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Hey Jude

Hey Jude

The Beatles

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.

Take a sad song and make it better.

Remember to let her into your heart,

Then you can start to make it better.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid.

You were made to go out and get her.

The minute you let her under your skin,

Then you begin to make it better.

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.

For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder.

Hey Jude, don't let me down.

You have found her, now go and get her. Remember to let her into your heart,

Then you can start to make it better.



1995年01月语法题 1. An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually _____ financial decisions based on their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction. (A) making (B) and make (C) being made (D) having made 答案:A 测试点:谓语。 分析:that从句中有主语但谓语不全,选择(A)making与系词and组成进行时。 解题要点:continully和always等词常与进行时连用,表示“一贯如此”。 2. _____ tempera paint, the artist mixes dry pigments with water until the mixture resembles a stiff paste. (A) In preparation (B) The preparing of (C) To prepare (D) Prepared 答案:C 测试点:状语/不定式。 分析:逗号后为句子,逗号前为状语。动词不定式(C)作目的状语。 3. When two straight lines meet, _____ an angle. (A) it is formed (B) formed (C) they form (D) to form 答案:C 测试点:主谓结构。 分析:逗号前为when引导的从句,逗号后应是主句。主句主、谓语俱缺,应在答案 中选择主语+动词的形式,即(A)或(C)。(A)用了形式主语n,但空格后并无真正的主语部分。故选(C) 4. Madge Macklin promoted the expansion of medical training to include genetics _____ supported the founding of genetics departments in North American medical schools. (A) nor (B) and (C) while (D) if 答案:B 测试点:连词。 分析:空格前为主谓语完整的句子,空格后又出现一谓语动词,即全句有一个主语,两个谓语。这两个谓语动词之间应用and连接,故选(B)。(A)用于否定句;(C)后接句子或现在分词短语;(D)接从句。 5. _____ mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only before birth. (A) Most (B) The most (C) Most of which (D) In most of the 答案:A 测试点:定语。

TOEFL Junior语法题小托福语言形式与含义

TJ时态题 官方指南 1. He ___ one of his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday. A. take B. to take C. is taking D. was taken TJ语态题 1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16.A. findsB. findingC. has foundD. was found 2.Givennewtechnologiesandadvancedtrainingtechniques,skijumpingrecordswills urelycontinue ___ A. are broken B. to be broken C. breaking them D. have been breaking 3. They ___ to provide a lot of living spaces, not for long, dangerous voyages. A. build B. are built C. have built D. are building TJ连词/介词/副词 1. _____ you were at basketball practice today, your teacher, Mr. Morris, called on the phone totalk with you. A.So B. While C. Because D. Although 2._____theconstruction,thefrontentrancetothesciencebuildingwillbeclosed.____ ,allstudents will have to use the doors on the north side to enter the building. A. At B. On C. Over D. During A. As a result B. Even though C. All of a sudden D. On the other hand 3. Cuckoos, cowbirds, and widowbirds are three examples ___ birds that are brood parasites.A. ofB. byC. forD. from


第5章多媒体对象的使用 本章要点: ●声音与视频的使用 ●Flash动画使用 ●Shockwave电影的使用 ●Java特效的使用 本章难点: ●如何在网页中使用各种多媒体对象 多媒体网页制作主要是在网页中使用各种多媒体对象,包括:使用声音和视频、使用Flash动画、使用Java特效和使用Shockwave电影等。通过这些对象为浏览者提供在网上听音乐和观看视频的功能,使网页具有更丰富的感官和视觉效果。 5.1声音与视频的使用 5.1.1添加背景音乐 背景音乐通常是给浏览者以美妙视听感觉,以此提高吸引力,并为网页增色添彩,从而体现个性的一种手段。在网页中插入背景音乐的格式可以是.wav、.mid和.mp3等,这些格式的文件一般浏览器都支持。但由于受到网络带宽的限制,绝大多数情况下背景音乐一般采用.mid格式。同时由于背景音乐并不是一种标准的网页属性,它需要通过修改源代码的方式进行添加。其操作步骤如下: (1)打开要添加背景音乐的网页,切换到代码视图。 (2)在头文件和之间添加以下代码:,如图5.1所示。

网页设计与制作 添加此段代码 图5.1 修改源代码添加背景音乐 标记符Bgsound的基本属性是src,用于指定背景音乐的源文件。而常用属性loop 则用于指定背景音乐重复的次数,若不指定该属性,则背景音乐将无限循环。 (3)按【F12】键,在浏览器窗口中浏览背景音乐的效果。 5.1.2链接声音与视频 1、声音概述 声音是最常见的一种多媒体信息。它可以是一段动听的音乐,也可以是为一个按钮 或文字链接设置的音效。用户可以指定点击播放按钮时播放的音乐,或者当鼠标移入一 个文字链接上方时播放的音效。但声音文件播放是受浏览器限制的。常用IE浏览器支 持Wav、Mid音乐的播放。其他格式的声音文件需要安装相应插件才能播放。例如QuickTime、Windows Media Player或RealPlayer。 声音文件格式有多种,常用的主要有Mid、Wav、Mp3格式等。 .mid或.midi(乐器数字接口)格式用于器乐。许多浏览器都支持MIDI文件,且不 要求插件。MID格式的文件量较小,品质却很高,但不能录制,只能有专业声音编辑软 件制作。 .wav(Waveform 扩展名)格式文件具有较好的声音品质,许多浏览器都支持此类 格式文件,且不要求插件。它可以从CD、磁盘或麦克风等录制WAV文件。但是,WAV文 件通常很大,在网上播放时受到一定的限制。 .mp3(MPEG-音频层-3)格式是一种压缩格式,它可令声音文件明显缩小。其声音 品质非常好,如果正确录制和压缩MP3文件,其质量甚至可以和CD质量相媲美。这一 新技术可以对文件进行“流式处理”,以便访问者不必等待整个文件下载完成即可收听 该文件。但是,其文件大小要大于Real Audio文件,因此通过普通电话线连接下载整 首歌曲可能要花较长的时间。若要播放MP3文件,访问者必须下载安装相应插件或播放器。



2011年托福考试:语法模拟试题及答案详解 1. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body. A. in disease B. that disease C. of disease D. about disease 答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that 引导的宾语从句。这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句。 参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的体液。 2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. A. she was the first woman to conduct B. the first woman conductor C. the woman was first conducting D. the woman conducts first 答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。

参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家 补充:常考the first/second/… one to do sth 3. On January 7,1955,Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House. A. the first African American B. the first African American was C. she was the first African American D. when the first African American 答案:A分析:缺宾语,C,D都不能作宾语。一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错。 参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人。 4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United


托福(TOEFL)考试语法指导:托福语法攻略(2) 这些小细节一定要掌握。 而更重要的是,很多人对过去分词是否是谓语的搞不清楚。如: dedicated to raising 和dedicated raising,你能告诉我哪个过分是谓语,而哪个不是吗? dedicated to raising 就是非谓语 dedicated raising就是谓语 请你记住以下的总结: Vt.ed+宾语谓语 Vt.ed 非谓语 Be+ Vt.ed 谓语 Be+ Vt.ed+宾语非谓语 所谓的Vted就是过去分词,是及物动词,dedicated to raising为什么是非谓语?因为我说过,及物动词必有宾语,dedicated后没有宾语,如果加了宾语,就象这个dedicated raising,此时它就是谓语动词了。 By 1872 the US had 70 engineering colleges, ( ) astonishing expansion credited largely to the MA of 1862. A because B an C to which D was我想你没有选对肯定是credited 这个过去分词你没有搞清楚它是谓语还是非谓语。实际上,它是个非谓语,逗号后是个过分修饰的名词短语。前面是个完整的句子,好了,A because连词,而没有与之相配的谓语,不对。C to which也没有与之相配的谓语,错。D没有连词却有个谓语,错。 如果你不能分析出credited的是非谓语,你肯定永远做不对。 一定要记住上面的总结,真的很重要。 还有就是一些小知识点了,比如固定搭配,副词可修饰副词,形容词,句子,但不能修饰名词。among放在句首后面的谓语与主语要倒装,so 放于句首要倒装,介词引导的表地点,方位的状语提前到句首要倒装等。How在TOEFL中只作连词。单个形容词修饰名词放在名词前,而形容词短语修饰名词放在名词后。如:beautiful girl, stage bare of scenery,其中bare of scenery为形容词短语后置作 stage的定语。过去分词要想作名词的定语必须后置。 总之,做语法题一定要分析句子结构,95%题不用读句意都能做出来。所谓句子结构,就是找主谓宾,定状补都是修饰成分。其次就是了解什么成分能做定状补。下次做题时就按这种方法,肯定对你有益处。 【


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 ) 1.The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring … (B) bringing (C) is brought 】 (D) brings 答案: A ^ 测试点:不定式。 < 分析: allow+sb .十不定式为固定结构。 4 个答案中只有( A) to bring 是不定式。 【 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider … (B) when sweet cider is served ? (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served

答案: D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即( D)。(A)、(C)不通,( B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________,or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案: C 测试点:倒装句。 分析: Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of,短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即( C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在 4 个答案中寻找以系动词( be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society


2013高考语文作文素材:披头士乐队:阔别50年,让全世界泪奔了 1968年,麦卡特尼在车里写下的《Hey Jude》,全球销量超过了八百万张:这首歌,曾使列侬被美国政府视为“国家敌人”,也曾成为东欧政治变革的符号:而今天,这首歌仍是英国人的集体回忆,是女王登基60周年庆和伦敦奥运会的压轴之曲…… 50年前,披头士的四个男孩从利物浦走向了世界,在他们解散40年后,披头士依然是全世界最伟大的摇滚乐队。这正如莎士比亚去世400年后我们仍然对他尊崇有加,并且从未想过有一天我们会停止对他的敬意。 只有当有一天人们不再写关于他们的书、拍关于他们的电影,当学生们再也选不到关于他们的课程,那么我们也许终于可以不再提起他们,但这一天也许永远不会到来。 经典回顾·现场链接 那一刻,伦敦动容 2012年7月27日,伦敦奥运会开幕式上,披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼作为压轴,演唱了经典之作《Hey Jude》,全场沸腾,许多人泪流满面。 1968年7月29日,披头土在录音棚里为新唱片的封面发生争执。一边是列侬写的《革命》,另一边是麦卡特尼的《Hey Jude》。最后列侬作出了让步,因为他在麦卡特尼的歌词中读到更多普世价值。 《Hey Jude》比一般的单曲长了两倍,但却广受欢迎,短短两个星期就出人意料地售出了两百万张,在全球的销量更超过了八百万张。 情感悟语当全场几万人集体跟着保罗合唱时,这是最令人感动的场景。每每听到《HeyJude》这首歌,许多人都会忆起从前或美好或忧伤的往事,如此怀旧,如此具有亲和力的表演,无疑是情感的释放器,是眼泪的催泪弹,是触及柔软心灵的绕指柔,怎么也不像追求更高、更快、更强的奥运会开幕式,但伦敦做到了。 听完刘欢,听听披头士 当菲尔普斯、博尔特们还在回味北京奥运会的全聚德烤鸭时,英国也秀出了自己最大的特色——作为摇滚圣地,英国给了全世界乐迷一个足够的惊喜,在开幕式上,保罗·麦卡特尼演唱着那首不朽名曲《Hey Jude》,让全世界泪奔了。 奥运会开幕式有诸多争议之处,唯独精彩度排名第一的披头土乐队争议最少。当麦卡特尼站上奥运会开幕式的舞台,献上一首《Hey Jude》,当全场8万名观众一起高唱“啦啦,啦啦啦啦”,百年奥运的经典一幕,永载史册。 回顾2008,刘欢和萨拉·布莱曼的一曲《我和你》还是赢得了满堂彩,只是有些刻意的应景之作想达到触动人心的效果,实在勉为其难;而响彻半个世纪之后,麦卡特尼的悠扬歌声所达到的震撼人心的效果,也许让所有的之前之后的开幕式都难望项背。 “布拉格之春”和捷克版《Hey Jude》 当摇滚乐在西方世界担负起反抗先锋的同时,面世仅一个月的《Hey Jude》也在柏林墙的另一头为人们所传唱,改变了一个名叫玛尔塔·库碧索娃的女孩的人生轨迹。 1968年1月,杜布切克担任捷克斯洛伐克共产党第一书记,实行改革,开启“布拉格之春”,文化领域随之解冻。玛尔塔以一益呼唤和平的《玛尔塔的祈祷》迅速蹿红。 然而,好景不长。8月20日深夜,华约部队入侵捷克。


托福考试语法题口诀汇编(2) 口诀二去掉独立成分,答案自然现身 这一口诀主要是用来解“填空”题的.我们所遇到的情况更多是题干的句子较长而且关系复杂, 如按传统的方法先搞清楚句子内部关系,分辨出句子的基本意思,再找出相应缺少的成分------不但耗时很多,而且把握不大.这里,我们介绍的方法则简便了许多:将具有"独立"意义的句子 成分去掉------如果这时主句不缺少成分的化,也不予以考虑------只考虑剩下,不“独立”的成分。这样,关系简单了,正确答案也就容易找到了.而且绝大部分情况下,在"语法"层次-----即不弄懂句义的情况下-----即可选出正确答案. 那么,都有哪些成分时“独立成分”呢?主要有以下几种: 1.副词和不是用作前置定语的分词; 2.不定式,介词,分词,同位语等短语; 3.所有的从句. 这种方式究竟有多大的作用呢?下面我们来看几个例句: (7) Geophysicists have collaborated with archaeologists and anthropologists to study the magnetic properties of pottery and fireplaces at sites ------ by early humans. A. occupied B. occupying C. which D. were occupied 如果按照上面提到的标准去衡量,这个句子的题干就应该时这样的: (Geophysicists have collaborated主句)(with archaeologists and anthropologists 介词短语)(to study the magnetic properties不定式短语)(of pottery and fireplaces 介词短语)(at sites介词短语)------(by early humans.介词短语) 将这些“独立成分”都去掉后就只剩下 "Geophysicists have collaborated" .由于题干的主句及其它部分都不缺少成分,作为答案的选项也必须是一个“独立成分”.在不考虑词义的情况下,A,B,C3个选项似乎都可以.但是,如果B项可以的话,C也一定可以.反面证明两个选项都不行,答案自然是A了. (8) During the late fifteenth century, ------ of the native societies for America had professions in the fields of arts and crafts. A. only a few B. a few but C. few, but only D. a few only 还是按照前面提到的标准去衡量,这个句子的题干部分就会变成下面这样: (During the late fifteenth century介词短语),-----(of the native societies fo America介词短语)had professions (in the fields介词短语)(of arts and crafts介词短语). 把独立成分去掉后就只剩下 "------ had professions".一眼即可看出,句子缺少主语.答案自然就是A了. 【


Hey Jude The Beatles

?这首歌就是英国的难忘今宵!!!伦敦奥运会的压轴歌曲,我觉得很适合大合唱由麦卡特尼创作的,鼓励列农的儿子朱利安勇敢面对现实,在约翰列侬离婚后希望朱利安不要消沉其实这首歌的原名是Hey Julian,后来改为Hey Jules, 最终变成Hey Jude

?《Hey Jude》是Paul McCartney(保罗·麦卡特尼,The Beatles(披头士乐队,又称甲壳虫乐队)成员之一)为一个五岁的孩子写下的一首歌。这个男孩叫Julian,是John Lennon(约翰·列侬)与前妻Cynthia 的儿子。1968年夏天,John Lennon开始和Yoko Ono(小野洋子)同居了,他与前妻Cynthia的婚姻也到了崩溃的边缘

?Paul一直非常喜爱John Lennon的儿子Julian,他担心大人之间的婚姻变故会对一个小孩子带来心理上的阴影。(不过,当时Paul也正和相恋5年的未婚妻Jane Asher分手,开始与Linda Eastman 的感情)他曾说:“我总是为父母离异的孩子感到难过。大人们也许没什么,但是孩子……”同时,他也想要安慰一下Cynthia。于是有一天,他去了Cynthia的家里,还给她带了一枝红玫瑰,开玩笑的对她说:“Cyn,你说咱俩结婚怎么样?”说完两人同时大笑起来,Cynthia从他的玩笑中感受到了温暖和关心。

?Paul在车里为Julian写下了这首Hey Jude (Hey,Julian),可当时的Julian并不知道。直到二十年后,Julian才明白这首歌是写给自己的。他一直很喜爱爸爸的这个朋友,像一个叔叔一样的Paul。John Lennon也非常喜爱这一首歌。自从第一次 听到,他就觉得,“噢,这首歌是写给我 的!”Paul 说“Hey,John!去吧,离开我们和Yoko在一起吧。”他似乎又在说:“Hey,John!不要离开!来 自:”https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0d17390272.html,/view/965993.htm


2000年01月语法题 16. The outer layer of the heart, called the pericardium, forms a sac in what the heart lies. 17. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to steam. 18. The ability to talk is one of the skill that make humans different from the rest of the animal world. 19. In plane geometry, the sum of the internal angles of any triangle has always equal to 180 degrees. 20. Polar bears are bowlegged and pigeon-toed, adaptations that enable this massive animals to maintain their balance as they walk. 21. Caves are formed by the chemical or action mechanical of water on soluble rock, by volcanic activity, and by earthquakes. 22. Celery, an edible plant is having long stalks topped with feathery leaves, grows best in cool weather. 23. The first fiction writer in the United States to achieve international fame was Washington Irving, who wrote many stories, included “ Rip Van Winkle” and“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. 24. Three fundamental aspects of forest conversation are the protection of immature trees, the use of proper harvesting methods, and provide for anenvironment that supports reproduction. 25. For each enzyme reaction there is an optimum temperature which maximum efficiency is achieved. 26. Adolescence is a transitional stage in human development from the beginning of puberty to the attainment of the emotion, social, and physical maturity ofadulthood. 27. The people native to the northwest coast of North American have long be knownfor wood carvings of stunning beauty and extraordinary quality. 28. Colonial efforts to manufacture glass at Jamestown---- and later attempts near Philadelphia and Boston---failed despite the abundant of fuel and good rawmaterials.

2020高考语文 披头士乐队阔别50年让全世界泪奔了作文素材

2020高考语文作文素材:披头士乐队:阔别50年,让全世界泪奔了1968年,麦卡特尼在车里写下的《Hey Jude》,全球销量超过了八百万张: 这首歌,曾使列侬被美国政府视为“国家敌人”,也曾成为东欧政治变革的符号: 而今天,这首歌仍是英国人的集体回忆,是女王登基60周年庆和伦敦奥运会的压轴之曲…… 50年前,披头士的四个男孩从利物浦走向了世界,在他们解散40年后,披头士依然是全世界最伟大的摇滚乐队。这正如莎士比亚去世400年后我们仍然对他尊崇有加,并且从未想过有一天我们会停止对他的敬意。 只有当有一天人们不再写关于他们的书、拍关于他们的电影,当学生们再也选不到关于他们的课程,那么我们也许终于可以不再提起他们,但这一天也许永远不会到来。 经典回顾· 那一刻,伦敦动容 2020年7月27日,伦敦奥运会开幕式上,披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼作为压轴,演唱了经典之作《Hey Jude》,全场沸腾,许多人泪流满面。 1968年7月29日,披头土在录音棚里为新唱片的封面发生争执。一边是列侬写的《革命》,另一边是麦卡特尼的《Hey Jude》。最后列侬作出了让步,因为他在麦卡特尼的歌词中读到更多普世价值。 《Hey Jude》比一般的单曲长了两倍,但却广受欢迎,短短两个星期就出人意料地售出了两百万张,在全球的销量更超过了八百万张 情感悟语当全场几万人集体跟着保罗合唱时,这是最令人感动的场景。每每听到《HeyJude》这首歌,许多人都会忆起从前或美好或忧伤的往事,如此怀旧,如此具有亲和力的表演,无疑是情感的释放器,是眼泪的催泪弹,是触及柔软心灵的绕指柔,怎么也不像追求更高、更快、更强的奥运会开幕式,但伦敦做到了。 听完刘欢,听听披头士 当菲尔普斯、博尔特们还在回味北京奥运会的全聚德烤鸭时,英国也秀出了自己最大的特色——作为摇滚圣地,英国给了全世界乐迷一个足够的惊喜,在开幕式上,保罗·麦卡特尼演唱着那首不朽名曲《Hey Jude》,让全世界泪奔了。奥运会开幕式有诸多争议之处,唯独精彩度排名第一的披头土乐队争议最少。当麦卡特尼站上奥运会开幕式的舞台,献上一首《Hey Jude》,当全场8万名观众一起高唱“啦啦,啦啦啦啦”,百年奥运的经典一幕,永载史册。 回顾2020,刘欢和萨拉·布莱曼的一曲《我和你》还是赢得了满堂彩,只是有些刻意的应景之作想达到触动人心的效果,实在勉为其难;而响彻半个世纪之后,麦卡特尼的悠扬歌声所达到的震撼人心的效果,也许让所有的之前之后的开幕式都难望项背。 “布拉格之春”和捷克版《Hey Jude》 当摇滚乐在西方世界担负起反抗先锋的同时,面世仅一个月的《Hey Jude》也在柏林墙的另一头为人们所传唱,改变了一个名叫玛尔塔·库碧索娃的女孩的人生轨迹。 1968年1月,杜布切克担任捷克斯洛伐克共产党第一书记,实行改革,开启“布拉格之春”,文化领域随之解冻。玛尔塔以一益呼唤和平的《玛尔塔的祈祷》迅速蹿红。 然而,好景不长。8月20日深夜,华约部队入侵捷克。 随着亲苏政府上台,玛尔塔不得不作出选择:流亡国外,或留下来服从当局。然而,玛尔塔选择了第三条道路:她决定在第一张个人专辑中加入一首抒情曲。时值披头士的《Hey Jude》大热,她决定重新为曲子填词,借以传达不屈抗争的信念。 玛尔塔与友人兹德涅克共同执笔的捷克歌词,将“Jude”改成了捷克少女的形象,歌词被设


托福考试语法模拟试题及答案详解汇总 为了让同学们更好的应对托福考试中的语法,整理了托福语法考试模拟题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福考试语法模拟试题及答案详解 1. Bubbles,flaws,and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass,_________ the glass sparkle. A. which making B. and making C. making D. to making 答案:C 分析:空格前的句子结构完整,这里的分词作状语。A中用which来引导非限制性定语从句,而句中无谓语,错;B中and作为连接词,而and后的句子不完整,没有谓语,错;D错,不定式的结构应该是to do. 参考译文:气泡,裂纹和其他的不规则会使光线穿过受损的玻璃时发散开,使得玻?辽练⒐狻?BR 补充:stained glass常指教堂的彩色玻璃 2. Fog is common near ________ _ inland bodies of water and along coasts in temperate zones. A. there are large B. large C. either large D. where large

答案:B 分析:A使得句中出现两个谓语动词,且中间无连接词,错;C应该是either… or…结构,但句中没有出现or;D中where引导的句子不完整,错。 参考译文:雾通常在靠近大型内陆水体和沿着温和地带边缘的地方发生。 3. The portrayal of everyday life in the objects of folk art makes it _________ valuable source of history. A. and a B. so that a C. a D. is a 答案:C 分析:make结构,make+n.1/pron+n.2/adj. 参考译文:描述日常生活的民间艺术品使它们本身成为有价值的历史来源。 4. _______ by the United States governments Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index compares current costs of goods and services with past costs. A. To prepare B. As it prepared C. When preparation D. Prepared 答案:D 分析:由后半句可以知道句子的逻辑主语应该是Consumer Price Index,


15个托福(TOEFL)考试语法问题总结_出国考试 1。in the United States voters election representatives to the national legislature, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Snate。 Election-〉elect(句子成分残缺) 观察主句,发现没有谓语。Representatives因为有s,所以不是形容词而是名词。于是就出现了三个名词voters election representatives无标点相连的情况。这种情况很罕见,我们因该对它很敏感。思考一下就知道中间的名词变为动词,即Election-〉elect 2。Her work in genetics won United States scientist Barbara McClintock ---- - in 1983。 (A) was the Nobel Prize (B) the Nobel Prize was (C) the Nobel Prize (D) for the Nobel Prize 选c(双宾语) 大家要注意双宾语的考法。动词后面直接接两个名词。而且看题干,已经有一个谓语动词,除非要填的部分中有从句引导词,否则不可出现BE动词,排除A。B。而D又明显错误,因为Nobel Prize为B。M的双宾语。 参考译文:美国科学家B。M。在基因方面的研究工作为她自己赢得了1983年的诺贝尔奖。

这题可以多读两遍,有助于大家培养正确的语感。另外大家要格外注意像give这类的词。可以说give sth to sb,也可以说give sb sth 3。--- usually thought to end in northern New Mexico,the Rocky Mountains really extend southward to the frontier of Mexico。 (A) Despite (B) To be (C) While (D) However 选c(连词) 分析:A。despite为介词,后面要加名词形式的东东,e。g。Despite usually being thought to end in。。。而这里的thought是过去分词,不是动名词,所以不对。 B。to be是目的状语,不能表达出转折关系 C。while可表转折关系的conj。 D。however是转折连词,不能用于引导状语从句。 参考译文:洛基山脉通常被认为是延伸到新墨西哥州的北边,但它实际上一直向南延伸到了墨西哥的边界。 4。Complex spacecraft are characterized by a various of supporting systems,including communications,guidance and navigation,altitude control,and,in some cases,life-support


高三联考英语试题 本试卷共7页,满分120分,考试时间100 分钟。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5 分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A The summer vacation is coming. If you do not know where to go, here are some cities to visit in 2019 recommended by Lonely Planet. Copenhagen With its modern design, 15 Michelin-starred restaurants and extremely bike-friendly culture, it is no surprise that Denmark' s capital has topped Lonely Planet's top 10 cities to visit in the 2019 list. Copenhagen' s street food scene is booming on Refshaleoen, a former industrial area with a food and craft market, Reffen. Copenhagen is also home to UNESCO-listed Roskilde Cathedral, where Denmark's queens and kings are buried, and the breathtaking Louisiana Museum. Miami The top 10 list offers a mix of well-known and a lesser -known locations. Those places include second place Shenzhen, China, Novi Sad, Serbia in third place, and Miami, Florida in fourth place. With its stunning beaches, the South Beach scene and art scene mixed with Cuban and other Caribbean and Latin American cultures, Miami is hopping with something for everyone. Novi Sad While Novi Sad isn't nearly as well-known as the capital of Belgrade, it 's much more fashionable. Nicknamed the “Athens of Serbia”, it's home to the country 's ann ual EXIT Festival, a music festival, which is held each July at the 18th century Petrovaradin Fortress. Next year, Novi Sad will be 2019* a European Youth Capital. It may be a practice run for 2021, when the city will celebrate the title of European Capital of Culture. Kathmandu Three years after it was hit by an earthquake, Kathmandu is welcoming visitors to a city that is much quieter, by design. It remains the doorstep to the Himalayas, with medieval (中世纪的) architecture, great food and nightlife. It is also much quieter than it has been in the past with cars banned from the historic center. It is also hosting the South Asia Games in 2019. 1. In which city can you see Roskilde Cathedral? A. Copenhagen. B. Miami. C. Novi Sad. D. Kathmandu. 2. What is special about Miami? A. There is a music festival. B. There are beautiful beaches. C. There are different street foods. D. There is Petrovaradin Fortress. 3. What can you do in Kathmandu? A. Take a bike ride. B. Climb the Alps. C. Visit various castles. D. Enjoy medieval architecture. B Hey Jude is the Beatles song most likely to be bellowed by a choir of thousands. Any good song needs to be singable, but Hey Jude goes further: It's yellable and flexible. Into the gap after “Nahh, na, na, nahh-na-na, nahh”, you can slot(把....放入) almost any pair of syllables. It's a crowd-pleaser. This month, Hey Jude was the No.1 Beatles song on Apple Music; On Spotify, it was No.4. So, of all the countless classics the Beatles recorded, Hey Jude is one of the

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