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警察与赞美诗英语 原文分析

Original Text The Cop and the Anthem by O .Henry 1 On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild goose honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand. 2 A dead leaf fell in Soapy’s lap. That was Jack Frost’s card. Jack is kind to the regular denizens of Madison Square, and gives fair warning of his annual call. At the corners of streets his four hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants there of may make ready. 3 Soapy’s mind became cognisant of the fact that the time had come for him to resolve himself into a singular Committee of Ways and Means to provide against the coming rigour. And therefore he moved uneasily on his bench. 4 The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay. Three months on the Island was what his soul craved. Three months of assured board and bed and congenial company, safe from Boreas and bluecoats, seemed to Soapy the essence of things desirable. 5 For years the hospitable Blackwell’s had been his winter quarters. Just as his more fortunate fellow New Yorkers had bought their tickets to Palm Beach and the Riviera each winter, so Soapy had made his humble arrangements for his annual hegira to the Island. And now the time was come. On the previous night three Sabbath newspapers, distributed beneath his coat, about his ankles and over his lap, had failed to repulse the cold as he slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the ancient square. So the Island loomed large and timely in Soapy’s mind. He scorned the provisions made in the name of charity for the city’s dependents. In Soapy’s opinion the Law was more benign than Philanthropy. There was an endless round of institutions, municipal and eleemosynary, on which he might set out and receive lodging and food accordant with the simple life. But to one of Soapy’s proud spirit the gifts of charity are encumbered. If not in coin you must pay in humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. As Cesar had his Brutus, every bed of charity must have its toll of a bath, every loaf of bread its compensation of a private and personal inquisition. Wherefore it is better to be a guest of the law, which though conducted by rules, does not meddle unduly with a gentleman’s private affairs. 6 Soapy, having decided to go to the Island, at once set about accomplishing his desire. There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant; and then, after declaring insolvency, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. An accommodating


感恩的赞美诗歌 导读:感恩明月,似缎光华,如霜美丽,提供了感恩的赞美诗歌给大家欣赏! 《感恩》 一夜秋尽萧风起 万树枝摇叶飘零 树叹难以挽留叶 叶恋枝痛更惜根 芽叶依枝而诞生 吸乳向阳逐长成 株壮枝繁叶茂盛 叶阔护枝遮根荫 共沐浴春风拂面 同感受夏雨洗礼 尽承享秋阳高照 迎雪护根愿卧冰 乌鸦反哺赢美誉 羔羊跪乳情意真 父母养育亲恩高 尽孝莫做等闲人 《当感恩成为习惯》

宁静 心在反省 一个人的生命价值 该体现在哪里 忙碌 看那不停的脚步 金碧辉煌的都市里 止不住的孤独 感恩的心不在 才有无数悲哀 烦恼也许是欲望的儿子它与妄想相亲相爱 当感恩驻入心口 将有阳光温暖心头 像母亲慈祥的手 汇成了不绝的爱的河流当感恩成为一种习惯它会御下心的负担 世间多少迷幻 让我们拭目观看 当感恩成为习惯

欢乐似水流远 日子尽管过得平凡 充实之感实在 当感恩成为习惯 生活不愿慢怠 修我行为 炼我意识 和谐永远培栽 《感恩的心》 我们常常会是这样: 怀着一颗童稚的心去追寻单纯 怀着一颗感恩的心去膜拜光明 怀着一颗平静的心去抚慰理智 怀着一颗悸动的心去撞击激情 因为,世界是美好的 如果飞翔,天空就是美好的 如果憧憬,前程就是美好的 如果委屈,眼泪就是美好的 如果爱,给预就是美好的 还有许多美好的声音、美好的颜色还有许多美好的事物、美好的过程

如果一些美好的词汇能让这个世界更美好我们就不会吝啬自己的语言和感情 学会赞美,学会宽容 学会付出,学会真诚 甚至面对挫折,面对缺憾 面对哪怕是心灵深处曾经的痛 《常怀一颗感恩的心》 落叶在空中盘旋飘荡, 描绘着一幅幅感人的画面 那是大树感恩大地对她的滋养 浪花在大海中翻腾歌唱 谱写着一曲曲感恩的.乐章 那时浪花对哺育塔的大海的颂扬 不要抱怨上苍给予你太多的坎坷与沧桑 也不要悲叹命运中有太多的曲折和跌宕 常怀一颗感恩的心 我们体验生活的快乐,沐浴着爱的阳光成长有人说—— 善良的本质就是拥有一颗感恩的心 也有人说—— 感恩是人世间的美德,它至高无上


赞美诗歌 篇一:我赞美天上的星星 作者:河豚 我赞美天上的星星 也向往白天的歌 但宇宙的未来 不让我开采 于是我嚼着泥土 再塑一个憧憬 给你 在我躺在角落里 看着那华美的标记 我心里有一丝涟漪 就是看到你的美丽 游在我的梦里 成为一条爱的轨迹 篇二:赞美诗

作者:夏日秋风 当你出现,所有的花朵都默然失色 太阳也突然黯淡,大海也不再起波澜 风也突然站住,小鸟们停在枝头惊叹 桃花也把你偷看 天上的星辰看见你,都欢呼雀跃 高山也赞美你的气质,小河也为你欢歌我要把爱你的诗歌写满天空 激情的诗句要像白云在蓝天上排列 当你开口说话,夜莺的歌声也羞愧难当当风吹起你的黑发,所有的旗帜都失去光芒 你的美丽惊动了西施,嫦娥也要为你起舞我要为你建造一座花园,在沐浴着阳光的春天 当岁月夺去了你美丽的容颜 我却爱你依然,犹如树的果实,丰富的秋

天 篇三:赞美吧 作者:省 在困苦中让灵魂的声音爆发 在安逸中保持清醒 那稍纵即逝的欢愉不能蒙蔽片刻我嘲笑这自造的折磨 只不过是纸老虎 我希望看到里面的真挚 那狂吼的发动机扬起的泥沙 冰冷的钢筋水泥 萧瑟路灯照出灰尘的狰狞 塞住的呼吸 堵不住我的嘲笑 黑暗穿越的时空,

天空低沉的咏调 在这寂寞的人群 我仿佛看到温情的闪光 那交织的怒吼是他们的奋斗 是命运在屈服,不是他们 如果一切是他们的选择, 那串起的坚毅怎能让人心底不佩服?如果有天再相遇 我愿敬你们一杯高粱酒 赞美吧朋友 为这华丽世界背后佝偻的人群 赞美吧朋友 为那愁苦的面容那土色的神情 铸就的辉煌 赞美吧朋友 他们值得的所有人的赞美

篇四:赞美 作者:雨行 人生际遇 就如同竖琴上的音符 摇摆不定 然而 如果你留意的话 就会发现 经常有一些微不足道的细节 却能让看似 摇摆不定的音符奏出华美的乐章 记得儿时曾听过一个故事 一个积极向上的青年 对文学充满着浓厚的兴趣 于是他满怀期待的 将自己觉得满意的作品 一次又一次地 向各个报社投稿 而等待他的结果


Wang1 Wang Mengmeng Professor Li Kang English 09110314 12 March 2012 The Cop and the Anthem T Based on the whole text, the author's humor is present in various ways, one of which is through irrationality during the development of plots. Soapy, the vagrant who has stirred up trouble for six times, is eager to go to prison. But he is always out of luck and get policeman's forgiveness. When Soapy is touched by the anthem and wants to be a good citizen, he is arrested for groundless reasons. This way is a kind of black humor manifesting social reality profoundly. We can see something gloomy, desperate,but simultaneously, we can't help laughing when reading the vivid description. Once, Soapy wants to reach his goal by molesting a woman, Soapy straightened the lady missionary’s ready-made tie, dragged his shrinking cuffs into the open, set his hat at a killing cant and sidled toward the young women(20).but the seeming virtuous and quiet woman begin to seduce him in reverse.“Sure, Mike,” she said joyfully, “if you’ll blow me to a pail of suds. I’d have spoke to you sooner, but the cop was watching.”With the young woman playing the clinging ivy to his oak Soapy (22). Besides, Soapy steals an umbrella from a neatly dressed customer, but the umbrella is ill-gotten originally.''Of course,''said the umbrella Wang2 man''that is—well, you know how these mistakes occur—I—if it’s your umbrella I hope you’ll excuse me—I picked it up this morning in a restaurant—If you recognise it as yours, why—I hope you’ll—''(31).So the modest and lady and gentleman turn


关于感恩的经典诗歌朗诵(一) 关于感恩的经典诗歌朗诵(一) 《感恩》 作者:海燕 一夜秋尽萧风起 万树枝摇叶飘零 树叹难以挽留叶 叶恋枝痛更惜根 芽叶依枝而诞生 吸乳向阳逐长成 株壮枝繁叶茂盛 叶阔护枝遮根荫 共沐浴春风拂面 同感受夏雨洗礼 尽承享秋阳高照 迎雪护根愿卧冰 乌鸦反哺赢美誉 羔羊跪乳情意真 父母养育亲恩高 尽孝莫做等闲人 关于感恩的经典诗歌朗诵(二) 《当感恩成为习惯》作者:清溪钓韵

宁静 心在反省 一个人的生命价值 该体现在哪里 忙碌 看那不停的脚步 金碧辉煌的都市里 止不住的孤独 感恩的心不在 才有无数悲哀 烦恼也许是欲望的儿子它与妄想相亲相爱 当感恩驻入心口 将有阳光温暖心头 像母亲慈祥的手 汇成了不绝的爱的河流当感恩成为一种习惯它会御下心的负担 世间多少迷幻 让我们拭目观看 当感恩成为习惯 欢乐似水流远 日子尽管过得平凡 充实之感实在

当感恩成为习惯 生活不愿慢怠 修我行为 炼我意识 和谐永远培栽 关于感恩的经典诗歌朗诵(三) 《感恩的心》作者:云戈君 我们常常会是这样: 怀着一颗童稚的心去追寻单纯 怀着一颗感恩的心去膜拜光明 怀着一颗平静的心去抚慰理智 怀着一颗悸动的心去撞击激情 因为,世界是美好的 如果飞翔,天空就是美好的 如果憧憬,前程就是美好的 如果委屈,眼泪就是美好的 如果爱,给预就是美好的 还有许多美好的声音、美好的颜色 还有许多美好的事物、美好的过程 如果一些美好的词汇能让这个世界更美好 我们就不会吝啬自己的语言和感情 学会赞美,学会宽容 学会付出,学会真诚 甚至面对挫折,面对缺憾



A New York City hobo named Soapy,who sets out to get arrested so he can avoid sleeping in the cold winter as a guest of the city jail. Soapy's ploys伎俩include swindling诈骗a restaurant into serving him an expensive meal, breaking the plate-glass window of a luxury shop, repeating his eatery exploit at a humble简陋的diner, sexually harassing a young woman, pretending to be publicly intoxicated喝醉to make troubles, and stealing another man's umbrella. However, all of these attempts are quickly exposed as failures.Based on these events, Soapy despairs of his goal of getting arrested and imprisoned. As O. Henry describes events, the small church has a working organ机构and a practicing organist风琴演奏者. As Soapy listens to the church organ play an anthem圣歌, he experiences a spiritual epiphany 神灵显现then he resolves决定to cease停止to be homeless, end his life as a tramp afflicted苦恼 with unemployment, and regain his self-respect. As Soapy stands on the street and considers the plan for his future, however, a policeman taps him on the shoulder and asks him what he is doing. When Soapy answers “Nothing,” his fate is


警察与赞美诗读后感英文 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 警察与赞美诗读后感英文 The Cop and the Anthem is one of O.Henry's representative works. This novel describes a vagrant who is jobless, homeless and commits crime on purpose so that he can be put into prison in winter. However,things don't goes as he expected. But when he makes up his mind to give up evil and return to good, he is arrested. Based on the whole text, the author's humor is present in various ways, one of which is through irrationality during the development of plots. soap, the vagrant who has stirred up trouble for six times, is eager to go to prison. But he is always out of luck and get policeman's forgiveness. When soap is touched by the anthem and wants to be a good citizen, he is arrested for groundless reasons. This way is a kind of black humor manifesting social reality profoundly. We can see something gloomy, desperate,but simultaneously, we can't help laughing when reading the vivid description. Once, soap wants to reach his goal by molesting a woman, soap straightened the lady missionary’s ready-made tie,


关于感恩的现代诗 导读:本文关于感恩的现代诗,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 关于感恩的现代诗(一) 《感恩》 作者:海燕 一夜秋尽萧风起 万树枝摇叶飘零 树叹难以挽留叶 叶恋枝痛更惜根 芽叶依枝而诞生 吸乳向阳逐长成 株壮枝繁叶茂盛 叶阔护枝遮根荫 共沐浴春风拂面 同感受夏雨洗礼 尽承享秋阳高照 迎雪护根愿卧冰 乌鸦反哺赢美誉 羔羊跪乳情意真 父母养育亲恩高

尽孝莫做等闲人 《当感恩成为习惯》作者:清溪钓韵 宁静 心在反省 一个人的生命价值 该体现在哪里 忙碌 看那不停的脚步 金碧辉煌的都市里 止不住的孤独 感恩的心不在 才有无数悲哀 烦恼也许是欲望的儿子它与妄想相亲相爱 当感恩驻入心口 将有阳光温暖心头 像母亲慈祥的手 汇成了不绝的爱的河流当感恩成为一种习惯它会御下心的负担 世间多少迷幻

让我们拭目观看 当感恩成为习惯 欢乐似水流远 日子尽管过得平凡 充实之感实在 当感恩成为习惯 生活不愿慢怠 修我行为 炼我意识 和谐永远培栽 《感恩的心》 作者:云戈君 我们常常会是这样: 怀着一颗童稚的心去追寻单纯怀着一颗感恩的心去膜拜光明怀着一颗平静的心去抚慰理智怀着一颗悸动的心去撞击激情因为,世界是美好的 如果飞翔,天空就是美好的如果憧憬,前程就是美好的如果委屈,眼泪就是美好的如果爱,给预就是美好的

还有许多美好的声音、美好的颜色 还有许多美好的事物、美好的过程 如果一些美好的词汇能让这个世界更美好我们就不会吝啬自己的语言和感情 学会赞美,学会宽容 学会付出,学会真诚 甚至面对挫折,面对缺憾 面对哪怕是心灵深处曾经的痛 关于感恩的现代诗(二) 1、《九月,与感恩有关》 在这绚丽多姿的九月 我想画一幅画 用枫叶的一样红 画出一颗感恩的心 并涂满秋的色彩 沾染硕果的清香 洒下真诚的祝福 一起献给 我最敬爱的老师 2、《感恩的心》 月光依旧 心了了冉起不同往日的感恩

英文+中文版警察与赞美诗 -

流浪汉A:索比 穿着:破旧裤子,破皮鞋,马甲,黑领结 流浪汉B:索普 穿着:邋遢的便装 警长 警察 旁白+法官 侍者领班+市民(我) 侍者+路人 某一个晚上 索比,索普睡在广场喷水池旁的长凳上,用三张星期日的报纸分别垫在上衣里、包着脚踝、盖住大腿,依然冻得瑟瑟发抖 第二天早上 两人急躁不安地躺在广场的长凳上,辗转反侧。 One night Soapy, thorpe slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the square, with the three newspapers, Sunday in the top cover, wrapped in ankle, thigh, still shivering The second day morning The two men lay anxiously on the bench in the square, tossing and turning 旁白:冬天快要到了,他们得想想办法去岛上呆上三个月,多年来,好客的布莱克韦尔岛的监狱一直是两人冬天的寓所。不要求在地中海巡游,也不要求到南方去晒令人昏睡的太阳,有吃有住就好,还有志趣相投的伙伴们,也没有北风和警察的侵扰。那样的生活多好啊~! Narrator: winter is coming, they have to think of a way to stay on the island for three months, for years, the hospitable blackwell prison island has always been two people's home in the winter. Does not require a cruise in the Mediterranean, also went to the south does not require the sun bask in a coma, had to eat a live, there are like-minded partners, nor the intrusion of the north wind and the police. That's a good life. 索比:(小声说)哼,那些以公益设施对城镇穷苦人没有一点作用,早点拆了才好,让我遭受精神的折磨,还不如法律来的好呢。看来我要做点什么,让我愉快的度过三个月 Soapy: (whispered) hum, those in the urban poor people do not have a little effect on public welfare facilities, down early enough, let me suffer from mental torture, is not as good as the law to do. What do I have to do to make me happy for three months.


感恩祖国的诗歌 本文是关于诗词名句的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 感恩祖国的诗歌 1、《感恩祖国》 假如我们是一只小鸟 您就是蓝天 让我们在您的怀抱里飞翔 假如我们是一只小鸟 您就是大树 让我们在你的肩膀上搭巢 让我们冬暖夏凉 假如我们是夜晚路上的行人 您就是天上那最亮的月亮 永远伴随在我们身边为我们照亮回家的路 假如我们是树林里迷路的游人 您就是我们手中的指南针 指引我们找到回家的方向 假如我们是雨中的路人 您就是我们的雨衣 为我们遮风挡雨……

2、《亲爱的祖国母亲》 亲爱的祖国母亲孕育着我们 养育着我们的子子孙孙 我一生有两个母亲 一个是我的亲生母亲 一个是伟大祖国母亲 亲生母亲把我带到了这个世界上 让我见到了和蔼可卿的祖国母亲 啊!亲爱的祖国母亲 是你养育了我们让我们的血液继续流传下去!!! 3、《我和我的祖国》 不错,你是—— 我的母亲 我的寄托 我的根 不错,我是—— 你的大脑 你的心脏 你的脸 你有血有肉 我有情有欲 我死了

你就是一具死尸 4、《身边的祖国》 看得见你的笑脸 听得见你的声音 真切感受得到你的脉搏和心跳 身边的祖国 可是你清晰又朦胧的形象 不要问秋天的蔚蓝明净 勇于攀登的路频频刷新一线起点 不要问层林尽染的涵义 春秋华章续写没有硝烟的流血与牺牲 不要问万里山川走过的路 瞻望未来的走势依然高远,逶迤绵延 不要问锦绣河山飘荡的丝帛 那里可有激情澎湃的心潮涌动的光彩 夜里我头枕神州卷册,白天我依仗清风水墨 燕子啊,你的呢喃说出百姓保障住房乔迁的新居秋虫渐弱的呻吟平息尘世为名利所累的皮毛琐屑星光一闪,亮起你珍藏的无数明眸 月亮升起,翩跹你羽化的银色翅翼 那匹千里马日夜贲张共和的奇八经脉 争分夺秒的滴答合着国泰民安的节拍……


关于感恩歌颂党诗歌 共产党一直致力为国人谋福,治理国家,我们应该学习党的良好精神。以下是小编整理的关于感恩歌颂党诗歌,希望你喜欢。 1. 九十年来的理想信念, 九十年来的纲领路线, 只为中华民族的振兴, 只为祖国强盛人民幸福。 九十年的日月星辰, 九十年的艰苦奋斗, 洒满了共产党人泪水和汗水, 映红了共和国的希望与愿望。 “没有共产党就没有新中国” 一辈子都如醉如痴地唱, 赞美您啊,鲜红的党旗! 跟着您啊,奋勇的向前! 2. 听着歌声成长, 凝望红旗长大, 过着甜蜜生活,

挽着幸福走路。 我是快乐的“山顶洞”后人。当我举起铁拳, 站在党旗下, 那是一种庄严, 那是一种神圣, 那是一种荣光。 是党旗叫我有远大的理想 是党旗给我坚定的方向。 我成为一名党员 有一种责任 有一种奉献, 是我事业的指南 有一份热情 有一份宽容 是我待友的信念 有一种吃苦, 有一种肯干 是我工作的态度 有一份真诚 有一份关心 是我家庭的航船

党旗飘飘四季如歌 你伴我们走过岁月峥嵘。 党旗飘飘江山如画, 你领我们奔向时代高峰歌颂党的经典诗词10首歌颂党的经典诗词10首。 7月1日是您的生日,今天 我揩一把泪水,串成感恩的珍珠, 给光荣的中国共产党一件生日的礼品: 那是和平环境下自己在三尺讲台耕耘的一点收获, 那是党的好政策给“右派”子女播出的生活美景; 那是改革开放渐渐丰腴起来的农村的小康生活, 那是科技创新给我们山区人带来的锦绣前景。 我唱起赞歌, 激昂的是伊通河的汹涌怒涛, 低沉的是大孤山的松林阵阵。 悠扬的是长江的亘古绵延, 高亢的是珠穆朗玛峰的高耸入云。 我举起酒杯, 醇香的是感恩的汉字, 浓烈的是对党的赤诚。 我捧上鲜花, 含苞的是青春的祝福,


感恩赞美诗歌 感恩不是简单的报恩,它是一种责任,自立,自尊和追求一种阳光人生的一种精神境界。一起来欣赏感恩赞美诗歌吧! 感恩赞美诗歌【1】:绿叶在林中吟唱, 谱写着一曲曲感恩的乐章, 那是大树对滋养它大地的感恩; 白云在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡, 绘画着一幅幅感人的画像, 那是白云对哺育它的蓝天的感恩。 因为感恩,才会有这个多彩的社会; 因为感恩,才会有真诚的友情; 因为感恩,才让我们懂得了生命的芬芳! 学会感恩——感激我的父母, 因为他们给了我宝贵的生命。 母亲的皱纹深了,却滋润了我青春的脸庞, 父亲的手粗了,却使我变得更加坚强, 母亲的眼睛花了,却把明亮的双眸给了我, 父亲的腰弯了,却给了我挺直的脊梁。 父母没有给我们荣华富贵, 但赐予了生命和土壤。 父母没有让我们坐收渔利,

但给予了勇气和信仰。 无论你们多么的贫穷, 在我们的眼里,却最富康; 无论你们多么的平凡, 在我们的心里,却胜过世上任何的偶像! 假如说母爱是一页小船, 载着我们从少年走向成熟; 那么父爱就是一片海洋, 给了我们一个幸福的港湾。 假如母亲的真情, 点燃了我们心中的希望; 那么父亲的厚爱, 将是鼓起我们远航的风帆。 学会感恩——感激我们的教师, 因为教师丰富了我们知识的营养, 给了我们打开知识宝库的钥匙; 是教师告诉我们遇到困难时, 不要轻言放弃和颓废! 是教师给了我们照亮人生的灯塔, 给了我们在人生大海上拼搏的船桨。 您用知识的甘露,浇开了我们理想的花朵; 您用心灵的清泉,润育着我们青春的梦想。

我们还要感恩于朋友, 因为真正的朋友, 让你永远有一种坚实的臂膀, 他们不仅愿意和你甘甜同尝, 而且能够和你把苦难担当, 携手拼搏、并肩起航。 我们还应当感恩多彩的生活和大自然,因为生活让我们不断走向成熟, 因为大自然让我们沐浴着雨露阳光。生活中所有的挫折磨练, 更因为它们而具有了沧桑! 生命中所有的快乐幸福, 也因为它们而弥漫着芬芳! 学会感恩, 感恩让我们的价值坐标更为宽广; 学会感恩, 感恩让我们的生活处处充满光辉; 学会感恩, 感恩会让我们的青春更加昂扬! 让我们怀着一颗感恩的心, 走向祖国的四面八方! 感恩赞美诗歌【2】:是谁——


英语原文 The Cop and the Anthem by O 。Henry On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild goose honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand. A dead leaf fell in Soapy’s lap. That was Jack Frost’s card. Jack is kind to the regular denizens of Madison Square, and gives fair warning of his annual call. At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants thereof may make ready. Soapy’s mind became cognisant of the fact that the time had come for him to resolve himself into a singular Committee of Ways and Means to provide against the coming rigour. And therefore he moved uneasily on his bench. The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay. Three months on the Island was what his soul craved. Three months of assured board and bed and congenial company, safe from Boreas and bluecoats, seemed to Soapy the essence of things desirable. For years the hospitable Blackwell’s had been his winter quarters. Just as his more fortunate fellow New Yorkers had bought their tickets to Palm Beach and the Riviera each winter, so Soapy had made his humble arrangements for his annual hegira to the Island. And now the time was come. On the previous night three Sabbath newspapers, distributed beneath his coat, about his ankles and over his lap, had failed to repulse the cold as he slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the ancient square. So the Island loomed large and timely in Soapy’s mind. H e scorned the provisions made in the name of charity for the city’s dependents. In Soapy’s opinion the Law was more benign than Philanthropy. There was an endless round of institutions, municipal and eleemosynary, on which he might set out and receive lodging and food accordant with the simple life. But to one of Soapy’s proud spirit the gifts of charity are encumbered. If not in coin you must pay in humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. As Cesar had his Brutus, every bed of charity must have its toll of a bath, every loaf of bread its compensation of a private and personal inquisition. Wherefore it is better to be a guest of the law, which though conducted by rules, does not meddle unduly with a gentleman’s private a ffairs. Soapy, having decided to go to the Island, at once set about accomplishing his desire. There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant; and then, after declaring insolvency, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. An accommodating magistrate would do the rest. Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square and across the level sea of asphalt, where Broadway and Fifth Avenue flow together. Up Broadway he turned, and halted at a glittering café, where are gathered together nightly the choicest products of the grape, the silkworm and the protoplasm. Soapy had confidence in himself from the lowest button of his vest upward. He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, ready-tied four-in-hand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day. If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. The portion of him that would show above the table would raise no doubt in the waiter’s mind. A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing—with a bottle


感恩 一夜秋尽萧风起万树枝摇叶飘零树叹难以挽留叶叶恋枝痛更惜根 芽叶依枝而诞吸乳向阳逐长成株壮枝繁叶茂盛叶阔护枝遮根荫 共沐浴春风拂面同感受夏雨洗礼尽承享秋阳高照迎雪护根愿卧冰 乌鸦反哺赢美誉羔羊跪乳情意真父母养育亲恩高尽孝莫做等闲人

当感恩成为习惯 宁静心在反省 一个人的生命价值该体现在哪里 忙碌看那不停的脚步 金碧辉煌的都市里止不住的孤独 感恩的心不在才有无数悲哀 烦恼也许是欲望的儿子它与妄想相亲相爱 当感恩驻入心口将有阳光温暖心头 像母亲慈祥的手汇成了不绝的爱的河流当感恩成为一种习惯它会御下心的负担 世间有多少迷幻让我们拭目观看 当感恩成为习惯欢乐似水流远 日子尽管过得平凡充实之感实在 当感恩成为习惯生活不愿慢怠 修我行为炼我意识

感恩的心 我们常常会是这样: 怀着一颗童稚的心去追寻单纯 怀着一颗感恩的心去膜拜光明 怀着一颗平静的心去抚慰理智 怀着一颗悸动的心去撞击激情 因为,世界是美好的 如果飞翔,天空就是美好的 如果憧憬,前程就是美好的 如果委屈,眼泪就是美好的 如果爱,给预就是美好的 还有许多美好的声音、美好的颜色 还有许多美好的事物、美好的过程 如果一些美好的词汇能让这个世界更美好我们就不会吝啬自己的语言和感情 学会赞美,学会宽容 学会付出,学会真诚 甚至面对挫折,面对缺憾 面对哪怕是心灵深处曾经的痛

感恩的心 月光依旧心了了冉起不同往日的感恩人还是那些物还是那些 心里面的血液却不然沸沸腾腾 白开水喝的不在是简简单单的白开水 它的味道它的一切 有心的人会懂有爱的人会明白 有爱心的感恩人会做到我的大家庭 我爱的大家庭感谢所有有爱的感恩人 有了你们世界将绽放梦幻的色彩 有了你们人间将充满感恩的心


有关感恩的诗句现代诗简短的1、《学会感恩》 绿叶在林中吟唱, 谱写着一曲曲感恩的乐章, 那是大树对滋养它大地的感恩; 白云在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡, 绘画着一幅幅感人的画像, 那是白云对哺育它的蓝天的感恩。 因为感恩,才会有这个多彩的社会; 因为感恩,才会有真挚的友情; 因为感恩,才让我们懂得了生命的芬芳! 学会感恩——感激我的父母, 因为他们给了我宝贵的生命。 母亲的皱纹深了,却滋润了我青春的脸庞, 父亲的手粗了,却使我变得更加坚强, 母亲的眼睛花了,却把明亮的双眸给了我, 父亲的腰弯了,却给了我挺直的脊梁。 父母没有给我们荣华富贵, 但赐予了生命和土壤。 父母没有让我们坐享其成, 但给予了勇气和信仰。

无论你们多么的贫穷, 在我们的眼里,却最富康; 无论你们多么的平凡, 在我们的心里,却胜过世上任何的偶像!如果说母爱是一页小船, 载着我们从少年走向成熟; 那么父爱就是一片海洋, 给了我们一个幸福的港湾。 如果母亲的真情, 点燃了我们心中的希望; 那么父亲的厚爱, 将是鼓起我们远航的风帆。 学会感恩——感激我们的老师, 因为老师丰富了我们知识的营养, 给了我们打开知识宝库的钥匙; 是老师告诉我们遇到困难时, 不要轻言放弃和颓丧! 是老师给了我们照亮人生的灯塔, 给了我们在人生大海上拼搏的船桨。 您用知识的甘露,浇开了我们理想的花朵;您用心灵的清泉,润育着我们青春的梦想。我们还要感恩于朋友, 因为真正的朋友, 让你永远有一种坚实的臂膀,

他们不仅愿意和你甘甜同尝, 而且能够和你把苦难担当, 携手拼搏、并肩起航。 我们还应当感恩多彩的生活和大自然,因为生活让我们不断走向成熟, 因为大自然让我们沐浴着雨露阳光。生活中所有的挫折磨难, 更因为它们而具有了沧桑! 生命中所有的快乐幸福, 也因为它们而洋溢着芬芳! 学会感恩, 感恩让我们的价值坐标更为宽广; 学会感恩, 感恩让我们的生活处处充满光芒; 学会感恩, 感恩会让我们的青春更加昂扬! 让我们怀着一颗感恩的心, 走向祖国的四面八方! 2、感恩月夜 夜晚, 宁静如水, 月亮在诉说着一个古老的思念。
