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Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍
Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem.

The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable.

Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live.

Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea.

There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet.

Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.

Some species will survive though because they will migrate to other parts of the world where they can survive. A good example of that happening is the red fox that has already done it. The red fox used to live mainly in North America, but has migrated now to the Arctic.

People like you and me are also in danger, people living in coastal areas will be badly hit if sea levels rise. Desertification will also be a problem for humans, food may become scarce.

One very disappointing effect of global warming is war and conflicts.

With a decline in the amounts of quality food, water, and land, it could bring an increase in global security threats, and war.

Take the country Sudan for example, in that region global warming has played an important role. There is conflict in Sudan, global warming is not the only cause, but it has played its part. The roots of the problem in Sudan can be traced back to climate change, and the scarcity of natural resources.

The conflict in Sudan started during a time of intense drought.

Scientists and military analysts are predicting that climate change and the devastation it causes could bring war and conflict. When sufficient amounts of water and food are running short that is when war can come about. What this brings to light is the fact that ecological crisis and violence are both linked.

Economic calamities are another effect that global warming could bring.

Take hurricane Katrina for example, one thing that climate change does is that it brings us more extreme storms like Katrina. Hurricane Katrina resulted in millions and millions of dollars in damage. When severe storms and floods occur, crops, homes, businesses, and more all fail, and that costs a lot of money, and it hurts the economy. When severe floods occur you also need to make sure that the threat of disease is controlled.

Hurrican Katrina resulted in 135$ billion in property damage. That really hurt the economy that year.

When severe weather does damage it can also raise the price of insurance, and this hurts the everyday person.

Cleaning up a disaster area also costs a lot of money. If too many extreme storms hit in a certain time frame the impact on the economy can be disastrous.

Drought is an effect of global warming that we are already seeing right now.

Many countries are finding that they are currently receiving more storms and rising waters, while other countries are suffering from drought. As the climate of the Earth warms, experts from Scientific American predict that drought conditions could increase by as much as 66 percent. Drought will mean a shrinking water supply and a decrease in crops.

Drought can mean a danger for global food production and supply. This also mean that several countries experiencing drought could have a major famine on their hands.

Currently, India, Pakistan, and some parts of Africa are already experiencing droughts. It is sad to say but experts are predicting that it will get much worse.

One important effect global warming is having on our planet, is that it is producing more intense storms and floods. When you look at the scientific data concerning storms and floods in the last 30 years, you will see that category 4 and 5 hurricanes have nearly doubled in occurence.

What many people don't know or realize is that warm waters give hurricanes their strenght and power. Many scientists today are associating the increase in ocean and atmospheric temperatures to the rate of violent storms.

Between the years 1905 and 2005 the frequency of hurricanes has been on the rise. From 1905 to 1930 there were an average of 3.5 hurricanes per year, 5.1 between 1931 and 1994, and 8.4 between

1995 and 2005. In 2005 there was a record number of tropical storms that came about, and in 2007 the worst flooding in 60 years hit Britain. More recently, Australia has seen the worst flooding they have had in a long time.

Heat waves are also an effect of global warming.

It is no secret that temperatures are breaking records in the US and Canada and abroad. More extremely hot summer days are in store for North America and elsewhere if global warming continues unabated.

Here are some heat waves facts for you: air pollution in urban areas could get worse with the increased heat. This could result in more people having heart attacts, strokes, and asthma attacks. Children, the elderly, poor, and people of color are more vulnerable to the effects of a heat wave.

Scientists have confirmed that the frequency and duration of heat waves has definitely increased by a lot over the last 50 years.

One obvious effect of global warming is the shrinking of glaciers, this is happening wherever there are glaciers worldwide.

Mountain glaciers have been in retreat for a long time now as global warming continues to effect us. What many people don't realize though is that it is happening more rapidly now then previously believed.

Glaciers don't only recede they also shrink vertically. The lakes this melting produces can also lead to more melting. These lakes are like a cancer that is consuming our world's glaciers.

Here is a fact that may surprise you: Even if all the world's mountain glaciers were to melt, the effect on sea levels would be small. However, the disappearance of mountain glaciers would have other impacts on nature aside from raising sea levels.

Global warming will also bring a rising of sea levels around the world.

As glaciers and polar ice sheets melt, the sea levels will rise more and more, and the sea temperatures will also warm. This means more hurricanes, and more flooding due to the rise of the sea level.

Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem. The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable. Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live. Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea. There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet. Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit. These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.

【优质文档】考研英语文章背诵word版本 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 考研英语文章背诵 篇一:201X年考研英语真题背诵篇目推荐 201X年考研英语真题背诵篇目推荐 来源:智阅网 历年考研英语真题是考研学子们必须要研习的资料之一,经验表明,考研英语真题是可以背诵的,很多篇目背诵实用效果更佳,下面是201X年考研英语真题背诵篇目推荐,请参考! 考研英语真题背诵篇目: 1.201X年Text 2科学家应该对动物保护主义的错误言论做出回应。 推荐理由:有一定难度;必考词汇较多;句式典型;文章结构典型;话题有代表性; 2.201X年Text 3虽然经济疲软但是不必惊慌,大众也保持乐观。推荐理由:文章结构有特点(主题在第二段第五句出现); 段落中句间关系典型(尤其三段四段的列举,工整有力) 经济类的话题绝对典型话题; 3.201X年Text 4美国学校应该成为美国反智主义的抗衡力。推荐理由: 有一定难度;必考词汇较多;文章结构有特点;话题有代表性; 4.201X年Text 2对待全球变暖时,应该汲取曾经在吸烟上的教训,赶快采取 行动。 推荐理由:文章结构典型;话题有代表性(环保);最后一段可以作为写作语料。 5.201X年Text 4正式英语的衰退是不可避免的,但又是令人忧伤的。 推荐理由:有一定难度;必考词汇较多;文章结构有特点(以一本书的名字来展开); 文章观点有特色(A shame,perhaps,but probably an inevitable one.) 文章话题有代表性(关于语言的话题从来都是出题人的最爱。)


早上,女士们、先生们,今天我要谈谈发现自己。自从人类文明的加速发展,大自然永恒的 科学发现,伴随着人类的旅程。它被发现我们周围的世界,人类就能够导致一个更复杂的生 命。然而,像g.k.切斯特顿曾经说过,一个可以了解宇宙却从不自我。自我的任何星星更遥 远。因此,我们的生活是一种不懈努力发现更多的自己的旅程。我六岁的时候,我经常想象 自己作为一个优雅的熟练的钢琴家,肖邦的夜间精美呈现在舞台上得到热烈的掌声后,我的 表演。然而,当我上了我的钢琴课,很难忘记我的非天赋技能。有时,我不禁有绝望的感觉 当我醒来时,发现我的现实目标是不切实际的。但残酷的现实。这是我第一次发现我不能拥 有一切。我十二岁的时候,我认为最酷的工作在整个宇宙是一个外科医生。我花了几个小时, 观看戏剧实习医生格蕾,禁不住爱上那些医生的生活方式在屏幕上。我完全着迷了刀和这些 昂贵的医学术语的使用。然而,我不再想成为一个外科医生时,我发现这是成为一个外科医 生的想法吸引我的不是它的真正含义。作为一个结果,梦结束,我发现了更多的自我。这一 年,我十六岁,我可以自豪地说,我不是梦想而是确定将来当个律师。从初中开始,我一直 被授予每一个辩手参加了最能言善辩的辩手。我不仅可以进行逻辑思考也及时表达我的想法。 我的哲学的兴趣也增加了我的理论,每当我试图用一些模棱两可的争论。意识到要成为一个 大律师的道路困难和障碍我不恐慌的原因很简单,我有这个信心和激情在我的追求。g.k.切 斯特顿绝对是正确的:理解世界上最复杂的部分是较小的世界,自己。我后来意识到,成长 是发现自己的过程。我们知道我们真正是什么成为我们想要成为的人。作为塑造了我们自己 和我们塑造我们的生活,我们越来越意识到我们的限制和潜力,因此,学会调整自己的存在。 由是,女士们先生们,我很自豪地说,我发现我自己的部分,所以发现今天和绝对更在未来。 我将永远记住这埋在我的心中。事物不会改变。我们做的。而这一切。谢谢你. 谢谢你.现在,这里是你的即席演讲的主题。这是一种具有挑战性的。如今,许多学生喜 欢高中。你支持这种行为?并将这种爱情关系持续多久?它是为学生的未来发展,好请你的 想法,? 好的,非常感谢你。(这里是几句明显和典型的英国口音sooooo)首先,我想说,这是 一个普遍的现象,而这些天。我们可以看到,很多我周围的同学都有这样的“年轻的小狗的 爱”。我认为这对他们是完全正常的,我能理解他们为什么这样做。他们正试图寻求识别从其 他性而不是从学术上的成功。然而,我完全反对它,因为我认为这对我们未来的发展是十分 不利的,也不会长久的。首先,我们可以知道,我们仍然相当不成熟的心理在现阶段和爱, 最重要的是,我们不能完全理解什么是爱。和最重要的部分是,我可以看到我周围有小狗学 生爱只是梅辛周围寻找快乐而做出承诺。由于这种脆弱的态度,我认为,他们所能做的就是 一团糟,这就是为什么爱的小狗在一眨眼的功夫就死。例如,我可以看到玛丽和戴维将在十 一月的第一天。然而,两天后,她吻汤姆在校园内。这是非常正常的这些天。其次,我认为 这是因为早恋,这对我们未来的发展是非常不利,因为,在这个特别的阶段,我们的时间, 我们应该做的是把宝贵的时间去学习和参加活动,以在未来的一个好的大学。和时间少,因 为我认为莎士比亚曾经说过,爱情是盲目的。和许多年轻的学生就失去了自己在这个程序。 这是非常,非常的昂贵。所以总之,我想从经济学的角度看问题。我们做出理性的选择;我 们应该考虑模块化效益和其特定的模块化问题的成本。在爱的小狗时,我看到了模块化的成 本超过了模块化中受益很多。这就是为什么我认为这是不应该被认可为那些认为真正的爱情 可能是通过这种方式丢失的情况下。我总是说,真正的爱可以等待,因为 如果不是,也不是真的在所有的爱。我们会有什么损失。这就是为什么我有种想法,谢 谢你。 早上好. 早上好. 我的问题是信仰和激情。你的发言中说,十亿次在你的生活中你有信心,时间为一个特


People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced no-snow winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days. The side effects of global warming are alarming. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming. However global warming is mainly due to human activities, such as greenhouse gases generated by industrial production of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide. If the atmosphere in the absence of such gases, the Earth will become too cold and not suitable for biological survival. In the atmosphere of greenhouse gases have a certain thing is only natural that some people believe that there is evidence that even in the absence of human impact, we will enter another ice age. But our concern is the face of the earth's greenhouse gases increasing so quickly has been a threat to life on Earth. Human activities have led to global warming, such as deforestation, which means that a reduction of carbon dioxide into oxygen, and the burning of fossil fuels lead to sea-level rise, Antarctic melting snow and ice temperature. Mean sea-level rise can be used to reduce the land area, melting the ice means that the release of any hazardous substances may also cause further sea-level rise. The increase in temperature of bacteria and viruses will also provide a


关于全球变暖的3分钟演讲 全球变暖绝对是当前地球面临的最大的环境挑战。了解情况的严重性至关重要。您用来为房屋,汽车,企业等提供动力的燃料使地球升温的速度超过了预期。我们正在记录有史以来最热的日子和几十年。令人震惊的是,地球温度已攀升至过去12,000年以来的最高点。如果我们现在不停止,从这里开始只会变得更糟。 全球变暖的影响 随着地球变得越来越热,我们需要立即采取集体行动,而不是等待更多。全球变暖的主要原因是化石燃料。人类沉迷于燃烧它们,从而产生煤炭,石油,温室气体等。 发电厂,卡片和工业产生的二氧化碳会在大气中停留5年或更长时间。这就是地球温度上升的原因。 由于温度的上升,海洋在上升,珊瑚礁正在消亡。当冰川融化时,许多水生物都将灭绝。您会惊讶地知道格陵兰岛的质量损失比新降雪量增加了20%。

因此,随着地球变暖,它将保持收缩。此外,极端天气模式也可供所有人查看。现在,热浪,干旱,洪水正在以更高的强度和频率发生。 本质上说,飓风的发生倍增,卡特里娜飓风足以证明这一点。此外,格陵兰和南极西部冰盖极有可能完全融化。请注意,这两个冰盖目前容纳着地球淡水的20%左右。海平面上升将损害全球沿海地区。此外,飓风,龙卷风和其他飓风的规律性可能会更加不稳定,传播疟疾和其他致命疾病。 解决全球变暖的方法 现在是时候采取行动防止全球变暖,否则,这将是不可逆转的。电力和运输在很大程度上导致了全球变暖,因此我们必须从那里开始。重要的是要注意,没有灵丹妙药,我们所有人都必须团结起来,共同应对整个全球变暖。解决这个危机需要每个家庭,商业,工业,个人的共同努力。 由于煤炭每年产生大量的二氧化碳,因此我们需要找到清除煤炭的方法。我们也可以通过将农业纳入系统来应对全球变暖。我们必须鼓励农民适应更绿色的耕作方式。例如,他们必须少耕种土地,并在空地上种树。


环境类英文期刊列表: A Acta Oecologica《生态学,国际生态学报》法国 ISSN:1146-609X,1980年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子1.143。刊载有关理论与实验生态学方面的研究论文。内容涉及自然环境和实验条件下的群体研究。 Advances in Environmental Research《环境研究进展》美国 ISSN:1093-0191,1997年创刊,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子0.626,2003年EI收录87篇。刊载研究环境科学方面的研究论文与述评。 Advances in Water Resources《水资源进展》英国 ISSN:0309-1708,1977年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子1.806,2003年EI收录98篇。刊载水资源研究论文与评论,侧重基础开发、模拟技术与实际应用。涉及数值模拟、系统分析与数学程序、地表水、水文学、水质、水电系统和废水循环等方面。 Atmospheric Environment《大气环境》英国 ISSN:1352-2310,1967年创刊,全年40期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子2.352,2003年EI收录543篇。刊载研究人与大气环境的相互影响,包括空气污染、微气候学和污染控制对策等方面的论文和简讯。https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0b9784162.html, Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere《大气环境,B部分:城市大气》英国ISSN:0957-1272,1989年创刊,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,刊载城市气候、能与湿度平衡、气象、水文、卫生、建筑、城市规划、大气污染及污染控制等方面的考察研究、数据分析和数学模拟等方面的论文和报告。 Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law《亚太环境法杂志》荷兰 ISSN:1385-2140,1996年创刊,全年4期,KluwerAcdemic出版社出版,刊载亚太地区环境法方面的研究,以促进该区域环境法律、法规的建设和研究。 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology《环境污染与毒物学文献》德国ISSN:0090-4341,1973年创刊,全年8期,Springer-V erlag出版社,刊载有关环境污染和毒物学实验与理论研究方面的论文,包括对空气、水和土壤的污染研究。 Archives of Toxicology《毒理学文献》德国 ISSN:0340-5761,1930年创刊,全年12期,Springer-V erlag出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子1.852。刊载毒理学有关临床与实验的研究论文、评论与短讯,注重人与动物对药物反应的机理、新的分析方法、药品实验研究及法医毒理学等内容。 B Biological Conservation《生物保护》英国 ISSN:0006-3207,1969年创刊,全年18期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,


The serious problem of earth--Global Warming Recent years, we are in a good environment, generally, and do not feel the cold. Why? Do you think this is a problem of earth? Certainly, it is a serious problem of earth—Global Warming. More and more climate experts are beginning to pay more attention to the threats of global warming and figure the solution, caused by greenhouse effect. According to the authoritative survey, the reason are as follows .Firstly, the amount of greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, rapidly increasing in atmosphere. Secondly,the direct effect of global warming is glaciers melting. Thirdly, effect of global warming is that the sea level is rising along with the glaciers melting. Certainly, these things bring many dangerous things. For example,first, the global surface temperature has risen about 3.5 centigrade during the past 100 years and the rate of temperature rise is speeding up. The effects of global warming, including glaciers melt, sea level rise and crisis of human living, is from bad to worse. Second, with the global temperature increasing, the glaciers of north and south poles are melting gradually. Third,the animals, which live on the south and north poles, is facing the threat of extinction in future. For example, the number of polar bear is decreasing year by year. As the sea level rises, a large number of islands are facing the threat of being devoured. In fact ,in order to survive, the devoured countries must look for other lands to live. A more terrible thing is coming stealthy. In the process of searching for other lands, a war, which fights for living space is likely to break out. The worst effect is that global warming is influencing the survival of human being. The earth is a complete ecological system. As we mentioned before, the melting glaciers,the rising sea level and the potential war, will aggravate the wreck of ecological system. Due to the wicked environment, the human can not live on the earth any longer in future. How terrible the effects are! If we do not hope to encounter the awful effects, we must pay more attention to aware of the bad effects of global warming and put forward forceful and effective measures to prevent the aggravation of global warming.


温室效应对气候的影响 文献综述 院(系): 专业: 班级: 学生姓名:学号: 2013 年10 月31 日

摘要 由于人类不节制的排放二氧化碳,大气中的二氧化碳逐渐增多,它使阳光透过却阻挡了热量向太空辐射, 从而使大气层增温, 这一现象称为温室效应. 温室效应(英文:Greenhouse effect),又称“花房效应”,是大气保温效应的俗称。自工业革命以来,人类向大气中排入的二氧化碳等吸热性强的温室气体逐年增加,大气的温室效应也随之增强,已引起全球气候变暖等一系列严重问题,引起了全世界各国的关注。全球变暖将给人类造成极严重的社会经常问题,所以必须及早采取切实的预防与控制措施。 关键词温室效应,气候改变,环境影响,预防措施,防止对策

ABSTRACT Due to human emissions of the excesses, the atmosphere, it makes the sun through blocking the heat radiation into space, thus make the atmosphere temperature, this phenomenon is called the Greenhouse effect. The Greenhouse effect (English: Greenhouse effect), also known as the "Greenhouse effect", is also known as atmospheric heat preservation effect. Since the industrial revolution, human into carbon dioxide into the atmosphere increases year by year, strong sex of heat-trapping greenhouse gases such as atmospheric greenhouse effect also increases, has caused a series of serious problems such as global warming, caused the attention of the countries all over the world. Global warming will cause very serious social problem often to human being, so must take effective prevention and control measures as early as possible. Key words greenhouse effect, Climate change, The environmental impact,Preventive measures, Prevent countermeasures


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英语演讲global warming

全球变暖 Ladies and gentleman: Welcome to attend our international academic conference on global warming. I would like to express my thanks to you for your attendance. As we know, our earth is having a fever. The consequences of global warming suggest that reducing global warming is not an easy affair. First of all, citizens do not believe that global warming is a big deal. On one hand, citizens pay more attention to their personal affairs. They prefer to focus on their jobs and family life rather than global warming issues. In other word, people do not realize that it is their duty to deal with global warming. On the other hand, there is no convincing evidence showing that global warming will have harmful impact. For example, the seaport cities are still safe and prosperous now. The climate of the earth does not extremely change. The food supplies keep growing and the agriculture of the coastal area is still productive. So the residents of the seaport cities still feel easy and comfortable. In a word, people do not concentrate on global warming. Secondly, the desperate need of energy will be a big obstacle of reducing global warming. In order to develop our economy, we have to make use of energy such as the burning of coal, oil, and wood, causing the temperature rise. As we know, economy is so important to our life that it is impossible to stop using energy. What can we do? Governments has put forward a series of policies to encourage people to use clean energy such as wind energy, water energy, nuclear energy and geothermal energy. But the proportion of using clean energy is extremely small so far. Thirdly, most of the countries are not willing to pay much money to deal with global warming. The rich countries hold the opinion that it is everyone’s responsibility to deal with global warming, while the poor ones do not agree. The developing countries considered that developed countries should take more responsibility since they product more gas emissions. Lawmakers from the Group of Eight (G8) nations, together with five major developing countries, said many governments are doing too little to support their speech. For instance, United States refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gas emissions. In a word, it needs a lot of cooperation between experts to reducing global warming. Finally, I wish every success at this conference. Thank you!


英语演讲文章(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲 i’m glad to be here to share with you my definition of success. when we mentioned the success, the usual worldly criteria are wealth, fame, high social status and something other like that. in reality, we can’t deny that these things represent the success in some way. but personally, i believe that success is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals. and to live with a high ideal is a successful life. it is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that make a man strong. so i believe that success is niy-nine percent mental attitude, it calls for lots of positive quality: effort, love, diligence, efficiency and so on. i think the successful life always have these characters. if a person inherits his family’s millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person in material terms, it just can be said that he has the smooth way of life, he is lucky in some way, but that is not the success .unceasing effort is the price of success. no matter what is the result, we


有关保护环境英语演讲稿带翻译 环境保护是指人类为解决现实的或潜在的环境问题,用英语怎么演讲保护环境呢?下面小编整理了保护环境英语演讲稿带翻译,供你参考。 保护环境英语演讲稿篇1 It's my great honor to be invited here to give a speech on environment.As we all know the environment is very important to us. Because it has a great effect on us.So we should protect our environment . In fact ,we can do many things to improve environment such as planting trees, collecting waste paper, write to the local newspapers to remind everybody to take care of it.The most important thing is,I think ,to let everybody know its importance and everybody should make a contribution to it . As long as we try, we can make it. We strongly believe that we can do it ! Let’s do it together! 我很荣幸被邀请来做一场环境正如我们所知道的环境对我们来说很重要。因为它有一个很大的影响我们. 所以我们应该保护我们的环境。 事实上,我们可以做许多事来改善环境,例如植树,收集废纸、写信给当地报纸来提醒大家来照顾它最重要的是,我认为,让每个人都知道它的重要性,每个人都应该作出贡献。 只要我们努力,我们一定能成功。我们坚信我们能做到! 让我们一起做它! 保护环境英语演讲稿篇2 On a Saturday morning. I went to have breakfast. I felt there was a terrible smell and went over to have a look carefully. I found that there was a big pile of banana skins giving out the smell.Just then a young fellow holding a dustpan rubbish to walk towards here . He raised his hands, The big pile of rubbish was here. At once I went to him and said “Uncle , you can’t do like this . These things will rot very soon. It’s

英语作文 全球变暖_The Global Warming

Good morning, every one. My name is Yang Jinxia, It’s my great honor to be here to talk about the global warming problem and some ways of dealing with it. Nowadays, Global warming is becoming a serious problem. When I was a child, I can remember big snow came every year, and the weather was so cold that I couldn’t go outdoors without my scarf and hat. But these years, big snows are hard to see, and even in December, you needn’t wear too much because it’s not cold at all. The climate is changing. In my opinion, several factors contribute to it. First ofall,alotofgreenhouse gas is produced by cars and factories. Furthermore,the loss of forests is another cause of global warming. Global warming will cause some harmful effects. Firstly, some islands will disappear because of the rise of sea level. Secondly, extreme weather results from global warming. When temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease. Besides, some animals and plants will disappear, thus destroying the ecosystem. So we should protect the earth from greenhouse gases. We should plant trees and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Besides, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their responsibilities.Hope our earth can become better and better.
