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必修3 unit5

必修3 unit5
必修3 unit5

必修3 Unit 5 Canada-The True North


1.Do you know that _______ with wise men improves your mind?

A.saying B. arguing C.quarreling D.chatting

2. People say it is Canada’s most beautiful city, _____ by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

A. supported

B. followed

C. held

D. surrounded

3. The city of Rome has just passed a new law to prevent cruelty to animals,which many people say can ___the civilization of a city.

A.manage B.separate C.handle D.measure

4.He is very handsome and has _______shoulders.

A. aboard

B. abroad

C. board

D. broad

5. . It is a ___________in western societies that women get married in long white dresses.

A. curiosity

B. tradition

C. strength

D. signal

6. Can you _____ to carry that heavy box by yourself?

A. arrange

B. offer

C. manage

D. prepare

7. At first ______, the bag seems made of real leather. But actually it is just an imitation.

A. sight

B. look

C. appearance

D. view

8. Make sure that the exercise you give the children is ________ pupil’s reach.

A. under

B. beyond

C. above

D. within

9. I could hardly tell the twins apart because their appearances are only ____ different.

A. slightly

B. gradually

C. personally

D. extremely

10. Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _____ a scientific theory.

A. confirm

B. confine

C. conform

D. conceive


1.—It’s a pity that you didn’t talk much with Andy.

—Yes, the train________(leave) when I rushed to the station to see him off.

2.—Your family is moving to Hawaii? Why?

—We________(think) about a change of scenery for some time.

3.—What did you sa y? I’m sorry, Mrs White, but...

—So you ________(not listen) to me, Peter.

4.Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of computers ________(send) to ten Hope

Schools in South China.

5.—Did you enjoy your holiday?

—Yes, it’s the best holiday I ________(have) these years.

6.When I ________(choose) to take part in the sport, I felt very surprised because I had never done this before.

7.In order to get good marks in the coming exam, my son ________(study) late every night in the past three weeks.

8.—What is the procedure of the application?

—All the applicants ________(interview) before a final decision is made by the authority.


1.It's time for class and we should ________ and do today's homework.

2.Finally I ________ find the golden watch I had lost at the sports meeting.

3.She ________ her former schoolmate in town yesterday and they hadn't seen each other for long. 4.His youngest daughter ________ music;he plans to send her to a music training school.

5.I saw some children waving to the foreign guests ________,but I couldn't see them clearly. 6.As a matter of fact,you are doing this for yourself ________ for others.

7.Our school is a good place to study in;it is ________ tall green trees.

8.The government has promised to ________ to help the homeless.

9.The teachers were most ________ the young girl's performance in the exam.

10.The campers set off ________ in order to arrive at the park before supper.


1.After a tiring day in the office, Sharon decided to _______________________________________ (rather than) 在办公室劳累一天之后,莎伦不愿意乘坐拥挤的公交车而决定步行回家。2.He is just a secondary school student ,but he is __________________________________(than any other) 他只是一个中学生,但他比其他任何一个学生都要聪明。

3.There is a large lake near my house , which extends ______________________________________ (as far as) 我的房子附近有一个很大的湖,它延伸到山脚下。

4. The base of the pyramid is square, _______________________________________(measure)


5. Frightened by the thought ____________________________a heart attack ,Anne screamed for



1.Going eastward, you'll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities.

[翻译] 站在窗口,你可以看到很美的风景。


2.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.

[翻译] 天气如此的冷,以至于他们都冻得发抖,有些人倒在雪中。


3.The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.


___________________________________________________________________________ 4.They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city.

[翻译] 他们直到8点才会出发,于是他就躺下休息了一会。

___________________________________________________________________________ 5.They met Lin Fei around dusk in downtown Chinatown, one of the three in Toronto.




Recent months have seen a return of bike across China. With an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of 1(drive) to schools, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing programs has brought the trend to a new level.

The bikes 2(equip) with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide 3 effective solution in places 4it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another. Bike-sharing is a 5(green) method of transportation and6(provide) a more friendly experience

However, the programs have also led to problems such as 7(legal) parking, deliberate (蓄意的) damaging and theft. To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people8(return) the bikes to stations 9 rewarding free time for their next rides. Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems, too. For example, Mobike

sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with 10(point) taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan. VII.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

We have all heard how time is more valuable than money, but is it 36 to have too much?

I 37 back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also 38 a team sport. By the time I got home, I only had a few hours to do my homework, and I had to do it ___39____ When I got into college, things ____40. I suddenly found myself out of class before noon time. Because of all this ____41___ there was no sense of ___42____ to do my school work immediately. I was performing this action of waiting until it later became 43 .Once that happened, I just kept 44 my studying further and further back in my day. Then I got to the point where I was 45 really late at night to get my work alone.

One day I 46 a former classmate of mine who was 47 a lot of money running a sideline(副业).Since his regular job was 48 ,I asked him why he just didn't do his sideline full-time. He said without the job, he would 49 have too much time and would just do what I did back in 50 .He said that if he 51 the job, he would lose his 52 to work and succeed.

So, try 53 your tine with other work. This is why there is a 54 that if you want something done, ask a 55 person to do it.

36.A.tue B. fair C. strange D. possible

37.A.remember B. admit C. understand D. expect

38.A. watched B. loved. C. Coached D. played

39.A.al last B. right away C. of course D. mattered

40.A.happend B. repeated C, changed D. mattered

41.A.extra B .difficult. C. valuable D. limited

42.A.duty B. achievement C .urgency D. direction

43.A.burden B. relief C. risk D. habit

44. A. pushing B. taking C. setting D. calling

45. A. hanging out B. staying up C. jogging round D. showing off

46. A. met B. helped C. treated D. hired

47. A. raising B. wasting C. demanding D. making

48. A. safe B. important C. boring D. rewarding

49.A. luckily B. hardly C. hopefully D. simply

50.A. childhood B. college C. town D. business

51.A. quit B. found C. accepted D. kept

52. A. heart B. chance C. drive D. way

53.A. saving B. filling up C. giving up D. trading

54. A. message B. story C. saying D. fact

55. A. careful B. busy C. reliable D. kind


【河北省衡水中学2017届高三下学期二模】假定你是李华。你的美国外教David回国时,请你帮他找人制作一枚中文名章(name stamp)以作纪念。你已找好制作人。给他写封邮件,告知此事,并请他从所附图片中挑选字体、图案及材料。




Dear David,

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________


Li hua

【答案】Dear David,

How is everything going? I can still remember the days we spent together when you taught in China. When you went back to America last month, you mentioned to get a Chinese name stamp made for you, as it is a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. Now I'm so glad to tell you that I've already found a stamp craftsman who's experienced and skilled at making Chinese traditional name stamps.

To make a stamp that suits you best, I attach some pictures of various types of characters, designs and materials in the email. You can choose whichever of them you prefer.

Look forward to your reply.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


1.使用高级句型:定语从句I can still remember the days we spent together when you taught in China.;含有宾语从句和定语从句的复合句Now I'm so glad to tell you that I've already found a stamp craftsman who's experienced and skilled at making Chinese traditional name stamps.;定语从句To make a stamp that suits you best, ….。

2.使用了重要短语:be experienced and skilled at擅长; look forward to期待。













高一英语人教版必修三Unit 5 课文内容

Unit 5 CANADA- “THE TRUE NORTH” A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH” Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. “You’re going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you’re in Canada’s warmest part. People say it is Canada’s most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.” That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days’ travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres. After dinner, they were back in an urban area, the busy port city of Thunder Bay at the top of the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. In fact, it has one-third of the world’s total fresh water, and much of it is in the Great Lakes. That night as they slept, the train rushed across the top of Lake Superior, through the great forests and southward towards Toronto. “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the biggest and most wealthy city in Canada. They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower and looked across the lake. In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. The water flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea. They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother’s old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her from a telephone booth.”


高中数学必修5经典题型 时量:120分钟 班级: 姓名: 计分: (说明:《必修5》共精选13题,每题12分,“◎”为教材精选,“☆”为《精讲精练.必修 5》精选) 1. 在△ABC 中,若cos cos a A b B =,判断△ABC 的形状. (☆P 6 3) 2. 在△ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别是角A 、B 、C 的对边,且a 2+b 2=c 2 ab . (1)求C ; (2)若 tan 2tan B a c C c -=,求A . (☆P 6 8) 3. 如图,我炮兵阵地位于A 处,两观察所分别设于C ,D ,已知△ACD 为边长等于a 的正三角形.当目标出现于B 时,测得∠CDB =45°,∠BCD =75°,试求炮击目标的距离AB . (☆P 8 8) 4. 已知数列{}n a 的第1项是1,第2项是2,以后各项由12(2)n n n a a a n --=+>给出. (1)写出这个数列的前5项; (2)利用上面的数列{}n a ,通过公式1n n n a b a +=构造一个新 的数列{}n b ,试写出数列{}n b 的前5项. (◎P 34 B3) 5. 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为212 n S n n =+ ,求这个数列的通项公式. 这个数列是等差数列 吗?如果是,它的首项与公差分别是什么?(◎P 44 例3) 6.(09年福建卷.文17)等比数列{}n a 中,已知142,16a a ==. (☆P 38 8) (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)若35,a a 分别为等差数列{}n b 的第3项和第5项,试求数列{}n b 的通项公式及前n 项和 n S . 7. 若一等比数列前5项的和等于10,前10项的和等于50,那么它的前15项的和等于多少?(◎P 58 2)

必修二unit 5单词讲解

Unit 5 Music Words and expressions 1. dream v.梦见,做梦(dreamed-dreamed , dreamt –dreamt) cn. 梦,梦想 eg. 他昨晚做了个可怕的梦。He dreamed a terrible dream last night. dream of/about sth. 梦想,梦见… dream of/about doing sth. 梦想做… dream that从句 eg. 当他还小的时候,他梦想着做一个舞蹈家。 When he was young, he dreamed of being a dancer. /When he was young, he dreamed that he would be a dancer 2. pretend v. 假装,假扮 pretend to do sth. 假装做… pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做.. pretend to be sb. /sth. 假装是… eg. 当他妈妈进来时,他假装睡着了。He pretended to be asleep when his mother came in. 老师进来时我立即假装正在看书。I pretended to be readi ng when the teacher came in. 3. to be honest 说实在的,说实话 =honestly speaking=to tell you the truth=frankly speaking eg. 说实话,我认为我们不会赢。To be honest, I d on’t think we will win. 4. attach v. 系上,附加,连接 attach sth. to sth. 将…附在…上 eg. 在寄信前请在信封上贴上邮票。Attach a stamp to the envelope before you post your letter. attach importance /value to sth. 认为…有重要性/有价值 eg. 中国人很重视教育。C hinese people attach great importance to education. attach to 与…有关系 eg. 我们所有人都认为这件事与他有关系。All of us think thi s matter attached to him. 5. form①v. 使组成,形成,构成 eg. 爱和信任组成了我们的家庭.Love and trust formed our family. form the habit of…养成…的习惯 eg. 他还年轻时就养成了抽烟的习惯.He formed the habit of smoking when he was young. ②n. 形式,状态 be in good form 状态良好out of form 状态欠佳in the form of… 以…的形式 eg. 我们以歌唱的形式纪念我们的祖国. We are honor of our country in the form of singing. 6. earn v. 赚,挣得, 获得 earn money= make money赚钱earn one’s living = make one’s living谋生

必修三 unit5 课文

Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch "The True North", the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. "You're going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you'll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you're in Canada's warmest part. People say it is Canada's most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canada's most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres." That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days' travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada's population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were

高中数学必修5 数列经典例题集锦

高中数学必修5数列题目精选精编 【典型例题】 (一)研究等差等比数列的有关性质 1. 研究通项的性质 例题1. 已知数列}{n a 满足 1 111,3(2)n n n a a a n --==+≥. (1)求32,a a ; (2)证明: 312n n a -= . 解:(1)2 1231,314,3413a a a =∴=+==+=Q . (2)证明:由已知1 13--=-n n n a a ,故)()()(12211a a a a a a a n n n n n -++-+-=---Λ 1 2 1313 3 312n n n a ---+=++++=L , 所以证得312n n a -= . 例题2. 数列{}n a 的前n 项和记为11,1,21(1)n n n S a a S n +==+≥ (Ⅰ)求{ }n a 的通项公式; (Ⅱ)等差数列{ }n b 的各项为正, 其前n 项和为n T ,且315T =,又112233 ,,a b a b a b +++成等比数列,求n T . 解:(Ⅰ)由121n n a S +=+可得121(2)n n a S n -=+≥, 两式相减得:112,3(2)n n n n n a a a a a n ++-==≥, 又21213a S =+=∴213a a = 故{}n a 是首项为1,公比为3的等比数列 ∴1 3n n a -= (Ⅱ)设{}n b 的公比为d ,由315T =得,可得12315b b b ++=,可得25b = 故可设135,5b d b d =-=+,又1231,3,9a a a ===, 由题意可得2 (51)(59)(53)d d -+++=+,解得122,10d d == ∵等差数列{}n b 的各项为正,∴0d > ∴2d = ∴2(1) 3222n n n T n n n -=+ ?=+ 例题3. 已知数列{}n a 的前三项与数列{}n b 的前三项对应相同,且212322...a a a +++ 128n n a n -+=对任意的*N n ∈都成立,数列{} n n b b -+1是等差数列. ⑴求数列{ }n a 与{}n b 的通项公式; ⑵是否存在N k * ∈,使得(0,1)k k b a -∈,请说明理由. 点拨:(1)2112322...28n n a a a a n -++++=左边相当于是数列{}12n n a -前n 项和的形式, 可以联想到已知n S 求n a 的方法,当2n ≥时,1n n n S S a --=.


人教版2018高一英语必修一Unit5单词表 人教版2018高一英语必修一Unit 5单词表 Unit 5 △Nelsn andela 纳尔逊•曼德拉(前南非共和国总统) quality n. 质量;品质;性质 △war-hearted ad. 热心肠的 ean ad. 吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 ative ad. 积极的;活跃的 generus ad. 慷慨的;大方的 △easy-ging ad. 随和的 温和宽容的 self n. 自我;自身 selfish ad. 自私的 selfless ad. 无私的;忘我的 selflessly adv. 无私地;忘我地 devte vt. (与t连用)献身;专心于 devted ad. 忠实的;深爱的 △illia Tyndale 威廉•廷代尔(英国早期新教改革者) △Bible n. 《圣经》

△Nran Bethune 诺曼•白求恩 (加拿大胸外科医师) △invader n. 侵略者 fund vt. 建立;建设 republi n. 共和国;共和政体 priniple n. 法则;原则;原理 △natinalis n. 民族主义; 国家主义 △livelihd n. 生计;谋生 △handas Gandhi 莫罕达斯•甘地(印度国民大会党领袖)peaeful ad. 和平的;平静的;安宁的 △giant ad. 巨大的;庞大的 △leap n. 飞跃;跳跃 ankind n. 人类 △Elias n. 伊莱亚斯(男名) lawyer n. 律师 guidane n. 指导;领导 legal ad. 法律的;依照法律的 fee n. 费(会费、学费等);酬金 △passbk n. 南非共和国有色人种的身份证 △hannesburg n. 约翰内斯堡

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿 各位老师:大家好! 作为一名新课标下的英语老师,让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。多年来,我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,希望各位老师指导我的说课,是我更加自信的完成老师的使命。 一、说教材内容和学情 我说课的内容选自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修二第五单元。本单元的话题是Music,它是中学生日常生活中比较感兴趣的话题之一。它中心话题是“音乐”和“音乐类型”,单元的各项活动的设计都是围绕着以音乐类型和不同音乐对人的影响展开的。而对于音乐和音乐家,这种学生感兴趣的话题、与切身相关的情节,很容易就会引起学生们的极大兴趣,因此他们学习的参与性和积极性也会较高。在引导学生阅读前,让学生对不同种类的音乐的英文说法加以熟悉和理解,开阔的学生的视野。而在阅读后,结合现在学生中普遍存在的“选秀热”这一热点问题,引发学生的反思。 我的教学对象是高一学生。高中生思想逐渐成熟,对美的追求和对成功的渴望也越来越强烈,因此课堂中除了关注语言知识学习和语言技能训练外,更应该注重其内心的理解和个人对事物的看法。 二、三维教学目标 根据《新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际,我把教学目标设定为以下几个方面: (一)知识目标和能力目标 学习一些相关的单词、短语和句式,特别是关于音乐种类的词汇和表达对音乐感受的词。比如:动词prefer,feel,enjoy,appreciate,find.calm,形容词 relaxed,sleepy,cheerful,energetic,lively。能用英语表达建议、偏好和爱好。 学生熟悉掌握不同的音乐类型。学会灵活运用课文中的句式,自如的表达自己对音乐的理解和感受,并且从更深一层上去把握不同音乐所表达的不同意义。 (二)情感态度 1.熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的重要性,提高音乐修养 2.从谈论“音乐人的成功”入手使学生了解到做什么事都需要付出艰辛的努力。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,深化学生的德育教育,进一步激发学生学习的动力。 3.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。(三)学习策略 学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,利用所教句型和所学知识积极与同学进行真实交流,提高交际策略,培养学生的英语思维表达能力。 三、说教学目标和教学重难点 这一课的重点有两点: 1.新课标要求在语言教学的同时必须能够深化学生的德育教育。因此,如何调动学生的积极性,使学生理解成功来之不易本课的重点之一。在教学过程中教师利用多媒体视频介绍音乐人经过多年的准备和磨练终于取的成功的例子启发学生思考自己的人生:要想拥有美好的人


Book 4 Unit 5 Theme Parks . There are v arious kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, c artoons, movies or history. . Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest r oller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. . Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you! . It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether traveling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. 8. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 9. Of course Disneyland also has many exciting rides, from giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall drops. 10. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing w herever there is a Disneyland. 12. Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is one of the most unique theme parks in the world. Dollywood shows and celebrates America's traditional southeastern culture. Although Dollywood has rides, the park's main a ttraction is its culture. People come from all over America to see carpenters and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago, or take a ride on the only steam- engine train still working in the southeast USA. preserve. You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the world's largest bald eagle And for those who like rides, Dollywood has one of the best old wooden roller coasters, Thunderhead. It is world-famous for having the most length in the smallest space. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about America's historical southeastern culture! If you want to experience the ancient days and great deeds o f English knights and ladies, princes and queens, then England's Camelot Park is the place for you.

高一英语 必修三第五单元写作随堂练习

Unit 5 The Value of Money Period 4 Reading for Writing 随堂练习 (Write a dramatic scene ) In this class, you are expected to: 1. read to know the basic rules to write a play. 2. appreciate the language to show how people’s attitudes change to Henry. 3. write a dramatic scene for the play where Henry will try to use the bank note. Ⅰ Pre -reading Where will Henry go? What will happen to him ? Ⅱ While -reading ● Fast reading ---Get the main idea What is the main idea of this scene? 1. Narration 2. Before seeing the bank note :the clerks____________________________________ 3. After seeing the bank note :the clerks and owne r _____________________________ ● Fast reading ---elements(要素) of a play __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ● Careful reading ---More detailed information Underline the sentences and summarize how people’s attitudes changed towards Henry. Ⅲ Post reading ● Retelling and fill in the blanks. Henry, holding the bank note, goes into a 1.__________, as his coat is worn.


人教版必修一Unit 5词汇测试 1. n. 质量;品质;性质 2.warm-hearted adj. 3.mean adj. 4. adj. 积极的;活跃的 5.generous adj 6.easy-going adj. 7.selfish adj. 8.selfless adj. 9. vt. (与to连用)献身;专心 于 10. adj. 忠实的;深爱的 11.invader n. 侵略者 12.found vt. 13.principle n. 14.nationalism n. 15.livelihood n. 16. adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的 17.giant adj. ______________ 18.leap n. _______________ 19.mankind n. 20. n. 律师 21.guidance n. 指导;领导 22. adj. 法律的;依照法律的 23.fee n. 24.(短语)失业 25. adj. 有希望的 26.youth n. 27. n. 舞台;阶段;时期 28. v. 投票;n.选票;表决班级姓名 29. vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 30.violence n. 31.(短语)事实上 32.(短语)使充气;爆炸 33.equal adj. 34.(短语)在危险;受罚;痛 苦;忧虑等的处境中 35. adj. 乐意的;自愿的 36. adj. 不公正的;不公平的 37.(短语)求助于;致力于 38.release vt. 39.(短语)丧失勇气或信心 40.vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露 41.blanket n. 42. vt. 教育;训练 43. adj. 受过教育的;有教养的 44.(短语)当权;上台 45. vi. 请求;乞求 46. n. 亲戚;亲属 47.terror n. 48.cruelty n. 49. n. 报酬;奖金vt. 酬劳; 50.(短语)设立;建立 51.(短语)被判处……(徒刑) 52.anti-black adj. __________ 53.president n. 54. n. 意见;看法;


第二天早上,在她们的车窗外到处是灌木丛和枫树,挂满朱红、赤金和橘黄色的叶子,地面覆盖上一层薄霜,表明秋天已经来到了加拿大。中午时分,她们来到多伦多—加拿大最大、最富有的城市。她们要晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔,因此就在多伦多市内游览了一番。她们登上了高高的加拿大国家电视塔,俯瞰着下面的湖水。远处,她们可以看到湖的南边尼亚加拉大瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。湖水流入尼亚加拉河,再经过大瀑布,流向大海。 她们看到了加顶的大型运动场,那是几支著名的篮球队的驻地。当她们从港口区向北走的时候,李黛予说:“我妈妈的老同学林菲住在这里,我该到电话亭去给她打个电话。” 大约黄昏时分,她们在市区的中国城遇到了林菲,这时多伦多三个中国城中的一个。在一个名叫“海珠酒楼”的餐馆里用餐时,表姐妹和许多年前就移居加拿大的林菲闲聊了起来。林菲告诉她们:“我们在这里可以吃到很好的广东菜,因为这里的大多数中国人来自中国南方,尤其是香港。很可惜你们不能一只走到建安大的首都渥太华。它在多伦多东北方约400公里,要去那儿花时间就太多了。” 火车在那夜晚些时候起程了,第二天黎明到达了蒙特利尔。火车站里,人们到处说的是法语。指示牌和广告也都是法文的,但有些标注了小字体的英文。刘倩说:“我们要到傍晚才动身,不如到市区去走走。”整个下午她们穿梭于布局可爱的商店,还摆放了水边工作坊里的艺术家。当她们坐在咖啡馆里眺望广阔的圣劳伦斯河时,一个年轻人坐在了她们的身边。 “你们好,我叫亨利,是这里的大学生。”他说:“请问你们从哪里来?”姑娘们告诉他,她们是坐火车来旅游的,要横穿加拿大,在蒙特利尔只待一天。他说:“这太糟糕了,蒙特利尔这个城市有极好的餐馆和俱乐部。我们大多数人既说英语也说法语,但是这座城市具有法国文化和传统。我们喜欢好咖啡,好面包和好音乐。” 那天晚上,火车沿着圣劳伦斯河疾驰,朝圣劳伦斯湾驶去,一直开到远方的东海岸,姐妹两个做梦都在想着法国餐馆和红色枫叶。 The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the biggest and most wealthy city in Canada. They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower and looked across the lake. In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. The water flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea. They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, "Lin Fei, one of my mother's old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her

人教版高中数学必修 知识点考点及典型例题解析全

必修二 第一章 空间几何体 知识点: 1、空间几何体的结构 ⑴常见的多面体有:棱柱、棱锥、棱台;常见的旋转体有:圆柱、圆锥、圆台、球。 ⑵棱柱:有两个面互相平行,其余各面都是四边形,并且每相邻两个四边形的公共边都互相平行,由这些面所围成的多面体叫做棱柱。 ⑶棱台:用一个平行于棱锥底面的平面去截棱锥,底面与截面之间的部分,这样的多面体叫做棱台。 2、长方体的对角线长2222c b a l ++=;正方体的对角线长a l 3= 3、球的体积公式:33 4  R V π= ,球的表面积公式:24 R S π= 4、柱体h s V ?=,锥体h s V ?=31,锥体截面积比:22 2 1 21h h S S = 5、空间几何体的表面积与体积 ⑴圆柱侧面积; l r S ??=π2侧面 ⑵圆锥侧面积: l r S ??=π侧面 典型例题: ★例1:下列命题正确的是( ) A.棱柱的底面一定是平行四边形 B.棱锥的底面一定是三角形 C.棱柱被平面分成的两部分可以都是棱柱 D.棱锥被平面分成的两部分不可能都是棱锥 ★★例2:若一个三角形,采用斜二测画法作出其直观图,其直观图面积是原三角形面积的( ) A 21 倍 B 42倍 C 2倍 D 2倍 ★例3:已知一个几何体是由上、下两部分构成的一个组合体,其三视图如下图所示,则这个组合体的上、下两部分分别是( ) A.上部是一个圆锥,下部是一个圆柱 B.上部是一个圆锥,下部是一个四棱柱 C.上部是一个三棱锥,下部是一个四棱柱 D.上部是一个三棱锥,下部是一个圆柱

★★例4:一个体积为38cm 的正方体的顶点都在球面上,则球的表面积是 A .28cm π B 2 12cm π. C 216cm π. D .220cm π 二、填空题 ★例1:若圆锥的表面积为a 平方米,且它的侧面展开图是一个半圆,则这个圆锥的底面的直径为_______________. ★例2:球的半径扩大为原来的2倍,它的体积扩大为原来的 _________ 倍. 第二章 点、直线、平面之间的位置关系 知识点: 1、公理1:如果一条直线上两点在一个平面内,那么这条直线在此平面内。 2、公理2:过不在一条直线上的三点,有且只有一个平面。 3、公理3:如果两个不重合的平面有一个公共点,那么它们有且只有一条过该点 的公共直线。 4、公理4:平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行. 5、定理:空间中如果两个角的两边分别对应平行,那么这两个角相等或互补。 6、线线位置关系:平行、相交、异面。 7、线面位置关系:直线在平面内、直线和平面平行、直线和平面相交。 8、面面位置关系:平行、相交。 9、线面平行: ⑴判定:平面外一条直线与此平面内的一条直线平行,则该直线与此平面平行(简 称线线平行,则线面平行)。 ⑵性质:一条直线与一个平面平行,则过这条直线的任一平面与此平面的交线与 该直线平行(简称线面平行,则线线平行)。 10、面面平行: ⑴判定:一个平面内的两条相交直线与另一个平面平行,则这两个平面平行(简 称线面平行,则面面平行)。 ⑵性质:如果两个平行平面同时和第三个平面相交,那么它们的交线平行(简称 面面平行,则线线平行)。 11、线面垂直: ⑴定义:如果一条直线垂直于一个平面内的任意一条直线,那么就说这条直线和 这个平面垂直。 ⑵判定:一条直线与一个平面内的两条相交直线都垂直,则该直线与此平面垂直 (简称线线垂直,则线面垂直)。 ⑶性质:垂直于同一个平面的两条直线平行。 12、面面垂直: ⑴定义:两个平面相交,如果它们所成的二面角是直二面角,就说这两个平面互相垂直。 ⑵判定:一个平面经过另一个平面的一条垂线,则这两个平面垂直(简称线面垂直,


必修二Unit1 单词学案 1.valuable adj. ----value n. 价值 2.survive v. ---- survivor n. 幸存者 3.be in search of sb./sth. search sb. for sth. 搜某人的身 search for sb./sth.寻找某人/物 4.amaze v. ----amazed adj. 感到惊异的 ---amazing adj.令人惊异的 5.select v. ----selection n.选择 6.decorate v. ----decoration n. 装饰;装修 7.jewel n. ---- jewelry 复数 8.artist n. ---- art n.艺术 9.belong v.---- belongings n. 所有物 10.reception n.---- receive v. 收到 11.be at war ---- be in peace 在和平时期 12.wooden adj. ---- wood n. 木头 13.former adj. ---- latter adj. 较后的 14.worth ----worthy adj. 值得(注意;尊敬)的 ---- worthwhile adj. 值 得花时间(花钱,努力等);重要的 be worth sth. /doing sth. 值得做 be worthy of sb./ sth.值得…的 it is worthwhile to do sth. ……是值得的 15.painting n.----paint 绘画 v. ----painter n. 画家 16.evidence n.----evident adj. 明显的 it is evident that ……很明显…… 17.explode v. ---- explosion n.爆炸 18.entrance n. ---- exit n. 出口 19.think highly of ----think ill of ? 对……评价低,看轻 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0011662976.html,rmal adj. ----formal adj. 正式的 必修二Unit2 单词学案 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0011662976.html,pete v. ----competitor n. ----competition n. 竞争;竞赛 2.magical adj. ---- magic n. 魔术;魔法 3.volunteer n./adj./v. ---- voluntary adj. 自愿的;自发的 4.regular adj. ---- regularly adv. 定期地;有规律的 5.basis n. ---- basic adj. 基本的 base v./n. 基础;以……为基础 be based on on the basis of 以……为基础 6.admit-admitted-admitted v. ---- 承认;进入许可 admit to sth./doing sth. 承认…… admit that+从句承认…… 7.“也” as well 在句末 as well as +n.做宾语在句中 8.host v./n. ----hostess n. 女主人 9.responsibility n. ---- responsible adj. 负责的;可靠的,有责任的 be responsible for 应对……负责,是……的原因 10.replace v. = take the place of 代替

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