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T ext Analysis

The most dynamic combining forms/prefixes for new computer-and-Internet-related vocabulary in English are cyber-, virtual, Net- (net-), Web- (web-), and E- (e-). Translate the following words into Chinese.

1. combining forms/prefixes + noun

virtual life, virtual community, virtual office, cyber-interaction, cyber nut, cyber pet, cyberspace, Web TV, web page, website, e-card, e-business

2. combining forms/prefixes + verb

cybersurf, netsurf, email

3. words like cyber, net, etc. + suffix

cyberian, netter, cyberize

4. clipped words

cyberdoc, Netcast, Netizen, e-zine

Multiple Choice

1. How does the author feel when she is suddenly confronted with people in the real world? ( )

A) She feels shy.B) She feels angry.C) She feels cautious.D) She feels overexcited.

2. How does the author behave on line? ( )

A) She is friendly.B) She is humorous.C) She is bad-tempered.D) She is talkative.

3. Why does the author fight her boyfriend on net sometimes? ( )

A) Because they haven't seen each other for a long time.

B) Because their typed dialogue lacks emotional cues and she misinterprets it.

C) Because he doesn't love her any longer.

D) Because he doesn't send e-mails to her frequently.

4. What does the author think the daily routine is? ( )

A) Dressing for work.B) Working with colleagues at the office.

C) Sleeping normal hours.D) All the above.

True or False

1. The author tries to at least get to the gym in order to keep fit.

2. The author can get used to the real world very well.

3. The author can't bear her friend's laughter and the noise in the restaurant.

4. The author can't make a choice between the real world and the virtual one.

Useful Expressions

1. 一周中的最好时光

2. 投稿

3. 有时

4. 对……感到厌恶

5. 社交方式

6. 缺乏自律

7. 网络交际8.面对9.穿着得体10. 坏脾气11. 在此状态下12. 日常事务13. 依赖

14.长期失业15.吸毒16. 恢复平衡17. 将…与…区分开18. 面对面19.找借口

Spot Dictation

2000 SK Telecom Internet Survival Contest for Physically Challenged Y outh ______________________________. Myself, and all the other__________________________________________________________________________________________ overcame our handicaps well, and _________________________________________________________________________. In the award session ________________________________________________________________________________. Through this opportunity, I _____________________________________________________________.It gave me self-assurance of the real world of information era. I also experienced _____________________________________________. This is also one of the most ___________________.


Suppose your parents think that you and your brother/sister are spending too much time on the Internet, neglecting your schoolwork and normal daily life, and isolating yourselves from the real world. Y ou want to convince them that your time on the Internet is not wasted, and the Internet has in no way isolated you from the real world. A debate is now called for between you and your parents. Prepare and go about the debate with your partner as one acting as the parent and one as the child.

Introductory Remark

Whether you like it or not, women in many cases have to take up more responsibilities than men. That's why the author, Adrienne Popper, writes: 'Men have generally been assured that achieving their heart's desires would be a piece of cake. Women, of course, have always believed that we can't have our cake and eat it too.' What she means is that men are encouraged to achieve their goals in life, but women know that they can only achieve some goals at the expense of other goals. However, there are superwomen in the real world who are able to perform great deeds and to enjoy their lives at the same time. It is they w ho give the average woman the courage to go on, that is to say, the belief in superwomen encourages average women to achieve their goals.

T ext Analysis

There are three main ways of achieving coherence in a text: the use of transitional words and phrases, the repetition of key words and phrases, and the use of parallel structure.

Try to find transitional words like but, however, yet. Paragraphs 8 to 10 provide a good example of using transitional phrases and sentences, so much so that we can consider this section as a mini-essay. Can you find those phrases and sentences?

The most striking feature of this text is the repetition of key words and phrases. Try to scan the whole text to find the following key words and phrases and get the writer's purpose of repeating them.

1) Brooklyn Bridge or the bridge

The occurrences of the phrases Brooklyn Bridge or the bridge weave the essay into a coherent piece.

2) synonyms of superwoman

Synonyms like superwoman, superwomen, heroine, supersisters, and superheroines appear five times to remind readers of the topic of this essay.

3) in her spare time

The five instances where the phrase in her spare time is used emphasize the amazing fact that some super-capable women can still find spare time in their tight schedule.

4) synonymous phrases of fairy tale

Synonymous phrases like modern fairy tale, fantasy, dream, incredible achievements, and extraordinary deeds point out the fact that many people do not believe in superwomen stories.

There is no strictly parallel structure in this essay. However, some may regard the comparison between “my”daily struggle and the achievements of Kate L., the daughter of a politic ian, the woman executive, etc. as parallel.

Interestingly, the author uses many words and phrases related to food. Can you give us examples? Don't they reflect the traditional role of women as food-providers?

Useful Expressions

1. 校友简报

2. 校长助理

3. 博士论文

4. 有时间做某事

5. 法学院

6. 开业儿科医生

7. 电视女主持人

8. 女总裁

9. 如瑞士表一样精确10. 听起来熟悉11. 有权有势的人们12. 博士后物理学研究

13. 象作战计划那样精确的时间表14. 如约15. 决定此事16. 组织才能

17. 乐观的生活态度18. 同时做两件不相容的事而双收其利19. 平淡无味的生活20. 干得好

Oral Practice

If you had a second life, which one would you prefer to be, a man or a woman? Why?

Writing Practice

Write a composition on the topic Women Are Not Second-Class Citizens. And the topic sentence of each paragraph has been given to you:

1. In this enlightened age, there still exist a certain number of men who view women as second-class citizens. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Nevertheless, women have shown their excellence and superiority in any job you care to name.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The world can grow more peaceful and flourishing only by consummate hand-in-hand cooperation of men and women.

Sample Writing

In this enlightened age, there still exist a certain number of men who view women as second-class citizens. They go on maintaining the fiction that women, who are inferior, unreliable and irrational, depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition to arrive at decisions. Hence, men almost entirely control top-level negotiations between countries, businesses and banks.

Nevertheless, women have shown their excellence and superiority in any job you care to name. As farmers, workers, drivers, doctors, politicians and scientists and even presidents of countries they have often put men to shame. They are so conscientious, industrious and persevering that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all walks of life in addition to bearing and rearing children.

Although the hard-fought battle for recognition that women are equal and often superior to men in almost every field has been won, it is by no means over. Further effort should be exerted to convert some men’s contemptuous and hostile attitude towards women. The world can grow more peaceful and flourishing only by consummate hand-in-hand cooperation of men and women.

Book Two Unit 7

Culture Notes

Root of English

English began as a west Germanic language which was brought to England by the Saxons around 400 A.D. Old English was the spoken and written language of England between 400 and 1100 A.D. Many words used today come from Old English, including man, woman, king, mother, etc. But Old English was very different from modern English and only a few words can be easily recognized. In the 9th and 10th centuries, when V ikings invaded England, Old Norse words, e.g. sky, take and get and many place names, entered the language. From the Norman Conquest (1066) until the late 12th century English was replaced as the official language by Norman French, though English was still used by the lower classes. English from about 1300 to 1500 is known as Middle English. It was influenced by French and also Latin in vocabulary and pronunciation. French brought many words connected with government, e.g. sovereign, royal, court, legal and government itself. Latin was the language of religion and learning and gave to English words such as minister, angel, master, school and grammar. Literature began again to be written in English during this period. One of the most famous Middle English works is Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.

The Development of Modern English

Modern English developed from the Middle English dialect of the East Midlands and was influenced by the English used in London, where a printing press was set up by William Caxton in 1476. English changed a great deal from this time until the end of the 18th century. During the Renaissance, many words were introduced from Greek and Latin to express new ideas, especially in science, medicine and philosophy. They included physics, species, architecture, encyclopedia and hypothesis. In the 16th century several versions of the Bible helped bring written English to ordinary people. The Elizabethan period is also famous for its drama, and Shakespeare's plays were seen by many people.

The development of printing helped establish standards of spelling and grammar, but there remained a lot of variation. Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language (1755) was the first authoritative treatment of English. It defined about 40,000 words and gave examples of their use.

By the 18th century American English was established and developing independently from British English. After colonists arrived in the US new words began to be added from Native American languages, and from French and Spanish. In 1783, soon after Johnson's dictionary was published, Noah Webster's The Elementary Spelling Book was published in the US. At first it used Johnson's spellings, but later editions contained many of what have come to be known as American spellings, e.g. harbor and favorite.

20th Century English

During the 19th and early 20th centuries many dictionaries and books about language were published. New words are still being added to English from other languages, including Chinese (feng shui) and Japanese (karaoke). Existing words gain new senses, and new expressions spread quickly through television and the Internet.

English is now an international language and is used as a means of communication between people from many countries. As a result the influences on the English language are wider than ever and it is possible that World English will move away from using a British or American standard and establish its own international identity.

T ext Analysis

An expert on English language is supposed to know well about rhetorical devices in English. Robert MacNeil, the author of Text A, does not disappoint us.

The tile, The Glorious Messiness of English, offers a good example of oxymoron. An oxymoron puts two contradictory terms together to puzzle the reader, luring him/her to pause and explore why. 'Glorious' is a commendatory term, while 'messi ness' is derogatory. Why do they stand next to each other? Then, as the reader reads on, he/she will find out that the title is actually a thesis statement: Y es, English is messy, but the messiness reflects some commendable qualities of English, such as tol erance, the love of freedom, and the respect for others' rights. At this point the reader can't but admire the author's ingenuity.

Robert employs many metaphors, such as core of English (Para. 4), a common parent language (Para. 8), another flood of new vocabulary(Para. 14), the special preserve of grammarians(Para. 19). In Para. 18 there is an instance of sustained metaphor: the cultural soil, the first shoots sprang up, … grew stronger, build fences around their language. In this case the English language is compared to plants, and the various cultures influencing it are compared to the soil, while users of English are compared to gardeners.

We can also find parallelism in the quote from Winston Churchill: 'We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight …'

There is personification in the sentence 'Translations of Greek and Roman classics were poured onto the printed page …' There is metonymy in the sentence 'The country now had three languages: French for the nobles, Latin for the churches and English for the common people.' Here the word 'churches' stands for religious institutions and those who are involved in religious practices.

Useful Expressions

1. 排行榜

2. 严格地说

3. 对我们真正至关重要的事

4. 发表演说


6. 系统的研究

7. 起源于


9. 向西漂泊10. 留传给我们

11. 日子过得开心12. 抚养孩子13. 平民百姓14. 印刷机15. 大量新思想

16. 欧洲文艺复兴17. 失控18. 付诸实施19. 个人自由的崇尚者20. 开拓新路

21. 培育了……的准则22. 人权23.知识精英

Listen and Answer

1. What does the Chinese language usually refer to?

2. What is the percentage of the Han nationality in the total population?

3. Why do we say the Chinese language is very important in the world?

4. How many overseas Chinese and persons of Chinese decent in Southeast Asia speak the Chinese language?

5. According to this passage, what was the world's population when the passage was written?

6. How long has the Chinese language been spoken?

Graph Writing (p. 232 Part IV)

1. An example

Write a composition entitled “Leading Causes of Road Accidents in China”. The composition should be based on the following graph.

Percentage of Accidents

Motor V ehicles Bicycles Pedestrians Others

Y our composition should be in three paragraphs:

1) introduce the causes;

2) report the information given in the graph;

3) conclude the composition by giving some suggestions.

Sample Writing

Leading Causes of Road Accidents in China

With the development of the cities, the road accident is becoming a more and more serious problem in China. The information represented in the graph, which depicts the leading causes of road accidents in China, indicates that most accidents are caused by motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.

In the graph we can clearly see that motor vehicles are responsible for the largest part of road accidents, namely about 50% of them. Bicycles account for 35% of the accidents and pedestrians caused nearly 10%. These statistics indicate that motor vehicles have to some extent become a threat to the security of whole society, which endangers people's lives.

Since we know that motor vehicles are the leading cause of road accidents in China, we should take some measures to improve the situation. First, we should make a law to punish any violators of traffic regulations. Then, cyclists should use hand signals to warn other road users of their intentions. Last but not least, the department concerned should educate ordinary people to walk on a zebra crossing or overpass when they cross a street. All in all, it's time for us to attach great importance to this problem. (199 words)

2. Some useful expressions in graph writing

1) The picture shows…2) This table shows the differences between…

3) The diagram represents…4) The chart above indicates…

5) The information represented in the graph indicates…6) As can be seen from the chart, …

7) As is shown in the bar graph, there were…8) From the diagram it can be seen clearly that…

9) From these figures one can easily see that…

10) According to the graph given above, we can see that…

11) This is an illustration of…/a typical example of…12) There was a great/slight increase/rise.

13) There has been a sudden/slow/rapid fall/drop…14) Take the above chart as an example,…

3. Homework

Write a composition entitled “Causes of Fires”based on the following graph.

Number of Fires

Smoking Defective Insulation Children Playing With Matches

Y our composition should be in three paragraphs

1) introduce the causes;

2) report the information given in the graph;

3) conclude the composition by giving some suggestions

Sample Writing

Causes of Fires

In spite of all the progress that mankind has made over years, fire continues to be a terrible killer in our modern society. From the graph, which depicts the leading causes of fires, we can see that most fires are caused by smoking, defective insulation and children playing with matches.

The graph makes it clear that smoking was responsible for most of the fires, namely about 500 of them. Defective insulation resulted in more than 200 fires and children playing with matches caused nearly 100 fires. These results indicate that smoking can thus be regarded as the enemy of the whole society, especially when the public interest is taken into consideration.

From the above, we can see that smoking is the leading cause of fires. Therefore we should remind smokers to pay close attention to their cigarette ends when they smoke. On the other hand, we should also educate our children, warning them of the danger of playing with matches. It's time for us to take measures to prevent dangerous fires. (176 words)


咕咚 教学目标: 1.会认12个生字,会写7个生字。 2.能正确、流利地朗读课文,感知课文内容。 3.有感情地朗读课文,知道“凡事得讲根据,眼见为实,不能道听途说,盲目地下结论”的道理。 教学重点:会认12个生字,会写7个生字。了解课文内容。 教学难点:有感情地朗读课文,知道“凡事得讲根据,眼见为实,不能道听途说,盲目地下结论”的道理。 教学过程: 第一课时 一、创设情境,故事导入 1.导入:同学们,在森林里的蘑菇屋内,住着一位可爱的朋友,(多媒体课件出示:一只小兔子)大家看小兔子的表情,想到了一个什么词语?(吃惊、害怕等)听,他在说什么呢? 2.课件播放并出示小兔子的话:小朋友们,“咕咚”来了,大家快跑呀! 3.教师导学:小兔子为什么害怕“咕咚”,“咕咚”又是什么?我们一起去森林里看看,到底是怎么回事,好吗?(板书课题,齐读课题。) 二、游戏闯关,认识生字 1.教师设置闯关游戏,(课件出示:咕咚探秘之旅)第一关——“神奇果树林”。要求:认真听老师范读课文,圈出本课要求认识的生字,自己拼读,读准字音。 2.教师范读课文,学生圈画生字:咕、咚、熟、掉、吓、鹿、逃、命、象、野、拦、领。 3.引导学生利用字卡,同桌之间可以用喜欢的方式交流生字。如: (1)你读一个字,我读一个字。 (2)抢答读字,看谁读得准确。 4.学生汇报后,教师指导难读、易错的字音。 5.学生以小组为单位,开火车认读生字。 6.出示课件,开始闯关,引导学生以小组为单位,每组选出一名同学,读果子树上的字宝宝。 7.小结:顺利过关的小组很棒,大家看,这棵果树硕果累累,所有的生字果子变成了一架飞机,我们坐着飞机来到第二关——“课文堡垒”!(课件出示:生字果子汇聚成一架飞机飞到第二关。)


讲故事的方法和技巧 讲故事是常用的授课方法之一。这是因为,不只是小孩子才喜欢听故事,成人对一些富有趣味性、哲理性的小故事一样感兴趣。然而,如何讲好故事,把故事演绎得绘声绘色、声情并茂,那就要看培训师的真功夫了。讲故事,既然是“讲”,那当然主要是靠培训师的语言表达能力来呈现了。因此,讲故事过程当中的语言组织是讲好“故事”重要手段之一。培训师在讲故事时可以通过全感官演绎的方法对听众的感知进行刺激,达到讲好故事的目的。什么是“全感官演绎”?在笔者的上一篇文章中,提到根据外感官和内感官的特点,人可以分为视觉型、听觉型、感觉型三种。三种类型的人在接受外界信息和处理事情的时候有着不同的特点:视觉型的人看世界,听觉型的人听世界,感觉型的人感受世界。这三种类型的感官认识在每一个人身上并不是孤立存在,而是在同一个人身上同时存在的。也就是说,除了有生理缺陷(如盲人,缺少的是视觉)的人之外,每一个正常的人都是通过视觉、听觉、感觉在感知这个世界的。如果在讲故事的时候能同时照顾好三种类型的感官,通过感官的作用让听众通过大脑创造出一幅全息的景象,塑造一种身临其境的效果,讲故事的目的也就达到了。如何刺激听众的全感官感知?一、语言文字的组织笔者在《基于学员感官类型的教学方法选择》里说到,对不同感官类型的学员,对词语的敏感度是不一样的。视觉型的学员对“看到”、“看见”、“展示”、“清晰”等跟视觉相关的词语更为敏感,因此在讲故事时运用视觉描述的词语更能刺激学员的视觉感官;听觉型的学员对“听到”、“听来”、“「叮」醒”等跟声音相关的词语更为敏感,因此在讲故事时运用声音描述的词语更能刺激学员的听觉感官;感觉型的学员对“感到”、“捉住”、“闻到”、“触摸到”等跟触觉、嗅觉、味觉等相关的词语更为敏感,因此在讲故事时运用感觉描述的词语更能刺激学员的感觉感官。因此,培训师在拿到故事的原版内容之后,应对故事进行相应的加工,把能描述故事进程的谓词或形容词、象声词尽可能用能刺激视觉、听觉、感觉的词语进行表达,经过加工后的故事,培训师讲起来更容易演绎得绘声绘色、声情并茂,从而引导听众展开大脑的联想作用,储存在大脑里的相关图景得以再现,听众在不知不觉中就被带进了故事的场景中。二、声音和肢体语言的配合 20世纪50年代,一位研究肢体语言的先锋人物阿尔伯特·麦拉宾发现,一条信息所产生的影响力中,7%来自于语言文字(仅指文字),38%来自于声音(包括语音、音调以及其他声音),最大的影响力来自于55%的肢体语言。也就是说,通过文字的加工,故事里虽然已经有了包含刺激全感官感知的词语(文字),但如果不通过“讲”和“演”来呈现,听者终究是无法接受故事的信息的。因此,培训师的声音和肢体语言的运用,是故事演绎是否成功的重要因素。声音的运用,主要是如何从音量、语调、语速、重音、停顿等方面的控制来进行演绎,注重的是对听觉的刺激;肢体语言运用,主要是从目光接触、表情、手势、站姿、走姿或教具的使用等方面进行演绎,更多的是对视觉和感觉进行刺激来达到演绎的目的。声音和肢体语言的运用,需要培训师加强专业练习才得以娴熟的运用。综上所述,讲故事的全感官演绎,实际上是需要通过讲故事前的“编”(即语言表达的文字加工)与讲故事过程当中的“演”(即声音与肢体语言的运用)来刺激学员(听众)的视觉、听觉、感觉,达到吸引学员(听众)的目的。另外 1、发音要清晰,这是讲好故事的基本条件。如果讲故事时有个别音发不清楚就会大大降低故事的质量,影响故事情节的生动性。有的幼儿是因为舌尖音发不清;有的幼儿是说得太快,字咬得不实;还有的幼儿是不张嘴巴,音含在嗓子处送不出来。这就调动不起听众的积极性,感觉故事没有吸引力。所以,讲故事时,一定要发音到位,把每一个字都讲清楚。 2、声音要抑扬顿挫,这是讲故事重要的技能技巧。如《猴吃西瓜》,老猴、小猴、猴王、长尾巴猴,这么多的角色,要根据它们的性格、地位用不同的声调来体现。高兴时,声调轻松明快;郁闷时,声调低沉缓慢。让听众根据声音就能区分出角色和剧情的变化。 3、要附以动作表演,这是提升故事精彩程度的有效手段。孩子的表演能为故事增光添彩,显


T ext Analysis The most dynamic combining forms/prefixes for new computer-and-Internet-related vocabulary in English are cyber-, virtual, Net- (net-), Web- (web-), and E- (e-). Translate the following words into Chinese. 1. combining forms/prefixes + noun virtual life, virtual community, virtual office, cyber-interaction, cyber nut, cyber pet, cyberspace, Web TV, web page, website, e-card, e-business 2. combining forms/prefixes + verb cybersurf, netsurf, email 3. words like cyber, net, etc. + suffix cyberian, netter, cyberize 4. clipped words cyberdoc, Netcast, Netizen, e-zine Multiple Choice 1. How does the author feel when she is suddenly confronted with people in the real world? ( ) A) She feels shy.B) She feels angry.C) She feels cautious.D) She feels overexcited. 2. How does the author behave on line? ( ) A) She is friendly.B) She is humorous.C) She is bad-tempered.D) She is talkative. 3. Why does the author fight her boyfriend on net sometimes? ( ) A) Because they haven't seen each other for a long time. B) Because their typed dialogue lacks emotional cues and she misinterprets it. C) Because he doesn't love her any longer. D) Because he doesn't send e-mails to her frequently. 4. What does the author think the daily routine is? ( ) A) Dressing for work.B) Working with colleagues at the office. C) Sleeping normal hours.D) All the above. True or False 1. The author tries to at least get to the gym in order to keep fit. 2. The author can get used to the real world very well. 3. The author can't bear her friend's laughter and the noise in the restaurant. 4. The author can't make a choice between the real world and the virtual one. Useful Expressions 1. 一周中的最好时光 2. 投稿 3. 有时 4. 对……感到厌恶 5. 社交方式 6. 缺乏自律 7. 网络交际8.面对9.穿着得体10. 坏脾气11. 在此状态下12. 日常事务13. 依赖 14.长期失业15.吸毒16. 恢复平衡17. 将…与…区分开18. 面对面19.找借口 Spot Dictation 2000 SK Telecom Internet Survival Contest for Physically Challenged Y outh ______________________________. Myself, and all the other__________________________________________________________________________________________ overcame our handicaps well, and _________________________________________________________________________. In the award session ________________________________________________________________________________. Through this opportunity, I _____________________________________________________________.It gave me self-assurance of the real world of information era. I also experienced _____________________________________________. This is also one of the most ___________________. Debate Suppose your parents think that you and your brother/sister are spending too much time on the Internet, neglecting your schoolwork and normal daily life, and isolating yourselves from the real world. Y ou want to convince them that your time on the Internet is not wasted, and the Internet has in no way isolated you from the real world. A debate is now called for between you and your parents. Prepare and go about the debate with your partner as one acting as the parent and one as the child.


一年级下册语文教案-《20. 咕咚》人教部编版 20 咕咚 教学目标: 1. 认识“咕、咚等” 12个生字。2.理解课文内容,分角色有感情地朗读课文。3.通过教学,让学生懂得遇事不动脑筋、盲目地跟着别人,就容易做错事。教育学生遇事要多思考,不要盲目跟从。 教学重点:朗读课文,逐步达到感情朗读的水平;识字。教学难点:了解课文内容,能大致体会“听到任何事情,要动脑想想或去看看,才能了解事情真相,不要盲目跟从”的道理。 一、听声音导入课题: 1. 亲爱的同学们,听,什么声音?(生:“咕咚”)你的耳朵太灵了! 2. 我们一起模仿一下那个声音吧。(出示课题“咕咚”二字) 3. 今天我们就来学一学第20 课《咕咚》。请你伸出小手跟老师来一起板书课题(师 板书课题,生书空。) 4. 瞧!这两个字都是什么偏旁的字啊?(生:口字旁)对!口字旁与声音有关,所 以咕咚是一个表示声音的象声词。如果去掉口字旁,剩下的部件读什么?(生:古和冬) 你瞧!这还是两个形声字呢! 5. 让我们一起发出清脆的咕咚声,齐读课题:20 咕咚。好听!声音洪亮不拖腔,再读一遍:20 咕咚。 二、整体感知,猜读生字: 1. 现在请同学们轻轻地打开课本第106 页。这篇课文跟之前学过的课文不一样。哪里不一样? 2. 是啊,如果在读课文的时候遇到了不认识的生字,该怎么办呢?(生畅所欲言:查字典、生活识字、注意积累、图文对照??)评价:你们真是了不起! 3. 同学们,从这一单元开始我们就要学会“猜读生字”的方法啦!张老师这也有几个好方法。瞧!(出示板贴) 4. 现在,请同学们运用猜读生字的方法自己试着来读一读课文,注意摆好读书姿势。读完之后标出自然段,并拍手坐正! 5. 猜读本课“吓、鹿、象、拦” 4 个没有注音的生字。 (1)同学们读得真投入啊!课文一共有几个自然段啊?(生:7 个。)2)现在,张老师要来考考大家了!这些字你能猜读他们读什么吗?( 奖励) (出图)“吓”:猜一猜这个字读什么?怎么猜出来的?组词?(字的特点)


教案 课题工业专题授课人 考情分析工业区位分析与工业地域的形成是人文地理的核心主干知识,是多年来高考考查的重点。从考查形式上看,选择题和综合题均有。从考查内容上看,以某地工业分布图或文字材料为信息载体,考查影响工业的主要区位因素及其变化;以示意图、演变图为载体,考查工业联系的类型、工业集聚、分散的原因和意义;结合典型的工业地域示意图,分析区位条件、特点、出现的问题及其对地理环境的影响。 学情分析工业区位因素分析与工业地域的形成是每年高考必考内容,题型复杂多变,考生想得高分难度较大,尤其是综合题,主要是因为平时缺少系统的思维训练,分析应用能力、从地图或背景材料中提取信息的能力、组织语言能力等较弱。所以,本专题以高考真题为例帮助同学归纳分析方法,建立答题模型,提高应试水平能力。 教学目标以高考真题为例,培养学生获取和解读地理信息的能力,调动和运用地理知识、基本技能的能力,描述和阐释地理事物、地理基本原理与规律的能力,论证和探讨地理问题的能力。 教学重点工业区位因素的分析评价主导因素的判断产业转移工业地域的形成 教学难点结合实例分析产业转移的影响 教学方法学案导学法合作探究法读图分析法教具准备多媒体课件 教学环节教学内容教师活动学生活动 【新课导入】【课前展示】【合作探究】区位分析是人文地理的核心主干知识,是多年来高考考查的重点。 本节课我们就以工业为例,对相关问题进行分析探讨。 多媒体展示:考纲要求、考情展示、考题展示、命题方向和主干 知识框架等内容。 一、工业区位因素分析 探究一阅读材料,回答下列问题。 朝鲜半岛的经济发展是东北亚和平稳定的基础之一。半岛南北 差异化的区域发展受到了区域地理要素的影响。图反映了朝鲜 半岛的部分地理要素分布状况,表是图所示区域四个代表性城 市降水量的年内分配表。 【课件演示】 【板书】 【课件演示】 引导学生如 何提取信息 提问引导 小组讨论

国际交流英语视听说4 U4 听力原文及翻译

U 2 Listening 1 A Student Presentation Teacher: OK, class, let’s get started with the first presentation. Sompel has prepared a short presentation about his home country of Bhutan. Go ahead, Sompel. Sompel: Thanks. Um, hi, everybody! You know that my name is Sompel, but you may not know that I’m from Bhutan. Bhutan is a small country—high in the Himalaya Mountains—between India and China. In our language, Bhutan is known as Druk Yul, which in English is land, land of the thunder dragon. The dragon is even displayed on our flag. For many years, my country was isolated from the world, partly due to its geography—it’s surrounded by high mountains—but also because of government policies. Our government had always been a, an absolute monarchy, I mean, government headed by a king with unlimited power. Anyway, until very recently, Bhutan had no electricity, no cars or trucks, no telephones, and no postal service. You may be surprised to learn that in Bhutan people have only had television since 1999. It was the last country on Earth to get it. You may be wondering: Why did Bhutan reject the modern world for so long? Well, the government was trying to protect the people from negative influences such as high crime rates, youth violence, and pollution. But the king has admitted that the policy of isolation had many negative consequences. For example, the education system definitely fell behind. Some people never learned to read and write. Then, one of our kings began opening up Bhutan to the outside world, and our current king has continued the process. There are new roads, schools, and health clinics. The king doesn’t want to open up the country all at once to the outside world and risk ruining it. He wants our country’s development to be guided by, now let me think, oh, yes, Gross National Happiness. Teacher: Sompel, sorry to interrupt, before you continue, could you define Gross National Happiness for the class, please? Sompel: Um, sure. How should I put it? Well, you’ve probably heard of Gross National Product, which is a phrase that refers to the dollar value of all the goods and services produced by a country over a period of time. It’s one way of measuring a country’s success. But Gross National Happiness is different. Actually, one of our kings invented the phrase Gross National Happiness. It’s the approach the country takes to the domestic development of Bhutan—to help make sure that the people are always happy with their lives and with the country. There are four parts, um, four “pillars”, to this approach: good government, sustainable development, environmental protection, and cultural preservation. So, for good government, the king puts the needs of the country first. In fact, even though the people love him, he gave away most of his power to the people in 2006. That’s when the country transitioned to democracy. The king still has an important role, but he no longer has absolute power. Real power belongs to the people and the officials that we elect. Sustainable development means that we help our country grow without damaging the environment. And the pillar of environmental protection is closely related to sustainable development, too. Agriculture is very important in Bhutan, and we are trying to find new ways to farm without hurting the

《咕咚》公开课教案 优秀教学设计7

一年级下册语文教案-《20 咕咚》人教部编版 20咕咚教学设计 教学目标: 1.认识“咕、咚等”12个生字。 2.理解课文内容,分角色有感情地朗读课文。 3.通过教学,让学生懂得遇事不动脑筋、盲目地跟着别人,就容易做错事。教育学生遇事要多思考,不要盲目跟从。 教学重点:朗读课文,逐步达到感情朗读的水平;识字。 教学难点:了解课文内容,能大致体会“听到任何事情,要动脑想想或去看看,才能了解事情真相,不要盲目跟从”的道理。 教学准备:ppt 小动物图片 教学过程: 一、激趣导入 1. 师:一个木桶中,装了满满的一桶水,假如你们把一块石子扔进水中,这时会发出什么声音呢? 师:咚,咕咚。就是这声音,曾经吓跑过好几种动物呢!你们想知道这是怎么回事吗?那就让我们一起走进今天要学习的这篇课文《咕咚》。 2.板书课题20“咕咚”。 3.指导朗读课题。 二、初读感知 1.初读课文,感知课文。 (1)自由朗读课文遇到不认识的字可以借助拼音或者看图猜一猜。 2.解决本课生字词。 A:带拼音自读---指名读(纠错)---小老师领读 B:去掉拼音(开火车读) C:这是本课的生字,你还认识吗?齐读 D:说认字方法 ①讲象形字 今天咱们认识的12个生字中,还有形声字呢?谁能找出来。学生汇报 小结:形声字大都偏旁表意,声旁表音。我们就可以很快知道她的读音。齐读。 ②象形字鹿象 小结:同学们我们来这两个字,你看我们古人是这样写字的,你看多么像小鹿和大象本身的形状呀!随着时间的演变,鹿和像仍然有象形的特点,所以我们把它叫象形字。齐读2遍 ③做动作识记生字。 掉教师那一张纸示范,理解掉。 拦请同学做一做 逃请同学做一做 F:爬楼梯巩固字 讲要求:爬楼梯我们越往上声音越用力一些,由轻到重。开始! 三、听老师范读课文,初步感知课文内容。


课文1 欢迎入住克莱姆旅馆 欢迎您入佳克莱姆旅馆,我们荣幸地为迈阿密大学尊贵的客人提供优美的住宿条件。在我们向您提供服务期间,我们提请您注意以下事项: ●客房部经理住在大厅入口旁的129室,您可以拨打9-5226与他联系。平时每天下午500以后以及周末期间,您若有问题或要求,请与客房部经理联系。 ●在旅馆底层有冰箱、罐装饮料机、休息区和小厨房,那里提供咖啡、茶和欧式简餐。 ●休息区开放时间: 每天早晨6:00至晚上11:00。此处为禁烟区。 ●娱乐中心开放时间: 周日至周四上午9:00至晚上10:00;周五、周六上午9:00至晚上11:00。游泳池无救生贤值班。孩子在池中戏水时需家长在场全程陪同。最全活房禁止儿重人内。 ●结账时间为上午10:00,离开时请把钥匙留在房间内。 使用电话须知: ●校内电话:只需拨打后5位号码,无需拨打前面的两位号码52。 ●当地电话:先拨打88,再拨打7位校外电话号码。 ●需要由AT&T公司接转的电话(包括对方付费电话和磁卡电话等) :先拨80,再拨区号(拨打长途电话时的区号),然后拨电话号码。 ●拨打国际长途:拨8-011-国家代码-城市代码-电话号码。 ●呼救电话:拨打公共安全电话: 911(匪警、火警、急救)。 由于周末我们不能提供清扫房间服务,为了保证度周末的客人起居舒适,我们为您提供了备用毛巾。对于没有清洁服务给您带来的不便我们深表歉意。 如果您需要,我们还可以向您提供熨斗和熨衣板。 如有事,请与我们联系,办公时间拨打9-1279,晚间或周未拨打9-5226。 如果您有任何其他要求,请与客房部经理联系(分机号: 9-5226)。 我们希望您在此居住期间感到舒适和愉快。 多谢您的光临。 恳请您对我们的工作提出意见和建议。 如有意见或建议,请写在这张表格的背面,并将表格与钥匙一同留下。 我们欢迎您提出宝贵意见。 俄亥俄州牛津市 迈阿密大学 克莱姆旅馆 邮编: 45056


故事可以怎么讲? 一、切合自身气质,方可展现优势 俗话说:选择比坚持更重要。每一位老师都有自己的独特的气质,有的高雅睿智,有的幽默亲切。选择一个符合自己气质的、能与你的心灵产生共鸣的故事来讲述,以故事中那个最适合自己的主角来定位自己,在舞台上把自己内心的呼声畅快淋漓地表达出来,最有爆发力地展现自己对故事的理解,让听众跟随你进入故事,体验故事人物的内心世界,无疑是最好的。选择需要智慧,世上最具杀伤力的三种故事:快乐的故事、感人的故事、痛苦的故事,哪一种是你最擅长的呢?我想,痛苦的故事,不适合讲给孩子们听。而你,平常是个幽默的老师还是个感性的教育者,在座各位自己最清楚。根据自己的气质选择最适合自己讲述的故事,只有打动了自己,才能打动听众的心。 二、参与二次创作,才会印象深刻 当我们选择好故事的时候,不要马上就开始练习讲,由于比赛时间的限制和故事篇幅的不同,我们需要根据个人的表现特点对故事进行二次改编。修改的程度依据故事的长短和讲述者的个性而决定,在不改变故事原有情节的基础上,围绕故事的中心把故事的内容进行删减或者通过情节的润色来丰富故事内容,把表现故事的语言进行美化,加上小朋友爱听,又能听得懂的语言来更生动地表现故事情节。 例如《走在路上》这个故事,如果按原文讲述,需要用20多分钟,但由于比赛规定10分钟以内完成,我不得不对故事进行压缩。由于本人擅长动情的叙述和角色的转换,所以尽量沿着情节的发展保留这两方面的内容,让个人特点得以充分的展现。可是每删一段,我仍然觉得非常心痛,觉得这一段能表现奶奶对小远的慈爱,那一段又能体现小远的年幼懂事……经过反反复复地删改,试读,再删改,再试读,如此十几遍之后,文稿终于定下来了。在不断修改的过程中,对作品也了如指掌。最终还得到了评委和听众们的肯定,夸我改编得真好。 三、进入情境,才能表现情境

U4 A Red Light for Scofflaws中英对照

A Red Light for Scofflaws Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today —amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obey the rules.” 法律和秩序,可以说是美国历史上历时最久、或许还是人们最爱谈论的政治问题。然而,说来痛心,显然有成百万从来没有想过自己会违法——更不用说犯罪——的美国人,对于遵守那些旨在保护和维持他们的社会的法律条文,却愈来愈表现得放肆起来。今天,随处乱扔拉圾、逃税、违禁噪音,以及开汽车的无序状态,真是比比皆是;有时简直使人觉得,玩忽法令者似乎代表了未来的潮流。哈佛大学的社会学者戴维?里斯曼认为,大多数美国人都不以为然、毫无顾忌地喜欢犯些所谓的小过失。里期曼说,今天美国社会的道德规范已差不多快变成“谁守法谁就是傻瓜”了。 Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. 5 The graffiti-prone turn public surfaces into visual rubbish. Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws. 6 Litterbugs convert their communities into trash dumps. Widespread flurries of ordinances have failed to clear public places of high-decibel portable radios, just as earlier laws failed to wipe out the beer-soaked hooliganism that plagues many parks. 7 Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint. The flagrant use of cocaine is a festering scandal in middle and upper-class life. And then there are (hello, everybody!) 8 the jaywalkers. 里斯曼的论断,随处都可得到极为充分的证实。玩忽法令者形形色色,令人吃惊。喜欢在公共场所乱涂乱写的人,把这些地方弄得满目疮痍。骑自行车无拘无束,仿佛两轮车就可以不遵守交通规则似的。随处乱扔拉圾的人把他们的居住区变成了拉圾堆。到处张贴的禁令,也未能使公共场所免于手提收音机的高分贝噪音的污染,正如前些日子颁布禁令,禁止灌醉啤酒的流氓滋扰公园,竟毫无作用一样。瘾君子对那些“禁止吸烟”的布告牌视若无睹。衣冠楚楚的大麻烟客传递毒品也不再躲躲闪闪,避人耳目。可卡因毒品泛滥,成了中上层社会中愈来愈恼


小学生讲故事比赛稿一片丹心向阳开 各位评委、老师: 大家好! 在这喜庆中国共产党建党90周年的时刻,在春暖花开、人民安居乐业的今天,我想起了江姐。 江姐的一生是短暂的,但她坚贞不屈的革命意志和豪迈的英雄气概深深地打动了我的心。 只有十岁的江姐为了生活被迫去做工,由于她身材天生矮小,够不到高大的机器,只能坐在特制的高凳上,稍有疏忽就要遭到工头皮鞭的抽打。十九岁那年她加入了中国共产党,因叛徒出卖,江姐被捕。 在审讯室里,敌人恶如豺狼,他们用尽了各种酷刑,也不能动摇江姐的革命意志。敌人用特制的四楞筷子放在江姐的手指间,双手紧握筷子的两头来回猛夹,边夹边恶狠狠的说: “你说不说,不说就把你吊起来!”这时江姐高喊: “筷子是竹子做的,共产党员的意志是钢铁做的!”江竹筠被捕后仍时时惦念着自己的儿子。1949年初秋,她利用一个难友出狱的机会,事先用竹签蘸着棉花灰对水调成的“墨汁”,给同样是共产党员的哥哥江竹安写了一封信: “假如不幸的话,云儿就送给你了,盼教以踏着父母之足迹,以建设新中国为志,为共产主义革命事业奋斗到底。” 1949年11月14日,在重庆即将解放的前夕,江姐被国民党军统特务杀害于渣滓洞监狱,为共产主义理想献出了年仅29岁的生命。 多么坚强的江姐啊!我们今天的幸福生活就是您和成千上万的革命先辈用生命和鲜血换来的。 江姐,我向你致敬!

我知道,如果没有中国共产党的领导,没有像江姐这样的英雄先烈们的浴血奋战,哪会有今天的美好生活! 当我们走进东关小学这美丽的校园时;当我们坐在这宽敞明亮的教室里无忧无虑的读书时;当我们回到家里与家人团聚,在一起享受这现代化的生活时,我们可不要忘记,这一切的一切都是无数先烈们用鲜血和生命换来的。 谢谢大家,我的故事讲完了。 推荐尊敬的各位评委、老师、同学们 下午好!我是六 (1)班的xxx,今天我讲的故事题目是《乌篷船里走出的奥运冠军》绍兴人都不会忘记家乡的乌篷船,但当孟关良奋力划下最后一桨率先撞线时,人们也许根本不会想到这位奥运冠军是从我们绍兴的乌篷船中走出来的。 记得那是 2004年8月28日,雅典奥运会男子双人划艇500米决赛在斯基尼亚斯皮划艇中心进行,那天的湖面上刮起了每秒6至7米的右侧顺风,这对体重轻的中国选手很是不利。 决赛在上午10时10分正式打响。发令枪响后,擅长出发的孟关良和杨文军并没有占到优势,一开始就落后于其他选手。前250米他们划在古巴、俄罗斯和白俄罗斯选手的后面,形势对他们来说非常不利。但是凭着平时训练时练就的超强基本功,及他们之间特有的默契合作,放手一搏的孟、杨组合在后半程逐渐赶了上来,赛程只剩最后几十米的时候,他们开始奋起直追。差距,在一点地缩小。到最后冲刺时,中国选手的这条艇几乎是与其他国家选手的三条艇同时冲过终点,当时谁也不知道谁拿了冠军。杨文军喘着粗气问孟关良: “我们好像是第四吧。”“也有可能是第三,看不清。”孟关良答。这个时候,大家都在静静地等候。 突然,孟关良看到岸上的翻译很肯定地向他们点了点头。这时,岸上已经爆发出一阵掌声。


Unit 4 单元综合测试 一,单项选择(15) ()1. We could give him a ticket_______ a concert. A. to B. for C. in D. at ( ) 2. Maybe you should call________ tonight. A. up him B. him up C. on him D. him in ( ) 3. Yesterday, I bought a sweater and it was_______ yours A. same as B. the same as C. likes D. the same that ( ) 4. She is a kind girl and she gets on_______ with other students. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly ( ) 5. Children shouldn’t be angry_______ their parents.. A. in B. on C. at D. with ( ) 6. If you lose the library book, you must_______ it A. spend B. look for C. get back D. pay for ( ) 7. I don't like my cousin because he is always_______ my things. A. borrow B. lend C. borrowing D. lending ( ) 8. When you are in trouble, you can _______ me_______ help. A. ask , for B. look , for C. find , out D. ask , to ( ) 9. John is not_______ to join the school basketball team.. A. tall enough B. enough tall C. enough high D. high tall ( )10. You are often late for school. You should try_____. A. to early B. early C. to be early D. be early ( )11. They argued_______ the lost book. A. with B. about C. to D. on ( )12. Where’s Eve? We are all here______ her. A. beside B. about C. except D. with ( )13. I don’t like the clothes in this shop. They are________. A. in style B. comfortable C. out of style D. cool ( )14. He invites me________ his party. A. go to B. to go to C. go D. to go ( )15. Everyone________ in my class has a new bike. A. other B. else C. another D. others 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空(7) 1. Your clothes are the same as my________(friend) 2. He wasn’t sure who______(help) 3. It’s not important________(finish) cleaning the house. 4. Could you please give me some________(advice) on how to learn English well. 5. I_______(lose) Linda’s note, what should I do? 6. The clothes are________(expensive) so that a lot of can afford them.
