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姓名:________性别:男___女___ 年龄:________出生______年_月___日民族:_____籍贯:_____省____市_____县出生地:______________________住地(通讯地址): _______________________________________父姓名:________ 年龄______职业______文化程度______听力情况_________ 母姓名:________ 年龄______职业______文化程度______听力情况_________ 病史


1、A 自幼听力言语障碍;B 自幼听力正常,言语障碍;C 自幼言语不清,

听力略障碍;D 出生后正常听力__________后听力逐渐漳碍。


3、对何种声音可听见:A 打雷声;B 鞭炮声;C 汽车喇叭声;D 大声说活;

E 拍手声;

F 普通讲话声




经过_____________________________________________ 5、是否配过助听器:左耳_______右耳_______型号类型:左______右_______

效果: A 好 B 一般 C 没效

6、进人语言训练机构:A 省 B 市 C 地区 D 县

家庭康复训练情况:A 从未训练过B 聋校


二、家族史:________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



母亲(3 一4 个月)传染病史:________________________________________ 母亲耳中毒药物史(链霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、新霉素、其他)用药原因__________________________ 剂量_________________________ 有何反应________________________________________________________ 有无用保胎药_______药名:_______________________________________ 有无子痫(高血压)______________________________________________ 妊娠反应: A 轻 B 中 C 重 D 无反应

妊娠外伤史:________________________________________________________ 妊娠期其他疾病:____________________________________________________ 2 、分娩情况


难产:________助产(产钳): _______引产:______剖腹产:_______



1 、耳聋前传染病史(患过某病: )



肺炎疟疾腹泻中耳炎高烧黄疽患病时情况:______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 病程及治疗情况:___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________




用药原因:________________________________________________________ 剂量:________________________________________________________

时间:________________________________________________________ 听觉障碍__________________________________________________________











一般情况:___________________________________________________________ 鼻咽喉部所见:_______________________________________________________ 耳部所见:___________________________________________________________右耳:















2、_____________________________________________________________ 处理意见:

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


职工档案管理系统可行性研究报告 1引言 职工档案管理系统是一个信息管理软件,意图在于方便查询职工档案的信息,并提供职工信息情况,可应用于各大、中、小型企业。使用本软件,不仅可以提高企业查询职工效率,还可以取代人工劳动,降低劳务开支。 1.1编写目的 本报告的编写目的在于研究职工档案管理系统是否可行,指出开发本软件所使用的方法和手段,并对软件的前景进行分析。 预期读者 职工,管理员。 1.2背景 a. 工程的名称:职工档案管理系统。 b. 产品用户:企业,中间用户。 c. 产品的生产者:xxx组 d. 产品的设计者:xxx组。 e. 产品的所有者:xxx组。 1.3符号、缩略语和定义 职工档案管理系统,即本文档所讨论之软件。后文中所出现“本系统”、“所建议之系统”等,皆为它的简称或别称。 1.4参考资料 《软件工程》----王利福张世琨朱冰编著 北京大学出版社 《软件工程-实践者的研究方法》----R.Pressman,梅宏译 机械工业出版社

2可行性研究的前提 2.1要求 功能:通过本系统, 管理员可以对资料进行编辑。 管理员可以根据具体的要求对以上条件进行查询。 管理员对职工的情况进行添加和删除。 职工可以查看自己的档案情况。 管理员将档案管理查询结果打印出来。 性能: 对查询即时响应。 所管理的数据比较大。 输出: 管理员通过打印结果可以作为领导参考和查看。 管理员通过查询结果,可以查询到各个职工的情况。 2.2目标 A.通过数字化,使所需的人工管理减小; B.提高查询职工档案管理的速度; C.加快相关信息的流动速度,提高效率; D.通过实际的工程实践,使组员对软件工程的认识水平提高,完成课程要求。 2.3条件、假定和限制 A.由于本项目的实验性质,没有投资方。 B.系统必须运行在Win32平台上。 C.系统必须在6月之前完成 D.软件具有安全,方便,易用性。 E.具有联机帮助文档指导用户学习使用本软件。 F.作为开始之时,大家可以了解自己的档案情况 3对现有系统的分析 现有的大部分档案管理多为人工系统,需要人工对各项记录进行管理。信息处理的效率不高且主要依靠人员的熟练度。信息一般记录在纸媒介上,维护和检索不方便,容易因自然力作用而造成损失。


Unit1 Going solo is the way to go!How do youusually travel? Do you go with a close friend or a group of friends? Do youjoin a tour group? Do you travel with your family?Have you ever imagined "going solo"?In the mid 1990s, it was estimated that 9 million Americans were planning asummer vacation alone. Since then, the number of solo travelers has increased.You may think that traveling alone would be scary or boring. Well,according to people who do it, that's not exactly true. Solo travelers oftenhave positive experiences: they make new friends, get to know themselvesbetter, and can make their own schedules.There are many different things you can do on a vacation alone. Somesolo travelers use the time to learn or practice a sport such as golf, mountainclimbing, or scuba diving. Others go and stay on a ranch and learn how to ridea horse. You can pretend to be a cowboy or a cowgirl for a day!You may not believe this, but some travelers like to study on their vacation.They even go to "vacation college" at a university or join a researchteam as a volunteer worker. It's hard but satisfying work. You can "playscientist" for a week or two while you help someone with their project.For solo travelers of different ages and genders, there are many traveloptions, There are tours for women only and for people over the age of 60. And,of course, there are trips for singles who are looking for romance. One companyoffers trips that focus on fine dining----there is time for sightseeing duringthe day and for sharing a delicious meal with new friends at night.The next time you take a trip somewhere, why don't you consider goingsolo?Bon voyage! Unit 2 Creating spacesJinHee Park is astudent at Stanford University in California. She studies hard. “Of course, Icame here for the academics,”she says. “But it doesn’t hurt that the campus isso beautiful. I walk around sometimes just to relax.”Alejandro Vega,a banker in New York City, jogs almost every evening after work in CentralPark. “I never get bored. The park is so big. I can alwaysfind a differentpath with a new view.”Niagara Fallswas on Ross Howard,s list of places to visit in upstate New York. “Thefootpaths allow you to get a wonderful view. You can even feel the spray fromthe falls on your face.”What do thesethree places –- Stanford University, Central Park, and Niagara Falls State Park--- all have in common? They were all landscaped by Frederick Law Olmsted.Olmsted (1822-1903) has been called the “father of landscape architecture.”In the 1800s,more and more people were moving to the cities. Some community leaders becameworried about the quality of life. They began a beautification campaign.In 1857, adesign contest was held for a new park in New York City. Olmsted and hispartner, Cavert Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product--- the first landscaped public park in the United States. Today, no trip toNew York is complete without a visit to this beautiful https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0a17885923.html,ter in hislife, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, including StanfordUniversity. In the late 1860s, he joined the“Free Niagara”movement. Membersof the movement wanted to preserve the beauty of Niagara Falls. Despite oppositionand pressures from businesses to industrialize the area, Olmsted and othersresisted. Olmsted designed footpaths to give visitors better views of thefalls. In all his work, Olmsted preferred to preserve the natural beauty of anarea.Today, there arepressures again to develop Niagara. On Goat Island, an island in Niagara FallsState Park,there are now souvenir shops. There may be signs that say “NoLittering,”but there is still a lot of trash on the island. Most of theanimals have disappeared. What would Frederick Law Olmsted say to all this? Unit 3 Coping withlife’s stressorsLet’s face it:Life is stressful. Stressful events in our lives are called “stressors.”Someof them are minor, such as uncomfortable air conditioning or a loudly ringing telephone.Others are more serious, such as the death of a spouse. That event tops thelist as life’s most stressful event.You might besurprised to learn about the top 20 life stressors. Getting a divorce, forexample, is number 2 on the list. And not all stressors are unhappy events.Pregnancy is a happy time for most families. It may also cause stress.Pregnancy is right below retirement on the list of life’s major stressors.We can’t avoidstress, but we can do something about it. Listen to three people talking abouttheir responses to stress in their lives.Tina Vega, 16Last year washorrible! My family moved to another town. I had to change schools and saygood-bye to all my friends. It was really tough. I felt so lonely in my newschool. But then one day I decided to enjoy my life: I smiled at everyone and Ijoined the soccer club at school. Now I have new


员工人事档案及个人信息档案管理制度 1、目的 1.1为了加强公司人力资源的管理,使员工的招聘、录用、调配、培训和考核等工作有序进行,提高管理的效率,特制订本制度。 1.2公司员工人事档案委托永州市政府相应人事部门代管。员工转正后,应在两个月内将个人档案、社会保险等人事关系转入公司,如户口档案不在永州或有特殊情况的,公司将酌情处理,经公司特批后可报销其个人存档费用。 1.3公司将为在公司服务的所有员工建立个人信息档案资料,使员工在本公司工作期间具有完整的个人信息记录。 1.4公司在招聘员工正式录用后,应分两种情况建立在职员工个人信息档案,由员工填写“员工登记表”或“录聘员工(试用期)审批表”,并提供相应的各种证明及文件资料包括但不局限于身份证及户口本、学历证明、专业证书、待业证明等文件的复印件,与公司与员工签订的劳动合同书一并,作为个人信息档案的初始资料。 1.5公司员工的个人信息档案资料实行统一管理规范标准、分级管理和保存的模式,公司各部门员工、管理人员和重要岗位的技术人员的个人信息档案由公司综合部统一管理和保存。 2、个人信息档案管理的内容 员工个人信息档案是关于员工个人及有关方面历史情况的材料。其内容主要包括: 2.1个人履历。记载和叙述员工本人经历、基本情况、成长历史及思想发生变化进程的履历、自传材料。 2.2个人档案记录。员工人事档案中记载的员工过去曾经工作或

学习单位对员工本人优缺点进行的鉴别和评价,对其学历、专长、业务及有关能力的评定和考核材料;记录关于员工在所工作或学习单位内加入党派组织的材料;记载员工受到各级各类表彰、奖励及违反组织纪律或触犯国家法律而受到处分的个人奖惩材料等。 2.3个人劳动合同。员工被公司正式录用后,必须由公司与员工签订劳动用工合同并将其存入个人档案。 2.4个人登记表。员工进入公司后,由员工本人填写“员工登记表”或“录聘员工(试用期)审批表”,其内容包括员工姓名、性别、出生年月、民族、籍贯、政治面目、文化程度、婚姻状况、家庭住址、联系电话、家庭情况、个人兴趣爱好、学历、工作经历、主要工作及项目经验、特长及专业技能及所获证书、奖惩记录等项目。 2.5个人证明文件。包括但不局限于员工户籍证明、学历证明、职称证明、专业证书、体检证明、离职(或待业)证明等证明文件。 2.6个人咨询变化登记。项目内容如有变化,员工应以书面方式及时准确地向综合部报告,以便使员工个人档案内有关记录得以相应更正,确保综合部掌握正确无误的资料。 3、员工人事及个人信息档案的保密管理 公司综合部对接收员工原单位转递而来的人事档案材料内容,一概不得加以删除或销毁,必须尽快到各地方政府相应人事部门办理人事托管手续,并且必须严格保密,不得擅自向外扩散。公司为全部员工建立的个人信息档案,公司有义务为其保密,在公司内部只有主管其的上一级领导及以上级领导或人力资源相关人员有资格按照相关权限查阅,除非应其个人要求或公司争得其个人同意,不得向任意第三方转送。 4、员工个人信息档案的使用


I have a confession to make, but first, Iwant you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you tojust raise your hand。 if you've experienced relatively littlestress. Anyone? How about a moderate amount of stress? Who has experienced a lot of stress? Yeah.Me too. But that is not my confession. Myconfession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to helppeople be happier and healthier. But I fear that something I've been teachingfor the last 10 years is doing more harm than good, and it has to do with stress.For years I've been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases therisk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically,I've turned stress into the enemy. But I have changed my mind about stress, andtoday, I want to change yours. Let me start with the study that made me rethinkmy whole approach to stress. This study tracked 30,000 adults in theUnited Statesfor eight years, and they started by asking people, "How much stress haveyou experienced in the last year?" They also asked, "Do you


Section A Questions 1 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) It is difficult to identify. B) It has been misplaced. C) It is missing. D) It has been borrowed by someone. 2. A) They go to the seaside. B) They set off early. C) They go sightseeing D) They wait for a fine day. 3. A) She is not interested in the article B) She has given the man much trouble. C) She would like to have a copy of the article. D) She doesn’t want to take the trouble to read t he article 4. A) The fourth floor. B) The fifth floor. C) The sixth floor. D) The seventh floor. 5. A) Go with her to the airport. B) Talk to her for a short time. C) Find out when the plane is leaving. D) Make the phone call now. 6. A) In a laboratory. B) At a party C). In a supermarket. D) In a garden. 7. A) The weather is mild compared to the past year. B) They are having the coldest winter ever. C) The weather will soon get warmer. D) The weather may get even cold. 8. A) The weather is changeable. B) The weather forecast is unreliable. C) It will rain very soon. D) She hasn’t read the newspaper.


南通市2011—2012学年度第一次调研测试参考答案 英语 参考答案: 1—5 CBBCA 6—10 BCBAC 11—15 CABAA 16—20 CCABA 21—25 BDACD 26—30 ADACB 31—35 CCBDB 36—40 BADBA 41—45 CDCAD 46—50 BCADA 51—55 CBCBD 56—60 DBBCA 61—65 DACBB 66—70 ACBAD 71. speaking / talking 72. important / vital / significant 73. how 74. choose 75. positive 76. influence / impact / effect 77. rid 78. enables / allows / helps 79. humor 80. Working One possible version: V olunteer spirit is rooted in the hearts of many people, especially young people in China. In recent years, there have been large numbers of volunteers devoting their time and effort to people in need. The picture shows us a touching moment when two volunteers help a disabled man in a wheelchair. Realizing it would be impossible for the man to get to the top all by himself, the volunteers carry the wheelchair with difficulty step by step up the stairs. This picture reminds me of many volunteers in my school, my community and our country, helping not just the disabled, but also those who can’t find their way around, or those who suffer from misfortune. V olunteers make a difference to these people when they bring them warmth, comfort and relief. I would be happy to be a volunteer, too, and help the senior citizens in the House for the Aged regularly so that they will not feel lonely but enjoy their life to the full. 听力材料: Text 1 W: Bob, you are reading this book? I thought you disliked it. M: Yes, it’s full of strange ideas with common photos, but it provides some technical data that might be useful in my study. Text 2 W: Come on. Plenty of room here. Fares, please! M: Two to the beach. How much is it? W: Three dollars. Text 3 W: Excuse me! I don’t have time to waste. I’ve been here almost one full hour! M: Sorry, madam. You have to wait your turn. There’s no place for parking now. Text 4 W: Bill, your work is too messy. M: I’ll pay attention to my handwriting next time. W: Is this a promise? M: Yes, I’m serious this time. Text 5


英语听力练习材料介绍 听下面5段对话,回答第1~5小题。 1.What can we learn from the conversation? A. Mr. Smith will ring back later. B. The woman forgot to set down Mr. Smith’s mobile number. C. The man can manage without the mobile number. 2.What will the woman have to do first? A. Read the operation handbook. B. Try the buttons one by one. C. Have the machine repaired. 3. How will the man probably go downtown? A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. 4.Why didn’t Jack get the book? A. He was too busy to go to the library. B. There wasn’t such a book in the library. C. He didn’t want to borrow the book. 5.What did the woman want the man to do? A. To go along to meet her friend with her. B. To do the woman’s work. C. To meet Tony for her.


职工档案治理系统 一.引言 1.1项目背景和目标 职工档案治理系统要紧是对在校教师的个人差不多信息以及教学信息进行治理,对教职工提供查询简介信 息、教学信息功能;对治理员用户提供查询教师简介信 息、查询教学信息、添加教师信息、修改教师信息、删 除教师信息等功能。我们的目标确实是为该系统提供后 台连接MYSQL数据库程序设计以及前台用户界面设计。 1.2项目的可行性研究 设计此系统需要java面向对象编程基础,数据库应用知识以及功能分析。依照目前所开设的课程,学生差不多具备如此的知识,有能力综合java编程知识和数据库应用知识做出一个如此的学生信息治理系统 二.需求分析 2.1系统概述 此系统提供给教职工用户和学校治理者,教职工登陆后能够对能自己差不多信息进行查看,治理员登陆后能对教师的差不多信息进行增删改操作。

2.2系统运行环境 Java程序运行在eclipse软件上编译同时运行,数据库用MYSQL数据库 三.系统设计 3.1开发与设计的总体思想 教职工方面:教师通过自己的用户名和密码登录后,进入教师主界面,在那个主界面里,能够进行查询信息操 作。 学校治理员方面:治理员通过自己的密码登入后能够选择:查询功能、文件功能、修改功能。在查询功能里面,能够选择是查询教职工简介差不多信息,依旧查询教学信 息。在查询教职工简介信息时,能够从依据不同字段,即 简介表中的不同属性进行查找。在查找教学信息时,只能 依据教师姓名进行查找。在修改功能里面,包括对教师简 介信息表和教学表进行增加和删除记录 3.2系统模块结构图

3.3数据库结构设计 为了支持此职工档案治理系统,创建数据库employeemanage,在那个数据库里包含四个表:worker表,manager表,employee表和teaching表,它们的截图如下:在worker表中,有八个属性列,分不为:id(职工号),wname(姓名),sex(性不),age(年龄),degree(学历),worktime(参加工作时刻),salary(工资),dept(院不)。其差不多数据类型分不为:char,char,char,int,char,char,int,char. 表1 worker


听力材料 Ⅰ. 听录音,按听到的先后顺序给图片标上序号,每题读两遍。(10★) Who’s your music teacher --- Miss Gao. Sh e’s young. 2. Miss Jones is very strict. 3. The boy is polite. 4. The girl is very shy. 5. --- What’s your English teacher like --- She’s kind. Ⅱ. 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词或词组,每题读两遍。(10★) English teacher is very funny . Zhang is our art teacher. She’s strict. is hard-working. 4. Sarah is helpful. ’s John like ---He’s clever and strong. Ⅲ. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片,每题读两遍。(10★) he young ---Yes, he is. What’s Chen Jie like ---She is helpful. 3. Mr Zhang is old and kind. 4. Wu Yifan is hard-working. 5. Robin is strict. He makes me finish my homework. Ⅳ. 听录音,判断对“√”错“×”,短文读两遍。(10★) Hello, I’m John. I have two new teachers, Mr Wang is our English teacher. He’s young and tall. He’s very funny. Miss Li is our maths teacher. She’s thin and pretty. She’s very kind . We all like them.


初中英语听力材料mp3 [00:00.00] Unit 4 On the farm [00:24.40]A:Hi, Ji Wei! Wait! Let me walk with you. [00:31.95]B:Hi,John. How are you? A:Fine, thanks. [00:36.91]Why are you walking so sast? [00:56.76]B:I have to get home to do my work. [01:16.72]A:What do you have to do? [01:25.79]B:Today I must feed the animals. [01:37.15]fast [02:33.10]fast John, Lily and Jill are walking fast . [02:49.06]Lily is walking faster than Jill. [03:02.33]John is walking the fastest. [03:34.28]The jeep is going fast. [03:39.74]The car is going faster. [03:49.49]The motorbike is going the fastest. [04:27.55]Ji wei lives on a farm. [04:41.18]The farm is not big. [04:54.03]His parents grow rice and wheat. [05:06.99]They don't use animals to do farm work any more. [05:30.45]Today they use a tractor


#include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_NUM45 int main(int arqc.char*arqvl[]) { Int ID; Int Age; Char Sex[MAX_NUM]; Char Name[MAX_NUM]; Char Telenum[MAX_NUM]; Int Wage; Int Income; }work[MAX_NUM]; V oid showmenu(); Int number,findID; Int i,j,m,a,k,v,M,N,x,y; Char b[MAX_NUM],c[MAX_NUM],n[MAX_NUM],filepn[MAX_NUM]; FILE*fp; Showmenu(); Scanf(“%d”,&k); For(;;) { Switch(k) } Case()’ Printf(“\n退出系统!”); _beep(300,400); Break; Case 1; Printf(“\n档案录入\n”); Printf(“\n请输入本次录入人职工人数;”); Scanf(“%d”,&number); If(number> MAX_NUM) { Printf(“您输入的人数太多,大于%d人!\n”, MAX_NUM); Break; } For(i=0;i


目录 Unit one Education (3) ****************Part one Problems with us Education*************** (3) Listening Script one (3) Listening Script two (4) *********************Part two Arts Education ******************* (5) Listing script one (5) Listening Script two (6) ***************Part Three graduate education******************* (7) Listening Script one (7) Listening Script two (8) Unit two love (9) *************************Part One Romance********************* (9) Listening script one (9) Listening script two (10) **********************Part Two Eternal love********************** (12) Listening script one (12) Listening script two (13) ********************Part Three The Power of Love****************** (15) Listening script one (15) Listening script two (16) Unit Three Health (18) *************Part One Is Overweight a Problem?*************** (18) Listening script one (18) Listening script two (19) **************Part Two New Four Food Group***************** (20) Listening script one (20) Listening script two (21) ************Part Three There Are Worse Things than Dying********** (22) Listening script one (22)


高中英语听力文章材料 第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who is the man talking about now? A.His girlfriend. B.His sister. C.His mother. 2. What are they talking about? A.A traffic accident. B.A fire. C.A crime. 3.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At a bookshop. B.At a kitchen. C.At a bank. 4.Who was injured? A.George.B.George’s wife. C.George’s wife’s father. 5.What do we learn from the conversation? A.Tony could not continue the experiment. B.Tony finished the experiment last night. C.Tony will go on with his experiment. 第二节(共15小题)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中 所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听 每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.Where does this conversation most likely take place? A.In the street. B.At the woman’s home. C.Over the phone. 7.What is the woman going to do tonight? A.Help her sister with English. B.Meet her friend at the station. C.Go to an exhibition with her parents. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. When will the football competition end? A.On August 17. B.On August 20. C.On August 25. 9. What do we know about the two speakers? A.They will both enter the competition. B.They both work hard at their lessons. C.They both enjoy swimming. 10. Where will the football competition be held? A.In the city’s stadium. B.In the speakers’ school.


英语听力录音材料 第一节(本题共5小题, 每小题1分,计5分) 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出最佳选项,并将机读卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. M: What are you doing, Lily? W: I’m dancing now. 2. W: What animal do you like best? M: Pandas. It’s very lovely. 3. W: Good afternoon, young man. What’s wrong with you? M: I have a headache, doctor. I feel terrible. 4. M: Fruits time. What would you like, Mary? W: Bananas. I always like bananas. 5. M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest restaurant? W: Go down this street and turn right. It’s behind the hospital. 第二节(本题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 听下面四段对话和一段独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将机读卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍,独白读三遍。 听第6段材料,回答6—7题。 M: It’s windy outside, isn’t it? W: Yes, it is. Where are you going? M: To Japan. I’m going home. What about you? W: I’m English. I’m going to China. M: On holiday? W: No, I’m going to see an old friend. What do you do? M: I’m a student. I’m studying the medicine. 听第7段材料,回答8—10题。 W: Bob, please stop playing soccer and listen to me. M: Yes, Mum. What do you want to do? W: I am going to the hospital to see your grandmother. M: Will you go by bus? W: No, I’ll go by taxi. M: That will be expensive. W: Yes, but I want to be quick. M: Can I help you? W: Yes, please go to the market and buy some beef and vegetables. M: Beef and vegetables for dinner? W: Yes, thank you, Bob. You are a good son. 听第8段材料,回答11—13题。 M: Excuse me. I’ve lost my schoolbag. I wonder if anyone has taken it here. W: When did you lose it? M: I left it on the playground when I watched the boys playing football. W: Well, I’d better write down the information so that we can return it to you if someone hands it in. Your name, please ? M: My name is Li Hua. W: What class are you in? M: Class 12, Grade 9. W: Is there a telephone number? M: Yes, 2370528. W: What’s your schoolbag like? M: It’s new. I’ve just had it for half a month. The color is blue. W: What’s in it? M: Some books, a pencil-box and an MP5.
