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real 的用法

[英] [ri?l] [美] [?ri?l, ril] 生词本
adj. 真的; 真实的,现实的; 事实上的; 真诚的
adv. 真正,实在; 确实地
n. 实在,现实; 实数
复数: reals 派生词:realness
realistic现实[主义]的 (realist[n.现实主义者]+ic……的→adj.现实[主义]的)
real真的, 真实的, 不动产的 (real真实,现实→adj.真的, 真实的, 不动产的)
unreal不真实的, 虚幻的 (un不+real真实,现实→adj.不真实的, 虚幻的)
really真正地, 实在地 (real真实,现实+ly表副词→adv.真正地, 实在地)
reality真实, 事实, 本体, 逼真 (real真实,现实+ity表名词→n.真实, 事实, 本体, 逼真)
realist现实主义者 (real真实,现实+ist人→n.现实主义者)
realism现实主义 (real真实,现实+ism主义→realism现实主义)
realize认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行 (real真实,现实+ize表动词→v.认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行)

for real
1. (非正式)真正的,确实的;认真的
I'm not playing games—this is for real!.
get real!
1. (非正式,主北美)愚蠢!荒唐!可笑!(用来表示某个想法或说法的愚蠢性或过于理想化)
You want teens to have committed sexual relationships? Get real!.
real live
1. (幽默)千真万确(尤用来强调惊人、不寻常的事情的真实性)
a real live detective had been at the factory.
real money
1. (非正式)大笔钱
the real thing
1. (非正式)千真万确的事情
you've never been in love before, so how can you be sure this is the real thing?.
for real【俚语】
1. 真正地,确实地:事实或现实确实如此地
“Is this place for real? A wolf in a . . . leisure suit and a cow in a print dress wait patiently on the couch in the lobby”(&b{Teresa Carson})

adj.1. “真的,真正的;现实的”释义下的同义词
honest original true bona actual fide sincere legitimate pure authentic genuine substantial certain 其他释义下的同义词
official genuine single authentic true proof wool literal tangible virtual good strict so factual concrete pure fide honest legitimate sincere confirmed natural realistic physical substantial bona faithful actual certain 反义词
adj.1. “真的;真实的;现实的”释义下的反义词
artificial formal

made-up ideal personal fake imaginary unreal false apparent 其他释义下的
nominal imaginary personal ideal unreal sham apparent
genuine, authentic, actual, real, true, factual
genuine: 普通常用词,指真正的,货真价实的,强调非人为或非虚假的。
actual: 指事物的实际存在,并非出自主观臆造。
real: 普通用词,含义较广,有时可与actual和genuine换用。指一切真实的或 表面看不出虚假的事物。
true: 指同实际情况或标准完全一致。口语中多用。
real ale real algebra real analytic bundle real analytic fiber bundle real analytic function real analytic local coordinates real arithmetic constant real arithmetic real balance effect real bargain real brightness real capital real coefficient real component real credit real density real domain real earnings real ellipse real estate account
late Middle English (as a legal term meaning 'relating to things, especially real property'): from Anglo-Norman French, from late Latin realis, from Latin res 'thing'

Spanish, literally royal' (adjective used as a noun)

《柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典》是柯林斯公司携手外研社专为中国学习者打造的学习型词典,其内容全部基于43亿收词规模大语料库,收录31万词汇短语,11万例证辨析,上万句式搭配、词语辨析,语料地道、典型,口语书面语并重,原汁原味英语世界。 英汉双向大词典孔明自叹不如的三国牛人是谁?
1. ADJ 形容词真的;真实的;非虚构的 Something that is real actually exists and is not imagined, invented, or theoretical.
No, it wasn't a dream. It was real...

Legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious.

2. ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词身临其境的;亲身经历的 If something is real to someone, they experience it as though it really exists or happens, even though it does not. 【搭配模式】:usu v-link ADJWhitechild's life becomes increasingly real to the reader.

3. ADJ 形容词天然的;真材实料的;非仿制的;非人工合成的 A material or object that is real is natural or functioning, and not artificial or an imitation. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n...the smell of real leather...

Who's to know if they're real guns or not?...

Desmond did not believe the diamond was real.

4. ADJ 形容词真正的;完全的;不掺假的;货真价实的 You can use real to describe someone or something that has all the characteristics or qualities th
at such a person or thing typically has. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n...his first real girlfriend...

He's not a real alcoholic...

The only real job I'd ever had was as manager of the local cafe.

Usage Note :
Do not confuse real and actual. You use real to describe things that exist rather than being imagined or theoretical. Robert squealed in mock terror, then in real pain. You use actual to emphasize that what you are referring to is real or genuine, for example, the actual cost of something is what it costs rather than what you expect it to cost. You can also use actual to contrast different aspects of something, for example the time taken to prepare for something with the time taken to do something. The actual boat trip takes about forty-five minutes.

不要混淆real和actual。real表示事物的确存在,非想象的或理论上的。例如,Robert squealed in mock terror, then in real pain(罗伯特起初假装害怕而尖叫,接着却真的疼得叫起来)。actual强调所指的事物是真实的或实际的,例如,actual cost指实际的花费,而不是预期的花费。actual还可以用来对比事物的不同方面,例如用来准备做某事的时间和真正做某事花费的时间之间的对比。如:The actual boat trip takes about forty-five minutes(实际坐船的时间大概有45分钟)。

5. ADJ 形容词真正的;最初的 You can use real to describe something that is the true or original thing of its kind, in contrast to one that someone wants you to believe is true. 【搭配模式】:ADJ nThis was the real reason for her call...

Her real name had been Miriam Pinckus.

6. ADJ 形容词最重要的;最典型的 You can use real to describe something that is the most important or typical part of a thing. 【搭配模式】:ADJ nWhen he talks, he only gives glimpses of his real self...

The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work.

...a solo journey to discover the real America.

7. ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词真实存在的;严肃的 You can use real when you are talking about a situation or feeling to emphasize that it exists and is important or serious. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n
【语用信息】:emphasisGlobal warming is a real problem...


The prospect of civil war is very real...

There was never any real danger of the children being affected...

defeat seemed a real possibility at the end of 1981...

At least they have a real chance to find work.

8. ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词真实的;真诚的 You can use real to emphasize a quality that is genuine and sincere. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n
【语用信息】:emphasisYou've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment...

Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past.

9. ADJ 形容词(放在名词前)十足的,绝对的 You can use real before nouns to emphasize your description of something or someone. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n
【STYLE标签】:mainly SPOKEN 主口语'It's a fabulous deal, a real bargain.'

'You must think I'm a real idiot.'

10. ADJ 形容词(成本或价值)实际的,净的,实的 The real cost or value of something is its cost or value after other amounts have been added or subtracted and when factors such as the level of inflation have been considered. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl...the real cost of borrowing.

You can also talk about the cost or value of something in real terms .按实价;算净值
In real terms the cost of driving is cheaper than a decade ago...

Pensions have increased in real terms over the last twenty years.

11. ADV 副词(用于形容词或副词前表示强调)非常,真正 You can use real to emphasize an adjective or adverb. 【搭配模式】:ADV adj/adv
【语域标签】:AM 美
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式He is finding prison life 'real tough'...

I don't think you are trying real hard.

12. PHRASE 短语真实地;真正地;不是假装 If you say that someone does something for real, you mean that they actually do it and do not just pretend to do it. 【搭配模式】:usu PHR after vThe sex scenes were just good acting. We didn't do it for real.

13. PHRASE 短语来真的,真是这样(表

示令人吃惊) If you think that someone or something is very surprising, you can ask if they are for real . 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR
【语域标签】:AM 美
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式Is this guy for real?

14. PHRASE 短语真品;非仿冒品;真实事件 If you say
that a thing or event is the real thing, you mean that it is the thing or event itself, rather than an imitation or copy.
The counterfeits sell for about $20 less than the real thing...

The Blairgowrie Highland Games, on the other hand, are the real thing rather than a media event.

1. 真的
This is a real pearl, not an imitation.
这是真的珍珠, 不是仿制品。
2. 真实的; 现实的;实际存在的;非凭空想象的
This is a real experience, not a dream.
这是一次真实的经历, 并不是做梦。
3. 不可忽略的;严重的
4. 真正的;确实的;真实的
5. 真正的;名副其实的
6. 真的;正宗的;非假冒的;非人工的
7. 真诚的;真切的
8. (强调状态或品质)
9. 实际的(已按物价指数等调整);按购买力衡量的
1. 非常,很
1. any rational or irrational number
synonym: real number
2. an old small silver Spanish coin
1. being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory;
"real objects"
"real people; not ghosts"
"a film based on real life"
"a real illness"
"real humility"
"Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellow
synonym: existent
antonym: unreal
2. no less than what is stated; worthy of the name;
"the real reason"
"real war"
"a real friend"
"a real woman"
"meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal"
"it's time he had a real job"
"it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money"
synonym: real(a)
antonym: unreal
3. being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something;
"her actual motive"
"a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton
"a genuine dilemma"
synonym: actual,genuine,literal
4. not synthetic or spurious; of real or natural origin;
"real mink"
"true gold"
synonym: true
5. not to be taken lightly;
"statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems"
"to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real"
6. possible to be treated as fact;
"tangible evidence"
"his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor"
synonym: tangible

7. being value measured in terms of purchasing power;
"real prices"
"real income"
"real wages"
antonym: nominal
8. having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary;
"the substantial world"
"a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical"
"most ponderous and substantial things"- Shakespeare
synonym: substantial,material
9. (of property) fixed or immovable;
"real property consists of land and buildings; real estate"
10. coinciding with reality;
"perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception"- F.A.Olafson
synonym: veridical
11. founded
on practical matters;
"a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time"
1. used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal;
"she was very gifted"
"he played very well"
"a really enjoyable evening"
"I'm real sorry about it"
"a rattling good yarn"
synonym: very,really,rattling
哲学| 大气科学| 机械| 法律| 物理学| 电力| 计算机
<名>1.实在价值主张; real-value claims
<名>1.实时显示; real-time display 天气雷达天线扫描时回波荧光屏上当时的显示。
<名>1.实时分析; real-time analysis 在设备运行过程中,对实时测量信号处理的时间能够满足动态过程参数分辨需要的分析。; 实时控制系统; real-time control system 能对输入作出快速响应、快速检测和快速处理,并能及时提供输出操作信号的计算机控制系统。
1.真实; 领域
<名>1.实时全息术; real-time holography
<名>1.实时安全评估; real-time security assessment
1.实数[型];【修】实[R];= RElocatable Assembler Language,浮动汇编程序语言; = REsource ALlocation, 资源分配

Recreation Excellence at Army Lakes (CELRN program) 娱乐卓越CELRN(程序)的军队湖泊
Remote Electronic Access for Libraries 远程电子进入图书馆
Revised European American Lymphoma 修订后的欧洲的美国淋巴瘤
Radical Extreme Athletes League 激进的极端的运动员联盟
Rapid Experiential Applied Learning 快速的经验应用学习
Reach, Enrich, Act, And Learn 达、丰富、行为、学习
Recreation Experiences And Leisure 娱乐经验和休闲
Reflective Experiential Active Learning 反光体验一种主动的学习
Reinvent Education And Advance Learning 重塑教育和提高学习者的学习质量
Relevance Efficiency Attitude And Learnability 效率与相关态度
Reliability, Inc. 可靠性、公司
Reserve Education And Learning 储备教育和学习
Resources, Events, Agents, and Locations 资源、事件、代理或位置
Respect, E

quality, Attitude, And Love 尊重、平等、态度和爱
Respect, Equality, Awareness and Learning (University of Georgia debates) 尊重、平等、意识、学习(大学)的乔治亚州的辩论
Revenues Expenses Assets Liabilities 资产负债收入支出
Rhymes Equal Actual Life (rapper KRS-One; circa 1990) 实际生活(说唱童谣KRS-One相等;大约1990)
Routine Economic Airlift 日常经济空运
Rural Economic Assistance League (Texas) 农村经济援助联盟(得克萨斯)
Rural Energy Advice Link 农村能源咨询联系
Rape Emergency Assistance League 强奸紧急援助同盟
Real—Aerovias do Brasil (Portuguese=Brazil Air Lines) (葡萄牙语)巴西航空公司
Residential Experience in Adult Living 成人生活中的居住体验
relocatable assembler language 可再定位汇编程序语言
resource allocati
on 资源分配

real专辑专辑简介 专辑中文名: REAL歌手: 彩虹乐队(L'Arc~en~Ciel) 音乐风格: 流行 版本: 专辑 发行时间: 2000年09月06日 语言: 日语 『REAL』是彩虹乐队的第8张专辑,收录了『LOVE FLIES』、『NEO UNIVERSE』、『finale』、『STAY AWAY』四首当时大热的歌曲。这张专辑中能听出当时的hyde的声音的转变,不仅仅是着重于高音反而开始以低音为中心发声,经常使用「浊声」让声音变形。 个人很喜欢『NEO UNIVERSE』,歌曲曲风比较明朗
