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当前位置:文档库 › 2018-2019学年河北省行唐县第三中学高二4月月考英语试题




1.John opened the door.There_______he had never seen before.

A.a girl did stand

B.a girl stood

C.did a girl stand

D.stood a girl

2.You will never gain success________you are fully devoted to your work.





3.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without____his notes.

A.bringing up

B.referring to

C.looking for

D.trying on

4.I switch on my MP4player I travel on the bus or subway,listening to a Chinese

language lesson. A.whatever B.however C.whichever


5.The pupils were playing games in the classroom a gunman entered and began

shooting wildly at them. A.since B.when C.as


6.Jane didn’t come to school today,saying she was badly ill,I saw her doing shopping

just now. A.yet B.for C.even D.when 7.—Do you still live in the countryside?

—Yes.I don’t want to leave the house,it is very shabby.





8.I'd like to start my own business—that's________I'd do if I had the money.





9.Because the shop______,all the T-shirts are sold at half price.

A.has closed down

B.closed down

C.is closing down

D.had closed down

10.I______have worried before I came to the new school,for my classmates here are very

friendly to me. A.mightn't B.mustn't C.needn't


11.Life is unpredictable;even the poorest become the richest.





12.Mary made coffee__________her guests were finishing their meal

A.so that



D.as if

13.Tom took a taxi to the airport,only_____his plane high up in the sky.


B.to find

C.being found

D.to have found

14.Sam_____some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.

A.brought up

B.looked up

C.picked up

D.set up

15.Rod loves_______clocks.However,he never manages to put them together again.

A.taking apart

B.giving away

C.making up

D.turning off

16.I was really anxious about you.You home without a word.

A.mustn’t leave

B.shouldn’t have left

C.couldn’t have left

D.needn’t leave

17.It suddenly to me that I had forgotten to bring my umbrella with me.




D.taken place

18.It was not until near the end of the letter she mentioned her own plan.





19.Forget the past,leave the sadness behind,and you the door of a new bright world open

before you. A.saw B.have seen C.will see D.are seeing

20.When you reach the other end of the bridge,I right there to show you the way.


B.have waited

C.was waiting

D.will be waiting



When she moved the covering cloth to look upon his tiny face,she was shocked.The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window.The baby had been born without ears. Time proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect.When he rushed home from school one day and threw himself into his mother’s arms,she sighed,knowing that his life was to be full of heart-breaks for his imperfect appearance.

He grew up,handsome for his misfortune and popular with his fellow students.He might have been class monitor,but for that.He developed a gift,a talent for literature and music.Two years went by.One day,his father said to the son,“You’re going to the hospital,son.Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.But it’s a secret.”The operation was a brilliant success,and a new person turned up.His talents blossomed into genius,and his school and college became a series of https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0510971078.html,ter he married and entered the diplomatic service.One day,he urged his father,“Who gave so much for me?I must know!I could never do enough for him.”“I do not believe you could,”said the father,“but the agreement was that you are not to know...not yet.”

The years kept their secret,but the day did come---one of the darkest days that a son must endure.He stood with his father over his mother’s casket(棺材).Slowly,tenderly,the father reached out a hand and raised the thick,reddish-brown hair to show that the mother had no outer ears.“Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut,”he whispered gently,“and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful,did they?”Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance,but in the heart.

Real treasure lies not in what can be seen,but in what cannot be seen.Real love lies not in what is done and known,but in what is done and not known.

21.The mother was shocked at the first sight of her baby because____.

A.her baby was born without hair

B.her baby had a tiny face

C.her baby was born imperfect

D.the doctor turned to look out of the window

22.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The son attempted to repay the donator’s kindness.

B.The son didn't know the truth until his mother died.

C.With donated ears,the son’s life developed smoothly.

D.The boy couldn't hear clearly without ears at first.

23.Why did the boy's mother never have her hair cut?

A.Because her hair added to her beauty.

B.Because her hair helped to keep a secret.

C.Because her long hair was her pride.

D.Because she liked her thick and brown hair.

24.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A Misfortunate Boy

B.Mother’s Hair

C.Mother’s Secret Love

D.A Successful Ear Operation


My first trip to Greece took place in the1960s.There I accepted a challenge to hitchhike(搭便车)with a group of English friends from my university in Birmingham to Athens with little money.For me,a20-year-old girl,I had not done anything like this before.lt was so hard on the

road.We slept in the open air,ate little more than bread and cheese,and depended heavily on the help of strangers.But it helped me learn aboutEuropean society.

One day,my Greek friend came to see me at the youth hostel and asked me to step outside.He was angry with me.He reminded me of my social background and asked what my parents would say if they saw me living in these conditions like these“dirty”English.After several weeks on the road,we did look tired;but his choice of the word“dirty”interested me.He was showing a historic dislike of the English that some Europeans had.In that part of Europe,both the Turks and the Greeks,who dislike each other to this day,blamed(责怪)the English for their national disasters.He ignored my explanations of having accepted the challenge of hitchhiking.He took me home and his family,especially his mother and sisters,showed me Greek hospitality(好客)at its best.

My experience in Greece could not have differed more from the situation facing Pakistanis—and others seeking shelter—in Greece today.On recent visits to Greece in connection with my study on Islam in Europe,I saw the trouble of the refugees(难民).Some said that they had been physically beaten.However,there are good stories of ordinary Greeks giving shelter to some hopeless refugees.The sense of Greek hospitality that I experienced as a student does exist.

25.What was the author's purpose of taking a trip to Greece in the1960s?

A.To visit a friend in Greece.

B.To complete a challenge bravely.

C.To learn how to hitchhike to other countries.

D.To increase her knowledge about European society.

26.What did the author probably realize?

A.Traveling through Greece was interesting.

B.Her English friends were really kind.

C.It was really interesting to hitchhike.

D.Many strangers were really kind.

27.What did the author find during her recent visits to Greece?

A.Many Greeks lived a very bad life.

B.The country hadn’t changed much.

C.Many refugees were badly treated.

D.Many people were leaving the country.

28.What does the author want to show by giving the example in the last paragraph?

A.Many Greek people still love helping others.

B.Many people in Greece need help.

C.Greece is a safe country for refugees.

D.Helping others is very important.


Monthly Talks at London Canal Museum

Our monthly talks start at19:30on the first Thursday of each month except August. Admission is at normal charges and you don’t need to book.They end around21:00. November7th

The Canal Pioneers,by Chris Lewis.James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers.He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building.Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early“civil engineers”.


Ice for the Metropolis,by Malcolm Tucker.Well before the arrival of freezers,there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering,Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells,and how London’s ice trade grew. February6th

An Update on the Cotsword Canals,by Liz Payne.The Stroudwater Canal is moving towards

reopening.The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer.We will have a report on the present state of play.


Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands,by Miranda Vickers.The Thames has many islands.Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them.She will tell us about those of greatest interest.

London Canal Museum

12-13New Wharf Road,London NI9RT


29.When is the talk on James Brindley?





30.What is the topic of the talk in February?

A.The Canal Pioneers.

B.Ice for the Metropolis

C.Eyots and Aits—Thames Islands

D.An Update on the Cotsword Canals

31.Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames?

A.Miranda Vickers.

B.Malcolm Tucker.

C.Chris Lewis.

D.Liz Payne.


One winter morning,when I went to the superstore for dinner,I saw a girl sitting against a pillar.Her hair covered over her face and her body was weak,weaker than a senior citizen.I decided to walk past her.That's what we do in society.But something made me go back.I learned her parents died years ago and she suffered from Lupus(狼疮).She had no job,was unable to work because of her deficiency and lived wherever she could find a space to climb into.She was 22years old.She had stayed in shelters in the past,but was abused.She stayed in the superstore to keep warm on cold days,but even the superstore she said wasn't safe because security always tosses out people like her.

I'm one of those people who used to believe there was a support system to help people.It makes it easier for me to sleep at night not having to think about“those”people.After all,I have my own worries to think about let alone worry about someone else.I used to think maybe one day I'll help them.Maybe one day I'll win the lottery.Maybe one day the system will help them.But when I met that girl,I thought to myself,what if no one ever helps her?What if this so called perfect system that I believe in doesn’t even know or care her existence?What if I don't win the lottery to be able to help people like her?

I didn't really think about what happened next.I shared my dinner with her and gave her all the money I could find.When security came,I convinced them to help her instead of throwing her out like they usually do.If you can do something to ease someone else's suffering,don't wait for that distant one day.Now is that one day.

32.What made the girl remain in the superstore?

A.The safety in it.

B.The warmth in it.

C.Possibility of finding a job.

D.Escape from physical abuse.

33.What does the underlined word“deficiency”in paragraph1refer to?





34.How did the author comment on himself when he met the girl?

A.He used to be ready to help others.

B.He wished others to make a fortune.

C.He had too many worries to think about.

D.He had unrealistic expectations for the future.

35.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To ask people to help those in need in time.

B.To remind pedestrians not to pass by strangers.

C.To warn security not to drive away the homeless.

D.To persuade people to make good use of every day.


Life is kind of like a party.You invite a lot of people,some leave early,some stay all night,some laugh with you,some laugh at you,and some show up really late.But in the end,after the fun,there are a few who stay to help you clean up the mess.And most of the time,they aren’t even the ones who made the mess,_____36_____They are the ones who matter most.Here are four things real friends do differently.

They face problems together.A real friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else still believes the smile on your face.____37_____Just look for someone who will face them with you.

_____38_____Your words mean everything.If you say you’re going to do something,do it! If you say you’re going to be somewhere,be there!If you say you feel something,mean it!If you can’t,won’t,or don’t,then don’t lie.Real friends keep promises and tell the truth upfront.

They accept each other.Trying to change a person never works.A real friend is someone who truly knows you and loves you just the same.______39____Be yourself and people will love the real you.If you feel like changing something about your friends,ask yourself what change you can make in yourself instead.

They support each other's growth changes.When someone says,“You’ve changed,"it’s not always a bad thing._____40_____Don't apologize for it.Instead-be open and sincere,explain how you feel,and keep doing what you know in your heart is right.

A.They keep their promises.

B.No one is happy all the time.

C.They make time for each other.

D.Don't change so that people will like you.

E.Sometimes it just means you've grown.

F.These people are your real friends in life.

G.Don't look for someone who will solve all your problems.


It was freezing cold as I was waiting at a bus stop in my hunt for a job.As the bus41a young woman walked up to the stop.She was on a T-shirt and slippers.When we talked she told me she had lost her42because she lost her job.She had no43in the area and didn’t even know where she was going to44tonight.

I45into my purse and took out some bus tickets,and$5.00so she could get something to eat.I46took off my jacket and tennis shoes and gave them to her.She looked at me and said,“Aren’t you going to be cold?”I told her my being cold for15minutes47I got to my place was48if I knew she would be a little warmer wherever she49.

After I got on the bus that’s when the miracle of50kindness happened.I stepped up to pay the51and the bus driver told me in a big52that it was on him.

I went to sit down and a lady who was dressed in a very professional business suit53me over to her seat.She said,“I want to know the name of the person who just did the most54thing I have ever seen.”I told her myname and she55,“What can I do for you to give back what I just56?,“I jokingly said a job would be nice.

The next day she called and said that she had an assistant position57in her company and wanted me to come in and meet with the manager.It58that the lady was the head HR person for this company.I went in for the59and started working there.I never60to get so much back in return!

41.A.picked up B.took up C.pulled up D.put up

42.A.appointment B.apartment C.money D.direction

43.A.family B.neighborhood C.journey D.encouragement

44.A.work B.appear C.travel D.sleep

45.A.dug B.touched C.collected D.filled

46.A.otherwise B.therefore C.still D.then

47.A.though B.while C.before D.since

48.A.accessible B.worthwhile C.reliable D.considerate

49.A.put back B.held back C.ended up D.cleared up

50.A.finishing B.spreading C.representing D.contradicting

51.A.ticket B.fare C.bill D.price

52.A.smile B.hug https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0510971078.html,fort D.greeting

53.A.sent B.called C.urged D.acquired

54.A.entertaining B.shocking C.convincing D.inspiring

55.A.responded B.reminded C.decided https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0510971078.html,plained

56.A.withdrew B.caught C.guided D.witnessed

57.A.valuable B.limited C.sensible D.vacant

58.A.figured out B.turned out C.worked out D.carried out

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0510971078.html,petition B.performance C.interview D.application

60.A.expected B.tolerated C.recognized D.learned


61.The Yellow River is__________second longest river in China.

62.Fast food__________(be)full of fat and salt;by eating more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.

63.More expressways(build)in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.

64..The two sides have finally reached an__________(agree),though some small differences still exist.

65.The aim of this project is to clean up__________(pollute)land.

66.No one really knows why he agreed__________(do)the film.

67.Thousands of people are dying from__________(hungry)every day.

68.The US has been eager to encourage economic__________(develop)in Egypt.

69.Her head was__________(bury)in the book she was reading.

70.My father is__________(experience)in making all kinds of furniture.



One day,on her way to school,Li Lan found the small bag near the bus station.He opened it and found a lot of money as soon as a calling card inside.From the calling card,she discover the owner’s address and his telephone number.She thought the owner must very worried.So she went to the public telephone and called the owner.Then she waited for the bus station.The owner came by taxi very soon,but Li Lan gave the bag to him.The owner was so grateful to her that he took out from100yuan to reward Li Lan,but Li Lan polite refused it and went on to school.


假如你是髙二学生李华,得知美国学生Tom作为交换生下个月将到你班学习。请你根据以下要点,给他写一封邮件: 1.表示欢迎; 2.简要介绍班级及课程设置情况;


注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

参考词汇:交换生exchange student校园生活campus life

Dear Tom,

I’m Li Hua,a Senior Two student from Si Nan Senior High School.____________________________

Looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua




6—10ADDCC 11—15DCBCA 16—20BCACD 二、阅读理解


25-28BDCA 29-31CDA 32-35BCDA 36-40F;G;A;D;E 三、完形填空

41-45CBADA 46-50DCBCB 51-55BABDA 56-60DDBCA

四、语法填空61.the 62.is 63.will be built 64.agreement 65.polluted

66.to do 67.hunger 68.development 69.buried

70.experienced 五、短文改错

One day,on her way to school,Li Lan found the a small bag near the bus station.He


opened it and found a lot of money as soon

well as a calling card inside.From the calling card,she cov discover

dis ered the owner’s address and his telephone number.She thought the owner must

be very worried.So she went to the a public telephone and called the owner.Then she waited for at the bus station.The owner came by taxi very soon,/but

and so Li Lan gave the bag to him.The owner was so grateful to her that he took out from 100yuan to reward Li Lan,but Li

Lan polite

politely refused it and went on to school.


Dear Tom,

I’m Li Hua,a Senior Two student from Si Nan Senior High School.Welcome to our class as an exchange student.To make your stay more comfortable,I'd like to introduce some information to you.

Our class consists of 70students.And it has a harmonious study atmosphere,where students and teachers are friendly and have a good relationship.Besides,there are several subjects you can choose from,such as Chinese,Chemistry and so on.

I sincerely wish you could introduce some Western cultures and your campus life that we Chinese students are interested in.In that case,we'll have a better understanding of each other,which helps improve our friendship.

Looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua

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