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What problems do the teenagers probably have ?Here is a survey showing their main problems : Problems

Causes Advice Feeling


Too much homework. Don't have enough time for their hobbies. Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax as possible as you can. Getting


Too much homework. Bad reading and writing habits. Do homework and read in a correct way. Fights Don't know how to get on well with classmates.

Make more friends and understand each

other. Share your problems with them. Feeling tired of study


games' bad influence. Don't be crazy about computer games. Play them just for a short time when you want to relax. Getting fat Have a lot of pocket money to buy snacks. Dislike doing exercise.

Use your pocket money to do something

meaningful. Spend some time doing exercise

every day. (1)What problems are caused by too much homework?

A. Feeling stressed and fights.

B. Feeling tired of study and getting fat.

C. Feeling stressed and getting short-sighted.

D. Getting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.

(2)If Simon is feeling stressed, he should .

A. do much more homework

B. make a plan to spend time on study and hobbies

C. donate his pocket money to Project Hope

D. buy some snacks

(3)Peter is tired of study, maybe because he .

A. has no close friends

B. has no pocket money

C. plays too many computer games

D. gets fatter and fatter

(4) is a good way for teenagers to stop fights.

A. Doing less homework

B. Playing computer games

C. Learning how to make friends

D. Paying no attention to each other

【答案】 (1)C





(1)细节题。根据Feeling stressed Too much homework.Don't have enough time for their hobbies.Getting shortsighted Too much homework. Bad reading and writing habits.可知太多的作业会导致感觉有压力和变近视,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据第一行Advice Make a plan for study and hobbies.可知制定学习和爱好计划,故选B。

(3)细节题。根据Feeling tired of study Computer games' bad influence.可知厌恶学习的原因是电脑的坏的影响,故选C。

(4)细节题。根据Fights Make more friends and understand each other.可知交更多的朋友和相互理解可以阻止打架,故选C。



A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery(外科手术).He found the boy's father in the hall waiting worriedly.

On seeing him, the father cried out, "Why did you take all this time to come?Don't you know that my son is in danger?Don't you have any sense of duty?"

The doctor smiled and said, "I am sorry. I wasn't in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after receiving the call and now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work."

"Calm down?!What if your son was in this room right now?Would you calm down?If your own son dies while waiting for a doctor, then what will you do?"said the father angrily. The doctor smiled again and replied, "We will do our best and you should also pray for your son's healthy life."

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happily, "Thank goodness!Your son is saved!"And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running by saying, "If you have any questions, ask the nurse."

"Couldn't he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my son's state?"shouted the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, "His son died yesterday in a road accident. He was at the burial(葬礼)when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial."

(1)What did the doctor do after he received the call for the surgery?

A. He asked another doctor to do his duty.

B. He went to the hospital as soon as possible.

C. He discussed the boy's state with the father.

D. He waited until his son's burial was finished.

(2)The father shouted at the doctor because he thought .

A. he had waited too long

B. no one cared for his son

C. the doctor was cold to him

D. the surgery took a long time

(3)Who told the truth to the father in the end?

A. The doctor.

B. The nurse.

C. His son.

D. A patient.(4)What is the best title for the text?

A. Seeing is believing

B. Time waits for no man

C. Practice makes perfect

D. Think before you decide






(1)细节题。根据 A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery 一位医生在被叫去做一个重要的手术后匆忙进入医院可知,医生接到手术电话后他尽快去了医院,故选B。

(2)推理题。根据 the father cried out, "Why did you take all this time to come 父亲喊道,“你为什么花这么长时间来?,可知父亲对医生大喊大叫,因为他认为他等得太久了,故选A。

(3)推理题。根据The nurse answered, tears coming down her face 护士泪流满面的告诉他......,可知护士最后告诉了父亲真相,故选B。

(4)主旨题。根据本文讲述一个医生被医院招回来救一个孩子,他的父亲误解医生冷血,做完手术后这个父亲才明白原来医生刚刚在车祸中失去了儿子,告诉我们,宽容待人,不要武断,可知 Think before you decide适合做标题,故选D。



Abdul Sadiq, an Afghanistan's only professional cyclist, began by training his daughter. And when she competed successfully abroad, he set up the team. It is the world's most unlikely sporting team, because the sport breaks taboos in a country where in many traditional communities, women are not allowed out of the house.

The head coach faces frequent threats and the girls' families do not always approve "If it's not their fathers trying to stop them, it's a brother or uncle."

Two members of the team, Massouma, 18, and Zarab, 17, are sisters. Their father and their brothers approve, but they know that their uncles complain to their father. "They will never come in front of us to say ‘Why are you cycling?', but they say bad words to our father," she said. His team have, however, competed and won regionally against Bangladesh and Pakistan.

"We want to go cycling because we want to be heroes one day," said 16-year-old Jella, one of the latest riders. In one of the mildest and driest winters for many years, training has gone on without stopping. And next spring, the girls will go up into the mountains. "We say that women

should not sit at home, they need to come out and do sports," said Abdul Sadiq, And 18- year-old Zainab said she wished that she could just go cycling alone on the street one day. "It's my ambition, and I hope that one day girls will be allowed to go cycling on the streets, not having a coach, or anyone with them, and they will not have problems," she said.

(1)What does Abdul Sadiq do?

A. A teacher.

B. A cyclist.

C. A reporter.

D. A driver.(2)What does the underlined word "taboos" mean in Chinese?

A. 禁忌

B. 警告

C. 符号

D. 风俗(3)From the third paragraph, we can know

A. Massouma and Zarab's parents approve of their joining the team

B. Massouma and Zarab's uncles are against their cycling

C. Massouma and Zarab don't want to join the team

D. Massouma and Zarab are both very old

(4)What was Zainab's dream?

A. Her mother approving her cycling.

B. Going cycling alone on the street.

C. Joining the team.

D. Winning against Bangladesh and Pakistan.

(5)Where may you see the passage?

A. In a storybook.

B. In a fashion magazine.

C. In a travel guide book.

D. In a sports newspaper.







(1)细节题。根据Abdul Sadiq, an Afghanistan's only professional cyclist可知阿卜杜勒·萨迪克是阿富汗唯一的职业自行车手,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据where in many traditional communities, women are not allowed out of the house.可知许多传统社区禁止妇女出门,所以是打破了禁忌,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据Two members of the team, Massouma, 18, and Zarab, 17, are sisters. Their father and their brothers approve, but they know that their uncles complain to their father.可知Massouma和Zarab的叔叔反对他们骑自行车,故选B。

(4)细节题。根据And 18- year-old Zainab said she wished that she could just go cycling alone on the street one day.可知Zainab希望一天独自在街上骑自行车,故选B。




For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming to an empty house. Some deal with the situation by watching TV. Some may hide. But all of them have something in common. They spend part of each day alone. They are called "latchkey children". They're children who look after themselves while their parents are working. And their bad condition has become a subject of concern.

Lynette Long was once the headmistress of an elementary school. She said, "We had a school rule against wearing jewellery. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys fastened. I was constantly telling them to put them inside their shirts. There were so many keys. It never came to my mind what they meant," Slowly, she learned they were house keys.

She and her husband began talking to the children who had them. They learned of the impact (影响) working couples and single parents were having on their children. Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. One in each three latchkey children the Longs talked to reported being scared. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.

The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed, or in a closet. The second is TV. They'll often play it at high volume. It's hard to get statistics(统计数据)on latchkey children, the Longs learned. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.

(1)The main idea about latchkey children is that they _________________.

A. are growing in numbers

B. suffer problems from being left alone

C. watch too much TV during the day

D. are also found in middle class neighbourhoods (2)Which sentence in the second paragraph is the topic sentence?

A. We had a school rule against wearing jewellery.

B. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys fastened.

C. Slowly, she learned they were house keys.

D. I was constantly telling them to put them inside their shirts.

(3)he main feeling these children have when they are at home by themselves is _________________.

A. tiredness

B. freedom

C. loneliness

D. fear

(4)The Longs' study was mainly on _________________.

A. lonely children who have single parents

B. children whose parents are working or who have one parent only

C. children who have the problem of fear

D. parents who are working far from their homes

(5)We may draw a conclusion(结论) that _________________.

A. it's difficult to find out how many latchkey children there are

B. latchkey children try to hide their feelings

C. latchkey children often watch TV with their parents

D. latchkey children enjoy having such a large amount of time alone







(1)推理题。根据 their bad condition has become a subject of concern 他们的糟糕状况已经成为人们关注的话题可知,关于钥匙儿童的主要观点是他们独自一人会有问题,故选B。(2)主旨题。根据 Slowly, she learned they were house keys 可知,慢慢地,她了解到它们是房子的钥匙是第二段的主题句子,故选C。

(3)细节题。根据 Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone 可知,这些孩子独自在家时的主要感觉是害怕,故选D。

(4)细节题。根据They learned of the impact(影响)working couples and single parents were having on their children 可知,主要研究父母在工作或只有一个父母的孩子,故选B。(5)推理题。根据 It's hard to get statistics(统计数据) on latchkey children 可知,结论是很难查出有多少挂钥匙的孩子,故选A。



John and Jack met at the old bench every afternoon. Then they played football. But they didn't have enough money to buy a real football. So Jack made a ball out of old socks covered with a piece of plastic, Every time, the two friends didn't stop kicking and running until very late.

On Monday afternoon, John and Jack met again at the old bench. Soon the home-made ball was running across the grass. The boys laughed and shouted happily. The ball was stopped by a boy wearing a nice pair of sports shoes. John was upset when he saw the boy was Steven.

The next morning, John's mother gave him a bill." Your uncle sent you a birthday present, she smiled. John's eyes grew big when he saw the $100 bill. Later that day,his mother bought a new pair of sports shoes and a real football.

That afternoon Steven invited John to play football. Steven did not want Jack to join them only because Jack's sports shoes were dirty. When the game was over, John and Steven walked past the old bench where Jack was sitting. Steven picked up a stone and threw it at him. John, holding his new football in his hands, walked on and did not look back.

Several days later. As John walked. Past the old bench, he saw something lying under it. He looked closer and saw it was the home made ball, John was full of sadness when he saw the ball. As his sadness turned to anger, he picked up his new football and kicked it into the air. Then he walked to the bench, sat down and waited.

(1)When John and Jack were. Playing with their home- made ball, they felt______.

A. sad

B. glad

C. unfair

D. angry

(2)What present did John get from his uncle?

A. A bill.

B. A football.

C. A home-made football.

D. A new pair of shoes,

(3)Why didn't Jack play football with John and Steven?

A. Because he was ill.

B. Because he hated Steven,

C. Because he didn't wear sports shoes.

D. Because he wasn't invited by Steven.

(4)John sat on the bench and probably waited for______.

A. his mother

B. Jack

C. Steven

D. his uncle

(5)What is the best title for the passage?

A. A birthday present

B. A football match

C. A home-made football

D. A new football







(1)细节题。根据So Jack made a ball out of old socks covered with a piece of plastic, Every time, the two friends didn't stop kicking and running until very late.可知Jack和John踢足球到很晚,所以他们感到高兴,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据Your uncle sent you a birthday present, she smiled. John's eyes grew big when he saw the $100 bill.可知叔叔给了John100美元,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据Steven did not want Jack to join them only because Jack's sports shoes were dirty.可知因为Jack的鞋子是脏的,所以Steven没有邀请Jack,故选D。

(4)推断题。根据Then he walked to the bench, sat down and waited.可知John走到之前他们见面的长凳坐下,等待Jack,故选B。



On 26 February, I got an email from my friend David, asking me to go to Tanzania to train their software engineers. The company is located in Dares Salam, a beautiful coastal city to the west of the Indian Ocean. I stayed for about two weeks in that city last time I was there. During my stay there, David took me to the nearby beach and we had a wonderful walk along the coast which had left a deep impression on me. I was impressed by the ocean water and the deep blue sky.

After more than 19 hours of air travel, I was finally here at Dares Salaam Airport. The temperature here was high as usual- over 30 degrees. I felt short of breath because of the unbearable heat in this tiny hall. When I finally got my turn, I handed my passport to the officer in

front of me, He had a close look at my passport. Then he asked the purpose of my stay, I told him I just wanted to travel here.

"Where do you want to visit?" he asked again.

"Dares Salsam."

"What's your job?" he asked.

"I'm a software engineer.

I will never forget this experience that I had. I still love this country.

(1)Where did the writer go?

A. New Zealand.

B. Nepal.

C. India.

D. Tanzania.

(2)The writer stayed in the city for about ______ last time.

A. one week

B. two weeks

C. three weeks

D. four weeks (3)The weather was ______ when the writer arrived at the airport.

A. snowy

B. foggy

C. sunny

D. windy

(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The writer received an email from his friend David.

B. They took a walk along the coast.

C. The writer flew to Dares Salaam,

D. The writer didn't like the journey because it was very hot.

(5)What's the best title for the passage?

A. A famous company

B. A trip to Tanzania

C. Some customs in Tanzania

D. A good friend of mine







(1)细节题。根据On 26 February, I got an email from my friend David, asking me to go to Tanzania to train their software engineers.可知作者受好朋友David的邀请去坦桑尼亚旅行,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据I stayed for about two weeks in that city last time I was there.可知作者待了大约2周,故选B。

(3)细节题。根据The temperature here was high as usual- over 30 degrees.可知温度在30度以上,所以天气是晴朗的,故选C。

(4)细节题。根据I will never forget this experience that I had. I still love this country.可知作者从不忘记这次经验,仍然喜欢这个国家,所以作者喜欢这次旅行,故选D。




We all know that many inventions have changed our life a lot. They play important roles in our daily life. Here are some interesting inventions.


People refuse to wear helmets because they're thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made of plastic. It is just as strong as traditional helmets, but it can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry. Morpher may be available for sale in stores in the near future. HyperAdapt

Have you ever seen the movie Back to the Future? Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie that can tighten or loosen by themselves. Now, thanks to the shoe factory, the dream is realized. When you push a button on the shoe, HyperAdapt can tighten or loosen around the feet.


Flyte is a light bulb that can float and turn. Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in January, The company also introduced a lot of similar products, including a planter, Lyfe, which came out in June.

Little Printer

It looks lovely and is called Little Printer, This machine can print news headlines(摘要), riddles and other things on a roll(卷)of paper, If you want to make your own little newspaper, don't forget to use it.

A. steel

B. plastic

C. gold

D. wood

(2)What's the main use of the Little Printer?

A. To protect our heads more safely.

B. To tighten or loosen by themselves around the feet.

C. To float and turn in the water.

D. To print news headlines, riddles and other things.

(3)The underlined word "button" means "_________" in Chinese.

A. 按钮

B. 门铃

C. 电梯

D. 键盘(4)What kind of invention can float in the passage?

A. Morpher.

B. Little Printer.

C. Flyte.

D. HyperAdapt.(5)Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie Back to the Future.

B. You can make your own little newspaper with the Little Printer.

C. Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in February.

D. Morpher can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry.







(1)细节理解题,根据Morpher is a bike helmet made of plastic.可知Morphe是塑料制成的,故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题,根据This machine can print news headlines(摘要), riddles and other things,可知小型打印机可以打印文章的标题,谜语还有其他的东西,故答案是D。(3)细节理解题,根据When you push a | button on the shoe,可知是要按鞋上的按钮因此button的意思是按钮,故答案是A。

(4)细节理解题,根据Flyte is a light bulb that can float and turn.可知Flyte可以漂浮,故答案是C。

(5)正误判断题,根据Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in January,可知Flyte是二月份发明的,而不是一月份,故答案是C。



When he was small, Hill was a famous bad boy.

At the age of 9, his father married his stepmother. At that time they lived poorly in the countryside while his stepmother was from a wealthy family.

His father introduced Hill to his stepmother as he said, "Dear, I hope you notice in the entire shire this is the worst boy, who has made me have no other way. Maybe before tomorrow morning he will throw a stone at you, or do a bad thing you will never imagine."

To Hill's surprise, his stepmother went up to him with a smile, held up his head and looked at him carefully. She then turned around to tell her husband, "You're wrong. He is not the worst boy in the entire shire, but the cleverest and most creative boy. Only he doesn't find a place to show himself."

His stepmother's words warmed his heart, his eyes full of tears. Then he started building friendship with his stepmother. And this became the drive of his life, making him create 28 successful golden rules, which helped tens of thousands of ordinary people walk on the road to success.

Before his stepmother came, no one praised him smart, and his father and neighbors considered him as a bad boy. However, his stepmother's words changed his life.

When Hill was 14 years old, his stepmother bought him a used typewriter and said to him, "I believe you will become a writer." Hill accepted his stepmother's gift and expectation, and started writing things to a local newspaper. He understood his stepmother's strong feeling of interest in his family while he saw with his own eyes she had changed his family. Therefore, he would do as well as she expected him to.

The strength from his stepmother made him a rich man and famous writer in the United States and one of the most important persons in the 20th century.

Praise will never be unnecessary, especially for children. Sincere (真诚的) praise may be better than 10,000 bad words.

(1)What did people think of Hill before the age of nine?

A. lever.

B. Creative.

C. Unfriendly.

D. Stupid.

(2)Which of the following is WRONG about Hill?

A. He accepted his stepmother's typewriter.

B. He failed to do as he was expected.

C. He started writing to a local newspaper.

D. He understood his stepmother.

(3)The writer is most probably an expert of _________.

A. house building

B. diet

C. news writing

D. education

(4)The passage was written mainly to tell us that _________.

A. children should be praised

B. Hill's father married again

C. Hill's stepmother was kind to him

D. Hill's father was cruel to him






(1)推断题。根据When he was small, Hill was a famous bad boy.可知,他九岁之前,人们认为他是一个出了名的坏小孩,可推出坏小孩一般对他人都是不友好的,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据started writing things to a local newspaper.and famous writer in the United States可知,Hill没有辜负继母的期望,B选项与原文不符,故选B。





In your school, are you allowed to choose the subjects you want to learn? Of course, the answer is "No" here in China.

In America there is a school trying something new. At a high school in Florida, students will be able to choose their own classes. We all know that some students are better at some subjects than others. Some students plan to go on to college, while others do not. At this school students

are able to find subjects they are interested in, and possibly even find the field(领域)they would like to go into after finishing school. They are allowed to choose a subject like biology, math, a foreign language, or study skills like car repair(修理).

Some people think this is a good idea, because it helps students think about what they want to do in the future, and the school helps to give them the knowledge and skills needed to get there. They say that giving the students the chance to choose their own classes makes high school more interesting. Others disagree. They think it will make it difficult for students to discover different possibilities(潜力).They point out that fourteen-year-old teenagers are too young to know what they want to do in the future.

What do you think? Would you like to be able to choose your own classes? Many useful changes have been made in education, but seeing the differences in each student is also important. How can we help each student become a better student?

(1)Some people think allowing students to choose their own classes helps them _________.

A. show how smart they are

B. know differences between them

C. prepare for their futures

D. know their duties in life

(2)Some people don't agree students should choose their own classes because they think


A. some students are too nervous to make a right decision

B. some students shouldn't be workers in the future

C. some students care little about their own futures

D. some students aren't old enough to know what they want to do in the future

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the high schools in Florida give the students the chance to choose their own classes.

B. All the people think allowing students to choose their classes can help them find their own possibilities.

C. The school in Florida helps students by giving the knowledge and skills they will need.

D. In the writer's opinion, it's not important to see the differences in each student in school education.

(4)What's the best title for the passage?

A. Chinese education

B. A new way of education

C. To change our education

D. To improve learning skills







(1)细节理解题,根据Some people think this is a good idea, because it helps students think about what they want to do in the future,可知允许学生选课可以帮着孩子们为未来做准备,故答案是C。

(2)细节理解题,根据They point out that fourteen-year-old teenagers are too young to know what they want to do in the future可知,不同意的人认为,孩子们太小不知道他们未来想做什么,故答案是D。

(3)正误判断题,根据At this school students are able to find subjects they are interested in, and possibly even find the field(领域)they would like to go into after finishing school. They are allowed to choose a subject like biology, math, a foreign language, or study skills like car repair(修理).可知,佛罗里达的这所学校既让学生们学习知识,也让学生们学到技能,故答案是C。




"The day will be the most memorable in the history of America," wrote John Adams in 1776. "People will honor it with parades, fireworks and celebrations," he added.

Since 1776, Americans have celebrated July 4 as the country's Independence Day. Several early presidents of the United States died on July 4. They include John Adams, who became the second president. Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the country's third president, both died on the country's 50th anniversary of Independence Day. James Monroe, the fifth US president, died on July 4, 1831. And the 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, was born on July 4.

Most Americans celebrate Independence Day with barbecues, parades and fireworks. But a few celebrate by eating all the hot dogs they can, Since the early 1970s, a restaurant called Nathan's Famous has organized a competition to see who can eat the most hot dogs in a short time. In 10 years, Joey Chestnut has won the men's contest nine times, In 2016, he set a record at the competition by eating 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes. The 2016 women's winner, Miki Sudo, has won in each of the past three years. In 2016, she ate 38 and a half hot dogs. Sudo and Chestnut each won a $ 10, 000 prize.

Let's go back to those fireworks, probably the most common image related to Independence Day. Americans really love fireworks. Where do many of our fireworks come from? . By the way, we also import most of our American flags from China, too.

(1)Some presidents died on July 4 EXCEPT____________.

A. John Adams

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. James Monroe

D. Calvin Coolidge

(2)Some Americans celebrate Independence Day by eating____________.

A. hot dogs.

B. noodles

C. dumplings

D. hamburgers

(3)Which of the following can be put into the blank?

A. England

B. China

C. France

D. Germany

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Joey Chestnut ate 38 and a half hot dogs in ten minutes.

B. Americans import most of their national flags from Japan.

C. Americans love fireworks very much.

D. Americans have celebrated July 4 as the country's Independence Day since 1831.





【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了内国人庆祝独立日的方式,有人通过烧烤、游行和放烟花庆祝,有人通过吃热狗庆祝,十年来乔伊获得了九次冠军,Miki Sudo在过去三年中每一年都获得了冠军。2016年,她吃了38.5个热狗。

(1)细节理解题,根据Several early presidents of the United States died on July 4. They include John Adams, who became the second president. Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the country's third president, both died on the country's 50th anniversary of Independence Day. James Monroe, the fifth US president, died on July 4, 1831.可知死于七月四日的美国总统有约翰亚当斯,托马斯杰斐逊,詹姆士摩尔,不包括柯立芝,故答案是D。

(2)细节理解题,根据 B ut a few celebrate by eating all the hot dogs they can,可知一些美国人通过吃热狗来庆祝美国独立日,故答案是A。

(3)细节理解题,根据By the way, we also import most of our American flags from China, too.可知,空缺处应填China,故答案是B。

(4)正误判断题,根据Americans really love fireworks.可知美国人非常喜欢放烟花,因此C的陈述是正确的,故答案是C。




At the station:

?Be patient. Line up on the platform(站台) and wait for the train.

?Be polite. Let passengers get off first.

?Do not rush onto the train. It is dangerous.

?When you hear a "beep" sound, do not get on the train. The door is closing. Wait for another train.

On the train:

?Do not eat or drink on the train. It makes the train dirty.

?Do not run on the train.

?Give your seat to old men or women, the disabled or women carrying babies.

A. be a careful driver

B. buy MTR tickets

C. be a good passenger

D. keep safe at home

(2)People who will get on the train should __________.

A. wait in line

B. open the door

C. ask for help

D. leave the seats (3)When you hear a "beep" sound, ____________.

A. close the door

B. rush onto the train

C. get off the train at once

D. stop and wait for the next train

(4)The text is probably a __________.

A. report

B. notice

C. diary

D. poem






(1)细节理解题。根据SAFETY RULES ON THE MTR TRAINS可知,本文主要告诉读者如何成为一名乘客,故答案是C。

(2)细节理解题。根据Be patient. Line up on the platform(站台)and wait for the train.可知,上火车应该排队等候,故答案是A。

(3)细节理解题。根据When you hear a "beep" sound, do not get on the train.The door is closing. Wait for another train.可知,当你听到了警示声音,不能上车,要等下一趟车,故答案是D。




When Carson Palmer, a professional American football player, hurt his arm a few years ago, he took a week off to stop throwing the football. But in his head, Palmer practiced every day. The following weekend, Palmer had the best game of his life.

For more than a century, scientists have been trying to understand how this mental training works. In the 1930s, researchers proved by experiment that when you're imagining an action, your brain sends signals to your muscles which are too weak to tighten the muscles but might help train the body to perform. In other words, mental practice might create a plan in your head, like a how-to guide for a special skill.

Sports researchers have done hundreds of studies comparing imagined and physical practice for actions. In short, the studies show that mental training works. A 2012 study compared 32 nonprofessional golfers with another 32 who only imagined their action. Under the same training program, both groups improved their skills.

Imagination has advantages over the real thing: You can do it anywhere and any time. It is safe---a main advantage for people such as gymnasts and doctors. And you can practice for longer periods of time because you're not controlled by physical tiredness. That's not to say it's easy. "we've had Olympic-level sportsmen sitting in our laboratory, imagining for two hours," says Tadhg Macintyre, a sports researcher in Ireland. "When we're done, they're completely tired."

It doesn't work for everyone, though. "If you're a beginner, the influence can be harmful," warns Macintyre. If you're trying to imagine a free throw, and you don't even know the proper movement, then you're probably going to mentally practice the wrong skill, and your skill is going to be impaired."

(1)How does mental training act on one's physical practice?

A. Taking a week off from being tired.

B. Performing the action before imagining.

C. Using imagination to guide one's body.

D. Buying a how-to guide before mental training

(2)What do we know about imagination training?

A. It is not influenced by time and space.

B. It is easier to do than real practice.

C. It is more useful for golfers.

D. It is fit for everyone.

(3)What does the underlined word "impaired" in Para. 5 mean?

A. weakened

B. mastered

C. tested

D. improved

(4)What can be the best title of the text?

A. A New Way of Doing Sports

B. Advantages of Imagination

C. Methods for Mental Practice

D. Mental Training Makes You better?






(1)细节题。根据第二段...... when you're imagining an action, your brain sends signals to your muscles which are too weak to tighten the muscles but might help train the body to perform. In other words, mental practice might create a plan in your head, like a how-to guide for a special skill. 可知心理的训练可能在头脑中产生一个计划,指导你的技能,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据Imagination has advantages over the real thing: You can do it anywhere and any time. 可知想像力可以在任何时间和地点都能做,不受时间和空间的影响,故选A。

(3)词义猜测题。根据 If you're a beginner, the influence can be harmful, If you're trying to imagine a free throw, and you don't even know the proper movement, then you're probably going to mentally practice the wrong skill, 可知如果你是一个初学者,你不知道正确的动作,你凭借你的想像去做,可能做得差。可猜测出 impaired是差的或弱的,故选A。




Love mysteries but can't find the ones that suit you fine? Don't worry! Here are some that young readers around the world highly recommend. There must be one that you will win your heart!

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Mr. Lemoncello is a famous inventor

in the town. Twelve kids are invited to visit his new library. However, this

isn't a good place to spend the night! The kids must work together to solve

the clues and escapes!

"It's a great book! I had my nose in it all the time!This must be the coolest

library in the world!" ----Kate, 12

Price: ¥38.60(hardcover)/¥31.70(e -book)

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Claudia and her brother Jamie ran away from their suburban home to live

in the Museum of Art in New York City. They enjoy the mystery of an angel

statue that is nearly brought to the museum. Can they solve it?

"I have read this book twenty times! It's a must read for young fans of

puzzles!" ---- Alexa, 11

Price: ¥48.70(hardcover)/¥34.60(e -book)

The London Eye Mystery

Salim suddenly disappears. No one knows where he has gone. His cousins,

Ted and Kate have to follow clues around London and find him before it's

too late. Can they make it?

"An amazing story full of puzzles! It will make you never want to stop

turning the pages!" ---- Gabe, 13

Price: ¥74.70(hardcover)/¥66.60(e -book)

A. Mrs. E.L. Konigsburg

B. The London Eye Mystery

C. Escape from Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library

D. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil

E. Frankwiller

(2)In the London Eye Mystery, _________.

A. twelve kids try to escape from London

B. two children try to find their missing cousin

C. twelve kids try to escape from a new library

D. two children try to solve the mystery of a statue

(3)By saying "I had my nose in it all the time!" Kate wants to show that_______.

A. the book was really cheap

B. she enjoyed reading the book

C. she liked the smell of the book

D. the book was easy to understand.




【解析】【分析】本文是三则广告,介绍了 Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler和 The London Eye Mystery三本书的内容简介及价格。

(1)细节题。根据They enjoy the mystery of an angel statue that is nearly brought to the museum.他们喜欢将要带到博物馆的神秘的天使塑像。可知对博物馆的故事感兴趣应该阅读From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler这本书,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据 His cousins, Ted and Kate have to follow clues around London and find him before it's too late.可知Ted和 Kate在天黑之前,找到了他们的失踪的堂兄弟。故选B。(3)词句猜测题。根据It'sa great book!它是一本很棒的书,可知作者喜欢这本书,从而猜测出"I had my nose in it all the time!是我喜欢读这本书。故选B。



How do you turn your interests into a business (生意)? Mohammed Ali, 15, a teen gamer from Dewsbury in West Yorkshire, UK, is a good example.

At the age of 12, he learned how to code (编程) by using YouTube and even made his own video game. Users have to pay 5.99 pounds (56 yuan) per month to play the game. He has already made 30,000 pounds. He also makes websites and is working on a finance app (理财应用软件), which will be open to the public in August.

Ali has saved lots of money for his future university costs and even bought two sofas for his family's living room.

"When I first started making money, I thought I'd just spend it all. Then I thought, why should I spend it all? I save most of it in the bank, because I want to do more in the future," he told the Daily Mail.

He became interested in computers when his parents bought him one at the age of 6. He often played video games on his computer. But after playing so many games, he decided to make his own.

Then, Ali learned how to code using YouTube videos and by reading books on the subject. In 2012,he made his own game called Project 2006 after working on it for seven months. It was a role-playing game and more than 3, 000 people are members. After his game became popular, he started a website-making business.

In the future, he wants to go to university and study computer science. "I'm looking forward to studying computer science, not business because I've got a lot of experience in business already," he told the Daily Star.

(1)What did Mohammed Ali do, according to the first two paragraphs?

A. He learned how to code for YouTube.

B. He made a video game by himself.

C. He started a video store and has made 287, 000 yuan.

D. He set up a website for people to do business.

(2)What did Ali do with the money?

A. He kept it to pay for university.

B. He spent it all on his family.

C. He put all of his money into his new app.

D. He bought computers for his parents and himself.

(3)Which one is in the right order?

①Ali made a website

②Ali got a computer from his parents.

③Ali made a ga me project.

④Ali learned how to code from videos.

A. ②④①③

B. ④②①③

C. ④①②③








(1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句At the age of 12, he learned how to code (编程)by using YouTube and even made his own video game. 理解可知,阿里自己做了一个电子游戏。故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 Ali has saved lots of money for his future university costs and even bought two sofas for his family's living room.理解可知,阿里为将来的大学学费攒了不少钱,故选A。

(3)细节理解题。由文中语句He became interested in computers when his parents bought him one at the age of 6.可知,阿里再六岁得到一台电脑;由文中语句 At the age of 12, he learned how to code (编程) by using YouTube and even made his own video game. 可知阿里学习编程;由文中语句 In 2012,he made his own game called Project 2006 after working on it for seven months. 可知,由文中的语句阿里做了一个游戏计划。由文中语句After his game became popular, he started a website-making business.可知,阿里制造了一个网站,正确的顺序为②④③①,故选D。



It was Mother's Day. John was so busy with his work that he couldn't go back home. When he passed by a flower shop in the evening, an idea came to his mind, "I'll send mom some roses(玫瑰)."While John was picking his flowers, a young man went inside. "How many roses can I get for only five dollars, Madam?" he asked. The assistant(店员) was trying to tell him roses were as expensive as forty dollars a dozen(一打). Maybe he would be happy with carnations(康乃馨).

"No, I have to have red roses, "he said. "My mom was badly ill last year and I didn't get to spend much time with her. Now I want to get something special, it has to be roses, for roses are her favorite."

After hearing it, John said he would pay the rest of the money for the young man. Moved by both of them, the assistant said, "Well, lovely young men, thirty dollars a dozen, only for you." Taking the roses, the young man almost jumped into the air and ran out of the shop. It was well worth twenty-five dollars that John paid to see the exciting moment. Then John paid for his dozen of roses and told the assistant to send them to his mother.

As he walked out, he felt nice. Suddenly he saw the young man crossing the street and going into a park. But soon John realized it was not a park but a cemetery(墓地). Crying, the young man carefully put down the roses, "Mom, oh, Mom, why didn't I tell you how much I loved you? God, please help me find my mom and tell her I love her."

Seeing this, John turned and quickly walked to the shop. He would take the flowers home himself.

(1)John spent altogether(总共) in the flower shop that day.

A. $5

B. $25

C. $30

D. $55

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