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《国际结算》课程词汇中英文Acceptance 承兑

Acceptance Bill 承兑汇票

Acceptance for Honor 参加承兑

Acceptance Prohibited 不得提示承兑

Accepting Bank 承兑行

Acceptor for Honor 参加承兑人

Account Payee 入账款入账

Additional Documents 附属单据

Addressee 收件人

Advanced Payment Guarantee 预付款保函

Advance Factoring 预支保理业务

Advise 通知

Advising Bank 通知行

Agency Office 代理处

Airport of Departure 起运地

Airport of Destination 目的地

Airway Bill 航空运单

All Risks(A.R.)一切险

Amount 金额

Amount of Insurance 保险金额

Anti-Date B/L 倒签提单

Applicant 开征申请人、申请人

Assignee 受让人

Assignee of Proceeds 款项让渡

Assured 被保险人

Assurer 保险人

At a Fixed Date 定日

At a Fixed Period after Date 出票后定期At a Fixed Period after Sight 见票后定期At Sight 即期

Average 海损

Banker’s Cheque 银行支票

Banker’s Demand Draft 银行即期汇票Banker’s Promissory Note 银行本票Banker’s Draft 银行汇票

Bank’s Acceptance Credit 银行承兑信用证Bank’s L/C 银行保函

Bank-to-Bank 银行间

Barter Trade 易货

Basic Documents 基本单据

Bearer B/L 不记名提单

Beneficiary 受益人

Be Sold out/up 售定

Bill of Exchange(B/E)汇票

Bills 票据

Blank Endorsement 无记名背书、空白背书

Body 正文

Branch 分行

Brief Cable 简电本

Cable 电开本

Cable Copy 电报抄本

Carrier 承运人

Cash Discount 现金折扣

Certificate of Compliance 明白声明书Certificate of Origin 产地证明

Charges 运费

Charter Party B/L 租船提单

Check/Cheque 支票

Check Payable to Bearer 无记名支票

Check payable to sb. or order 记名支票

China Insurance Clauses(C.I.C.)中国保险条款Claiming Bank 索偿行

Clean Bill 光票

Clean Collection 光票托收

Clean Credit 光票信用证

Clearing Account 清算账户

Collecting Bank 托收行

Collection 托收

Combined Transport Bill of Lading 联合运输单据Commercial Documents 商业单据

Commercial Invoice 商业发票

Commercial Paper L/C 商业票据信用证Conditional Endorsement 有条件背书

Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证

Confirming Bank 保兑行

Consignee 收货人

Consignee’s Name & Address 收货人名址Consignment 寄售

Consignment Invoice 寄售发票

Consignor 托运人

Constructive Total Loss 推定全损

Consular Invoice 领事发票

Container B/L 集装箱提单

Container Freight Station(CFS)货站Container Yard(CY)货场

Copy 副本

Correspondent Bank or Correspondents 代理行

Cover Note 暂保单

Credit Card 信用卡、贷记卡

Credit Control 信用销售额度

Credit Note 贷记通知单

Crossed Cheques 划线支票

Current B/L 正常提单

Customer Invoice 海关发票

Date of Issue 出票日期、开证日期

Debit Card 借记卡

Debtor 债务人

Deferred Payment Credit 迟期付款信用卡Deferred Payment Transaction 延期付款交易Deliver 交付

Delivery 交割

Demand Draft 即期汇票

Demonstrative Order 指示性抬头

Depository Bank 账户行

Description of Goods 货物描述

Detailed Packing List 详细包装单

Direct B/L 直达提单

Discount Rate 贴现率

Discounting 票据贴现

Dishonor 拒付、退票

Disinfection Inspection Certificate 消毒证书Documentary Bill 跟单汇票

Documentary Collection 跟单托收

Documentary L/C 跟单信用证

Documents 单据

Documents against Acceptance(D/A)承兑交单Documents against Payment(D/P)付款交单Draft 汇票

Drawee 受票人或付款人

Drawer 出票人

Drawn Clause 出票条款

Duplicate Receipt 副收条

Electronic Fund Transfer Systems 电子转账系统Endorsee 被背书人

Endorsement 背书

Endorsement for Collection 委托收款背书Endorser 背书人

Engagement Clause 保证条款

Expiry Date 有效日期

Export License 出口许可证

Exporter 出口方

Extraneous Risks 外来风险

Finance of Foreign Trade 国际贸易融资

Financial Instruments 金融工具或信用工具

Foreign Bill 外国汇票

Foreign Money Bill 外币汇票

Form of Credit 信用证形式

Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)平安险Freight 运费

Freight Collect 运费到付

Freight Prepaid 预付

Full Cable 全电本

Full Container Load(FCL)整箱货

General Acceptance 普通承兑

General Average(G.A.)共同海损

General Average (G.A.)Contribution 共同海损的分摊Generally Crossed/Generally Crossing 一般划线支票Gross Weight 毛重

Guarantee 保证

Guarantee L/C 担保信用证

Guarantor 担保行

Heading (发票)首文

Holder 持票人、持单人

Holder for Value 付对价持票人

Holder in Due Course 正当持票人

Home Money Bill 本币汇票

Honor if Draft 逆汇

Importer 进口商

Endorsement 背书

Inland Bill 国内汇票

Inspection Certificate 商检证书

Inspection Certificate of Quality 品质证书

Institute Cargo Clause(I.C.C.)伦敦保险协会保险条款Instructing Bank 指示行

Insurance 保险

Insurance Agent 保险代理

Insurance Broker 保险经纪人

Insurance Certificate 保险凭证

Insurance Company 保险公司

Insurance Declaration 保险通知书、保险声明书Insurance Interest 保险利益

Insurance Policy 保险单

Insured 被保险人

Insurer 保险人

Interbank 银行同业

International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)国际商会

International Settlement 国际结算

International Rules for Interpretation of Trade Terms 《国际贸易术语解释通则》

Invisible Trade 无形贸易

Invoice 发票

Inward Bills 进口押汇

In Writing 书面的

Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证

Issue 出票

Issuing Bank 开证行

Latest Date for Presentation of Documents 最迟交单日期

Latest Date of Shipment 装运期限

L/C Amount 信用证金额

L/C Number 信用证号码

Less Than Container Load(LCL)拼箱货

Letter 信函

Letter of Credit(L/C)信用证

Letter of Guarantee(L/G)银行保函

Liner B/L 班轮提单

Liner Terms 班轮条件

Mail Transfer(M/T)信汇

Maker 出票人

Margin 利差

Marine Bill of Lading(B/L)海运提单

Master Card International 万事达国际组织

Measurement 尺码

Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading(MT B/L)多式联运提单Name of Vessel 船名

Negotiable Instruments Law 票据法

Negotiating Bank 议付行

Negotiation 议付

Negotiation L/C 议付信用证

Non-Trade Settlement 非贸易结算

Non-Transferable L/C 不可转让信用证

Not Negotiable 不可转让

Notice of Dishonor 拒付通知

Notify Party 被通知方

Number of Packages 件数

On Board Stowed 货装在舱底

Open B/L 空白提单

Open by Airmail 信开

Open by Cable 电开

Open Check 非划线支票

Open Policy 预约保险单

Order 命令

Order B/L 指示提单

Order of Shipment 托运人指示

Original 正本

Original Document 正本单据

Original Receipt 正收条

Outward Bills 出口押汇

Packing List 装箱单

Packing Specification 包装说明

Parcel Post Receipt 邮包收据

Parcel Post Transport 邮包运输

Partial Loss 部分损失

Partial Shipment Permitted/not Permitted 可否分批装运Particular Average 单独海损

Payee 收款人

Payer for Honor 参加付款人

Paying Bank 汇入行

Paying Transaction 付款交易

Payment 付款

Payment after Arrival of the Goods 货到付款

Payment for Honor 参加付款

Payment Guarantee 付款保函

Payment in Advance 预付货款

Payment in Due Course 正当付款

Performance Guarantee 履约保函

Person Designated as Payer 担当付款人

Place of Payment 付款地点

Point-of-sale System 零售点系统

Port of Discharge/Destination 卸货港或目的地Port of Loading/Shipment 装货港

Port to Port 港至港

Presentation 提示

Principal 委托人

Proforma Invoice 形式发票、预开发票

Promissory Note 本票

Protest 拒绝证书

Protest Waived 免作拒绝证书

Railway Bill 铁路运单

Recourse 追索

Reimbursing Bank 偿付行

Reissuing Bank 转开行

Remittance 汇款、顺汇、汇付

Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft(D/D)票汇

Remitter 汇款人

Remitting Bank 汇出行、托收行

Restrictive Order 限制性抬头

Revocable L/C 可撤销信用证

Revolving Credit 循环信用证

Sample Invoice 样品发票

Selling Exchange 卖汇

Shipped B/L 已装船提单

Shipping Company’s Certificate 船公司证明

Shipping Marks 唛头

Shipping Weight 装箱重量

Sight Draft 即期汇票

Sight Payment L/C 即期付款信用证

Signature of the Drawer 出票人签字

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication(SWIFT)环球银行金融电信协会

Special Endorsement 记名背书、特别背书、正式背书

Specimen Signature 印鉴

Standard 准则

Standy Letter of Credit(SL/C)备用信用证

Straight B/L 记名提单、收货人抬头提单







国际结算(International settlement) 贸易(Trade Settlement) 非贸易(Non-Trade Settlement) EDI(Electronic Data Intercharge)电子数据交换, 控制文件(Control Documents) 有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Signatures) 密押(Test Key) 费率表(Terms and Condition) 货物单据化,履约证书化,( cargo documentation , guarantee certification) 权利单据(document of title) 流通转让性(Negotiability) 让与(Assignment) 转让(Transfer) 流通转让(Negotiation) 汇票的定义是:A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum

payable at days/ months after stated date) ④板期付款(bills payable on a fixed future date) ⑤延期付款(bills payable at days/months after shipment/ the date of B/L) 收款人名称(payee) 同样金额期限的第二张不付款”〔pay this first bill of exchange(second of the same tenor and dated being unpaid) 需要时的受托处理人(referee in case of need)出票人(drawer) 收款人(payee) 背书人(endorser) 被背书人(endorsee) 出票(issue) (1)制成汇票并签字(to draw a draft and to sign it); (2)将制成的汇票交付给收款人(to deliver the draft


1.汇票的制作10个项目 汇票的内容又分为绝对必要项目和相对必要项目。绝对必要项目:1.有“汇票”的字样。2.无条件支付命令。3.确定金额4.收款人名称5.付款人名称6出票日期7出票人签章 相对必要项目:1.出票地2.付款地3.付款日期 2.支票的种类 按抬头不同分类:1.记名支票2.不记名支票 对付款闲置不同分类:1.普通支票:可取现金。2.划线支票:不可取现金,只能转账。划线支票好处在于可以延缓交易时间,可以便于追踪资金轨迹。划线支票又分为特别划线支票和一般划线支票。特别划线支票平行线会加注付款账号行名称。一般划线无须固定账户。 按是否可以流通分为可流通支票和不可流通支票。 3.提单的总类 按提单收货人的抬头划分:1.记名提单,不记名提单,指示提单。 按货物是否已装船划分:1.已装船提单,收妥备运提单。 按提单上有无批注划分:1.清洁提单2不清洁提单。 按照运输方式的不同划分为:1.直达提单2转船提单3.联运提单4.多式联运提单 按签发提单的时间划分为:1.正常提单2过期提单3.预借提单4.倒签提单 4.信用证的种类 1.不可撤销信用证 2.保兑信用证 3.即期付款信用证,迟期信用证,议付信用证,承兑信用证。 4.假远期信用证 5.红条款信用证 6.循环信用证 7.可转让信用证8背靠背信用证9对开信用证 5.托收的种类 托收根据金融单据是否伴随商业单据分为光票托收和跟单托收。跟单托收又根据票据的期限分为付款交单(D/P)(即期)和承兑交单(D/A)(远期)。付款交单是指付款人对即期汇票付款然后交单。而承兑交单是指付款人对远期汇票承兑而进行交单。 汇票 BILL OF EXCHANGE No. 汇票编号Date: 出票日期 For: 汇票金额 At 付款期限sight of this second of exchange (first of the same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of 受款人 the sum of金额 Drawn under 出票条款 L/C No. 信用证号Dated 信用证开征时间 To. 付款人 出票人签章


商务英语词汇大全(一) economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产


国际结算常用缩写 AA Always afloat 经常漂浮 AA Always accessible 经常进入 AA Average adjusters 海损理算师 AAR Against all risks 承保一切险 AB Able bodied seamen 一级水手 AB Average bond 海损分担证书 A/B AKtiebolaget (瑞典)股份公司 A/B Abean 正横 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级协会ABT About 大约 ABB Abbreviation 缩略语 A/C,ACCT Account 帐目 AC Alter couse 改变航向 AC Account current 活期存款,来往 AC Alernating current 交流电 ACC Accepted; acceptance 接受,同意 ACC.L Accommodation ladder 舷梯 A.&C.P. Anchor & chains proved 锚及锚链试验合格ACV Air cushion vehicle 气垫船 ACDGLY Accordingly 遵照 AD Anno Domini 公元后 AD After draft 后吃水 ADD Address 地址 ADDCOM Address commission 租船佣金 ADF Automatic direction finder 自动测向仪 AD VAL Ad valorm 从价(运费) ADV Advise;advice; advance 告知;忠告;预支 A/E Auxiliary engine 辅机 AF Advanced freight 预付运费 AFAC As fast as can 尽可能快地 AF Agency fee 代理费 AFP Agence France press 法新社 AFS As follows 如下 AFT After 在。。。之后 A/G Aktiengeselskabet (德)股份公司 AG Act of god 天灾 AGRIPROD Agricultural products 农产品 AGN Again 再 AGT Agent 代理 AGW All going well 一切顺利 AH After hatch 后舱 AHL Australian hold ladder 澳洲舱梯 AL 1st class ship at Lloyd's 劳氏一级船

国际结算 中,专业名词的英汉对照

国际结算 英译汉 第一章 1. payment in advance 预付 2. payment at time of shipment装运时付款 3. payment after shipment装运后付款 4. open account买方记账赊销 5. negotiable document议付文件 6. correspondent 代理行 7. test key密押8. booklet of authorized signatures签字样本9. schedule of terms and condition费率表 第二章 1.document of title 权利单据 2.bill of exchange 汇票 3.for value receive 对价已付 4.tenor 付款期限 5.sight bill即期汇票 6.demand bill 即期汇票 7.time bill 远期汇票 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b11292617.html,uance bill 远期汇票 9.term bill远期汇票 10.deferred payment延期付款 11.without recourse不得追索 12.indorsement背书 13.acceptance 承兑 14.presentation 提示 15.protest 拒绝证书 16.disnonour拒付,退票 17.discount 贴现 18.promissory note 本票 19.international money order国际小额本票 20.traveller’s cheque 旅行支票21.cheque 支票 22.open cheque 现金支票,敞口支票 23.crossed cheque划线支票,平行线支票24.general crossed cheque 、普通划线支票25.special crossed cheque 特别划线支票 26.accommodation bill融通汇票 27.A/S 见票即付 28.banker’s bill 银行汇票 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b11292617.html,mercial bill 商业汇票 30.banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票31.trader’s acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票 32.clean bill 光票 33.documentary bill跟单汇票 34.direct bill直接汇票 35.indrect bill 间接汇票 36.sola bill 单式汇票 37.set bill复式汇票 38.certified cheque保付支票 第三章 1.remittance汇款,顺汇 2.reverce remittance逆汇 3.outward remittance汇出汇款 4.inward remittance汇入汇款 5.telegraphic transfer电汇 6.cable confirmation电报证实书 7.mail transfer信汇 8.payment order支付委托书 9.M/T advice信汇委托书 10.draft on center中心汇票 11.banker’s demand draft银行即期汇票 12.international settlement国际结算 第四章 1.cover头寸 2.reimbursement of remittance cover拨头寸 3.collection托收 4.pricipal委托人 5.rremitting托收行 6.collecting bank代收行 7.presenting bank 提示行 8.drawer出票人 9. financial documents金融单据 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b11292617.html,mercial documents商业单据 11.consignor托运人 12.clean collection光票托收 13.documentary collection跟单托收14.documents against payment付款交单托收 15.documents against acceptance承兑交单托收 16.documentary bill for collection 跟单托收1 17.trust receipt信托收据 18.trustee被信托人


International Settlements terms Chapter one Brief introduction to international trade transshipmen 转运 capacity容量,生产量 inspection检查,视察,检验,商检 arbitration仲裁,公断 inquiry质询,调查,询盘,问价 quotation价格,报价单,行情表,报价 facilitate便利,使容易 1oan facility贷款便利 domestic家庭的,国内的 domestic product国内生产的产品 consideration体谅,考虑,需要考虑的事项,报酬,因素 dimension尺寸,尺度,维(数),体积 warehouse 仓库v.存仓 premises房屋及周围的土地,这里表示“公司或企业的所在地”amendment改善,改正,修改 update使现代化,使跟上最新的发展 reversal颠倒,逆转,反转,倒转 fulfill履行,实现,完成(计划等) fulfill ones obligation履行(职责) formality拘谨,礼节,正式手续 quay码头 procure获得,取得 to procure marine insurance 办理海上保险 to procure ship租船 breach n.违背,破坏,破裂 breach of the contract毁约 frontier国境,边疆,边境 adjoin邻接,临近,毗邻 adjoining邻接的,隔壁的,临近的 the adjoining room隔壁的房子 adjoining country邻国 furnish供应,提供, deficiency缺乏,不足 jurisdiction权限,司法权,裁判权 fluctuation波动,起伏 variation变更,变化,变异,变种 permutation置换,彻底改变,兑变 commitment委托事项,许诺,承担义务,承诺 domicile住处,法定居住地 currency/foreign exchange fluctuation汇率波动

国际结算 英文名词翻译 按章整理

英文名词翻译 第一章 国际结算导论 international settlement 美国CHIPS 系统:纽约清算银行同业支付系统 英国CHAPS 系统: 清算所自动支付体系 布鲁塞尔SWIFT 系统: 环球银行金融电讯协会 (Critical Point for Delivery) 交货临界点 (Critical Point for Risk) 风险临界点 (Critical Point for Cost)费用临界点 《国际贸易术语解释通则》 Incoterms2000 visible trade :有(无)形贸易 (representative office) 代表处 ( agency office)代理处 (overseas sister bank /branch,subbranch )海外分/支行 (correspondent bank ) 代理银行 (subsidiary bank )附属银行(子银行) (affiliated banks ) 联营银行 (consortium bank )银团银行 甲行以乙国货币在乙行设立帐户: 甲行是往帐(Nostro a/c),即我行在你行设帐(Our a/c with you ) 乙行以甲国货币在甲行设立帐户 甲行是来帐(V ostro a/c),即你行在我行设帐(Your a/c with us ) 在银行实际业务中,增加使用“贷记”(To Credit ),减少使用“借记”(To Debit ) 第二章 票据Instrument drawer 出票人 drawee/payer 付款人 payee 收款人 endorser 背书人 endorsee 被背书人 holder in due course 善意持票人 acceptor 承兑人 guarantor 保证人 bill of exchange 汇票 mandatory elements issue 出票 endorsement 背书 presentation 提示 acceptance 承兑 payment 付款 dishonor 拒付 recourse 追索 guarantee 保证 限制性抬头 restrictive order (pay E company only)(pay E company not transferable) 指示性抬头 demonstrative order (pay to the order of B company)(pay to B company or order) 持票来人抬头 payable to bearer (pay to bearer)(pay to A company or bearer) UCP600:《跟单信用证统一惯例》 URC 522 ;《托收统一规则》 URDG458:《见索即付保函统一规则》 URR 525:《跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则》 URCB524:《合同保函统一规则》


国际结算专业词汇 A Acceptance The act of giving a written undertaking on the face of a usance bill of exchange to pay a stated sum on the maturity date indicated by the drawee of the bill, (usually in exchange for documents of title to goods shipped on D/A terms) - see Collections Introduction. Acceptance Credit A documentary credit which requires the beneficiary to draw a usance bill for subsequent acceptance by the issuing bank or the advising bank or any other bank as the credit stipulates - see Documentary Credits. Accommodation Bill In the context of fraud, a bill drawn without a genuine underlying commercial transaction. Accountee Another name for the applicant/opener of a documentary credit i.e. the importer = the person for whose account the transaction is made. Advice of Fate The Collecting Bank informs the Remitting Bank of non- payment/non-acceptance or (for D/A bills) of acceptance and the bill maturity date - see Handling Import Collections. Advising Act of conveying the terms and conditions of a DC to the beneficiary. The advising bank is the issuing bank agent, usually located in the beneficiary country - see Export - DC Advising.


二、单选题 1.最简单的结算方式为() A.汇款B.托收 C.信用证D.银行保函 答案: A 2.()贸易方式采购大型机器设备需要开立保函,还要开立延期付款信用证,是一种最复杂的结算方式。() A.投标B.补偿贸易 C.易货贸易D.寄售 答案:A 3.国际结算是随着()的发展而产生和发展的。() A.国际贸易B.商品生产 C.商品交换D.国际金融 答案:A 4.易货贸易方式采用()方式,比普通信用证复杂一些。() A.汇款B.托收 C.循环信用证D.对开信用证 答案:D 5.电子数据交换的英文缩写为() A.EDI B.B/E C.B/L D.EID 答案:A 6.某银行签发一张汇票,以另一家银行为受票人,则这张汇票是() A.商业汇票B.银行汇票 C.商业承兑汇票D.银行承兑汇票 答案:B 7.某公司签发一张汇票,上面注明“At 90 days after sight”,则这是一张() A.即期汇票B.远期汇票 C.跟单汇票D.光票 答案:B 8.在我国实际出口业务中,出口公司开出的汇票在信用证结算方式下出票原因栏应填写() A.合同号码及签订日期 B.发票号码及签发日期

C.提单号码及签发日期 D.信用证号码及出证日 答案:D 9.在信用证结算方式下,汇票的受款人通常的抬头方式是()。 A.限制性抬头B.指示式抬头 C.持票人抬头D.来人抬头 答案:B 10.在汇票的使用过程中,使汇票一切债务终止的环节是() A.提示B.承兑 C.背书D.付款 答案:D 11.如果出票人想避免承担被追索的责任,也可以在汇票上加注() A.付一不付二B.见索即偿 C.不受追索D.单到付款 答案:C 12.某支票签发人在银行的存款总额低于他所签发的支票票面金额,他签发的这种支票称() A.现金支票B.转帐支票 C.旅行支票D.空头支票。 答案:D 13.计算汇票付款具体时间时,必须包括() A.见票日B.出票日 C.提单日D.付款日 答案:D 14.属于汇票必要项目的是() A.“付一不付二”的注明B.付款时间 C.对价条款D.禁止转让的文字 答案:B 15.背书人在汇票背面只有签名,不写被背书人,这是() A.限定性背书B.特别背书 C.记名背书D.空白背书 答案:D 16.承兑人对出票人的指示不加限制地同意确认,这是() A.一般承兑B.特别承兑 C.普通承兑D.限制承兑 答案:A


Important Principles Regarding the Role of Banks It is important to note that documentary collection procedures are not infallible. Things can and do go wrong. Since banks act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, both look to the banks as protectors of their interests. However, while banks have clear cut responsibilities, they are also shielded from certain problems deemed to be out of their control or responsibility. Several instances: 1.Banks act upon specific instructions given by the principal (seller) in the collection order. Seller’s instructions left out of the collection order by mistake or omitted because “we’ve always done it that way” don’t count. The principal, therefore, should take great care in preparing the collection order so that it gives complete and clear instructions. 2.Banks are required to act in good faith and exercise reasonable care to verify that the documents submitted APPEAR to be as listed in the collection order. They are, however, under no obligation to confirm the authenticity of the documents submitted. 3.Banks are not liable nor can they be held accountable for the acts of third parties. Third parties include freight forwarders, forwarding agents, customs authorities, delays or consequences resulting from Acts of God (floods, earthquakes, etc.), riots wars, civil commotions, strikes, lockouts, or other causes beyond their control. 4.Banks also assume no liability or responsibility for loss arising out of delays or loss in transit of messages, letters, documents, etc. 5.Banks assume no responsibility regarding the quantity or quality of goods shipped. They are only concerned that documents presented appear on their face to be consistent with the instructions in the collection order. Any dispute as to quality or quantity of goods delivered must be settled between the buyer and the seller. 6.Without explicit instructions, the collecting bank takes no steps to store or insure the goods. This, of course, can be a problem for both the seller and the buyers. If the seller has not received payment he still has ownership and an insurable interest in the goods. 7.If a collection remains unpaid or a bill of exchange is not accepted and the collecting bank receives no new instructions within 90 days, it may return the documents to the bank from which it received the collection order.


投行人常用的英语金融词汇 2012年01月15日 15:37:32 Accounts payable 应付帐款 Accounts receivable 应收帐款 Accrued interest 应计利息 Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人 指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者 Accredit value 自然增长值 ACE 美国商品交易所 ADB 亚洲开发银行 ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 [股市] 指由负责保管所存托外国股票的存托银行所发行一种表明持有人拥有多少外国股票(即存托股份)的收据。ADR一般以美元计价和进行交易,及被视为美国证券。对很多美国投资者而言,买卖ADR比买卖ADR所代表的股票更加方便、更流动、成本较低和容易。 大部份预托收据为ADR;但也可以指全球预托收(GDR) ,欧洲预托收据(EDR) 或国际预托收据(IDR) 。从法律和行政立场而言,所有预托收据具有同样的意义。 ADS 美国存托股份 Affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司 After-market 后市 [股市] 指某只新发行股票在定价和配置后的交易市场。市场参与者关注的是紧随的后市情况,即头几个交易日。有人把后市定义为股价稳定期,即发行结束后的30天。也有人认为后市应指稳定期过后的交易市况。然而,较为普遍的是把这段时期视为二级市场 AGM 周年大会 Agreement 协议;协定 All-or-none order 整批委托 Allocation 分配;配置 Allotment 配股 Alpha (Market Alpha) 阿尔法;预期市场可得收益水平 Alternative investment 另类投资 American Commodities Exchange美国商品交易所 American Depository Receipt 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 (简称“ADR ”参见ADR栏 目) American Depository Share 美国存托股份 Amercian Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所 American style option 美式期权


《国际结算》模拟试题(六) 一、写出下列专业术语英文缩写的中文全称(5分) 1、T/R : 2、W/W : 3、GSPD : 4、EMS : 5、DHL : 二、单项选择题(只有唯一正确答案)(每题1分,共10分) 1、目前,世界集装箱航运中心位于()。 A、北美地区 B、中东地区 C、欧洲地区 D、亚太地区 2、目前,我国的货币-人民币属于()。 A、自由兑换的货币 B、不能自由兑换的货币 C、有限度的自由兑换货币 D、以上都不是 3、非贸易国际结算的内容不包括()。 A、保险收支 B、银行收支 C、外轮代理与服务收入 D、补偿贸易收入 4、旅行信用证的兑付银行是()。 A、旅行地的任意银行 B、开证行指定银行 C、申请人挑选的银行 D、任意银行 5、欧洲的支付系统是()。 A、CHAPS B、BOT-NET C、SIC D、TARGET 6、最主要的头寸调拨方式是()。 A、先拨后付 B、先付后偿 C、预付货款 D、货到付款 7、()不属于汇款方式。 A、逆汇 B、票汇 C、电汇 D、信汇 8、《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,若信用证上既没有注明"可撤销",又没注明"不可撤销",则该信用证属于()。 A、可撤销信用证 B、不可撤销信用证 C、无效信用证 D、以上都不对 9、除非信用证另有说明,否则可转让信用证能转让()。 A、一次 B、二次 C、三次 D、无限次 10、以下汇票中,什么项目是确认债务的唯一方法()。 A、无条件支付命令 B、收款人姓名 C、付款人姓名 D、出票人签名 三、多项选择题(每题2分,共22分) 1、国际货币基金组织规定,若遵守其协定的第八条款,则必须()。 A、不限制经常性往来的支付和资金转移 B、不实行歧视性货币政策 C、实行单一汇率制度 D、实行完全自由的浮动汇率制度 E、兑换其他成员国从经常性交易中所取得的本国货币 2、开证行在承担跟单信用证的付款责任时,要求卖方做到()。 A、提供买方所需要的货运单据 B、提供买卖双方签订的贸易合同 C、在信用证的效期内交单 D、在信用证的装期内装船 E、所要求的金额在信用证的规定金额之内 3、《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,银行在信用证业务中只须审查()。 A、信用证 B、贸易合同 C、货运单据 D、货物样品 E、以上都必须 4、支付系统的基本要素包括()。 A、收款人 B、付款人开户行 C、付款人 D、收款人开户行 E、票据交换所 5、EDI在外贸领域的应用已达到比较成熟的阶段,贸易商可以通过EDI()。 A、发订单 B、办理海关手续 C、接受订单 D、询问有关商品信息 E、办理货物运输 6、下列银行业务中,属于逆汇结算的有()。 A、电汇 B、信汇 C、信用证业务 D、托收 E、票汇


KEY OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT Chapter 1 1.Put the following phrases into English 2.Put the following sentences into English (1)国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资,从其他国家借贷资金,等等。 The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trades, foreign investments, funds borrowed from or lent to other countries and so on. (2)许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业务。 Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance. (3)大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。 Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade. (4)一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款、托收和信用证。 Usually the international settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance, collection and letter of credit.

3. True or False 1)International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted in the domestic country. (F) 2)Fund transfers are processed and settled through certain clearing systems.(T) 3)Using the SWIFT network, banks can communicate with both customers and colleagues in a structured, secure, and timely manner.(T) 4)SWIFT can achieve same day transfer.(T) 4.Multiple Choice 1)SWIFT is __B__ A.in the united states B. a kind of communications belonging to TT system for interbank’s fund transfer C.an institution of the United Nations D. a governmental organization 2)SWIFT is an organization based in __A___ A.Brussels B.New York C.London D.Hong Kong 3) A facility in fund arrangement for buyers or sellers is referred to __A___ A.trade finance B.sale contract C.letter of credit D.bill of exchange 4)Fund transfers are processed and settled through __C___


国际结算(International settlement) 贸易(Trade Settlement) 非贸易(Non-Trade Settlement) EDI(Electronic Data Intercharge)电子数据交换, 控制文件(Control Documents) 有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Signatures) 密押(Test Key) 费率表(Terms and Condition) 货物单据化,履约证书化,( cargo documentation , guarantee certification) 权利单据(document of title) 流通转让性(Negotiability) 让与(Assignment) 转让(Transfer) 流通转让(Negotiation) 汇票的定义是:A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to the order or specified person or to bearer. “汇票” (bill of exchange,exchange或draft) 无条件支付命令(unconditional order to pay) 出票条款(drawn clause) 利息条款(with interest) 分期付款(by stated instalment) 支付等值其它货币( pay the other currency according to an indicated rate of exchange) 付款人(payer)受票人(drawee) 付款期限(time of payment)或(tenor) 即期(at sight, on demand, on presentation)付款。 远期(at a determinable future time , time/ usance / term bill)付款。 期限远期付款的表现形式: ①见票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ months after sight) ②出票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ months after date) ③预定日期后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ months after stated date) ④板期付款(bills payable on a fixed future date) ⑤延期付款(bills payable at days/months after shipment/ the date of B/L) 收款人名称(payee) 同样金额期限的第二张不付款”〔pay this first bill of exchange(second of the same tenor and dated being unpaid) 需要时的受托处理人(referee in case of need) 出票人(drawer) 收款人(payee) 背书人(endorser) 被背书人(endorsee) 出票(issue)


国际结算知识(中英文对照) 不可撤销跟单信用证(公开议付) 公开议付(Unrestricted Negotiation)亦称自由议付。凡公开议付信用证,一般来讲在信用证的议付条款中须注明“公开议付”(Free Negotiation)字样。 但有的信用证不载明此字样,而载明“邀请”(Invitation)或“建议”(Order)公开议付条款。 开证银行开立的信用证是通过其承诺条款(Undertaking Clause)或称保证条款来表达其公开议付的功能。 凡信用证中列有如下承诺条款的,皆为公开议付: 1、本银行(开证银行)向出票人、背书人及正当持票人保证,凡依本信用证所列条款开具的汇票,于提交时承担付款责任。 We (Issuing Bank) hereby engage with the drawers, endorsersand bona - fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in compliancewith the terms of the credit that such draft(s) shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified. 2、凡依本信用证条款开具并提示汇票,本银行保证对其出票人、背书人和正当持票人于交单时承兑付款。 Provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance withthe terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation. 3、本信用证项下签发的汇票并符合信用证所列条款,则其出票人、背书人、及正当持票人于19____年_月_日以前向议付银行提示议付,开证银行保证于提交单据时付清票款。 We hereby agree with the drawers,endorsers and bona-fide holdersof drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that the same shall be duly honoured on due presentation, and negotiated at the Negotiating Bank on or before, 19___。 4、本银行向出票人、背书人及正当持票人表示同意,凡依本信用证所列条款开具的汇票,向本银行提示时。到期即予以付清票款。

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