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Module 3 Unit 1基础知识默写

姓名____________ 班级______________ 得分______________

1. observe vt.______________________(5个)

n. _______________

2. 瞥一眼___________________




3. approach vt.______________

n. ______________




4. 对某事感到焦虑________________



5. recognize vt. ____________________

n. _____________________




6. 忽视,对…不理会vt.___________

无知n. ________________



7.attach vt. _______________________

依恋的,附属的adj._________________ 将…附在…上_____________________


附属于,喜欢,爱慕_________________ 8. calm adj.____________ v. ___________






9. 有可能做某事_____________________


10. 雇佣v._____________ n. ____________

雇主_____________ 雇员______________




11.看见______________ 看不见________________ 在视野内______________ 在视野外_____________ 初看时__________________

12.伸出手_______________伸手可及_____________ 在能力范围之外______________________


14. A是B的三倍大。(四种方法翻译)





15. 你会发现他很难相处。______________________ 当我们再见面时我希望你情绪好些。______________ 他发现自己盯着一个老人的脸看。________________ 订正:


M3 Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class. 编写人 郑玉凤 审查人 孙清霞 时间 2013.9.23 学案编号 Teaching aims: 1 to understand the conversation on class and classroom 2 to introduce one ’s classroom 重难点:there be 句型 课前延伸 多少 ninety 任何一个 map 世界 how many 电脑 forty 地图 world 电视 any 40 eighty 80 computer 90 television 课内探究 Step1 lead-in Step 2 listen and choose the correct answer.(用____表示) 1、In Daming ’s class there are 40 / 20 girls. 2、There is /isn ’t a computer on teacher's desk. 3、 Are there any pictures in Linda ’s classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 4、 Is there a map of England in Daming ’s classroom? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. step3 listen and fill in the blanks. Daming : Linda,what’s your classroom in Englandlike?Is it big? Linda:Yes ,it’s really big.There are students in my class.How many students are there in your class in Beijing? Daming: There are students, girls and boys.What’t in your classroom?Is there a lot of furniture? Linda: . Daming: Are there computers on everyone’s desk? Linda: .But there is a computer on the teacher’s desk Daming:Oh,Are there pictures on the classroom walls? Linda:Yes ,there are,at the front of the classroom. Daming:And is there a map of the world? Linda:No ,there isn’t.There is a map of England. Daming:There’s a map of the world in our classroom ,but there aren’t any pictures on our walls. Step 4 Group work 2 complete the table 重难点展示 总结There be 的用法。 There be 句型表示“某处有某物”,即表示存在关系,其构成是: 肯定句:There is + There are + 否定句:There is/are+ + n...... 一般疑问句: + n. +…? 简略回答:Yes, ./ Yes,______. No, ./ No,________. 当堂练习 Test yourselves (Use There is/There are) 1、____________ twenty desks in the classroom. 2、____________ a teacher in the classroom. 3、 ____________ some books in the classroom. 4、____________ twenty students in the classroom. class Number of students pictures Type of map Linda ’s class Daming ’s class


1. 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2. 互动探索 教学建议: 1. 根据上节课的课后预习内容,讨论城市里的不同场所地点的英文称呼。可以让每个学生到白板上去写出图片对应的单词,看谁写的又快又准确; 2、让学生相互提问,如何到达各个场所,从而引导出本课的一则重要知识点——用英语进行问路的表达方式。建议可以两个学生进行一问一答,第三个学生通过听前两名学生的对话,在图上画出相应的路线图。然后交换进行。 1. Look and write. Write the names of places around our city in English. A._____________________ B._____________________ C.______________________

D._____________________ E.______________________ F.______________________ 答案:A. hotel B. bank C. hospital D. bakery E. cinema F. museum 2. Ask and answer. Suppose you are at the department store now, and you want to buy some books. But you don’t know where the bookstore is. What can you do then? Can you ask the way to the bookstore in English? Please make a dialogue with your partner. Write it down and then share it with us. A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ 参考: A: Excuse me. How can I get to the bookstore? B: Walk along Garden Street. Turn right at the first crossing. Then go straight Adams Street and you will see the bookstore next to the supermarket. A: Go along Garden Street and turn right, and then go straight. Right? B: Yes, that’s right. A: Great. Thank you very much. B: You are welcome. M3U1重点单词和短语 教学建议: 此部分内容为课本M3U1重点词汇,可以采用师生互动或者生生互动的方式,对于词汇和词组进行抢答。 【知识梳理1】along


Teaching Plan Topic: Shapes

教学说明: 本课是牛津小学英语3BM3U1 Shapes第一课时,对于三年级的孩子来说,本单元是学生们全新接触的一个单元,着重解决本课中Look and learn 与Look and say 中的单词与句型,所教单词对于学生来说是个难点,尤其是单词rectangle,triangle,而句型I have…是在以前已接触过的旧句型,所以考虑到本课时的内容,我把后面的Listen and enjoy中的句型A+ shape+ is like…放在了本课时,对教学内容进行了文本再构。 在设计本课时,我围绕着单元Things around us 中shapes这一主题,进行情景的创设,通过the Shape’s family的五个形状孩子想知道谁的本领大这一线索贯穿整个课堂,让学生感知原来形状是无处不在的,使抽象的东西变得鲜明具体,同时使学生能在生活中根据事物所拥有的形状特性进行描述。 在情节设计中,用“比一比”推动整个教学任务的串联,对文本中的单词与句型也以递进方式展现,最后得出新的文本:Shapes are around us…;在教side 这一单词时,首先用Rectangle的话使学生了解它与Square 的区别,再用老师的肢体语言得知什么是side,同时又不脱离I have…句型的巩固。也通过竞赛的方式激发学生想说的欲望。 文本: Shapes are around us. We see the sun in the sky, that’s a circle, a circle’s like a big ball. We see the stars in the evening, those are stars. But one thing can have many shapes. Look at the house,it has a rectangle and some small squares. Look at the hat,it has three sides, that's a triangle. All the shapes are useful, when they hands in hands, they are more useful; They make our life (生活) colourful! Task: Writing My ______.


课题M9 Making plans U1 What are you going to do at the weekend? 课型Listening and speaking 教学目标知识 目标 By the end of the class, the students will be able to: Use these key words and key structures to express their ideas: Key words: go over, have a picnic, see a movie, have a piano lesson, help with the housework Key structures: What are you/they going to do...? What is he/she going to do...? I’ m going to... /They are going to... He/She is going to... 能力 目标 By the end of the class, the students will be able to: 1.Understand conversations about weekend plans. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,e the structure “be going to+V原”to talk about their plans and ask others' plans. 教学重点To learn how to use ”be going to do” structure and use it to talk about plans 教学难点https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,e “be going to do” structure to describe the plans correctly 2.Be going to do -- "be" will change according to different persons, but "do" will never change. 教学方法Listening and practicing methods,pair-work 教学用具Power point,some pictures 教材分析本节教材为新标准英语七年级下册Module 3 Plans Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?本单元以“周末计划”为话题,引导学生通过使用be going to do句型,对该话题展开一系列听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动。这节课是本模块的第一节课,目的在于让学生初步感知be going to do的定义及用法,能够运用be going to do的陈述句,并理解该句型的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答和特殊疑问句,并能够运用该句型自己制定计划。 学情分析初一学生在小学时已经接触过过将来时的基本用法,be going to 这一句型他们一部分能够脱口而出。因此,本节课只需简单解释be going to的构成和用法,可以把重点将放在掌握单词短语和使用be going to 来对话这两部分。 板书设计 M3 Making plans U1 What are you going to do at weekend? 表达自己的计划安排的句型是:询问别人的计划安排的句型是:I am going to +v原What are you going to do ? He/She is going to +v原What is he/she going to do ? We/They are going to +v原What are they going to do ? Teaching procedures Steps Activities of teacher Activities of students Purpose Step 1 warming up and lead in Greeting: What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow?. Answer teacher’s questions. Lead-in: give students some time to warm up and lead the main structure of this class. Step 2. Watch a video Show students a cartoon video about “be going to do” structure. Students watch the video with the question “what does the video talk about?” Bring up the topic and stimulate the students’ motivation.

4A M3U1 In our school 教案

Teaching Plan for Oxford English 4A M3U1 Book: Oxford English 4A Theme: M3U1 In our school Teacher: Ivy from Qiuping School(秋萍学校宋佳) Teaching Aids: multi-media, word cards, pictures and so on 教学设计说明 学情分析: 四年级的学生对英语学习有很大的热情,他们敢于表达,乐于倾听。通过三年多的英语学习,学生们已经积累了一定的词汇量,初步掌握了几种常见的简单句型,也能初步知晓常用的语法结构,并具有分享、交流与合作的能力。 学校这个主题对学生来说并不陌生,学生在一年级已经初次接触过school主题,学会用数词数一数教室中的相关用品;三年级的school主题则开始接触和学校有关场所的名称,如hall, library, toilet, playground, classroom等词汇,学生能简单介绍自己的学校;在2AM3U3中学习过How many …? There is/ are来问答物品的数量;3AM3U1中用What’s this/ that? It’s a …来问答部分学校场所的名称。 模块教学任务分析: 4A M3的学习主题为Places and activities,涉及的学校、居家和商店等场所都是学生最为熟悉的,介绍的活动也是学生常常历经的,可谓形可见、声可闻,可思又可行。 本模块的三个单元关注的是特定的生活与学习场所,虽然范围不一,但极具生活气息。其中,有学校场所的全面了解与进一步学习、有居家周遭场所的学习与生活情况描述、也有食品数量表达的初次接触以及简单的购物过程的描述与表达。 此外,本模块还要求通过参观、问路、购物等相关活动进一步感受熟悉的特定生活场景(包括学校、社区以及商店)。 可以说,本模块的学习内容更加宽泛,学习要求也更加明晰,即已知的语言知识和已获得的语言技能是其进一步开展语言学习的基础和保证。 通过本模块三个单元的学习,学生能更加完整地认识、感受与表达某一特定的生活场所,涉及所见、所闻、所行与所思。 单元教学任务分析: 4AM3U1以In our school(在我们的学校)为主题,借助主人公为学校开放日制作海报、为来访客人做小导游以及动物学校运动会为情境,进行学校场所类词汇的学习,如:canteen, computer lab, office, gym 等,能用相关介词in front of, behind准确表达场所方位;初步感知、操练与运用There be等相关句型,进一步感受学校场所的特征与功能,感受学校生活的丰富多样。 通过本单元的学习,在完整、合理地介绍学校的某一场所(包括设施、功能与相应的活动等)的同时,能学会表示赞同和鼓励别人的日常用语。此外,学习字母组合tr, gr, fr在单词中的发音。 单元教学设计思考: 第一课时,以学校开放日制作海报为学习主线,学习学校场所类词汇,如:canteen, computer lab, office, gym等;能运用相关句型Look! This is the …. It’s …. We can see …. We can …there. But we can’t …. 等


M3 U1 word study 教学内容:本课时教学词汇内容以M3U1 warming-up 和reading课文中以节日为话题的相关词汇。 教学目标:学生能够在本课后, 1. 在节日语义场下, 上下文猜词,构词法,词块等方法识读以下词汇:(共41个) festival, celebrate, Easter, religious, seasonal, custom; honor the dead, satisfy the ancestor, have the origin in old belief, the return of spirits of dead people, clean graves, light incense, light the lamps, offer food and flowers to the dead, dress up in special clothes, play a trick on people, ask for sweets, in memory of, ancient poet; gain the harvest, gather the farm produce, agricultural work, gather food for winter, admire the moon, win awards, decorate the tree with colored lights, lunar spring festival;the beauty of the moon, energetic, lucky money, look forward to, have fun with, carnival, parade, colorful clothing, day and night, take place. the return of Jesus from the dead, the birth of Jesus, the coming of the spring, feast; 2. 通过查字典方法,结合一定的语境识读以下词汇:(共2个) turn up, remind. 3. 使用以上恰当的词汇口头描述介绍特定某个节日的由来,内容和意义。 4. 逐渐熟练使用词汇学习策略, 增强自我词汇学习意识。 教学重难点: 重点:学生通过图片设置的具体情境,利用上下文理解、构词法、英文释义和查字典的学习方式,学会朗读单词,并能够识记其意义,还能够根据图片内容对词汇和词块进行快速提取。难点:学生在学习过程中的理解程度和在理解后使用所学词汇口头顺畅描述某一特定节日。教学过程:


金麦田教育个性化辅导授课案 教师签字: 学科组长签字:

Module3 Unit 1 (第一课时) 班级()姓名()学号()I. Read and choose (选择划线部分发音不同的单词): ( )1. A. noise B. toilet C. tortoise ( )2. A. end B. television C. bell ( )3. A. room B. book C. zoo ( )4. A. water B. has C. fall ( )5. A. wheel B. who C. hair II. Write the words (写出与划线部分同类的单词): 1. The little baby is not asleep. He is . 2. –Are they playing basketball? –No, they are playing . 3. Grandpa is reading a newspaper in the living room or in the _________. 4. Touch the tortoise. It is hard and _________. 5. There is a bell and two on my bicycle. 6. These two old ladies are _________ and angry. III. Read and change the words (根据要求改变单词): 1. awake(反义词) _________ 2. quiet(反义词) _________ 3. ride(现在分词) _________ p urpl e( 4. bench(复数) _________ p urpl ths) _________ 5. lady(复数) _________ 6. sad(近义词) _________ 7. do(第三人称单数) _________ 8. noise(形容词) _________ IV. Fill in the blanks (用所给词的适当形式填空): 1. –________ these students ________ (play) in the playground now? –Yes, they are. 2. This pair of scissors ________ (be) hard and sharp. 3. Draw different ________ (shape) on the thick card. 4. The little bird _________ (sing) a song and ________(fly) away. 5. ________ (a) old tortoise ________ (live) by a small pond. 6. Look, some children ________ (make) a wind-bell. V. Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改写句子): 1. There is an old lady on the bench. (改为复数句) ___________________________________ 2. My grandma is cooking dinner in the kitchen. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________ 3. Make two holes in each shape. (改为否定句) ___________________________________ 4. Peter’s bell is loud. (改为否定句,句意不变) ___________________________________ VI. Read the passage (阅读短文): I’m Jane. I’m a student of Park School. It’s Saturday. I don’t go to school. I’m at home with my little brother, Peter. My parents are working at the train station. They usually work from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon on Saturdays.


English 5A (Oxford Shanghai Edition) Module 3 Places and activities Unit 1 (第一课时) Topic:Around the city School: Shaonong Primary School(少农小学) Teacher: liumiaomei Date:11th Nov. I、本课教学目标 A、Language knowledge (语言知识): 1.能在情景中理解认读本课时核心单词:hotel bank hospital bakery museum cinema 2.能在问路的情景中使用句型:Excuse me.How can I get to ... 3.能看地图说出到目的地的乘车路线。 B、Language skills (语言技能): Listening: 1.能在情景中听懂本课时的核心单词:hotel bank hospital bakery museum cinema 2能在情景中听懂句型:Excuse me.How can I get to ... 3能听懂乘车路线。 Speaking: 1.Pronouncing the key words correctly.hotel bank hospital bakery museum cinema https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing wh-questions to ask for directions.How can I get to ... https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing imperatives to give directions Reading: 1.能正确朗读理解本课时核心词汇、句型。 2.能在理解的基础上有感情的朗读描述性文本。 Writing: 能正确书写本课时的核心单词。 C、Language use (语言应用) 培养学生能应用英语进行问路和指路。 D、Cultural consciousness (文化意识):


金麦田教育个性化辅导授课案 教师: 学生: 年级: 日期: 星期: 时段: 第课

教师评定: 1.学生上次作业评价:○非常好○好○一般○需要优化 2.学生本次上课情况评价:○非常好○好○一般○需要优化 教师签字: 学科组长签字: 金麦田教育教务处 Module3 Unit 1 (第一课时) 班级()()学号() I. Read and choose (选择划线部分发音不同的单词): ( )1. A. noise B. toilet C. tortoise ( )2. A. end B. television C. bell ( )3. A. room B. book C. zoo ( )4. A. water B. has C. fall ( )5. A. wheel B. who C. hair II. Write the words (写出与划线部分同类的单词): 1. The little baby is not asleep. He is . 2. –Are they playing basketball? –No, they are playing . 3. Grandpa is reading a newspaper in the living room or in the _________. 4. Touch the tortoise. It is hard and _________. 5. There is a bell and two on my bicycle. 6. These two old ladies are _________ and angry. III. Read and change the words (根据要求改变单词):


Oxford English 4A Module3 Places and activies Unit 1 In our school Date: Nov 1st, 2012 [单元教学目标] 一、知识目标: 1、在带领Mr Black参观学校的语境中,学习理解并运用本单元的核心词汇: e.g. canteen, computer lab, office, gym, classroom building, behind, in front of 2、在带领Mr Black参观学校的语境中,学习理解词汇: e.g. a lot of, bookshelf, busy, cupboard, floor, have lunch, show…around, tidy 在语境中,理解词汇: e.g. have a try,forest, think 3、在带领Mr Black参观学校的语境中, 学习理解并运用本单元的核心句型: e.g. T his is… That’s… It’s… W hat’s in/on…? There is/are… 4、在animal school故事语境中, 学习理解下列句型: e.g. What’s the matter? I don’t think so. Come on! Have a try! 5、学习音素:fr /fr / , gr /gr / , tr /tr/ 二、能力目标: 1. 能够朗读和听懂目标单词和句型。 2. 能够根据场景有条理地按照某一参观路线描述学校各个场所。 3. 能够运用所学单词和句型对学校进行简单的描述。 三、情感目标: 1. 培养学生的主人翁意识,学会热情地接待学校来宾 2. 在参观和介绍过程中,感受校园的美丽和校园生活的多姿多彩 2. 帮助学生在校园生活中,学会发掘自身优点树立信心


单元教学设计思考: 第1课时,创设卡通角色Peppa Pig和George Pig一起看魔幻书的情境,通过书本浏览,初 步学习与感受三个乐园中的设施类词汇,能进一步运用What’s this? It’s a …What colour is it? It’s … 等问答游乐设施,初步感受游乐设施。此外,初步学习字母Mm & Nn。 第2课时在进一步学习字母Mm & Nn的基础上,继续借助Peppa Pig和George Pig来展开学 习过程。在复习单元核心词汇的基础上,学习、操练与运用What can yo u see? I can see…并结合 已经学过的句型What colour is it? It’s …等来进行交流,表述所见,进一步感受游乐设施,感受游 玩的乐趣。 第3课时,继续以这两个角色为主线,在游戏活动中进一步操练,复习和巩固单元核心词汇(slide,swing,seesaw)和句型“What can you see? I can see..”,进一步感受活动设施和活动所带来 的快乐。此外,能较为熟练地运用字母Mm和Nn。 单元课时项目和话题: 课时话题项目来源 Period 1 Seeing in a magic book Look and learn, Learn the letters, Listen and enjoy Period 2 Playing in the children’s garden Look and say, ask and answer, play a game Period 3 Having fun in the children’s garden Revision 单元课时划分: 字母学习词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合运用能力 第一课时初步感受 字母Mm & Nn 初步学习与操练 slide, swing, seesaw等乐园设 施类词汇;初步感 受garden, up, down等词汇。 学习、运用如下内容: A: What is this? B: It’s a ... A: What colour is it? B: It’s... A: Do you like it? B:Yes. Down, down, down / High and low / Up and down. How happy / cool / nice! 1.能初步感知、理解和运用 三个游乐设施词汇:slide, swing, seesaw。 2.尝试运用“What’s this? It’s a... What colour is it? It’s... ”等句型来描述游乐设 施的所见(色彩等)和所感。 3.在交流与分享的过程中 感受游乐设施。


学科教师辅导教案 讲义编号:组长审核:

1.学习look and learn部分 Smoke 抽烟 smoky 有烟雾的 No swimming!=Don’t swim!=You mustn’t swim here!=You aren’t allowed to swim.=You can’t swim here. What does this sign mean?=What’s the meaning of this sign? 情态动词 can must should +动词原形,变否定直接在后面+not, 变疑问句时直接把情态动词提前。 must 必须---mustn’t(禁止)/ needn’t (不需要) 2.学习look and say 部分 Walk one’s dog 遛狗 park keeper g公园管理员 3.学习listen and enjoy 部分,加深can’t shouldn’t mustn’t用法 Throw 扔 throw away 扔掉 4.学习音标/l/ /r/ 5.学习say and act部分 Have a picnic野餐 get into 进入--get out of 出来 pick 摘 pick up Bench 长凳 beach沙滩 6.学习read a story部分 Path 小路 stepmother 后母 stepfather 继父 leave-left-left say to oneself 自言自语 the next day 第二天 on the way to..去..的路上 By the way 顺便问一下 in the way 挡路 in the middle of 在...中间 later adv.稍后 come back=return 返回 lose -lost-lost迷失 lose one’s way 迷路 worry 担心 worry about = be worried about Follow 跟随 following 以下的


Book 6 Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. 高密市开发区小学周世娟 一.教学内容:本单元为新标准英语第六册第三模块第一单元,具体地说本节课是这一模块的第一课时:主要内容是在以前学习基础上运用句型:What did you/she/he have forbreakfast/ lunch/ dinner? 以及答语I/She /He had … . 通过本课时的学习,让学生进一步学习巩固一般过去时态的特殊疑问句及答语的句型,并且了解英国一日三餐的饮食情况,会用英语询问一天三餐吃了什么,并作相应回答,为下一个课时学习打下基础。 二、教学目标: 1)语言知识目标:掌握单词:egg email sandwich(es) traditional delicious fish and chips。能听懂、会说句子: What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?及其答语:She had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips. 2)语言技能目标:运用所学句型进行对话表演和口语交际。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的英语学习能力。 3)情感态度目标: (1)通过学习让学生养成良好的健康的饮食习惯,远离垃圾食品。 (2)培养学生,团结协作、乐于参与游戏精神和竞争意识。 (3)了解中西方的饮食习惯不同。 三、教学重难点: 1)本课时的教学重点是:能听懂、会说“What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?”“She had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/ fish and chips.并能进行口语交际。能运用单词 email sandwich(es) traditional delicious . 2)教学难点是:sandwich(es) traditional delicious 的正确发音,以及上面重点句型在具体情境中的灵活运用。 四、教学过程 Step Ⅰ Warm-up:(热身) 1.Say a chant together. Noodles and rice, are very very nice. Mmm very very nice . Dumplings and fish, are very very nice. Mmm very very nice . (环节分析:通过chant的形式,不仅能吸引学生的注意力,调动积极性,


M3U1 Signs The 1st period ( P 38 – 39) Knowledge objectives: 1.Be able to master the words and expressions: keeper, sign, mean 2. Using imperatives to express prohibitions. Eg. No smoking. Don‘t litter. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing modeled sentences to give instructions or express prohibitions Eg.What does this sign mean? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing modeled sentences to give instructions or express prohibitions Eg.You can‘t ride your bicycle here. Skill objectives: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing imperatives to express prohibitions. Eg. No smoking. Don‘t litter. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing modeled sentences to give instructions or express prohibitions Eg.What does this sign mean? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a15561138.html,ing modeled sentences to give instructions or express prohibitions Eg.You can‘t ride your bicycle here. Emotion objective: Please obey the public rules. I. Pre-task 一、Warming up 1. Daily talk 1) Look at the clock. What time is it now? 2) What‘s the weather like today? 3) What day is it today? 4) What do you need for your birthday? 5) Don‘t run in the classroom, Danny. 6) Can we pick the flowers in the park? 7) If you see a boy climb the tree. How should you say to him? 二、Revision 1. Put the words in the right columns(将下列单词归在相应音标栏内) 2. Fill in the blanks with the proper preposition 1). I have breakfast ________ six o‘clock ________ the morning. 2). Don‘t jump __________ the wall. It‘s dangerous. 3). Look, Peter is waiting ________ the train _________ the station. 4). ________ the morning of Jane 1st, the girls always wear their beautiful skits. 5). There is some fruit ________ the fruit bowl. There is some bread ________ the plate.
