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Scanthefollowingpassageandfindthewordsw hichhaveroughlythesamemeaningsasthosegi venbelow.Thenumberinthebracketaftereach worddefinitionreferstothenumberofparagra phinwhichthetargetwordis.Writethewordyo uchooseontheANSWERSHEET.

Aboutthreehundredyearsago,therewereappr oximatelyhalfabillionpeopleintheworld.Inth etwocenturiesthatfollowedthepopulationdou bled,and,by1850,thereweremorethanabillion peopleintheworld.Ittookonly75yearsforthefi guretodoubleoncemore,sothatnowthepopula tionfigurestandsatapproximatelysixandoneh alfbillion.Eachdaythepopulationoftheworldi ncreasesbyabout150,000.

Informercenturiesthepopulationgrewslowly. Famines,wars,andepidemics,suchastheplagu eandcholera,killedmanypeople.Today,althou ghthebirthratehasnotchangedsignificantly,t hedeathratehasbeenloweredconsiderablyby variouskindsofprogress.


2012年自考英语阅读模考试题及答案-自学考试I.Vocabulary.(10points,1pointforeach) Scanthefollowingpassageandfindthewordsw hichhaveroughlythesamemeaningsasthosegi venbelow.Thenumberinthebracketaftereach worddefinitionreferstothenumberofparagra phinwhichthetargetwordis.Writethewordyo uchooseontheANSWERSHEET.

Aboutthreehundredyearsago,therewereappr oximatelyhalfabillionpeopleintheworld.Inth etwocenturiesthatfollowedthepopulationdou bled,and,by1850,thereweremorethanabillion peopleintheworld.Ittookonly75yearsforthefi guretodoubleoncemore,sothatnowthepopula tionfigurestandsatapproximatelysixandoneh alfbillion.Eachdaythepopulationoftheworldi ncreasesbyabout150,000. Informercenturiesthepopulationgrewslowly. Famines,wars,andepidemics,suchastheplagu eandcholera,killedmanypeople.Today,althou ghthebirthratehasnotchangedsignificantly,t hedeathratehasbeenloweredconsiderablyby variouskindsofprogress.


00596英语阅读(二)自考模拟试题(一) I. Vocabulary. ( 10 points, 1 point for each) Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughly the same meanings as those given below. The number in the bracket after each word definition refers to the number of paragraph in which the target word is. Write the word you choose on the ANSWER SHEET. About three hundred years ago, there were approximately half a billion people in the world. In the two centuries that followed the population doubled, and, by 1850, there were more than a billion people in the world. It took only 75 years for the figure to double once more, so that now the population figure stands at approximately six and one half billion. Each day the population of the world increases by about 150,000. In former centuries the population grew slowly. Famines, wars, and epidemics, such as the plague and cholera, killed many people. Today, although the birth rate has not changed significantly, the death rate has been lowered considerably by various kinds of progress. Machinery has made it possible to produce more and more food in vast areas, such as the plains of America and Russia. Crops have increased almost everywhere and people are growing more and more food. New forms of food preservation have also been developed so that food need not be eaten as soon as it has grown. Meat, fish, fruit and vegetables can be dried, tinned or frozen, then stored for later use. Improvement in communications and transportation has made it possible to send more food from the place where it is produced to other places where it is needed. This has helped reduced the number of famines. Generally speaking, people live in conditions of greater security. Practices such as the slave trade, which caused many useless deaths, have been stopped. 1. one hundred years (Para. 1) 2. symbol for a number (Para. 1) 3. an extreme scarcity of food (Para 2) 4. an outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely (Para.2) 5. importantly (Para.2) 6. much; a great deal (Para. 2) 7. preparation of food to resist decay (Para. 3) 8. to reserve or put away for future use (Para.3) 9. a means or system of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another (Para. 4) 10. the state of being safe (Para. 5)

自考英语阅读一 10.THE NECKLACE

10. The Necklace After Guy De Maupassant TEXT She was one of those pretty and charming girls who are sometimes,as if (似乎,好像)by a mistake of destiny,born into a family of clerks. she had no dowry,no expectations,no means of being known , understood,loved,or wedded by any rich and distinguished man and she let herself be married to a little clerk at the Ministry of Public Instruction. She dressed plainly because she could not dress well,but her unhappiness seemed to be deeper than one might expect . She seemed to feel that she had fallen from her proper station in life as a woman of wealth,beauty,grace,and charm . She valued these above all else in life,yet she could not attain them . she cared nothing for caste or rank but only for a natural fineness,an instinct for what is elegant,and a suppleness of wit . these would have made her the equal of the greatest ladies of the land . If only she could attain them…. She suffered,feeling born for all the delicacies and all the luxuries . She suffered from the poverty of her dwelling, from the wretched look of the walls,from the worn-out


2017年1月高等教育自学考试学校管理学试题 (课程代码 00448) 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题l分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1.决定学校管理学的特定研究对象及其研究范围的是 A.学校管理活动的特殊性 B. 学校教育活动的特殊性 C.学校管理要依据客观规律 D.学校管理活动和教育活动的不等同性2.研究者通过参加学校管理活动,对其活动中的原始事件进行记录,并分析记录结果,从而得出结论的方法叫 A. 调查研究法 B.人种志研究法 C.比较研究法 D.案例研究法 3.学校管理工作应当遵循的行为准则是 A.学校管理思想 B.学校管理目标 C.学校领导体制 D.学校管理原则 4.学校管理工作的导向是 A.学校管理思想 B.学校管理目标

C.学校管理过程 D.学校管理手段 5.主要研究学校日常行政工作重要问题的会议是 A.校务会议 B.教学例会 C.校长会议 D.行政会议 6.协助校长组织领导后勤事务工作的职能机构是 A.政教处 B.校长办公室 C.总务处 D.教导处 7.校长负责制的核心内容是 A.校长对学校工作全面负责 B.党支部保证监督 C.教职工民主管理 D.校长的职位内涵和职责内涵 8.自新中国成立到1985年教育体制改革,我国曾实行过多少种领导体制? 种种种种 9.学校管理过程的中心环节是 A.教学 B.计划 C.实施 D.目标 10.检查阶段的管理活动可分为平时检查和阶段检查,经常检查和集中检查,其划分依据是

A.内容 B.主体 C.形式 D.时间 11.学校管理活动过程的一个周期的终结环节是 A.计划 B.实行 C.总结 D.检查 12. 学校民主管理主要的、基本的组织形式是 A.班级制度 B.管理例会制度 C.教职工代表大会 D.教学例会制度 13.学校管理者在学校管理过程中能时时体现教育性,处处着眼于育人的行为准则是指 A.教育性原则 B.民主性原则 C.规范性原则 D.系统性原则 14.学校管理方法可分为基本的管理方法和特殊的管理方法,其划分依据是 A.对象范围的不同 B.所运用方法的量化程度不同 C.管理对象的性质不同 D.所运用方法的主次不同 15.通过对学校成员进行政策、法律等知识的宣传和理想等信念的教育,提高他们的认识,为实现学校目标而努力的学校管理方法是 A.思想教育方法 B.行政管理方法 C.法律管理方法 D.咨询参与方法


全国高等教育自学考试试题 英语(二)试题 (课程代码00015) 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提 供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有 提及,选择C,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B或C)填在答题纸的相应位置上。 The Stranger Who Changed My Life It was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was driving a taxi,looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital,l found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me. ,please,“ he said. As I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. “ The Airport always,I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments,he started saying,“How do you like driving a taxi?” i t’s OK,”I said. “I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes. ” ‘s I asked. “ What do you do?” “I am a doctor at New York Hospital. ” Many times during long rides,l’d developed a good relationship with my passengers and received very good advice from them. This time I decided to ask for his help,”Could I ask a favor ,15,a good kid. He wants a job this summer. is it of you?”He didn't answer. “I have a son possible that you get one for him?” my students He still wasn't talking, and I was starting to feel foolish. Finally, he said, “ Well, have a summer research project. Maybe he could join in. Have him send me his school record. He left his address and paid me. It was the last time I ever saw him. Robbie sent off his grades the next morning. And gradually this incident was forgotten. Two weeks later, when I arrived home from work, Robbie handed me a letter. He was informed to call Dr. Plum for an interview. Robbie got the job. The following summer, Robbie worked at the hospital again, but this time, he was given more responsibility. Then, he worked at the hospital for a third summer and gradually developed a love of medical profession. Near graduating from college, Robbie applied to and was admitted to New York Medical College. After getting his medical degree, Robbie, the son of a taxi driver, became a doctor at Columbia Medical Center. 1. The doctor shouted at the taxi driver for a ride. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. The doctor wanted to go to the railway station by taxi. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3. The taxi driver liked talking with his customers. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4. The taxi driver had two children. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5. The taxi driver became Dr. Plum' s friend.


2014年4月自考英语二00015试题及答案 第一部分:阅读判断(10*1分) Running: sport or way of life? You go through the channels several times and find that once again there’s nothing on TV that interests you. Not a problem! Just put on some running shoes and comfortabl e clothes and go for a run. One of the best things about the sport of running is that you d on’t need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But d on’t be fool ed into thinking the sport of running is easy. It requires discipline and concentration. Running is good for you both physically and mentally. It strengthens your heart, lungs, and muscl es. It makes you more aware of your body. Running also improves your body so that you d on’t get sick as easily. It can even help you to stay more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more cl early. How d o you get engaged in the sport if you d on’t know much about it? Most schools offer running programs. A simpl e Internet search can help you find some in your area. The programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set practical goals and take care of their bodies. Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race, you’ll see peopl e cheering for all the runners. Running isn’t always about how fast you are running or how far you’re going. It’s about getting out there and d oing it. Participation is more important than competition, and effort is recognized over talent. It you’re looking for more than just a sport, running may be the perfect choice for you. 1.You may find it interesting to go for a run. A.True B. False C. Not Given 2.The sport of running is easy. A.True B. False C. Not Given 3.It’s hard to find a safe environment for running.


自学考试英语二真题卷 及答案 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

2014年10月全国高等教育自学考试试题 英语(二)试题 (课程代码00015) 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B或C)填在答题纸的相应位置上。 The Stranger Who Changed My Life It was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was driving a taxi,looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital, l found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me. I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. “ The Airport,please,“ he said. As always,I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments,he started saying,“How do you like driving a taxi?” ‘s i t’ s OK,”I said. “I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes.” “ What do you do?” I asked. “I am a doctor at New York Hospital. ”

自考 英语 模考阅读一

自考英语模考阅读一 《英语阅读一》模拟试题(一) READING COMPREHENSION Passage 1 According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “ more materialistic and less altruistic(利他主义的)” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll. Not surprising in these hard times, the student’s major objective “ is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching, social service and the ―altruistic‖ fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine( a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree.

00448 学校管理学(答案)

西华师范大学高等教育自学考试省考课《学校管理学》试卷答案 一、名词解释(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1、学校聘任制:是校长根据工作需要和职务要求,用签订合同和发放聘书的形式,聘用教师在一定时期内在学校任教、任职的制度。 2、教学管理:是管理者依据学校教育目标,遵循教育规律,不断强化正确的教学、合理组织教学活动要素,使教学活动有序高效运转,从而提高教学效益的过程。 3、德育管理:是学校管理者依据学校德育学和管理学的科学原理和方法,从实际出发,通过一定方式和手段有效地组织、调控学校德育工作,以实现学校德育目标的的活动。 4、目标管理:目标管理是用目标体系组合全体成员,以目标指导每个人的工作和行为的一种管理思想、管理制度和管理方法。 5、教学质量管理:是指为保证培养目标而对教学过程和效果进行组织、协调、指导和控制的活动。它与教学工作质量共同构成教学质量的基本保证。 6、学校领导体制:是指学校内部的机构设置、领导权限划分和隶属关系的组织体系及其制度的总称。 7、学校规章制度:学校规章制度是学校成员在贯彻教育方针,实现教育目标的过程中所必须遵循的行为规范或准则。它多以简明的文字条规或正式文件的形式由权力部门公之于众,成为相关人群共同遵守的规定、法规等。 8、学校管理过程:为实现以育人为中心的预期目标而循序展开的一系管理职能在主客体的相互作用中发生、发展和演变的基本程序。 9、教务行政管理:主要是指对组织协调教学活动、建立和维护正常的教学秩序等教学事务方面的管理活动。它为教育学服务,是教学活动得以

正常运转的中枢。 10、校长负责制:是指学校工作由校长统一领导和全面负责,党支部(或总支)在学校的核心地位和监督保证,教代会民主参与管理的学校内部的根本组织制度。 二、简答题 (本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分) 11、我们应树立哪些现代学校管理理念? (1)开放观念; (2)战略观念; (3)创新观念; (4)系统观念; (5)竞争观念; (6)素质教育观念。 12、学校组织机构设置的原则是什么? (1)精干效率原则; (2)统一指挥原则; (3)管理幅度原则; (4)职权责统一原则; (5)系统平衡原则。 13、简述学校管理过程的特点。 (1)以育人为本的教育性; (2)按阶段循序发展的稳定性和程序性; (3)目标成果形成的综合力和养成性; (4)目标控制的复杂性和困难性。 14、教学管理的任务是什么? (1)端正教学思想; (2)是健全教学组织; (3)完善管理制度; (4)稳定教学秩序;


2019 年 10 月髙等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语 (二)试卷 (课程代码: 00015) 本试卷共 8 页,满分 100 分,考试时间 150 分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1? 10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分) 下面的短文后列出了10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果 该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 To Lease(租赁 ) or Not to Lease Planning to lease a car because you don't think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just as expensive as buying. Most people think about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They're right-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease anew Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If you were to buy the same car, you would pay about $400 per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the car back. Many people want to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than they might otherwise be able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 monthly on a car, you might be able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might


2014年自考英语(二)考试大纲 一、课程的性质和设置目的 高等教育自学考试是一种个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式。为适应新形势,提高自学效率、助学质量和考试效能,满足国家和社会对人才培养的需要,特制定本 课程考试大纲。 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言。它不仅是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国的通用语言,也是许多非英语国家科学技术、外交、贸易、管理和文化等方面对外交流的通用语言。英语已成为名副其实的国际通用语言,它是我国实行对外开放,开展国际交流的重要工 具之一。 本课程名称为“英语(二)”,是高等教育自学考试各专业(英语专业除外)。本科阶段的 公共基础课。 本课程既是一门语言实践课程,也是拓宽知识、了解世界文化的重要素质课程,它以培养学习者的综合语言应用能力为目标,使他们在学习、工作和社会交往中能够使用英语进行有效的交流,并能学习和借鉴外国先进科学技术、经营方式、管理方法和优秀文化成果,同时向世 界展示我国建设和发展的成就。 本课程共14学分。 二、课程的基本内容 本课程以先进的外语教学理论为指导,建立适应时代要求的科学的课程体系。课程体系包括适合个人自学和社会助学的教材,并利用现代信息技术等手段搭建先进的教学平台,形成有 自考特色的公共英语教学体系。 本课程在完成“英语(一)”课程内容基础上,培养学生掌握系统的英语语言知识,包括正确的英语语音知识、系统的英语语法知识和一定的词汇量(4,500),并熟悉英语语言的表达 方式。 本课程强调在系统掌握英语语言知识的基础上开展大量综合语言实践活动,培养学习者掌握正确的学习策略,使其能理解多种场合、多种领域的普通语言材料,能够把握重点,进行概括和分析;能使用多种交际策略参与多种一般性话题的交流和讨论,表明自己的观点和态度,表达连贯,基本得体,为以后更高阶段的英语课程学习及在工作中使用英语奠定扎实的基础。

自考英语阅读一 一考通阅读练习题

Unit 1 单元同步练习 I. Careful Reading Directions: In this section, there are 3 reading passages followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. Thus they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas. When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money. Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not function. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to the Stock Exchange. There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance. 1. Almost all companies trying to develop new products and create ne jobs have to ____. A. borrow large sums of money from friends and relatives B. persuade the banks to provide long-term finance C. rely on their own financial resources D. depend on the population as a whole for finance 2. The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is ___. A. raised by selling the shares in the companies B. raised by putting into circulation the savings of individuals overseas C. repaid to its original owners as soon as possible D. invested in different companies on the Stock Exchange 3. When the savers want their money back they ___. A. go to the company to take it back B. have to borrow money from other people C. put their shares in the company back on the market

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