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How Trees Have Evolved to Obtain Light and Photosynthesize at the Greatest Rate

How Trees Have Evolved to Obtain Light and Photosynthesize at the Greatest Rate
How Trees Have Evolved to Obtain Light and Photosynthesize at the Greatest Rate

Since the time of the earliest humans, people have attempted to understand the natural environment. We have observed our surroundings and searched for explanations for natural phenomena. Yet despite our persistence over thousands of years, many basic questions remain to be answered. Although we understand core processes such as photosynthesis, we do not have a full understanding of issues such as how plants maximize their photosynthetic capacity.

Specific leaf area, or SLA, plays a prominent role in ecological theories that attempt to provide explanations for plant and ecosystem function. SLA, a measurement of the total leaf area to dry mass, has been found to correlate with the potential for light-resource use, the relative growth rate of a plant, and differences in essential nutrient demand and habitat preference.

Scientists also have observed that the SLA of individual leaves varies within a single plant, and this measurement often correlates with leaf maturation and position within the canopy. More recently, scientists have discovered that, as a tree increases in size, its total canopy SLA decreases -- that is to say, its total leaf surface area fails to keep pace with increases in total leaf mass.

What causes this decrease in SLA as tree size increases has remained a mystery, but recent research by Cornell University scientists Karl Niklas and Edward Cobb published in the January issue of the American Journal of Botany provides an explanation for this decrease in SLA with an increase in tree size.

"The traditional explanation for the size-dependent decrease in SLA was never very satisfying," Niklas said. "We wanted to look at this phenomena in greater details with more care, and we found a totally different answer to a classic ecological question."

The commonly accepted hypothesis has been that decreasing SLA in trees of increasing size is a result of leaf-by-leaf acclimation to the local environment. Physical factors such as differences in light intensity are affected by differences in leaf position within the canopy, providing different local environments. Niklas and Cobb hypothesized that changes in SLA may be a result of changes in the relative numbers of different shoot types that produce leaves differing in SLAs --a developmental shift that occurs as a tree increases in size.

Niklas and Cobb examined 15 red maple trees that differed in trunk size and found that the changes in SLA can be attributed to shoot type rather than to the location of the leaves within

the canopy. As the trunk diameter increased, the number of short-shoots increased rapidly relative to the number of long-shoots. Detailed analyses of the largest tree demonstrated that short shoots, on average, produce leaves with smaller specific leaf areas than those produced by long shoots. Consequently, developmental shifts occurring at the shoot and whole plant level account for size-dependent decreases in total canopy SLA, rather than leaf-by-leaf acclimation to the local environment.

Mathematical models for the distribution of light within the canopy predict that the photosynthetic rate of the entire canopy is maximized when the specific leaf area is lowest for leaves at the top of the canopy. This research provides new insight into the mechanism by which trees have evolved to obtain light and photosynthesize at the greatest rate.

"Our research shows that plants are highly integrated organisms that respond to their environments in ways that are every bit as complex as even the most sophisticated animals," Niklas said. "This research also shows that we still have plenty to learn about phenomena that we thought we understood very well."

Adapted from materials provided by American Journal of Botany, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.


情态动词must用法详解 (1) 表示“必须” 此时可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句,用于否定句时,mustn’t的意思是“一定不要”“不能”,而不表示“不必”。如: Water must be pure if it is to be drunk. 水如供饮用必须净化。 Must I finish the work tonight? 我必须今晚完成这项工作吗? Adverbs mustn’t be put between the verb and the object. 副词不能放在动词和宾语之间。 must主要表示现在或将来,但在间接引语中也可表过去(=had to)。如: She asked her boss if she must (had to) work overtime. 她请示上司她是否要加班。 对于must开头的一般疑问句,若作否定回答,可以用needn’t,不能用mustn’t。如:“Must I clean all the rooms?” “No, you needn’t.” “这些房间我都得清扫吗?”“不必。” (2) 表示推测 意为“准是”“一定是”,通常只用于肯定句。若用于否定句或疑问句,则用can 代之。如: That can’t be the only way. There must be other ways of solving the problem. 那不可能是解决问题的唯一办法,肯定有另外的办法。 Jane’s light is on. She must be at home. She can’t be out. 简的房间里开着灯。她一定在家,不会出去的。 若要谈论过去或完成的情况,必须用“must+have+过去分词”。如: You must have mistaken my intention. 你一定是误会了我的意图。 She must have been very young when she got married. 她结婚时一定很年轻。 He must have come this way; here are his footprints. 他一定是走这条路来的,这里还有他的脚印呢。 They must have finished their homework, for they are playing happily on the playground. 他们一定是写完作业了,他们在操场上玩得多开心呢。 (3) 表示“偏偏” 有时must可表示某事发生得不早不迟,就在某个当紧的时候,多指某些不受欢迎的事情的发生。如: The car must break down just we were starting our holidays. 我们刚刚开始休假,汽车偏偏坏了。 Must you worry her with questions, just when she is busy cooking dinner? 她正忙着做饭你干吗偏偏问她问题? Just when I was busy, the neighbor must come and chatter. 正当我忙碌的时候,邻居偏偏过来聊天。 有时还可指主观上的偏执或固执,常可译为“偏”“偏要”。如: After I gave her my advice,she must go and do the opposite. 在我给她出主意之后她偏要反着干。 Must you make so much noise? 你就非得弄出这么大的声音吗? (4) must 与have to 的区别 两者都表示“必须”,但must 侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;have to 则重于客观需要,含有“不得不”“被迫”之意。如: Everyone must keep the law. 人人都要守法。 The last train has gone. We’ll have to walk home. 最后一班车已经开了,我们得走回家了。


must 的用法 一、表义务,“必须”。例如: You must talk to them about their study. 你必须同他们谈谈关于他们学习的事。 二、在否定结构中表不许。例如: You mustn't leave here. 你不能离开这儿。 三、表推测,暗含有很大的可能性。例如: He must be ill. He looks so pale. 他肯定是病了。他的脸色那么苍白。 注意:之前我们说过 may 也可以表猜测,但是 may 暗含的可能性较小,must 暗含的可能性较大。另外否定的猜测是用can't。例如: The baby can't be ill. He is so active. 那宝宝不大可能是病了。他那么活跃。 四、表不可避免,“必然要,必定会”。例如: All men must die. 人总有一死。 五、表主张,“坚持要,一定要”。例如: If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。 六、关于 must 的简短回答: -Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫膳厅吗?

-Yes, you must. 是的。 -No, you needn't. / No, you don't have to. 不必马上打扫。 have to 的用法 一、have to 表客观的需要和义务,must 表主观的认识。例如: I missed the train, so I had to take a taxi. 我没搭上火车,所以我只得打的。(客观上需要打的) I must study hard. 我必须努力学习。(主观上认为应该努力学习) 二、在疑问句和否定句中,have to 多用助动词 do 构成,must 则直接提前或加not。例如: Did he have to do it? = Must he do it? 他得做那件事吗? 而且在否定句中,have to 表不需要,must 表不允许: You don't have to go there. 你不需要去那儿。 You mustn't go there? 你不可去那儿。 初一语法:连系动词及系表结构 连系动词也称系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语共同构成复合谓语。 连系动词与其后的表语合起来叫作系表结构。系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除2个excel表格如何比对数据 篇一:如何比较两个电子表格数据的异同 1、如何比较两个电子表格数据的异同? 1、新建一个excel文件,将两个人的两张表格分别复制到sheet1和sheet2; 2、切换到sheet3中,选中a1单元格,输入公式: =if(sheet1!a1=sheet2!a1,"ok","结果不同"); 3、采用拖拉复制的 办法将这个公式单元格的内容复制到与原表格相同大小的 位置; 4、结果已经呈现在你的面前--凡是单元格内有“结果不同”字样的,表明相应位置的两张表格内容是不一样的;凡是有“ok”字样的单元格,说明两张表格的内容是相同的。 2、钢筋符号打印到word中 程序→附件→系统工具→字符映射表→sjqy 篇二:两个excel表格核对的6种方法 两个excel表格核对的6种方法,用了三个小时才整理完成!

20xx-12-17兰色幻想-赵志东excel精英培训 excelpx-teteexcel应用分享与问题解答,提供excel 技巧、函数和Vba相关学习资料的自助查询。每天一篇原创excel教程,伴你excel学习每一天! excel表格之间的核对,是每个excel用户都要面对的 工作难题,今天兰色带大家一起盘点一下表格核对的方法,一共6种,以后再也不用加班勾数据了。 (兰色用了三个小时整理出了这篇教程,估计你再也找不到这么全的两表核对教程,一定要转发或收藏起来备用哦) 一、使用合并计算核对 excel中有一个大家不常用的功能:合并计算。利用它 我们可以快速对比出两个表的差异。 例:如下图所示有两个表格要对比,一个是库存表,一个是财务软件导出的表。要求对比这两个表同一物品的库存数量是否一致,显示在sheet3表格。库存表: 软件导出表: 操作方法: 步骤1:选取sheet3表格的a1单元格,excel20xx版里,执行数据菜单(excel20xx版数据选项卡)-合并计算。在打开的窗口里“函数”选“标准偏差”,如下图所示。 步骤2:接上一步别关窗口,选取库存表的a2:c10(第1列要包括对比的产品,最后一列是要对比的数量),再点“添

C++ #pragma code_seg用法

#pragma code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( [ [ { push | pop}, ] [ identifier, ] ] [ "segment-name" [, "segment-class" ] ) 该指令用来指定函数在.obj文件中存放的节,观察OBJ文件可以使用VC自带的dumpbin命令行程序,函数在.obj文件中默认的存放节为.text节,如果code_seg 没有带参数的话,则函数存放在.text节中。 push (可选参数)将一个记录放到内部编译器的堆栈中,可选参数可以为一个标识符或者节名 pop(可选参数)将一个记录从堆栈顶端弹出,该记录可以为一个标识符或者节名identifier(可选参数)当使用push指令时,为压入堆栈的记录指派的一个标识符,当该标识符被删除的时候和其相关的堆栈中的记录将被弹出堆栈 "segment-name" (可选参数)表示函数存放的节名 例如: //默认情况下,函数被存放在.text节中 void func1() {// stored in .text } //将函数存放在.my_data1节中 #pragma code_seg(".my_data1") void func2() {// stored in my_data1 } //r1为标识符,将函数放入.my_data2节中 #pragma code_seg(push, r1, ".my_data2") void func3() {// stored in my_data2 } int main() { } 例如 #pragma code_seg(“PAGE”) 作用是将此部分代码放入分页内存中运行。 #pragma code_seg() 将代码段设置为默认的代码段 #pragma code_seg("INIT") 加载到INIT内存区域中,成功加载后,可以退出内存


加to do 的动词 attempt企图enable能 够 neglect忽视afford负担得 起 demand要求long渴 望 arrange安排destine注 定 mean意欲,打算begin开 始 expect期望omit忽略,漏 appear似乎,显得determine决定manage设 法cease停止 hate憎恨,厌恶pretend假装 ask问dread害 怕 need需要agree同 意

desire愿望love 爱 swear宣誓volunteer志愿 wish希望bear承 受 endeavor努力offer提 供 beg请求fail不 能 plan计划 bother扰乱;烦恼forget忘 记 prefer喜欢,宁愿care关心,喜欢happen碰 巧prepare准 备decide决 定learn学 习 regret抱歉,遗憾choose选择hesitate犹 豫profess表明

claim要求hope希 望 promise承诺,允许start开始undertake承 接want想要 consent同意,赞同intend想要refuse拒 绝decide决定 learn学习vow起contrive设法,图谋incline有…倾向propose提议seek 找,寻觅 try试图 2)下面的动词要求不定式做宾补:动词+宾语+动词不定式 ask要求,邀请get请,得 到 prompt促使allow允 许 forbid禁止prefer喜欢,宁愿announce宣 布force强

迫 press迫使bride 收 买 inspire鼓舞request请求 assist协助hate憎 恶 pronounce断定,表示advise 劝告exhort告诫,勉 励pray请求 authorize授权,委托help帮 助recommend劝告,推荐bear容 忍implore恳 求remind提醒 beg请求induce引 诱 report报告compel强 迫 invite吸引,邀请,summon传 唤command命 令intend想要,企


must用法详解 今天给大家带来must用法详解,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 must用法详解 1. 表示“必须”、“一定要” (1) 可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句;用于否定句时,mustn’t 的意思是“一定不要”、“不能”,而不是“不必”。如: You must finish it today. 你一定要在今天完成它。 You must see the doctor. 你一定要看医生。 Must you go so soon? 你一定得这么早就走吗? We mustn’t think only of ourselves. 我们可不能只考虑自己。 (2) 主要表示现在或将来,但有时(如在间接引语中)也可表过去(=had to)。如: She asked if she must (had to) leave. 她问她是否一定要离开。

(3) 对于must 开头一般疑问句,若要作否定回答,可用needn’t、dont have to,不用mustn’t。如: "Must I come over tonight?" "No, you needn’t." “我今晚必须 过来吗?”“不必。” (4) 其后可接被动结构或进行形式。如: Something must be done to stop it. 必须采取措施来阻止它。 I think I must be going. 我想我得走了。 2. 表示推测 意为“准是”、“一定是”,注意以下几点。如: (1) 通常只用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句用can 代之。如: It must be true. 那一定是真的。 比较。如:Can it be true? 那可能是真的吗? / It can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。 (2) 后接动词原形,表示对现在情况的推测。如: He must be wrong. 他一定错了。 The man must have a lot of money. 这个人一定有不少钱。


E X C E L表格数据比对说 明 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

Excel数据比对说明 一、数据比对 数据比对,主要方式是通过源数据与新数据进行比对,其目的是找出新数据中没有源数据中有的,也就是新数据中减少的。 二、比对步骤 (一)整理数据。 要求源数据与新数据的Excel表格所对应列显示的是同一项内容,比如A列都是姓名,B列都是身份证号码等等。 (二)建立数据比对表格 上述数据处理好后,将新数据粘贴到源数据的后面,另存为【数据比对表】。 (三)数据比对 在【数据比对表】单元格最后面新建两列,取名为姓名核对、身份证号码核对,插入下面所述公式进行数据比对。 1.“姓名”比对公式: =COUNTIF(A$609:A$4759,A2&"*") 说明:A是“姓名”所在的列; 609:4759为新数据的开始和结束单元格; A2是源数据“姓名”单元格; &"*"的作用是防止单元格后面有其他字符或空格。 2.“身份证号码”比对公式:

=COUNTIF(B$609:B$4795,B2&"*") 说明:B是“身份证号码”所在的列; 609:4759为新数据的开始和结束单元格; B2是源数据“身份证号码”单元格; &"*"的作用同上。 3. 比对结果说明: 三、其他说明 若将源数据粘贴到新数据的后面,可以找出新数据中有源数据中没有的,也就是新数据中新增的。 比对结果说明:

其实其本质就是以后面的数据位基准,把前面的数据一个个拿去与后面的数据作比对的结果。 若要将姓名和身份证两列数据合并,可以用A2&B2,A2是“姓名”单元格;B2是“身份证”单元格。


常见的“to do”与“doing”现象 有些动词后既可接to do,也可接doing,它们后接to do与doing在意思上有时有较大的差别。因为它们也是中考的常考点之一,因而我们应该搞清楚它们的区别。 1. stop to do/stop doing sth。 解析:stop to do sth.意为“停下来(正在做的事)去做(另外的)某事”,to do sth.在句中作目的状语。而stop doing sth.意为“停止做(正在做的)某事”。如Mary stopped to speak to me.玛丽停下(手头的工作)来跟我讲话。 When the teacher came in. the students stopped talking.老师进来时,学生们停止讲话。 2. remember to do/remember doing sth 解析:remember to do sth.意为“记住要去做某事”(还没有做)。而remember doing sth.意为“记得(已经)做过某事”如: Please remember to send the letter for me.请记住为我发这封信。 I don’t remember eating such food somewhere.我不记得在哪里吃过这种食物 3. forget to do/forget doing sth 解析:forget to do sth.意为“忘记做某事”(动作还没有发生)。而forget doing sth.意为“忘记做过某事”(动作已发生)。如: Don’t forget to bring your photo here.别忘了把你的相片带来。 I have forgotten giving the book to him.我忘记我已把书给了他。 4. go on to do/go on doing sth 解析:go on to do sth.意为“做完一件事,接着做另外一件事”,两件事之间有可能有某种联系。而go on doing sth.意为“继续做下去”。如: After reading the text, the students went on to do the exercises.学生们读完课文后,接着做练习。 It’s raining hard, but the farmers go on working on the farm.虽然天正下着大雨,但农民们继续在农场干活。 5. try to do/try doing sth 解析:try to do sth.意为“尽力去做某事”,而try doing sth.意为“(用某一种办法)试着去做某事”。如: Try to come a little early next time, please.下次请尽量早点来。 You can try working out the problem in another way.你可以试试用其它的方法解答这道题目。 6. can’t help to do/can’t help doing sth 解析:can’t help to do为动词不定式结构;can’t help doing sth.意为“身不由己地去做某事”或“情不自禁地去做某事。”如: We can’t help to finish it.我们不能帮忙完成此事。 I couldn’t help laughing when I saw her strange face.当我看到她奇怪的脸时,我情不自禁地笑了。 7. hear sb. do/hear sb. doing sth 解析:hear sb. do sth.意为“听见某人做某事”,指听到了这个动作的全过程;hear sb. doing sth.意为“听到某人做某事”,指听到时候,这个动作正在发生。如: I often hear him sing in the classroom.我经常听见他在教室里唱歌。 Do you hear someone knocking at the door?你听见有人在敲门吗? 应该说明的是:和hear的用法一样的还有see、watch、notice等。

C++ #pragma预处理命令

#pragma预处理命令 #pragma可以说是C++中最复杂的预处理指令了,下面是最常用的几个#pragma 指令: #pragma comment(lib,"XXX.lib") 表示链接XXX.lib这个库,和在工程设置里写上XXX.lib的效果一样。 #pragma comment(linker,"/ENTRY:main_function") 表示指定链接器选项/ENTRY:main_function #pragma once 表示这个文件只被包含一次 #pragma warning(disable:4705) 表示屏蔽警告4705 C和C++程序的每次执行都支持其所在的主机或操作系统所具有的一些独特的特点。例如,有些程序需要精确控制数据存放的内存区域或控制某个函数接收的参数。#pragma为编译器提供了一种在不同机器和操作系统上编译以保持C和C++完全兼容的方法。#pragma是由机器和相关的操作系统定义的,通常对每个编译器来说是不同的。 如果编译器遇到不认识的pragma指令,将给出警告信息,然后继续编译。Microsoft C and C++ 的编译器可识别以下指令:alloc_text,auto_inline,bss_seg,check_stack,code_seg,comment,component,conform,const_seg,data_seg,deprecated,fenv_access,float_control,fp_contract,function,hdrstop,include_alias,init_seg,inline_depth,inline_recursion,intrinsic,make_public,managed,message,omp,once,optimize,pack,pointers_to_members,pop_macro,push_macro,region, endregion,runtime_checks,section,setlocale,strict_gs_check,unmanaged,vtordisp,warning。其中conform,init_seg, pointers_to_members,vtordisp仅被C++编译器支持。 以下是常用的pragma指令的详细解释。 1.#pragma once。保证所在文件只会被包含一次,它是基于磁盘文件的,而#ifndef 则是基于宏的。


To do 和 doing的用法 1. finish, enjoy, feel like, consider, imagine, keep, postpone, delay, mind, practise, suggest, risk, quit+doing 2. 1)forget to do 忘记要去做某事(此事未做) forget doing忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生) 2)stop to do 停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 stop doing 停止正在或经常做的事 3)remember to do 记住去做某事(未做) remember doing记得做过某事(已做) 4) regret to do对要做的事遗憾 regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔 5)try to do努力、企图做某事 try doing试验、试一试某种办法 6) mean to do打算,有意要… mean doing意味着 7)go on to do 继而(去做另外一件事情) go on doing 继续(原先没有做完的事情) 8)propose to do 打算(要做某事) proposing doing建议(做某事) 9) like /love/hate/ prefer +to do 表示具体行为;+doing sth 表示抽象、倾向概念 (注)如果这些动词前有should一词,其后宾语只跟不定式,不能跟动名词。例如: I should like to see him tomorrow. 10) need, want, deserve +动名词表被动意义;+不定式被动态表示“要(修、清理等)”意思。 Don’t you remember seeing the man before你不记得以前见过那个人吗 You must remember to leave tomorrow.你可要记着是明天动身。 I don’t regret telling her what I thought.我不后悔给她讲过我的想法。(已讲过) I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没办法。(未做但要做) You must try to be more careful.你可要多加小心。 Let’s try doing the work some other way.让我们试一试用另外一种办法来做这工作。 I didn’t mean to hurt your feeling.我没想要伤害你的感情。 This illness will mean (your) going to hospital.得了这种病(你)就要进医院。 3.省to 的动词不定式 1)情态动词 ( 除ought 外,ought to): 2)使役动词 let, have, make: 3)感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。 注意:在被动语态中则to 不能省掉。 I saw him dance.

Must 的用法

Must 的用法: 1. must (“必须”, 主观上的) / have to (“不得不”, 客观上的) 2. must / need 提问, 其肯定答语用must , 否定答语用needn’t 3. mustn’t 表示禁止 4. 用于猜测句型, 表语气很强的肯定句中. “一定….” 5. 表示人的一种固执“偏要”“非…不可” (指做令人不愉快的事) 6. 做名词: “必须有的东西/做的事” Exercises: 1. I can’t find my key. It ____ in my offi ce. A. can be forgotten B. can be left C. must have been forgotten D. must have been left 2.---What’s that terrible smell? ---Oh, I forgot about the chicken! Go and look, it ______! A. may be burnt B. ought to be boiling C. can be cooking D. must be burning 3. “Oh, peter, you are running a high fever. You ____ go to see a doctor or you’ll miss the entrance exam.” Said the teacher. A. must B. should C. might C. could 4.---_____ you make so much noise? ---Sorry. I’ll take care n ot to. A. Can B. Must C. May D. Would 5.I really _____ go ; I shall miss my bus if I don’t hurry. A. can B. might C. will D. must 6. You _____ use the office phone for private calls during working time. It’s not permitted. A. need n’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. won’t 7.---Wake up, Peter. Time to rise. ---I ____ asleep while I was reading A. must fall B. could fall C. must have fallen D. should have fallen 8.---_____ I book a table for dinner a few days ahead of time? ---Yes, you ____. The restaurant is always full, especially during the holidays. A. Must, will B. Must, can C. Shall, shall D. Shall, must 9.Little Tom ____ have finished his homework; otherwise, he wouldn’t be listening to music. A. can B. shall C. must D. would 10.Apologize? ______ I ? It was all her own fault. A. May B. Shall C. Should D. Must 11.So long as there are more people than needed, there _____ be tests to help make a fairer decision. A. can B. may C. shall D. must 12.____ you take a taxi? There is still plenty of time. A. Can B. Will C. Must D. Should 13.---Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?


两个excel电子表格单列比较,双列比较,多列比较 单列比较 =VLOOKUP(C4,Sheet3!$C$2:$C$127,1,0) 语法规则 该函数的语法规则如下: VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) 参数简单说明输入数据类型lookup_value要查找的值数值、引用或文本字符串table_array要查找的区域数据表区域col_index_num返回数据在区域的第几列数正整数range_lookup精确匹配TRUE(或不填) /FALSE Lookup_value参数说明 Lookup_value为需要在数据表第一列中进行查找的数值。Lookup_value 可以为数值、引用或文本字符串。 Table_array参数说明 Table_array为需要在其中查找数据的数据表。使用对区域或区域名称的引用。 col_index_num参数说明 col_index_num为table_array 中待返回的匹配值的列序号。 col_index_num 为 1 时,返回 table_array 第一列的数值,col_index_num 为2 时,返回 table_array 第二列的数值,以此类推。如果 col_index_num 小于1,函数 VLOOKUP 返回错误值 #VALUE!;如果 col_index_num 大于 table_array 的列数,函数 VLOOKUP 返回错误值#REF!。 Range_lookup参数说明 Range_lookup为一逻辑值,指明函数 VLOOKUP 查找时是精确匹配,还是近似匹配。如果为true或省略,则返回近似匹配值。也就是说,如果找不到精确匹配值,则返回小于 lookup_value 的最大数值。如果 range_lookup 为 false,函数 VLOOKUP 将查找精确匹配值,如果找不到,则返回错误值 #N/A。 双列比较 注意:两列以上比较中必须以ctrl+shift+enter键结束;

#pragma data code ICCAVR的使用

#pragma data:code 在Keil中为了节省数据存储器的空间,通过“code”关键字来定义一个数组或字符串将被存储在程序存储器中: uchar code buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; uchar code string[]="Armoric" ; 而这类代码移值到ICCAVR上时是不能编译通过的。我们可以通过"const" 限定词来实现对存储器的分配: #pragma data:code const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; const unsigned char string[]="Armoric"; #pragma data:data 注意: 《1》使用ICCAVR6.31时,#pragma data :code ;#pragma data:data ; 这些语法时在"data:cod"、"data:data"字符串中间不能加空格,否则编译不能通过。 《2》const 在ICCAVR是一个扩展关键词,它与ANSIC标准有冲突,移值到其它的编译器使用时也需要修改相关的地方。 在ICCAVR中对数组和字符串的五种不同空间分配: const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; //buffer数组被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char string[]="Armoric" ; //stringp字符串被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区中,指向数据存储区中的字符类型数据 const unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向数据存储区中的数据 请问#pragma data:code和#pragma data:data是什么意思? 前者表示:随后的数据将存贮在程序区,即FLASH区,此区只能存贮常量,比如表格之类。


一.To do形式 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 help to do sth. 帮助做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事 help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事


n e e d m u s t用法及练习集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

need用法 一.用作实义动词 1.need sth. 这是need最常见的用法之一,其后的宾语可以是名词,也可以是代词。如: 1). The soup need s salt. 2). They don’t need afraid any more. 3). Does he need any help 2.need doing 与 need to be done 通常物做主语,need后面可跟动名词作宾语,这种情况下应注意两点: ①.主动形式的动名词doing具有被动的含义; ②.该动名词可以改为其动词不定式的被动形式而句子的意义不变。例如: 4). The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted. 5). Your car needs repairing. = Your car needs to be repaired. 3.need to do sth. 作为实义动词,need后面需要接带to的动词不定式,表示有义务或责任去做某事。如: 6). What do we need to take for the party 7). Will we need to show our ID card 8). I need to take good care of my sister. 二.用作情态动词 ①.没有人称和数的变化。不论主语是第几人称,不论主语是单数还是复数,情态都词都无形式变化; ②.不能单独充当谓语。情态动词必须与一个实义动词一起构成复合谓语,并且这个实意动词要始终是动词原形。 ③.变为否定句时只需在情态动词之后加not。 9).You needn't do it again.10).He needn't worry about it. ④.变为疑问句时只需将情态动词提到主语的前面。例如: 11). Need I type this letter again 12)—Need I stay here any longer —No, you needn’t. —Yes, you must. 三.用作名词 need作为名词,含义为“缺乏,需要”;其复数表示“基本需要”。要掌握两个词组:in (great) need of(急需)与meet the needs of(满足……的需要)。例如: 13). There’s no need for you to try again. 14). The factory is in great need of funds. “need+have+done”表示本来需要做某事而没有做。“needn't+have+done”则表示“本来不需要做某事而做了”。 I needn't have bought so much wine—only five people came. He need have hurried to the station. In that case, be wouldn't have missed the train. you need not have said that “should+have+done”意思是“本来应该做某事,而实际没做。” “shouldn't+have+done”表示本来不应该做某事,而实际做了。含有指责对方或自责的含意。 1. Tom, you are too lazy. The work should have been finished yesterday. 2. Look, Tom is crying. I shouldn't have been so harsh on him. 3 you should have told me “must+have+done”表示对过去事情的肯定推测,译成“一定做过某事”,该结构只用于肯定句。 1. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 2. You must have been mad to speak to the servant.


#pragma的用法 在所有的预处理指令中,#Pragma 指令可能是最复杂的了,它的作用是设定编译器的状态或者是指示编译器完成一些特定的动作。#pragma指令对每个编译器给出了一个方法,在保持与C和C++语言完全兼容的情况下,给出主机或操作系统专有的特征。依据定义, 编译指示是机器或操作系统专有的,且对于每个编译器都是不同的。 其格式一般为: #pragma para。其中para为参数,下面来看一些常用的参数。 1)message 参数 message参数是我最喜欢的一个参数,它能够在编译信息输出窗口中输出相应的信息,这对于源代码信息的控制是非常重要的。其使用方法为: #pragma message("消息文本") 当编译器遇到这条指令时就在编译输出窗口中将消息文本打印出来。 当我们在程序中定义了许多宏来控制源代码版本的时候,我们自己有可能都会忘记有 没有正确的设置这些宏, 此时我们可以用这条指令在编译的时候就进行检查。假设我们希望判断自己有没有在源代码的什么地方定义了_X86这个宏, 可以用下面的方法: #ifdef _X86 #pragma message("_X86 macro activated!") #endif 我们定义了_X86这个宏以后,应用程序在编译时就会在编译输出窗口里显示"_86 macro activated!"。 我们就不会因为不记得自己定义的一些特定的宏而抓耳挠腮了。 (2)另一个使用得比较多的pragma参数是code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( ["section-name" [, "section-class"] ] ) 它能够设置程序中函数代码存放的代码段,当我们开发驱动程序的时候就会使用到 它。 (3)#pragma once (比较常用) 只要在头文件的最开始加入这条指令就能够保证头文件被编译一次,这条指令实际上 在VC6中就已经有了, 但是考虑到兼容性并没有太多的使用它。 (4)#pragma hdrstop 表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译。BCB可以预编译头文件以 加快链接的速度, 但如果所有头文件都进行预编译又可能占太多磁盘空间,所以使用这个选项排除一些头文
