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producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of商业计划署商业









reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place, late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place, late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value-a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park, industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place, normal busi ness of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drain age capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of

2.1 公司基本情况






2.2 公司概况


2.3 企业战略与目标







reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value-adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space, total project "Trinity" environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low-car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce, efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong, Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated2

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司3.1 企业所处行业分析

3.1.1 企业所处行业概述



3.1.2 对行业发展方向的预测



3.1.3 对驱动因素的分析


reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place, late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place, late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value-a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park, industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place, normal busi ness of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drainage capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated3

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of



3.2 市场及竞争分析

3.2.1 对市场进行细分






reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value-adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low-car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce, efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong, Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated4

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司走的都是俗不可耐的大红大金路线,主持人基本都是说相声的调子,他们比较熟悉的业务就是布置花车、扎气球、放鞭炮、外加组织一、二、三拜,顺带折腾新郎新娘伸着脖子瞪着眼睛去咬一个丑兮兮的苹果。这种普遍的婚庆模式本身缺乏品牌内涵与差异化,仅仅是走一种老化的形式,不能够充分地体现婚庆所具有的独特形象和品牌价值。为了在婚庆市场竞争中立于不败之地,我们公司力争在营销定位上摈弃传统和俗套的婚庆文化策略,转而将引导时尚和推陈出新为宗旨,“一对一”专业定制化服务的创意婚礼理念作为品牌的营销方向。

3.2.2 预测目标市场前景





3.2.3 竞争环境分析





reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place, late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place, late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value-a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park, industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place, normal busi ness of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drainage capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated5

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of

reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal , and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace ; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value -adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space , total project "Trinity"

environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park , industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low -car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice , and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce , efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong , Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated 6


b .山西艺翔婚庆礼仪公司经营范围较广,在其他公司竞争力弱的情况下,



a .该公司只负责策划然后就直接转给第三方公司去具体做,包括工作人员,



3.3 销售与促销

3.3.1 产品进入市场方式:





3.3.2 销售过程的设计:




3.3.3 销售方法:




producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of 爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司

reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place , late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value -a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park , industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place , normal busi ness of runni ng anti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage , water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drainage capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control , to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated 7


3.3.4 销售队伍的组织













3)制订创意婚礼销售计划 确定销售政策, 设计销售模式。


5)销售业绩的考察评估与 销售渠道与客户管理。





producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of






以创意婚礼中的工作绩效和客户对创意婚礼的认识和服务满意度为主要参考内容,实行绩效激励措施。分等级予以不同的待遇,以提高员工的工作积极性。 A级超额完成创意婚礼销售指标,客户满意度达到95%以上



3.3.5 品牌营销战略的实施




3.3.6 定价策略:



reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value-adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low-car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce, efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong, Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated8

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of 爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司 reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe

d eliminat

e d o

f e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce re

g ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place , late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the hig

h energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elim

i nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value -a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park , industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav

ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place , normal busi ness of runni ng anti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage , water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr

ol drainage capacity insufficie

nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control , to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated 9

浪漫海洋婚礼可定价为 18888元



producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of

reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal , and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace ; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value -adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space , total project "Trinity"

environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park , industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low -car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice , and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce , efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong , Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated 10

3.3.7 促销














第四章 管理组织计划

4.1 公司采用直线职能制组织结构,结构图如下:

4.2 工作描述与职能分析 总 经 理

部 人 事

部 销 售 部 财 务 部 客 服

组 二组 三组

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司总经理:负责本公司主要项目以及各种重要事件的处理,组织制定本公司战略发展规划并组织引导推进实施;根据公司发展目标方向,制定短、中、长期发展战略规划;制定年度经营计划和实施计划;进行监督、控制和指导;






4.3 公司人员管理制度

4.3.1 员工任用制度




4.3.2 绩效考核制度





reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place, late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place, late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value-a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park, industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place, normal busi ness of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drainage capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated11

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of









4.3.3 奖惩制度

















reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value-adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low-car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce, efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong, Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated12

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司 9)触犯公司其他制度记过处罚规定或国家法律行为;



4.3.4 培训资格与方式



5.1 资金来源










5.2.1 财务假设

1)固定资产采取直线折旧法,折旧年限为5年,无形资产分5年进行摊销; 2)由于公司业务的特点,所有销售收入均为实收现金,即不存在销售引起的应收账款;


5.2.2 固定资产表


reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place, late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place, late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value-a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park, industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place, normal busi ness of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drainage capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated13

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of







6.1 企业面临的风险及对策

6.1.1 财务风险及防范手段


6.1.2 管理风险与对策


6.1.3 需求风险


reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value-adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space, total project "Trinity" environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low-car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce, efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong, Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated14

producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of 爱唯依创意婚礼有限责任公司

reatment of heavily poll uting i ndustries. Accordi ng to municipal, a nd muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seve n big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three year s acti on plans", requirements t o De cember 2016 end of Qian, a ll included shut stoppe d eliminate d of e nterprise all shut st opped eliminated i n pla ce; J une 30, 2017 Qian, all i ncl ude d pla ce reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard of enter prise are implementati on disconti nue d; J une 30, 2018 Qian, all inte nds Park producti on of enter prise rel ocation Park i n place , late not Park of are discontinued. In t he proce ss of renovati on, will focus on four aspe cts: to firmly close the high energy consum ption and heavy poll ution, hopeless enter prise g overna nce and production lines, elimi nated a num ber of yearly emi ssion inte nsit y, low value -a dde d products of backw ard producti on capa city. Second, we m ust strictly enforce the spa ce, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access system, promoti ng industry a ccess a nd environmental conditi ons of access of e nterprise s to t he Park , industrial park, i n pr inciple, no longer the class on the ne w project. Thir dly, prom oting re placeme nt and re construction of heav ily polluti ng industrie s, mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui de e nterprise s to energy conservation, re cycli ng and low-carbon a nd clea n pr oduction, a nd im prove t he level of green devel opment. Four to establi sh a long-term supe rvision mecha nism, increase the i ntensity of speci al inspe ctions, i nvestigate and puni sh t he re ctification is not in place , normal busi ness of runni ng anti -polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage , water supply, improvi ng water savi ng. S peed up cross ang support river dike reinfor cement, and along Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, a nd BA Cao slui ce, a nd cloud cover re servoi r, focus fl ood control drainage engi neeri ng constr ucti on, vig orously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde n points gover nance efforts, solid a dvance small ba sin torre nt disa ster governance, efforts from essenti ally sol ution basi n sex, a nd regi onal flood contr ol drainage capacity insufficie nt of proble m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water sources pr otection and, pr omoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pri cing reform and environmental protecti on me cha nism, gui ding water dept h. Further soil poll ution and repai r, strengt hen agri cult ural non-poi nt source polluti on preventi on, mountai n, water, forest s, fields, l akes, various eleme nts mutua l long. Four, manage to tighte n control , to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baol ong, Se cretary of provi nci al party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation tim e i s over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha nged. All localities and de partments t o

the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated 15









6.2 敏感性分析,如图

根据上述图,我们可以得出结论,价格变动对NPV 的影响最大,经营成本次


第七章 未来发展规划







producti on capa city, increase the inte nsity of


reatment of heavily polluting i ndustries. Accordi ng to muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnment depl oyment of seve n big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years a ction plans", requir ements to December 2016 e nd of Qia n, all included shut st opped elimi nated of enter prise al l shut stopped eli minated in pl ace; June 30, 2017 Qia n, all included place regulati on upgrade a nd aggl omeration restr uct uring of enter prise by unified standard reg ulation in pl ace, late not standard of enterpri se are impleme ntation disconti nue d; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterpri se relocati on Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are di scontin ued. In the process of renovati on, wi ll focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy polluti on, hopeless enter prise gover nance a nd pr oducti on li nes, elimi nated a number of yearly emission intensity, l ow value-adde d pr oducts of ba ckwar d production capa city. Second, we must stri ctly enforce t he space, total project "Trinity"

environme nt access sy stem, promoti ng industry a cce ss and envir onmental conditi ons of acce ss of enter prise s to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no l onger the class on the ne w project. T hirdl y, pr omoting re placement and reconstr ucti on of heav ily pol luting i ndustries, mergers a nd re organizat ions, g uide enterpri ses to e nergy conservation, recycli ng and low-car bon and clea n pr oduction, and improv e the level of gree n devel opme nt. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncrea se the i ntensity of spe cial inspe ctions, inve stigate and punish t he rectificati on i s not i n place, normal busine ss of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to pr omote flood control wate r, drainage, water suppl y, impr oving water savi ng. Spee d up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insura nce rei nforceme nt, and Lake Qian slui ce, and BA Cao sl uice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drai nage e ngineeri ng constr ucti on, vigor ously

implementation "strong li brary" "solid di" "spread row" e ngine ering, i ncreased geological disa ster hidde n poi nts gover nance efforts, solid adva nce small ba sin torre nt disa ster governa nce, efforts from essentially sol ution basi n sex, and regional flood control drainage capa city insufficient of pr obl m. V igorously impleme nt the pi ers, algae a nd ot her water source s prote ction and, pr omoting rural drinki ng water safety proje cts, setting up water prici ng reform and e nvironmental pr otecti on mechani sm, gui ding water depth. Further soil poll ution a nd re pair, strengthe n agricultural non-point source poll ution preve ntion, mountain, wate r, forests, fields, lakes, vari ous elements mut ual long. Four, manage t o tighten contr ol, to play "thre e to spl it" battle. Xia Baol ong, Secretary of pr ovincial party Committee stressed t hat whil e the "three to split" operation time is over three year s, but "three to split" must conti nue to catch on, a nd re solve a split ca nnot be cha nged. All localities and departments to the village and "no una uthorised" cre ated16
