我创造,称为“天工”,与此相对的“人工”,通常认为是远远不及的。而对于人的创造,最高贵的赞美就是“巧夺天工”。与此相类,大自然的声响被称为“天籁”,对于人间的歌唱,其最高赞美也就是用这个词来形容。 ②孔子“知者乐水,仁者乐山”,人格在山水中获得共鸣,这种人与山水的关系延续至今。音乐中大量的是对大自然的抒写,古代最著名的器乐曲,古琴演奏的《高山》《流水》,引发了千古的赞叹和惆怅。人与人,借助音乐描摹的山水达成最高的和谐,正是中国文人精神的一个缩影。 ③魏晋是中国文学艺术的自觉时期,以自然为题材的山水诗和山水画蓬勃而出,并延续至今,形成诗画中最引人注目的传统。开创山水诗的谢灵运好游,曾经惊动地方官,以为山贼。人的情感与山水相通,则以山水为友。唐代李白“相看两不厌,只有敬亭山”,王维“行到水穷处,坐看云起时”,都不将山水看作客体。 ④至于山水画,最早的文献也出自东晋。画家宗炳,因为老病,不能亲历山水,所以图绘下来以了却山水之思,山水画就成了真山水的替代品,可供“卧游”。中国山水画,固然有不表现人之活动的纯粹山水,但更大量的,则在山水间绘有或行或卧、其小如豆的高人雅士,以及结于山坳水滨的几椽草庐茅屋。在古人的观念中,这是人与自然的最高和谐,人就是自然的一部分。自然离开了人,虽然完整,但那是寂寞而缺少生命的。山水画集中了画家对山水的观

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