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当前位置:文档库 › 2010-2011年第一学期期末希望英语复习题1




一、Words and Phrases

identify_________ (n) prepare __________(n) emotion _________(adj) addition_______(adj)complain_________(n) count___________(adj)value__________(adj) responsible_______(n) type__________(adj)relax_________(adj) confident_________(n) understand__________(adj)predict_________ (adj) qualify_________(n) contribute___________(n) develop_________(n)danger__________ (adj) mean__________ (adj) appeal__________ (adj)charm________ (adj)

be critical of ____________ tend to__________ leave out _________ as a result of________ boil down to__________ function as_________ result in_________ out of touch____________on the spur of the moment____________

be superior to__________ be familiar with_______under one’s control_________ take sth seriously_________

cut off _________make sure_____ on end_______ be concerned about_______ react to ________be distinct from________

take in________ conduct oneself_______ appeal to ___________make amends to sb for_______ feel like doing __________ appreciate doing ____________be likely to do ___________ It occurs to sb that _______________ It turns out to be______

It turns out that___________ Chances are great (slim) that__________ on end___________

Physically challenged people_________ hearing-impaired_______________

二、Exercises 1

1.Without computers, we ( not make) the great progress in the last decades.

2. Please don’t get your mind (change); stay with us in this class.

3. As the luggage was over-weight, he had to pay a (add) charge.

4.Mary’s father still didn’t approve of (she marry) Tom though she tried many times to persuade him.

5. The (quickly) you learn the code words, the less likely you are to make mistakes.

6. The speaker only had a (limit) amount of time to make his points understood by the audience.

7. Don’t worry. I will take full (responsible) for breaking the window.

8. (be) a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling.

9. Parents who often use physical punishment seem to love their children but tend ( be) less patient than other parents.

10. The old couples decided to move from the noisy downtown to the countryside because they wanted very much to lead a

(relax) life.

Exercise 2

1. The more difficult the problems are, to be able to solve them.

A. the less I am likely

B. the less likely I am

C. the likely less I am

D. I am less likely

2. The early pioneers had to many hardships to settle on the new land.

A. go along with

B. go back on

C. go through

D. go in

3. The British painter who had been praised very highly to be a great disappointment.

A. turned out

B. turned up

C. turned in

D. turned down

4. The manager was critical the way we were doing the work.

A. at

B. in

C. of

D. with

5. Being a sailor long periods away from home.

A. spends

B. involves

C. leaves

D. includes

6.She is kind-hearted woman that everyone in our office likes to work with her.

A. a so

B. so a

C. a such

D. such a

7. We can live for many days without eating, but two or three days without water usually death.

A. result in

B. result from

C. carry away

D. take away

8. I feel like to the owner of the house to complain.

A. write

B. writing

C. to write

D. having written

9. These apples are those I bought at the supermarket yesterday.

A. more superior to

B. superior than

C. superior to

D. more superior than

10. It was the education he had received made him a successful manager in business.

A. when

B. what

C. that

D. which

11. Y oung people sometimes make it harder .

A. for their parents trusting them

B. that their parents to be trust them

C. for their parents to trust them

D. in order that their parents trusting them

12. The little boy complained to his parents about .

A. hungry

B. be hungry

C. being hungry

D. hungrily

13. The teachers said: “ Everything . “

A. is for our control

B. is under our control

C. is on my control

D. is upon us control

14. Extreme sports are hard they don’t attract the masses.

A. such … that

B. so … that

C. in order … that

D. so as … that

15. By the end of last month, she all the money.

A. have spent

B. did spend

C. spent

D. had spent

16. Bungee jumping is “ extreme”.

A. known for

B. named after

C. described as

D. given as

17. What if you don’t your roommates?

A. get along with

B. go along with

C. go through with

D. get up with

18. you deal with these issues, you’ll feel better.

A. The more …the most

B. The sooner …the sooner

C. The sooner …the more

D. The more …the sooner

19. Some students like a room with others.

A. parting

B. sleeping

C. leaving

D. sharing

20. Others keep pets a service the pet can provide.

A. as a result of

B. because

C. because of

D. as if

Exercise 3

1. It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them.

2. Living away from home tends to be the toughest adjustment for first-year students.

3. Caring for pet is an emotional journey which helps them to connect with and react to the world around them.

4. But with a little preparation, you can build enough confidence to tackle any stress that comes your way.

5. This is bungee jumping, one of a new set of sports that are being described as “extreme”.

6.Maybe extreme-sport people are merely striking a blow for truly unique experience.

7.Those people who take life seriously may lose their happiness.

8..大学毕业之后,我们同学之间就失去联系了。(out of touch)


10.他的发言可总结为以下几点。(boil down to)

11.汤姆英语考试得高分是自然的事。( It is …for…)

12.她在YAC公司里担任总经理助理。(function …as)


14.人们开始对这里的大气污染表示忧虑。(concern about )

15.你们应该认真对待即将到来的期末考试。(take sth seriously)


) C.报 D. 暂行 号 ) A. 生动 B. 真实 C. 完整 D.准确 1. 应用文的宣传、教育作用主要体现在上级党政机关颁发的各类公文中。( ) 2. 真实性是应用文最根本的特点,是应用文的生命线。( ) 3. 不同文体对主题的提法不同:在新闻和文学作品中一般用“主题” ;在理论文章 中通常称为“基本观点”或“中心论点” ;在应用性文章中称为“中心思想”或“中心”。( ) 4. 在选择材料时,要做到材料统帅观点,观点表现材料。( ) 5. 主题是文章的灵魂、统帅,因此,结构布局要为主题服务。( ) 6. 批复是下行文,具有指示性、针对性和简要性等特点,是针对请示做出答复的公 文。( ) 7. 会议纪要按会议的的形式可以分为决议性会议纪要、部署性会议纪要、情况性会 议纪要等。( ) 8. 函的标题中应该写明发文机关名称、事由、文种名称,文种名称应点明是“函” 还是“复函” 。( ) 9. 公文标题中除法规、规章名称加书名号外,一般不用标点符号。( ) 10. 公文的成文时间要用数字把年、月、日标全。( ) 1. 下列说法正确的是( ) A .附件如有序号,使用阿拉伯数码 B. 附件名称后不加标点符号 C. 附件应该与公文一起装订 D. 附件的序号和名称前后标识应一致 2.搜集、积累材料的途径主要有( ) A.观察 B.感受 C.调查 D. 想象 E.阅读 3.谋篇的原则有( ) A.服从表现主旨的需要 B. 为读者着想 C.最好采用总横式结构 D.反映客观事物的发展规律和内部联系 E.适应不同文体的要求 4.下列属于应用文结尾专用语言的是( ) A.鉴于 B.兹 C. 当否,请批示 D.


上海应用技术学院2009-2010学年第1学期 《大学英语3A-商务英语》期(末)(A)试卷 课程代码:B11101D3 学分:2 考试时间:100 分钟 课程序号:5551\5580\5610\5639 _____________________________ 班级:____________ 学号: _______________ 姓名: _______________ 我已阅读了有关的考试规定和纪律要求,愿意在考试中遵守《考场规则》,如有违反将愿接受相应的处理。 试卷共8页,请先查看试卷有无缺页,然后答题。 Part I Term Translation (20%) Section A: Translate the following terms into Chinese. 1.career ladder 2.high staff turnover 3.Matrix Organization 4.Fortune 500 list of the worlds largest corporations 5.market share Section B: Translate the following terms into English* 6.净利润 7.前沿 8.性价比 9.库存控制 10.商誉赔偿金 Part II Reading Comprehension (40% ) Questions 11-17 Read these sentences and the three company plans below. Which company does each sentence describe ? For each sentence mark one letter (A9 B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Example To combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of money for the company. Answer: B 11.The company has businesses in four continents of the world?


2009---2010学年第2学期统计学原理课程考核试卷(B)考核方式: (闭卷)考试时量:120 分钟 一、填空题(每空1分,共15分) 1、按照统计数据的收集方法,可以将其分为和。 2、收集数据的基本方法是、和。 3、在某城市中随机抽取9个家庭,调查得到每个家庭的人均月收入数据:1080,750,780,1080,850,960,2000,1250,1630(单位:元),则人均月收入的平均数是,中位数是。 4、设连续型随机变量X在有限区间(a,b)内取值,且X服从均匀分布,其概率密 度函数为 0 ()1 f x b a ? ? =? ?- ? 则X的期望值为,方差为。 5、设随机变量X、Y的数学期望分别为E(X)=2,E(Y)=3,求E(2X-3Y)= 。 6、概率是___ 到_____ 之间的一个数,用来描述一个事件发生的经常性。 7、对回归方程线性关系的检验,通常采用的是检验。 8、在参数估计时,评价估计量的主要有三个指标是无偏性、和 。 二、判断题,正确打“√”;错误打“×”。(每题1分,共10 分) 1、理论统计学与应用统计学是两类性质不同的统计学() 2、箱线图主要展示分组的数值型数据的分布。() 3、抽样极限误差可以大于、小于或等于抽样平均误差。() 4、在全国人口普查中,全国人口数是总体,每个人是总体单位。() 5、直接对总体的未知分布进行估计的问题称为非参数估计;当总体分布类型已知, 仅需对分布的未知参数进行估计的问题称为参数估计。() 6.当置信水平一定时,置信区间的宽度随着样本量的增大而减少() 7、在单因素方差分析中,SST =SSE+SSA() 8、右侧检验中,如果P值<α,则拒绝H 。() 9、抽样调查中,样本容量的大小取决于很多因素,在其他条件不变时,样本容量 与边际误差成正比。() 10、当原假设为假时接受原假设,称为假设检验的第一类错误。() 三、单项选择题(每小题1分,共 15分) 1、某研究部门准备在全市200万个家庭中抽取2000个家庭,推断该城市所有职 工家庭的年人均收入。这项研究的样本()。 A、2000个家庭 B、200万个家庭 C、2000个家庭的人均收入 D、200个万个家庭的总收入 2、当变量数列中各变量值的频数相等时()。 A、该数列众数等于中位数 B、该数列众数等于均值 C、该数列无众数 D、该众数等于最大的数值 其他 (a


2009-2010学年度八年级物理下册期末模拟试题 一、填空(每空1分,共25分) 1.家庭电路中,要装表,用来测量用户消耗的电能;我国家庭电路的电压是 V;对人体安全的电压不高于 V。 2.如图1所示,图甲中试电笔的笔尖A应该 是(选填“导体”或“绝缘体”)。在图乙和 图丙中,正确使用试电笔的是图,当用它插入插 座的左孔时氖管不亮,插入右孔时氖管发光,可知火线在插座的孔。 3.如图2所示,电源电压为6V且保持不变,电阻R的阻值为30Ω,滑动变阻 器R/的阻值变化范围为0~24Ω,电流表的量程为0.6A.当开关S闭合后,滑 动变阻器接入电路的阻值允许调至的最小值为Ω,滑动变阻器消耗的最 小功率为W。 4.现在有一种“手机自生能”技术。手机上装上特制电池,上下左右摇晃手机即可产生电能,这种手机电池产生电能时应用到了________ 现象,其能量转化是 _________ ; 5.小刚家电热毯的电阻丝断了,他爸爸将电阻丝接上后继续使用,在使用中小刚发现接头处被烧焦了。小刚猜测可能是接头处的电阻(选填“变大”或“变小”),你判断小刚的爸爸是图3中的种接线方法。在家庭电路中,除接线外还有哪些地方与上述现象有相似之处?请你列举出一 例。 6.如图4所示的两个模型,其中甲图是机的模型,它是根 据 制成的,乙图是机的模型,它是根 据制成的。7.如图5所示,A和B分别是两个阻值不同的电阻R1和R2的电流和电压关系图,请判断两个电阻的大小关系为R1______R2:(选填“大于”“小于”或“等于”)。若两个电阻串联,串联总电阻的图像在区域________。(选填“Ⅰ”“Ⅱ”“Ⅲ”) 8.如图6所示,电源电压恒定.小灯泡L标有“3V0.6W”字样, R为定值电阻。闭合S,断开S l,小灯泡正常发光;若再闭合S1,发


第一学期期终考试试卷 八年级 物理学科 (满分100分,考试时间60分钟) 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1.下列估测中最接近实际的是 A .人步行的速度约是10 米/秒 B .课本中每张纸的厚度约为7.5毫米 C .一个苹果重约0.25牛 D .一个鸡蛋的质量约为50克 2. 下列说法不符合光的反射定律的是 A .入射角是零度,反射角也是零度 B .入射光线靠拢法线,反射光线也靠拢法线 C .入射角增加10°,反射角也增加10° D .入射光线与界面成30°角,反射光线与入射光线夹角为60°角 3.如图1所示,某人骑自行车沿水平向东的方向在公路上正常行驶,一辆轿车停在路边。若骑自行车的人选择自行车为参照物,那么下列说法正确的是 A . 轿车静止 B . 轿车水平向东行驶 C . 轿车水平向西行驶 D . 无法判断轿车的运动状态 4.图2中,老师用相同的力吹一根吸管,并将它不断剪短,他在研究声音的 A .响度与吸管长短的关系 B.音调与吸管材料的关系 C .音调与吸管长短的关系 D.音色与吸管材料的关系 5.力的作用都是相互的,下列现象中没有利用这一原理的是 A .向前划船时,要用桨向后拨水 B .人向前跑步时,要向后下方蹬地 C .火箭起飞时,要向下方喷气 D .头球攻门时,要向球门方向用力顶球 6. 甲、乙两个物体做匀速直线运动,已知甲的速度大于乙的速度,则下列说法中正确的是 A .甲通过的路程一定比乙大 B .甲所用的时间一定比乙少 C .甲可能运动的比乙快 D .甲通过的路程可能比乙少 学校_______________________ 班级__________ 学号_________ 姓名_ _____________ …………………………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线………………………… 图1 图2


期末商务英语试题库 I 判断题 1.First impression is very important since you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Hair should be well maintained. Unshaved look does not work for others. Ties should be correctly tied. Pants should not drag on the floor. Shoes should be polished and in good condition. T 2.Basically when you see someone whose name you can't remember, just wait him or her to give their names first and then respond in kind. T 3.With the American style, you hold the fork in your right hand and the knife in your left hand to cut your meat or vegetables. F 4.There is a formal toast that the host offers at the beginning of the meal to welcome his guests. The other is more informal and comes near the end of the meal, usually during dessert. Champagne will be served. After each toast, everyone raises a glass and takes a sip of champagne. T 5.Whether you are on the phone or have someone in your cubicle, speak softly. You need to ask permission before entering someone's cubicle. T 6.When you select the suit, the shade of gray is professional looking. Blacks and browns are good choices for a business suit. T 7.If you had waited to get on the elevator, you would have been near the front and push your way through the crowd to exit. F 8.American guys do give each other a light kiss on the cheek. It's considered friendly and is not sexual in any way. T 9.In the West, discussing salary amounts or how much you paid for something is an acceptable conversation topic. F 10.It is always good to imitate the way the highest level executives dress. We Americans have a saying about business attire: "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." T 11.Social introduction rule is that a woman is always introduced to a man. F 12.Business rule is that people of less authority are introduced to people of great authority. T 13.Clients and officials are always more important than people in your company. T 14.Punctuality is less important in American business. F 15.In business greetings, if you are unable to shake hands because of illness or injury, you are expected to apologize and explain immediately. T 16.With American table manners, you hold the folk in your right hand and the knife in your left hand. F 17.When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have, place your


高二物理第二学期期末考试模拟试题06.6 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共40分) 一.本题共10小题,每题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选错或不答得0分,选对但不全的得2分. 1.下列说法正确的是 A.天然放射现象的发现,揭示了原子核是由质子和中子组成的 B.卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验揭示了原子核有复杂结构 C.玻尔的原子结构理论是在卢瑟福核式结构学说基础上引进了量子理论 D.α射线、β射线、γ射线本质上都是电磁波 2.根据麦克斯韦的电磁场理论,以下叙述中正确的是 A. 教室中开亮的日光灯周围空间必有磁场和电场 B. 工作时打点计时器周围必有磁场和电场 C.稳定的电场产生稳定的磁场,稳定的磁场激发稳定的电场 D 电磁波在传播过程中,电场方向、磁场方向和传播方向三者互相垂直 3.有一个非常有趣的实验:在单缝衍射实验中,在光屏处放上照相底片,若减弱光的强度,使光子只能一个一个地通过狭缝。实验表明,如果曝光时间不太长,底片上只能出现一些不规则的点子;如果曝光时间足够长,底片上就会出现规则的衍射条纹,对这个实验结果下列认识正确的是 A.曝光时间不长时,光的能量小,底片上的条纹看不清楚,故出现不规则的点子。 B.单个光子的运动没有确定的轨道。 C.衍射条纹中明亮的部分是光子到达机会比较多的地方。 D.只有大量光子的行为才表现出波动性。 4.甲、乙两种单色光均垂直入射到同一条直光纤的端面上,甲单色光穿过光纤的时间比乙单色光长.则 A .光纤对单色光甲的折射率较大 B .乙单色光的粒子性比甲单色光显著 C .甲单色光的光子能量较大 D .用它们分别作为同一双缝干涉装置的光源时,甲的干涉条纹 间距较大. 5.如图所示电路中,电源电压为U,A、B是额定功率为P的两个 灯泡,且灯泡A的电阻为灯泡B的4倍,两个灯泡均正常发光, 由上述条件可求得 A.变压器原副线圈的匝数比 B. A灯的额定电压 C.B灯的额定电流D.上述物理量都不能求得 6.根据玻尔理论,氢原子从第五能级跃迁到第三能级时辐射的光子恰能使金属A发生光电效应,则以下判断正确的是 A.氢原子做上述跃迁时,它的电子轨道半径将减小 B.氢原子从第五能级跃迁时,可能辐射出10种不同频率的光子


二年级语文第一学期期末考试试题 期末考试就要来啦,为了大家更好地复习,小编为大家收集整理的广州市小学生各年级的期末考试,希望同学们在期末考试中能取到一个好的成绩。 一、我会听 1、我会听写六个词语(6分) 诚实、突然、回忆、滋润、黑暗、仁爱 2、听老师读文段三次,我能完成练习(3分) 是柳树、迎春花、布谷鸟和平凡的小鸟,把春天到来的消息告诉人们。 二、我能读准拼音,写好字词。(8分) 大概(g ① 帆(f 01)船糖(t eng )果(gu o)鼓(g u)励(I i)或(hu o)者(zh e) 三、我能用“一”画出带点字的正确读音。(3分) 1、在这个小区里,邻居们都能和睦相处(ch u、ch 4) 2、昨天,我参(c m、sh列加了学校举办的文艺表演。 3、放假(ji d、j i①了,我又可以回家了。 四、我能把字正确地填在括号里。(10分) 带戴峰锋导异堵绪脑恼 穿()()利()乡()车()袋 ()路山()引()情()()怒 五、我能把下面的四字词补充完整,并能选词填空。(9分) 大()失()()()仆仆()提()论 奔流()() ()() 倒置()()正经 1、听了这个坏消息,大家都()。 2、“这是真的!我没骗你。”我()的地说。

3、看他那()的样子,路上一定很辛苦了。 六、我能选词填空。(4分) 认真的认真地 1、看到他这个()样子,我们笑了。 2、老师正在办公室()批改作业。 迷失消失 3、在沙漠行走,很容易会()方向。 4、一会儿工夫,那几个调皮鬼()得无影无踪 七、我能照样子,完成句子练习。(6分) 例:鱼在珊瑚丛中穿来穿去。 鱼成群结队地在珊瑚丛中穿来穿去。 1、小蚂蚁在地上爬着。_______________ (把句子写得更加具体)例:我们快活地喊 叫着,在田野里拼命地奔跑。 2、___________________________________ (造一个描写人物心情的句子) 八、我能按要求完成练习。(9分) 1、在学习《》这课时,我知道了“谁善于把别人的长处集于一身,谁就会是胜 利者。”的道理。 2、我知道描写花开的句子有很多,如“吹起了紫色的小喇,”“ _____ ”等。 3、在《夜书所见》这首古诗,我最喜欢的句子是:“ ____________________ ' 九、阅读园地(15分)电视机“生病”了 ①一天晚上,我刚做完作业,还没把作业本放进书包,就冲出房间,往电视机的 开关一按,准备看电视了。奇怪,电视机怎么不亮呢?屏幕还是黑黑的。


第一章绪论 一、填空题 1.标志是说明特征的,指标是说明数量特征的。 2.标志可以分为标志和标志。 3.变量按变量值的表现形式不同可分为变量和变量。4.统计学是研究如何、、显示、统计资料的方法论性质的科学。 5.配第在他的代表作《》中,用数字来描述,用数字、重量和尺度来计量,为统计学的创立奠定了方法论基础。 二、判断题 1.企业拥有的设备台数是连续型变量。() 2.学生年龄是离散型变量。() 3.学习成绩是数量标志。() 4.政治算术学派的创始人是比利时的科学家凯特勒,他把概率论正式引进统计学。() 5.指标是说明总体的数量特征的。() 6.对有限总体只能进行全面调查。() 7.总体随着研究目的的改变而变化。() 8.要了解某企业职工的文化水平情况,总体单位是该企业的每一位职工。() 9.数量指标数值大小与总体的范围大小有直接关系。() 10.某班平均成绩是质量指标。()

三、单项选择题 1.考察全国的工业企业的情况时,以下标志中属于数量标志的是( )。 A.产业分类 B.劳动生产率 C.所有制形式 D.企业名称 2.要考察全国居民的人均住房面积,其统计总体是( )。 A.全国所有居民户 B.全国的住宅 C.各省市自治区 D.某一居民户 3.若要了解全国石油企业采油设备情况,则总体单位是( )。 A.全国所有油田 B.每一个油田 C.每一台采油设备 D.所有采油设备 4.关于指标下列说法正确的是( )。 A.指标是说明总体单位数量特征的 B.指标都是用数字表示的 C.数量指标用数字表示,质量指标用文字表示 D.指标都是用文字表示的 5.政治算术学派的代表人物是( )。 A.英国人威廉·配第 B.德国人康令 C.德国人阿亨瓦尔 D.比利时人凯特勒 6.关于总体下列说法正确的是( )。 A.总体中的单位数都是有限的 B.对于无限总体只能进行全面调查 C.对于有限总体只能进行全面调查 D.对于无限总体只能进行非全面调查 7.关于总体和总体单位下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.总体和总体单位在一定条件下可以相互转换 B.总体和总体单位是固定不变的 C.构成总体的个别单位是总体单位 D.构成总体的各个单位至少具有某种相同的性质 8.关于标志下列说法不正确的是( )。


【若缺失公式、图片现象属于系统读取不成功,文档内容齐全完整,请放心下载。】 八年级期末考试 物理试卷 A.树枝对猴子的作用力和猴子所受的重力是一对平衡力 B.猴子对树枝的作用力和猴子所受的重力是一对平衡力 C.猴子对树枝的作用力和树枝对猴子的作用力是—对平衡力 D.猴子很轻,其重力不需要平衡就能静止在空中 3、公安部门要求小型客车的驾驶员行驶时必须使用安全带,其目的是一旦发生交通事故,防止驾驶员身体由于() A.受到向前的冲击力而撞击车体 B.受到座椅靠背向前的推力而撞击车体 C.受到向前的惯性力而撞击车体 D.惯性继续向前运动而撞击车体 4、下图的几种情景中,人做了功的是:() A踢出去的足球B.司机推汽车, C.女孩把一箱报 D.学生背着书包在 在水草地上滚动纹丝不动刊搬起来平路面上行走5.“死海不死”的故事说的是:“……将奴隶和俘虏扔进海里,可他们都漂浮在海面上……”以下是几位同学对该现象的解释,其中正确的是 ( ) A.奴隶和俘虏是被水平扔进海里的 B.海水的密度等于人体的密度,人在海里自然漂浮 C.人被扔进海里漂浮在海面上时,浮力总大于其重力 D.人被扔进海里漂浮在海面上时,浮力等于其重力

6.一物体沿斜面匀速下滑,物体的( ) A .动能增加,势能减小 B .动能、势能都减小 C .动能不变,势能减小 D .机械能总量保持不变 7.如图2所示装置处于静止状态,不计滑轮和绳的重力,若物体的重力分别是G 1和G 2,那么G 1和G 2的关系是( ) A.G 1=G 2; B.G 1=2G 2; C.G 1=2 1G 2; D.无法判断 8.小杰同学在游玩“海底世界”时,观察到鱼嘴里吐出的气泡上升时的情况如右图所示,对气泡上升过程中受到的浮力和气泡内气体压强分析正确的是 ( ) A 、浮力不变,压强不变; B 、浮力变小,压强变小; C 、浮力变大,压强变小; D 、浮力变大,压强变大。 9.将一满罐“纯净水”(高约40cm)开口朝下放在水中,如图所示,结果是( ) A .仍是满罐水 B .水将流出一部分 C .水将全部流出 D .以上答案都不对 10、某市提倡“绿色交通”体系,建立了一些彩色自行车道,推行“低碳生活”。自行车会 成为人们的重要交通工具,有关自行车的说法中正确的是 ( ) A .骑自行车匀速下坡时动能和机械能均不变 B .车把手是一个省力杠杆 C .自行车的座垫做得较宽大是为了减小对臀部的压力


第一学期期末考试八年级英语试题(说明:考试时间:80分钟,满分:120分请把答案写在答题卷上) 第一部分:听力(25分) 一、听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 1. A. That’s a dream. B. I hope so. C. I don’t know. 2. A. Good idea. B. Never mind. C. Sorry, I’ll go somewhere else. 3. A. Close the window. B. Wash hands often. C. Drink sour milk. 4. A. No, I’m not sure of that. B. Yes, I agree with you. C. No, I don’t agree with you. 5. A. Just a moment, please. B. Thank you very much. C. Don’t wait. 二、听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 6. A B C 7. A B C 8. A B C 9. A B C 10. A B C

三、听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听对话1,回答16-17题。 11. Is Bill busy tomorrow? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. We don’t know. 12. Why isn’t Bill going to the zoo tomorrow? A. Because he went there last month. B. Because he will go to play football. C. Because he doesn’t like animals. 听对话2,回答18-20题。 13. Who answered the telephone? A. Mr. Smith. B. Henry Brown. C. We don’t know. 14. When will Mr. Smith be back? A. After nine o’clock. B. After ten o’clock. C. At ten o’clock. 15. What does Henry Brown ask Mr. Smith to do? A. To ring him up at ten. B. To give him the message. C. To call him tomorrow. 四、听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) 16. Why did the woman go to London? A.To learn English. B. To have supper. C. To see her son. 17. Could the woman speak English? A.No,she didn’t know any English. B. Yes,but only a little. C.Yes,she could speak English very well. 18. Why did the shop assistant(助手)think the egg’s mother must be? A. Bigger eggs. B. Cocks. C. Hens. 19. Why did the shop assistant laugh at last? A.Because he laughed at woman. B. Because he thought it was interesting. C.Because he did not understand the woman. 20. What can we know from the story? A.The shop assistant was clever. B. The woman could get what she wanted at last. C.The woman would never go to London again. 五、听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分) 第二部分:笔试(95分) 一、单项选择。(15分) 26.—Which animal is ________, the tiger or the lion? —I’m not sure. A. more dangerous B. the most dangerous C. most dangerous D. dangerous 27.—What _______ you ________ at nine o’clock last night, Michael? —I was watching TV.


2008~2009第一学期商务英语期末试卷 一、单词翻译. 1’×20=20’ (1)中翻英 1.human resources manager 2.run out of 3.personnel 4.line manager 5.joint venture 6.head office 7.turnover 8.take place 9.over the counter 10.stationery (2) 英翻中 1.会计师2有限责任公司3大量生产4达到平衡、趋于稳定5副作用 6操作说明7私有化8命令、处方9登记、注册10义务、职责 二、单项选择(根据每题的口信或留言条等,选出正确的一项)2`×1 0=20` 1.Due to circumstances beyond our control, the conference will be postponed. A.The conference will take place as planned B.The conference will take not place C.The conference will take place at a later date 2.For additional charges, please refer to page 10. You should turn to page 10 A.to see about possible discounts B.to find out about extra costs C.for information about the product 3.Tick if you wish to make an immediate purchase. You have to tell the company if you want A.to buy the product B.more information C. a production demonstration 4.Punctuality improves on bus services. A.The quality of service is improving buses B.More buses are now running on time C.Buses are becoming cheaper to use 5.Mrs Rothe called ---she’s unavailable for the meeting tomorrow. Mrs Rothe will A.be late for the meeting tomorrow B.take part in the meeting tomorrow C.not be at the meeting tomorrow 6.European sales have recovered this year. Compared to last year, European sales have A.improved B.remained steady C.decreased 7.Chris Call Annette Pohl. She’s on her way to a meeting so try her mobile on 0486 366 57. Annette Pohl is in A.her office B. a meeting C.her car 8. Mr Ranson called while you were on the phone. He’ll try again this afternoon. Mr Ranson A. promised to call back B. left a message C. was put through 9. Sales were good but distribution problems led to a slight drop in profits. The company had problems with A.producing enough goods B.delivering enough goods C.selling enough goods 10. Delegates are asked to check out by 10.30 a.m. The delegates should leave their rooms A.before half past ten B.at half past ten C.earlier than half past eleven 三、完形填空1.5`×12=18` New call centre creates 2000 jobs in north-east More good news. Barclays Bank is setting up a call in Sunderland(1) of the growth of its telephone banking service. This is a welcome decision for the north-east, (2)--- companies considered less attractive (3)--- regions such as London and Scotland in(4)---list of the best locations for call centres. Opening early next year, the centre(5)---expected to employ


2019-2020年高三物理期末考试模拟试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共40分) 一、本题共10小题:每小题4分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有 一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选不全的是2分,有选错 或不答的得0分。 1.下列说法正确的是 A . 物体放出热量,温度一定降低 B . 物体内能增加,温度一定升高 C . 根据热力学第二定律可知,热量不可能从低温物体传到高温物体 D . 热量能自发地从高温物体传给低温物体 2.由两个完全相同的波源S 1与S 2发出的两列波在某时刻的情况,如图所示,其中实线 表示波峰,虚线表示波谷,下列说法正确的是 A.处于波谷与波谷相遇处质点振动一定最弱 B.处于波峰与波峰相遇处的质点振动一定最强 C.振动最强的质点的位移始终最大,大小为每一列波振幅的2倍 D.振动最弱的质点除了该时刻处于波峰与波谷的交点外,还有其它质点 3.下列说法正确的是 A.天然放射现象的发现,揭示了原子核是由质子和中子组成的 B.卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验揭示了原子核有复杂结构 C.玻尔的原子结构理论是在卢瑟福核式结构学说基础上引进了量子理论 D.α射线、β射线、γ射线本质上都是电磁波 4.光滑绝缘的斜面固定在水平面上,一个带负电的小滑块从斜面顶端由静止释放,要使小 滑块能沿斜面运动一段时间后离开斜面,下面的办法可行的是 A.加竖直向上的匀强电场 B.加垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场 C.加垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场 D.加竖直向下的匀强电场 5.图是某金属在光的照射下,光电子最大初动能E k 与入射光频率v 的关系,由图象可知 A .该金属的逸出功等于E B .该金属的逸出功等于hv 0 C .入射光的频率为2v 0时,产生的光电子的最大初动能为2E D .入射光的频率为v 0/2时,产生的光电子的最大初动能为E /2


习题 一、Match the following English words with their antonym equivalents.(每题1分) 1. extrovert A. bold 2. hardworking B. introvert 3. enthusiastic C. apathetic 4. rigid D. lazy 5. timid E. flexible 二、Translated these words from Chinese into English. (每题2分) 1 跨国公司2上市公司 3 企业形象4企业自主权5经营方针 三、vocabulary and structure (每题2分) 1. The machine looked like a large, ___ ,old-fashioned typewriter. A forceful B clumsy C intense D tricky 2. Though she began her___- by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star. A employment B career C occupation D profession 3. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ____with the local police A inquire B consult C register D profession 4. Considering your salary, you should be able to _____ at least twenty dollars a week. A) put forward B) put up C) put out D) put aside 5. Although a teenager Fred could resist ____ what to do and what not to do. A being told B telling C to be told D to tell 四Reading Comprehension (每题2分) Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. The best kept secret in San Diego is waiting to offer you a delightful getaway — without leaving town. Less than three years ago, the Parisi Hotel was just an office building above the shops on the corner of Prospect Street. Now, that valuable space is an intimate luxury hotel —with several rooms overlooking the ocean. You’ll be amazed wh en you enter from the corner and ascend the curving staircase to the second-floor lobby. It will take you into a different world. What will you find when you enter the large contemporary lobby is a handsome and peaceful space that was designed with a hint of Tuscany in its modern Mediterranean (地中海式的) style. The lobby has a large fireplace with comfortable sofas in warm neutral colors surrounding it. You’ll feel relaxed just sitting there — with its skylight overhead letting in the morning sun.

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