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A new concept developed by engineers at Farwest Corrosion Control Co. (Gar-dena, California), designed particularly for steel water tank applications, uses a small percentage of the energy generated by magnesium anodes to power an elec-tronic controller that automatically regu-lates the tank-to-water voltage potential in a galvanic cathodic protection (CP) system.

In a galvanic anode system for a water storage tank, magnesium anodes are in-stalled in contact with the water and are also connected to the tank. These anodes have a more active voltage—a more negative electrochemical potential—than the steel tank (the cathode). The differ-ence in electrochemical potential between the anode and the cathode causes a gal-vanic current to ?ow from the magnesium anode to the cathode (steel tank). Through this process, the magnesium anodes cor-rode preferentially and provide corrosion protection to the tank. No electricity from an external power supply is used. Typi-cally, the internal surface of a modern steel potable-water storage reservoir can be protected from corrosion with a gal-vanic (sacri?cial) CP system, says John Bollinger, professional corrosion engineer with Farwest Corrosion Control Co., because the effectiveness and durability of today’s internal

tank coatings make

it possible to provide

CP using relatively

little current (i.e.,

less than 100 mA for

a 3 million gal [11

million L] storage

tank). However,

Bollinger notes, one

drawback to this

type of corrosion

protection is that

the galvanic current

is dif?cult to regu-


Because the wa-

ter level in the tanks

can vary unpredict-

ably, the tank-to-water voltage potential

in a tank may change as the water level

in the tank changes. Often times, Bol-

linger explains, the anode current is

higher than required and overprotection

is possible on the tank’s interior.

NACE International recommended

practices call for tank-to-water potentials

to be maintained between –0.850 and

–1.100 V. But in some instances, Bollinger

notes, exceeding the –1.200 V potential

limit can produce excessive hydrogen and

may cause the tank’s protective coating to

disbond or blister.

CP designers

are also specifying

that all tank-to-

water voltage po-

tential measure-

ments be “IR free”;

that is, the mea-

surements are cor-

rected for voltage

drops (gradients)

that can result in

measurement er-

rors. Because most

magnesium anode

systems are “on”

continuously, it is

very dif?cult or im-

practical to capture a true IR free potential


Impressed current CP (ICCP) systems

utilize electronic equipment to automati-

cally measure and regulate tank-to-water

potentials. An ICCP also can easily fa-

cilitate an IR free measurement. How-

ever, providing alternating current (AC)

power to a water tank to operate the

circuitry of an automatic potential control

CP system can be dif?cult in many cases.

For example, Bollinger says, water stor-

age tanks are often located in remote

areas where an AC power source is simply

unavailable. Another way to provide

power to an automatic control system is

needed, he adds.

Drawing inspiration from the latest

low-power digital communication sys-

tems, Bollinger developed a patent-pend-

ing technology, PowerMag?, that taps into

the power generated by a sacri?cial an-

ode-cathode cell to operate a controller

that automatically adjusts anode current

to maintain a constant IR free tank-to-

water potential. The controller requires

no external power or internal batteries.

“The digital technology available now for

electronics has resulted in components

Continued on page 22

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September 2008 -!4%2)!,3 0%2&/2-!.#%

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that have very low power requirements,” Bollinger says. “We can operate the con-trol circuit on as little as a 3 mA drain from the anode system.”

The controller uses a state-of-the-art microprocessor that includes a pulse width modulation current regulator and a sophisticated potential measuring sys-tem to monitor and control various func-tions. The system, which can also be

retro?tted into existing magnesium sys-

tems, is designed to control up to 2 A of

anode current and can accommodate

two reference electrode inputs. “This

technology provides the ability to regu-

late the potential of a sacri?cial CP sys-

tem and avoid ‘over-voltage’ issues;

something that is very unique,” com-

ments Bollinger. “By regulating this CP

system, the anodes can run at a lower

current output, which would result in

longer anode life as well.”

Contact John Bollinger, Farwest Corro-

sion Control Co.—e-mail: jbollinger@


Continued from page 21

-!4%2)!,3 0%2&/2-!.#% September 2008
