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1.Look! The boys___________________(play) football there.

2.I enjoy_________________(listen) to the radio very much.

3.I________________(be) at home yesterday.

4.She didn't__________________(call) the doctor the night before last.

5.What did he_______________(say) to you yesterday?

6.He______________(live) in Beijing last year.

7.They________________(not be) at school the day before yesterday.

8.She_____________________(not open) the box yesterday.

9.We________________(see) our teacher tomorrow.

10.She often__________________(enjoy) herself.


1.is _________________(过去式)

2.answer ________________(过去式)

3.do _________________(过去式)

4.say _________________(过去式)

5.telephone _________________(过去式)

6.play _________________(单三)

7.am _________________(过去式) 8.are _________________(过去式)

9.arrive _________________(现在分词) 10.enjoy _________________(现在分词)

11.hurry _________________(过去式) 12.phone _________________(现在分词)








1.I________________(be) at home yesterday.

2.She_________________(call) the doctor the night before last.

3.She_______________(not open) the box last night.

4.He knows a lot about China as she has been to China__________________.

A. for the fourth time

B. four times

C. a fourth time

D. for four times

5.We'll spend the holidays in the mountain _______________ miles away.

A. several hundreds

B. hundreds of

C. several hundred of

D. hundred of

6."Which room are you staying in?" "_____________."

A. The Room 301

B.301 Room

C. Room 301st

D. Room 301

7.Mr. Hu usually stands___________ front ______________the blackboard.

A. in, of

B. of, in

C. at, at

D. in, in

8.Be careful. Don't cut________________.

A. myself

B. yourself

C. himself

D. myself

9.It______________(rain) heavily yesterday.

10.He_______________(get) up very late this morning.

新概念英语第二册 第71、72课词组

新概念英语第二册第71、72课词组all over the world全世界(美国人有时用the world over) B.B.C.=British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司 the Houses of Parliament英国议会两院 burn down烧毁 takes (its) name from取(其)名于 be responsible for负责办…… be of immense size体积很大 这种带of的句子,用作表语,有“很”之意 例:…is of great importance 很重要 …is of little significance.很不重要 be connected to与……相连结 go wrong出毛病 fail to不能 give (the correct) time报(准)时. slow down使慢下来,减速 twice a day每日二次 习题部分词组 now that既然 went on strike罢工 work as充当 the washing洗的衣服 work on搞了,干了 capital punishment极刑 第72 课 sett up a record创记录 reached a speed of /reached speeds of 达到……之速度 have difficulty in 在……方面有难处 be disappointed to learn在得悉……感到很不满意(扫兴) 习题部分词组 dress up as扮成 specially特意 we came specially to learn how to raise rice seedlings.(育秧) stories specially written for children. I came here specially to see you. especially尤其,格外 WaShingron is beautiful,especially in late Autumn. No profession,as a profession,is especially noble or ignoble.(作为一种职业来说,没有什么职业是格外的高贵或格外的低贱。It has been especially cold this week. (especially和particularly通用) 关于“创记录”的若干表达法 1) set up a world record创世界记录

2016新概念第一册 Lesson 91-92 课堂及课后练习

新概念一Lesson91~L92 课内语法 新课内容: 一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解 1.still ad.①还,仍旧:He's still here.他仍在这里。(▲still表示仍在继续或仍未发生,位于所表示的情况之前,因此也可在助动词和否定词之前) ②([同]even)[修饰比较级]还要,更 ③尽管如此,可还是:It's rainning,(but)still I'd like to go.天在下雨,可我还是想去。 2.move vt.①移动,搬动,使改变位置(或姿势):move house 搬家 vi.①移动;离开;动身;前进;(下棋)走一子:Don't move, or I'll shoot.不许动,否则就开枪了 ②迁移;搬家move to…搬到… eg: Has he moved to his new house yet? 他已经搬进新居了吗? 3.miss vt.①未找到;未遇到;未看到:miss one's way 迷路②想念;怀念;惦记:I'll miss him.我会想念他的。 ③发觉……丢失:I missed my wallet.我发觉皮夹子丢了。 4.neighbour 邻居eg: He has always been a good neighbour.他一直是个好邻居。 5.person n.人;人物eg: He's a very nice person.他是个非常好的人。 people的单复数The Chinese people are hardworking and brave. ▲泛指“人民”,“人们”时,是单数形式,复数概念;作主语时,与复数动词连用。 ▲指“民族”、“(一个国家的)人民”时,可以有单数和复数形式两种 6.poor①穷的、贫困的:a poor nation 穷国②虚弱的;不足的;笨拙的;③可怜的,不幸的:Poor Ian! 可怜的伊恩! 二、词组 1、错过做某事miss doing sth 2、上周last week 3、打算做某事be going to do 4、搬进---move into 5、后天the day after tomorrow 6、请代我向他问好please give him my regards 7、tomorrow morning 明天早上 8、But his wife did. 但他的妻子要离开。省略动词部分只留下相对应的情态动词、be动词、助动词 三、语法:一般将来时 ⑴一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作、状态以及打算。该时态一般与表示将来意义的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天),this month(本月),the day after tomorrow(后天),next week(下周),in two days' time(两天之后),from now on(从现在起),in the future (将来)等。 ⑵一般将来时的形式为will/shall+动词原形 will可用于所有人称,但shall仅表示单纯将来时用于第一人称I和we,作为will的一种替代形式。 否定缩写:shan't = shall not, won't = will not: I shan't leave tonight. I'll leave tomorrow. 今天夜里我不走。我将于明天离开。 They won't go to London this weekend. 这个周末他们不去伦敦。 此外,will除了表示纯粹的将来时间外,还表示说话人的意图和意愿,而shall除了表示将来时间外同时不表示说话人的责任或决心。 ⑶除了will/shall外,还可以用其他方法表示将来。在口语中,be going to比will/shall要为普通,用来表示说话人的意图或打算。如:She is going to travel by air. 她打算乘飞机旅行。 也可用来表示有迹象某事即将发生。如:It's going to rain. 将要下雨了。 ⑷可与将来时连用的时间短语有: 今天:this morning/afternoon/evening 今天上午/下午/晚上tonight今夜 明天:tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening明天上午/下午/晚上 后天:the day after tomorrow后天the night after next后天夜里 其他:in the morning在上午in the afternoon在下午in the evening在晚上


新概念第一册1-2课文详解及英语语法 课文详注Further notes on the text 1.Excuse me 对不起。 这是常用于表示道歉的客套话,相当于汉语中的“劳驾”、“对不起”。当我们要引起别人的注意、要打搅别人或打断别人的话时,通常都可使用这一表达方式。在课文中,男士为了吸引女士的注意而使用了这句客套话。它也可用在下列场合:向陌生人问路,借用他人的电话,从别人身边挤过,在宴席或会议中途要离开一会儿等等。 2.Yes?什么事? 课文中的Yes?应用升调朗读,意为:“什么事?”Yes?以升调表示某种不肯定或询问之意,也含有请对方说下去的意思。 3.Pardon?对不起,请再说一遍。 当我们没听清或没理解对方的话并希望对方能重复一遍时,就可以使用这一表达方式。较为正式的说法是: I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon? Pardon me. 它们在汉语中的意思相当于“对不起,请再说一遍”或者“对不起,请再说一遍好吗?” 4.Thank you very much.非常感谢! 这是一句表示感谢的用语,意为“非常感谢(你)”。请看下列类似的表达式,并注意其语气上的差异: Thank you. 谢谢(你)。Thanks! 谢谢! 5.数字1~10的英文写法 1—one 2—two 3—three 4—four 5—five 6—six 7—seven 8—eight 9—nine 10—ten 语法Grammar in use 一般疑问句 一般疑问句根据其结构又分为若干种。通过主谓倒装可将带有be的陈述句变为一般疑问句。即将be的适当形式移到主语之前,如:陈述句:This is your watch. 这是你的手表。 疑问句:Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗? (可参见Lessons 15~16语法部分有关be的一般现在时形式的说明。) 词汇学习Word study 1.coat n. 上衣,外套:Is this your coat? 这是你的外套吗? coat and skirt<英>(上衣、裙子匹配的)西式女套装 2.dress n. (1)连衣裙;套裙:Is this your dress? 这是你的连衣裙吗? (2)服装;衣服:casual dress 便服;evening dress 晚礼服 新概念第一册3-4课文详解及英语语法 课文详注Further notes on the text 1.My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 这是一个省略形式的祈使句,完整的句子应为: Give me my coat and my umbrella, please. 口语中,在语境明确的情况下通常可省略动词和间接宾语,如: (Show me your) Ticket, please. 请出示你的票。 (Show me your)Passport, please. 请出示您的护照。 2.Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣。 Here's 是Here is的缩略形式。全句原为:Here is your umbrella and your coat.缩略形式和非缩略形式在英语的书面用语和口语中均有,但非缩略形式常用于比较正式的场合。Here's…是一种习惯用法,句中采用了倒装句式,即系动词提到了主语之前。又如Here is my ticket 这句话用正常的语序时为My ticket is here。 3.Sorry = I'm sorry。 这是口语中的缩略形式,通常在社交场合中用于表示对他人的歉意或某种程度的遗憾。 Sorry 和Excuse me 虽在汉语中都可作“对不起”讲,但sorry 常用于对自己所犯过失表示道歉,而Excuse me 则多为表示轻微歉意的客套语。 4.Sir,先生。 这是英语中对不相识的男子、年长者或上级的尊称。例如:在服务行业中,服务员对男顾客的称呼通常为sir: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要买什么? Thank you, sir. 谢谢您,先生。 sir 通常用于正式信函开头的称呼中: Dear sir 亲爱的先生 Dear sirs 亲爱的先生们/诸位先生们 Sir可用于有爵士称号者的名字或姓名之前(但不用于姓氏之前): Sir Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士 Sir William Brown 威廉·布朗爵士 5.数字11~15的英文写法 11—eleven 12—twelve 13—thirteen 14—fourteen 15—fifteen 语法Grammar in use 否定句 否定陈述句与肯定陈述句相反,它表示“否定”,并且含有一个如not 之类的否定词。一个内含be的否定形式的陈述句,应在其后加not,以构成否定句: 肯定句: This is my umbrella. 这是我的伞。 否定句: This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的伞。 请再看课文中的这两句话: 针对一般疑问句的否定的简略答语是No,it's not/it isn't。此处省略和非省略形式的关系为:is not =isn't;it is = it's。全句应为: No, it is not my umbrella. 不,它不是我的伞。 词汇学习Word study 1.suit n.(一套)衣服: Is this your suit? 这是你的衣服吗? a man's suit 一套男装;a woman's suit 一套女装 2.please:interjection (表示有礼貌地请求对方)请;烦劳: My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 Please come in. 请进。


【知识点讲解】 1. 今天还是继续熟悉一般过去式。我们看到在课文一开始就用Last week 来点明事件发生的 时间,把整个语境都摆到了过去的状态里。有同学可能会问:那第二句也用到 She does not know London very well... 这里也是一般现在时态啊!我们要注意的是,这里说“米尔斯夫人不熟悉伦敦”是一个持续的状态,不是说米尔斯夫人在上周才不熟悉伦敦,而是她一直以来都不熟悉,所以这里前半句用的是一般现在时态,紧跟着的一句“she lost her way ” 又回到一般过去式了。 2. 还是第二句中“...and she lost her way.” 这里我们看到中文的翻译是“所以她迷路了”。这并不是说and 的意思可以是“所以”,and 还是“以及、和”的意思,这里只是用中文惯式的连词“所以”来翻译了这个意思而已。 3. 今天又学到了两个不规则的动词过去变化,大家要特别记忆一下:speak - spoke;understand - understood 。另外再顺便记一个:stand - stood ,站立。 Lesson73 Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop. 'I can ask him the way.' She said to herself. 'Excuse me,' she said. 'Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?' The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He spoke German. He was a tourist. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook. He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly. 'I am sorry,' he said. 'I do not speak English.' 上星期米尔斯夫人去了伦敦。她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。 突然,她在公共汽车站附近看到一个男人。“我可以向他问路,”她想。 “对不起,您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?”她说。 这人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英语!他讲德语。他是个旅游者。 然后他把手伸进了衣袋,掏出了一本常用语手册。 他翻开书找到了一条短语。他缓慢地读着短语。 “很抱歉,” 他说,“我不会讲英语。”

新概念英语第一册第29-30课Come in,Amy

新概念英语第一册第29-30课:Come in,Amy Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.进来,艾米。 听录音,然后回答问题。艾米需要如何来清扫地面?Come in, Amy. 琼斯夫人:进来,艾米。 Shut the door, please. 琼斯夫人:请把门关上。 This bedroom is very untidy. 琼斯夫人:这卧室太不整洁了。 What must I do, Mrs. Jones? 艾米:我应该做些什么呢,琼斯夫人? Open the window and air the room. 琼斯夫人:打开窗子,给房间通通风。 Then put these clothes in the wardrobe. 琼斯夫人:然后把这些衣服放进衣橱里去。 Then make the bed. 琼斯夫人:再把床整理一下。 Dust the dressing table. 琼斯夫人:掸掉梳妆台上的灰尘。 Then sweep the floor. 琼斯夫人:然后扫扫地。 New Word and expressions 生词和短语 shut v. 关门

bedroom n. 卧室 untidy adj. 乱,不整齐 must modal verb 必须,应该 open v. 打开 air v. 使… 通风,换换空气 put v. 放置 clothes n. 衣服 wardrobe n. 大衣柜 dust v. 掸掉灰尘土 sweep v. 扫 Notes on the text课文注释 1 英文中需用祈使语气来表示直接的命令、建议、告诫、邀请等多种意图。祈使句一般省略主语you


学习-----好资料 Lesson 72 A Famous Clock 一个著名的大钟【Text】 The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 【课文翻译】 杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。它的车身长30英尺,有一个2,500 马力的发动机。尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。比赛结束后,坎贝尔非常失望地得知他的平均时速是299英里。然而,几天之后,有人告诉他说弄错了。他的平均时速实际是301英里。从那时以来,赛车选手已达到每小时600英里的速度。很多年之后,马尔科姆爵士的儿子唐纳德踏着父亲的足迹,也创造了一项世界纪录。同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。 New words and expressions 生词和短语

2016新概念第一册 Lesson 41-42 课堂及课后练习

新课内容: 一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解 1.cheese n.乳酪(不可数)eg. a piece of cheese.一块乳酪/say cheese! 笑一下! 2.bread n.面包(不可数)eg. a loaf of bread. 一个面包 3.soap n.香皂eg. a bar of soap. 一块肥皂 4.chocolate n.巧克力eg. a bar of chocolate. 一块巧克力 5.sugar n.糖eg. a pound of sugar.一磅糖 6.coffee n.咖啡eg. half a pound of coffee.半磅咖啡 7.tea n.茶eg. a quarter of a pound of tea 四分之一磅茶 8.tobacco n.烟草、烟丝eg. a tin of tobacco. 一听烟丝 9.bird n. eg. Is there a bird in the tree? 树上有一只鸟吗? 10.any①[疑问句]什么;一些:Are there any letters? 有信没有?②[否定句中]什么也;一点儿也: I have some brothers, but not any sisters.我有几个兄弟,可是没有姐妹 11.some [用于肯定句]一些,几个:Some children. 一些孩子 二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解 1.一个a loaf of 2.一条a bar of 3.一瓶a bottle of 4.一磅a pound of 5.半磅half a pound of 6.四分之一a quarter of 7.四分之一磅a quarter of a pound of 8.一听a tin of 9.一块、一张、一片a piece of 10.为了某人、给某人for sb 三、重点语法 英语中的名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。不可数名词意味着这些名词只能是单数,没有复数形式,不能与数目字如one,two等连用。也不能加不定冠词a,an。一些不可数名词如需要表达“数目”这一概念时,可在其前面加上量词。 四、重点句型 1.What is in it?它里面有什么?考题:它上面有什么? 2.Is that tin of tobacco for me?那听烟丝是给我的吗?考题:那瓶牛奶是给我的。 3.It's certainly not for me.当然不是给我的。 4.There be句型的一般疑问句问:Is there a cup here?这有一个杯子吗? 答:肯定回答Yes,there is.是的,这有。否定回答No,there isn' t.不,这没有。 一、单词连线 coffee 糖 tobacco 咖啡 bread 乳酪 chocolate 茶 sugar 烟草、烟丝 tea 巧克力 soap 面包 cheese 肥皂 二、翻译: 桌子上有一些书吗?是的,这有,不,这没有


新概念英语单词第一册第73 课:到国王街的走法 【单词例句】 A:How long will the meeting last? A:这次的会议要持续多长时间? B:It will last for about one week. B:大约要持续一周时间。 London ['lndn] 伦敦 sudde nly ['sd() nl ] adv.突然地 【单词例句】 A: I feel quite embarrassed for suddenly having to makethis kind of request. A:突然不得不提出这样的请求,实在不好意思。 B: It doesn't matter. Go ahead, please. B:没关系,请说吧。 bus [bs] stop [stp]公共汽车站 smile [smal]微笑 【单词例句】 A: To go to the English Comer is to give you a goodchance to open your mouth to speak. A:去英语角就是给你一个开口说英语的好机会。 B: MaybeI can go thereto have a try. B:也许我能够去那儿试一试。 hand [hnd] 手

【派生词】handkerchief 手帕 【单词扩充】arm 手臂 【单词搭配】hand in hand手牵于ha nds up举手give a hand协助 【单词例句】 A:Hold the steering wheel with your hands at teno'clock and two o'clock. A. 把手握在方向盘的10点及2点钟方向。 B:And what shallI do then? B:我接着该这么做? pleasantly ['plezntli]adv 愉快地 understand ['plezntli] 懂,明白 【派生词】understanding 理解nusunderstand 误解 【单词搭配】understand each other 互相了解 【单词例句】 A: We have to be fair about these things A:对这种事情,我们一视同仁。 B: I understand your position. B. 处在你们的位置,这样做我很理解。 speak [spik]讲,说 【派生词】speaker 喇叭 【单词扩充】relate 叙述say 说,讲 【单词搭配】speak out 大声说speak on 继续说


新概念英语第一册(1-29课)练习题 Lesson 1 , 2 一、把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1.She is Italian. 2.He is French. 3.Anna is a new teacher. 4.Hans is an old teacher. 5.Li Fang is a student. 6.Linda is a nice girl. 7.They are workers. 8.They are Chinese. 9.Tom and Mary are Americans. 10. Peter, Tom and Mike are classmates. 二、用is am are填空 1. My children all at school now. 2. Mr. Smith English.He an engineer. 3. I a doctor and she is a nurse. 4. The policeman looking for a child. He very well. 5. Miss Alice a student.She French. 6. Look at the cat. It climbing a tree. 7. We at London.Where you now?

8. I a typist at this office. 9. Their passports all green. 10. you Swedish?---No, we not. Lesson 3 一、把下列句子变成否定句 1. I am a new student. 2.My name is Alice. 3.Hans is German. 4.You are my friend. 5. She is my sister. 6.These bed are untidy. 7. The clothes are on the bed. 二、给下列一般疑问句作肯定回答或否定回答 1. Are you cold? No, . Are you hot? Yes . 2. Is that pencil long? No, . Is it short? Yes, . 3. Is that book new? No, . Is it old? Yes, .

新概念英语第二册第72课听力:A car called bluebird

新概念英语第二册第72课听力:A car called bluebird Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird“蓝鸟”汽车 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What mistake was made? The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 参考译文 杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。

2016新概念第一册 Lesson 61-62 课堂及课后练习

新概念一Lesson61 ~62课内语法 一、单词 1.feel v.感觉[短语]feel + 形容词感觉……(feel是半系动词)[例句]He feels ill.他觉得不舒服。 2.look v.看(起来)[短语]look+形容词看起来……(look是半系动词)[例句]He looks ill.他看上去是病了。 3.must modal verb 必须[用法] must表示“必须”,情态动词,后加动词原形。 [例句]We must call the doctor.我们得去请医生。 4.call v.叫,请[短语]call sb. ①去请某人②打电话给某人call sb. at +电话号码给某人打……(号)电话 [例句] If you find Any's keys, you can call her.如果你找到了艾米的钥匙,你可以给她打电话。 Call me at 1234567, please.请打1234567号找我。 5.doctor n.医生[相关]dentist n. 牙医 6.telephone n.电话[用法]telephone = phone n.电话[一词多译]telephone = phone v.打电话 [短语]telephone sb.给某人打电话telephone number电话号码 [例句] Please telephone the doctor.请给医生打电话。 Can you remember the doctor's telephone number.你还记得医生的电话号码吗? 7.remember v.记得,记住[短语] remember :to do sth.记得未做的事(要去做)forget:to do sth.忘记未做的事 doing sth. 记得已做的事doing sth.忘记已做的做 stop:to do sth.停下来去做某事try:to do sth.尽力做某事(一次) doing sth.停止正在做的事doing sth.尝试做某事(原来没做过)like:to do sth.暂时性、具体性喜欢做某事(一次) doing sth.一直以来都喜欢做某事,习惯,爱好(经常) 8.mouth n.嘴[例句]Open your mouth, Jimmy. 把嘴张开,吉米。 9.tongue n.舌头Show me your tongue. Say "Ah".让我看看你的舌头,说“啊”。 10.bad adj 坏的,严重的[反义词]good adj.好的 [例句] He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams. 他得了重感冒,威廉斯先生。 11.cold n.感冒[短语]have a (bad) cold患了(重)感冒 [一词多译] cold adj.寒冷的(反义词)hot adj.炎热的;cool adj.凉爽的(反义词) warm adj.暖和的 12.news n.消息[用法]不可数名词[短语] a piece of (good / bad) news. 一条(好/坏)消息 [例句]That's good news for Jimmy. 对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。 Lesson 62 单词 1、headache n.头痛[短语] have a headache 患头痛 2.aspirin n.阿斯匹林[用法]可数名词[短语]take an aspirin 吃一片阿斯匹林 3.earache n.耳痛[短语] have an earache 患耳朵痛 4.toothache n.牙痛[短语]have a toothache 患牙痛 5.dentist n.牙医[例句] So he must see a dentist.所以他必须去看牙医。 6.stomach ache 胃痛[短语]have a stomach ache胃痛 7.medicine n.药[用法]不可数名词[短语] take some medicine 吃一些药 8.temperature n.温度[短语]have a temperature = have a fever 发烧 9.flu n.流行性感冒[短语] have flu 患流行性感冒 10.measles n.麻疹[短语]have measles患麻疹 11.mumps n.腮腺炎[短语]have mumps 患腮腺炎 二、课文 1.in bed 卧床 2. call the doctor 请医生 3. telephone number 电话号码


Lesson 72 A Famous Clock 一个著名的大钟【Text】 The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 【课文翻译】 杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。它的车身长30英尺,有一个2,500 马力的发动机。尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。比赛结束后,坎贝尔非常失望地得知他的平均时速是299英里。然而,几天之后,有人告诉他说弄错了。他的平均时速实际是301英里。从那时以来,赛车选手已达到每小时600英里的速度。很多年之后,马尔科姆爵士的儿子唐纳德踏着父亲的足迹,也创造了一项世界纪录。同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。 New words and expressions 生词和短语 【生词讲解】 1.racing 竞赛 race 1) n 速度竞赛[c]


Lesson 29 Come in, Amy? 一、教学重点 1、new words and expressions 2、passage 3、grammar 二、教学难点 1、总结:用祈使语气来表示直接的命令、建议、告诫、邀请等多种 意图。 2、句型:- What must I do? 三、课前准备 电脑音频教案PPT 单词卡片 四、教学步骤: 1、greeting 2、warm up (play a game) 3、revision 4、提问:How must Amy clean the floor ? 5、生词解读,纠正发音 (详见New words and expressions)。 6、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。 7、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。 8、总结本课重点句型。 9、布置作业:背诵单词、练习卷一张 五、引入话题: 当你要求别人把门打开的时候应该怎么说呢?You open the door. 这种句子中我们通常可以把you省略掉。变成Open the door. 这就是我们今天要讲的祈使句。

六、【New words and expressions】 ★untidy adj. 乱,不整齐 un-前缀,表示否定;tidy adj. 整齐的,干净的 happy——unhappy 不幸福的 lucky——unlucky 不幸的 known——unknown 未知的 ★open v.打开turn on 打开 ★air v. 使… 通风,换换空气 ① n. 空气,新鲜空气 Let’s go out and breathe some fresh air. ② n. 空中,空间 He likes to stay in the open air. 他喜欢在户外呆着。 ③ v. 晾(衣服、被褥等);使通风 Leave the trousers on the washing-line to air. 把裤子挂到晾衣绳上去晾干。 ★sweep v. 用笤帚扫地 dust ① v. 掸掉……上的灰尘;② n. 灰尘 clear adj. 清晰的v. 清除 clean adj. 清洁的,干净的v. 使……干净(不管用什么方法)cleanse v. 用水彻底把……弄干净 wipe v. 用抹布去擦 七、[Grammar] 情态动词: 1 情态动词表示人的情感、状态或情绪变化的一种助动词,它本身具有实际意义。 2 情态动词不能单独做谓语,只能和后面的原形动词一起构成谓语。 3 情态动词没有人称和数格的变化。 4 含有情态动词的句子,否定句在它后面加not,一般疑问句把它提前。 情态动词must的用法: must是情态动词,表示“必须”、“应当”,与have to相似,表示不可逃避的义务。在说话人看来,没有选择的余地。但must带有个


新概念一L71-72测试 一、单词短语 1、让人讨厌的,坏的 2、打电话,电话 3、次(数) 4、接(电话) 5、最后的,前一次的 6、电话 7、又一次地8、说9、照片(L35)1、与某人打招呼2、四次3、接电话4、昨天下午 5、前天 6、前天晚上 7、昨夜 8、与某人说话 二、用动词的正确形式填空。 1.Look! The boys___________________(play) football there. 2.I enjoy_________________(listen) to the radio very much. 3.I________________(be) at home yesterday. 4.She didn't__________________(call) the doctor the night before last. 5.What did he_______________(say) to you yesterday? 6.He______________(live) in Beijing last year. 7.They________________(not be) at school the day before yesterday. 8.She_____________________(not open) the box yesterday. 9.We________________(see) our teacher tomorrow. 10.She often__________________(enjoy) herself. 三、按要求写出动词正确形式。 1.is _________________(过去式) 2.answer ________________(过去式) 3.do _________________(过去式) 4.say _________________(过去式) 5.telephone _________________(过去式) 6.play _________________(单三) 7.am _________________(过去式) 8.are _________________(过去式) 9.arrive _________________(现在分词) 10.enjoy _________________(现在分词) 11.hurry _________________(过去式) 12.phone _________________(现在分词) 四、翻译 1、他昨天给我打了3次电话。 2、你老板是怎么对他说的? 3、他现在不能同你讲话。 4、去年秋天,我和玛丽在北京玩得很开心。 5、一些孩子正从楼里出来。 五、填空、单选 1.I________________(be) at home yesterday. 2.She_________________(call) the doctor the night before last. 3.She_______________(not open) the box last night.

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