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当前位置:文档库 › 陈述句变否定句和一般疑问句口诀和练习




1. 变否定,找be、 can , be、can后边加not,

2. 无be无can找动词,动词前边加don't/doesn’t,后面动



1. David watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)

2. She is buying some food in the supermarket(改为否定句)

3. He can play the piano.(改为否定句)


1. 一般问,找be、 can , be、 can提前用问号;

2. 无be无can借用do(三单does), 放到句首要大写。


1. This is my toy car.(改为一般疑问句)

2. He can play basketball.(改为一般疑问句)

3. Jack speaks English very well. (改为一般疑问句)


划线问,先把原句变疑问,找准特殊疑问词,放在句首去划线,动词词组do 代替,时态人称要注意。


1. The children are flying kites in the park. (对画线部分提问)

2. There are ten books in the bag.(对画线部分提问)

3. She is a nurse. (对画线部分提问)

一、按要求完成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句 B:改为否定句)

1. I am a student.→A: B:

2. They are English cars. →A: B:

3. This is a pencil-box. →A: B:

4. Its name is Polly. →A: B:

5. Jim is at school. →A: B:

6. These are my English books. →A: B:

7. I know his name. →A: B:

8. Please look after your cat. →A: B:

9. There is some money in the purse. →A: B:

10. There are many apples on the tree. →A: B:

11. You can go to have a look. →A: B:

12. Come here, please. →A: B:

二、回答句子(A:肯定回答 B:否定回答)

1. Are you a teacher? →A: B:

2. Is this your ruler? →A: B:

3. Are those banana trees? →A: B:

4. Is it a nice room? →A: B:

5. Is there a picture on the wall? →A: B:

6. Are there any trees on the hill? →A: B:

7. Can you see a bird in the sky? →A: B:

8. Do you know Mr Wang? →A: B:


1. His father is an English teacher.

_________________________________________ ?

2. These cats are crying.(喊叫)

_________________________________________ ?

3. They can swim.

_________________________________________ ?

4. I like to read(阅读) English.

_________________________________________ ?

5. I go to school on foot.(走路)

_________________________________________ ?

6. He likes English.

_________________________________________ ?

7. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车)

_________________________________________ ?

8. He is crying(哭) under the tree.

_________________________________________ ?

9. The boy does some housework(家庭作业) at home.

_________________________________________ ?

10. The children had a good time in the park(公园).

_________________________________________ ?


b e动词变复数否定句一 般疑问句练习 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

教学时间:2016年11月8日星期二 教学目的:让同学们熟练掌握be动词的用法及将含有be动词的陈述句转变为一般疑问句和否定句 教学内容:1st be动词的用法 2nd将含有be动词的陈述句转变为一般疑问句 3rd 将含有be动词的肯定句转变为否定句 教学重点:让同学们熟练掌握be动词的用法及将含有be动词的陈述句转变为一般疑问句和否定句 教学难点:在将含有be动词的陈述句转变为一般疑问句时要把第一人称转变为第二人称 教学步骤: 一、用be动词填空。 I a boy. He Jim. We here. The book new. Your books new. My mother a worker. His cat beautiful. You tall. 总结be动词的用法: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 二、句型转化 (一)变一般疑问句 ’s from Japan. (变一般疑问句) _____________________________________ is from the . (变一般疑问句) _____________________________________

is Lucy’s pen pal. (变一般疑问句) _____________________________________ are his parents. (变一般疑问句) _____________________________________ is a very interesting country. _______________________________ are many countries in the world. _______________________________ are very cute. (变一般疑问句) _____________________________________ favourite subject is math. _____________________________________ ’m 14 years old. (变一般疑问句) _____________________________________ ’s rainy(多雨的) in August. _____________________________________ favourite food is hot dog. _____________________________________ post office is next to the bank. ________________________________ birthday is in November. _____________________________________ 含be动词的陈述句变成一般疑问句的步骤: 一______二______三______ (二)变否定句 ’s from Japan. (变否定句) _____________________________________。 brother is a teacher. (变否定句) _____________________________________。 is Lucy’s pen pal. (变否定句) _____________________________________。 are his parents. (变否定句) _____________________________________。 are many countries in the world. _______________________________。 are very cute.) _____________________________________。 ’m 14 years old. _____________________________。


七年级英语测试题 完成下列句子的疑问句。 1.He drinks some milk ____he _____any milk? 2.She does her homework at the weekend _____she ____her homework at the weekend? 3.He is a doctor _____he a doctor? 4.Lucy can sing well ______Lucy _____well? 5.They get up at 6;00 ____they ____up at 6;00? 6.They are worker ______ they worker? 7.Kate uses the computer to do her homework ______Kate ____ the computer to do her homework? 8.Lili often gets birthday presents ____Lily often____ birthday presents? 9.Daming usually goes swimming ____Daming usually______swimming? 10.His parent often gives her presents

_____his parent often ____ her presents? 完成下列句子的否定句 1.They watch Tv at weekend They__________Tv at weekend 2.she can draw well she _____ ______well 3.My parents give my presents My parents_____ _____my parents 4.Lucy and Lily are from America Lucy and Lili ________from America 5.we have breakfast at 6:00 in the morning We ________ breakfast at 6:00 in the morning 6.My friend often buys ticket on the Internet My friend _____often ______ ticket on the Internet. 7.my mother makes birthday cake for me My mother _________birthday cake for me 8.Daming often hears from his friend Daming _____ often _____from his friend 9.Tom often reads English in the morning Tom ____often ___ English in the morning 10.We have lessons at 8:00 in the morning


一、把肯定句改为否定句,把否定句改为肯定句。 1、街上的人真多。 2、说起地道战,谁也不能不承认是个奇迹。 3、谁也不能否认地球不是绕太阳运行的。 4、他是一个听话的孩子。 5、我只有用劳动来解除饥饿的威胁。 6、张民对学习一点也不马虎。 7、幼儿园的小朋友都喜欢王老师。 8、这个问题不能不讲清楚。 二、把下列肯定句改成否定句,不改变句子意思。 1、这部电影使我感动得流泪。 2、黑熊躲进大树洞里。 3、下个星期天,妈妈要带我去西湖划船。 三、把下列肯定句改为双重否定句。 1、香港回归伟大的祖国,我们感到无比自豪。 2、您为我们付出了这样高的代价,足以表达您对中国人民的友谊。 3、每个小孩子都喜欢小动物。 4、我对同学们的勇敢精神,从心底里感到无限的敬佩。 5、信赖,往往创造出美好的世界。

6、这是伟大的奇观。 7、你应该知道这件事。 8、我们建成了希望小学。 9、詹天佑是我国杰出的爱国工程师。 10、星期天,我们必须去看排球赛。 11、报纸的诱惑力如此之大,每日都要读它。 12、他这样做虽然过分了点,但还是有道理的。 13、问题还没有弄清,但已经有了一点儿头绪。 14、写得不怎么样,但还是有希望的。 15、燕子飞过大海,肯定非常辛苦、艰难。 16、爹妈都不在家,只好自己动手丰衣足食了。 17、在共产党面前,什么困难都能克服。 四、把陈述句先改成否定句,再改成反问句,意思不能变。 1、那只可爱的小麻雀是我喂养的。 否定句: 反问句: 2、这个故事使妈妈感动不已。 否定句: 反问句:

3、我们要遵守交通规则。 否定句: 反问句: 五、转换句式(拓展 1、这是真理。(改为反问句 2、多得些知识决不是一件坏事。(改为否定句 3、这件事我一定要做。(调换顺序,意思不变 4、在这树上有许多鸟巢。(改变词序,句子意思不变 5、写得不怎么样,但还是有希望的。(改为双重否定句 6、问题还没有弄清,但已经有了一点儿头绪。(改为双重否定句 7、天气太热了,简直叫人受不住。(改成夸张句


否定句变换口诀 1. 变否定,找be、 can , be、can后边加not, 2. 无be无can找动词,动词前边加don't/doesn’t,后面动 词用原形。 【典型例题】 1. David watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) 2. She is buying some food in the supermarket(改为否定句) 3. He can play the piano.(改为否定句) 一般疑问句变换口诀 1. 一般问,找be、 can , be、 can提前用问号; 2. 无be无can借用do(三单does), 放到句首要大写。 【典型例题】 1. This is my toy car.(改为一般疑问句) 2. He can play basketball.(改为一般疑问句) 3. Jack speaks English very well. (改为一般疑问句) 对划线部分部提问口决 划线问,先把原句变疑问,找准特殊疑问词,放在句首去划线,动词词组do 代替,时态人称要注意。 【典型例题】 1. The children are flying kites in the park. (对画线部分提问) 2. There are ten books in the bag.(对画线部分提问) 3. She is a nurse. (对画线部分提问)

一、按要求完成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句 B:改为否定句) 1. I am a student.→A: B: 2. They are English cars. →A: B: 3. This is a pencil-box. →A: B: 4. Its name is Polly. →A: B: 5. Jim is at school. →A: B: 6. These are my English books. →A: B: 7. I know his name. →A: B: 8. Please look after your cat. →A: B: 9. There is some money in the purse. →A: B: 10. There are many apples on the tree. →A: B: 11. You can go to have a look. →A: B: 12. Come here, please. →A: B: 二、回答句子(A:肯定回答 B:否定回答) 1. Are you a teacher? →A: B: 2. Is this your ruler? →A: B: 3. Are those banana trees? →A: B: 4. Is it a nice room? →A: B: 5. Is there a picture on the wall? →A: B: 6. Are there any trees on the hill? →A: B: 7. Can you see a bird in the sky? →A: B: 8. Do you know Mr Wang? →A: B: 陈述句变一般疑问句 1. His father is an English teacher. _________________________________________ ? 2. These cats are crying.(喊叫) _________________________________________ ? 3. They can swim. _________________________________________ ? 4. I like to read(阅读) English. _________________________________________ ? 5. I go to school on foot.(走路) _________________________________________ ? 6. He likes English. _________________________________________ ? 7. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车) _________________________________________ ? 8. He is crying(哭) under the tree. _________________________________________ ? 9. The boy does some housework(家庭作业) at home. _________________________________________ ? 10. The children had a good time in the park(公园). _________________________________________ ?


句型转换的方法 一、肯定句改否定句的方法——一步法 1、在be动词后加not。如:is not ,are not ,am not,was not,were not; 2、在can,should,will等后加not。如:cannot,should not,will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 4、some 改成any。 把下面的句子变成否定句。 1.She is watching TV now. 2.We go to school on Sunday. 3.His father works hard. 4.Jack's mother is a nurse. 5.The cat runs fast. 6.They like reading books. 7.My grandpa gives me a hot dog. 8.Tom often walks to school.

9.I have a doll. 10.It is eating fish. 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。 2、把can,shall,will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my 改成your等)句点改成问号。 例如:陈述句: They are in the park. He can play the guitar.. 一般疑问句: Are they in the park? Can he play the guitar? 把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am listening to music. ______________________________________ 2. Mike is a student. _______________________________________ 3. Sarah can clean the classroom. ________________________________________ 4. They are in the zoo. ________________________________________ 5. There are some flowers in the vase. ________________________________________ 6.This is my sister. _________________________________________ 7.We are sweeping the floor.


一般疑问句 一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是指用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子。其结构是: 系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分 通常回答为: 肯定:Yes,+主语+提问的助动词. 否定:No,+主语+提问的助动词+not. 如: Are you from Japan﹖ Yes I am./ No I’m not. Is her sister doing her homework now﹖ Yes she is. / No she isn't. Does he work in a bank﹖ Yes he does. / No he doesn't. Do you live near your school﹖ Yes I do. / No I don't. Can you speak French﹖ Yes I can. / No I can't. May I go home now﹖ Yes you may. / No you mustn't. 注意: 1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am/ is/ are)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。如:I’m in Class 2Grade 1.→ Are you in Class 2Grade 1﹖ We’re watching TV.→ Are you watching TV﹖ 2.陈述句中有情态动词(can may must …)时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。如: He can swim now.→ Can he swim now﹖ The children may come with us.→ May the children come with us﹖ 3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。如: I like these animals.→ Do you like these animals﹖ She wants to go to the movies.→ Does she want to go to the movies﹖


一、对划线部分提问 1.Hisfatherisanengineer. 2.MyfirstnameisTom. 3.MrKingisfromAmerica. 4.I’llgohomeat11:00. 5.Lindalikessportsprograms. 6.Tomlikesactionmovies. 7.I’dlikethreecupsoftea. 8.TheseareJenny’sCDs. 9.TheTVisinyourbedroom. 10.Shewillgotoschoolintwoyears.二、改否定句 1.Theylikeactionmovies. 2.HisfavoritefootballplayerisBeckham. 3.Somebodygotsomething. 4.Thereissomethinginmybag. 5.Ihavesomemoney. 三、改一般疑问句 1.We’dlikesometea. 2.Amy’smotherlikesromanticmovies. 3.Somebodygotsomething. 4.Weneedtobuysomechocolates. 5.Helikesactionmovies.

划线部分提问 1、Whatdoeshisfatherdo Whatishisfather What’shisfather’sjob 2、Whatisyourfirstname 3、WhereisMrKingfrom 4、Whattimewillyougohome Whenwillyougohome 5、WhatdoesLindalike WhatprogramsdoesLindalike 6、WhatmoviesdoesTomlike WhatkindofmoviesdoesTomlike 7、Howmuchteawouldyoulike Howmanycupsofteawouldyoulike 8、WhoseCDsarethese 9、WhereistheTV 10、Howsoonwillshegotoschool Whenwillshegotoschool 二、否定句 1、Theydon’tlikeactionmovies. 2、Hisfavoritefootballplayerisn’tBeckham. 3、Nobodygotanything. Everybodygotnothing. Everybodydidn’tgetanything.


将下列句子改成一般疑问句和否定句 1. It is a lovely dog. ________________________________________ 2. She is lovely girl. ________________________________________ 3. He is my father. _________________________________________ 4. They are Lily ' s cousins. ________________________________ 5. We are classmates. _____________________________________ 6. I am a doctor. ________________________________________ 7. There is a bird in the tree. ______________________________ 8. There are some stars in the sky. ___________________________ 9. They are good friends. ___________________________________ 10. I love my parents. ______________________________________ 11. I play computer games every night. _________________________ 12. I like to read English. 13. I go to school on foot. 14. We have a pleasant home. _________________________________ 15. We like to climb the mountain. _____________________________ 16. They go to church on Sunday. _____________________________ 17. They walk to school every morning. ________________________ 18. These cats are crying. _____________________________ 19. They can swim. _____________________________ 20. He goes to school every day. _____________________________ 用do does be 填空


一般现在时练习题一 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. We often___________(play) in the playgound. 2. He _________(get) up at six o’clock. 3. __________you _________(brush) your teeth every morning. 4. What (do) he usually (do)after scho ol? He usuall (do) (h e) homework. 5. Danny (study) English,Chinese,Maths,Scienc e and Art an school. 6. Mike sometimes __________(go) to the park with his sister 7. At eight at night, she __________(watch) TV with his parents. 8. ________ Mike________(read) English every day? 9. How many lessons_________your classmate________(have) on Mond ay? 10. What time_________his mother_________(do) the housework? 改句子 1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答) 2. I have many books. (改为否定句) 3. Gao Shan’s sister likes playing table tennis. (改为否定 句) (改为一般疑问 句) 4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为否定 句 (改为一般疑问 句) ( 划线提 问) 5. I watch TV every day.


一、对划线部分提问 1. His father is an engineer. What does his father do? What is his father? What ’s his father ’s job? 2. My first name is Tom. What is your first name? 3. Mr King is from America. Where is Mr King from? 4. I ’ll go home at 11:00. What time will you go home? When will you go home? 5. Linda likes sports programs. What does Linda like? What programs does Linda like? 6. Tom likes action movies. What movies does Tom like? What kind of movies does Tom like? 7. I ’d like three cups of tea. How much tea would you like? How many cups of tea would you like? 8. These are Jenny ’s CDs. Whose CDs are these? 9. The TV is in your bedroom. Where is the TV? 10. She will go to school in

two years. How soon will she go to school? When will she go to school? 二、改否定句 1. They like action movies. They don ’t like action movies. 2. His favorite football player is Beckham. His favorite football player isn ’t Beckham. 3. Somebody got something. Nobody got anything. Everybody got nothing. Everybody didn ’t get anything. 4. There is something in my bag. There is nothing in my bag. There isn ’t anything in my bag. 5. I have some money. I don ’t have any money. I have no money. 三、改一般疑问句 1. We ’d like some tea. Would you like some tea? 2. Amy ’s mother likes romantic movies. Does Amy ’s mother like romantic movies?


陈述句变否定句的练习题 I. Be 动词 1. He is a boy. 2. I am your friend. 3. My sister is a beatiful girl. 4. My mother is a worker. 5. They are in the classroom. 6. There are some books on the bookshelf. 7. I was at home yesterday. 8. They were in Beijing ten years ago. 9. I am looking for a job recently. 10. The students are playing basketball in the playground. II.情态动词 1. Lucy will be back in a week. 2. She can sing a song and draw a picture. 3. You can use the dictionary. 4. Peter need go home tomorrow. 5. You should line up when you wait for a bus. 6. We need learn something to cook. 7. I can write a book. 8. You should say “Sorry” to somebody who you hurt him. 9. He must stay at home to finish his homework. 10. I can go to Shanghai Zoo.III. 实意动词 1. We come from China. 2. We like the mask. 3. He likes the violin. 4. Have some bread, Tom. 5. Please open your books. 6. I like Chinese、Maths、Art and PE. 7. She has a shower in the morning. 8. Peter did lots of work in the company last night. 9. They had a lot of fun in past ten years. 10. I used to play the piano. answer: I. Be动词 1. He is a boy. He is not a boy. 2. I am your friend. I am not your friend. 3. My sister is a beatiful girl. My sister is not a beatiful girl. 4. My mother is a worker. My mother is not a worker. 5. They are in the classroom. They are not in the classroo. 6.There are some books on the bookshelf. There are not any books on the bookshelf. 7. I was at home yesterday. I was not at home yesterday. 8. They were in Beijing ten years ago. They were not in Beijing ten years ago. 9. I am looking for a job recently. I am not looking for a job recently.


一般疑问句,否定句 课题一:一般疑问句general question 重点:辨别一般疑问句,掌握一般疑问句语法结构和使用方法。 难点:1.一般疑问句的句子结构。 2.一般疑问句和陈述句之间的转化。动词时态的变化。 教具准备:教学讲义练习题。 教学过程: 1.复习:P17,P32 重新朗读课文。复习单词和语法。 2.提出课题: Does...like...(doing)? Yes,...does./No,...doesn’t. Is/Are...(doing)? Yes,...is/are./No,...isn’t/aren’t. 由以上例句总结一下一般疑问句的定义:一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是一般只用yes (是)或no(否)来回答的句子。朗读一般疑问句时用升调。 3.教学步骤: a.举出更多例句. Eg1. 问句:Is this your pen? 肯答:Yes,it is. 否答:No,it isn`t. Eg2. 问句:Are these your books? 肯答:Yes,they are. 否答:No,they aren’t. Eg3. 问句:Can you speak English? 肯答:Yes,I can. 否答:No,I can’t. Eg4. 问句:Do you likeapple? 肯答:Yes,I do. 否答:No,I don’t. b.总结一下一般疑问的句子结构及回答。(句子结构的记忆方法:就是讲前面2个词调换位置了。) Is/Are+主语+其他部分? 。。。是。。。? Eg1. Is this your pen?

当只有一支笔的时候就用Is, 回答:Yes,it is/No,it isn’t . 当有两只及以上用时用Are,而且要讲这个(this)/那个(that)变为这些(these)/那些(those).笔要加s变成复数。 如:Are these/those your pens? 回答:Yes,they are/No,they aren’t. ② Can/Will+主语+V-原型? (后面动词都用原型) Eg. You can open the door→Can you open the door? You will go to school next Monday →Will you go to school next Monday ? ③Do/Does+主语+V-原型? Eg. Do you likeapple? Does Mary like cat? 第一,二人称(I,You)用Do; 第三人称(Mary)用Does Parents等复数也用Do. 举例:我需要现在回家吗?Do i need to go home now?回答: 你父母喜欢英语吗?Do your parents like English? Alice喜欢花吗?Does Alice like flower? C.辨别以下是否为一般疑问句。 Are you a student? Is it his pet? What is that over there? Can you swim? Do you have a storybook? This is a toy bear,I think.


陈述句变否定句的练习题 I. Be动词 I. He is a boy. 2.1 am your friend. 3. My sister is a beatiful girl. 4. My mother is a worker. 5. They are in the classroom. 6. There are some books on the bookshelf. 7. I was at home yesterday. 8. They were in Beiji ng ten years ago. 9. I am look ing for a job recen tly. 10. The stude nts are play ing basketball in the playgro und. II. 情态动词 1. Lucy will be back in a week. 2. She can sing a song and draw a picture. 3. You can use the dict ion ary. 4. Peter n eed go home tomorrow. 5. You should line up whe n you wait for a bus. 6. We n eed lear n someth ing to cook. 7. I can write a book. 8. You should say “ Sorry” to somebody who you hurt him. 9. He must stay at home to finish his homework. 10. I can go to Shan ghai Zoo.I II. 实意动词 1. We come from Chi na. 2. We like the mask. 3. He likes the violi n. 4. Have some bread, Tom. 5. Please ope n your books. 6. I like Chinese、Maths、Art and PE. 7. She has a shower in the morning. 8. Peter did lots of work in the compa ny last ni ght. 9. They had a lot of fun in past ten years. 10. I used to play the pia no. answer: I. Be 动词 1. He is a boy. He is n ot a boy. 2. I am your friend. I am not your friend. 3. My sister is a beatiful girl. My sister is not a beatiful girl. 4. My mother is a worker. My mother is not a worker. 5. They are in the classroom. They are not in the classroo. 6. There are some books on the bookshelf. There are not any books on the bookshelf. 7. I was at home yesterday. I was not at home yesterday. 8. They were in Beijing ten years ago. They were not in Beijing ten years ago. 9. I am look ing for a job recen tly. I am not look ing for a job rece ntly. 10. The stude nts are play ing basketball in the playgro und. The stude nts are not play ing basket


一般疑问句否定句练习题Last revision on 21 December 2020

一般疑问句,否定句习题 一、陈述句变一般疑问句,否定句 1. His father is an English teacher.一般疑问句: ___________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 2. Tom goes to school on foot.(走路)一般疑问句: __________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 3. He likes English. 一般疑问句:___________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 4. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车)一般疑问句: ______________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 5. There is a big shop near our school. 一般疑问句:___________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 6. The boy under the tree(树) is hungry.(饥饿) 一般疑问句:___________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 7 He goes to school every day. 一般疑问句:___________________________________________ 否定句: ______________________________________ 8 She wants a cup(杯) of coffee(咖啡).一般疑问句: ___________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 9. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch TV at night(在晚上).一般疑问句:_________________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 10. I do my homework(家庭作业) after school. 一般疑问句:_______________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 11. The boy does some housework(家庭作业)at home. 一般疑问句: ___________________________________ 否定句: ___________________________________________ 二、作肯定和否定回答 1、Is this your pencil-case 肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 2、Is that his backpack 肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 3、Are these her brothers 肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 4、Are those Tom’s parents肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 5、Can you play the guitar 肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 6、Is this your sister 肯定回答:________________. 否定回答:___________________. 7、Is this my pen 肯定回答:_______________. 否定回答:___________________. 8、Do you all(都、全部) at school肯定回答:___________. 否定回答:___________________. 9、Do they like French fries肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 10、Does he like pears 肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 11、Is that a Chinese car 肯定回答:________________. 否定回答:___________________. 12、Is Tom cool 肯定回答:__________________ 否定回答:___________________. 13、Are you a good student 肯定回答:__________________. 否定回答:___________________. 14、Can she speak English肯定回答:___________________.否定回答:___________________. 15、Can you speak Chinese肯定回答:________________ 否定回答:___________________. 16、Can he play chess 肯定回答:_______________. 否定回答:___________________. 17、May I ask your question肯定回答:___________________.否定回答:___________________. 18、Do you like salad 肯定回答:_________________. 否定回答:___________________. 19、Is he your father 肯定回答:___________________.否定回答:___________________. 20、Are you from China. 肯定回答:___________________.否定回答:___________________.

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