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一、随着经济的持续发展,我们家乡这些年来发生了巨大的变化,请以“The Changes to My Hometown”为题,写一篇80词左右的小短文,提示如下:

1. 过去是个安静的地方,没什么污染,人们去城镇主要是骑车或步行

2. 情况发生了很大变化,人多得多了,树变少了,环境没有以前好了

3. 一个新的机场从两年前开始投入使用,人们交通更快更方便了

4. 变化带来许多好处,但也引起许多问题

5. 大多数年轻人还是感到高兴,因为他们更喜欢现代化的生活

The Changes to My Hometown

With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in my hometown over these years. My hometown used to be a quiet place and there was no pollution. People often went to the town by bike or on foot. But now the situation has changed a lot. The number of the trees is becoming smaller and smaller. The environment is worse than before because of too many people.

A new station has been in use since two years ago. The transport is faster and more convenient. These changes also caused many problems. But most young people feel happy. Because they like modern city life better.

二、以“A Wonderful Trip to Beijing”为题,充分发挥想象,写一篇80词左右的小短文。

A Wonderful Trip to Beijing

I had a fantastic time with my father in Beijing. We were so crazy about the beautiful place that we didn’t want to return home. It took us about three hours to fly there. First, we went to the Palace Museum. When we were going around the Palace Museum, I was attracted by the colorful crafts on display. It was fun to see so much beautiful works.

The next day, we went to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. The tour guide said that the Great Wall was built by millions of people in China long long ago. The pictures in the Summer Palce were very beautiful and I wondered how much time people spent painting them many years ago. It was the best part of that day.

三、在日常生活中,网络起着越来越重要的作用。请根据以下提示写一篇题为“On the Internet”的英语小短文。






On the Internet

The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. On the Internet, we can learn about news at home and abroad. And we can get all kinds of information. We can also send

and receive messages by email, make phone calls, go to a net school, read different books and learn foreign languages by ourselves. Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports matches and play chess or cards. On the Internet, we can even go shopping, have a chat with others and make friends. We are only limited by our imagination. The Internet is really a new, very useful thing. In a word, the Internet has made our lives more colorful and meamingful.

四、根据要点提示,以My reading habits为题写一篇不少于80词的短文,介绍自己的阅读习惯并发表观点。





My reading habits

I love reading different types of books and I am especially interested in history books. Every night before going to bed I read books for half an hour. It seems that I can’t sleep well if I don’t read for a while. I spend at least seven hours a week reading books. Some of my friends love reading too.We usually spend a half day in the city library at the weekend. Time always seems to go fast when we are reading interesting books. Our Chinese teacher gives us lots of advice on books. Reading is great fun. Books help me learn more about the world.


Unit 5

请以Good manners in public 为题写一篇不少于80词的短文,要求各举出至少两种礼貌和不礼貌的行为;语句通顺,条理清楚。(参考词汇:respect尊敬;behaviour行为;spit吐痰;quarrel争吵)

Good manners in public


Good manners in public

Good manners means behaving politely in social communication.

A person with good manners always obeys the public rules. He is welcome everywhere because he is always thinking of others. He will not push in before others, but queue quietly for his turn. He always shut off his mobile phone in libraries, theatres or museums.

Sadly, we often see some people spit in public, drop litter everywhere, pick flowers or walk on the grass in the park, quarrel with each other in public. Nobody wants to be with those ill-mannered people.

To be a person with good manners, we must pay attention to our behaviours in public. We must be polite to others, show respect to others and make those around us comfortable.

In short, being polite costs nothing and gains everything.

Unit 6

根据以下要点,写一篇短文向你的同学介绍世界特殊奥运会(the Special Olympics World Games)。要求语句通顺,意思连贯。词数不少于80.

要点:1. 特奥会每两年举办一次。2007年上海举办了第12届夏季特奥会。

2. 特奥会运动项目很我,例如……

3. 特奥会参加的对象以及这一活动的意义(至少两点)


The Special Olympics World Games are an international sports festival for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. It takes place every two years. The 12th Special Olympics World Summer Games took place in Shanghai in 2007. They include many events similar to those in the Olympics, such as basketball, football and swimming.

They give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a good chance to show their skills to the worlds. These special athletes feel more confident about themselves after joining the competitions. And the Games also help them achieve their dreams.

Unit 7

“希望工程(Project Hope)”实施以来,已帮助许多贫困地区的孩子重返校园。请以A lucky girl 为题,写一篇关于受助女孩明玉的短文。

要点:1. 明玉12岁,家在农村,很穷,过去她不得不每天早起去田里干活,她不会读书写字,但很想上学。





A lucky girl

Mingyu is a 12-year-old girl lilving in a village. Her family was very poor. Her parents couldn’t afford her education. She used to get up early in the morning and go to work in the fields. She couldn’t read or write, but she wanted to go to school.

One day, Mingyu’s dream came true with the help of Project Hope. A kind man donated enough money to help Mingyu go to school. Now Mingyu is a primary student. She can read and write. She hopes to become a teacher and help more village children in the future.

Unit 8


要点:1. 走路有利健康;2. 和朋友结伴有利于……;3.让父母节省……;4.使城市……


I like going to school on foot. It is good for us.

First, walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it’s good for health. Second, it’s fun walking together with friends every day. We can talk about something interesting and know more about each other. Third, if we talk, our parents won’t have to drive us to school. That saves their time and money. Moreover, there will be fewer cars on the roads, so there will be less pollution in the city. Our city will be cleaner and more beautiful.

I hope more and more students will go to school on foot.


关于期末的作文范文 书面表达: 1.同学们,通过学习本单元,你们知道怎样推销一种新产品了吗?请根据提示及要求,以“How to push a new product”为题,简单 谈一谈如何推销新产品吧! 提示: ①确保新产品质量好、价格合理(reasonable),质优最重要; ②通过广告(电视、报纸、网络)对新产品的优势进行宣传,吸引 消费者的注意力;③广告宣传不可欺骗消费者。 要求: ①字迹工整,层次清晰;②语句通顺,语法正确; ③不少于70词(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 How to push a new product First, make sure that your new product is of good quality and its price is reasonable. Good quality is the most important thing. Then you should tell the customers how wonderful your product is. But how do you push your new product? You can choose a type of ad — TV, newspaper or Inter. Find different ways to catch the customers’ eye. The ad can make customers know the advantages of your new product and the ways to use it. But remember that never cheat people! 2.


.Friendship Everyone has friends . Friendship is one of the most important thing in our daily life. A friend is one who is there for you when you are in trouble . And when you are happy , you are willing to share them with him/her. You can not live without a friend , just like you can not live without air . Your most close ones are friends besides your parents . If you have friends , remember to take care of each other and to forgive his/her mistakes . Only in this way can your friendship last longer. Friendship can make us happy and warm. So we should make more friends. (七)暑假的打算what are you going to do in the summer holiday ?My summer vacation of this year will be very enjoyable. I will go to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. I will spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I will write down what happened in my diary every day. Besides that, I will help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. I will help them read English improve their spoken English. Their parents thank me for thi


高二关于生活的期末作文_《我所向往的生活》作文范文五篇 一个人不能去逃避生活,放弃生活,要鼓起勇气,坚强、勇敢的去体会生活,学会生活,感谢、分享生活。-今天小编给大家分享一下有关于生活的话题作文,让我们一起来 欣赏一下吧! 我所向往的生活,是,我是我。是不带面具的生活。做不受约束的真我。不需要为不 想要的东西拼搏,不需要被谁监督,被谁压迫,那种生活里,我只是我。 如果我是我,我会为了速度而生活,或许有一辆三汽缸的哈雷摩托,戴着头盔在公路 上向着远方呼啸而过,过一种在路上的生活,自我放逐式地漂泊。 如果我是我,我会为了自由而生活,或许是一艘只有我一个人的快艇上,向着大海,鸣着汽笛握着舵,前进,不是为了横渡什么洋什么海,只是为了艇尾的网能捞到更多的鱼虾。 如果我是我,我会为了爱而生活,或许娶两个我爱的或爱我的老婆,生一打小小的我,在大房子里教他们唱我喜欢的歌。 如果我是我,我会为了纯粹的快乐而生活,或许在湘西小镇里踩着单车,听着山歌, 沐浴着暖暖的月色,不留车辙的经过,或许在火车站上弹着吉它,看帽子逐渐满起来或依 然空荡地唱。 如果我是我,我会为了兴趣而生活,或许在大街上戴副墨镜装瞎子替别人算命摸骨胡詡,或许在电脑旁把那些不切实际的幻想敲成小说发到网上,或许买一堆画笔和染料,堆 在阁楼里拼凑那些粉状的阳光。 如果我是我,我会为了飞翔而生活,或许当不成飞机师就买一大堆氢气球和一张圆底 餐桌,把气球绑在桌腿上,坐在桌底就到云里午睡上一辈子。 如果我是我,我会为了探索而生活,或许潜进海底躺着珊瑚礁上看美丽的漩涡,或许 在实验室里看生命的本质是什么,或许飞到遥远的天际看星光近距离地闪烁。 如果我是我,我会为了梦想而生活,梦想是什么?做真的我,如果我是我,我会不懈 的寻找真我,成为真正的我。 很矛盾地说,生活的真正意义在于不断追寻生活的意义,是的,我的生活,使这样的---- 其实,我还不是我,但我总会变成我,因为无论怎么说,我才有资格做我,很矛盾吗?但这就是我,是的,我所向往的生活,只不过是,我是我。


小学生描写期末考试作文范文5篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 小学生描写期末考试作文1 今天期末大考试,给我了很大的压力,尽管我在考试前复习的很充分,很好,但是这些卷子我们一无所知,我希望能考个好成绩。这是一次期末大大的测试。开始了,“叮,叮,叮”考铃打响,我们迅速地做了起来,“聚拢”“羊八井热泉”“因为......所以......”“亡羊补牢”...... 我把前面都统统的做完了,我又快速地看了作文题目,哦~原来是这样,叫你写事情的作文啊,我心想:杨老师,你猜的真准,不愧是名师啊,哈哈!我一话不说的动起笔来,写完了,还有很多时间,我就开始检查了!但是,我检查到“夜晚,我抬头望哪皎洁、弯弯的月亮___________________。(填诗句)”我就做不出了,我随便一想,写了个小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。到底对不对?考完了,交卷了。杨老师在考完后走进来,我的们都说了自己的答案,但是杨老师也不确定答案!唉~~~怎么办?等成绩呗!真希望考个好成绩(第2名),做个原本的“千年老二”,好拿奖品,我省心啊! 小学生描写期末考试作文2 昨天期末考试刚考完,我心里的那块大石头总算落地了。我呢!觉得我这次考的还不错。语文题目基本上还挺简单,就是阅读和作文上遇到了一点小困难,不过马上就解决了,我认为我的阅读理解能力比较差,作文呢!

因为这次的作文是《这就是我》,都令我们出乎意料,不过,还好都是写人的,我便很快的写出来了数学就是填空题和应用题使我束手无策,只好先把其它的题目先写了,之后再回来做,直到有答案时,才提心吊胆的写上去,也不是很确定,就偷偷的把题目抄下来,回家问爸爸请教了。英语题目上基本上还蛮简单的。 科学也都是一些简单的题目,没有遇到什么难题,就是解答题难了点儿。其他就全都做出来了。希望下个星期去拿成绩报告单是,能得一个自己满意的高分。 小学生描写期末考试作文3 期末考试在27号就已经正式结束了,原本打算好好玩一场的,但现在还是提心吊胆,无论如何也落不下来了。 我现在的心情真的很复杂,说难过吧,的确,语文只考了84;说开心吧,也对,英语考了100。 语文,你的语文!我在心里抱怨。原本我的语文是比较好的,但数学很薄弱,平时只考七八十分,而现在却反了反,数学一下子变成了93分,而语文却化为了84...... 想想,仔细想想,毕业进入中学时的语文成绩在原来班里数一数二,名列前茅,而这时的成绩与那时相比差了10分,10分,已经不是一个小数目了! 我没去看语文考卷,也不知道自己大概错的地方。但数学考卷却发下来了,确实,有几题要稍微动一下脑筋,灵活运用;但有些题目是做过的,我仍然错,大题小题一定要错一些才满足吗? 其实在数学上,我是非常粗心的。在股票方面我觉得我还没有完全弄明白,还有


范文1:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Students’ Rating of Their Teachers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍; 2. 人们对其持不同态度; 3. 我的看法。 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system. They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These ju dgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues. I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject. 范文2:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Attend Your Classes Regularly. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象;


初一期末考试优秀作文范文800字作文 我曾看见你怀中大片大片寂寞的白,让你茫然不知所措。我曾看见你躲在树下,数夕阳映照的残卷落叶。我把微笑分你一半,希望你的笑颜宛如花朵宛如梦。 ——题记 老师说初二是分水岭,好学生的成绩一下子就上去了。我点点头,你却在桌下写着小诗。我说你很有文艺天赋,你笑着一字不落全部收下,你说这是你的梦想。 成绩·障碍 今天是评讲卷子,老师在讲台上说着,神情严肃。我看见了你的身形微颤,是错觉,吗?卷子发下来,我看见你迫不及待地把他揉成一团,扔进抽屉里,然后又拿出,小心地抚平,愣愣地望着那醒目红色的六字打头成绩。你趴在桌上,目光呆滞,眼神不知道飘忽在哪里。你悄悄地用修正带把那个六字一遍遍抹去,拉出哗哗的声响。你告诉我,你想放弃,放弃你最爱的文字,放弃你最想坚持的梦想。我看见你的眼眶,分明通红。 我把微笑分你一半,你把寂寞与悲伤分我一半。就算你有再多的悲伤,我们都是一半一半。我看见你笑了,你把悲伤分给我了吗?你感受到我的快乐了吗?你决定坚持着你的梦想吗?因为看见你的笑,我会更加快乐,因为我们都是彼此的心啊。 家长·期许 我看见你的妈妈进了办公室,满脸的担忧。你说你心疼,却

不敢表达。出来时,你妈妈向你挥手,你跑过去站在她的身旁。你已经,比你妈妈高了……你听妈妈说着,临走时,你妈妈也不忘给你翻翻领子,叮嘱你。不知你是否看见你妈妈那些银发,也不知你是否看见你妈妈离去时的孤寂背影。 你回来时,我看见晶莹的泪在脸上淌成心疼的不舍。你哭了,深蓝色晕染了大片桌布。你再一次说你做不到,你再一次想放弃你的梦想。 我把肩膀借你哭,没有什么是不可能的,坚信自己,不要再哭了。让我把微笑分你一半,让你分享到我的快乐和喜悦,让你能感受到我那颗快乐的心。我的快乐分享给你,因为你的欢乐而使我快乐。我在分享的同时,获得快乐。 我把我的微笑分你一半。 你依然坚持着你的梦想,只不过你不怕前路阻碍,你在苍穹之下旷野之上伫立,迎风展开笑颜,你我的分享快乐彼此,把我的微笑分你一半。


My neighbourhood 我的小区 Q1:Where is your neighbourhood?小区在郊区还是市中心? Q2:What can you see in your neighbourhood? 描述一下小区里常见的公共设施。 Q3:Who can you usually see in your neighbourhood? What do they usually do?说说小区里你经常能看见的从事各种职业的人们以及他们常做的事。 Q4:What do you think of your neighbourhood?/ How do Q1:Do you like living in the city? Why or why not?你喜欢住在城市里么?为何或为何不? Q2:What do you usually do when you live in the city? 住在 Q1:What is your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么? Q2:What ’s the weather like in this season?这季节天气如何? Q3:What can you see in this season?在这季节里你能看见什么?(自然景物变化) Q4:What do you usually do in this season?你在这个季节通常干什么? 过健康的生活 Q1:Do you live a healthy life?你生活健康吗? Q2:What can we do to stay healthy?我们应该做些什么来图一:晚睡/早睡 图二:玩电脑游戏 /锻炼身体 图三:很多垃圾食品和饮料/很多健康食品 Look at the pictures which show Danny ’s bad habits in the past and good habits now. Q1: What bad habits did Danny have in the past? 丹尼过去 有哪些坏习惯? Q2: What did he do to change his bad habits? 现在他是如Q1:When and where are you going to have the party?你打算何时开这个派对? Q2:Who will come to the party?谁会来参加派对? Q3:What will you do at the party? 你在派对上会做些什birthday party you had last week 写封信给朋友说说你参加的一个派对 Q1:When and where did you have the party?派对何时举行的? Q2: Who came to the party?谁来派对了? Q3:What did you do at the party?你在派对上做了什么? Q1:Where do we have rules?我们在哪些地方有规则? Q2:What rules do we have to obey(遵守) at these places ? Q1:What kind food is your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? Q2:Why do you like it?你为何喜欢它? My neighbourhood 我的小区 Q1:Where is your neighbourhood? 小区在郊区还是市中心? Q2:What can you see in your neighbourhood? 描述一下小区里常见的公共设施。 Q3:Who can you usually see in your neighbourhood? What do they usually do?说说小区里你经常能看见的从事各种职业的人们以及他们常做的事。 Q4:What do you think of your neighbourhood?/ How do Q1:Do you like living in the city? Why or why not?你喜欢住在城市里么?为何或为何不? Q2:What do you usually do when you live in the city? 住Q1:What is your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么? Q2:What ’s the weather like in this season?这季节天气如 何? Q3:What can you see in this season?在这季节里你能看见什么?(自然景物变化) Q4:What do you usually do in this season?你在这个季节通常干什么? 过健康的生活 Q1:Do you live a healthy life?你生活健康吗? Q2:What can we do to stay healthy?我们应该做些什么来 图一:晚睡/早睡 图二:玩电脑游戏/锻炼身体 图三:很多垃圾食品和饮料/很多健康食品 Look at the pictures which show Danny ’s bad habits in the past and good habits now. Q1: What bad habits did Danny have in the past? 丹尼过去有哪些坏习惯? Q2: What did he do to change his bad habits? 现在他是 Q1:When and where are you going to have the party?你打算何时开这个派对? Q2:Who will come to the party?谁会来参加派对? Q3:What will you do at the party?你在派对上会做些什birthday party you had last week 写封信给朋友说说你参加的一个派对 Q1:When and where did you have the party?派对何时举行的? Q2: Who came to the party?谁来派对了? Q3:What did you do at the party?你在派对上做了什么? Q1:Where do we have rules?我们在哪些地方有规则? Q2:What rules do we have to obey(遵守) at these places ? Q1:What kind food is your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? Q2:Why do you like it?你为何喜欢它?


六年级小学生期末总结作文范文5篇 时间真如江河之水,一去不复返。一个学期怎么就这么短,转瞬便已过去。这个学期结束了,我也该对自己做个期末总结了吧!下面就是小编给大家整理的六年级小学生期末 总结作文范文5篇,希望大家喜欢! 嗨!时间真如江河之水,一去不复返。一个学期怎么就这么短,转瞬便已过去。这个 学期结束了,我也该对自己做个期末总结了吧! 昨天刚考完期末考试,回家后我还一直是信心满满。今天上午老师叫我去帮忙登一下 分数。同去的还有班上的熊雨欣和罗文杰。我在抄写分数的时候,我留心了一下自己的考试成绩。语文和数学考的还行,就是英语考的太差了,只得了90分,我原本对父母夸下 海口说一题都没错,这下简直令我羞愧得无地自容。我实在是该好好的反省一下了。回想 在期末考试的前一个多月,我几乎没有读一下英语课本,父母每次提醒我听读,我根本就 没有去做,只是忽悠他们说:“我全都会了”。俗话说:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。我以前每天 种下的恶因,现在轮到我尝苦果的时候了。相比之下,那几位得高分的同学,就比我刻苦 得多了,据我所了解,英语得高分的冯文涛和戴妮娜,每天听读英语至少一小时,他们得 不到高分才怪呢!我付出的实在是太少了。那些得高分的同学都有一个共同的特点:就是 熟读课文,擅写单词。而英语原本就是我的弱项,我却从来没有好好的用功。所以也只能 得这样的分数了。幸好,我的语文进步了一点,数学没退也没进,但英语落后了这么多,这似乎是在告戒我:没有好的学习态度,自以为是的心理,拖拉懒惰的毛病……种种坏习 惯如果不改正的话,是永远也考不出好成绩的。 总而言之,这个学期我是进步不大,却退步不小。今后我一定要好好的反省自己的过错,力争下学期纠正这些诸多缺点。要知道:“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后‘。这是我们 每个人都应该遵循的道理。 这个学期结束了。在这个学期里,老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血,我们也为自己 的学习洒下了许多辛勤的汗水。这次期末考试,我的每门功课,都取得了比较好的成绩。 总结这个学期的学习,我想,主要有以下几个方面: 第一,学习态度比较端正。能够做到上课认真听讲,不与同学交头接耳,不做小动作,自觉遵守课堂纪律;对老师布置的课堂作业,能够当堂完成;对不懂的问题,主动和同学商量,或者向老师请教。 第二,改进了学习方法。为了改进学习方法,我给自己订了一个学习计划:(1)做好 课前预习。也就是要挤出时间,把老师还没有讲过的内容先看一遍。尤其是语文课,要先


【篇一】小学二年级期末考试作文范文 在我家旁边,有一棵高大挺拔的竹子。有一棵小竹子弯向小路旁边,像是在为过路的人微笑。竹子上长了许多竹叶,很稠密。竹叶挨挨挤挤,像在争夺里面的位置。旁边有一棵棵树,树上长满了艳丽的花儿。 南边,有一片泥土,上面种着圆形的树,一朵朵花争先恐后地开放着。还有一朵花五彩缤纷,红如火、黄如金、绿如叶、蓝如天、粉如霞、白如玉。 西边,伐木工人在为瘦如重病老人的树木修剪。我以为他们在伐木,最后我才知道他们在伐面黄肌瘦的枝叶。 北边,一朵朵别具一格的花儿展现我的眼前。特别是叶子,稀奇古怪的。“古怪大神”花的名字真是名副其实啊! 【篇二】小学二年级期末考试作文范文 正月初二的中午,爸爸、妈妈、姐姐还有我在去阿姨家的路上。突然,下起了雪,天空中飘着一片片雪花像鹅毛一样轻轻地飘落下来。 我高兴的对妈妈说:“妈妈快来看,下雪了。”妈妈抬头望了望天空说:“真的好好看!” 后来我们到了阿姨家,告诉表姐在下雪。我们一起趴在窗前望着天空,看着那一片片雪花落下来,还时不时的伸出手去接。 我看着那一片片美丽的雪花。心里想:这雪一定要越下越大,到了明天,我们就可以堆雪人、打雪仗了。 【篇三】小学二年级期末考试作文范文 一个风和日丽的上午,学校组织我们全校去深圳光明华侨农场春游。 那天,我们穿着统一的校服,高兴地走出了校门,我们的书包里都装着自己喜欢的零时和饮料,一路上同学们欢声笑语,路上四处飘荡着我们欢乐的笑声,这时候学校的校车开来了,我们争先恐后地上了车。 我们坐了很久的车,终于到了光明农场,我们首先参观的挤牛奶,我们还以为是人工挤牛奶呢,没想到是用机器,工人叔叔先把奶牛的奶头擦洗干净了,然后把机器插到奶头上,机器就慢慢地吸起牛奶,吸完了一只再吸另外的一只,最后吸完了,就把挤好的牛奶放到消毒房里了。 然后我们还观赏了奇瓜异果,花卉园艺,蚕桑化馆,寻找春天等,最后,我们又参加了巧投飞碟,团体跳绳,巧滚铁环,空猪运动等游戏。 下午,我们依依不舍地离开了深圳市光明农场,天,仿佛格外的


考前必看:Air Pollution The air is badly polluted around us. Because our cities has many factories that burn coal. Every year these factories pour a large amount of black smoke into air besides there are more cars in cities now. There are some methods to solve the problem. First of all, we should ask the factories to stop giving out black smoke into ; we’d better ride bikes or walk instead of driving to school. The advantages of bike riding or walking are that it’s good for h ealth and it doesn’t cost anything. What’s more, it’s a good idea to plant more trees and flowers. Planting trees not only makes air cleaner, but also makes our environment more , we need to recycle books and paper and stop using paper napkins. That can help us cut down fewer and fewer trees. I think everyone should play a part in solving the air pollution. I’m sure that our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future. 翻译:空气污染很严重。因为我们的城市有许多工厂,烧煤。这些工厂每年都大量的黑烟进入空气中,而且现在城市里有更多的汽车。 有一些方法来解决这个问题。首先,我们应该要求工厂停止散发出黑烟到空气中,其次,我们最好骑自行车或步行而不是开车到学校。骑自行车或步行的好处是它对健康有益,它不花费任何东西。更多的是,种植更多的树和花是一个好主意。种树不仅使空气更清洁,而且使我们的环境更美丽。最后,我们需要回收书籍和纸张,并停止使用纸巾。这可以帮助我们减少越来越少的树木。 我认为每个人都应该参与解决空气污染问题。我相信我们的行为会带来不同的,并导致一个更好的未来。 低碳生活方式讨论(名校P48书面表达) Dear Jack, Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it. We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon , we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water also matters , we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal. In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down. More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.


My family There are three people in my family—my father, mother and me. My father is 40 years old. He works in a factory. He is very strong. He likes watching football match. My mother is 38 years old. She is a doctor in a hospital. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She is very kind. I’ m 15 years old. I’m a middle school student. I like singing and reading. My favourite subject is English. I love my family very much. 自我介绍和介绍朋友 假如今天是开学的第一天,请向你的同学做自我介绍。 My name is Li Daming. I am 13 years old. I come from China and I live in Foshan with my parents and grandparents. I'm a student in Jun’an Middle School and I love my school very much. My favorite subject is English. I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite sport is basketball. I usually play basketball with my friends on Sunday. 假如刘芳是你的朋友请根据表格信息对她做一下介绍。 My school day My name is Beth. I'm 14 years old, and I am a student in No. 1 Middle School. I usually get up at six o’clock in the morning. Then, at 6:20, I have my breakfast and go to school by bus. The school is far from my house. We have six classes every day. Lessons start at 8:00 and finish at 4:30. At 12:00, we have a break and we have lunch in the dinning hall. After class, I always play games with my friends in the play ground. I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. 以“My school day”为题,写一篇60-70字的作文,介绍一下你一天的学校生活。 邀请信 Dear Tony, How are you? Would you like to come to my birthday party this Sunday? My family, friends and classmates are all coming. The party is on Sunday at 6:30 pm at my home. I hope you can come. You can meet friends and my sisters, too. Please write to me soon. Yours, Daming 假如你是大明(Daming),星期五是你的生日,你将在家里举行生日聚会。请你通过电子邮件的形式邀请你的朋友Tony来参加你的生日聚会。要求不少于50个词,格式正确。


2016-2017 第一学期期末复习范文 综合一 Sandy 想了解一下她的新网友Jane,请根据表格中关于Jane的信息,给Sandy写一封e-mail 要求:1 根据提示,可适当发挥。 2 列出喜欢和不喜欢的原因 Dear Sandy, It’s nice of you to email me. Jane is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She is a student in No. 1 Middle School. She is in Class Two, Grade One. She likes playing volleyball best. She says it’s an easy and interesting sport. Her favorite festival is Chinese New Year. Because she can get a lot of lucky money. She thinks blue is relaxing, so it’s her favorite color. Her favorite fruit is oranges. Because they’re healthy. But she doesn’t l ike/dislikes playing computer games. Because it’s boring. She is a good girl. Do you want to be her friend? You can email her at Happy Jane @qq. com. 综合二 每个人都有自己的朋友,假如你的朋友叫Jane,请你根据以下内容介绍一下你朋友的情况。 提示:1.所喜爱的学校活动及做喜爱的科目和饮食情况。 2.给出喜欢的理由。 I have a friend. Her name is Jane. She is a healthy girl and she has some good eating habits. She likes eating fruit and vegetables . She drinks milk every day. She thinks they are good for her health. Her favorite subject is math . Because it is useful and easy . Her math teacher ,Mr.Wang, is great fun. His class is interesting and he teaches them very well. At school, she likes having a basketball game . Because she loves playing sports. Basketball is his favorite sport. She likes playing it with her classmates. We are good friends. Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? 你是John, 根据表格信息写一篇文章介绍你和你妹妹Gina 的体育运动情况,可适当发挥。要求:适当使用 me. I always play basketball with my classmates after class. I want to be a basketball player. My sister Gina has two soccer balls and three volleyballs. She likes sports but she doesn’t play sports, she only watches them on TV. Playing sports is good for our health. Unit6 Do you like bananas? 根据表格里的内容,简单介绍你和你的堂弟Jack一日三餐的情况,可适当发挥。并恰当使用连词and和but。 My name is Gina. I have a cousin and his name is Jack. We are both eight years old but we have different eating habits. I like eating eggs and apples for breakfast because they are good for my health. But my cousin likes having bread and milk. For lunch, I like rice and chicken, but my cousin doesn’t like them. He likes hamburgers and oranges. I don’t think hamburgers are healthy food. For dinner, I like bread and salad and my cousin likes rice and vegetables. We don’t ea t too much in the evening because we don’t want to be fat. Unit 7 How much are these socks? 根据以下信息为你的服装店(Fashion Clothes Store)写一则销售广告。要求:语言流畅,语法准确,书写 Fashion Clothes Store Welcome to Fashion Clothes Store. We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like shirts? They are in all colors for only $10! For girls, we have skirts for only $20. For boys, we have trousers for only $30. How much are our sweaters? We have sweaters in red, yellow and green for only $40! They are on sale! Socks are $5 for three pairs. They are so cheap! Come and buy your clothes at our great sale. Unit8 When is your birthday? 请根据以下提示写一篇60 词左右的短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 1)我叫Sally, 来自英国的女孩,15岁,7月12日生日2)家庭人数3人。3)父亲生日:1969年5月3日4)母亲生日:1971年8月18日。5)共同爱好:打乒乓球,看电视 My name is Sally. I am an English girl. I am 15 years old and my birthday is on July 12th. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father was born in 1969. His birthday is on May 3rd. My Mother’s birthday is on August 18th , and she was born in 1971. We have the same hobbies. We all like playing ping-pong and watching TV. Because We think they are fun and relaxing. I love my family.

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