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Summer of Foam

Summer of Foam
Summer of Foam

Summer of Foam

__after reading

I have read this novel for many times, but it still brings me to its plots every time. It was six years ago when I first knew the novel, then I was addicted to it.

Firstly, I want to introduce the character of this novel.

Ying Xiamo, the heroine, is a middle school student. She is beautiful, gentle, and smart. She has a brother and they are orphans. They are adopted by a couple.

Ou Chen, Ying’s boyfriend. His family is very rich, and he loves Ying very much. But he has a strong possessive instinct to Ying, and it makes Ying a little tired. The possessive instinct is the most importance factor that promote the development of plot.

Luo Xi, another kid adopted by Ying’s adoptive parents, Handsome, clever, and fragile. He loves Ying too.

The story is about love and hate among Ying, Ou Chen, and Luo Xi. When they were about 15 to 17, they were students. Ying was Ou Chen’s girlfriend, but I don’t know if Ying loves Ou Chen, because it seemed that Ying only loved her brother Xiao Chen. The reason why she agreed to be Ou Chen’s girlfriend was that she hoped he can give her adoptive father a job so Xiao chen wouldn’t be hungry anymore. Ying and Ou did have some nice time, but it wasn’t long. Ying’s adoptive parents brought Luo Xi to their house, so he was third kid in this family. Ying fell in love with Luo Xi at the first sight, but she knew that she couldn’t speak out, because Ou Chen. She knew that how strong Ou Chen’s possessive instinct is. If Ou Chen knew that, he would do something terrible. But it happened anyway, Ou Chen couldn’t stand there were another boy around Ying, so Luo Xi had to leave. Ying’s parents were very guilty about they had to sent Luo Xi to leave, So they couldn’t concentrate on driving on the way back home. Unfortunately, a car accident happened. Ying’s parents dead. She and her brother became orphans again. Ying and Ou Chen broke up, and Ou Chen lost his memory. They hadn’t seen each other for five years.

After five years, Ying is a college student and Luo Xi become a super star. They meet each other, and get together. Ou Chen come back. He lost his memory, so he didn’t recognize Ying at first, but he still fall in love with Ying. Then Ying cruise and patrol. She doesn’t know how to choose, and she even doesn’t know she who she loves. Then the novel tells love and hate among them.

Personally, I like Ou Chen better. He has done many things for Ying but not telling her. I think he is so gentle and romantic. Every gift he sends to Ying is made by himself. If there is a man who loves me in silence and deeply, I’ll love him too. Luo Xi is very handsome and beautiful, yes, beautiful, the author used beautiful to describe Luo Xi, and in this novel Luo Xi is like an angle. His exist is an illusion. When I read this novel at first time, I was 14, and I was a middle school student, so I was always dreamed that I will meet somebody like Ou Chen. But dream is dream, right? There will never be man who is perfect as Ou Chen. He is so attractive and within sight but beyond reach. Compared with Luo Xi, Ou Chen doesn’t have that many beautiful word, but he has a heart, loving Ying. So he is doing more and speak less. I like him beginning at a sentence “I am yours, but you are free”.

I don’t Ying loves who at the first time, and I don’t what exactly girl she is. She is apathetic

but she love her brother better than anyone in the world. She is ordinary but she has a fatal attraction. She doubts everything but she knows what she exactly.

This novel is made into TV series in 2009, and the director is Jiang Fenghong, from Taiwan. The producer is He Rundong, a famous actor of Taiwan. He Rundong acts Ou Chen ,and he also chose a actress Xu Xiyuan to act Ying. The another hero is Huang Xiaoming, a actor from China Mainland. To be honest, these three actors are too old to play those roles, so when the TV series come out, all the reader are very disappointed, the actors are so insipid. I dare that this TV series won’t have any audience ratings but for the exciting plots of the novel. Can you image three actors older than 30 playing as middle school students. It’s really can’t be accepted, especially for us true-hearted readers.

Anyway, this novel is very attractive and it really has matters. It’s worth reading, though it is a little longer.

By Helen

November 20, 2011


My Summer Holiday英语作文 Summer holiday is coming . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall it is very famous for the world so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city too . I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is coming soon . 暑假来了。 我想要去北京。我和我的爸爸妈妈和哥哥一起去北京。 我们想要坐飞机去因为可以节省时间。我们可以在上面看到很多东西。首先我们能去长城参观,长城在世界上都很有名。然后,我们能去动物园游玩我喜欢动物。城里有很多外国人,我想要和他们用英语交谈。我想向他们学习英语。 我想我们那时候应该能玩得愉快。我希望暑假快点到来。 I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.


“Summer”的赏析 如同所有的电影音乐一样,《summer》这首曲子也是紧扣电影情节的发展,因而在整个5分20秒的音乐中,曲子的各种起伏、快慢、配器和感情,都与电影情节有着密切的关联。起承转合,无不与电影中的不同情节配合的恰到好处,这也体现出久石让作为一代配乐大师的功力深厚。 下面就让我们一起走进《summer》这首乐曲中。 在曲子的开头,由大提琴起头,随后是中提琴,再然后是小提琴。仿佛是正在向我们拉开的帷幕一样。曲调简洁,但是由三种弦乐产生由弱至强,逐渐的和声,由一种暗淡的感觉慢慢的变得明朗,就像是舞台上的灯光渐渐的开启,让我们了解接下来发生的故事。 接着便是小提琴那跳动的音符,配合并迎来的着钢琴的主旋律。这两者听起来非常的都具有跳动性。在钢琴的主旋律之后,便是小提琴拨弦的方法为我们再一次的阐释的主旋律。在这个时候,整个乐曲也仿佛跳动了起来一样,配合着打击乐带来的欢快旋律,让我们仿佛置身于夏日那明快的颜色中,就像是风儿吹过风铃的时候发出的那种清脆的声响,以及那蓝色晴朗的天空。 然而就在大约两分钟的时候,主旋律发生了转折,由原来的那种给人跳动的感觉,变为了一种让人觉得慢下来的感觉,就像是在夏日的闷热中从身边缓缓吹过的一阵清风,给人带来一种享受和安逸。先是钢琴的那种明快的声音,而后则是低音大提琴给人带来的那种厚重的感觉。在这里,钢琴和弦乐的配合,让人觉得似乎是身处旷野中,

抑或是夏季凉爽的海边。 在快要到三分钟的时候,旋律突然发生了转变。钢琴用一种较高的音调配合着弦乐给人带来的那种紧凑的感觉。似乎是影片中的正南渐渐的走向自己的目的地去寻找母亲时候那种心跳逐渐加速的感觉。让人觉得这种渐强的感觉似乎是让人觉得有一步步的走向自己要去的那个目的地,因为激动而逐渐的心跳加速,呼吸加快。 而就在似乎整个音乐要达到那种大结局的感觉的时候,这种逐渐加快的脚步却戛然而止。这种感觉和影片中菊次郎发现正南的不幸遭遇,正如同想到了自己的小时候,发现这个孩子其实和他有着很相似的童年遭遇。那种突然间产生的停顿感,由钢琴给人带来的那种舒缓的感觉得以表现。而钢琴在这时候则进行了变奏,给人带来了一种向前一步又后退半步的感觉。似乎时间在这一刻凝脂不前,知了的叫声也停止住了一样。 而后,在临近整个乐曲结尾的时候,钢琴又一次的表现出了主旋律。而这一次,似乎有更多的东西要向我们表现。这时候再听这段旋律的时候,给人带来的不一样的感觉。这时候,似乎给人更加坚定的感觉。就如同是以为中年人走路时候的步伐一样,坚定而不苍老,是那种沉稳的感觉。如同在故事中的两位主人公,结束了夏日的这次旅行,到了互相分别的时候一样。 最后,钢琴的声音渐渐的消失,人们感觉到这个故事似乎还没有结束一样,余音绕梁。


Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer Lesson 16 Li Ming's Summer Holiday 教案 教学目标: (1)知识目标:能够熟练运用What will…do for the summer holiday?What will you do tomorrow?I will miss Canada, but I will feel happy to see china again.等句子,并且能够听、说、认读写单词aunt ,uncle ,cousin ,number, (2)(2)能力目标:能够熟练的运用所学句子,用所学句子询问别人是否需要帮助与回答。同时在学句子中学会新单词,学会新的句子运用。 (3)情感目标:学生能够学雷锋做好事。 教学重点: 听懂、会说:What will…do for the summer holiday?What will you do tomorrow? I will miss Canada, but I will feel happy to see china again.等句子,在问答题目练习中能够及时反应,补充未完成的句子。将问题清晰回答。 教学难点: 新词组较为难以记忆,句子容易弄混,学生记忆困难。 教学准备: ppt课件,教案。 教学设计: Step1. Preparation 1.Lead-in. T: 大家想要怎么过暑假啊?S1:….(老师开场提问学生问题,问题贴近学生对学生进行提问。) (设计意图:利用同学们所熟悉的东西吸引同学们的注意力,同时引起同学们回答问题的兴趣,为接下来句子的学习增强趣味性。) Step1. Presentation Let’s learn some new words


Unit 8 Summer Holiday is Coming. New words and Phrases of Unit 8 Studying aims: 1.Read the new words and phrases(短语) of unit 8 2.Master (掌握)and use the news words and phrases of unit8 Teaching procedures: Step1: Talking about Summer Holiday(暑假) Step2: Show “Studying aims”.(1’) T: Today we will learn the new words and phrases of unit8. Please look at our “Studying aims”. T: Are you clear? S: Yes. T: OK! Let’s go on. Step3: Show “Guide One” to the students. Guide one (10’): Read the new words and phrases T: Please read the new words and phrases and pay attention to the pronunciation by yourselves within 4 minutes. Have a match and see who reads best! T: Time is up! Now, do you have any difficulties? Who can read? (Let some students read for the others.) He/ She reads once, you read three times. Are you clear? S: Yes. T: Let the students read the loudly by themselves. … Step4: Show “Guide Two” to the students. Guide Two (20’): Recite the new words and phrases T: Please recite the new words and phrases carefully by yourselves, pay attention to the Chinese meaning within 15 minutes. …. T: Now, please check the new words and phrases each other. (Then the teacher will check some students). Have a match and see who recites best and fast! Step5: Have a dictation.(6’) T: Please write down the words and phrases according to the Chinese meaning. Step6: Let the students check the dictation each other carefully.(3’) Step7: Correct the mistakes(纠正错误) and recite the difficult words again by themselves. Step8:ask some of the make sentences with new words . 教学反馈:_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Lesson 43: Have a Good Summer ! 板书课题:Lesson 43: Have a good summer !


新译林英语6B Unit 7 Summer holiday plans讲义及练习 知识点梳理: 1.Where will you …? 回答: I / We will … 2.go back to = be back to 回…. back是副词,前面必须加动词。 3.go to … by bus / train = take a bus / train to …. go to … by car = drive to …  go to … by plane = fly to … 4.look at sb. doing sth. :看着某人正在做… 5.be full of : 充满,满是 6.travel: n. / v. ---How long will you stay there?你将在那里待多久? ---I'll stay there for a month.我将在那里待一个月。 how long在这里用于询问时间的长短,意思是"多长时间"、"多久"。如: How long is your summer holiday?你的暑假有多长? how long也可以用于询问物体、河流等的长度,意思是"(距离)多长"。如: ---How long is the bridge?那座桥有多长? 大概一千米。 ---It’s about 1,000 metres. 2 That sounds great.听起来很棒。 sound是感官系动词,意思是"听起来",常跟形容词连用。 如:This idea sounds interesting.这个想法听起来很有趣。 How sweet the music sounds!这音乐听起来多么悦耳! 常见的感官系动词还有look (看起来),smell (闻起来),taste (尝起来),feel (摸起来) 等。如:The flowers smell very sweet这些花闻起来很香。 The meat tastes good.这肉味道很好。 3 —Will you go to Beijing by plane?你乘飞机去北京吗? 一No, I won’t. I’ll go by train. 不,我乘火车去。 一般将来时的一般疑问句结构是"will +主语+动词原形+其他",其肯定和否定回答分别是"Yes,主语(代词)+ will"和"No,主语(代词)+ won't (will not的缩略形式)"。 如: ---Will you go to Disneyland?你会去迪士尼乐园吗? ---Yes, I will.是的,我会去。 4 Sam is excited about Bobby’s plans. 萨姆对博比的计划感到兴奋不已。 about在这里是介词,意思是"对于"、"关于"。如: He was quite excited about the news.对于这个消息他很兴奋。 The children felt excited about having a picnic. 孩子们对野餐这事感到很兴奋。 课堂小测: 一、英汉互译 1、回到伦敦__________________ 2、坐火车去____________________ 3、和我去的家人一起去_______________ 4、想要呆在那里_______________ 5、住在台北__________________ 6、小男孩_____________________ 7、full of joy _________________ 8、Sounds great! _______________ 9、different plans ______________ 10.谈论____________________ 11.乘出租车________________ 12.visit many beautiful places___________ 13.travel around the world_______________ 14.summer holiday plans_______________ 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Did you ______ your summer holiday plans? A.making B. make C. made ( ) 2._______ you go to Nanjing next summer holiday? A.Will B Did C. Are ( ) 3.Sam will_______ his grandparents with his family. A.visits B.is going to visit C. visit ( )4.We ____ go to the cinema this evening,but my father_______. A.will,will B.are,isn’t C.will,won’t ( )5.Your plan _______ great. A.are B.sound C.sounds ( )6.They will go to the park ____ bike.But I’ll go ___foot.


、过去式 1. be ——was/were 2. go---- went 3. take 二、短语 询问某事如何?How is sb/sth? 一件有趣的事fun (不可数名词) 也also(be后实前)/too(句尾)family 家庭/家人 去游泳go swimmi ng 故宫the Palace Museum 拍了许多照片take a lot of photos 看看你的照片see your photos 展示给某人某物show sb sth=show sth to sb 做某事如何?How/What about doi ng? …好吗?(询问与上文相同的情况)度过一个美好的暑 假 -took 4. have --- had 5. see---saw 长城the Great Wall 参观,拜访visit sb/sth 去海滩go to the beach 玩球类游戏play ball games 天安门广场Tian ' anmen Square 着名的famous 许多 a lot of+可数名词复数/不可数名词当然sure 一些some+可数名词复数/不可数名词 暑假期间duri ng the summer holiday How about...?/What about...? have a won derful summer holiday 三、不规则动词表----一般过去时 四、必背句型 1.你的暑假过得如何?很有趣。 How was your summer holiday? It was fun. 2.我也和我的家人去了海滩。 I also went to the beach with my family. 3.我们在那儿玩球类运动并且在海里游泳。 We played ball games there and went swim ming in the sea. 4.你的暑假如何?好极了。 How about your summer holiday? It was won derful. 5.我去北京拜访我的叔叔。 I went to Beijing and visited my uncle.; 6.我们也去了一些北京着名的公园,我拍了许多照片。 We also went to some famous parks in Beijing ,and I took a lot of photos. 7.我能看看你的照片吗? Can I see your photos? 8.明天我会给你看。 I ' ll show you tomorrow. 练习(一) 一、写出下列动词的过去式 1.be —_________________ 2. go—________________________ 3. take —______________________ 4. have —_______________________ 5.play--- ___________________ 4. visit--- _____________________ 5.see--- ________________________ Un it 2 My summer holiday


Unit 7 Summer holiday plan Listening Part(50分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的词组或句子。 ( )1.A.go to Beijing by plane B. go to Beijing by train C. go to Nanjing by plane ( )2.A. visit grandma B. visit grandpa C. visit grandparents ( )3.A.go in July B. go to Taipei C. go there ( )4.A. play with his toy B. play with her toy C. play with this boy ( )5.A. I want to travel around the world. B.I want to travel around the UK. C. I want to travel around the US. 二、听录音,根据录音内容排列图片。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,根据问句选答句。 ( )1.A. He will visit Beijing. B. I will visit my teacher in Beijing . C. I was in Beijing . ( )2.A. Yes , it is . B. No, he won't . C. No, he didn't . ( )3.A. I will go to Shanghai . 听力部分笔试部分 题号一二三四五一二三四五六七 得分

my summer holiday英语作文 我的暑假(5篇)

my summer holiday英语作文我的暑假(5篇) My Summer Holiday Last term, I graduated from primary school. It means that I will be a junior school student next term. I am looking forward to my school life in the new school. Likewise, it means that this summer holiday is my last summer holiday in primary school. I want to do something different. Firstly, I do some preview for my junior school study. I want to have a good preparation for the new study tasks. Secondly, I learn to be independent. I learn to cook, so that when my parents go out, they don't have to worry about me. Besides, I try hard to finish my work independently. I hope I can start to handle my own affairs by myself. Through this summer holiday, I do well in this aspect. Finally, I play a lot in summer holiday, meeting friends, doing exercise and so on. I have a rich summer holiday. My Summer Holiday I really had a wonderful summer holiday. I finished doing my homework on time and prepared for the new lessons. I visited my grandparents and spent a week with them. There


久石让《菊次郎的夏天》小提琴曲赏析久石让,1950生于日本的长野,是日本最多产, 同时也是最具影响力的现代音乐艺人之一。在 长达二十年的傲人音乐生涯中,他担任作曲、 制作、编曲和演奏等多项工作。久石曾为超过 二十部电影担任配乐工作,并曾四度赢得日本 电影金像奖最佳电影配乐奖。他还从1992年 起连续三年获得日本最高电影音乐大赏,1999 年又第四次获得此奖。他还为许多电视连续剧 以及数不清的电视广告制作配乐。这位以独特 的极简风格着称的钢琴兼键盘手曾出版超过 20张以上的畅销个人专辑,每张都是数一数二 的佳作,可谓硕果累累! 《Summer》整首曲子简单明快、清新自然、灵动而活泼,让人听来有一种舒心的情怀。作品中,大提琴的缓缓独奏渐渐地拉开了故事的序幕。随即跃上主旋律的钢琴和提琴,利用充满跳跃性的表演方式,将故事的两位主人公——天真无邪的正男和地痞混混的菊次郎——带入场景。同时这段音乐也充分交待了这一对性格、行为完全迥异的活宝虽然旅途不顺,却始终充满着积极与乐观。大约在作品2分钟左右的时候,一段变奏引出了故事中最令人伤感的剧情——正男的母亲已经建立了新的家庭并且有了新的孩子——可能他的母亲已经不再属于他了。这种变故使得正男异常地消沉,也使得菊次郎手足无措。通过钢琴在这里的独奏,我们能深深地感受到正男的那种孤寂和失落。在2分55秒左右的时候,另一个旋律切入主题——三位新朋友。这是一种外在的、愉悦的力量试图突破这种沉痛的情节。这种“努力”大约持续了1分钟。在第4分钟的阶段时,原本消沉的钢琴主旋律,逐渐趋于平静,并且渐渐地找到了初始时的欢快旋律……大约5分40秒的时候,电影剧情的部分基本结束了。但是作为这首音乐来讲,它还没有结束——结尾部分约40秒的慢拍主旋律似乎在讲述着:“希望”并没有消失,它反而更加坚定、更加明确,只要不放弃。 久石让《Summer》音乐会现场版优酷欣赏地址: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0915190259.html,/v_show/id_XMzY2ODM2MDUy.html


个人简介 名字:久石让(Joe Hisaishi) 本名:藤泽守 身份:日本知名作曲家、歌手、钢琴家(国立音乐大学作曲科毕业) 生日:1950年12月6日 出生地:日本长野县中野市。 名字来源:“久石让”这个名称的来源是他的偶像——美国黑人音乐家及制作人昆西·琼斯。他把“Quincy Jones”这个名字改成日语发音,再联上最近似的汉字姓名,就变成了“久石让”。他的英文名JOE,也可以说是为了向美国配乐大师QUINCY JONES致敬。 音乐道路久石让五岁的时候在铃木镇一小提琴教室开始学习拉小提琴。他原来的音乐其主要形式是小音乐,初期作品没有什么人气。久石让早年曾就读于日本国立音乐学院,修习

作曲,因此久石让具有深厚的学院派训练。久石让的音乐观念受到菲利浦·葛拉斯(Philips Glass)、史提夫·莱奇(Steve Reich)、史托克豪森、约翰·凯吉(John Cage),以及日本近代作曲家武满彻、三善晃等人的影响。 1981年久石让推出第一张专辑《Information》,确定了自己的音乐风格。 作为作曲家的他初次担当电视音乐是在动画片《开始人间加特子》中。 他第一次为日后成为自己事业伙伴的宫崎骏担当配乐,是在剧场动画作品《风之谷》中。1983年,经人介绍,久石让结识了宫崎骏,此时宫崎骏正致力于《风之谷》的创作。听过久石让创作的风之谷的印象音乐后,宫崎骏被深深打动了。虽然当时已经决定了“风之谷”的作曲是另一位有名的音乐家,但宫崎骏和高畑勋还是强烈推荐久石让,因此当时不太有名的久石让受到了公众的注目。此后影片公映后更证实了宫崎骏的眼光,久石让为该片创作的配乐深深地打动了无数的观众以及评论人。因此次年宫崎骏“吉卜力”工作室后,久石让便一直担当宫崎骏动画的音乐监督至今。之后《W的悲剧》(根据夏树静子推理小说改编)、《两个人》等影片配乐,这些出色的音乐令他声名鹊起,从此几乎日本知名卖座电影都找他创作配乐。 实际上,久石让不但是宫崎骏的音乐代言人,更与北野武渐成黄金组合,创作了《那年夏天,宁静的海》、《坏孩子的天空》、《花火》、《菊次郎的夏天》、《大佬》等佳作。也曾经和大林宣彦合作,但是他参与最多、名气最大的的仍然是宫崎骏的作品。 1998年,久石让更获邀担任日本冬季长野残疾人奥运会的音乐制作总监,如此重要的任务可说是对他在音乐界大师级地位的莫大肯定。 1991年久石让获得每日映画大奖音乐赏,1991年二月更与《新日本爱乐管弦乐团》在东京艺术剧场共同演出。 1992年二月他继《I am》专辑之后,推出另一张钢琴独奏专辑《My Lost City》,这一年他更是三年连续获得日本学院赏最优秀音乐赏。平成九年他更获得第48回艺术选奖文部大臣新人赏。 2008年由久石让担当音乐监制的电影《入殓师》获得多项大奖,第81届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片奖。在片中他为影片谱写了以大提琴为主要乐器的背景音乐。琴音时而激越、时而温柔,仿佛主人公本木雅弘内心的情感之流。这样的配乐与电影的舞台——山形县庄内平野相得益彰,充满自然气息的四季风景在琴音的烘托下,显得抒情怡人、格外美好。


my summer holiday 英语作文带翻译 My snmmer holiday was very exciting ,My mum took me to GuiLin last month. We had a good time there .I took a lot of photographs during my trip . I also enjoy every day when I stayed at home. In the morning I usually wake up at half past seven , at eight o'clock ,I had my breakfast . Then I went to English school or Maths school ,and so on . I had my lunch at twelve o"clock ,Then I can enjoy watching TV and playing computer games .My mum said I must go to sleep at half past one ,Because more sleep can help me grow taller .In the afternoon ,I often read books or go swimming ,swimming is my favourite sport. After supper I liked to watch children 's programme . In the evening I did my homework , I must go to bed at nine o'clock ,Because I should get up early next morning . I had a very good time in my holiday ,what about you? 我核节日是非常激动人心的, 上个月我妈妈带我去桂林。我们度过了一个美好的时光。我有很多照片在我的旅行。 我也喜欢每天呆在家里。在早上我通常7 点半起床, 八


Great Expectations In this summer holiday .I read a book called Great Expectations.It was written by Charles Dickens ,one of the most famous English writers. Everyone has a great expectation in his mind when we were children .However ,there are only a few people who can really understand what an expectation is ,what is the value of life .The title of this book is Great Expectations , which make an impression on us that the character would have great expectation just as the title goes . But in fact this title has sarcastic meanings on the other way around. Great Expectations is mainly about true feeling of money .The main character Pip is an orphan .He was brought up by his sister .But his sister was very rough .Only her husband,----Joe Gargery, a village blacksmith protected him everywhere .During his childhood ,Pip met a convict and saved his life by stealing his food from his home. Then he stayed his great expectations .He became rich and changed his character .He began to hate his origin and family. Reading here ,I really want to say ‘wake up Pip ..Your life cannot be destroyed by the money !’My curiosity drove me to read on .Soon ,the truth would come to light .One day late at night,Pip met a person who was saved by him during childhood .It was Mgwith .He helped Pip to make his dream come true.Pip became a gentle man .At the end of the story, the convict was arrested ,Pip suddenly lost all his wealth ,and everything returned to the normal , he thought about life again, and finally realize the true love and life . My good friends ,the real future is not the golden road with money, not made by our parents ,but our efforts and hardwork.This story let us learn to work harder to consider our future , come out of our blue sky ,walk to our great expectations.


Unit7 Summer holiday plans 课题: 译林版六年级下册Unit7 Summer holiday plans 课时: The third period(Culture time& Cartoon time ) 教学目标: 1. 通过阅读Cartoon time,欣赏其中的幽默,了解谈论假期计划的语言。 2. 了解西方文化,增强跨文化意识。 3. 进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流。 2.教学重点: 1. 了解西方文化,增强跨文化意识。 2. 进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流。 教学难点: 1.进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流。 教学准备: 1.教师准备:光盘,ppt,板书。 2.学生准备:听磁带,初读课文,了解课文内容。 教学步骤教学活动名 称活动组织活动目的 活动时间 二次修改 Step 1 Warming up 1)Free talk Step 1 Free talk 1、Show learning aims. 2、T: Hello, boys and girls. I like traveling, do you like traveling? Our summer holiday will come in July. 呈现学习目标,让学生对于 本堂课所学内容一目了然。

2)Culture time This class, let’s make our summer holiday plans. T: Do you want to know my plan? You may a sk me, I’d love to share with you. 3, Talk about T’s plan 4. T: Two months later, it will be our summer holiday. 复习Grammar time句型: Where will …go for the summer holiday? When will … go there? Will … go there by …? How long will …go for the summer holiday? What will … do there? (教师用you来提问一男生和一女生,再 用he和she来提问,让其他同学回答。) Step 2 Culture time 1、Show a travel book. T:Well, boys and girls, I want to go abroad(出国)this summer holiday. Last night I read a book called National Geographic. It is a travel book.(teach) 2、Review different countries in the world. 3、Brain storm: Different places in different countries. 回顾Unit6 Culture time景点,同时回忆 通过猜城市,拓展学生视 野,让学生了解四个城市的 著名景点,同时也为本单元 学习做好文化意识渗透。并 解决掉部分新单词。


Unit 7 Summer holidayplans 一、英汉互译。 1.英汉互译 (1)回到伦敦________ (2)坐火车去那________ (3)和我去的家人一起去________ (4)想要呆在那里________ (5)住在台北________ (6)小男孩________ (7)full of joy ________ (8)Sounds great! ________ (9)different plans ________ (10)谈论________ 二、按要求写词。 2.按要求写词 (1)will not (缩写形式)________ (2)shouldn't (完整形式)________ (3)travel (现在分词)________ (4)visit (名词)________ (5)travel (名词)________ (6)photo (复数)________ (7)sound (三单)________ (8)stay (三单) ________ (9)same(反义词) ________ (10)here (反义词)________ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 3.My brother ________ (study) in the UK next term. 4.I want to visit ________ (美国) . 5.He must ________ (clean) the classroom now.

6.You should ________ (be) quiet in the library. 7.Please tell me how ________ (cook) an egg. 四、按要求改写句子。 8.My mother will stay in Suzhou for two weeks. (对划线部分提问) ________________ ________ ________ mother stay in Suzhou? 9.Will you go by train? 肯定回答________, ________ ________. 否定回答________, ________ ________. 10.They will go to London. (对划线部分提问) ________________ they ________? 11.Su Hai will go to Hong Kong. (改为一般疑问句) ________Su Hai ________ to Hong Kong? 12.Yang Ling is going to clean the house. (用will改写句子) YangLing ________ ________ the house. 13.I'll see a film with Helen. (改为一般疑问句并否定回答) —________________ see a film with Helen? —________,________ ________. 五、阅读理解。 14.阅读理解 It'sMay 31th. Children's Day is coming. We will have a party tomorrow. Now we aremaking a plan for the party. First, Lily will sing an English song. Next, allthe teachers will dance. After that, Kitty will play the piano and Simon willplay the violin. Then, there will be a guessing game. If you can guesscorrectly(正确的), you will get a surprise(惊喜). Afterwards, we will listen to popular music and talk with eachother in English. At last, everyone will drink and eat. Everyone will be happyat the party. (1)When is the party? A. On May 31. B. On June 1. C. On May 30. (2)What will Lily do at the party?

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