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15.在我校“情系灾区,爱心相助”捐款活动中,某班50名学生捐款数如下(单位:元): 19 20 25 30 28 27 26 21 20 22

24 23 25 29 27 88 27 30 l9 20

5 100 30 45 32 57 68 40 12 30

22 48 59 90 100 30 28 25 39 10

55 12 21 30 40 50 50 10 101 100








Henry was an office worker in a big city. Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyedtraveling in hisholidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw anadvertisement in a newspaper.“Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West HillFarm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding.Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.” “This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “I?ll spend a month at West Hill Farm.Ithink I canenjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. They?llmake a change from sittingby the seaside andswimming.” He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that hewould like to spend all of Julythere. Then on the first of July, he left for West HillFarm. But four days later, he returned home. “What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him.“Didn?tyou enjoycountry life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.”“Oh. What?” “Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and wehad roast muttonfor dinner.”“What's wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.” “I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!” “You don't understand,” Henry said. “On the t hird day a pigdied and we hadroast pork fordinner.” “Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didn'tdare (敢)stay fordinner!” 1.How did Henry find out about the farm? A. He saw it in a newspaper advertisement. B. His best friend told him.


数学第1周周末作业 班级:姓名: 一、圈一圈,填一填 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 13个☆,每3个一份,分成了()份,还剩()个。 13÷()=()……()。 二、填空。 1.计算有余数的除法,余数要比除法()。 2.19根小棒最多可以摆()个小正方形,还剩()根。 3.有31个乒乓球,要装在5个盒子里,每个盒子的个数一样多,每个盒子装()个,还剩()个。 4. 26÷□=6……2中,除数是()。一个数除以7,余数最大是()。 5. 在□÷□=6……7中,除数最小是(),这时被除数是()。 6.△÷5=8……★,被除数最大是()。 7. □÷□=6......3 □÷□=6 (3) □÷3=6……□□÷3=6……□ □÷□=□......4 □÷□=□ (4) 8.()最大能填几?()×8<36 65>8×() 9. □÷□=□(盘)……□(个) □÷□=□(个)……□(个) 10.有50个苹果,至少拿出()个才能正好平均分给7个小朋友; 要再拿()个才能正好分给8个小朋友。 11.○△△□○△△□○△△□……按这个规律画下去,第20个画(),这33个图形是()。 三、选择题。(把正确答案的序号填在括号内。) 1.商是7的算式是( )。 ①7÷7 ②1×7 ③21÷3 ④42÷7 2.计算时用“七七四十九”这句口诀的算式有( )。 ①7+7 ②7-7 ③49÷7 ④49-7 3.余数是4的算式有( )。

①36÷8 ②10÷4 ③18-14 ④32÷7 4.16棵树,平均每行种3棵,可种几行,多几棵?( ) ①16-3 ②16÷3 ③16÷5 ④16+3 四、用竖式计算 26÷3= 41÷6= 30÷5= 75÷9= 五、解决问题。 1、舞蹈队有24个同学跳孔雀舞。 (1)如果排成5行,平均每行几个同学,还多几个? (3)你能设计出一个排队方案,正好排完,没有多余的同学吗? 2、每本练习本9角,小明用6元钱去买,最多可以买多少本? 3、王老师带32名学生划船,每条船最多坐4人,他们需要租几条船? 4、有一堆球,不管平均分给4个班还是5个班,都剩下3个球,这堆球最少有多少个? 5、花圃里每排摆8盆花,一共摆了7排。 (1)一共有多少盆花?(2)如果每排摆9盆花,可以摆成几排,还剩几盆? 6、一辆小汽车上有4个轮子和一个备用胎,现在有28个轮子,最多能装几辆这样的汽车? 7.公园大门上,按“红、黄、蓝、绿、白、紫”的顺序从左往右挂了一排彩灯,一共有50盏,第25盏是什么颜色?最右边一盏是什么颜色?


心理活动课热身游戏 1 无家可归 目的:让成员体会和感受个人与团体的关系,团体对个人的重要性,从而更愿意投入团体,增强团体的凝聚力。 时间:约20分钟。 准备:宽敞的场地。 操作:开始时让全体成员围圈手来手,充分体会大家在一起的感觉。然后,领导者说“变,4个人一组”,成员必须按照要求重新组成四人组,形成新的“家”,此刻,请那些没有找到家的人谈谈游离在团体之外的感受,大多会谈到“孤单、孤独、被抛弃、没依靠、失落、担心……”也可以请团体内的成员分享和大家在一起的感觉,大多会表达“温暖、有力量、安全、塌实……” 可以多次变换人数,让成员有机会去改变自己的行为,积极溶入团体,让成员体验有家的感觉,体验团体的支持,从而更加愿意与团体在一起。 2 信任圈 目的:增进彼此合作,建立信任感,培养团体气氛。

时间:大约25分钟。 准备:宽敞的场地,8-12人一组。 操作:每组围圈,邀请一位成员到中间,其他成员手拉手围圈。练习开始时,圈内人闭上眼睛,自觉舒适地导向任何一方,其他成员必须手挽手,形成保护圈给予保护,不能让圈内人摔倒。他往哪里倒,团体就往哪里去接住他,给予保护,将他推倒到中间的位置。如此倒下、接住,使中间的成员从紧张到很放松。可以换人到圈内去体验。活动充分体现团体的合作。 3 缩小包围圈 时间:5分钟,人数:不限 概述:这是一个不可能完成的任务,但是它会给游戏者带来无尽欢笑。 目的:使小组充满活力。创造融洽的气氛,为后续培训活动的开展奠定良好基础。让队员们能够自然地进行身体接触和配合,消除害羞和忸怩感。 步骤: 1.让队员们紧密地围成一圈,包括你自己。

2.让每个队员把自己的胳膊搭在相邻同伴的肩膀上。 3.告诉大家我们将要面临一项非常艰巨的任务。这项任务是大家要一起向着圆心迈3大步,同时要保持大家已经围好的圆圈不被破坏。 4.等大家都搞清楚了游戏要求之后,让大家一起开始迈第一步。迈完第一步后,给大家一些鼓励和表扬。5.现在开始迈第二步。第二步迈完之后,你可能就不必挖空心思去想那些表扬与鼓励的词语了,因为,目前的处境已经使大家忍俊不禁了。 6.迈第三步,其结果可能是圆圈断开,很多队员摔倒在地。尽管很难成功地完成任务,但是这项活动会使大家开怀大笑,烦恼尽消。 安全:在迈第三步的时候尤其要注意,不要让有些队员摔得过重。 1 大树与松鼠 说明:热身活动,让学员兴奋、紧张起来,具有一定的娱乐性。 活动方法: 1、事先分组,三人一组。二人扮大树,面对对方,伸出双手搭成一个圆圈;一人扮松鼠,并站在圆圈中间;辅导员或其它没成对的学员担任临时人员。 2、辅导员喊“松鼠”,大树不动,扮演“松鼠”的人就必须离开原来的大树,重新选择其它的大树;辅导员或临时人员就临时扮演松鼠并插到大树当中,落单的人应表演节目。


河科大附中周末物理强化训练(一) 班级_______ 小组 姓名___________ 【匀变速直线运动规律总结】 一、匀变速直线运动概念: (1)定义:沿着一条直线,且 不变的运动。 (2)分类:(限向单直线运动) ①匀加速直线运动,a 与v 0方向 。 ②匀减速直线运动,a 与v 0方向 。 二、匀变速直线运动图象: 知道V ——t 图象的特征、斜率及“面积”的物理意义 (能想象出x ——t 、a ——t 图象) (画出图象并说明) 三、匀变速直线运动基本公式: ①速度公式: ②位移公式: ③位移速度关系: 上述三个常用公式是表示匀变速直线运动规律的五个量:v 0 v a x t 中分别不含x v t 的方程式。试再推导出不含a v 0 的另外二个关系式 、 四、匀变速直线运动常用推论: 中时刻速度2 t v = 中位置速度 2 x v = 可以证明,无论匀加速还是匀减速,都有v 2 t <v 2 x 。尝试用代数及图象法证明 相邻相等的时间T 内位移增量为恒量 Δx = , 【应用】 例1: 做匀加速直线运动的物体8s 内,前4s 位移24m ,后4s 位移60m ,求加速度 【拓展应用】]x m -x n =(m -n )aT 2。 例2: 做匀加速直线运动的物体第3s 内位移5m ,第9s 位移8m ,求加速度及初速度 初速度为0,的匀变(加)速直线运动, [v ——t 图象] ①速度公式: ②位移公式: ③位移速度关系: 时间T 连续相等时 1T 、2T 、3T 、4T ┅┅末速度之比 v 1:v 2:v 3:v 4:┅┅= 前1T 、前2T 、前3T 、前4T ┅┅位移之比x 1:x 2:x 3:x 4:┅┅= 第1个T 、第2个T 、第3个T 、第4个T 、┅┅内位移之比: x Ⅰ:x Ⅱ:x Ⅲ:x Ⅳ:┅┅= [逆向思维应用] 例3:飞机着陆过程为匀减速,滑行距离为600m ,着陆过程中前一半时间滑行的距离为 初速度为0,的匀变(加)速直线运动,位移△x 连续相等 发生1△x 、2△x 、3△x 、4△x 所用时间之比t 1:t 2:t 3:t 4:┅┅= 发生1△x 、2△x 、3△x 、4△x 末速度之比v 1:v 2:v 3:v 4:┅┅= 发生第1个△x 、第2个△x 、第3个△x 、第4个△x 所用时间之比: t Ⅰ:t Ⅱ:t Ⅲ:t Ⅳ:┅┅= 例4:火车出站时为匀加速直线运动,某人在站台上第一节车厢前观察火车启动,测得第一节车厢通过的时间为t ,则第16节通过他所用的时间为


编辑: Becky
I have a rabbit habit. I like to crunch and chew On celery logs and carrot sticks, And apple wedges, too. I have a rabbit habit. I like to chomp and munch On crispy greens and juicy grapes. Mmm…rabbit food for lunch! 1. What is a rabbit habit? _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. List four action verbs in this poem. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
The King of the Jungle
The lion is the king of the jungle. They are big and strong. Lions weigh 400 pounds and stand 4 feet tall. If you feel the hair on its face, it is soft. You can find a lion in Africa. They can live for 15 years in the wild. They like to sleep in the grass at night. Lions eat meat, such as zebras, giraffe, and buffalo. Lions live in groups, called “prides”, with about 15 other lions. Would you like to have a lion as a pet? 1. The lion is the King of the _______________. A) Jump Rope B) Africa C) Jungle D) Forest 2. Lions are big and strong. They weight _______ pounds. A) 4 B) 40 C) 400 D) 4000 3. Lions can live for _________ years in the wild. A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20 4. Lions eat meat, such as ___________________________. A) Pork Chops B) Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Chicken C) Plants D) Zebras, Giraffe, and Buffalo 5. Lions live in groups called ___________. A) Herds B) Prides C) Groups D) A Gaggle
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无论您是9岁,还是99岁,任何一个想变聪明的人都可用趣味思维训练题来专门训练思维,也可用它来业余消闲,而最终的结果都是让您的思维更敏锐、大脑更聪明。 【解题技法01】斜面思考法 有一个容积为1升的木桶。试问,不用其他量具,只用这个木桶,怎样才能准确地量出0.5升的米来? 【解题技法02】情境推导法 一架绳梯悬挂在轮船舷侧,有1丈露在海面上,潮水上涨时速为6寸,问多长时间后绳梯只有7尺露在海面上? 【解题技法03】排除消极暗示法 抽屉里有黑白尼龙袜子各7只,假如你在黑暗中取袜子,至少要拿出几只,才能保证取到一双颜色相同的袜子? 【解题技法04】形象换元法 在古代埃及,大金字塔高耸入云,巍巍壮观。但是它究竟有多高?这个谜曾经困惑了许多人。有一天,古希腊的哲学家泰勒斯来到金字塔下,深为金字塔的非凡气势所折服。当他听说自金字塔建成之后,竞无人能测量出它的高度时,大为惊讶,便答应用最简单的方法解决这个难题。一天上午,阳光明媚,金字塔下人山人海,泰勒斯和他的助手带了一把尺子来到金字塔下。开始时,太阳斜照着,人影很长。太阳越升越高,人影越来越短。当助手测得泰勒斯的影子长度跟其身高一样时,泰勒斯立即将金字塔的影子做上记号,并用尺子量出影长。然后。泰勒斯当众宣布,这个影长就是金字塔的高度。当即,人群沸腾了,大家都被这位哲学家的智慧所折服。一个千古难题,解决方法的奥秘是什么呢? 【解题技法05】概念恒定法 有人买了一只手表,用它和家中的闹钟测试准确度,手表每小时要快2分钟。他想,不一定是自己买的表走不准,因为也可能是闹钟走不准。于是,他拿着闹钟去对电台播出的标准时间,结果发现家里的闹钟比标准时间慢了2分钟。


南康中学实验班周末小训练 1、如图是人体细胞中两种重要有机物B、E的元素组成及相互关系,相关叙述正确的是( ) ①细胞核中能发生E~G的过程 ②细胞质中能发生G~B的过程 ③B的种类和数量的不同可能导致生物膜的功能不同 ④E具有多种重要功能是因为B的排列顺序不同 ⑤E是人类的遗传物质 A.①② B.①②③⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.①②③④⑤ 2、肽链在核糖体上合成后,进一步形成蛋白质时需要进行加工,在加工时常常要切去一部分氨基酸,再构成蛋白质。现有一条含100 个氨基酸的肽链,其中含游离的氨基14 个,加工时共切去氨基酸16个,则加工后多肽链所含的游离氨基至少还有 A.0 个B.1 个C.2 个D.14 个 3、已知20种氨基酸的平均相对分子质量是126,现有一蛋白质分子由3条多肽链组成,共有肽键97个,问此蛋白质的相对分子质量最接近于() A.12548 B.10854 C.10816 D.12800 4、某三十九肽中共有丙氨酸4个,现去掉其中的丙氨酸得到4条长短不等的多肽(如右图), 下列有关该过程的叙述中,错误的是() A.氧原子数目不变B.肽键数目减少7个 C.碳原子数目减少12个D.氨基和羧基分别增加3个 5、如图是由n个氨基酸组成的某蛋白质的结构图,其中 二硫键“-S-S-”是蛋白质中连接两条肽链之间的一种化学 键(-SH十-SH →一S—S一+2H)。则 A.该蛋白质至少含有n—2个氧原子 B.合成该蛋白质时生成n—2个水分子 C.该蛋白质至少含有n+2个羧基 D.该蛋白质水解产物增加2n-4个氢原子 6.有一条多肽链由12个氨基酸组成,分子式为CxHyNzOwS(z>12,w>13),这条多肽链经过水解后的产物中有5种氨基酸:半胱氨酸(C3H7NO2S)、丙氨酸(C3H6NO2)、天门冬氨酸 (C4H7N04)、赖氨酸(C6H14N202)、苯丙氨酸(C9H11NO2)。水解产物中天门冬氨酸的数目是( ) A.y+12个 B.z+12个 C.w+13个 D.(w-13)/2个


趣味阅读 ( A ) Most cats like to catch mice and eat them. But this cat and this mouse got on well(相处得好). I will tell you why they were friends. One day, the cat ran into a net (网) and could not get out of it. He bit(咬)with his teeth, but it was no use. Then t he cat heard a little voice: “I will help you. But you must promise (答应)not to hurt me when you get out.” The cat looked round and saw a mouse. “Please help me,” said the cat. “I will not hurt you.” So the mouse bit at the net with her teeth and made a small hole, then the cat got out. “Thank you,” said the cat. “I will do you a good turn (回报你)one day.” Not long after this, the cat heard “Squeak(吱吱的叫声)! Squeak!” He looked about and saw the mouse in a corner. Her tail(尾巴)was in a trap(老鼠夹)and could not get out. The cat opened the trap and helped the mouse. After this, the cat and the mouse became good friends. 1. Which of the following sentence is true? A. Every cat likes to catch and eat mice. B. No cat likes to catch and eat mice. C. Most cats like to catch and eat mice. D. Cat and mouse are always good friends. 2. Who can make a hole on the net? A. The cat. B. The mouse. C. Both of them. D. No one. 3. Which part of the mouse was in a trap? A. Her leg. B. Her tail. C. Her hand. D. Her nose. 4. The cat and the mouse became good friends because __________. A. the cat didn’t like to eat mouse B. the mouse had helped the cat C. they helped each other(彼此) D. the cat had helped the mouse ( B ) A little boy didn’t say a word until he was three years old. His mother took him to every doctor, but there was no use. He was healthy and bright , so the doctors told his mother not to worry. One morning the boy suddenly knocked on the table and cried out, “These eggs are terrible!” The mother was ver y glad at hearing her son speak, and asked, “Why didn’t you say anything before?” “Well.” He answered, “up to now, the eggs have been very good.” 1. Why didn’t the little boy say a word? A. He didn’t want to say. B. He couldn’t say. C. He was ill. D. There was something wrong with his health. 2. The little boy didn’t say a word before he was ___________years old. A. one B. two C. three D. four 3. What made the boy say his first word? A. An apple. B. A banana. C. An egg. D. A pear. 4. The mother was very _________ after hearing her son speak. A. anxious B. worried C. angry D. glad 5. The boy was ________ after seeing every doctor. A. ill B. healthy and bright C. foolish D. surprising ( C ) One afternoon Mary and her little brother Tom were playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)in the street just outside the pose office. Mary had closed her eyes when Tom found that the door of the letterbox had been opened. The postman had just taken all the letters out and gone into the post office. Tom climbed into the letterbox and closed the door from the outside. When he knew he couldn’t get out, he became very afraid and began to cry. At the same time, Mary was looking for him everywhere, but she couldn’t find him. Then she came back to the letterbox, and heard her brother crying in it. She ran to tell the postman. With the help of the postman, Tom got out of the letterbox. “Next time if you want to play hide-and-seek, don’t hide in the letterbox.” 1. Mary and Tom were playing __________. A. near the post office B. at home C. in the court D. at school 2. When playing, Tom hid himself ___________. A. under a table B. in a room C. in a letterbox D. behind a tree 3. Tom cried in the letterbox because ___________. A. he was missing his mother B. he was hungry C. his leg was hurt D. he couldn’t get out of it 4. Who helped Tom get out of the letterbox? A. His mother. B. Mary. C. The postman. D. A neighbor. 5. Why the door of the letterbox was opened when Tom found it? A. The postman forgot to lock it. B. It was often opened. C. Tom opened it. D. The postman had no time to lock. ( D ) Long ago in a quite village, there was a place named the House of 1,000Mirrors. A happy little dog heard of this place and decided to visit it. When he arrived, he jumped up and down and looked everywhere. To his surprise, he found himself looking at 1,000 other happy little dogs. He smiled a great smile, and saw 1,000 little dogs smiling in the mirrors. As he left the house, he thought, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back often. Another little dog decided to visit the house. He was not as happy as the first one. He slowly walked into the house


四年级数学下册第一周末作业 班级姓名成绩 一、计算 1.直接写出得数。 4×24=91÷3=50×20=15×5= 30×90=25×40=3×15=45×20=80×50=60×10=300÷50=24×5= 2.用竖式计算。 35×28= 480×24= 507×4= 3.脱式计算。 (520+138)÷(267-220)18+12×25-23 714÷(30+180÷15)840÷[(144+36)÷36] 二、填空。 1.()个十万是一百万,10个一百万是()。 2.个级的数位有()。万级的数位有()。 3.在数位顺序表中,从右边起,第五位是()。十万位右边一位是()。 4.6085007的6在()位上,表示6个(),8在()位上,表示 ()个(),7在()位上,表示()个()。 5.最小的五位数是(),最大的五位数是()。 6. 5060读作(),5600000读作()。 三千零二万写作()三百万写作()。

7.我们戴的红领巾是一个()形,它又是一个()图形。7.将正确答案的序号填在括号里 (1)图形1绕点0顺时针旋转90°到图形()所在的位置。 (2)图形4绕点O()时针旋转90°到图形3所在的位置。 (3)图形3绕点O逆时针旋转()到图形1所在的位置。 8、看图填一填 1、 (1)小帆船先向()平移了()格,再向()平移了()格。(2)小树先向()平移了()格,再向()平移了()格。 9.指针从B点开始,顺时针旋转90°到()点, 指针从C点开始,逆时针旋转90°到()点。 10.称盘上的指针显示的是()千克,减少()千克,可以使指针逆时针旋转90°。 三、选择题 1.下面图形不是轴对称图形的是() ①长方形②等腰梯形③平行四边形④等边三角形 2.长方形有()条对称轴,圆有()条对称轴,正方形有()条对称轴。 ① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 ⑤无数 3.从6:00到9:00,时针旋转了() ① 30°② 60°③ 90°④ 180° 4.圆有()条对称轴。 A、1 B、4 C、无数 5.下面的图形中对称轴最多的是()。 A、正方形 B、长方形 C、等边三角形 6.把长方形绕0点顺时针旋转90°后,得到的图形是()。 A、 B、 C、 7.右图中,图形B可以看成是图形A绕O点()旋转90度得到的。 ①顺时针②逆时针


“心有千千结”(亦叫解开千千结),这个活动趣味性强,依靠合作,在团体心理活动中深受咨询师和活动成员的喜爱。在解开结的一刹那,组员能体会到那种通过协作共同完成一件任务的喜悦。 这个活动操作方式:团体所有人手拉手围成圈,记住你的左侧和右侧人员,听到“松开手”的指令后,人员自行乱走,这时主持人说“停”,大家停止行走,并按原来的顺序牵手并想办法恢复圆圈,其中可以钻、转身等,但手不能松开。最终恢复成原先的圆圈或者两个小圆圈,也有可能无法恢复,但几率很小。活动完毕后可以引导参与者分享自己的感受,是否打开并不重要,重要的是如何分享,如何去引导组员去谈出自己的感受。 这个游戏就和我们的心结一样,生活在一个大团体中,产生一些摩擦、隔阂、心结是很正常的,关键看我们如何去认识、如何去解开。 具体体会示例如下: 首先,人与人相处需要遵守原则、规则。就像我们在游戏中,可能是有的人没有遵循游戏规则,中途放手了,致使我们费了好大劲都无法打开结。因此,我们在生活中也一样,要遵循规则。 其次,态度问题。出现问题是难免的,关键在于我们如何去看待,如何去处理。如果我们能够学会换位思考,站在他人的立场上去考虑问题,其实没什么大不了的。问题也就会迎刃而解,对立面将会变成很好的合作伙伴。 第三,发挥团体的力量,以大局的利益为重。就像在游戏中可能需要我们每一个人一次又一次的钻、退,在这个过程中,需要有的人蹲下

来让其余的人从自己身上跨过去却毫在意,这个时候大家群策群力、齐心协力都是为了更快的打开这个结。这就是所谓的“人心齐,泰山移”吧。 第四,还需要有旁观者或智者的指点,适当的、关键的点拨还是很重要的。 游戏――“瞎子”穿拖鞋 目标 1. 改进学习方法 2. 创新能力训练 游戏准备 1. 参与人数:选出一名志愿者 2. 时间:5分钟 3. 道具:蒙眼睛的布,一双拖鞋 4. 场地:大的会议 游戏规则和程序 1. 选出一名志愿者,同时在地上画一道横线,同时在线的前方5―6步远的地方放一双拖鞋。 2. 告诉志愿者他的任务就是在被蒙上双眼的情况下,将这双拖鞋穿到脚上。 3. 告诉他人,在志愿者行进的过程中,他们要给他以指引,


周末阅读训练 (A) I felt very sad because I was not able to get the ticket to the film Hero last Friday. I learned from the newspaper that tickets could be bought at the cinema box office in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Since I work from 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. , the only time I could go to the cinema is during my 45 minutes’ lunchtime. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town and the bus service between my company and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes. Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for 15 minutes waiting for a bus. By the time I saw one come round the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip, so I had to go back. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed. I got on a bus right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes. But when I got there, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man said he had been waiting in line for over an hour. I found I would not have enough time to wait in line. I caught the next bus and went back across the town. By Friday I understood my only hope was to make the trip by car. It was expensive, but I felt it would be worth it to see the film. The trip by car only took 10 minutes, but it felt like an hour to me. When I reached the cinema, I was delighted to see that nobody was waiting in line. But I quickly found out that it was because they had already sold out all the tickets. ( )26. It seemed that the writer of the story works as a ____. A. worker B. doctor C. farmer D. clerk ( )27. The writer tried to go to the cinema every day, but really got there ____. A. five times B. three times C. four times D. twice ( )28. We can infer from the underlined sentence that the writer was ____. A. worried B. sorry C. surprised D. pleased ( )29. In the end the writer got ____ ticket(s). A. one B. two C. three D. no ( )30. When the writer reached the cinema, he was delighted because ____. A. he understood B. it was expensive, but he felt it would be worth it to see the film C. the trip by car only took 10 minutes D. he saw that nobody was waiting in line (B) Films in Beijing Theater This Week HARRY POTTER (Ⅲ) American film Director: Alfonso Cuaron Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 p. m. Ticket Price:¥50 KUNGFU HUSTLE Chinese film Director: Zhou Xingchi


A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived. “My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.” The vet looked over the cow. "She’s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine." He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better." “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked. The vet gave him a tube and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That’ll make it." The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried. “How’s your cow?” the vet asked. “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.” “Oh?” the vet said, "Why?" “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.” “And?” the vet asked. “The cow blew first,” the farmer said. 1. In the story, the vet must be _________. A. the farmer's friend B. a milk factory C. a hospital for cows D. a doctor for animals 2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______ A. couldn't lie down B. didn't eat the pills C. couldn't make any noise D. was ill 3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer? A. Bottle of pills. B. A long tube. C. Two pills. D. A small box. 4.The vet taught the farmer how _________. A. to blow the tube B. to make the cow take the pills C. to take the medicine D. to put the tube in his mouth 5.Which of the following is true? A. The farmer ate the pills himself. B. The cow got better after taking the medicine. C. The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day. D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.

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