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电子通信技术专用英语 (3)



English on Electronic and Telecommunication Technology

Unit Ⅲ

03Unit Ⅲ

Communication Technology

Lesson 14

Satellite Communications

block [bl?k] n.街区

global ['ɡl?ubl] adj.球形的,全球的,

全世界的culmination [,k?lmi'nei?n] n.顶点

era ['i?r?] n.时代,纪元,时期span [sp?n] v. & n. 横越,跨度;跨距,


cumbersome ['k?mb?s?m] adj.讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的syncom ['si?k?m] n.(美国的)同步通信卫星geostationary [,d?i:?u'stei?nri] n.与地球的相对位置不变的,


altitude ['?ltitju:d] n.(尤指海拔)高度equator [i'kweit?] n.赤道

enormous [i'n?:m?s] adj.巨大的equidistant [,i:kwi'dist?nt] adj.距离相等的,等距的

Phrases and Expressions

tennis match网球比赛

prior to在前,居先

globe-spanning communications network全球通信网络

Lesson 14 Satellite Communication

Satellite communication has become a part of everyday life in the late 1980’s. An international telephone call is made as easily as a local call to a friend who lives down the block. We also see international events, such as an election in England and a tennis match in France, with the same regularity as local political and sporting events. In this case, a television news program brings the sights and sounds of the world into our homes each night.

第14课 卫星通信


This capability to exchange information on a global basis, be it a telephone call or a news story, is made possible through a powerful communications tool--the satellite. For those of us who grew up at a time when the space age was not a part of everyday life, satellite-based communication is the culmination of a dream that stretches back to an era when the term satellite was only an idea conceived by a few inspired individuals. These pioneers included authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, who fostered the idea of a worldwide satellite system in l945. This idea has subsequently blossomed into a sophisticated satellite network that spans the globe.


The latter type of satellite system would have entailed the development of a very complex and cumbersome earth and space-based network. Fortunately though, this problem was eliminated in 1963 and 1964 through the launching of the Syncom satellite. Rather than circling the earth at a rapid rate of speed, the spacecraft appeared to be stationary or fixed in the sky. Today’ communications satellites, for the most part, have followed suit and are now placed in what are called geostationary orbital positions or “slots”.


Simply stated a satellite in a geostationary orbital position appears to be fixed over one portion of the earth. At an altitude of 22,300 miles above the equator, a satellite travels at the same speed at which the rotates, and its motion is synchronized with the earth’s rotation. Even though the satellite is moving at an enormous rate of speed, it is stationary in the sky in relation to an observer on the earth.


The primary value of a satellite in a geostationary orbit is its ability to communicate with ground stations in its coverage area 24 hours a day. This orbital slot also simplifies the establishment of the communications link between a station and the satellite. Once the station’s antenna is properly aligned, only minor adjustments may have to be made in the antenna’s position over a period of time. The antenna is repositioned to a significant degree only when the station establishes contact with a satellite in a different slot. Prior to this era, a ground station’s antenna had to physically track a satellite as it moved across the sky.


Based on these principles, three satellites placed in equidistant positions around the earth can create a world-wide communications system in that almost every point on the earth can be reached by satellite(as shown in Fig.14-1). This concept was the basis of Arthur Clarke’s original vision of a globe-spanning communications network.


An international telephone call is made as easily as a local call to a friend who lives down the block.

as easily as:“像……一样(容易)”,easily修饰动词made,充当状语。请比较:Our classroom is as big and bright as theirs (形容词big and bright充当表语)。



(全新版)第四册电子教案 Unit three Job Interview I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions); 2.realize the importance of examples in illustrating one’s points; 3.master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Analysis According to the Writing Strategy in Unit 4, there are usually five ways to begin an essay: using a quotation , stating the time and place of the event to be described , providing relevant background information, and giving a surprising or interesting fact. Text A of this unit starts with a personal story , which could also be very appealing to readers. Personal experiences sound


河北屯镇中心小学教案20-2015学年度第2学期 任教年级: 三 任教学科: 英语 任课教师: 李俊侠 河北屯镇中心小学教务处制 2015年2月

教案编写说明 一、编写原则 1.教案编写要依据教学大纲和教材,从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。一般要符合以下要求:(1)明确地制订教学目的,具体规定传授基础知识、培养基本技能、发展能力以及思想政治教育的任务。(2)合理组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。(3)恰当地选择和运用教学方法,调动学生学习的积极性,面向大多数学生,同时注意培养优秀学生和提高后进生,使全体学生得到发展。 2.教师应提前一周备课,并在每次授课时携带教案授课。 3.教案按每次授课单元填写,一般以2~4学时为宜。 二、编写说明 1.“授课时间”、“章节名称”必须填写。 2. “教学目的”:依照教学大纲要求,本课程学生应掌握、熟悉、了解的要点。“教材版本”包括教材系列、教材名称、主编、出版社、版本及出版时间。 3. “教学重点”是依据教学目标,在对教材进行科学分析的基础上而确定的最基本、最核心的教学内容,一般是一门学科所阐述的最重要的原理、规律,是学科思想或学科特色的集中体现。它的突破是一节课必须要达到的目标,也是教学设计的重要内容。 4. “教学难点”是指学生不易理解的知识,或不易掌握的技能技巧。难点不一定是重点,也有些内容既是难点又是重点。 5.“教学方法”是教师和学生为了实现共同的教学目标,完成共同的教学任务,在教学过程中运用的方式与手段,包括讲授法、现场演示法、讨论法、练习法、案例分析法等。 6.“课程资源准备”:包括教室条件说明、教具准备、多媒体或电子教案准备、教学参考资料等内容。 7.“教学设计”:主要包括本次授课的主要教学内容(板书设计)、时间分配、教学模式(如理论教学、实践教学、讨论式教学等)、教学方法等设计内容。


Unit One Honesty Teaching Objective:listening , reading , writing , translation Teaching focus:reading , writing , translation Teaching difficulties: reading , translation Teaching Procedures: daily report, lead-in, listening, reading, translation, writing, homework Stage1 Daily Report Ask the student on duty to make a daily report, encouraging him or her to speak more about honesty. While listening, the students make some notes. Then ask some students to retell what the reporter said. Stage2 Lead in Step1 Culture background The teacher would offer some background information about creativity, so as to help the students to better understand the text. Honesty refers to a series of rules or expectancy that people should follow. To be honest means we should respect the fact and behave consistently with the contexts and situations. It means that we should be rational when giving choices or making decisions Honesty and trust is not just an idea, a political or moral teaching, but a way of living. It is an issue that matters to almost everybody. It’s important to be honest. But honesty is not always the best policy. Sometimes we don’t want to hurt others’ feelings, so we have to tell white lies. Women are better liars than men, particularly when telling “a white lie”. For example, when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling at all. This is the kind of lies that politicians and businessmen are particularly skilled at. By telling such lies the liars hope to get profit. Step2Topics for discussion 1. Get the students to go through the topics in the Lead-in of Text A on the textbook. And then they can choose any topic at will to have a discussion among their group members. 2. Show their work Let each group share their opinions with others. While listening, the listeners should take some notes, then retell and share. 3. Summarize The teacher summarizes the Ss’ job, making some comments. Then write down the useful words and expressions needed. Stage3 Listening Step1 Activity 1 Spot dictation 1. Listen to the statements less than three times and fill in each blank with the words


小学三年级英语教学设计(获奖教案) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

小学三年级英语教学设计 玉和完全小学吴爱静 教学内容: 人教版三年级英语上册Unit 2 Look at me第2课时 教学目标 1、能听说、认读head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth, 这些关于身体部位的单词,并能用英语介绍自 己身体的这几个部分。 2、初步了解表示接触的指示用语,能听懂,并按指令做出相应的动作。 3、激发学生学习兴趣,培养听说习惯和能力。 教学重点:关于头部的单词head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth的学习。 教学难点 :eye, face 两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型。mouth 一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。 教具准备 :多媒体课件 教学过程 1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) 师生共同复习所学歌曲《Hello》 【设计意图:歌曲不仅帮助学生迅速地进入英语学习状态,而且拉近了师生间的距离,营造了轻松愉快的教学氛围。】 2 呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)出示课件,利用动画片中的“图图”头像引入本课。 【设计意图:借助学生喜爱的动画人物,让学生迅速的融入学习当中激发学生学习的兴趣,同时也为下面的学习作铺垫。】 (2)出示课件,学习单词eye,学生开火车说。教师做动作说:Look at me.This is my eye. 并板书。让学生跟说。 (3)同法学习ear,nose。在学习单词时用不同的游戏方法学习,如上楼梯的方法。 (4)小组间练习所学的单词,用Look at me.This is my…句型。 【设计意图:不同方式学习单词让学生的学习兴趣更浓厚,不会觉得学习是枯燥的。让学生进行小组练习既体现了小组合作练习,又让学生加强这三个单词认识。】 (5)学生进行汇报,即时给予奖励。

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 1 Organization 电子教案

Unit 1 Organization Teaching Objectives 1.To require students think what organization is. 2.To help students master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.To enrich students’ English for careers. 4.To improve students’ listenin g, speaking, reading and writing skills. Teaching focus https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b17074469.html,prehension of reading A. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.Listening and writing skills. Teaching procedures Step1. Warming-up Students read warming-up Task1. Get students to look at the logos. Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word. Ask students to give the names of the countries. Give the answers. Step2. Background Information What is a logo? Company introduction Step3. Language points Step4 Reading A explanation a.Students read the passage and find out important events in the different periods of Google’s history on page 5. b.Ask students to divide this text into several parts and sum up the main ideas. c.Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give the translation Step5 Reading B Step6 Listening & Speaking Step 7 Writing How to write an envelope?


大学英语(全新版)第四册电子教案 Unit Four The Multicultural Society I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions); 2.practice their critical thinking ability through in-depth discussions in issues mentioned in the text; 3.master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Analysis People tend to worship things printed in black and white. Yet we would like to cultivate in our students the ability to think critically. They should understand that not everything they read is true. At the same time they need to be able to , and they should be able to, justify their disbelief. Take Question 1 in the after-text Points for discussion for


(2011—2012学年度第二学期) 学校辛集乡王家小学 学科英语 班级三年级(下册) 教师李明军

三年级英语下册教学计划 一、全册教学目标: 根据小学生的生理和心理特点以及发展需求,小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西文化,培养学生学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为进一步学习打下基础。 1 .激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2 .培养他们良好的语音、语调、书写基础。 3 .培养他们良好的学习习惯。 4 .培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 5 .培养学生的爱国主义精神、增强世界意识。 (一)知识目标 1)能听懂会说12组对话,并能进行简单的交流;(A、B、C类学生) 2)能听说认读50个单词和听说读写26个字母,并能简单运用;(A、B、C类学生) 3)能听做6个TPR活动(A、B、C类学生) 4)能学会小制作;(A类学生) 5)能唱8首歌曲。(A、B类学生) 6)能听说唱7首歌谣;(A、B、C类学生) 7)能完成8个自我评价活动;(A、B类学生) 8)能听懂6个幽默小故事;(A类学生) 9)能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。(A类学生) (二)技能目标 培养学生的观察力,记忆力,用英语进行直接思维的能力,进一步发展学生的想象力和创造能力。 (三)情感态度 激发学生的学习英语的兴趣,对英语学习具有积极的学习态度,有学习的信心,具备良好的语音 语调书写基础,具有认真听大声说仔细读正确写的习惯。 (四)文化意识 1.知道英语中最简单的称谓语、问候语和告别语; 2.对一般打招呼、问候做出恰当的反应。 二、教材分析与学生情况分析: 本套教材的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展,吸收了当今国内外把英语作为外语教学的理论和成功的经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国小学英语教学的实际有机结合起来,形成了适合我国英语教学基本状况的模式和方法。总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构逐步引导学生运用英语完成实际目的的语言任务。即:话题—功能—结构—任务。 教材的主要特点: 1 .强调语言运用 本套教材吸收了交际教学思想,注重学生语言运用功能的培养。教材在整体构思,内容安排,活动设计和教学方法选用等方面都紧密联系学生的生活实际,体现了语言的交际功能。 2 .注重能力培养 力求用生动简单,通俗易懂的方式渗透学习策略目标鼓励学生能动思考,主动做事,自动调整学习方式发掘他们积极求知,努力进取的潜能。 3 .突出兴趣激发 从内容、形式、方法、插图及装祯设计等方面都以最大限度地激发学生的学习动机和兴趣。教学内容


人教版PEP六年级上册(三年级起点)英语 Unit 3 What are you going to do? 第三课时 一、教学内容: 人教版PEP六年级上册(三年级起点) Unit 3 教案第三课时 (共6课时) 二、教学目标: 语言知识:1、学生能够读懂let’s read 中的段路,并根据段落内容写出Lin Yun’s weekend plan。 2、认读音标:︱A:︳︱?︱︱T︱︱?︱︱M︱︱ν︱︱N︱,并掌握 相关音标的发音要领。 3、了解Good to know的内容。 语言技能:学生能够根据段落内容陈述自己的周末活动安排。 学习策略:让学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,感受自我价值,体验成功的喜悦。 情感态度:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生乐于参与,勇于进行交际实践。 文化意识:了解书籍的演变过程,体验祖国悠久的文化历史,培养学生的爱国热情。 三、学情分析: 学生学习英语的兴趣较浓,但在课堂上由于担心出现错误而不敢大胆发言,口 语表达能力一般,因此没有良好的英语学习习惯。但书写习惯较好,有学好英语的 愿望,有很大的发展空间。 四、教学重难点分析: 1.本课时的教学重点是阅读段落并根据段落内容进行第三人称的转述,掌 握第三人称时be going to句型的用法。 2.本课时的教学难点是转述时第一人称与第三人称的人称代词的变换。 五、教具准备 1.教师准备若干张表格(形式见教学过程说明)。 2.师生准备第1、2课时中出现过的图片(read a magazine , go to the cinema, take a trip, theme park, the Great Wall) 3. 投影仪(呈现音标) 六、教学过程: Ⅰ.热身(Warm-up) (1)师生问好 T:Good morning, everyone! Ss:Good morning, Miss Zhang! T: How are you today?


课程名称新视野大学英语1 授课专业和班级 教师专业技术职务学时 授课内容 (题目、章、节) Unit1 Fresh Start 教学目的与要求1.To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2.To study Passage A and understand the main idea of the text 3.To understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it 4.To talk about college education 教学重点及难点1.The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage 2.The reading skills mentioned in this unit 3.Listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit 4.Talking about college education. 5.Writing paragraphs with the structure “a general statement supported by details”. 6.Applying the phrases and patterns. 教学方法 教学过程、内容及时间分配 1. Warming-up activities for Section A (0.5 period) a. What is the ideal university like in your eyes? b. What are your expectations of your college life? c. Listen to an interview about tips for freshman students and do the following exercise.


前言 小学英语教学的设计 教学目标 字母教学包括26个字母的读音,辩认和书写三项内容。小学英语字母教学的目标在教师的指导下,让学生达到能认字母的音和形,能读准字母,能按正确的笔顺和规格书写,能按顺序背诵和默写字母,同时能初步掌握字母在单词中的发音,为进一步学习单词的读音和拼读打下基础。 教学意义 语音,语法,词汇是语言的三大要素。字母是语音,词汇的基础,因而也是整个小学英语教学的基础。英语26个字母是记录语言的文字符号,是英语文字的最小书写单位,英语利用这26个字母拼写所有的词。英语26个了母的名称音中包含了英语48个音素中的24个音素,占全部英语音素的一半。在小学英语教学中,字母教学是入门阶段一项重要的教学内容,是培养学生英语素质的奠基工程。教学中,字母教学意义重大,它是英语学习的开端,对于激发学生的学习积极性,开发智力,培养良好的听说读写的学习习惯,为学生进一步学习音标,单词,句子,课文,提高语言能力,为终身学习打下良好的基础等具有重要的意义。 教学过程与实施建议 1.学习字母的读音 (1)听音 听音是模仿的第一步,是模仿的基础。先听音,后开口,听清发准,是字母教学的基本步骤,也是字母教学的根本方法,因为听的质量直接影响模仿的效果,所以教师在教授字母的发音时,一定会示范正确,清楚,语速掌握好。对于一些较难发音的字母,教师会适当地讲解字母的口型舌位,发音的要领,发音的方法和技巧。 (2)模仿 模仿发音是学习字母的最基本的方法,是检测学生是否准确掌握的最好方法,教师在让学生模枋的时候要采用活泼的形式,直观形象的比喻,借助手势,实物,图片,动作等帮助学生发好音。会让学生反复大量地实践。 2.字母在单词中的发音 学生学好字母,对学习语音和音词在有帮助。在讲解字母时,教师会渗透字母在单词中的一般发音规律,自然拼读规则,使学生渐渐了解每个字母在单词中都有他们各自的读音,为以后拼读单词,记忆单词打下良好的基础。 3.学习字母的书写 书写教学一开始就要严格要求,培养学生良好的书写习惯,教师会在讲解时会注意让学生认真观察字母的笔顺,起笔和落笔,几笔写成,占几格,然后再让学生模仿和操练,还要注意将检查和评价相结合,检查学生的书写是否按照字母的笔顺和字母在四线格中应占的位置书写,字母的大小,宽窄是否协调和谐,间隔是否均匀,适当,培养学生正确的书写习惯,包括写字的姿势,放纸的位置等。 4.字母教学活动


合肥学院 XXXX 至XXXX 学年第 2 学期新视野大学英语4视听说课程 教 案 课程编码:____________________________________ 总学时/周学时:168 / 12 开课时间:第1周至第14周 授课年级、专业、班级:09教育,09工商管理 使用教材:新视野大学英语4视听说 系别/教研室:基础部公共英语 授课教师:孙净丽


Teaching Process I. lead-in Teaching tips: 1.Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class. 2.It is not necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, soothe teacher may assign one or two questions to each pair or group. 3.The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when needed Questions: 1What makes you happy? Are you happy when other people are happy? 2 Do you often feel blue? What will you do if you are in low spirit? 3.Why do people get angry? How do you control your anger? 4. Can you define some of the most common kinds of emotion? What are they? II.V ocabulary Learning 2. English idioms relating to HAPPINESS - SADNESS


Lesson One NEW WORDS n.冻雨,雨夹雪 2. depend vi.依赖,取决于 3. hail n.雹 4. form vt.,vi.形成 5. low a.低的 6. temperature n.温度 7. molecule n.分子 8. cling vi.粘着9. droplet n.小水滴 10. dust n.灰尘 11. particle n.粒子,微粒 12. nucleus n.核,原子核 n.露水 n.晶体 n.冷凝,凝结 16. rapid a.快的 n.湿气,水分 18. freeze vi.结冰 n.雨点 ad.代替,替换 n.雪片 n.形状 23. flake n.薄片 a.六角形的 n.透镜 vt.,vi.打击击中,撞 n.雷雨 a.迅速的 n.气流,潮流 vt.,vi.抛,扔,颠簸 vt.取得,获得 n.冰雹 vi.粘住 n.理论 vt.说明,解释,阐明 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS The more the more越…越… So that 如此…以致…Take place 发生 As soon as 一…就… High above 大大高于 Well below 远远低于 Take on 呈现 A bit of 一点 A mass of 一块 Start out 出发,着手进行 layer of 一层 TEXT RAIN, SNOW, SLEET, AND HAIL The forming of rain in a cloud depends upon temperature. The lower the temperature, the more the molecules of water vapor in the cloud cling together. Then they form droplets of water. Usually droplets form around dust or other particles in the air when the dew point is reached. If ice crystals are in the cloud, even more droplets may form. In clouds, condensation may be so rapid that millions of droplets of water are formed. As these droplets collect more molecules and therefore become heavier, their weight makes them fall to the earth. If the temperature of the air is above freezing the drops will fall as rain. When the air high above the earth is well below freezing, the moisture in the air does not form raindrops. Instead, it forms snow. Snowflakes take on many interesting shapes. They seem to be formed around a center. Snow is made up of millions of these flakes, each a bit of water vapor that in freezing temperatures was changed into a flake of snow. Snowflakes are really crystals; they are water molecules grouped in a hexagonal pattern. It is interesting to study snowflake crystals under a hand lens. Sometimes droplets of water start out as rain and change into another form on their way to the earth. The raindrops may start downward through a layer of warm air and then strike a mass of cold air, where each raindrop freezes. These frozen raindrops


第六章英译汉技巧与能力提高 一.基本介绍 翻译涉及到两个方面,一是正确理解原文。正确的翻译首先是建立在准确的理解原文,因此首先要先分析英文句子的结构,弄清主谓语宾状等成分,通过语法关系和词与词之间的语义关系等对英文句子进行透彻理解。第一步是要在正确分析原文的语言现象和逻辑关系,确定内容。第二步还要运用推理,对语言现象本身和语言外的隐含信息加以归纳。 例Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. (《大学英语》model test 5, No 57) 此处的理解关键就是price,注意此处是单数形式,这意味着它的含义就不是我们通常熟悉的“物价”含义,因为如果指物价上涨的现象,要用prices . 如,Prices are falling. 此处应该理解为‘代价“。因此 每次历史总是重演,价格上涨了。(错误) 每次历史重演,代价更昂贵。(正确) 二是要准确表达原文。理解原信息后,还有一个将此信息用中文转化的问题。在转换中,需要运用一定的翻译方法和技巧。表达方式上尽量用直译,可以保持原文内容以及形式风格。直译有困难的情况下也可以通过意译来变通。在这两种语言的转换过程中,一定要注意中英文的表达方式的差异。 考查重点 是要求在20分钟内翻译5个难度适中英文句子。被动态,从句,比较结构等的翻译常常是考察重点。 二.翻译的基本技巧及例解 一.词汇的翻译 (一)。.词义的选择 有时候一个简单的熟悉的词可能在再表达过程中成为障碍。因为在对该词的理解可能只是停留于相对应的汉语释义上,缺乏灵活性和感悟性。 以fail 这个词在下面这些句子中的翻译为例: 1. Why did you fail? 你为什么失败了啊? 2. Why did you fail in your business? 你为什么做生意做砸了啊?你为什么生意亏了啊? 3. Why did you fail in your test? 你为什么考试没通过啊? 4. We received his calls every day; he never fails to phone us. 我们每天都接到他的电话,他从不忘记给我们打电话。 5. His courage failed him in the end. 他最后却没了勇气。 在记fail这个单词时,肯定都是记得这个含义:失败。但是以上5个例句中,只有第一句中直接用了“失败”。其他的都是有所变通。 英语中一个词在不同的场合往往有不同的引申含义。词的基本意义虽然没变,但在表达方式上大不一样,所以要根据上下文和逻辑关系以及词的搭配确定词义,并灵活机动的处理。 (二)。词性的转换 由于英汉两种语言的结构和表达习惯的不同,有时候不一定要将英语中的某一词类处理成汉语的同一词类。否则表达会不通顺或有障碍。


小学三年级英语教学设计 玉和完全小学吴爱静 教学内容: 人教版三年级英语上册Unit 2 Look at me第2课时 教学目标 1、能听说、认读head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth, 这些关于身体部位的单词,并 能用英语介绍自己身体的这几个部分。 2、初步了解表示接触的指示用语,能听懂,并按指令做出相应的动作。 3、激发学生学习兴趣,培养听说习惯和能力。 教学重点:关于头部的单词head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth的学习。 教学难点:eye, face 两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型。 mouth 一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。 教具准备 :多媒体课件 教学过程 1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) 师生共同复习所学歌曲《Hello》 【设计意图:歌曲不仅帮助学生迅速地进入英语学习状态,而且拉近了师生间的距离,营造了轻松愉快的教学氛围。】 2 呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)出示课件,利用动画片中的“图图”头像引入本课。 【设计意图:借助学生喜爱的动画人物,让学生迅速的融入学习当中激发学生学习的兴趣,同时也为下面的学习作铺垫。】 (2)出示课件,学习单词eye,学生开火车说。教师做动作说:Look at me.This is my eye. 并板书。让学生跟说。 (3)同法学习ear,nose。在学习单词时用不同的游戏方法学习,如上楼梯的方法。 (4)小组间练习所学的单词,用Look at me.This is my…句型。 【设计意图:不同方式学习单词让学生的学习兴趣更浓厚,不会觉得学习是枯燥的。让学生进行小组练习既体现了小组合作练习,又让学生加强这三个单词认识。】 (5)学生进行汇报,即时给予奖励。


大学英语(全新版)第三册电子教案 Unit Four THE WATERY PLACE I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to : 1.understand the main idea ( to be found in Part I) and structure of the text ( narration in time sequence); 2.appreciate the difference between formal speech and information speech; 3.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Summary The text tells of a stupid error which results in a discouraging thing that no extraterrestrials will ever land on the Earth. The story begins with the introduction of he character of Bart Cameron, the Sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idacho, who is a quick-tempered and impatient person. On that special day, April 14, 1956, the author sees the flying saucer. But just because of the extraterrestrials’ too formal English and Bart’s too bad mood that day, Bart Cameron misunderstands the extraterrestrials once and time again . Finally , they fly back to Venus. Therefore we


课题Unit 1 Hello第一课时 教学目标: 1、能听懂会说Hello./Hi .I'm ...并能够在实际情境中运用。 2、能认识书本中的人物。 3、培养学生学习英语的乐趣。 教学重点: 本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi . I'm ...(会用英语说中国人名和英文名)。 教学难点: 教会学生正确发音,调动学生初次学习英语的积极性,使学生敢开口,会开口。 教学准备: 1教材相关人物的面具或头饰 2 教材配套磁带 3 准备Let’s play中音乐传花游戏 课堂练习: (Practice) (1)游戏 玩Let’s play中的游戏“音乐传花”。花到音乐停时, 落到谁手里,此人就要用英语介绍自己,进行多次练习。 学案设计: 1. (Warm-up) 展示与本课有关的卡通视频,让学生记忆深刻,更易理 解并运用所学内容。 2. (Presentation) (1)运用Phonics教学法教会Hello/Hi.I’m...并运用 学生的招手,手指向自己等肢体语言来理解意思,让学生边说 边演,进行反复练习。 (2)翻开书中的人物图,教会学生从不同人物的头发, 是否带眼镜等外貌特点进行识别。当老师做一个动作时让学生 快速说出英文名。 (3)老师介绍自己Hello/Hi.I’m Miss Chen.随便点学 生站讲台上模仿老师来介绍自己 (4)给班上九位学生戴上头饰,老师一点到哪位,他 / 她就需要站起介绍自己,老师会加快速度,看谁反应最快,谁 为Winner (5)播放Hello歌曲

板书设计: Unit One Hello! Hello/Hi! I’m...... 教学反思: 在教学中,凸显了学习英语的主动性和趣味性,让学生能动静结合,吸引学生学习英语的注意力,强调多说,说好。 作业布置: 1.把Hello./Hi .I'm ...及人物名写三遍 2.遇到班上同学会用所学内容打招呼


Unit 5 Trade Warming-up Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match slogans A-H with pictures 1-8. Objective: Ss can identify the slogans of some famous companies. Steps:

1. Ss read warming-up task 1. 2. Go through slogans a-h with Ss. 3. Ask Ss to match the slogans with the pictures. 4. Give the key. 5. Time permitting, encourage Ss to brainstorm more slogans. Background information 1. What is a slogan? A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. Slogans in advertising are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. 2. Company introduction Nike Inc. is a major publicly-traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. it is the world’s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel(服装) and a major manufacturer of sports equipment . Apple Inc., is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and software products. Panasonic is an international brand name for Japanese electric products manufacturer Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Under this brand Matsushita sells plasma(等离子)and LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)panels, DVD recorders and players, telephones, microwave ovens, shavers, projectors, digital cameras, batteries, laptop computers, etc. All of these are marketed under their slogan “Ideas for Life”. Maxwell House is a brand of coffee manufactured by a like-named division of Kraft Foods Seven-- up is the brand of a soft drink. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd, shortened to Nissan, is a multinational automaker headquartered in Japan. Currently it is the third largest Japanese car manufacturer. Koninklijke Philips Electronics ., usually known as Philips, is one of the largest electronics companies in the world, founded and headquartered in the Netherlands. The products include consumer electronics, domestic appliances, lighting and medical systems. Task 2Work in pairs. Please tell where you have seen or heard the above slogans. Discuss with your partner and list three places. Objective: Ss can identify several kinds of advertisement media. Steps: 1. Ss read warming-up Task 2 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and list places where they have seen or heard the slogans in Task 1 3. Get some Ss to give their answers. 4. Ask the class to add more if necessary.

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