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Jerry and Carla were asked to choose a person for class president. As they looked through the list of k_______ (81) in the room, they stopped at Tina’s name. Tina had lots of ideas, and she never said unkind things about other people.

“I r eally like Tina, and most of the classmates will accept her, I i______ (82),” said Carla, “but she looks t______ (83)! She puts on too much makeup(化妆品), and she wears strange and u______(84) clothes. Sometimes she wears tings that don’t even f______ (85) her.”

“Do you think we could get her to use l______(86) makeup and never wear decent(讲究的)clothes?” Carla asked.

“We couldn’t. It would make us and her not feel c______ (87).” replied Jerry. “She goes around with high school girls, and she must know by no w how she looks. My mother says it is wrong for eighth graders to look like those m_______ (88) stars!”

“Yes,” Carla a_______ (89), “and what will the teachers think if we s_______ (90) Tina?”


"What are you busy with yourself, Mom?" the girl of six years old asked her mother.

"Making dinner for the neighbor aunt."


"Because the other day the aunt l(81) her dear daughter in the earthquake and is so sad now. We must take g(82) care of her these days."

"Why n(83) our care?"

"Because from then on the aunt can't do what she liked to along with her daughter. Making dinner and doing housework are also becoming so d(84). I don't know what to do. My dear, can you come up with an i(85) to make the aunt feel better?"

All of a sudden, the girl went to the neighbor's house and k(86) at the door.

"What can I do for you?"asked the neighbor.

"I h(87) my mother say you're very sad without your daughter…" The girl handed the band-aid(创可贴) tightly h(88) in her hand to the neighbor.

Tears ran down from the neighbor's eyes. She took the girl in her a(89) and said, "Thank you.

Y our band-aid will h(90)."


One day Harvey’s wife was cleaning out a cupboard.

“Look at all these umbrellas,”Harvey’s wife said to him. “There are eight and they all b__(76)___.”

“I’ll take them all to the umbrella shop and have them repaired,” Harvey said. “They are too good to t__(77)__ away.”

Harvey took the eight umbrellas to the shop and l__(78)__ them there. The shopkeeper said, “They’ll be r__(79)__ tomorrow.”

That evening Harvey went home from the office by bus as he u__(80)__ did. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor between the s__(81)__. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up.

“Hey!” the woman said, “That umbrella b__(82)__ to me.”

“I’m so sorry.” Harvey said, giving it to her. “Please excuse me for taking your umbrella by m__(83)__.”

The next day he collected the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a v__(84)__ behind said, “Y ou have certainly had a s__(85)__ day!” He turned around and saw the woman whose umbrella he had almost taken the day before.


The worst traveler in the world was Paul of San Francisco.Once he f 76 from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home.The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at an airport in New Y ork.Paul thought he was in Rome.C 77 ,he got off the plane.

When nobody was there to meet him,Paul thought maybe the heavy t 78 made his friends late. While look ing for their address,Paul found that the old “ Rome” had changed a lot.He found many high m 79 buildings instead of old ones.He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian and that many street signs were w 80 in English.

Paul knew very l 81 English.So he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus station.He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered in the same l 82 .

After twelve hours’ traveling round on a bus,the driver handed him over to a 83 policeman. But this time,this policeman could only speak English.So Paul asked the policeman why the Rome police employed(雇佣) so many people who spoke English as policeman.

Paul didn’t b84 he was in New Y ork when he was told so.To get him on a plane to Italy,he was s 85 to the airport in a police car.


81.kids 82. imagine 83. terrible 84. unusual 85. fit 86. less 87. comfortable 88. movie 89. agreed 90. suggest


81.lost 82.good 83.need 84.difficult

85.idea 86.knocked 87.heard 88.held

89.arms 90.help


76. broken 77. throw 78. left 79. ready 80. usually 81. seats 82. belongs 83. mistake 84. voice 85. successful


01 2000年 Do you know the word brunch In the west, many people like to have brunch --- late breakfast or early lun ch. People (81) u __________________ have brunch betwee n 10 . and 2 . on Sun day because they (82)p ________ to get up late after a (83) w __________ hard work or want to enjoy brunch with their pare nts, childre n, or frie nds. That is a relaxing( 放松)and interesting way of eating for most (84)f __________________________ . Today, brunch has become most (85) p _________ in big hotels ( 旅馆).0 ne can either ask for or (86)c ___________ it himself. To make it look like (87)b _______________ breakfast and lunch, people choose to have (88)l _________ of dishes( 菜).You can often see the (89)f _________ food on the table: meat, eggs, fruit, (90)v ________________ , orange juice, tea and bac on. 02 2001 年 Here's a story about Mi ng's life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r _______ (59)in China. His homeis a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and dow n. For about six years he has not once bee n on I ______ (60), but he is never Ionely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wan ts to play with his f ______________ (61), he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v _______ (62)him. Min g's father is a fish man but he n ever u ___________ (63)a li ne or a n et(网). Great black birds called cormora nts do the fish ing for him. Rin gs( 圈)have bee n put around the birds' n ________ (64) so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been taught to b _______ (65) the fish to people. And the n people reward ( 奖励)them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f _______ (66). Mi ng loves watch ing the cormora nts, but better still he likes going s _______ (67) with his mother. The shops, of course, are boats very like his o _______ (68). 03 2002年 Do you have a pet Are you i (101) in tak ing care of ani mals Girls and boys who like animals maywant to study to be animal doctors. They're often c (102) "vets". Many of them work in ani mal h (103). Others may work on farms or at a z (104). Somestudy animal diseases(疾病)and try to find w (105) to keep the animals from gett ing i ___ 06). They do studies in m (107) for animals. Vets liste n to an _____ animals ' h (108). They check (检查)its ears, eyes, mouth, and blood. They o (109 ) on animals when they need to. They maygive the animals shots(注射)and tell the pets' o (110) what food is best. 04 2003年 British Milkma n Steve Leech saved some shops and 公寓)with milk and won a

配套K12八年级英语上册 阅读理解填词专项训练 人教新目标版

阅读理解填词 1. 阅读理解填词 Don and his 11-year-old son, Aron, love basketball. For Aron’s birthday last October, Don decided to take him to Cincinnati, more than two h 76 drive, for the first game of the World Series. They had no tickets but h 77 to buy a pair from scalpers(黄牛党). After arriving, they walked in the streets for two hours, carrying a sign that said, “We need two tickets.” There were a lot of scalpers, but the c 78 ticket was $175. They were about to leave when a man s 79 them. He took out two ticket s and gave them to the father. “How much do you want?” Don asked. “No charge(收费).”Said the man. “E 80 the game.”Later, the man explained, “I am w 81 for Joe, who hasn’t missed a World Series in the past 16 years. But he is ill and can’t watch the game this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. He asked me to give the tickets to the r 82 people. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you. You seemed very disappointed and you make me t 83 of my dad when I was a child. I wanted very much to go to a W orld Series game with my father. But I n 84 did.” How important it was to Joe and his son! Here is what Don said. “It’s the most memorable thing that has ever h 85 to us. My boy and I turned to each other 30 times during the game and said. ‘I can’t believe this.’ We’ll never forget that day.” 76.h______ 77. h______ 78.c______ 79.s______ 80.E______ 81.w______ 82.r______ 83.t______ 84.n______ 85.h______ 76. hours’77. hoped 78. cheapest 79. saw 80. Enjoy 81. waiting 82. right 83. think 84. never 85. happened 2. 阅读填词 A m an onc e had four sons. And they never stopped quarrelling(争吵) with one a 81 . He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely no n 82 of him. One day he decided to show them what he m 83 . He called a ll the sons together and put a bundle(捆) of sticks(筷子) on the floor in front of them. "Can you break that? " he asked the y 84 son. T 85 the boy pressed and pulled with his arms, he could not bend(弯曲) the sticks. The father asked each son in t 86 to try to break the bundle, but n 87 of them could do it . Then he untied(解开) the rope(绳子) and spread the sticks. " Now try again, " he said . The boys broke the sticks e asily in their hands. "Do you see wh at I m ean ?" asked the father. "if o 88 you stand together no one can hurt you. If you all d 89 the whole time and insist on going your separate ways, the first enemy you meet will be able to destroy you. " United we stand; divided we f 90 . 81. a______ 82. n______ 83. m______ 84. y______ 85. T______


春天来了 小燕子随着温暖的春风,从遥远的南方飞回来了,一路呼喊着向大地报告:“春天来了!春天来了!” 小草听到燕子的呼喊,睁开惺忪的睡眼,伸一个懒腰,钻出()的地面。啊!阳光是这么()!春风是这么()! 桃树听到燕子的呼喊,融化了冰冻的水面,池水映着天空。快乐的青蛙和小鱼,在它的怀抱里尽情地游玩。 鸭子听到燕子的呼喊,一个个欢蹦乱跳的来到大自然中,在温暖的阳光下,随着()的琴声跳起舞,还尽情地唱着:“欢迎你啊,美丽的春天。” 1.把下面的四个词语送回短文中: 温暖松软悠扬明媚 2.春天来了,它们在做什么? 燕子睁开眼,伸懒腰,钻出地面。 小草融化了冰冻的水面,青蛙和小鱼在水里玩。 桃树笑着扑向水面,把蝌蚪吓的四处逃窜。 池塘来到大自然中,跳起舞,唱着歌。 鸭子从南方飞回来,向大地报告春天来了。 孩子们开出了花朵,散发着清香。 3.文中写春天来了,(),(),(),()和()都听到了()的呼喊。 4.我也能展开想象仿照短文写一写。 柳树听到燕子的呼喊,摇起(),在春风中()。

做什么事最快乐 小青蛙想,做什么事最快乐呢? 它跳到大树下问啄木鸟:“叔叔,做什么事最快乐?”啄木鸟说:“()最快乐。” 它跳到田野里问水牛:“爷爷,做什么事最快乐?”水牛说:“()最快乐。” 它跳到花丛中问蜜蜂:“小妹妹,做什么事最快乐?”蜜蜂说:“()最快乐。” 它回到家里问妈妈:“妈妈,做什么事最快乐?为什么啄木鸟叔叔,水牛爷爷,蜜蜂妹妹说的不一样呢?” 妈妈笑着说:“做对别人有用的事,你就会觉得最快乐。” 1.选一选,把词语填在括号里 耕地采蜜捉虫子 2.连一连 大树下问蜜蜂 小青蛙跳到田野里问啄木鸟 花丛中问水牛 3.请按照第二,三,四自然段的格式,再自己设计一问。 它跳到()问():“(),()?”()说:“()。” 4.读了青蛙妈妈说的话,你懂得了什么?


九年中考阅读理解填词综合练习(14篇 01 2000年 Do you know the word brunch? In the west, many people like to have brunch --- late breakfast or early lunch. People (81 u__________ have brunch between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday because they (82p__________ to get up late after a (83 w__________ hard work or want to enjoy brunch with their parents, children, or friends. That is a relaxing(放松 and interesting way of eating for most (84f__________. Today, brunch has become most (85 p__________ in big hotels (旅馆.One can either ask for or (86c__________ it himself. To make it look like (87b__________ breakfast and lunch, people choose to have (88l__________ of dishes(菜.You can often see the (89f__________ food on the table: meat, eggs, fruit, (90v__________, orange juice, tea and bacon. 02 2001年 Here's a story about Ming's life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r_______(59in China. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. For about six years he has not once been on l________(60, but he is never lonely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f________(61, he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v________(62him. Ming's father is a fishman but he never u________(63a line or a net(网. Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings(圈 have been put around the birds' n________(64 so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been taught to b________(65 the fish to people. And then people reward (奖励 them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f________(66. Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better


考语文全国卷论述类文本阅读 (2020全国卷1)阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 气候正义是环境主义在气候变化领域的具体发展和体现。2000年前后,一些非政府组织承袭环境正义运动的精神。开始对气候变化的影响进行伦理审视,气候正义便应运而生。气候正义关注的核心主要是在气候容量有限的前提下,如何界定各方的权利和义务,主要表现为一种社会正义或法律正义。 从空间维度来看,气候正义涉及不同国家和地区之间公平享有气候容量的问题,也涉及一国内部不同区域之间公平享有气候容量的问题,因而存在气候变化的国际公平和国内公平问题,公平原则应以满足人的基本需求作为首要目标,每个人都有义务将自己的“碳足迹”控制在合理范围之内。比如说,鉴于全球排放空间有限,而发达国家已实现工业化,在分配排放空间时,就应首先满足发展中国家在衣食住行和公共基础设施建设等方面的基本发展需求,同时遇到在满足基本需求之上的奢侈排放。 从时间维度上来看,气候正义涉及当代人与后代之间公平享有气候容量的问题,因而存在代际权利义务关系问题。这一权利义务关系,从消极方面看,体现为当代人如何约束自己的行为来保护地球气候系统,以将同等质量的气候系统交给后代;从积极方面看,体现为当代人为自己及后代设定义务,就代际公平而言,地球上的自然资源在代际分配问题上应实现代际共享,避免“生态赤字”。因为,地球这个行星上的自然资源包括气候资源,是人类所有成员,包括上一代、这一代和下一代,共同享有和掌管的。我们这一代既是受益人,有权使用并受益于地球,又是受托人,为下一代掌管地球。我们作为地球的受托管理人,对子孙后代负有道德义务。实际上气候变化公约或协定把长期目标设定为保护气候系统面授人为原因引起的温室气体排放导致的干扰,其目的正是为了保护地球气候系统,这是符合后代利益的。至少从我们当代人已有的科学认识来看,气候正义的本质是为了保护后代的利益,而非为其设定义务。 总之,气候正义既有空间的维度,也有时间的维度,既涉及国际公平和国内公平,也设计代际公平和代内公平。因此,气候正义的内涵是:所有国家、地区和个人都有平等使用、享受气候容量的权利,页应公平地分担稳定气候系统的义务和成本。 (摘编自明德《中国参与国际气候治理的法律立场和策略:以气候正义为视角》) 1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是(3分) A.为了应对气候变化,非政府组织承袭环境正义运动的精神,提出了气候正义。 B.与气候变化有关的国际公平和国内公平问题,实际上就是限制排放的问题。 C.气候正义中的义务问题,是指我们对后代负有义务,而且要为后代设定义务。 D.已有的科学认识和对利益分配的认识都会影响我们对气候正义内涵的理解。 2.下列对原文论证的相关分析,不正确的一项是(3分) A. 文章从两个维度审视气候正义,并较为深入地阐述了后一维度的两个方面。 B.文章以气候容量有限为立论前提,并由此指向了气候方面的社会正义问题。 C.文章在论证中以大量篇幅阐述代际公平,彰显了立足未来的气候正义立场。 D. 对于气候正义,文章先交代背景,接着逐层分析,最后梳理出了它的内涵。 3.根据原文内容,下列说法不正确的一项是(3分) A.如果气候容量无限,就不必对气候变化进行伦理审视、讨论气候的正义问题。 B.如果气候变化公约或协定的长期目标能落实,那么后代需求就可以得到保证。 C.只有每个人都控制“碳足迹”从而实现了代际共享,才能避免“生态赤字”。 D.气候容量的公平享有是很复杂的问题,气候正义只是理解该问题的一种视角。 (2020全国卷2)阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。


人教版初中英语阅读填词专项训练 解题技巧】 阅读填词又叫综合填空。考查方式是给出一段短文,在文中挖出数空,要求考生根据短文意思,在每一空缺处分别填入一个适当的单词。为降低难度,一般给出了所填单词的第一个字母。 阅读填词题是目前中考试题中综合性最强、难度最大的一种主观性题型。本文谈谈做这类题的一般方法。 首先,把握文意。阅读填词兼有阅读理解与完形填空两种题型的主要特点,类似补全对话,但又不同于以考查口语应用为主的补全对话题。做这类题,关键是阅读。文章意思清楚了,才可能根据文意进行合理的判断,从而有可能突然产生“灵感”,将断层点的意义信息比较准确地反映出来。 其次,注意精读。如果第一遍只是浏览,即使粗略把握了文章大意,对所填单词印象也会过于模糊。因为这类题没有可供选择的答案,所给文章也没有见过,粗略读过,很可能一个单词也填不出来,等于白读。如果第一遍读得细致,初步确定了部分答案,再精读第二遍、第三遍时,因对文章整体内容已有了较具体而连贯的理解,个别细节处也容易作出合理判断。 第三,反复琢磨。做这类题,即便精读一、两遍,一般情况下,总会有几空难以确定填哪个词。这时,不必再看全文了,就抓住空词句及其前后的句子反复推敲、再三琢磨就可以了。 第四,填写准确。这里的“准确”应包括:①符合要求。即所填单词必须以规定字母开头。②符合意思。既符合整篇文章基调,更符合所在句子的含义,不可出现意义断层。说东道西情况。③符合语法。意义相符了,单词选准了,还要注意所填单词是否要作词形变化:如名词是否要用复数,形容词是否要用比较级,动词是否要变时态等。 It is a Chinese traditional custom that people eat moon cakes at the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival. One s 1 about it is almost 700 years old. In the 14th century, the Chinese planned a surprise attack against (袭击) their enemies at the time of the festival. The messages for the attack were put into cakes. The cakes were passed from one person to a 2 . Each person read the messages and knew when and where the attack would h/b/s 3 . At last the Chinese won the victory. Moon cakes are still eaten d 4 the Mid-Autumn Festival. However, the fillings(馅) of the moon cakes now are not messages, b 5 foods such as meat, fruits and duck eggs. On the fifteenth day of the eighth month of each Chinese year, f 6 and friends come together and enjoy the beautiful moon. Shops are crowded with people and the smel1 of moon cakes f 7 the air. Many people go to a place where they can see the moon clearly. Large parks and the seaside are popular places. Once there, people have a picnic dinner, eat moon cakes and watch the moon rise.


1.大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩嫩的芽瓣。夏天的树上,挂满肥肥的叶片。秋天的树上,树叶涂满鲜红和金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤。落叶是大自然的邮票,把一年四季寄给你,寄给我,寄给大家。 (1)这一段话共有()句; (2)填空: a、一年有________ 、________ 、、四个季节。 b、春天的树上,芽瓣是________;夏天的树上,叶片是________;秋天的树叶颜色有________和________;冬天的树下,满地是________________。 c、大自然的邮票指。 2.人有两件宝 人有两件宝,双手和大脑。双手会做工,大脑会思考。 用手不用脑,事情做不好。用脑不用手,啥也做不好。 用手又用脑,才能有创造。一切创造靠劳动,劳动要用手和脑。 (一)这是一首儿歌,一共有()段话。 (二)填空: (1)人有两件宝是指________和________ 。做工靠________ ,思考靠 ________。 (2)做事情要用________又用________。这样才能________。 (三)词语搭配: (1)认真地劳动(2)一双手指 辛勤地双手一根手表 勤劳的头脑一只小手 聪明的思考一块手套 3.夏天 初夏,石榴花开了。远看,那红色的花朵像一簇簇火焰。近看,一朵朵石榴花像一个个小喇叭。淡黄色的花蕊在风中摇动,就像一群仙女在翩翩起舞。 1、这段话共有()句。 2、用--------划出第2、3两句句子。 3、石榴花在开放。它的花蕊是的, 花朵是的。 4、我喜欢石榴花是因为。 5、石榴花很多,从()、()等词可以看出。

4.斧子 老爷爷微笑着说:“孩子,你很诚实。我要把这两把斧子也送给你吧!”孩子说:“老爷爷,不是我的东西,我不要。”说完,拿着自己的斧子走了。 (1)老爷爷说了()句话,孩子说了()话。 (2)老爷爷送给孩子两把斧子,他有没有要?为什么? 答: (3)学了本文后,我们也要做个()的孩子。 5.时钟花 小白兔没有钟,不知道时间,它请小山羊帮忙想办法。小山羊送给它三盆花。 太阳出来了,牵牛花开了,张开了小喇叭。中午,午时花开了,张开了笑脸。天黑了,夜来香开了,张开了小嘴请轻地唱歌。 1、这篇短文有()段话。 2、小山羊送给小白兔什么花?-----------、--------------、-------------- 3、()花早晨开,()花中午开,()花晚上开。 6.金鱼 鱼池中的金鱼各种各样,有圆头的,有大眼的,也有尾巴像花朵的。颜色也不少,有金色、黑色、白色,也有白色和金色相间的,很好看。 它们非常活泼,常在水里游,有时互相追逐,有时一起游戏,加上色彩美丽,真令人喜爱。 1、短文有()段话。 2、文中的金鱼有()种颜色。 3、金鱼的形状有()的,有()的,也有()的。 4、你最喜欢的金鱼是()。 7.浪花 我坐在沙滩上玩耍。浪花看见了,迈着轻轻的步子走来,悄悄地瘙痒了我的小脚丫。笑得我眼泪都流出来了,他才哗哗地笑着跑回家。 一会儿,浪花又唱着笑着跑来了。这次它给我捧来了雪白的贝壳,青青的小虾。 哗哗哗,浪花跑去又跑来,像一群淘气的娃娃。 1、短文有()段,请标出来。 2.填空。 ()的步子()的贝壳()的小虾


2014年四调阅读理解填词 In 1993, Greg Mortenson took a trip to Pakistan to climb K2, the second tallest mountain in the world. On his way down the mountain, he got l (76). Food and water were hard to find, but Mr. Mortenson found a small village. The people there saw that he was in n (77) and helped him. While in the village, Mr. Mortenson w(78) the children write in the dirt for their school l(79).The village did not have money to build a school or pay for a t(80),Before he left, Mr.,Mortenson volunteered to r( 81) to the village and help them build a school Mr. Mortenson went back to the US and wrote to many rich people. He asked them to d (82) money to build a bridge and a school for the village. The i(83) did not work very well, but at last e (84) people heard about Mr. Mortenson’s plan and helped him. That was the beginning of the Central Asia Institute, an organization that has succeeded in building or helping to build more than 130 schools in small villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan With the help of journalist David Relin, Mr. Mortenson wrote the famous book Three Cups of Tea. It is about his work with villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some people have criticized him, however, Mr. Mortenson was given a p(85) in 2009 by the government of Pakistan for his work in the country. 76.l 77.n 78.w 79.l 80.t 81.r 82.d 83.i 84.e 85.p 2014年元调阅读理解填词 Last Wednesday I had a very embarrassing experience. I was walking home from school when I remembered something. My parents were out and I forgot to take my f_____76_______ door key with me! When I got to my house, I didn’t know what to do. It was starting to rain and I was getting w____77_______. Suddenly I came up with an idea. The kitchen window was open so I decided to c_____78______ through it. I put my bag on the ground on one of the garden chairs to r____79______ the window. It was h______80________ than I had thought and I nearly fell and hurt myself. In the end, though, I managed to get into the house. A few minutes later, I heard some v___81_______ outside. I opened the back door and couldn’t b____82_______ my eyes when I saw two police officers! “Can I help you?” I said, but they j ust looked at me. Then one of them e___83_______ that a neighbor had seen someone breaking into my house. I told them what I had done and police officers realized that the “thief” was really me! They thought it was f_____84___, but I didn’t! if only I h ad remembered my key! I laughed about it now, but I’ll never make the same m______85____ again. 76.f 77.w 78.c 79.r 80.h 81.v 82.b 83.e 84.f 85.m 2013年五调阅读理解填词 A business walked into a New York bank hurriedly and asked for the loan(贷款) officer. He said he was going to Europe for a big b__76____ for two weeks and needn’t to borrow $ 5,000 . The loan officer said the bank would need some security(保障) for such a l_77_____ loan. After hearing this, the business then


高考论述类文本阅读试题及详细解析 高考语文真题分类汇编 论述类文本阅读 一、现代文阅读(共6题;共54分) 1.(2018·卷)阅读下文,回答问题。 诸子之学,兴起于先,当时一大批富有创见的思想家喷涌而出,蔚为思想史之奇观。在狭义上,诸子之学与先时代相联系;在广义上,诸子之学则不限于先而绵延于此后中国思想发展的整个过程,这一过程至今仍没有终结。 诸子之学的在品格是历史的承继性以及思想的创造性和突破性。“新子学”,即新时代的诸子之学,也应有同样的品格。这可以从“照着讲”和“接着讲”两个方面来理解。一般而言,“照着讲”,主要是从历史角度对以往经典作具体的实证性研究,诸如训诂、校勘、文献编纂,等等。这方面的研究涉及对以往思想的回顾、反思,既应把握历史上的思想家实际说了些什么,也应总结其中具有创造性和生命力的容,从而为今天的思考提供重要的思想资源。 与“照着讲”相关的是“接着讲”。从思想的发展与诸子之学的关联看,“接着讲”接近于诸子之学所具有的思想突破性的在品格,它意味着延续诸子注重思想创造的传统。以近代以来中西思想的互动为背景,“接着讲”无法回避中西思想之间的关系。在中西之学已相遇的的背景下,“接着讲”同时展开为中西之学的交融,从更深的层次看,这种交融具体展开为世界文化的建构与发展过程。中国思想传统与西方的思想传统都构成了世界文化的重要资源,而世界文化的发展,则以二者的互动为其重要前提。这一意义上的“新子学”,同时表现为世界文化发展过程中创造性的思想系统。相对于传统的诸子之学,“新子学”无疑获得了新的涵与新的形态。 “照着讲”与“接着讲”二者无法分离,从逻辑上说,任何新思想的形成,都不能从“无”开始,它总是基于既有的思想演进过程,并需要对既有思想围进行反思批判。“照着讲”的意义,在于梳理以往的思想发展过程,打开前人思想的丰富容,由此为后继思想提供理论之源,在此意义上,“照着讲”是“接着讲”的出发点。然而,仅仅停留在“照着讲”,思想便容易止于过去,难以继续前行,可能无助于思想的创新。就此而言,在“照着讲”之后,需要继之以“接着讲”。“接着讲”的基本精神,是突破以往思想或推进以往思想,而新的思想系统的形成,则是其逻辑结果。进而言之,从现实的过程看,“照着讲”与“接着讲”总是相互渗入:“照着讲”包含对以往思想的逻辑重构与理论阐释,这种重构与阐释已


福建省2009年高考英语新题型短文填词专项训练9 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边想对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 (1) Dear Bob, Long time no see. How is everything going? In your last letter, you asked me something about Manchester University. Here is the __________(信息)about it. 1. The university is about 200 miles_____from London, and it 2. has a very big schoolyard. You can live in the school______ 3. near the school. They have all s_____ of course. 4. I’m _s___ you will find one you like. I know you 5. are particularly i________ in Human Rights. So I will 6. see if there is a_______ on their website. 7. I’ll send my friend Charlie to _____(接)you at the airport. 8. when you arrive. You met him a _____ years ago, but he 9. has changed a lot since then. Both your aunt and I_____ 10. forward to seeing you again. See you soon. Pat (2) There are many things happening in our family which worth recalling. W____ our six children were young, suppertime was always 1. being interrupted by neighborhood children r_____ the bell. 2. They wanted one child or another to come out and ___(玩). 3. Finally we had_____ good idea. We hung a sign on the front 4. door that _____(写着), “we’re having dinner. Come back 5.


论述文阅读真题训练 一、本大题共8小题,共24分。(北京2017) 阅读下面的材料,完成1—8题。 材料一 首都博物馆正在举办两个精品展,一个是南昌汉代海昏侯国考古成果展,一个是纪念殷墟妇好墓考古发掘四十周年特展。展览甫.一开始,便引来热切关注,预约名额很快告罄.。文物曾“乏人问津.”,只为少数专家学者所识,如今竟备受大众青睐。这反映了大众对文物价值的渴求,也提醒我们,要合理利用文物,充分发掘其文化内涵,让沉睡的古老文物“活”起来,发挥它们在公众知史爱国、鉴物审美,以及技艺传承、文化养心等方面的作用。 文物是人类触摸历史的“活化石”,每一件文物都是历史故事的讲述者。一件件出土文物,一个个考古故事,足以让每个观展者沉浸在千年历史之中——无论是拿着放大镜对着一枚玉器细细观察的老人,还是那些被罕见金饼“亮瞎眼”的年轻人。很难想象,三千多年前的工匠,如何将一块玉石切割成型,又琢磨成高8.1厘米、厚只有0.3厘米、憨态可掬.的对尾鹦鹉。那一套套大气而不失华丽的西汉编钟,虽静默无声,却仿佛让我们听到了古老的宫商角徵羽……那些走向博物馆的热切步伐,让我们看到了经济快速发展后现代人对“精品文化”消费的需求,更看到了现代人对自己从哪里来、到哪里去的历史追问。 精美的文物凝聚着工匠们的心血和智慧,不仅代表了当时高超的技艺水平,而且有助于现代技术发展。古代不少青铜器都是用失蜡法制造的。20世纪初,德国人曾用失蜡法铸造工业用齿轮;1929年,又对失蜡法进行改造,以硅酸乙酯为耐火涂料,用熔点达1500℃的铬钨钴合金制成假牙。第二次世界大战期间,美国人奥斯汀在云南保山见到用失蜡法铸成的青铜器,大受启发,铸成了喷气发动机叶片和涡轮盘。之后,失蜡法技艺发展成为现代精密铸造技术。 (取材于杨雪梅、黄洋等的相关文章) 1.下列对材料一的理解,不正确 ...的一项是(3分) A.以前因为精品不多,所以文物展览观者寥寥 B.要合理利用文物,发掘其内涵,发挥其作用 C.文物热反映大众对“精品文化”消费的需求 D.奥斯汀从失蜡法铸造的青铜器中得到了启发 2.下列加点字词的读音和解释,全都正确的一项是(3分) A.甫.一开始:“甫”读作pǔ意思是“刚刚” B.告罄.:“罄”读作qìng 意思是“尽” C.乏人问津.:“津”读作jīn意思是“路” D.憨态可掬.:“掬”读作jū意思是“令人喜爱”

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